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Family History Essay

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Family History Essay

Crafting a "Family History Essay" can be both a deeply personal and challenging endeavor. Delving
into the intricacies of one's family history requires not only a keen understanding of genealogy but
also the ability to weave a compelling narrative that transcends mere facts and dates. Unraveling the
layers of one's familial past can evoke a myriad of emotions, from nostalgia to introspection, and
even moments of revelation.

The difficulty arises in striking the right balance between presenting a factual account of your
family's history and infusing the narrative with a sense of coherence and engagement. It's not just
about listing names, dates, and events but about uncovering the underlying stories that have shaped
your family's identity. This demands a nuanced approach to research, as well as the ability to connect
the dots between seemingly disparate elements.

Moreover, writing about one's family history often involves confronting both the highs and lows of
the past. Tackling sensitive issues or navigating through complex family dynamics can be
emotionally taxing. Striking a tone that is respectful, honest, and reflective adds an additional layer
of difficulty to the task.

Additionally, there's the challenge of organizing the information coherently. The narrative must flow
seamlessly, guiding the reader through different eras and generations without losing focus or
succumbing to a mere recitation of facts. Creating a structure that is both logical and engaging
requires careful planning and thoughtful consideration of the overall theme and purpose of the essay.

Despite these challenges, the process of writing a family history essay can be immensely rewarding.
It allows for a deeper understanding of one's roots and an appreciation for the interconnectedness of
family stories. In overcoming the obstacles, the writer not only gains a sense of accomplishment but
also contributes to the preservation of familial legacy.

In conclusion, while writing a family history essay may be a demanding task, the insights gained and
the connections forged with one's roots make it a valuable and worthwhile endeavor. If you find
yourself overwhelmed, there are resources available to assist you. Similar essays and much more can
be ordered on , offering support for those navigating the intricate path of family
history exploration.
Family History Essay Family History Essay
Education College Students Face A Very Long Road For...
Many people have an easy road to get a higher education, many don t because we all
come from different culture, society, and social class. Also, the general public has their
own complications in their life. Unfortunately, money is the biggest problem that almost
all people have to face and during their collegelife, it is hard for students to manage
money for tuitionfees, bills, and for the food and shelter. Community College Students
Face a Very Long Road to Graduation is an article written by Ginia Bellafante and
published by The New York Time on October 3, 2014. In the article, Bellafante has
written about the LaGurdia Community College student, Vladimir de Jesus academic life
and also talks about why Community Colleges have low graduation rate. Vladimir de
Jesus is a student of LaGuardia Community College and his major is in art. Mr. de
Jesus is facing many obstacles as a student because he has one daughter, who he needs to
take care of full time. Also, in this family, he has no one to support him financially and
mentally. Mr. de Jesus does get finical aid, but it is not enough. Another obstacle he is
facing is that he had failed math 90 for the third times. According to the author, more than
60 percent of Community College student have to take developmental math courses and
70 percent of students do not pass. The college made some change in their math course
by getting the students to take more statistics based math course because students who
took statistics based
Fukyama V huntington Essay
Francis Fukuyama and Samuel Huntington are two of the most controversial and
influential modern political theorists of our times. Fukuyama s book, The End of History
and the Last Man, and Huntington s book, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking
of World Order, pose two very conflicting theories on international relations. In this paper
I will summarize and compare/contrast the two theories. Both theories, written since the
fall of communism and updated since the first gulf war, have been widely read, taught,
praised and criticized

The End of History and the Last Man is a book in which Francis Fukuyama argues the
controversial thesis that the end of history, a time when class distinctions no longer exist,
believing them to be the ... Show more content on ...
To understand Fukuyama s theory one must look beyond the specific words. Fukuyama
is not claiming that history has or will end and that occurrences of history will cease to
exist. He is saying that democracy is such a perfect and Idealistic form of rule that no
major change in political philosophy can happen in the future. Historical occurrences will
still exist, but they will be within the realm of the current political philosophical thought.
Fukuyama goes even further to prove his point by showing that the new philosophies on
government created since the oncoming of democracy, (Communism, Socialism, etc.)
have ultimately failed and democracy has prevailed in its place.

In the Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Samuel Huntington
argues that the primary political actors in the 21st century will be civilizations and that
the primary conflicts will be conflicts between these civilizations rather then between
nation states.
Huntington Writes:
It is my hypothesis that the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be
primarily ideological or primarily economic. The great divisions among humankind and
the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation states will remain the most
powerful actors in world affairs, but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur
between nations and groups of different civilizations. The clash of civilizations will
dominate global politics. The fault lines between
Human Anatomy And Physiology Essay
Mr. Browns Dilemma
Mona Sweetwine Rodriguez
SC 121 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
November 24, 2015
Professor Catherine Rice

Mr. Browns Dilemma

Good Morning Mr. Brown, my name is Mona and I am a physician s assistant. Thank
you for coming in to meet with me today. Today I ll be going over your recent lab
work along with the results. The last time you were in to see the doctor he ordered
testing for you that is known as a lipid panel or a cholesterol panel. A lipid panel is done
to measure four main things which are your cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, and LDL
I will now tell you a little about your results and explain what your results mean for
your health. You may feel free to ask any questions to gain clarification of anything
that you may not understand. First I will discuss your Triglyceride level results, I want
to explain to you exactly what triglycerides are before giving you your personal result.
Triglycerides are a type of fat (lipid) found in your blood. Whenever you eat something
your body automatically turns any calories it feels is unnecessary for you to have into
The triglycerides are then stored in your fat cells, and later on the hormones in your body
will set free triglycerides to be used as energy for you in between your meals. Your
triglyceride level result is 145 mg/dl which is good. A normal triglyceride level is
considered to be Less than 150 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). Both Triglycerides and
cholesterol are separate types
The Common Complication Following Surgical Procedures
Infections are the most common complication following surgical procedures and are
associated with significant morbidity, mortality and increased cost in health care
(Anderson, 2014). As a nurse working in a surgical capacity this is a concern for the
patients. Working for a general surgeon, surgical site infections are not commonly seen
in the office, however, it remains one of the top concerns for the well being of patients.
Many evidence based studies are aimed at nurses who provide care for patients in the
pre, peri, and post operative periods. Perioperative nurses prepare the skin for surgeryto
remove soil and microorganisms at the point of incision (Cowperthwaite Holm, 2015).
Surgical site infections are easy to reduce given the proper guidelines for prevention. This
includes skin antisepsis, and surgical hand hygiene and technique.
A National Patient Safety Goal set up by the Joint Commission is to prevent surgical site
infections (The Joint Commission, 2015). One of the ways this is done is through
reducing bacteria at the surgical site. Skin is not sterile, but reducing the number of
bacteria on the skin may help reduce surgical site infections. (Cowperthwaite Holm,
2015) The circulating nurse, along with other key personnel, plays a key role in
preventing surgical site infections. Proper technique must be used to reach the highest
level of protection, starting with skin preperation. Typically, in the operating room
setting, there are two skin
Theme Of Conformity In Anthem
Chapter 8 through the end of Anthem by Ayn Rand brings resolution to conflict of the
book and fully develops motif into theme. The main conflict in this book is without a
doubt conformity versus individuality. This conflict is mainly exhibited by the main
character Equality 7 2527 but is designed in such a way that it represents the conformity
of all individuals in a society and the lack of thinking for one s selfas a result. Chapter 8
in Anthem represents a drastic shift towards resolution in this conflict because it is
during this time that Equality begins to act on his beliefs rather than just think them. Up
to this point, Equality has clearly defied the laws of the described society in Anthem by
pursuing selfinterest which may be... Show more content on ...
After that first step is taken, people will begin to realize the merits of their situations
and therefore, begin to fight as well. This theme is evident throughout the book as the
motif of individuality is so prevalent but it only really becomes clear once the main
character begins to act on his beliefs. Character development also takes many large
strides in this section. Equality s actions during his meeting with the Council of
Scholars were rash and perhaps even radical. Now however, we begin to see his logic
in his actions. This all shows the fact that he is beginning to think for himself more
than ever and is therefore becoming an individual rather than a monotonous member
of the collective. This all comes back to the major conflict of the book: Equalities
search for a life in which he can exhibit nonconformity and live in any way he chooses.
The conflict is fully resolved after Equality and Liberty find a small house hidden from
the rest of society which is from the Unmentionable times , a time period similar to our
own which the World Council attempts to hide as best they can because it can be
implied that they fear to lose power over this society. In the final few chapters of the
book, Equality learns, through reading classical texts of the word I . Thus, his journey
for individualism and nonconformity is completed and his conflict is resolved. Rand
Observation Paper On Foster Care
Observation Paper
One day in August 2013 I woke up ate my breakfast got ready for work just like every
other day. Not realizing this day was going to change my life forever. Around noon
that day I received a call from my wife, she said do you think we can take care of the
neighbor s child who was eight months old for a little while. I sat there for a few
minutes and then I replied yes that would be alright not realizing that little while would
be months to years. I had no knowledge of kinship care, foster care, foster children, or
adoption. My wife or I did not even know what the concept was when you have a foster
child in your home. This was the first time in over ten years I had been responsible for
an infant in my home, throughout all the shock I still was positive that we could help
this child and his mother with reunifying and him getting to go home. The first
morning I woke up at 5:30 am and made him a bottle and some oatmeal cereal, it
became my morning routine with him waking up and feeding him for next few
months, before I could sleep till 7:30 or so before heading to work. My wife and I
rearranged our lives to welcome another child into our heart and lives.

The boy s mother was raised in poverty. Her mother taught her how to use the
governmental system and the streets to survive. My wife and I had never been subject
to welfare or any government assistance programs before so many things was new to
use when we tried to help his mother get back on her feet. I was very shocked to learn
that his mother, whom was twenty three years old has never done such things as craving
pumpkins, coloring Easter eggs and even putting up a Christmas tree. She was raised in
such a different social group then my family. I felt very sorry for her because of her past
and wanted to help get her out of the situation she had been raised in. Then a few months
had passed and things was not getting any better she had stopped coming and seeing her
son and I noticed drug addicts coming and in and out of her house. At that moment, I
knew she had fallen a victim to her surroundings. The child s mother had suffered through
a very difficult childhood, and at the age of thirteen her own mother had prostituted her
out to
Causes Of Imperialism In Africa
Do people suffer from imperialism? Imperialism is a policy of extending a country s
power and influence through diplomacy or military force. Europe had many driving
forces for wanting imperialism in Africa. They succeeded in their drive for imperialism,
but at what cost? Did Africa suffer from the imperialismor did they benefit from it just as
much as Europe? What was Europe s main reason for imperialism in Africa? Great
Britain gained a lot from imperialism in Africa. They started imports and exports out of
South Saharan Africa between 1854 through 1900. In the beginning of everything
imports in Africa were stronger, making about 3.5 4 million pounds within the first year.
Exports made about 2.5 million pounds. By 1900 imports were only making about 13
million pounds, whereas exports boomed and were profiting around 21 million pounds.
Great Britain benefited greatly from controlling this section of Africa making near 40
million pounds in just 46 years. Whatever part of Europe that was either trading or...
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Kipling wrote Take up the White Man s burden Send forth the best ye breed Go bind
your sons to exile To serve your captives need; To wait in heavy harness, On fluttered
folk and wild Your new caught, sullen peoples, Half devil and half child... Take up on
the White Man s burden The savage wars of peace Fill full the mouth of Famine and
bid the sickness cease; And when your goal is nearest The end for others sought,
watch sloth and heathen Folly Bring all your hopes to nought... In this he is saying
that the White man suffer from being obligated to give the slaves work. He believes
that blacks are uncivilized savages. This is the way Europe felt at the time. So sis
Europe start imperialism in Africa because they felt morally obligated to use Africa and
their people for their own self benefit, not believe that it would cause any harm to

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