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National Identity Essay

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National Identity Essay

Crafting an essay on the theme of national identity poses a multifaceted challenge that demands a
nuanced approach. The difficulty lies not only in the need for comprehensive research but also in
navigating the intricate web of cultural, historical, and sociopolitical factors that contribute to the
concept of national identity.

Firstly, delving into the historical aspects requires meticulous examination of a nation's past – its
formation, pivotal events, and the evolution of its cultural tapestry. This demands an extensive
review of primary sources, historical documents, and scholarly works. The challenge intensifies when
one considers the diverse perspectives that exist on a nation's history, requiring a balanced and
objective portrayal.

The social dimension of national identity introduces another layer of complexity. Societal norms,
customs, and values contribute significantly to how individuals perceive their identity within the
national context. Analyzing these elements necessitates a deep understanding of sociology and
cultural studies, adding an additional layer of intricacy to the essay-writing process.

Moreover, the contemporary geopolitical landscape adds another dimension. Globalization,

migration, and the interconnectedness of nations have blurred the lines of traditional national
identity. Addressing these modern challenges requires an updated and informed perspective,
demonstrating a mastery of current affairs and global trends.

Articulating these insights coherently and persuasively within the confines of an essay structure
demands not only analytical prowess but also effective communication skills. The challenge is to
seamlessly weave together historical context, sociocultural dynamics, and contemporary realities,
creating a narrative that engages readers and provides a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

In conclusion, writing an essay on national identity is a demanding task that requires extensive
research, critical thinking, and effective communication. The intricate interplay of historical, cultural,
and contemporary factors adds layers of complexity, making it a challenging yet intellectually
rewarding endeavor.

For those seeking assistance with such essays, there are resources available. Similar essays and more
can be ordered on , providing a helping hand to navigate the complexities of essay
composition and ensure a well-crafted exploration of diverse topics.
National Identity Essay National Identity Essay
Case 4 1
Vershire Company

Internal Environment Analysis * Vershire is a diversified packaging company * Several

major divisions * One of the largest manufacturers of aluminum beverage cans in the
United States. * Plants scattered throughout the U.S * Key players include: CEO,
divisional GM, vice presidents of marketing and manufacturing

External Environment Analysis

Industry competitors: * Five beverage container manufacturers accounted for 88% of the
market. * Some processors manufacture their own containers. * Alcan, Alcoa, Reynolds
all manufacture aluminum cans.
The aluminum can manufacturing industry contains several competitors. With almost
90% of the industry divided between 5 producers, ... Show more content on ...
Corporate Level Strategy
Extent of diversification: Diversified
Diversified packaging company with several major divisions

Degree of relatedness: Unrelated * Budget was used as the primary tool for measuring
performance * Divisional GM s had full control of units besides raising capital and labor

Business Unit Strategy

Mission: Build
One of the company s objectives of the approval and review process is to evaluate
actions taken to increase market share or to respond to competitor s activities.

Competitive Advantage: Low cost

The fact that Vershire remains one of the largest aluminum can manufacturers in the U.S
suggests that customers are satisfied with the cost and specifications of their products.

Key Success Factors 1. Market share One of the largest manufacturers in the U.S 2.
Customer Satisfaction Evident that customers are satisfied with their products and are
not jumping ship . 3. Customer Retention

Management Control System

Vershire Company has two separate processes in place. The first has to do with the
company s manufacturing environment, which acts as an engineered expense center for
the company. This is told in the way they do their manufacturing budget as variable costs
are all valued at a standard rate. This also falls in line with a regular manufacturing plant,
as plant tasks are normally repetitive. This is
Boeing Customers
Boeing Customers:
The Boeing Company is one of the largest aircraft company s worldwide and supplies
its products to customers globally. Boeing commercial airplanes are dedicated to being a
leader in the commercial aviation industry by offering airplanes and services that deliver
greater design, efficiency, value and more flying experience to their customers. Boeing
customers are located in roughly one hundred and fifty countries with operations and
employees in 65 countries. Boeing is involved in manufacturing, service and technology
partnerships with companies and governments worldwide, and contracts with more than
20,000 diverse suppliers and partners. Boeing delivers the largest support and services to
its customers worldwide.
The company tailors solutions to meet specific styles and it offers 24 hours a day and
seven days a week, world class customer services support. In addition, Boeing works to
provide the most skillful customers services and support to their customers around the
globe. Furthermore, the largest customers for 777 commonly known as Triple seven
planes are Emirates Airlines, which by May 2017 delivered, four 777 aircraft to
Emirates according to Boeing website orders and delivers report. Singapore Airlines,
currently has no deliveries scheduled being made, as of May 2017, and United Airlines
has seven 777 aircraft deliveries scheduled for May 2017. There are approximately sixty
nine airline customers for the 777 aircraft worldwide.
The major
Sarbanes-Oxley Act Summary
The Sarbanes Oxley Act was conceived by Senator Paul Sarbanes and Congressman
Michael Oxley and signed into legislation by George W. Bush in 2002. The 11 titled
Act became necessary when investors lost their confidence in days following the Enron,
Arthur Anderson, and WorldCom fiascos. The purpose of the law is to provide board
members, executives, auditors, attorneys, and directors with specific written duties and
penalties for noncompliance and to protect investors by improving the accuracy and
reliability of corporate disclosures made pursuant to the securities laws, as stated by the
Act. The SOX has become known to many as the greatest security law since the Security
Exchange Commission was formed in 1934.
Title I consist of nine sections ... Show more content on ...
This title consists of 9 sections that instruct in the behavior of auditing firms and establish
guidelines for external auditor independence. It also sets restrictions for clients outside of
auditing boundaries and requirements for audit partner rotation.
Title III is Corporate Responsibilities. These eight sections state the financial and
accounting responsibilities of public companies. They also issue that senior executives
are held responsible for the completeness and accuracy for financial documents.
Requirements for audit committees and limits and penalties for corporate officers are
also included in the title.
Nine sections of Enhanced Financial Disclosures make up title IV. These sections discuss
the requirements for stock transactions, off balance sheet transactions, enhanced
reporting, and relationships with unconsolidated entities. It requires audits and reports on
all financial records and also sets internal control standards in relation to completeness
and correctness of those documents.
Title V consist of a section titled Analyst Conflicts of Interest. This title s purpose is to
restore investor s confidence. This is done by setting rules and guidelines for the National
Securities Exchanges and security
Daniel And The Lion s Den
Recently, in my high school class the teens and I went through a study of the first six
chapters of Daniel. As often happens when studying a Biblical character we began to
feel as though we knew Daniel personally. Through the text we were able to sympathize
with his struggles, admiring his character, and marvel at his ability to serve Godno matter
the political environment. Whether the king said, Truly, your God is God of gods, or
the king considered himself to be the god Daniel s work did not change. Of course, he
lived in a sinful world and worked for pagan kings. However, Daniel never bent when it
came to serving our God.
Daniel s character and dedication to the Lord stands out particularly in my favorite
Bible lesson from my childhood, Daniel and the lion s den. However, through only
hearing a simple summarization of the account I missed details that the Holy Spirit
purposefully brings out. These details paint a description of Daniel and challenged
myself as well as my class.
Through reading Daniel chapter 6 the reputation that Daniel had for serving the God
leaped off the pages. Daniel s adversaries knew what kind of character Daniel had.
They also realized he was a man who placed God s Law above all other powers. They
knew Daniel dedicated himself to pray God and no matter what and that he would not
discontinue his commitment.
Daniel was committed. He was the marathon runner who does a 12 miler in the sleet.
Daniel was the season ticket holder that
Physics Of The M N + 1 Ax N
The M n+1 AX n , or MAX phases are ternary carbides or nitrides with a hexagonal
crystal structure, wherein the M n+1 X n layers are interleaved with A layers. M is an
early transition metal, A is an A group element, which is mostly 13 and 14 groups and X
is carbon or nitrogen. MAX phases exhibit a unique combination of properties arising
from their atomic bonding and structural characteristics which situates them on the
boundary between metals and ceramic bridging the gap between them [1 6]. Due to the
metallic nature of the M and A elements, MAX phases tend to be relatively soft and
readily machinable (due to weak
M A bonds), with good thermal shock resistance as well as damage tolerance, and in
addition are excellent thermal and electrical conductors. Conversely, being carbides and
nitrides they exhibit typical ceramic properties and are good refractory materials, are
very stable thermodynamically at high temperatures, have good chemical resistance and
have relatively low thermal expansion coefficients. These properties make MAX phases
amenable for use in the automotive and aerospace industry[2, 3, 5].
The n in the M n+1 AX n phases, denotes the number of M layers sandwiched between
the A layers.
Researchers have reported M 2 AX, M 3 AX 2 , and M 4 AX 3 phases, which refer to the
211, 312, and 413 phases, respectively. In 1967, Ti 3 SiC 2 and Ti 3 GeC 2 were first
synthesized by Jeitschko and Nowotny in powder form
[7]; but it wasn t until two decades later that the
Research Paper On Michael Faraday
Michael Faraday was one of the most famous scientists in the 19th century. He was an
English scientist who specialized in physics and chemistry. There are many reasons
made his fame widely known. Faraday was an excellent experimentalist who explains
his ideas and his thoughts in clear and simple language, he also has the charisma to
influence his audience and made them attracted to him, and crowds came to hear his
lectures. Faraday was also granted a house to live in by Queen Victoria and he also
receiving honors from foreign governments, in addition his work in the royal
institution, all of this make his reputation spread so big. In this essay I will discuss how
Faraday s early private life, his scientific discoveries and his religion ... Show more
content on ...
Faraday attended at local until he was 13. He received there a basic education, and
then he decides to pursue a scientist career. He began his scientist career by star
working as bookbinder for a bookshop then then he worked as patronage, supporting
wealthy people. He worked for Humphry Davy, professor of chemistry at the royal
institution he made a scientific career for himself and became one of the greatest
chemists. Faraday was following the same path of Davy. He spent his free time reading
the books he had bound. Then worked as laboratory assistant at the royal institution in
1813 after he was rejected at first, then he was able to carry out little further research.
Faraday was reappointed assistant in the royal institution after Davy retired and worked
with his successor William Brande in 1815 and start publishing short scientific articles in
the Quarterly Journal of Science, edited by Brande. Faraday was given a room in the
Royal institution and from 1815 to his death in 1867, Faraday s life and work revolved
around the Royal institution; it was his private home, his laboratory and his public
Advantages Of Self-Service Technologies
Self Service Technologies are the technologies which make customers operate the
service by themselves without the helping of employees (Meuter et al. 2000).
Currently, SST has already been used in online operation which is familiar to
customers, they always shopping(Childers et al. 2001), buy tickets or reserve a service
by using company s official websites. It is more convenient because it is not limited by
the location and time, consumers could operate at any time. Moreover, SST is also
adapted in the offline procedures. For example, the Automatic Teller Machine when
people withdraw the money, the self service machine in the kiosk when people buy the
goods, and also the stores for the customers to purchase in the offline store, etc. The
advantage of SST is that it could recognize customers preferences and provide the
customized services for them in the next time. Therefore, SST is a new way which
replaces the traditional method to serve customers, it not only benefits customers but also
the corporate. In some way, the easy process of service could reduce the cost for the
company(Carline,... Show more content on ...
Therefore, the method to attract customers to keep interest in using SST is the most
important stage of the application of SST. Some authors focus more on how customers
use and adapt the SST by studying the factors of habit, self Efficacy, and
satisfaction(Wang, C., Harris, J., Patterson, P., 2013). It could be better for the company
to know customers acceptance of SST in terms of consumers point of view. Moreover,
some other researchers identified the approaches of adoption of SST from the sight of the
company. Stockdale, R. (2007) focus more on how to manage the customer relationship
in the self service environment of e tourism. It is important to keep a good relationship
with the customers, in that case, customers would keep a good mouth to the company
which could benefit the company a

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