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El Gayar 1997 TheUseofInformationTechnologyinAquacultureManagement

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The use of information technology in aquaculture management

Article in Aquaculture Economics & Management · March 1997

DOI: 10.1080/13657309709380207

14 5,866

1 author:

Omar F. El-Gayar
Dakota State University


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The Use of Information Technology in Aquaculture Management


Omar F. El-Gayar

Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

University of Hawaii at Manoa
3050 Maile Way, Gilmore 115,
Honolulu, HI 96822 USA.
The recent advances in information technology (IT) has profound impacts on all

walks of life and aquaculture is no exception. The growing importance of aquaculture as

an alternative source of protein has further emphasized the need to adapt and develop

advanced IT for the better management of aquaculture facilities as well as the regionl

planning for aquaculture development.

It is the objective of this paper to review the use and potential prospects of IT in

aquaculture management. The information technologies considered are instrumentation

and process control, data management, computerized models, decision support systems,

artificial intelligence and expert systems, image processing and pattern recognition,

geographical information systems, and information centers and networks. The review

include a brief introduction of each of the aforementioned technologies followed by a

survey of their current application as well as potential use in aquaculture management.

Keywords: Aquaculture; Information technonlogy; Instrumentation; Process control; Data

management; Computerized models; Decision support systems; Artificial

intelligence; Expert systems; Image processing; Pattern recognition;

Geographical information systems; Computer networks.

1- Introduction
Information technology (IT) refers to the science of information handling and

processing made possible by the convergence of the technologies of computing,

microelectronics and telecommunications (Lynch 1991). The recent advances in IT has

profound impacts on all walks of life. Indeed, we are now experiencing the information

age. Currently, aquaculture is one of the fields which are looked upon as a potential

application domain for advanced IT.

Aquaculture is the science and art of cultivating aquatic species. The significant

importance of aquaculture stems from the fact that world wide demand for quality fish

protein is increasing dramatically, while in the meantime, the natural fisheries are near their

maximum sustainable yield (MSY) levels and are in the process of depletion. In addition,

when fish are compared to other alternative sources of protein, e.g., terrestrial livestock,

the following can be deduced:

Fish are non-competitive with human beings in their habitat and nutrition. (1)

Fish have better feed conversion ratios. (2)

Fish protein is of a better quality as it is associated with a low content of (3)

calories, a low content of saturated fatty acids, and a high content of poly-

-3) which is a healthier diet with respect to its 

unsaturated fatty acids (

contribution to cancer, heart diseases, vascular diseases and rheumatic diseases.

The implications of such an increase in demand are twofold. First, aquaculture is

moving from extensive to semi-intensive or intensive operations and the increasing

complexity requires better management. Moreover, the decision making process is further

complicated because of the dynamic and stochastic nature of the biological, physical and

economic environments, thereby emphasizing the need for adapting advanced IT such as

instrumentation and control, computerized data management, decision support systems,

and expert systems for better management of aquacultural facilities.

Second, more sincere effort is dedicated towards aquaculture development as an

alternative source of high quality cheap protein, particularly for developing countries

where protein shortages already exist. Such effort is led by local governments as well as

several international organizations that are involved in planning and financing aquaculture

development in various regions of the world. The World Bank, the Food and Agriculture

Organization of the United Nations, and the United States Agency for International

Development are just a few examples of such organizations. However, and due to the wide

range of issues involved in aquaculture development, the development and use of decision

aids (such as decision support systems) as well as the application of new IT techniques

(such as geographical information systems) for regional aquacultural development is


This paper is written for the aquaculture practitioner at the farm level as well as the

regional level. It seeks to review the use and potential of IT in aquaculture management.

Specifically, the paper seeks to identify the potential benefits of the use of IT in

aquaculture, the current status of IT in aquaculture, and the main obstacles for adoption.

Information technologies are reviewed in sections 2 through 9 and include: instrumentation

and process control, data management, computerized models, decision support systems,

artificial intelligence and expert systems, image processing and pattern recognition,

geographical information systems, and information centers and computer networks.

Finally, section 10 concludes the paper.

2- Instrumentation and process control

Instrumentation is the means of primary sensing of information used by the

feedback loop of an automatically controlled system as well as by human operators of

manually controlled systems (Zahradnik 1987). On the other hand, process control of

systems traditionally refers to the art of monitoring the system visually and with analytical
measurement techniques for the purpose of providing manual control of the inputs to guide

the system to the desired goal (Fridley 1987). However, nowadays, process control often

refers to the use of instrumentation techniques for providing feedback information on the

controlled system. Information can then be analyzed and appropriate actions initiated for

controlling the system. In effect, process control is synonymous to the automatic control

of an aquaculture production process.

From an aquaculture management perspective, instrumentation and process control

can prove to be highly beneficial. In that regard, Zahradnik (1987) identifies two major

applications where instrumentation can have the greatest potential in aquaculture. The first

application area lies in environmental monitoring and control. The importance of which

stems from the close correlation between the environmental conditions and factors

affecting aquaculture production such as animal health, feed utilization, animal growth

rates, stocking densities and waste management. Example of such environmental

parameters include temperature, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites,

suspended solids, turbidity, and water flow rates. The second application area lies in fish

stock inventory assessment. The importance of which stems from the direct relation

between fish stock quantities, feed efficiency, and disease control. Current stock inventory

practice primarily involves stock sampling and mortality records. The use of visual sensors

together with appropriate image processing and pattern recognition algorithms is

particularly promising for adequately sensing fish biomass, a discussion of which is

presented in section 7.

With regard to process control, Fridley (1987) identifies the potential benefits of

the application of process control in aquaculture as:

reducing cost, primarily realized by reducing time, effort and labor as well as 

optimizing resource use. For example, feeding can be matched closely with demand,

thereby reducing losses due to unconsumed food.

enhancing or extending management capabilities, primarily through allowing the 

operator to control factors that are impractical to control manually.

facilitating production management and scheduling. 

improving reliability and safety of the operation. 

Moreover, Balchen (1989) notes that the purpose of instrumentation and process

control in aquaculture is to improve:

productivity, which depends upon continuous precise monitoring and control of 

environmental factors as noted earlier.

product quality, which enhances profits and is determined by environmental factors as 

well as feed composition and the level of physical activities.

product availability made possible by monitoring and controlling all pertinent 

parameters necessary to arrive at the optimal yield at the desired time to satisfy market


operation safety, attained by utilizing remotely operated actuators, thereby reducing the 

need for physical interaction between the operator and the process unit, particularly in

hazardous situations.

Environmental impact reduction, attained through monitoring and controlling 

aquacultural effluents in order to meet official regulations.

In general, there is a substantial literature on instrumentation and process control

and the technology is well developed at the commercial level. However, the applications

of the technology in aquaculture are few relative to manufacturing and agriculture. Table

1 lists some of the recent applications of instrumentation and process control in


To illustrate the application of instrumentation and process control in aquaculture,

we present a few specific examples of such applications. With regard to instrumentation,

Bjordal et al. (1987) describe a system for monitoring the behavior of salmon culture as
well as the environmental factors and different rearing conditions. The main objective of

this work is to minimize the stress level of the fish by optimizing critical factors in order

to avoid disease and to increase growth and quality of fish. Using appropriate sensors,

environmental factors monitored are temperature, salinity, oxygen, current, tide,

meteorological data, and light intensity. Sensors are interfaced to a computer where trend

and historical analysis of stored data is performed. While such system is primarily for

identifying the optimal levels of such environmental parameters and rearing conditions for

salmon i.e., for research purposes. Once such levels and conditions are identified a similar

system for the management of aquaculture facilities can be utilized for providing

continuous monitoring of the parameters of concern and alarming the operator if any such

parameters is out of its prescribed optimum range.

With regard to process control, Hansen (1987) presents a computer system for the

control and monitoring of aquaculture plants. The system includes a special software

module for handling different tasks such as data gathering, automatic control, alarming,

logging, trend analysis, and reporting. With regard to monitoring and control, a software

library is available for water quality, water distribution, heating systems, biomass, and

feeding systems. The system is of a flexible configuration and can thus be adapted to the

individual farm needs.

It should be noted, that the above examples are by no means exhaustive, they
merely illustrate how computers can be used for monitoring and control in aquaculture

facilities. However, in practice, the adoption of instrumentation and process control

technology by fish farmers is hindered for a number of reasons:

while it is easy to attach a number to the cost of adopting such a technology, it is not 

the case when trying to estimate the perceived benefits, thereby complicating the

investment appraisal process.

farmers tend to distrust the use of the technology in favor of the more traditional 

approach of relying on visual observation and their own instinct and experience for

aquaculture management.

the harsh aquaculture production environment, particularly marine aquaculture, poses 

real challenges to the reliable operation of sensors and actuators.

Nevertheless, the increasing awareness of fish farmers and the increasing

availability of computer literate personnel would contribute towards the successful

adoption of this technology. Also, the rapid technological progress is likely to produce

sensors and equipment that would operate reliably in the harsh aquaculture environment at

a reasonable cost.

3- Data Management
Aquaculture production is a complex undertaking involving a system of interwoven

biological processes. The proper management of such system requires keeping track of a

large amount of data. Moreover, and due to the dynamic nature of the production process

and the high risk involved in making an inappropriate decision, the quality of the data and

its timely availability are of prime importance. Data management thus becomes a vital task

for aquaculture management.

While manual data management can be suitable for a small scale operation, the task
quickly becomes difficult and complicated even for a modest farm size. In that regard,

computers possess the processing power and storage capabilities necessary for performing

virtually all data management activities such as storing, retrieving, analyzing and

presenting data with ease. Moreover, recent advances in computer technology have made

powerful computer hardware available at affordable prices with a large variety of ‘off the

shelf’ software to choose from. Such software have matured with respect to capabilities

and user friendliness to unprecedented levels not even predicted ten years ago.
The potential of computers in data management has spawned the interest of

researchers and farmers alike. For example, Muench, Thomsen and Croissant (1986) of

Island Science, Inc. present Pond Manager, a production data logging and decision

management system for aquaculture. In this system, data are recorded manually and

include environmental data such as air temperature, water temperature, salinity, pH, and

dissolved oxygen, as well as information pertaining to feed, harvest, and stocking. Besides

providing the basic data management routines for storing, retrieving, and reporting data,

Pond Manager supports the management of various farm jobs by providing guidance to

farm operators based on previously stored data. For example, feed scheduled per pond is

printed on the next day’s field data sheet, thereby guiding farm operators.

As another example, Varvarigos and Horne (1987) propose a microcomputer based

data management system for aquaculture. Their system is primarily composed of a desk-

top microcomputer for centrally storing and analyzing farm data using a Lotus1-2-3

worksheet, a pocket computer for directly recording field data, a printer and a modem for

remote downloading of field data from the pocket computer to the desktop computer.

Environmental and stock data are recorded in a standard form presenting the results in a

daily, or weekly format, as required with all the computations performed by the computer.
Killcreas (1988), documents FISHY 2.0, a pond-oriented, menu-driven
microcomputer program that is designed to allow fish farmers to accumulate and analyze
data regarding fish production operations such as stocking, feeding, moving, mortality and
harvest. Moreover, FISHY 2.0 is able to predict fish growth based on previously stored
fish growth parameters. Fish growth estimates can then be used to compute probable
harvest dates and weights. Another feature of FISHY 2.0 is the ability to automatically
generate day-to-day records of events associated with the production operation. Such
records can then be analyzed using RECORDS (Killcreas 1988) or using a spreadsheet
such as LOTUS 1-2-3.
It should be noted that the above examples of the application of computers to
aquaculture data management is by no means exhaustive. Numerous systems are available
or custom designed and are rarely reported in the literature. Moreover, the availability of
powerful user-friendly, ‘off the shelf’, database and spreadsheet software packages make
it possible for the individual fish farmer to effectively manage and analyze his own
production data with minimal technical expertise.
Nevertheless, while sound data records are invaluable for proper decisions,
computerization doesn’t come without cost and thus a cost/benefit analysis is always
warranted. In that regard, when appraising the investment, the computerized system should
be capable of offering a return which at least breaks even with the investment and running
costs. Typical capital expenditure include the necessary hardware and software. The
hardware consists of a computer system with adequate storage capacity and a printer for
printing reports. The software can either be purchased ‘off the shelf’, custom made or
provided through an extension service. Operating expenditure is primarily composed of the
operator’s time required to enter and analyze the data. On the other hand, benefits are in
the form of a more efficient and thus more profitable operation. In some cases, it would be
difficult to quantify the potential benefits, however, as the scale of operation is increased,
particularly through intensification, the adoption of computer database management can be
more easily justified.

4- Computerized Models
In general, a model is a simplified representation of reality for the purpose of
experimenting with alternative strategies (Leung 1986). In that regard, Cuenco (1989)
provides the following reasons on "why is there a need to model aquacultural systems?"

Modeling serves as a powerful tool for the formulation, examination and improvement 

of hypotheses and theories.

Models can make intelligent predictions about the consequences of various 

management strategies on the system.

Modeling provides a working tool to conduct numerous "what if" experiments quickly 

and can evaluate the consequences of various hypotheses or management strategies of

large and complex aquacultural systems which are seldom possible in their natural


Models serve as mechanisms to identify what is not known by organizing what is 

known within the framework of the models.

Models facilitate the evaluation of complex interactions of aquacultural systems. 

Modeling accelerates the use of more quantitative and precise methods in aquaculture 


Models put together knowledge from theoretical, laboratory and field studies into a 

consistent whole so as to identify areas where knowledge is lacking, sparse or


To summarize, model or modeling is used because of economy, availability, and

information handling. It may cost less to derive knowledge from the model than the real

world counterpart such as a large complex aquacultural system. The model may represent

an aquacultural system which does not exist or cannot be easily manipulated. In addition,

the model may provide a convenient medium to collect and/or transmit information.
In aquaculture, models are primarily numerical and thus computationally intensive.

In that regard, computers can provide the processing capabilities needed to make use of

such models. Aquaculture models can be classified as biological, economic, bio-economic,

and bio-physical (Leung 1993). Of particular relevance to aquaculture management are

bio-economic models which are a mathematical description of an aquaculture enterprise

relating its biological, physical, and economic elements for the purpose of assisting

producers and decision makers in identifying optimal production system design and
operation management strategies (Leung 1993). The work by Allen et al. (1984) provides

a comprehensive survey of aquacultural bio-economic models developed in the decade

before 1984 (Table 2), while Leung (1993) reviews the modeling effort since 1984 (Table

3). Moreover, Leung (1993) indicates that while applications are few compared to

agriculture, recent applications show that bio-economic modeling in aquaculture has

followed if not paralleled the latest development in those for agriculture.

As an example of a modeling application in aquaculture at the farm level,

Gempesaw, Lipton and Goggin (1993) present AQUASIM PC, a microcomputer based

program for providing farm managers with an easy to use tool to help analyze aquaculture

business decisions based on the manager’s expectation of key production and market

parameters. AQUASIM PC allows the manager to quantify uncertainty around production

performance and prices, analyzes the effect of this uncertainty on financial performance,

and associates probabilities to financial outcomes.

On the other hand, at the regional level, Sylvia and Anderson (1993) present a bio-

economic model for developing information for private and public salmon aquaculture

policy strategies when environmental issues are important. The two levels of analysis refer

to the two actors - salmon producers and policy makers. While the producers are assumed

to maximize profits, the public policy makers are faced with four policy objectives

including revenue, benthic quality, profits, and tax revenues. The policy instruments in
their study include the number of allowable sites and the effluent tax.

In practice, however, the issue of concern is how many of these models are

available for the practicing fish farmer or decision maker. After all, to make use of such

models requires a reasonable understanding of mathematics and the use of a computer to

solve the often complex system of equations. Furthermore, the survey conducted by

Varvarigos (1991) already indicates that IT is not a priority among fish farm managers. All

of which boils down to the conclusion that although aquaculture models are systematically
developed by modelers from a multitude of disciplines and a large portion of such models

would have a direct impact on aquaculture management, such models are underutilized by

the practicing fish farmer.

The future, however, has a lot to offer. In fact, the recent technological

developments in computer user interface accompanied with the adoption of decision

support system technology provide the tools for modelers to bring their models to their

ultimate users.

5- Decision Support Systems

In effect, decision support systems (DSS) technology can contribute towards

making models available to the aquaculture practitioner by supporting the models with an

appropriate user interface and a data base management system. By making such ever-

increasing number of aquaculture models available to the aquaculture practitioner, decision

support systems can significantly enhance the effectiveness of the decision making process,

both at the farm level as well as at the regional level.

While there is no universally accepted definition of what constitutes a DSS,

Sprague and Carlson (1982) give a definition that captures the key aspects of decision

support systems. They define a DSS as an interactive computer-based system that helps

decision makers utilize data and models to solve managerial problems. Furthermore,
Sprague and Carlson (1982), propose a framework which regards a DSS to be composed

primarily of three main components: a dialog component, a data base component and a

modeling component as shown in Figure 1.

The dialog component is primarily concerned with handling the interface between

the system components and the user. Typical capabilities of the dialog component include,

the ability to handle a variety of dialog styles, to accommodate user actions with a variety

of input devices, to present data in a variety of formats, to provide context sensitive on-line
help, to provide context sensitive error messages, and to allow the user to control

processing in a flexible and easy manner.

The data management component is primarily concerned with all the data

management activities. Typical capabilities of the data management component include,

the ability to provide data maintenance and housekeeping tasks easily and quickly, to

capture/extract data from a variety of sources, to portray logical data structures in user

terms, and to handle personal and unofficial data so that users can experiment with

alternatives based on their own judgments.

The modeling component is primarily concerned with the management of the

model base. Typical capabilities of the model management component include, the ability

to provide model maintenance and housekeeping tasks easily and quickly as well as the

ability to provide interpretation to model results.

Decision support systems are already being used as decision aids to enhance the

effectiveness of the decision making process in organizations in a variety of disciplines.

Eom and Lee (1990) present a survey of the literature on the applications of DSS from

1971 through April 1988. A total of 203 DSS applications articles are compiled and

classified according to 16 different application areas. In Table 4, the results of their survey

is presented. This survey strongly indicates that decision support systems are increasingly

applied in profit and non-profit organizations such as government, military, health care and
education. Moreover, 73% of the articles were published in the last 8 years, but only 27%

during the first 10 years (1971-1980) indicating that the number of DSS applications is

increasing at an increasing rate. However, the number of DSS applications in aquaculture

are relatively few.

In that respect, Ernst, Bolte and Nath (1993) developed a DSS for finfish

aquaculture that is entirely concerned with operational level issues. This DSS consists of

an integrated set of computerized tools, including mathematical programming and logical

algorithms, simulation models, expert systems and graphical user interface that provide

applied and integrated expertise in fish genetics, biology and culture, aquatic chemistry,

engineering and ecosystem processes.

On the other hand, at the regional level, El-Gayar, Leung and Rowland (1994)

present the preliminary design of a prototype DSS that would aid the decision maker or the

planner make choices regarding the planning and the development of the aquaculture

industry for a given region. The system is composed of three main components: a model

base containing all relevant models which are essentially multiple objective in nature, a

data base containing all relevant data, and a dialog component providing a user interface

to the other two primary components of the system. Based on the models and data stored

in the model base and the data base respectively, the system would answer questions such

as: what species to grow? what technology to use? and how much to grow of each species

and/or technology?

In sum, the rapid increase in the number of models developed for aquaculture,

together with their associated data requirements, emphasize the importance of developing

DSS that pool models and data into one easy to use computer system suitable for practical

(and not only research) applications either operational or strategic. The utilization of DSS

technology would serve as a delivery system bringing aquaculture models from the esoteric

world of the academia to the exoteric world of practical application.

6- Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field at the intersection of computer science,

cognitive psychology, logic, linguistics, and mathematics. Although there is no universal

definition of AI or AI-based systems, however, one can loosely define AI as the field of

study concerned with the development of tools and techniques for solving problems that

are normally associated with human intelligence. In briefly presenting basic AI techniques
and application areas it is helpful to adopt a modified version of Nilsson's 'onion' model

shown in Figure (2) and in which the basic AI techniques and tools are at the core and are

surrounded by the main application areas of AI, sometimes considered as sub fields within

AI. In the following paragraphs a brief description of each of the layers of the onion model

is presented.

Knowledge representation is identified as a major AI constituent as it is realized

that intelligent behavior is not so much due to reasoning methods as to a large stock of

relevant and readily available knowledge. Several knowledge representation techniques

have been developed for AI purposes, of which the most important are predicate logic,

production rules, frames and semantic nets (Rauch-Hindin 1986; Schutzer 1986).

Reasoning and logic is one property that sets an AI system apart from more

conventional programs. There are many different forms of reasoning: formal reasoning,

procedural reasoning, reasoning by analogy, generalization and abstraction, default

reasoning, and abduction. However, most current AI programs are based on the foundations

of formal reasoning often refereed to as resolution theorem proving. The forward and

backward inference control strategies commonly found in rule-based expert systems are in

fact special cases of the resolution principle (Schutzer 1986).

In AI, problems are often represented using a state-space approach in which

problem solving is reduced to the process of merely searching for the goal state starting
from some initial state. There are orderly search procedures that guarantee that all paths

will be tried once, these are known as uninformed search methods and for AI problems

they normally lead to a combinatorial explosion. Search is thus speeded up by using

specific knowledge about the application area. Such informed search strategies are known

as heuristic search. Examples of such strategies are the best-first and the branch and bound

(Schutzer 1986).
As AI systems requirements differ from those of traditional programming, special

languages and environments are needed to cater for these differences and thus facilitate

and speed up AI systems development. The main AI languages are LISP and PROLOG

(Schutzer 1986). However, in addition to languages, other integrated development

environments are also used such as expert systems 'shells' for expert systems development

(Rauch-Hindin 1986; Schutzer 1986).

Expert systems (ES), sometimes referred to as knowledge-based systems (KBS),

have been a great success area for AI over the last 15 years. Expert systems are programs

that use knowledge and inferential procedures to solve problems in specific problem

domains. The source of the knowledge is primarily experimental human knowledge or

expertise. ES are currently applied in a multitude of problem domains such as in decision

support e.g., as a financial advisor, in troubleshooting and maintenance, in medical

diagnosis, and in process control (Rauch-Hindin 1986; Schutzer 1986). ES are commonly

developed using shells which are a collection of expert systems building tools that are

designed to assist the developer by minimizing the amount of specialized knowledge,

engineering and programming skills required to build an expert system. Several ES shells

are commercially available in the market such as KEE by Intellicorp and EXSYS by

EXSYS Inc. (Rauch-Hindin 1986; Schutzer 1986).

Natural language processing (NLP), is concerned with the understanding and

generating of text. Applications of NLP are primarily in question-answering systems, in

intelligent user interfaces to computer programs, in intelligent computer aided instruction

and in system building tools (Rauch-Hindin 1986; Schutzer 1986).

Perception is a basic process of intelligence, it basically involves interpreting the

raw signals we receive through our senses e.g., vision, hearing, and touch using the

concepts and knowledge we have previously acquired and stored in our cognitive processor

(Schutzer 1986). Machine perception is thus concerned with the development of techniques
that enable computers to understand and deal with information received through various

sensors. Machine perception can be further divided into two broad fields: computer vision

and speech understanding. Computer vision is concerned with developing techniques that

enable computers to understand the output of 2-D and 3-D sensors i.e., visual information.

Speech understanding, on the other hand, can be considered as an extension of NLP and is

concerned with understanding spoken speech.

Planning can be defined as the design process for selecting and combining together

individual actions into sequences to achieve goals. Some basic AI planning systems are

now being developed that are independent of the application area (Schutzer 1986).

The process of learning has attracted the attention of researchers for a considerable

amount of time. In AI, research into learning includes the desire not only to understand

how people learn, but to provide computers with the ability to learn and to be taught rather

than having to be programmed. It should be noted however that the practical application of

such research is still in its infancy (Schutzer 1986).

With regard to aquaculture, AI applications are just emerging. In 1989, a workshop

was held with the purpose of exploring the ways in which the considerable body of

knowledge developed in this computer related discipline can be applied in fisheries and

aquaculture management (Palmer 1989). A major outcome of this Workshop is the

determination that there is a distinct need to examine the potential for knowledge-based
systems application in fisheries science and aquaculture. The primary motivation of which

is to take advantage of advances in computer sciences and apply these to the needs of

fisheries sciences and aquaculture (Palmer 1989). The Workshop identified areas in

aquaculture where the application of AI approaches is warranted. Table 5 present a list of

such applications together with the associated AI approach. In the next paragraphs, a brief

description of each such application is presented together with any relevant

Referring to the section on the use of computers for control and monitoring tasks,

particularly in automating intensive systems, we say that the ever increasing complexity of

such monitoring and control systems and the high risk involved in dealing with a stock of

high economic value per unit mass indicate the need for timely intelligent decisions many

of which cannot be performed by traditional process control software. Such applications

are already emerging. In that regard, Padala (1990) presents the RIAX prototype system of

Umecorp, Inc. that uses an ES to monitor and control a recirculating intensive aquaculture

system. The Expert Controller (EC) module in RIAX uses rules based on an expert’s

knowledge and experience to deliver control strategies to system activators. The EC can

also be programmed to send data to a computer simulation, run tests and examine the results

to decide upon appropriate responses. Another application also involving the automation

of recirculating aquaculture systems is proposed by Lee (1993). In this application the

control system is interfaced to an ES shell in order to integrate management of the

aquaculture and filtration systems. The author indicates that the technology results in the

real-time monitoring and control of aquaculture systems analogous to that used by human


The establishment of any aquaculture enterprise frequently involves the issue of

site selection. The importance of this issue stems from the need to match the culture

requirements of the species under consideration with those available on site in a manner
that ensures growth and development of the cultured species. The problems involved with

site selection are not due to the unavailability of information, but is due to the fact that the

information available is not easily accessible and is usually not in a form that is

immediately useful to the potential user (Palmer 1989). Knowledge-based systems, when

coupled with a DSS and a geographical information system type database can assist in the

accessibility of information, thereby aiding the selection process. Stokoe and Gray (1990)

report the development of AQUASITE, a computer site assessment system utilizing an ES

shell. The system considers the full range of site assessment criteria and the main species

of interest for aquaculture in the Atlantic region of Canada. Another closely related issue

to site selection is environmental impact assessment. In that regard, Haakanson and Wallin

(1991) address questions concerning the basic setup of an ES applied to environmental

consequence analysis for natural aquatic ecosystems with particular emphasis on nutrient

emissions from fish cage farms in coastal areas.

Disease diagnosis and treatment in aquaculture is another area where AI can be of

assistance in aquaculture operation. In fact, AI applications in medicine, particularly in the

diagnosis and treatment of diseases, already proved reasonably successful (Rauch-Hindin

1986) and there is no reason why that should not be the case in aquaculture. The availability

of such disease diagnosis and treatment systems can provide adequate diagnostic and

treatment capabilities to on-farm operators in a timely manner thereby contributing to the

overall success of the aquaculture operation. Bossu, Mantoni and Saroglia (1989) present

an ES for the diagnosis and the relative therapeutic treatment of sea bass (D. labrax) reared

in thermal effluents. The system utilizes a data base containing data derived from eight

years of observations at the experimental station of Torre Valdalign (Rome, Italy), thereby

making it possible to date back to cases of disease already verified, to the environmental

factors possibly associated with them, and to the therapeutic treatment used in their effects.

The assessment of the impact of non-indigenous species is another application

where AI can prove beneficial particularly, when current thinking leads to the conclusion

that without the introduction of non-indigenous species, commercial aquaculture will not

grow into a major industry (Palmer 1989). Unfortunately, up to our knowledge, no actual

applications are reported in the literature.

Another application areas for AI in aquaculture are in production, processing and

handling of aquaculture products. Examples include examining fish eggs in an incubator

and determining which oyster on a conveyor belt has the desired orientation. Such
applications, however, are still investigated using traditional image processing and pattern

recognition techniques as described in section 7.

The measurement of physical properties such as size, shape and hardness of aquatic

products is particularly important for the design of processing equipment. AI can assist in

providing appropriate techniques for the analysis and interpretation of information

acquired through a variety of technologies including, but not limited to, computer-based

acoustics, optical, chemical and mechanical methods.

Computer-aided design of aquaculture facilities is another application where AI

can prove beneficial. Several computer-aided systems design are reported in the literature,

however, their use of AI techniques is not obvious.

Finally, training aids and education would be quite valuable for providing

managers of aquaculture facilities expertise based on the experience of others (Palmer

1989). In that regard, intelligent computer-assisted learning and instruction can provide an

inexpensive means of refining management skills in an environment that avoids the costly

ramifications of error (Palmer 1989). Unfortunately, no such system is reported in the

literature. However, on the education side, Hanfman, Bielawaki and Lemand (1989)

present REGIS, a regional information system for African aquaculture. REGIS merges

hypermedia and expert systems into a useful easy-to-access information retrieval system

that focuses on African aquaculture. The ES component acts as an advisor on both small
and commercial scale aquaculture ventures in a particular region.

In summary, AI has a lot to offer to aquaculture in general and aquaculture

management in particular, both on the farm-level and on a regulatory level. Unfortunately,

current applications are few as compared to business and manufacturing. However, with

the continuous advancement in computer hardware and software, the future of AI in

aquaculture is indeed promising.

7- Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
Image processing (IP) is primarily concerned with the development of computer

algorithms for the processing of digital images so that the result is more suitable than the

original image for subsequent processing and use. For example, smoothing algorithms are

used for reducing noise and other spurious effects that may be present in an image as a

result of sampling, transmission or disturbance in the environment during image

acquisition. Another example is image enhancement algorithms that are used to

compensate for effects such as shadows and ‘hot spot’ reflectance that may result in an

acquired image in response to improper illumination.

On the other hand, pattern recognition (PR) is primarily concerned with extracting

features regarding the content of an image and then recognizing the different components

of the image. Several recognition approaches are proposed in the literature ranging from

the use of statistical techniques to the utilization of AI concepts and techniques. For the

sake of clarity, AI-based pattern recognition systems are reviewed in section 6 as machine

perception or more specifically computer vision where the aim is of image understanding

and not mere recognition.

In aquaculture, the application of image processing and pattern recognition

techniques are emerging. Table 6 presents a list of such application. In the next paragraphs

a brief description of a few examples of such applications is presented.

Petrell, Neufeld and Savage (1993) present an inexpensive Non-invasive Fish

Enumeration (NIFE) pattern recognition system. The system does not require artificial

lighting or manipulation of the fish. The system is primarily composed of three underwater

video cameras that are integrated with a microcomputer-based image analysis system to

capture fish images in a marine sea cage. The initial results indicate that the system is able

to count the fish within commercial sized sea cages within 5% of the actual count. As the

system was still under development as of 1993, the authors neither provided any estimate
on the cost of such system nor its potential success in a commercial aquaculture production


As another example, Foster et al. (1993) present an algorithm for food pellet

detection and counting. The system is composed of a microcomputer-based image

processing system linked to an under water camera and a video tape recorder. Such

application is particularly important in aquaculture management as it allows to reduce food

wastage and to ensure that the fish receive the correct dosage of drugs. Unfortunately,

improvements are still needed to allow the system to determine the pellet count more


So and Wheaton (1993) present a computer vision control system to sense, locate

and sever the oyster Crassostrea Virginica hinge. The overall efficiency varies from 14.2%

to 38.7% which may not yet be suitable for commercial applications.

In effect, current applications of IP and PR in aquaculture are new and their

commercial viability is still in question. However, services such as non-invasively

determining fish biomass, food management, algae count in live food production and image

analysis of remote sensing data that IP and PR can provide for aquaculture management,

are of particular importance. In that regard, future development of computer technology as

well as IP and PR algorithms would certainly make their commercial applications in

aquaculture a reality.

8- Geographical Information Systems

Geographical information systems (GIS) can be considered as a collection of

integrated computer hardware and software for the purposes of inputting, storing,

manipulating, and presenting geographical data as shown in Figure 3 (Meaden and

Kapetsky 1991).
In aquaculture, the applications of GIS is proliferating at an unprecedented pace

particularly in the field of planning for aquaculture development. In that regard, the need

and importance of GIS application in aquaculture can be summarized as follows:

there is an urgent need to secure and optimize suitable aquaculture sites (Meaden and 

Kapetsky 1991).

the voluminous amount of data to be considered, including, water, land, human 

resources, and economic data.

the need for a systematic approach to data acquisition and analysis that is able to cope 

with a wide range of source data types and origins (Ross, Mendoza and Beveridge


GIS are already utilized in the planning for aquaculture development. Table 7

presents a list of such applications. As an example of such studies, Kapetsky, McGregor

and Nanne (1987), in one of the earliest studies on the use of GIS in aquaculture, assess

the capabilities of a GIS and satellite remote sensing to rapidly provide synoptic

information to plan for aquaculture development. The region of concern is the Gulf of

Nicoya on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Utilizing remote sensing data, GIS is used to

evaluate locations for three aquaculture development opportunities: inter-tidal, sub-tidal

and suspended culture; extensive culture of shrimp and fish in solar salt ponds; and semi-

intensive shrimp culture outside of mangrove areas. The criteria for evaluation included
salinity, infrastructure and water quality for all culture types. The results indicate that

opportunities exist for aquaculture development. However, further ground and water

investigations are needed to verify the suitability of individual areas identified before

development programs can be planned in detail. The authors then conclude that GIS and

satellite remote sensing technologies can be combined to provide a variety of information

useful for planning for aquaculture development. However, while this approach is

technologically feasible, it can be relatively expensive to implement, particularly in the

context of developing countries. The authors thus suggest that to improve its cost

effectiveness, time and expenses for the development of a central GIS facility can be shared

with other departments of the government that are likely to benefit from its services.

As a recent example of GIS applications in aquaculture, Ross, Mendoza and

Beveridge (1993), assess the potential of GIS for site selection in coastal aquaculture using

as an example salmonid cage culture development in Scotland. The criteria for evaluation

included bathymetry, current, shelter, and water quality. The results suggest that a total of

1.26 ha. (6.4% of the total area) are suitable for cage culture. The authors then conclude

that the GIS approach to site selection has the potential to give useful results, the reliability

of which depends on the accuracy of the source data. The total cost of the GIS approach is

about $9000; $90 for software, $1000 for skilled labor and $7910 for hardware. This is

compared to a manual analysis and processing cost of $2000. However, the authors note

that the cost differences is derived from the initial purchase of the required hardware and

will reduce rapidly with each subsequent use of the GIS. Moreover, manual assessment

produces results which may be biased by subjective personal assumptions and not based

on actual bio-technological limitations thereby further justifying the adoption of GIS


In effect, several perceived benefits have promoted the quick expansion of GIS

applications in aquaculture. Most important of which include: the ease to analyze different
scenarios by varying the initial assumptions and criteria, the possibility to accommodate

data from widely differing spatial sources such as field work data, remote sensing imagery

and secondary maps, the efficient access to a huge volume of data thereby improving the

quality of decisions, and the cost effectiveness realized on the farm level by optimizing its

location and on the public level by optimizing resource allocation.

On the other hand, problems do exist with the proper applications of GIS in

aquaculture. Most important of which include: the difficulty in quantitatively assessing the
perceived benefits of a particular GIS application for comparison with the projected cost,

the extremely slow process of digitizing maps which in turn translates to cost overhead,

the potential errors encountered in utilizing much of the poor quality existing hard copies

of graphical and tabular data, the shortage of GIS skilled personnel, and the lack of user-

friendly interfaces to many existing systems. For a comprehensive review of GIS in

aquaculture, we recommend Meaden and Kapetsky (1991).

9- Information centers and computer networks

The ability of computers to store and retrieve large amounts of information in an

organized fashion, coupled with the advent of high speed reliable communication systems

form the foundations for information centers and computer networks. In aquaculture,

Swann, Jensen and Einstein (1995) illustrate the use of the Aquaculture Network

Information Center (AquaNIC). AquaNIC contains a wide variety of information that can

be either viewed on the user’s computer monitor, downloaded via modem, or a copy sent

to the user’s electronic mail (e-mail) address. Moreover, AquaNIC allows the user to link

to other aquaculture databases on the Internet, thereby acting as a gateway to the world’s

electronic resources in aquaculture.

Benn and Kuhns (1995), introduce FISHNET, a special interest group forum on

CompuServe, a commercial, but widely used computer network. In their presentation, the
authors demonstrated how the forum’s message board can be used for information

exchange, toured the various libraries, and demonstrated how to access and acquire

information from them. They also demonstrated the live conferencing abilities of the


Another information resource is the Delaware’s Aquaculture Resource Center,

established in October 1991 by the Delaware Sea Grant Marine Advisory Service (Ewart

1995). The center’s collection provides public access to more than 1200 titles including
bibliographies, books, catalogs, extension fact sheets, periodicals, state aquaculture plans,

technical reports and videos. Moreover, the center provides access to AquaNIC and other

on-line information resources. During its years of operation, the center is proving to be an

effective means for organizing and disseminating technical, economic and legal/regulatory

information primarily at the state and local levels (Ewart 1995).

Another application is a Compact Disk Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) based

electronic information system developed by the Institute for Food and Agricultural

Sciences, University of Florida, and is known as the Florida Agricultural Information

Retrieval System (FAIRS). FAIRS is a multi-disciplinary, hypermedia (i.e., utilizing

different forms of information such as text, images, sound and video clips) database system

providing extension personnel and their related industry with a rapid diverse desktop

library (Lazur 1995). FAIRS contains over 2,000 agricultural extension publications,

building plans and several plant selection programs. The system also offers a special

publishing program that allows for existing or new publications, tables, graphs and

photographs to be incorporated into electronic handbooks on compact discs. Lazur (1995)

notes that FAIRS has greatly increased the counties extension offices’ abilities to provide

diverse information to their users.

The large volume of diversified aquaculture information made available by the

merger of computer database and networking capabilities is invaluable to aquaculture

farmers, planners and researchers alike. However, accessing such information involves

several issues:

the acquisition of the necessary hardware represented by a computer system, a modem 

to interface the computer to the telephone line and a printer to print the desired


the acquisition of appropriate communication software that is responsible for initiating 

and controlling a communication session.

the acquaintance with some networking and communication terminology necessary for 

setting up the modem and the communication software.

the existence of a suitable information source and the information required to access 

that source. Such information can be in the form of Internet commands such as

TELNET and FTP accompanied by the necessary login information such as a user

identification and password information.

for information sources only accessible through the Internet, access to an Internet 

gateway is required. For individual fish farmers, Internet gateway access can be

available through extension services, local universities or from commercial providers.

For the planner, much of these issues are normally resolved by the information

technology support unit in his/her organization. However, for the individual fish farmer,

the situation is quite different. In fact, without the availability of extension services for

providing the necessary technical support for the initial set-up and ideally, for providing

an Internet gateway access, setting up a computer system for on-line information access

can become a costly and time consuming operation.

Moreover, and as with any farm investment, proper investment appraisal in which

cost is weighted against potential benefit is warranted. Costs include capital expenditure

on the necessary hardware and software, and operating expenditure primarily in the form

of communication costs and a monthly fee for the commercial Internet gateway provider
or the commercial network such as CompuServe or Prodigy. On the other hand, benefits

are primarily in the form of readily available technical and market information, the value

of which is often hard to quantify.

10- Concluding remarks

While advanced information technologies hold great promise for aquaculture

management at the farm as well as the regional level, IT potential in aquaculture has not
been realized yet. Even for mature and commercially available technologies such as

instrumentation and process control, there are relatively few applications compared to

agriculture and manufacturing. Obstacles for adoption are mainly attributed to the

difficulty in perceiving and quantifying the potential benefits as well as the tendency to

distrust new technologies. In fact, the result of a survey conducted in 1987 and reported by

Varvarigos (1991) concerning production planning and the management of information on

293 salmon and trout farms in the United Kingdom, indicates that IT is not a priority among

fish farm managers. In effect, microcomputers were used mainly for accounting and word

processing. Computerization when rejected was primarily on grounds of excessive costs

and time requirements. Moreover, besides the cost factor in utilizing IT in aquaculture, fish

farmers and planners in countries that do not produce the necessary hardware and software

may face additional problems regarding the acquisition and maintenance of the necessary

equipment (Lester, Perkins and Wang 1987).

To help alleviate obstacles to IT adoption, extension services can play an important

role in demonstrating the benefits of IT to farmers as well as in providing the necessary

technical support.

To conclude, while the result of the survey by Varvarigos (1991) is somewhat

disappointing, the steady decline in computer hardware prices together with its increasing

functionality and the availability of flexible, user friendly and powerful software would
definitely contribute toward encouraging more fish farmers to adopt information

technology, changing the situation in the years to come.


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Table 1: Instrumentation and process control applications in aquaculture.

Principal Applications Author(s)

Bevan and Kramer (1987); Bjordal
Environmental monitoring and control
(1987); Plaia (1987); Ebeling and
Losordo (1989); Hanson (1992);
Water quality data acquisition systems Fenaux et al. (1985); Krom et al.
(1985); Moller and Dahl-Madsen
(1987); Piedrahita, Ebeling and
Losordo(1987); Losordo,
Piedrahita and Ebeling (1988);
Vandermeulen (1991)
Dissolved oxygen monitoring and control Warming (1987); Dartez (1989);
Lyon et al. (1993)
Automated continuous algal production system Rusch and Malone (1989); Malara
and Sciandra (1991)
Monitoring and control of aquaculture plants Hansen (1987); Sanno (1987);
Munasinge et al. (1993); Rusch
and Malone (1993)
Automation and control Jorgensen (1987); Oiestad (1987);
Wang (1988)
Table 2: List of Bio-economic Models in the First Decade :1974 to 1983

Principal Applications Model

Schedule of release dates and choice of stocks in hatchery Johnson (1974)

Optimal temperature for lobster culture Botsford, Rauch and Shleser
Optimal culture systems: stacked tray, raceway and silo Schuur, Allen and Botsford
(1974); Botsford et al. (1975)
Optimal schedule of fertilizer application Emanuel and Mulholland (1975)
Evaluating indirect heating from electric generating Callaghan (1975)
station thermal effluent
Design and operation of an aquaculture facility Rauch, Botsford and Shleser
Optimal stocking, feeding and harvesting decisions Sparre (1976)
Defining areas in which research success would have Allen and Johnston (1976);
high potential rewards Johnston and Botsford (1981)
Choice of heat sources Botsford (1977); Botsford et al.
Optimal fish culture decisions in a water re-use system Gates, MacDonald and Pollard
and financial feasibility analysis (1980a, b)
Combination of purchases and culture activities that Lipschultz and Krantz (1980)
minimized total culture cost
Financial feasibility of shrimp growout operation Adams et al. (1980a,b)
Directing future research needs Griffin et al. (1981)
Optimal harvesting strategy Talpaz and Tsur (1982)
A generalized budget simulation system Griffin, Jensen and Adams (1983)
Optimal aquacultural plant design McNown and Seireg (1983)
Optimal Harvesting Azizan (1983)
Cost of producing the Japanese clam van Hemelryck (as described in
Allen et al. 1984)
Table 3: List of Bio-economic Models in the Past Decade :1984 to 1993

Principal Applications Model

Directing future research Griffin et al. (1984)

Comparison of different culture systems Syed (1985)
Financial performance of shrimp farms Hanson et al. (1985)
Optimal management (harvesting policy) of algal Tsur and Hochman (1986)
Optimal stocking and harvesting Karp, Sadeh and Griffin (1986)
Size and product mix of commercial sturgeon production Logan and Shigekawa (1986)
Value of information in production process Sadeh (1986)
Evaluating production choices Hatch et al. (1987)
Assessing risk-income tradeoffs for alternative Hatch and Atwood (1988)
production activities
Aeration strategy Engle and Hatch (1988)
Optimal harvesting of farmed fish Bjorndal (1988)
Evaluating candidate species for mariculture Wu (1989)
Optimal stocking and harvesting strategies Leung and Shang (1989)
Financial evaluation of alternative design and operation Leung and Rowland (1989)
Assessing risk-income tradeoffs for alternative Hatch, Atwood and Segar (1989)
production activities
Optimal harvest schedule Hochman et al. (1990)
Optimal operation and management Bala and Satter (1990)
Synchronizing broiler and fish growth cycles for organic Alsagoff, Clonts and Jolly (1990)
fertilization of fish ponds
Production scheduling and strategic planning w.r.t. Shaftel and Wilson (1990)
technological changes
Cost-effective feeding regimes for pond-reared fish Cacho, Hatch and Kinnucan
(1990); Cacho, Kinnucan and
Hatch (1991);
Optimum harvest time Springborn et al.(1992)
Optimal species selection and harvest schedule LaFranchi (1992)
Optimal aquafarm structure and size Tian (1993)
Optimal length of harvest cycle Tisdell et al. (1993)
Optimizing public and private net-pen salmon Sylvia and Anderson (1993)
aquaculture strategies
Optimal production management strategies - single-batch Engle and Pounds (1993)
vs. multiple batch
Economics of vertical integration in striped bass Gempesaw II et al.(1993)
Optimum replacement of broodstock for rainbow trout Logan and Johnston (1993)
Evaluating economic benefits of incorporating a small Bacon et al. (1993)
scale trout enterprise with a grain and broiler farm
Optimal harvest (rotation) age Leung, Shang and Tian (1994)
Choices of species El-Gayar and Leung (1993)
Table 4: Major DSS application areas and the number of articles published in the field during
the period from 1971 to April 1988 as reported by Eom and Lee (1990).

Application area Number of applications

1. Corporate functional management 133

1.1 Accounting/auditing 4

1.2 Finance 19

1.3 Human resources management 10

1.4 International business 5

1.5 Information systems 10

1.6 Marketing/Transportation/Logistics 44

1.7 Production and operation management 27

1.8 Strategic management 14

2. Agriculture 3

3. Education 7

4. Government 6

5. Hospital and health care 10

6. Military 7

7. Natural resources 12

8. Urban and community planning 6

9. Miscellaneous 19

Total 203
Table 5 : AI approaches for aquaculture applications (Palmer 1989).

AI approach Aquaculture application

Intelligent control Monitoring and control of intensive

aquaculture systems.
Knowledged-Based Decision Support Systems Aquaculture site selection.
Aquatic organism disease diagnosis and
Aquaculture system design.
Environmental impact assessment for
Deep model Non-indigenous species introduction
Machine perception and classification Machine perception and classification in
aquaculture production and processing.
Physical properties measurement of aquatic
Computer-assisted processing Computer integrated processing of aquatic
Intelligent computer-assisted learning and Training aids in aquaculture.
Educational programs for aquaculture.
Table 6 : Application of image processing and pattern recognition in aquaculture.

Principal Applications Model

Fish biomass measurement Boyle, Asgeisson and Pigott

Fish counting Petrell, Neufeld and Savage
Size assessment Naiberg et al. (1993)
Production and processing of aquatic products Chen and Wheaton (1988); So and
Wheaton (1993);
Detecting and counting uneaten food pellets Foster et al. (1993)
Weight and growth estimation Poxton and Golgsworthy (1987)
Counting of microalgae in culture Brown et al. (1989)
Determination of growth and mortality rates Roegner (1988)
In remote sensing applications O’Connor et al. (1989)
Table 7 : GIS applications in aquaculture.

Principal Applications Author(s)

Catfish farming development in Lousiana, U.S.A. Kapetsky, Hill and Worthy (1988);
Kapetsky et al. (1990)
Aquaculture development in Costa Rica Kapetsky, McGregor and Nanne
Aquaculture development in Johor state, Malaysia. Kapetsky (1989)
Fish farming opportunities in Ghana Kapetsky et al. (1991)
Assessment of the potential for salmonid cage culture in Ross, Mendoza and Beveridge
Scotland. (1993)
Assessing the potential for carp culture in Pakistan. Ali, Ross and Beveridge (1991)
Assessment of the suitability of the Norwegian coastal Srekk, Kryvi and Elvestad (1992)
zone and rivers for aquaculture.
Data base Modeling
component component



Figure 1 : DSS framework (adapted from Sprague and Carlson, 1982).

Figure 2 : Nilsson’s Onion model (modified).




Maps products

Tabular Statistics
Field tables
Capture Store Manipulate Display
Encode and and and Data for
Remote other GIS
Edit Retrieve analyze Report
Data for
Other GIS other digital

Data for

User requirements

Figure 3 : Systems Diagram to illustrate GIS (Meaden and Kapetsky, 1991).

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