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Detailed Lesson Plan For Final Demonstration

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Aklan State University-Banga Campus

College of Teacher Education

Banga, Aklan


I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 75% of the students should be able to:
1. Define and illustrate the angle of elevation;
2. Solve real-life word problems involving angle of elevation; and
3. Develop cooperation in group activity.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Angle of Elevation
Reference: Bryant,M.L.(2014),Mathematics 9(learner’s Module).Pasig City, Philippines. Filipinas
Copyright Licensing Society,Inc.
Materials: cartolina, pentel pen, scatch tape, chalk, board, pictures, teaching aid box, projector, laptop,
like and dislike icon, glue stick, name tag, ruler, envelope and scissor.
NCBTS: Curriculum
Value Focus: Cooperation
Strategy: Deductive Method
III. Methodology
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A.Preparatory Activities
a. Prayer
Before we start our lesson, let’s first have a
Our Father, who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our
As we forgive those who sins against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil. Amen.
b. Greetings
Good morning class!
Good morning sir!
You may now take your seats.
c. Checking of attendance
Boys count on.
(Boys will count)
Girls count on.
(Girls will count)
d. Checking of Assignment
Do we have our assignment?
No sir.
e. Review of the past lesson
What did we discuss in our past lesson?
Trigonometric Ratios of Special Angles
Very Good. What is tangent 45°?
Perfect. How about sine 30°?
Amazing. You indeed show that you are very
attentive in our lesson.
B. Motivation
Today, we will discuss a new lesson but before
that let’s first have a game. Our game is called
1. You will be group according to the color of
your name tag.
2. Each group will receive an envelope with a
picture and jumbled letter under it. All you
need to do is to arrange the letter to form a
word that is related to the picture.
3. Once your finish, pass your paper to me.
The first group to finish with correct answer
is the winner.
Picture in the envelope

Answer: Angle of Elevation

And our winner is Group _______.
Let’s give them a Firework applause.

C. Presentation of the lesson

Based on our activity what do you think will be
our lesson for today?
Angle of Elevation
Your right! At the end of the lesson you are
expected to:
Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 75% of the students
should be able to:
1. Define and illustrate the angle of elevation ;
2. Solve real-life word problems involving angle of
elevation; and
3. Develop cooperation in group activity.
D. Lesson Proper
In order to understand what is an angle of
Elevation let us consider this illustration.
Malia is looking for Tristan and as she looks
up she found Tristan at the top of the
In this illustration, our observer is Malia while
Tristan is our object.
Who can draw a horizontal line from Malia’s
eye to the building?

Amazing. This line is what we called the

horizontal line of sight.
Who can draw a line from Malia’s eye to

Horizontal line of

Perfect. This is what we called line of sight

above observer.
Observe the horizontal line of sight and the
line of sight above observer. What does it
An angle
Very Good. This angle is what we called the
angle of elevation.
How will you define now angle of elevation?
Angle form by the horizontal line of sight of the
observer to the object above.
Excellent. Now that you know what is an
angle of elevation let’s have another game.
Get the attached Iike and dislike icon that is
on your chair. I will flash a picture on the
board and you will determine whether the
illustration represent an angle of elevation
or not. If you agree then raise your approve
icon and if not raise your disapprove icon.
Picture 1

Answer: Agree
Picture 2

Answer: Disagree
Picture 3

Answer: Agree
Picture 4

Answer: Agree
Picture 5

Answer: Disagree
Very Good. Give yourselves a coaster
Click, Click, Click, Weeee.
Considering our situation where Malia
found Tristan. Suppose that the building is 15
meters tall and the angle of elevation is 41°.
How far is Malia from the building? The
distance of Malia from the building can be
solved using the idea about angle of
Let us use x to represent the distance of
Malia from the building.
Observe the line of sight and the building.
What shape does it form?
Right Triangle

With respect to 41° what is the side that a

measurement of 13.5.
How about the distance of Malia to the
Given that we have opposite and adjacent
with respect to 41° angle. What trigonometric
ratio can we use?
Who can write the trigonometric ratio for
tan θ=
Now that we know the appropriate
trigonometric ratio let us solve. Who can
substitute the ratio?
tan 41°=
What shall we do next?
Cross multiply
Who can show it on the board?
x tan 41° =13.5
On your scratch paper, solve for the value of x.
I will give you 3 minutes.

(After 3 minutes)
Who can show his/her answer on the board?
x tan 41° 13.5
tan 41 ° tan 41 °
Therefore, how far is Malia from the building?
15.52 m
Is there any question?
None sir.
Angle of elevation can also be used to find
the distance of an object to another object.
Consider this situation
Situation 2
Suppose that Malia is 6 meters away from the
building and the angle of elevation is 48°. How
high is the building if Malia is 2 meters high.
Who can post the given on the board


Now let identify the appropriate

Trigonometric ratio to be used.
Let us use y to represent the height of the
portion of this building.
With respect to the 41° angle, what is y?
How about the six meters?
What trigonometric ratio can we use?
On your notebook, solve for the value of y. I
will give you 3 minutes.
Student will solve
(After 3 minutes)
Who can show his/her answer on the board?
tan 48° =
y=6 tan 48 °
y=6 (1.12)
y=6.72 m
As you can see class, 6.72 m is not the total
height of the building. To completely solve
the problem we will add the height of Malia.
Who can do it on the board?
6.72 m + 2 m = 8.72 m
Amazing. Let’s give him/her marshmallow
1,2,3(clap),1,2,3(stamp).Clap(but hands didn’t
Is there any question?
None sir.

If there’s none let’s have an activity.
Please go to your group.
A cartolina will be given to each group
containing an activity.
You will then try to solve the problem within 5
After 5 minutes you will post your work and a
reporter will try to explain their answer.
Instruction: Illustrate each problem and solve.
Situation 1
A lady is 100 meters away from the base of the
tower. If the angle of elevation to the top of the
tower is 46° and the lady is 1.55 meters. How high
is the tower?
Situation 2
A child was looking at the top of an apple tree. If
the angle of elevation to the top of the tree is 41°
and the tree is 20 feet. How far is the child to the
Situation 3
An electrician looks at a top of a post. If the angle
of elevation to the top of the post is 50° and the
electrician is 1.5 meters away from the post. How
high is the post if the electrician is 1.6 meters?
Situation 4
A boy is looking for a remote control. As he look
around, he found that it was on the top of a
cabinet which is 18 inches. . If the angle of
elevation to the top of the cabinet is 56°. How far
is the boy from the cabinet?
What is angle of elevation?
The angle from the horizontal to the line of sight of
the observer to the object above.
Perfect. Where can we use the angle of
To solve for the height of certain object.
What else?
To solve for the distance of an object to another
Very Good you indeed show that you are very
attentive to our lesson. Is there any question?
None sir.

IV. Evaluation
Instruction: Answer the following in a ½ crosswise.
I. Essay(3 points)
Define and illustrate the angle of elevation in your own understanding.

Rubrics for Scoring

Points Description
3 Clearly illustrate and define angle of elevation.
2 Clearly illustrate but not clearly define the angle of
elevation or vice versa.
1 Poorly illustrate and define the angle of elevation

II. Word Problem

Instruction: Illustrate and solve the the problem.
A carpenter looks at a top of a beam. If the angle of elevation to the top of the beam is 40° and
the electrician is 2 meters away from the beam. How high is the beam if the carpenter is 1.34

V. Assignment
Instruction: Illustrate and solve the following problem.
1. A boy was looking at the top of a mango tree. If the angle of elevation to the top of the tree is 50° and
the tree is 35 meters. How far is the child to the tree?
2. A boat is 7 meters from a cliff. If its angle of elevation to the top of the cliff is 56°, how high is the cliff?

Prepared by:

PST Mathematics




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