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Final Demonstration

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1) define the angle of elevation and identify its parts;
2) appreciate the importance of angle of elevation to real-life situations; and
3) illustrate the figure from the given worded problem
II. Subject Matter:
Topics : Angle of Elevation
References : Mathematics Learning Module 9 Quarter 4 Modules 3-4 on
pages 6-8
Mathematics Learner’s Material 9 (pages 457-461)
Materials : PowerPoint presentation, Visual Aids, Board, chalk,
Activity worksheets
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Response
A. Preliminary Activities

1. Greetings
Good morning class. Good morning, Ma’am.

2. Prayer (The students will stand up and pray)

May I request everyone to
stand for our prayer? Lord, guide us for today. Give us the
Jeszlyn, please lead the knowledge to understand the lessons.
prayer. Amen

3. Classroom Management
Arrange your chairs (The students will arrange their chairs).
properly and make sure
there are no trashes around

4. Checking of Attendance

Now, let us check the

attendance, group leaders,
do we have absentees

Group 1? None. Everybody is present in our group.

Group 2? None. Everybody is present in our group.

It’s nice to hear that

everybody is present today.
Good job.

5. Classroom Rules
Before we continue to our
discussion. Let me remind
you our classroom rules that
you need to follow while
class is going on.

1. Raise your hand if you
want to answer.
2. Avoid unnecessary noise
during the activity.
3.Be honest at all times.

B. Recall

Before we start our lesson, let’s

test your knowledge about the
basic mathematical terms.

Can you guess the mathematical

figure that is shown on the screen?

That’s good. What is that figure?


Yes, Jay-anne? Yes, Ma’am.

Nice job. What is the definition of It’s an angle Ma’am.

an angle?
Yes, Charles?
An angle is a figure formed by two rays
which do not lie on the same line and have
a common endpoint.
Very Good. Can you name the
sides of an angle based on the
given figure?

BA and ⃗
BC are the sides of an angle.
Yes, Angelica?

Great job. Then, what is the

Yes, Melvin? B is the vertex of ∠ABC

Excellent. Now that you really

understand the concept of an
angle, let’s proceed to our next

C. Motivation

Before we start with today’s

discussion, I have prepared an
activity for you and this is entitled
The mechanics are simple, you
just have to guess the gibberish
being provided on the screen to
form a real word. Let’s have some


Try go no me tree

Can you guess the Answer?

Yes, Ma’am.
What is it?

Yes, Kenneth?
Trigonometry Ma’am.
That’s right.
Do you understand the mechanics
of our activity? Yes, Ma’am.

Okay. Let’s start.

1. ang gel
2. ob sear bear “Angle Ma’am”.
3. luck app “Ma’am the answer is observer”
4. who ree son tall “Look up”
5. lie off cite “It’s horizontal Ma’am”
6. I’ll leave bay shawn “Line of sight Ma’am”
“Elevation, Ma’am.
Great job, everyone. Thank you for
participating in our activity.

Based on the given words, what do

you think is our topic for today?

Yes, Amil?
I think our topic for today is Angle of
That’s correct. Our lesson for
today is about The Angle of

D. Lesson Proper

Before we start our discussion, I

have a question for you.

Who is your favorite basketball

player? (The students will share who is their
favorite basketball players.)
Let me introduce you to my friend
here. Yes, Ma’am.
Are you familiar with him? He is Sakuragi Ma’am.
Who is he?

Correct, he is Sakuragi.

Did you know who is the “Pinoy

Sakuragi” in PBA?
Yes, Ma’am. He is Marc Pingris.
Yes, JC?

Very Good.


Marc Pingris is a Filipino

basketball player and he is well-
known as Pinoy Sakuragi

Let’s go back to Sakuragi.

Now, Sakuragi will help us to
understand our lesson for today.

Let’s start. First, let us define the

angle of elevation.

Can someone read the definition?

Yes Emelyn?
(Emelyn will read the definition)

Angle of Elevation

It is an angle that is formed

between the horizontal line of sight
from the observer and the line of
sight of an object that is above the
horizontal line of sight.

Based on the given information,

what is your understanding about
the angle of elevation.

Yes, Jake? (Jake will share his understanding about

angle of elevation)

Right! you may sit down.

To understand more about angle

of elevation, let us dissect and
elaborate the important keywords
from its definition.

The first highlighted word is angle.

Based on what we talk about
earlier, what is your definition of an

Yes, Reid? An angle is a union of two rays that are

connected with a common endpoint.
Correct. Remember class, if there
are two straight lines meet at a
common point is said to form an

Here are some examples of an


Alright, our next highlighted word is

the horizontal line.

For you, what is your idea of

horizontal line? A horizontal line is a line extending from
left to right.
That’s correct.

Horizontal line is a straight line that

is drawn from left to right or right to

Let’s have an example.

x- axis is an example of horizontal

Another example, look at Sakuragi,

he is looking straight to his ultimate
crush, Haruko. If you put an
imaginary line between their eyes,
that is horizontal line.

Ace and Angelica, come here at
the front.
Look at each other’s eyes.
Class, what imaginary line did it
formed when they look into each
other’s eyes? Horizontal line Ma’am.

So, remember that when you look

straight, that is the horizontal line.

In worded problems, it also usually

refers to the distance of one point
to another. Let’s find it out later.

Next highlighted word is line of

sight and above. Let us first define
the line of sight.

Line of sight- It is the imaginary

line between the observer’s eye
and the object that is being

Sakuragi needs to look at the

basketball ring in able to shoot the
Remember that he is looking up in
able to see the basketball ring.
So, we have the observer and the
Based on our illustration, who is
our observer? Sakuragi.
What is our object? The basketball ring.
Very Good. If we connect those
two. That is the line of sight.

Always remember that in angle of

elevation, the line of sight is
always above the eye level.

Again, what are the two lines that

we have discussed?
Yes,KC? Horizontal line and line of sight.

That’s right. The horizontal line

and line of sight formed an angle
of elevation.

If we draw a vertical line

connecting the horizontal line and
the line of sight, what did it It formed a right triangle.

Always remember that angle of

elevation is always above the eye

Look around and observe our


Inside the classroom, are there

objects or persons that whenever
you look up at that specific person
or object, there’s an angle formed?


Yes, Nicole? When we look on the ceiling fan.

That’s correct.

Other examples? When we are listening to the teacher.

Yes, Ace?

You are right.

Other examples are when the kids
are looking at the top of the tree,
when we are star gazing at night,
whenever we are singing the
national anthem in flag ceremony
and more other examples.

Now, it’s your time to give more

examples that relates to angle of
elevation for a certain place or
situation that will flash on the

Do you understand?
Yes, Ma’am.

Okay, give the situation where

there is angle of elevation in:

1. In Enriquez Park

Correct. During Christmas, we

used to go to Enriquez Park to look When the people are looking at the
at the beautiful Christmas tree Christmas tree.

2. In Jollibee

When we are staring at the menu.

All of your answers are correct.

There is an angle of elevation
every time we are looking at their
menu and when we are looking at
the beautiful smiling face of
Jollibee up there.

It seems that you really understand

the concept of the angle of
Let us proceed to real-world

Example 1:

Sakuragi is about to shoot the ball
from the free-throw line. The
distance from the free throw line to
the base of the backboard is 15 ft.
and the angle of elevation from the
top of the backboard to Sakuragi’s
eyes is 21°. Can we help Sakuragi
to shoot the ball by identifying the
horizontal line, line of sight, and
angle of elevation?

First, we should analyze and

understand the problem.
Here is Sakuragi and there is a
backboard and basketball ring.
Second is to visualize the concept
of the problem.
We should identify what is the
distance of the free throw line to
the backboard and the angle of
Third is we illustrate. We should
create or draw the things that we

Let’s apply the concept of angle of

What do you think represents the
horizontal line in the problem?

Yes, John?
It is the distance between the free throw
Correct, that is the distance of free line and the base of the backboard.
throw line to the backboard which
is 15 feet.

What represents the line of sight?

Yes, Kenneth?
The representation of line of sight is
What represents the angle of Sakuragi looking at the top of the
elevation? backboard

Yes, Trixia?

Very Good. The angle of elevation It is the 21° angle between the top of the
measures 21°. backboard and Sakuragi’s eyes.

Example 2:
A kite is flying at an angle of
elevation of 55° with the ground. If
85 ft string have been paid out to
the kite. How far is the kite above
the ground?

Based on the given illustration,

answer the following questions:

a. What represents the horizontal
line? (The students will recite their answers)
b. What represents the line of
sight? a. The ground
c. What represents the angle of b. The string of the kite which is 85 ft
elevation c. The angle between the string of the kite
d. What is being asked in the and the ground which is 55 °
problem? d. The distance of the kite above the
That’s great.

Do you have any questions about

our topic for today?
No, Ma’am.

E. Application

Let’s have a group activity. We will

apply the things that we’ve
discussed. Listen carefully to my

We will have four groups and there

will be two sets of problem, Set A
and Set B. Each group will be
given a task about angle of
elevation that you will need to
accomplish within 5 minutes.

Group 1 and 3 will answer the Set
A and Group 2 and 4 will answer
the Set B. Once done with the
activity, you may paste your works
on the board. After that, I will
choose a representative for each
team to justify their work. If your
team got the correct answer, I will
give you a surprise reward later.

Do you understand my

Are you ready?

Yes, Ma’am
Timer starts now!

Set A: Yes, Ma’am.

The little girl is standing 10 feet

away from a tree and the angle of
elevation measures 65°. How tall
is the tree? Assume that the little
girl is 3 feet tall up to her eyes.

Set B:
The angle of elevation from a boat
to the top of 92-meter hill is 12°.
How far is the boat from the base
of the hill?

Okay, time is up please put your
work sheets on the board and
present your work.

Excellent. All of you did a very

(The representatives will present their
good job.
Group 1 and Group 2 have the
correct answers.
Here is your reward,

F. Generalization:
I know you’ve learned a lot from
our discussion today.
Who can give me a definition of an
angle of elevation?

Yes, Andrea?
Angle of elevation is an angle that is
formed between the horizontal line and
Very good. How can you describe
line of sight.
the horizontal line?
Yes, Jesus?
It is a straight line drawn from left to right.
You are correct. How about your
understanding about the line of
The line of sight in angle of elevation is
sight in angle of elevation?
when looking up. It is also the line
Yes Emelyn?
between the observer and the object.
Can you cite examples of angle of

Yes, Ian?
(Ian will cite his example of angle of
What is the importance of angle of

elevation in real life situations?
It is important because it can be used in
finding the distance and also the height
and measurement of objects or things.
Illustrate the figure from the
worded problem.

The angle of elevation of the top of

the building from the point from the
ground 30 meters away from the
building is 65°.

Excellent. It’s good to know that

you really understand our lesson
for today.

Do you have any questions for

today’s lesson?

No, Ma’am.

IV. Evaluation
Answer the following in 10 minutes.
On your worksheets,
I. Write LOOK UP if the statement
shows the angle of elevation and
write NOT LOOK UP if it is not. Answers:
1. Luna saw an airplane in the sky. I.
2. Sevi is playing with his kite. 1. LOOK UP
3. A hiker on top of the mountain 2. LOOK UP
saw a house down in the mountain. 3. NOT LOOK UP
4. Kalix is looking at the windmill in 4. LOOK UP
Ilocos and he is very amazed.
II. Illustrate the given problem.

A ladder reaches the top of a vertical

wall making an angle of 62 ° with the
ground. If the height of the wall is 12
feet. Find the length of the ladder.

V. Assignment
In your math notebook,
I. Read and study the Angle of
II. Draw a Venn Diagram to compare
the Angle of Elevation and the Angle
of Depression.

Reference: Mathematics Learner’s

Material 9, pages 457-461

Prepared by:
Ma. Ricarhaya C. Mangahas


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