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Essay About Ramadan

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Essay About Ramadan

Writing an essay on the topic of Ramadan can be a challenging yet enriching task. The difficulty
arises not only from the need to provide insightful information about the significance of Ramadan
but also to capture the essence of this sacred month in a way that resonates with readers. The
multifaceted nature of Ramadan, encompassing religious, cultural, and social aspects, requires a
nuanced approach to ensure a comprehensive and respectful discussion.

To delve into the complexities of Ramadan, one must have a deep understanding of Islamic
traditions, customs, and the spiritual significance attached to fasting during this month. Additionally,
weaving in the cultural practices and diverse experiences of individuals observing Ramadan around
the world adds another layer of intricacy to the essay.

The challenge lies not just in presenting factual information but in crafting a narrative that engages
the audience and fosters an appreciation for the spiritual and communal aspects of Ramadan.
Striking the right balance between providing a comprehensive overview and avoiding superficiality
is crucial, demanding careful research and thoughtful articulation.

Moreover, addressing the potential misconceptions or stereotypes surrounding Ramadan requires a

delicate touch to promote understanding and tolerance. Navigating the intricacies of religious
practices with sensitivity and respect is essential to produce an essay that fosters cultural appreciation.

In conclusion, while challenging, writing an essay about Ramadan offers an opportunity for personal
growth and cultural exploration. Successfully navigating the complexities of this topic requires
dedication, research, and a nuanced perspective. For those seeking assistance with essays on a variety
of topics, including in-depth explorations of cultural and religious subjects, professional writing
services like can provide valuable support and expertise.
Essay About Ramadan Essay About Ramadan
Colorectal Cancer Research Paper
Colorectal cancer is a frequently known cancer around the world. It is responsible,
however, for a small amount of cancer deaths in the United States. Contrary to most
cancers, there are discrete amounts of treatments to extend prognosis in patients that have
been diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Despite all of the numerous treatments and
therapy for colorectal cancer, it should never be taken lightly.
Primarily, colorectal cancer, if not treated, is a deadly cancer that focuses on the last two
parts of the digestive system: the colon (which is the large intestine) and the rectum. It is
the third most prevalent cancer in the United States, and is the culprit of 10 percent of all
cancer deaths. Unfortunately, about 40 percent of the nation s ... Show more content on ...
A person s diet, as well as lack of physical activity and obese citizens is severely large
risk factors too. Inflammatory bowel disease, which is often mistaken for colorectal
cancer, too, plays a part in the risk factor. Smoking, which most people think would be
the most common cause of lung cancer, has a higher colorectal cancer rate than the
average person, as well as African American citizens. Colorectal cancer affects not
only the colon itself, as well as a person s genes. The APC, p53, and K ras genes are
commonly involved. The APC gene stands for the Adenomatous Polyposis Coli gene. It
is known as a tumor suppressor gene, and mutations of it are found in common colon
polyps or cancers. Furthermore, in the p53 gene, cells that have damaged DNA are
repaired by this gene. As well as the APC gene, it is a tumor suppressor. When it s
mutated, it no longer functions, leaving damaged DNA cells in the body. Lastly, the K
ras gene helps with cellular growing and signaling. In the abnormal state, it can result in a
continually growth simulated state. The treatments for colorectal cancer may not help
the mutation of these
The Issue Of Domestic Violence Against Women
Over the last 50 years the world has made huge strides against the issue of domestic
violence against women. While this may seem like a great moral victory for us as a
society we have a long way to go before the issue is under control. The very image of a
man striking a woman immediately strikes a chord with most of us, causing great
discomfort. If we switch the roles however the same proverbial chord lies there
dormant. In fact when a man is struck in a movie by a woman it is often displayed as
an act of empowerment by the woman and he is depicted as deserving of the violence.
In an article written last year in the Austin Journal of Psychiatry Behavior Sciences,
author Guy Balice asserts, As the media continues to perpetuate representations of DV as
trivial and comical, it will be further normalized and desensitized in the public view. In
addition, misrepresentation of DV as romantic and attractive translates that violence
against women is acceptable. Minimizing the gravity of DV can lead to troubling
outcomes such as underreporting of DV; this can impact the amount of individuals
seeking treatment and result in victims of DV being unacknowledged and underserved.
While he directs his article towards women, his theory applies to domestic violence
portrayal against men in the media as well. In the movie, This Christmas, Regina Bell s
character tricks her husband into showering while she spreads baby oil all over the floor.
While in the shower she coerces him out and
Boso And St. Anselm
In the beginning of the first book of Cur Deus Homo, Boso and St. Anselm are having
a conversation. The two men discuss different topics and issues all involving God.
Boso fills the role of the questioner, while Anselm explains his thoughts and beliefs. He
still does not really understand what he believes in and is slowly trying to put all all the
pieces together. Boso asked why it was necessary for God to become human and why the
son of God had to suffer. Anselm answered with the idea that only a divine person
could save people from sin and evil, so that is why someone resembling God had to be
placed on this earth. God was placed here as a human to show us his power and
capabilities. Anselm also talked about how in order to enter
The Strengths Of Labelling Theory And Differential...
In this paper I argue that Labelling Theory can explain the factor of low socioeconomic
status while Differential Association Theory can explain how the factor of family as
reasons why some youth join gangs. This paper compares the relative strengths and
weaknesses of Differential Association theory and Labelling theory and I argue that
Labelling Theory offers the most compelling theoretical perspective to help account for
how these factors influence youth to join gangs. I also argue that unlike the other two
theories, a Marxist approach deals with the issue of why youth join gangs by
investigating the broad effects of inequality in society. The theory of Differential
Association by Edwin H. Sutherland falls under the tradition of the... Show more content
on ...
Sutherland s theory offered scholar s of his time period and of present day a unique
theory that aimed to provide a general explanation of all types of crime . (Hudson 2017)
Labelling Theory proposes that a person s identity and behaviour are influenced by the
labels society uses to classify them into a social category(Lilly et al. 2015). The theory
is rooted in the concepts of symbolic interaction and social construction. Labelling
theorists believe that no act itself is inherently criminal, instead it is society s reaction
that determines whether a crime has occurred. Furthermore society s reaction is driven
by extra legal factors such as an offender s race, class, and gender (Lilly et al. 2015 in
determining who is labelled as a criminal. The consequence is a Criminal Justice System
that disproportionately targets minorities and deviant subcultures(Lilly et al. 2015. This
idea that extra legal factors, and not the act, are what decides who is labelled is the first
main tenant of Labelling Theory. Unlike earlier schools of criminology, such as the
Positivist and Chicago camps, which looked for causes of crime within the offender or
their social environment, labelling theorists began to propose a rather ironic idea. The
idea was that crime was caused by the societal reaction towards the offender, and that the
Criminal Justice System, whose manifest function is
Hawaiian Annexation
The Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom, which happened from January 17, 1893 to
August 12, 1898, happened because the sugar planters and businessmen wanted more
power over the Hawaiian Islands, both economically and politically. These foreigners
tried to overthrow the Hawaiian Monarchy by using force, and the Hawaiians tried to
stop the act of annexation. During the overthrow, some foreigners, such as Sanford B.
Dole, Lorrin A. Thurston, and John L. Stevens, created the Hawaiian League, the
Committee of Public Safety, and the Annexation Club to promote annexation on Hawaii.
When the United Statespromoted the McKinley Tariff Act in 1891, it harmed the sugar
industry in Hawaii, increasing the calls for annexation. At the same time, King David...
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Aloha Aina is a political party formed by anti annexationists who wanted to restore the
Queen s power or throne. However, on their first attempt of an uprising against the
provisional government, they failed, and this resulted in the arrest of the Queen. The
provisional government charged Lili uokalani for having the knowledge of treason and
failing to report it, leading her having the sentence of a five year imprisonment at hard
labor and a $5,000 fine (Potter, Kasdon, and Rayson 163). Nevertheless, their second
attempt, which was a petition of 21,000 signatures for opposing annexation succeeded,
and was temporarily triumphant (Pitzer). Therefore, we know that many Hawaiians
disagreed with promoting annexation, but they weren t able to express their opinions
since the provisional government controlled most of Hawaii s power, leading to the
Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom to be unjustified to the
Three Reasons Why Lady Gaga Goes Intel
3 Reasons Why Lady Gaga Goes Intel

Intel and Lady Gaga sure bring out the best in one another, don t they? One of the best
performances at the Grammy Awards on Monday night was by Lady Gaga. Not only
did she pay tribute to David Bowie, but she also payed tribute to Intel. She mentioned
how they helped her to create the best possible presentation that she could pull off, and
she succeeded. There are a few prominent reasons on why Lady Gaga is going Intel, and
here they are.


Lady Gaga may be the most unique celebrity in the world. I don t know, it s between her
and Miley Cyrus. Anyway, she didn t become this way without experimenting with
different things. This is definitely a major reason why she is partnering

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