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Music of Israel and Pakistan Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan in Music

3rd Quarter

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates an understanding of common and distinct musical
characteristics of West Asia and the Middle East

Performance Standard: Perform South Asia and Middle East music with appropriate pitch, rhythm,
expression and style.

I. Objectives:

1. Listen perceptively to music of South Asia and the Middle East (MU8WS-IIIa-h-2)

2. Analyzes musical elements of selected songs and instrumental pieces heard or

performed (MU8WS-IIIc-h-4)

II. Subject Matter: “Music of Israel and Pakistan”

REFERENCES : Music Grade 8 Learners Module, Curriculum Guide


Objective 7: Selected, developed, organized and used appropriate teaching and learning resources
including ICT to address learning goals.


A. Preparatory Activities

Motivation .

Students sing song with action

Students follow the teacher’s action.

Song “My Bonnie”

My Bonnie lies over the ocean

My Bonnie lies over the sea
My Bonnie lies over the Ocean
So Bring back my bonnie to me
Bring back bring back
Bring back my bonnie to me to me
Bring back bring back
Oh bring back my bonnie to me

B. Developmental Activities

1. Analysis

Students listen to Quawwali and Ghazal of Pakistan

Quawwali -

Ghazal -


1. What do you think of


2.What do you think about


3.What is the difference

between Ghazal and Qawwali?

-Students listen to Secular and Devotional Music of Israel

Secular -

Devotional -

Objective 2: Ensured the positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching and
learning process.

What do you think about the
secular song?
What do you think about the
devotional song?

Objective 3: Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop critical

and creative thinking.

2. Abstraction

Show the musical notes of Zum Gali Gali of Israel. Review the
note values and make students count the note values, and
count how many measures. Teacher will show the measure with
its countings.

Teacher reads the English translation of Zum Gali Gali to the class

and ask students what it means.

English Translation

Zum gali gali gali Zum gali gali gali

Zum gali gali (2x) Zum gali gali

Hechalutz lema’an avodah Pioneers work hard on the land

Avodah lema’an hechalutz (2x) Men and women work hand in hand

As they work all day long,

They lift their voice in song


1.In your own words, what is

Zum Gali Gali about?

2.What work can men and

women do on the land?

3.Why do we need to plant

trees, chop wood, build
houses, etc?

Objective 1: Applied knowledge of content across curriculum teaching areas

– Integrated Filipino .

Objective 3: Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and

creative thinking as well as other higher order thinking skills

3. Application

Teacher will group students into three. One group will sing Zum Gali
Gali. The other group will create a dance showing they are working on the
land.The third group will create a poster showing their own interpretation of
Zum Gali Gali.

Objective 5: Planned and delivered teaching strategies that are responsive

to the special educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances.

Rubrics for singing Zum Gali Gali

Student performs music with very

few or no errors pertaining to
rhythm, pitch, intonation and

Students performs music with

14 some errors pertaining to rhythm,
pitch, intonation and diction

13 Students performs music with

numerous errors pertaining to
rhythm, pitch, intonation and

Students performs music without

demonstrating proper
12 skill/technique pertaining to
rhythm, pitch, intonation and

11 Unacceptable performance

Rubrics for dancing Zum Gali Gali

Student expectation Possible points Score

The dance interprets the song very


Movements are synchronized 5

Group cooperation 5

Rubrics for poster making

Student expectation Possible points Score

Drawing looks similar to what

was observed or taught

Drawing includes many details

(measurements, shapes, 5
colors, sizes, etc.)

Drawing is legible and large

enough to see all details

Objective 8: Set achievable and appropriate learning outcomes that are

aligned with learning competencies.
4. Generalization

- Class, what have you learned in today’s lesson?

- What are the vocal music of Pakistan and Israel?

5. Assignment

Write an essay about what you think about the music of Pakistan

and Israel. Write 5 sentences or more.

Objective 4: Established a learner-centered culture by using teaching

strategies that respond to their linguistic, cultural, socioeconomic, and
religious backgrounds.

Prepared by:

Icy P. Ilustre

Observed by:

Joele Mary A. Marquez

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