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French Roots of Turkish Fortification School

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French roots of Turkish fortification school

24 2019 June  12

In 1774, Louis XVI reigned to the throne of France. The new king (whose head will
be cut off in 1793-th year) continued close cooperation with the Ottoman Empire,
founded at the beginning of the 16-th century by his predecessor Francis I and the
Sultan Osman Suleiman I the Magnificent (now this sultan is known for his pseudo-
historical series for divorced young ladies) and lasted intermittently for centuries.

Louis XVI

At the end of the 18 century, the role of the Russian Empire in the Black Sea and
the Caucasus began to grow steadily. Europe, clinically infected with all phobias in

relation to a large eastern neighbor, couldn’t, in principle, allow the very fact of this 1/14
21.07.2022, 20:14 French roots of Turkish fortification school

influence. Therefore, during the reign of Louis XVI, a whole caravan of artillery offi-
cers and military engineers reached the Ottoman Empire. The total number of pro-
fessionals who migrated to Constantinople varies around 300 people. Among them
was the famous French military engineer, personnel officer Andre-Joseph Laffitte-

To the glory of the king in the service of the Ottoman Sultan

André-Joseph Laffitte-Clave was born in 1740 in the family of regular military men.
Initially, however, Laffitte-Clave was known only as André-Joseph de Laffitte, and
the prefix Klave appeared later after the name of the Clave estate of the Monkrabe
commune, where he was born. Given the family continuity, the life path of Andre-
Joseph was predetermined.

Laffitte-Clave entered the Royal School of Engineering in Mezieres. Mezieres

School is known for its development and improvement of the fortification ideas of
Louis de Cormonten. After graduation, Laffitte-Clave continued his military service,
having shown himself from the best side.

The date of his first appearance on the Black Sea is unknown and controversial.
According to some data, Laffitte-Clave was sent to the sultan in 1783, and even
participated in the battles at Kinburn fortress (Turkish fortress of 15 century on the

Kinburn spit in the mouth of the Dnieper), which passed from hand to hand be- 2/14
21.07.2022, 20:14 French roots of Turkish fortification school

tween Russians and Turks. According to other data, no longer in doubt, a French
engineer appeared in Constantinople in March of 1784.

His visit was agreed at the highest level. The Grand Vizier Khalil Hamid Pasha
(later the same course will be continued and expanded by his successor
Hazinedar Shahin Ali Pasha) shortly before that personally addressed the French
envoy in Constantinople with a proposal for a mutual cooperation and business trip
for French personnel in Porto. The duties of the French specialists under the con-
tract included topographical surveys of important strategic areas of the Black Sea.
That is, the advanced minds of Europe contributed to the Turkish expansion on the
Black Sea coast, just to push them with Russia.

However, these were not all the plans of the Ottoman-French cooperation. The
agreement provided for the mapping and plans of the Black Sea straits and the
Black Sea itself, the strengthening and erection of new fortresses, as well as the
training of the Turkish military. For the latter purpose, Khalil Hamid Pasha person-
ally founded the Muhendis-Khane-Humayun military school of engineering
(Muhend-i-Khane and Berry and Humayun) in Constantinople. It was on the basis
of this school that Laffit-Clave organized and in every way possible developed a
whole mathematical school in which only Turkish cadets were trained up to the
1788 year. It is not known how many students this school has graduated from, but
for those times this education was considered quite advanced and modern. Later,
it was on the experience of European specialists that the Turkish mathematician
and reformer statesman Husein Ryfky Krymsky relied, who led the school founded
by the great vizier at the beginning of the 19 century. 3/14
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School Muhendiskhane-and Humayun

Laffitte Clave and his Black Sea Odyssey

In addition to teaching directly, André-Joseph Laffitte-Clave set about a thorough

study of the coast and Turkish fortifications on it. Moreover, there is his hand-writ-
ten document testifying to this: “Diary of a French officer in 1784-1788”. Alas, there
is no complete translation of this work so far, but the passages of the French
engineer’s memories relating directly to the fortresses located on the territory of
modern Russia have been translated. Here is what Laffitte-Clave wrote about

“Anapa is located on the seafront, on a vast plain that is bounded by the

spurs of the Caucasus. There are ruins of a large city that once existed in
this area. To date, we are seeing only an inferior battery of four small-
caliber guns and a small settlement consisting of 30-40 houses or bar-
racks, among which is a caravanserai, also an inn with a tavern. Pretty
well built, with prongs at the top of the wall, which served as a refuge for
merchants and a repository for their goods. The neighborhood with the
Crimea and the trade of Abazov, who felt quite natural here, made this
harbor attractive for many ships. Anapa Bay is shallow and stretches 4/14
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from the point where the battery is located to the southern mouth of the
Kuban. ”

Whether Laffitte-Clave participated in the development of the Anapa fortress is not

known for certain. Fedor Andreyevich Shcherbina (historian of Kuban) is quite sure
that "Anapa was greatly strengthened by all the rules of the then military engineer-
ing art by French specialists." But the historian of Anapa Nikolai Ivanovich
Veselovsky, although he recognizes the indisputable fact of the work of French mil-
itary engineers in the interests of the Ottoman, but does not believe that the area
of ​their work included the strengthening of the Anapa fortress. According to another
version, Laffitte-Clave did not directly participate in the modernization of Anapa,
but provided advisory services that the Turks took advantage of. In any case, there
are major doubts that the Ottomans decided to arrange for foreign guests just a
voyage without performing their duties. In addition, after the visit of Andre-Joseph,
the fortress was significantly improved, in just a year or two. 5/14
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Another landmark place that Laffitte-Clave visited and left about this record was
Sogudzhak fortress (better known as Sujuk-Kale) in Tsemesskaya (Novorossiysk)

“Between Anapa and Gelendzhik there is the Sugudzhak fortress, whose

raid is located at the exit of a small valley. The valley is formed by a
stream, descending from the Caucasus Mountains, and is surrounded by
branches and spurs of this mountain range. There is a small square
fortress with a side length of the order of 110 toise (ancient French mea-
sure of length, 110 toise - 214,39 meter), in which there is a pasha in
charge, and there is also a small garrison and a very small number of in-
habitants - this is all the power carrying defense. "

He did not disregard Laffitte-Clave and Gelendzhik, describing it as follows:

“The heights of the Caucasus also surround the port of Gelendzhik, to

which two small rivers (two streams) flow, forming small valleys, rather 6/14
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picturesque. The entrance to the port is about one thousand toise (1949
meters) at the beginning. The port defense is provided by one inferior
battery of 4-5 guns, guarded by all 25 soldiers. ”

For the entire “voyage”, the French engineer visited over twenty fortresses. Among
them are the famous Ishmael on the bank of the Danube, Akkerman on the bank of
the Dniester estuary, Hadzhibey (Hajibey) on the site of modern Odessa, Sozopol
(Sisopolis or Siseboli), Mesembria (Nessebar in Bulgaria), a fortress on the island
of Berezan, Sinopskaya fortress in northern Turkey and others. At the same time,
in the life of every fortification, Laffitte-Clave played a role — somewhere a consul-
tant, and somewhere a designer. However, it can be stated unequivocally that
Andre-Joseph, like his French colleagues, did make a significant contribution to the
cause of the Turkish fortification.

I said goodbye to the Black Sea, greeted the revolution

In 1788, André-Joseph Laffitte-Clave was forced to leave the Ottoman Empire be-
cause of the political whirlwinds and the Russian-Turkish war that was in full swing,
in which the Holy Roman Empire also took part. Returning to his native France
promised an experienced fortifier with excellent experience, career and years of
fruitful activity. And at first it happened. 7/14
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Gate Plate of the Sujuk-Kale Fortress

Upon his return to France, he became a colonel and head of fortifications in

Valenciennes in the north of France. In 1792, Laffitte-Clave was appointed com-
mander of the corps of military engineers. In the same year, the so-called War of
the First Coalition broke out, so the colonel went to the front and participated in the
Belgian campaign of the French army. Apparently, in battle, he showed himself
from the best side, because he was awarded the title of brigadier general. In this
rank, he was seconded to the East-Pyrenean army, leading military operations with

However, France already which year was in a fever of revolutionary events. First,
the monarchy fell, and a little later, on January 21 of 1793, the head of Louis XVI,
whose policy led Laffitte-Clave to the Black Sea, flew off his shoulders. In the tur-
bulent revolutionary processes began an active hunt for unwanted citizens, called
royalists. The chaos of "equality and fraternity" was created and put the name of
the brigadier general in the arrest lists. The message quickly reached Laffite-Clave
and made the middle-aged officer lie down. 8/14
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Soon, however, justice prevailed, and the general was found not guilty. Moreover,
he was decided to compensate for the rank of divisional general. But the courier,
who was instructed to notify Andre-Joseph Laffitte-Clave of this joyful news, was
late, arriving at the time of the death of the newly-made general. Laffitte-Clave died
in 1794 in Perpignan in the Eastern Pyrenees.

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Theodore -1
24 June 2019 18: 45

It is enough to recall that Ishmael, who had to take Suvorov, also built frog-eaters! And sho?
Did it help them?

Olezhek +1
24 June 2019 19: 49  9/14
21.07.2022, 20:14 French roots of Turkish fortification school

continued close cooperation with the Ottoman Empire, founded as early as the
beginning of the 16 century by its predecessor Francis I and the Sultan Osman
Suleiman the Magnificent

Well, like yes, only the French initially wanted the friendship with the Ottomans not so much
against Russia,

how many against the empire (SRE + Spanish Empire)

And there are a lot of interesting things.

At the same time, in the life of every fortification, Laffitte-Clave played a role —
somewhere a consultant, and somewhere a designer. However, it can be stated
unequivocally that Andre-Joseph, like his French colleagues, did make a
significant contribution to the cause of the Turkish fortification.

Of course, an interesting fact. But ... the title of the article seems to promise more

What gives the article.

Kote Pan Kokhanka 0

24 June 2019 20: 17 

East Wind is steadily and systematically sharing with us readers the story of his small
homeland, for which he sincerely thanks!

Astra wild +1
24 June 2019 22: 09

The defense of the port is provided by one bad battery of 4-5 guns, guarded by only 25
soldiers "such a" powerful "guard is suitable for maintaining the sultan's prestige among the
servants, and the Turks kept the highlanders in the position of servants

voyaka uh 0
25 June 2019 16: 24

Famous Europeans flocked to the Ottoman Empire in general, who had problems with their
kings, princes, judges - with power and / or law.

Everyone was accepted there: only it was necessary to publicly pray in Mecca three times
and say, like: "I am a Muslim." And - yours.

And since these were usually military or civilian specialists, they made successful careers,  10/14
21.07.2022, 20:14 French roots of Turkish fortification school

like officers or government officials.

Therefore, Turkey was a "tough nut to crack" for everyone with whom it contacted in wars.

Seal 0
25 June 2019 19: 08

According to other sources, no longer in doubt, a French engineer appeared in

Constantinople in March 1784. His visit was agreed at the highest level. The
great vizier Khalil Hamid Pasha (later the successor Hazinedar Shahin Ali
Pasha will continue the same course), shortly before this, he personally
addressed the French envoy in Constantinople with a proposal for an
agreement on mutual cooperation and the sending of French personnel to
Porto. The contractual duties of French specialists included topographic
surveys of important strategic territories of the Black Sea. That is, the
advanced minds of Europe contributed to the Turkish expansion on the Black
Sea coast, if only to push them with Russia.
1. What is the Turkish expansion on the Black Sea coast at the very end of the 18th century
??? Where is she from ? At that time, the Turks were not up to expansion. To keep my

2. And what, all the progressive minds of Europe "contributed to the Turkish expansion on the
Black Sea coast, just to push them against Russia" or so, through one? Could it be this way:
One advanced mind of Europe contributes, and another advanced mind of Europe hinders?
And the exit is a draw.

dokusib -1
26 June 2019 07: 15

Wine Chateau Lafitte is not related to this undoubtedly worthy person?

Warrior2015 +1
27 June 2019 19: 15 

Quote: dokusib

Wine Chateau Lafitte is not related to this undoubtedly worthy person?

The question is more than reasonable, but I think that the connection is mediated through the
possession of the La Fite family of an estate with the castle of La Fite.

dokusib 0 11/14
21.07.2022, 20:14 French roots of Turkish fortification school

28 June 2019 08: 25

Thanks for the answer. Something I didn’t understand; why did they throw cons? For the
question itself, or for calling the Frenchman a worthy person? So he did not betray his kind of
homeland, he fought for it to the last, albeit with Russia. Enemies must also be respected.

Nadir shah 0
31 August 2019 00: 03

Quote: voyaka uh

Famous Europeans flocked to the Ottoman Empire in general, who had

problems with their kings, princes, judges - with power and / or law.

Everyone was accepted there: only it was necessary to publicly pray in Mecca
three times and say, like: "I am a Muslim." And - yours.

And since these were usually military or civilian specialists, they made
successful careers, like officers or government officials.

Therefore, Turkey was a "tough nut to crack" for everyone with whom it
contacted in wars.

well, the Europeans were there and from the Balkans, and in general, wherever you spit,
every second high-ranking Turk was non-Turk. Norm. and the Ottomans were a tough nut
because they shook everyone at one time. And successfully.

Nadir shah 0
31 August 2019 00: 04

Quote: Olezhek

continued close cooperation with the Ottoman Empire, founded as early as

the beginning of the 16 century by its predecessor Francis I and the Sultan
Osman Suleiman the Magnificent

Well, like yes, only the French initially wanted the friendship with the
Ottomans not so much against Russia,
how many against the empire (SRE + Spanish Empire)

And there are a lot of interesting things. 12/14
21.07.2022, 20:14 French roots of Turkish fortification school

At the same time, in the life of every fortification, Laffitte-Clave played a

role — somewhere a consultant, and somewhere a designer. However, it
can be stated unequivocally that Andre-Joseph, like his French colleagues,
did make a significant contribution to the cause of the Turkish fortification.

Of course, an interesting fact. But ... the title of the article seems to promise

What gives the article.

France never agreed with the Turks against Russia at all, they were allies only against the
SRI. Hehe.

yigitaga32 +1
22 December 2019 01: 04

Hi, I really liked this article. And I have research about Laffite-Clave, can you suggest me any
source about it (or about article in English), thanks. We Turks respect our old Muscovite and
Cossack rival :) S nami bog

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21.07.2022, 20:14 French roots of Turkish fortification school

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