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Define Boserup Thesis

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Struggling with writing your thesis? You're not alone.

Crafting a thesis can be an arduous task,

requiring extensive research, critical analysis, and eloquent writing. Many students find themselves
overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the project, unsure of where to start or how to proceed.

One particularly challenging aspect of thesis writing is defining and articulating complex theories and
concepts. Take, for example, the Boserup Thesis. Coined by economist Ester Boserup, this theory
posits that agricultural methods and practices evolve in response to population growth and changing
societal needs. While the concept may seem straightforward on the surface, delving into its intricacies
and implications can quickly become daunting.

From gathering relevant literature to synthesizing disparate sources, from formulating a clear thesis
statement to constructing a cohesive argument, the process of writing a thesis demands meticulous
attention to detail and a deep understanding of the subject matter.

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The industrialisation of agriculture required a massive transformation of the agrarian landscape,
which had to be rendered suitable for machine activity. World-wide most farmers are subsistence-
growing just enough to feed their families. A low base population is followed by a rapidly expanding
one that finally stabilizes at a new high population level. The 1981 book makes an effort to provide a
theoretical explanation for the full course of human history, from hunting and gathering communities
through various stages of agricultural societies right into the industrial transformation. Boserup calls
this development “agricultural intensification” Another sentence quoted from one of her works says
that “population growth causes agricultural growth” Esther Boserup will appear again when we do
the chapter on Agriculture. Systemic Nutrition Security Solutions for Transformative Change by
Linley Chi. Ensure it possesses a apparent subject (symbol of what the thesis is all about) and
position (what your own personal ideas connect with the subject). They use maps, graphs, population
pyramids, and spatial perspective to study population patterns and trends. With the industrial
transformation, society has made itself dependent on abundant external energy sources for the most
important part of its metabolism, namely, the feeding of its population. Where the patterns stay
relatively consistent for each species. Why? versus The Bet In 1980, Simon offered Ehrlich a bet.
Many LDCs have expanded their food production in recent years, yet have more poor people than
ever before. After initial population explosion, birth rates drop in more urban affluent societies. China
C21 Group 2. population size. As of 31 Dec 2011, China has a population of more than 1.3 billion-
1,336,718,015- which is about 19.24 % of the whole world’s population. (2011 est.). During this
transition, death rate starts to drop faster than birth rate which leads to an explosive population
increase. Countries such as United Kingdom (the earliest nation universally recognized as reaching
Stage Five), Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and most notably Japan, whose populations are
now reproducing well below their replacement levels, are not producing enough children to replace
their parents' generation. Instructions for completion of module Definition of Population Specific
Competencies Review of pediatric age-group specific interventions ETCH population specific
information. She feels there is no longer as close a correlation as between population density and
high technological levels as “there seems to have been before the industrial revolution” (Boserup
1981, p. 14), but even now she sees a pronounced inverse relationship only happening rarely,
recognizing that “it became possible for a sparsely populated area by very rapid technological
development to become the leading industrial nation in little more than a century.” (Boserup 1981, p.
144). These high population rates do not actually cause the slaughters, of course, but they exacerbate
all the other problems and remove the possibilities of easier or quicker solutions. It therefore
discussed only the effects of population change, not its causes. In 1798, hastily written text, An
Essay on the Principle of Population as it Affects the Future Improvement of Society, with Remarks
on the Speculations of Mr. Godwin, M. Condorcet, and Other Writers, was published by Thomas
Robert Malthus. Ester Boserup Whose view on population growth is this. They point out that human
suffering is now occurring on a scale that Malthus could not have imagined. Population Ecology. the
study of populations in relation to their environment. Coal represented a first important step towards
emancipating the energy system from the land area and removing traditional limitations on economic
growth. You’d have to identify a much more specific insight during this position. Clearly, what this
technology scale measures, i.e., transition to fossil fuel use, reflects itself in an emphasis on saving
the United Kingdom, materials used, for example, increased from 60 to 400 million tonnes per year
between 1750 and 1900. Geographers ask: where things are located on the surface of the earth why
they are located where they are how places differ from one another.
Malthus' view that poverty and famine were natural outcomes of population growth and food supply
was not popular among social reformers who believed that with proper social structures, all ills of
man could be eradicated. Population Dynamics Growth is determined by: Biological capacity of
woman to bear children Natural length of life Ecological factors that Produce food Determine
fertility Determine mortality Malthus noted that food production increases arithmetically (e.g. 1, 2, 3,
4) while human population increases geometrically (e.g. 1, 2, 4, 8). Since human population is
determined ultimately by the food supply, Malthus thought population would be brought in balance
only by famine and pestilence. At the heart of Ravenstein's emerging migration model were the
concepts of absorption and dispersion. Presentation at the World Congress of Environmental History,
Copenhagen. Explosive Population Growth Limited Natural Resources Increasing Environmental
Stress Sustainable Use. Initially, coal was used solely as an often quite unpopular fuel for stoves in
the households of manufacturing workers in urban centres, whose increasing requirements could not
be supplied by fuelwood alone. Malthus’ Critics Malthus believed that the world’s food supply is
fixed rather than expanding. UNDERSTAND Scale. SO IMPORTANT!!!!. Size of unit studied
Scale implies degree of generalization broad or narrow Varying sizes local regional global. Hierarchy.
Stage One: CBR - very high CDR - very high NIR - low Population Growth: Low. When this limit is
reached, we find the “typical” picture of agrarian societies, in which the majority of the population,
including children, incessantly performs demanding physical work while still suffering from
shortages of essential resources. Born in 1910 in Copenhagen Denmark Died in 1999 Studied
Economics and Agricultural Development at the University of Copenhagen Made important
contributions to early. University of Victoria Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
He never foresaw the tremendous growth of food with modern agriculture due to new lands and the
scientific revolution. The production of available energy is based upon the controlled transformation
of ecosystems by labour with the aim of increasing the utilisable yield of biomass; i.e., upon the
colonisation of nature. Sauer was determined to stress the agency of culture as a force in shaping the
visible features of the Earth’s surface in delimited areas. During all of the twentieth century, marked
by the expansion of the industrial regime, the global resource consumption of energy and all other
materials increased much faster than the already very steep rise of the world population (see Fig. 3.8
). In effect, per capita consumption of natural resources almost tripled during this century, and it is
continuing to rise as the industrial regime expands to more and more countries. Immigration ? add
individuals to a population (moving in). Her core argument, simplified, is that population growth
increases density and makes it necessary to find ways to use land more intensively, which is
equivalent to reducing fallow periods (up to annual multicropping), which in turn drives
technological development; solutions also rely on the availability of more people and more labour
power. Why? Simon countered Ehrlich's saying that in fact the price of resources would decrease
over time. The labour productivity of this system of agriculture was extraordinarily high and enabled
a small rural population to supply the densely populated urban centres on the coasts as well as to
export large quantities of foodstuff to Europe. In other words, growth is possible but leads to a
diminishing marginal utility of labour. A thesis sentence focuses your opinions for the paper it is your
argument or insight or perspective crystallized in a sentence or two that provides your potential
customers much of your idea. The mechanical performance of large coal-powered machines created
conditions that produced an immense number of jobs required for final manufacturing. The results of
this would be the formation of a new species. Thomas Malthus. Thomas Malthus is often regarded as
the father of demography, the study of population. Regional differences in metabolism were related
in particular to the varying relevance of holding livestock and climatic conditions. However, many
countries that now have sub-replacement fertility did not reach this stage gradually but rather
suddenly as a result of economic crisis brought on by the post-communist transition in the late 1980s
and the 1990s. People that believe that science will save the day are called Cornucopians. With the
demographic transitions that have come along, population density has increased 3- to 10-fold,
leading to a very strong increase in the impact (or, rather, pressure) of humans per unit area. The
combination of large land areas with a low investment of labour was only possible because the prairie
soil, then being ploughed for the first time, contained huge reservoirs of plant nutrients accumulated
over a long historical period.
Examples include Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and the Baltic States. The gap between population
growth and resources is wider than even Malthus could have imagined. Survivorship Curves How to
predict the survivorship fate of a group of individuals by knowing at what age individuals died. Not
only the agrarian productivity of a pioneer country but also another resource—oil—positioned the
USA to become the leading nation during the next phase of the industrial transformation (Fig. 3.5 ).
Note: The number of tractors is a conservative estimate for the input of labour, as the size of tractors
has increased considerably since 1961.) Full size image. These changes often induce agricultural
innovation but in LDC's these changes also increase marginal labour costs to the farmer as well: the
higher the rural population density, the more hours the farmer must work for the same amount of
produce. In the United Kingdom, materials used, for example, increased from 60 to 400 million
tonnes per year between 1750 and 1900. Ehrlich chose five metals: copper, chrome, nickel, tin and
tungsten. University of Victoria Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In 1798
Thomas Malthus published his views on the effect of population on food supply. Positive checks are
those that increase the death rate. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research,
International FDP on. For instance, the next thesis really cannot be led to a whole essay since the
position does not offer the writer’s own ideas or insights in regards to the subject: Adult students
coming back to college read typically 7.5 books per term. A readers may respond by saying,
“Precisely what?In. Editor information Editors and Affiliations Institute of Social Ecology Alpen
Adria University, Vienna, Austria Marina Fischer-Kowalski Dept. Presentation at the World
Congress of Environmental History, Copenhagen. The biomass fraction includes all biomass used as
food for humans and livestock and biomass used for all other purposes, together with fuelwood. Are
we exceeding the limits of the planet’s capacities. Thomas Malthus (1776-1834) Wrote “An essay on
the Principle of Population” in 1798 which described a forthcoming population catastrophe World
population was then nine million. It is not just helpful for the studying audience to know the aim of
the essay, it is also helpful to meet your requirements as being a author, because it signifies the kind
of support which will follow within the paper and will also indicate might structure or order for that
support. So. you will want a great grasp of the idea of thesis to be able to proceed. Critical
Comparison and Application Dr. Manish Kr. Semwal. Malthus (1766-1834). See also (Leaf 2004 ).
10. For the elites, growth of territory, of course, was the major mechanism for becoming richer;
however, compared to today, differences in consumption levels between the rich and the richer were
negligible. 11. Measured as Domestic Energy Consumption (DEC), which includes, beyond the
primary energy from commercial sources as measured by TPES (total primary energy supply), the
food and feed energy consumed. The model is a generalization that applies to these countries as a
group and may not accurately describe all individual cases. Furthermore, the absence of the
possibility to transform heat energy into mechanical work limits the degrees of freedom. However,
the yield per invested hour of labour declines as intensity of use increases and asymptotically
approaches a physical limitation, from which point there is no benefit to be achieved by further
intensification. Dr. Vinod Kumar Kanvaria Food Web SlideShare for Ecology Notes Quiz in Canvas
Food Web SlideShare for Ecology Notes Quiz in Canvas AlexandraSwartzwelde Data Modeling -
Entity Relationship Diagrams-1.pdf Data Modeling - Entity Relationship Diagrams-1.pdf Christalin
CONNECTED DISCOURSE MYDA ANGELICA SUAN 50 D. Instructions for completion of
module Definition of Population Specific Competencies Review of pediatric age-group specific
interventions ETCH population specific information. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for
Enhancing Research, International FDP on. This transformation led to a range of specific
environmental problems. The position of agriculture in societal metabolism and the energy system
changed fundamentally. Barrow Motor Ability Test - TEST, MEASUREMENT AND
EVALUATION IN PHYSICAL EDUC. THOMAS MALTHUS. 19 th century economist Believed
that because population grows geometrically and food production arithmetically famine was
AP Environmental Science LCHS Dr. E. Human Population Growth Historically. The Wealth of
Nations, by Adam Smith Laws of self interest, competition, supply and demand An Essay on the
Principle of Population, by Thomas Malthus. Ensure it possesses a apparent subject (symbol of what
the thesis is all about) and position (what your own personal ideas connect with the subject). Not
only the agrarian productivity of a pioneer country but also another resource—oil—positioned the
USA to become the leading nation during the next phase of the industrial transformation (Fig. 3.5 ).
What does this clip tell us about the relationship (conflict) between people and resources. Friedrich
Engels (a Marxist) maintained that there has always been enough food for everyone, it is the unequal
distribution of food between the rich and the poor that is the real problem. The labour productivity
of this system of agriculture was extraordinarily high and enabled a small rural population to supply
the densely populated urban centres on the coasts as well as to export large quantities of foodstuff to
Europe. A Brief Discussion on demographic transition theory. Densely built urban centres, for
example, demand much less infrastructure materials for supply, disposal and transportation (Weisz
and Steinberger 2010 ), as well as less energy for heating and transport, than scattered settlements.
ECON 0428: Population Growth and Global Future Kaitllynn Saldanha Maurits Pot. Movement
from Stage One to Stage Two: MDC- Industrial Revolution. Robert Kaplan and Thomas Fraser
Homer-Dixon paint a frightening picture of a world of billions of people in search of for and energy.
Utilize the position which makes it indicate an order in the support, if you choose to do this on your
own or possibly your studying audience. Immigration ? add individuals to a population (moving in).
Patterns of trade Locations of cities and towns Westward ( frontier ) movement Agricultural and
fishing industries. Mountains. Land Feature. Hills. Land Feature. Plains. Land Feature. Demographic
Transition Model Sociological Explanation of Population Growth Demographic transition is the
change from a low population growth rate based on high or medieval birth and high death rates to a
low population growth rate based on low (modern) birth and death rates. Birth rate is the number of
live births per 1000 population. Sauer was determined to stress the agency of culture as a force in
shaping the visible features of the Earth’s surface in delimited areas. The results (see graph in Fig.
3.2 ) do not convince her. Lecture 1 A dvanced experiments rely on Tayloring Hamiltonians The basic
tools. Many countries such as China, Brazil and Thailand have passed through the DTM very quickly
due to fast social and economic change. All this could not have happened with biomass as the core
source of energy. You’d have to identify a much more specific insight during this position. Theories
for situations of population stasis. I.e. of little or no population size change over long periods, slow
growth at most This may or may not mean equilibrium. With few exceptions, Footnote 4 biomass was
by far the most important energy source until the industrial revolution, generally accounting for
99?% of all available primary energy. Information and Computation of micro and mega-scale
subjects. Geographers ask: where things are located on the surface of the earth why they are located
where they are how places differ from one another. The major task of geography was to trace the
changes in these two landscapes. The Boserupian idea that humans, specifically because of a higher
density (and therefore rising collaboration and inventiveness), could be able to buffer the negative
impacts of their increasingly intensive use upon the environment was partly true as far as local and
regional impacts in rich countries are concerned but not on a global or long-term scale. Unleashing
the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on.
Theories for situations of population stasis. I.e. of little or no population size change over long
periods, slow growth at most This may or may not mean equilibrium. Malthus looked at the rate of
population growth and concluded that food production could not possibly increase fast enough to be
sufficient. Systemic Nutrition Security Solutions for Transformative Change by Linley Chi. Sauer
was a fierce critic of environmental determinism, which was the prevailing theory in geography
when he began his career. Some empirical studies indicate that the population model was flawed
because the two main variables (population growth and level of per-capita income) have no clear link.
He never foresaw the tremendous growth of food with modern agriculture due to new lands and the
scientific revolution. Eratosthenes. Invented a system of Longitude and Latitude. If the prices
increased over the next ten years, Simon would pay Ehrlich; however, if the prices decreased over
the same time period, Ehrlich would have to pay Simon. Not only the agrarian productivity of a
pioneer country but also another resource—oil—positioned the USA to become the leading nation
during the next phase of the industrial transformation (Fig. 3.5 ). The Ordinary Business of Life by
Roger Backhouse, pages 133-135. Geographers ask: where things are located on the surface of the
earth why they are located where they are how places differ from one another. Emigration? subtract
individuals from a population (moving out). University of Victoria Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Numerous studies have shown such methods to be favorable in total
workload and also efficiency (output versus input). And understand that the thesis could be a
working thesis prior to deciding to finalize the essay (it’s o.k. to revise the thesis on the way similar
to extended whenever you retain important thesis characteristics.). First we re-examine her own data,
confirming her core thesis about average agricultural output per area risingwith population density at
the expense of declining output per labour hour, but demonstrating a strong discontinuity at the
industrial end of her technology scale.Clearly, what is measured at this end, the transition to fossil
fuel use in agriculture, leads to saving labour. Few places where water exists allows for people to live
with grazing animal and few crops. Demography is:. A) the study of the relationship between
government and population. She ranks the countries by each indicator, constructs an index in which
each indicator carries equal weight, and finally puts the countries into 5 groups by the resulting
index, with each group containing an equal number of countries (for the year 1970) (Fig. 3.1 ).
UNDERSTAND Scale. SO IMPORTANT!!!!. Size of unit studied Scale implies degree of
generalization broad or narrow Varying sizes local regional global. Hierarchy. As a last resort, where
land is scarce and territory limited, the option remains to apply a greater investment of labour to the
same land area with the aim of achieving a greater yield, in other words, the intensification of land-
area use. The effects of these two unequal powers must be kept equal. Krausmann, F. (2004). Milk,
manure and muscular power: Livestock and the industrialization of agriculture. According to Thomas
Malthus, preventative checks are those that affect the birth rate and include marrying at a later age
(moral restraint), abstaining from procreation, birth control, and homosexuality. Birth rates may drop
to well below replacement level as has happened in countries like Germany, Italy, and Japan, leading
to a shrinking population, a threat to many industries that rely on population growth. These changes
usually come about due to improvements in farming techniques, access to technology, basic
healthcare, and education. In stage two, that of a developing country, the death rates drop rapidly
due to improvements in food supply and sanitation, which increase life spans and reduce disease. If
You Are A Wildlife Lover, This Is Your Chance In A Lifetime To Visit This Continent And Witness
Nature At Its. Population growth and momentum has outpaced all economic growth. Regional
differences in metabolism were related in particular to the varying relevance of holding livestock and
climatic conditions.
China C21 Group 2. population size. As of 31 Dec 2011, China has a population of more than 1.3
billion- 1,336,718,015- which is about 19.24 % of the whole world’s population. (2011 est.).
Boserup’s Thesis Boserup’s research indicated that population determines agricultural methods. What
other “revolution” occurred with The 2 nd Agricultural Revolution. Many LDCs have expanded
their food production in recent years, yet have more poor people than ever before. These reservoirs,
however, quickly began to deplete in the first decades of ploughing. However, the yield per invested
hour of labour declines as intensity of use increases and asymptotically approaches a physical
limitation, from which point there is no benefit to be achieved by further intensification. Sauer was a
fierce critic of environmental determinism, which was the prevailing theory in geography when he
began his career. US Megalopolitan Areas The BosWash Megalopolis The Boston-Washington
corridor extends over 700 km and contains about one-quarter of U.S. population. Models of Urban
Land Use a. Authors: Fischer-Kowalski, M. et al. Nairobi, Kenya: UNEP. The Ordinary Business of
Life by Roger Backhouse, pages 133-135. The results of this would be the formation of a new
species. What factors influenced Thomas Malthus’s thinking. Eisenhower Tunnel. Eisenhower
Tunnel. Eisenhower Tunnel. Eisenhower Tunnel. Eisenhower Tunnel. Eisenhower Tunnel.
Eisenhower Tunnel. Eisenhower Tunnel Facts. Her most notable book is The Conditions of
Agricultural Growth: The Economics of Agrarian Change under Population Pressure (Chicago,
Aldine, 1965). Birth rates may drop to well below replacement level as has happened in countries
like Germany, Italy, and Japan, leading to a shrinking population, a threat to many industries that
rely on population growth. An entirely new class of resources is made available. Unleashing the
Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. Ester Boserup s Population
Theory - Hicksville Public Schools. Ensure it possesses a apparent subject (symbol of what the thesis
is all about) and position (what your own personal ideas connect with the subject). Clearly, what this
technology scale measures, i.e., transition to fossil fuel use, reflects itself in an emphasis on saving
labour. Without a corresponding fall in birth rates this produces an imbalance, and the countries in
this stage experience a large increase in population. The Neo-Malthusian population theory claims that
poor nations are stuck in a cycle of poverty that will not be broken without some type of preventative
measures. She operationally defines her key variables: population density and technological change.
Systemic Nutrition Security Solutions for Transformative Change by Linley Chi. Akavandra
Manambolo Basin - Madagascar. Canyon. Deep and narrow valley with steep walls. In general, the
technology groups exhibit a rise in life expectancy, literacy, and “connectivity” from one group to the
next using different levels of fossil fuel inputs. The test will be 70 marks as follows: 15 marks fill in
the blanks (no word bank). Sauer expressed concern about the way modern capitalism and
centralized government were destroying the cultural diversity and environmental health of the world.
However, many countries that now have sub-replacement fertility did not reach this stage gradually
but rather suddenly as a result of economic crisis brought on by the post-communist transition in the
late 1980s and the 1990s. HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. Students completing Human Geography will be
able to deepen their understanding of humankinds relationship with their surroundings. BIG IDEAS.
In the first case, societies as a whole absolutely depend on a positive high EROI (energy return upon
energy investment Footnote 3 ) from agriculture, and if it is low, such societies are constrained in
their complexity. Presentation at the World Congress of Environmental History, Copenhagen. The
theory was developed in 1929 by the American demographer Warren Thompson. 'J' Curve -
Population Crash Model This follows the ideas of Malthus: population rapidly expands, reaching the
carrying capacity of the land. Where the patterns stay relatively consistent for each species.
Numerous studies have shown such methods to be favorable in total workload and also efficiency
(output versus input). The Lenca were the largest pre-Columbian indigenous group in what became
Honduras. US Megalopolitan Areas The BosWash Megalopolis The Boston-Washington corridor
extends over 700 km and contains about one-quarter of U.S. population. Models of Urban Land Use
a. By 1900, this amount had risen to an area equivalent to a subterranean forest covering four times
the land area of the entire country (see Fig. 3.4 ). We may interpret this finding to mean that to
maintain societal metabolism at the same level, the United Kingdom would have required a territory
four times greater than its actual land area and entirely covered in forest for use. Her trust in human
ingenuity makes her overlook the possibility of a substantial overshoot of human use of resources
beyond what the earth system may provide us in the long run. If that’s the problem, there are a few
more details to think about regarding the thesis. (Then when not, it is time to begin asking the tutor!)
You need to investigate additional thesis characteristics right now to make sure that you will be
creating working thesis sentences that really are workable and suitable for school essays. Akavandra
Manambolo Basin - Madagascar. Canyon. Deep and narrow valley with steep walls. Learning target:
to explore the reasons for the distribution of people in Italy. In 1908, Schluter argued that by
defining geography as a Landschaftskunde (landscape science) this would give geography a logical
subject matter shared by no other discipline. Population Growth. What factors limit the growth of
populations. Learning Objectives: Subsistence Unit. 1. Identify the subsistence patterns found in
human societies 2. Waves of migrating people settled Northern Europe (ancient times) Ancient
inhabitants of Great Britain were Celtic. Theories for situations of population stasis. I.e. of little or
no population size change over long periods, slow growth at most This may or may not mean
equilibrium. Charles Darwin, from his autobiography. (1876) This often quoted passage reflects the
significance Darwin affords Malthus in formulating his theory of Natural Selection. In the form of
nutrition and animal feed, biomass provides the energetic basis for sustaining the existence of
humans and their livestock and can be converted into mechanical energy. Examples include Russia,
Ukraine, Romania, and the Baltic States. The agrochemical industry, based on petroleum and natural
gas, helped to lift the chronic limitations on plant nutrients from which agriculture was suffering.
Stocks of draught animals grew continuously into the twentieth century. Ester Boserup s Population
Theory - Hicksville Public Schools. Stage One: CBR - very high CDR - very high NIR - low
Population Growth: Low. Identify the cultural characteristics of a society that might be inferred
from knowing the society’s subsistence patterns. In the United Kingdom, materials used, for
example, increased from 60 to 400 million tonnes per year between 1750 and 1900. Military troops,
Navy vessels, Air National Guard, Coast Guard CONUS produce support. The Republic of
Montenegro is located in Southeastern Europe. So in addition to being aware what a thesis is, you
should know precisely what a thesis isn’t. The study of genetic variation in populations. Population.
A localized group of individuals of the same species. Species. A group of similar organisms. A group
of populations that could interbreed. Gene Pool.

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