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Academy oi Management Review

2001, Vol. 26, No. 3, 356-376.


Florida International University
University of Connecticut
George Mason University
In this article we examine the meaning oi team process. We first define team process
in the context of a multiphase episodic framework related to goal accomplishment,
arguing that teams are multitasking units that perform multiple processes simultaneously and sequentially to orchestrate goal-directed taskwork. We then advance a
taxonomy of team process dimensions synthesized from previous research and theorizing, a taxonomy that reflects our time-based conceptual framework. We conclude
with implications for future research and application.

Much of the work in organizations is completed through teamwork: people working together to achieve something beyond the capabilities of individuals working alone. Success is
not only a function of team members' talents
and the available resources but also the processes team members use to interact with each
other to accomplish the work. Understanding the
processes that employees use to work together
in teams will enable organizations to retool human resource systems and managers to select,
train, develop, and reward personnel for effective teamwork.
The realization that process plays a pivotal
role in team performance has led to a proliferation of team studies in applied settings and research laboratories in the past twenty years.
During this time, there has been increased attention on developing theoretical models of
team effectiveness, with team processes occupying a central role (e.g., Gist, Locke, & Taylor,
1987; Guzzo & Shea, 1992; Hackman, 1983). In
these models researchers generally have
adopted an input-process-outcome (I-P-O)
framework. They view processes as mediating
mechanisms linking such variables as member,
team, and organizational characteristics with

such criteria as performance quality and quantity, as well as members' reactions.

With the growing interest in team research,
these conceptual models have rapidly gained
popularity as the foundation for hundreds of empirical studies. Yet there remains a need for
greater conceptual clarity in our understanding
of teamwork, since there is still no unified conception of what team processes are and how
they operate during team goal accomplishment.
To further our ability to assess teamwork processes in studies of team effectiveness, we need
a common conceptual and structural foundation
for the concept of team process.
Our purpose in this article is to advance future studies of team effectiveness by taking a
detailed look at the concept of team process
along four major themes. First, we offer a definition of team process aimed at reducing some
of the current confusion in the literature over
this ubiquitous term, and we discuss the types of
variables that fall under the process umbrella,
as well as identify those that do not. Second, we
advance a temporally based conceptual model
of team processes that, we believe, has widespread applicability to many team types, and
we articulate how team processes operate in
recurring phases within an episodic framework
of team performance. Third, we introduce a new
taxonomy of team process dimensions, arguing
that there are ten critical processes clustered

This research was funded in part by the Airforce Office for

Sponsored Research (AFSOR) Contract #F49620-98-1-0278.


Marts, Mathieu, and Zaccaro

into three liigher-level categories, distinguishable on the basis of time (relatively speaking)
and content domain. This taxonomy is wed to
the time-based model that we advance and
grounded heavily in prior work in this area. Finally, we provide recommendations for using
this taxonomy to further team process assessment in research and practice.

Our review of the literature featuring investigations or discussions of team process revealed
surprisingly few definitions of the construct, and
the ones provided typically were very general in
nature. For example, in a recent review of team
effectiveness research, Cohen and Bailey define
team process as "interactions such as communication and conflict that occur among group
members and external others" (1997: 244).
McGrath refers to team interaction process as
"patterned relations" among team members
(1984a: 11). Although these types of definitions
give readers a "feel" for what is meant by team
process, they are not specific enough to provide
clear guidance to researchers. We define team
process as membeis' inteidependent acts that
convert inputs to outcomes thTough cognitive,
verbal, and behavioral activities directed toward organizing taskwork to achieve collective
goals. Centrally, team process involves members' interacting with other members and their
task environment. Team processes are the
means by which members work interdependently to utilize various resources, such as expertise, equipment, and money, to yield meaningful outcomes (e.g., product development, rate
of work, team commitment, satisfaction).
We, as have others, distinguish team processes from taskwork, defined as "a team's interactions with tasks, tools, machines, and systems" (Bowers, Braun, & Morgan, 1997: 90).
Taskwork represents what it is that teams are
doing, whereas teamwork describes how they
are doing it with each other. Taskwork is critical
to team effectiveness and depends heavily on
member competence as well as team processes.
Team processes are used to direct, align, and
monitor taskwork. Of course, this distinction
may become blurry in practice, but our focus
here is on the team processes that enable teams
to orchestrate taskwork activities for goal accomplishment.


Certain organizational contexts may place a

premium on particular forms of teamwork
(Guzzo & Shea, 1992), but here we address somewhat more general processes that have widespread applicability. We delineate the multidimensional nature of team process later, in the
section on taxonomy development. For now, our
point is that teams use different types of processes to convert inputs into outcomes. A review
of the process literature indicates that most authors believe the essence of the construct lies in
team interaction and that different forms of
team processes describe the types of interactions that take place among team members during the course of goal accomplishment. We
should note, however, that the nature of the
team activity performed might act as a boundary condition for the points we advance below.
More specifically, Sundstrom (1999) suggests
that work teams could be categorized into six
types: (1) project, (2) production, (3) service,
(4) action/performing, (5) management, and (6)
parallel. As will become evident below, because
of the temporal nature of activities performed,
our framework pertains best to the first four
types of teams listed above and less to management and parallel teams.

Even with general agreement on the conceptual meaning of team process, widespread concerns exist regarding the selection and operationalization of process variables for use in
research. One particular problem that has
slowed the progression of the team process literature is the diversity of variables that have
been selected as "processes" in tests of I-P-O
relationships. For example, variables such as
collective efficacy, potency, cohesion, and situational awareness have been used frequently to
represent process. We submit that these types of
constructs do not denote interaction processes
but, instead, tap qualities of a team that represent member attitudes, values, cognitions, and
motivations. We prefer to call these types of
variables "emergent states": constructs that
characterize properties of the team that are typically dynamic in nature and vary as a function
of team context, inputs, processes, and outcomes.
Emergent states describe cognitive, motivational, and affective states of teams, as opposed
to the nature of their member interaction. Al-


Academy of Management Review

though researchers have not typically classified

them as such, emergent states can be considered both team inputs and proximal outcomes.
For example, teams with low cohesion (an emergent state) may be less willing to manage existing conflict (the process), which, in turn, may
create additional conflict that lowers cohesion
levels even further. This distinction is important,
because indices of emergent states are often
intermingled with interactional process indicators (e.g., coordination), which results in serious
construct contamination. Emergent states do not
represent team interaction or team actions that
lead toward outcomes. Rather, they are products
of team experiences (including team processes)
and become new inputs to subsequent processes and outcomes. The point is that emergent
states are not processes in and of themselves,
because they do not describe the nature of member interaction.
In their review of applied team research, Cohen and Bailey (1997) make a related point by
distinguishing processes from team psychosocial traits. Psychosocial traits are not explicitly
defined in their article, but the authors provide
examples of them: shared mental models,
norms, affect, and cohesion. In a model they
present (Cohen & Bailey, 1997), psychosocial
traits are predicted by inputs and processes,
and they drive both subsequent processes and
outcomes. We choose to consider these variables emergent states rather than "traits" because of their mutable qualities. A trait is "a
relatively enduring characteristic" (Kerlinger,
1986: 453) that has an air of permanency,
whereas states are more fluid and more easily
influenced by context. Some emergent states
vary frequently, even in fairly short periods of
time. For example, cockpit crews can phase in
and out of situational awareness at different
points during a single flight. Other states, such
as cohesion, are malleable in newly formed
teams but tend to remain fairly stable in those
with a long history (Mullen & Copper, 1994).
Emergent states and other team traits and
characteristics serve as inputs and influence the
execution of teamwork processes and taskwork,
which are likely to alter subsequent emergent
states, as well as teamwork and taskwork further down the line. This cyclical pattern continues until teams reach more distal team outcomes. Teamwork processes and taskwork often
seemingly co-occur, especially in highly inter-


dependent team contexts (e.g., fielding and

throwing the baseball are critical taskwork components involved in turning a double play, but
the coordination at second base is critical).
Processes guide the execution of taskwork. Yet
the way in which taskwork is executed (e.g.,
quality and efficiency of work) certainly impacts
the need for processes to govern further team
In sum, the term teamwork processes describes interdependent team activities that orchestrate taskwork in employees' pursuit of
goals. Teamwork processes are the vehicles that
transform team inputs to both proximal and
longer-term outcomes. To avoid construct confusion and to sharpen the conception of team process, investigators must recognize the distinctions among teamwork processes, taskwork,
emergent states, and more permanent team
traits and characteristics.

The purpose of the recuning phase model of

team processes is to outline how temporal factors impact team functioning. Although previous
authors have offered valuable taxonomies of
team processes, none to date have tied them
explicitly to a dynamic model of team effectiveness. Our framework is consistent with Zaheer,
Albert, and Zaheer's (1999) recent call for more
attention on time and how temporal intervals
influence organizational processes. We argue
that different team processes are critical at different phases of task execution and that I-P-O
relationships occur over a series of related cycles. We advance this framework by (1) reviewing and synthesizing relevant background literature that describes how temporal influences
affect teams, (2) introducing the logic of episodes as sequenced temporal units in which
teams perform on their path to goal accomplishment, and (3) presenting a recurring phase
model and the notions of transition and action
phases to describe temporal influences on team
Temporal Influences on Teams
No work-related tasks are performed in a vacuum, unaffected by deadlines, time limits, or
schedules. Work teams strive toward collective


Maiks. Mathieu, and Zaccaio

goals that incorporate time as a component

(Locke & Latham, 1990). Time factors such as
project deadlines, synchronization of schedules,
alignment of coordination efforts, and so forth
dictate many aspects of team functioning, including the strategies that are employed, the
pace of activities, and role assignments that
develop in order for the teams to perform successfully. Time-based rhythms act to shape how
teams manage their behavior. However, there is
a paucity of research on how teams integrate
temporal processes into their functioning. In the
vast majority of empirical studies, researchers
have taken a rather static perspective when it
comes to examining team effectiveness
(McGrath, 1993). By this we mean that researchers have traditionally examined I-P-O relationships within a single task accomplishment period. Even when authors observe teams over
more extensive periods, in their analyses they
usually aggregate process data gathered over
time into a summary index that portrays direct
process^outcome relationships (e.g., Barry &
Stewart, 1997). Thus, variance across time is collapsed into a static indicator of teamwork process as though it occurs at a single point in time.
The result is that temporal factors are eliminated from further examination.
The framework advanced here is designed to
explain how time relates to team goal attainment, rather than phases of a team life cycle or
development (e.g., Tuckman, 1965). Some researchers have focused directly on the role of
time as related to team goal-related activities
(e.g., Gersick, 1988, 1989; Kelly & McGrath, 1985).
However, there have been few efforts to synthesize this body of work and to expand it to explain goal attainment with a dynamic model
of team functioning. Kozlowski, Gully, Nason,
and Smith's (1999) team development model
and McGrath's (1991) theory of time, interaction,
and performance (TIP) are two important exceptions. Kozlowski et al. (1999) argue that team
tasks cycle in intensity and that these cycles are
used to develop learning skills at different
stages of development. We build on their view
that "team compilation" is "a sequence of modal
phases and transition points" and that different
team activities occur in different phases of team
development (1999: 248-250).
McGrath (1991) argues that teams simultaneously manage multiple bundles of activities
over time. A significant aspect of this manage-


ment is the "complex matching of bundles of

activities to paiticulai periods of time" (1991:
163; emphasis added). We share McGrath's view
that teams are typically engaged in the pursuit
of multiple goals simultaneously; thus, several
tasks are often being juggled at any one time.
The pursuit of multiple goals simultaneously
"creates an environment where members are
engaged in complex sequences of interdependent tasks that comprise a larger project"
(McGrath, 1991: 149). McGrath talks about time
as an environmental driver, and we further this
with the notion that time is linked to goal accomplishment in an episodic framework. For
simplicity's sake, we begin by explaining the
role of temporal influences on the achievement
of a single team goal, although later we elaborate to point out the complexities that teams
face when managing task accomplishment in
the pursuit of multiple goals.
Team Performance Episodes
Team performance trajectories most commonly consist of several I-P-O-type cycles that
run sequentially and simultaneously. Our
framework is based on the idea that teams perform in temporal cycles of goal-directed activity,
called "episodes" (Weingart, 1997; Zaheer et al.,
1999). Episodes are distinguishable periods of
time over which performance accrues and feedback is avaiiabie (Mathieu & Button, 1992). They
constitute the rhythms of task performance for
teams, and they are marked by identifiable periods of action and transition periods between
actions. Episodes' durations stem largely from
the nature of the tasks that teams perform and
the technology that they employ, and from the
manner in which members choose to complete
work. Episodes are most easily identified by
goals and goal accomplishment periods. The
conclusion of one episode normally marks the
initiation of another, whether these are work
orders, quarterly sales profits, or halves of a
sporting event (although there are variations on
this patternmost notably, more complex arrangements where episodes overlap). Episodes
may vary substantially in their length and consistency, and they are often segmented into sections or subepisodes of more limited scope and
duration that contribute to the larger effort. Further, each episode has a valence, or relative
importance, attached to it that may heighten or


Academy of Management Review

weaken its salience to the team, given the myriad of demands the team faces.
Up to this point we have discussed performance episodes as though teams pursue just
one of them at a time. However, virtually all
present-day work teams have to multitask in
order to manage several performance episodes
simultaneously (McGrath, 1991). Consequently,
they often work in multiple performance episodes at a given point in time, each with its
constituent subgoals and episodes and with its
associated rhythms and sequence. Just as teams
need to break down and sequence subepisode
accomplishments, they must orchestrate multiple episode interfaces. Moreover, the timing and
duration of these episodes may often differ
markedly and cause even greater coordination
demands. The primary challenge is for teams to
develop and execute a multifaceted plan of
work that simultaneously manages performance gaps in each of their important performance episodes.
The complexities described above are handled by a host of team processes. First, there is a
premium on understanding the larger work environment within which the team is operating,
developing appropriate strategies and contingency plans, and specifying clear goals during
transition phases. The role of communication is
heightened, especially during periods when
members need to coordinate actions and to monitor the environment and the team's progress.
Pressures and demands inevitably lead to confusion and conflict among members and can
erode their motivation, confidence, and morale.
Processes are the means by which teams manage all of these concerns during multiepisodic
goal accomplishment. The types of processes
that occur differ, in part, because of the particular activities that are being conducted at any
given time during a performance episode.
We now turn to a discussion of a model that
explains what types of processes are more likely
to occur at different periods within performance
Recurring Phase Model of Team Processes
We introduce the notion of a recurring phase
model of team processes to delineate the role of
process in performance episodes. We submit
that, over time, team performance is best viewed
as a series of related I-P-O episodes. We assert


that I-P-O models are attached to episodes and

subepisodes, rather than the entire life cycle of
the team. Outcomes from initial episodes often
become inputs for the next cycle. Processes are
likely to vary in importance across episodes.
Adopting this episodic approach suggests
that teams are actively engaged in different
types of taskwork at different phases of task
accomplishment. Sometimes they are focused
on activities related directly to goal accomplishment, while at other times they are reflecting on
past performance and planning for future action. We refer to these different emphases as
"action" and "transition phases." Action phases
are periods of time when teams are engaged in
acts that contribute directly to goal accomplishment (i.e., taskwork). Such actions may vary considerably by team type. Surgical teams perform
operations, marketing teams develop advertising campaigns, and product development teams
coordinate design efforts. In contrast, transition
phases are periods of time when teams focus
primarily on evaluation and/or planning activities to guide their accomplishment of a team
goal or objective. These refer to the times when
teams take inventory of how well they performed during the previous episode and prepare
for the upcoming episode. Teams compare current performance levels against goals and derive performance gaps. Closing these gaps, in
combination with current and anticipated future
assignments, guides the development of future
performance goals and the strategies to achieve
Figure 1 illustrates the temporal rhythm of
team task accomplishment by integrating the
central elements of our conceptual framework of
team process. It depicts four different types of
performance episodes that a team might execute while multitasking; these episodes vary in
terms of their onset and cycle times. Task 1 depicts a fairly fast cycle rhythm with cyclical
transition and action phases. Task 2 illustrates a
much greater period of sustained activity before
goal accomplishment is evaluated. Task 3 falls
in between these two, whereas Task 4 represents a cycle similar to the first but in which the
onset is delayed relative to the others. As Task 1
indicates, longer-term episodes are often segmented into sections or subepisodes of more
limited scope and duration that contribute to the
larger effort. I-P-O cycles are nested in action
and transition phases within episodes; thus.

Marks. Mathieu. and Zaccaio



The Rhythm of Team Task Accomplishment

T "^ P


~^ O




T "^ P
Task 2

Task 3







Task 4





"^ O



I-^Pl-N-^ O

I-^Pi...N-> 0





outputs generated from processes that occur

during a transition phase, for example, become
inputs for the ensuing action phase. Figure 1
shows that processes occur over and over again
during team episodes, influenced by inputs (including emergent states) and influencing proximal outcomes (also including emergent states)
within action and transition phases and across
tasks and time as teams move toward goal accomplishment.
The nature of team process changes as teams
move back and forth between action and transition phases. Teamwork processes that revolve
around planning and evaluation occur more frequently in transition phases. In contrast, coordination and monitoring processes are likely to
dominate the action phases of goal accomplishment. Thus, the cyclical transition-action phases
highlight the types of team processes needed at
a given time. The frequency, length, and predictability of action and transition phase alterations
are functions of a variety of variables, such as
team objectives, environment, expertise, norms,
and leadership. Even so, transition and action

phases are not always separate periods and

frequently blend into one another. Recall at the
outset that we noted that team type may operate
as an important boundary condition. Whereas
the temporal rhythms of project, production, service, and action teams are fairly easy to discern,
those of managerial and parallel teams are less
apparent. Further, product, production, service,
and action teams require taskwork activities
that follow from planning, strategy, goal setting,
and other preparations. In contrast, the actual
taskwork activities of managerial and many
parallel teams involve analyzing situations, formulating strategies, setting goals, and so forth.
Although we still believe that one can distinguish between periods when a team decides
how it will make decisions and the actual decision-making activities, the lines of demarcation
are less clear.
In sum, we submit that identifying salient performance episodes is critical to understanding
not only what but when team processes become
critical to goal accomplishment. The transition
and action phases delineate when certain team


Academy of Management Review

processes are likely to be most salient. We further submit that because the timing and rhythm
of these episodes are somewhat arbitrary and
idiosyncratic, a thorough team task analysis
(Bowers, Baker, & Salas, 1994) is required to
identify them. In the following sections we discuss the specific nature of the processes that
occur during transition and action phases of
team functioning.

The recurring phase model of team processes

highlights the idea that process is multidimensional and that teams use different processes
simultaneously and over performance episodes
in order to multitask effectively. Some processes
transpire more frequently in action phases and
others in transition periods. In prior taxonomies
of team processes (e.g., Fleishman & Zaccaro,
1992; Prince & Salas, 1993), although providing a
wealth of useful information, researchers have
not incorporated a multiphase perspective of
team processes. This perspective requires a different taxonomic structure in which processes
nested within transition and action phases are
recognized. This taxonomy does not offer "new"
process dimensions per se but, rather, a new
temporally based categorization system for existing constructs that fit the definition of team
process proposed in this article.


sions with those of earlier taxonomic and

empirical efforts. This illustrates how our work
dovetails with that of others.
The taxonomy contains a hierarchical structure. The ten process dimensions are nested
within three superordinate categories: (1) transition phase piocesses, (2) action phase processes,
and (3) interpersonal processes. We argue that
some processes are more likely to occur during
transition periods, whereas others are more
likely to occur during action periods. Interpersonal processes are expected to occur throughout transition and action phases, although, naturally, the pertinent issues change at different
times. Figure 2 illustrates the process dimensions as they occur within transition and action
Careful consideration was given to the level
of specification of the dimensions. We have attempted to fully represent the construct of process without leaving out critical components.
However, we wanted to avoid creating an exhaustive list of process variables too lengthy for
value in either research communities or the
field. The result is a categorization system containing ten dimensions appropriate for teams
across all contexts (to varying degrees). There
may be processes specific to one type of team
that are not included in our taxonomy. Each of
the ten process dimensions refers to a general
type of activity that can be performed anywhere
from very well to very poorly.

Development of the Taxonomy of

Team Processes

Previous Team Process Classifications

Our intention is to devise a taxonomy that is

broad enough to apply to different types of
teams yet specific enough to be easily understood for applied and research purposes. We
created our taxonomy by (1) reviewing the extant literature on team processes (both conceptual models and empirical studies), (2) developing a framework of team processes to provide
conceptual clarity, (3) using previous classification efforts, and (4) integrating our applied experiences with teams to generate process dimensions that are both distinct conceptually
and consistent with our theory of team processes. Table 1 displays our taxonomy with dimension definitions. We view this taxonomy as
a comprehensive effort that builds on and integrates previous work by many authors. In addition. Table 1 cross-references our ten dimen-

The idea of creating a classification system

for team interaction is not new. There have been
several formal efforts to construct comprehensive categorization schemes. Two particularly
influential efforts include that of Prince and
Salas (1993), who used literature reviews, critical incident interviews, and process ratings by
naval aviators to identify a set of seven critical
team skills, and that of Nieva, Fleishman,
& Rieck (1978; later revised by Fleishman &
Zaccaro, 1992), who developed a taxonomy of
team performance functions. Although in neither effort do the authors attend to a temporally
based framework, both works contain various
process dimensions and were highly influential
in the construction of the present taxonomy.
There are other team interaction classification
systems in which member utterances are sorted

Marks, Mathieu, and Zaccazo



Taxonomy of Team Processes
Process Dimensions


Previous Research on Team Processes

Interpretation and evaluation of the team's mission,

including identification of its main tasks as well as the
operative environmental conditions and team resources
available for mission execution

Fleishman & Zaccaro (1992); Prince &

Salas (1993)

Goal specification

Identification and prioritization of goals and subgoals for

mission accomplishment

Dickinson & Mclntyre (1997); Levine &

Moreland (1990); O'Leary-Kelly,
Martocchio, & Frink (1994); Prussia &
Kinicki (1996); Saavedra, Early, & van
dyne (1993)


Development of alternative courses of action for mission


Cannon-Bowers, Tannenbaum, Salas, &

Volpe (1995); Gladstein (1984);
Hackman (1983); Hackman & Oldham
(1980); Prince & Salas (1993); Stout,
Cannon-Bowers, Salas, & Milanovich
(1999); Weldon, Jehn, & Pradhan (1991)

Tracking task and progress toward mission

accomplishment, interpreting system information in
terms of what needs to be accomplished for goal
attainment, and transmitting progress to team members

Cannon-Bowers, Tannenbaum, Salas, &

Volpe (1995); Jentsch, Bamett, Bowers,
& Salas (1999)


Tracking team resources and environmental conditions as

they relate to mission accomplishment, which involves
(1) internal systems monitoring (tracking team resources
such as personnel, equipment, and other information
that is generated or contained within the team), and (2)
environmental monitoring (tracking the environmental
conditions relevant to the team)

Fleishman & Zaccaro (1992)

Team monitoring
and backup

Assisting team members to perform their tasks. Assistance

may occur by (1) providing a teammate verbal feedback
or coaching, (2) helping a teammate behaviorally in
carrying out actions, or (3) assuming and completing a
task for a teammate

Dickinson & Mclntyre (1997)


Orchestrating the sequence and timing of interdependent


Brannick, Prince, Prince, & Salas (1992);

Brannick, Roach, & Salas (1993);
Fleishman & Zaccaro (1992); Zalesny,
Salas, & Prince (1995)

Transition processes
Mission analysis
formulation and

Action processes
progress toward

Interpersonal processes
Preemptive conflict management involves establishing
conditions to prevent, control, or guide team conflict
before it occurs. Reactive conflict management involves
working through task and interpersonal disagreements
among team members

Cannon-Bowers, Tannenbaum, Salas, &

Volpe (1995); Gladstein (1984); Jehn
(1995); Pace (1990); Simons, Pellad, &
Smith (1999); Simons & Peterson (2000);
Smolek, Hoffman, & Moran (1999);
Tjosvold (1985); Van de Vliert, Euwema,
& Huismans (1995)

Motivation and

Generating and preserving a sense of collective

confidence, motivation, and task-based cohesion with
regard to mission accomplishment

Fleishman & Zaccaro (1992)


Regulating member emotions during mission

accomplishment, including (but not limited to) social
cohesion, frustration, and excitement

Cannon-Bowers, Tannenbaum, Salas, &

Volpe (1995)


Academy o/ Management Review


Manifestation of Processes in Transition and Action Phases
Transition phase

Action phase

Mission analysis

Goal specification

Strategy formulation and planning

Monitoring progress toward goals

Systems monitoring

Team monitoring and backup


Conflict management

Motivating and confidence building

Affect management

into various categories: the interaction process

analysis (IPA; Bales, 1950), the system of multiple-level observation of groups (SYMLOG;
Bales, 1980), and time-by-event-by-member pattern observation (TEMPO; Futoran, Kelly, &
McGrath, 1989). Coding systems such as IPA,
SYMLOG, and TEMPO classify statements that
team members make while communicating, but
they fall short in identifying the processes that
teams engage in during task performance. Because category membership is determined by
the meaning of single member statements, there
is no synthesis of the verbal interaction among
team members to understand the processes that
occur. Detecting processes often requires a more
macro observation of the verbal exchanges and
behaviors that take place during a particular

episode. For instance, the process of planning

often requires team decision making and detailed preparation of team member actions for
goal accomplishment.
Transition Phase Processes
As mentioned earlier, transition phases are
periods of time when teams focus primarily on
evaluation and/or planning activities to guide
their accomplishment of a team goal or objective. The processes of mission analysis, goal
specification, and strategy formulation and
planning typically occur during time set aside
for analysis, evaluation, and future direction
(e.g., staff meetings, retreats, after-action reviews).


Marts, Mathieu. and Zaccaio

Mission analysis. Mission analysis is the interpretation and evaluation of the team's mission, including identification of its main tasks as
well as the operative environmental conditions
and team resources available for mission execution. The process of interpreting a mission
within the given performance context occurs
cognitively, as team members interpret their
charge within the boundaries of team abilities,
resources, and time constraints. This process
also includes verbal discussion, to ensure that
all members have a shared vision of the team's
purpose and objectives. Mission analysis blends
two foci: backward evaluation and forward visioning. The backward visioning aspect includes diagnosing previous performance and
interpreting the causes of success and failure.
Previous research has revealed that to the extent that teams better understand the underlying causes of previous performance, they can
better prepare for future efforts (Blickensderfer,
Cannon-Bowers, & Salas, 1997). The forward visioning aspect of mission analysis concerns
how the team interprets its charge for the future
in the context of ongoing events. Teams that fail
to conduct thorough mission analyses will be
undermined by changing circumstances or relegated to operating in a purely reactive mode.
Worse yet, teams that abbreviate or omit mission analysis activities run the risk of misguiding their attention and efforts until it is too late
to recover (Gersick, 1988).
Goal specification. Goal specification refers
to the identification and prioritization of goals
and subgoals for mission accomplishment. This
is the process that teams go through to develop
and assign overall mission goals and subgoals
that indicate what and how much must be accomplished by a specified time and within certain quality standards. For instance, a snow removal team might set a goal of plowing 100
percent of the highways and 50 percent of the
neighborhood streets in the county by the end of
the day. This process usually occurs during transition phases and in conjunction with mission
analysis and strategy development. Ideally,
goals are aligned with strategies, and timelines
are associated with mission accomplishment.
However, goals might also have to be specified
(or respecified) during action phases because of
a team's inability to fully anticipate all situational contingencies. For example, a snow removal team may have to respecify its goals for


the day if weather conditions change or equipment becomes unavailable (Tesluk & Mathieu,
Whereas effective goal specification leads to
challenging, attainable goals that are aligned
with the larger organizational vision and with
collective strategies, ineffective goal specification has debilitating effects on collective performance. Poorly conceptualized goals may be
overly general, vague, conflicting, ambiguous,
unattainable, impractical, or not valued by team
members. These types of goals do not stimulate
effective strategies, timelines, and collective activities for effective performance. A team that
disregards the goal specification stage entirely
ends up with no shared understanding of the
team's purpose.
Strategy formulation and planning. Strategy
formulation and planning refer to the development of alternative courses of action for mission
accomplishment. This involves decision making
about how team members will go about achieving their missions, discussion of expectations,
relay of task-related information, prioritization,
role assignment, and the communication of
plans to all team members (Hackman & Oldham,
1980; Stout, Cannon-Bowers, Salas, & Milanovich, 1999). Good strategy development includes
consideration of situational and time constraints, team resources, member expertise, and
the changing nature of the environment. The
resulting strategies contain information about
member roles and responsibilities, the order
and timing of actions, and how task-related activities should be executed. Poor strategy development occurs when teams are unable to develop plans for successful goal accomplishment.
This results in ineffective strategies (if there are
strategies in place at all) that force teams to rely
completely on past experience or improvise as
they perform, which can be exceedingly difficult
for complex and novel tasks.
We have further classified the strategy and
planning dimension into three subdimensions:
(1) deliberate planning, (2) contingency planning, and (3) reactive strategy adjustment. Deliberate planning refers to the formulation and
transmission of a principal course of action for
mission accomplishment. This is a chief activity
of transition periods occurring at the beginning
of episodes. For example, hotel catering teams
meet each afternoon to develop a strategy that
details the order in which next-day events will


Academy of Management Review

be handled, as well as the member assignments

for each catering job. These decisions are based
on the information that is currently available,
including event size, time and complexity, member capabilities, event importance, and location.
It is a premeditated process (Weldon, 1998) and
is consistent with the conceptualization of planning and strategy development most commonly
found in the team literature.
Contingency planning refers to the a priori
formulation and transmission of alternative
plans and strategy adjustments in response fo
anficipafed changes in the peifoimance environment. We differentiate contingency planning
from deliberate planning to highlight the need
to prepare ahead of time for anticipated changing events. This includes specifying alternative
courses of action and rules that teams will use
at the appropriate time if/when needed. For instance, catering teams may devise a contingency plan for action that would take effect if an
event should fall behind schedule, or if there is
risk of last-minute cancellation for a particular
event. Good contingency planning rests on "if/
then logic" tied specifically to various "trigger
events." The need to have a contingency plan
increases for teams that perform in dynamic and
unpredictable situations. They are the formation
of "Plan Bs" that range from small tactical shifts
to the development of entire alternative strategies for goal accomplishment. Importantly, contingency planning is primarily a transition period activity in which alternative courses of
action are laid out a priori and pursued on the
basis of intermediate outcomes (i.e., the trigger
When unexpected events occur duiing the action phases, or when errors are detected in a
team's initial strategy, an unforeseen need
emerges for strategic change. Reactive strategy
adjustment is the alteration of existing strategy
or plans in response to unanticipated changes in
the performance environment and/or performance feedback. In effect, it signals the initiation of a transitory subepisode evoked to redirect a team's activity. When a team encounters a
change in the performance environment for
which neither the original strategy nor the contingency plan appears appropriate, it has to invent a new plan. An effective team decides "on
the fly" to reconsider, abandon, or adjust the
original plan.


Either because of unpredictable situations or

faulty original plans, teams should have the
ability to change strategies during action periods. This process results in new rules for collective goal attainment in the current performance
context. For example, a new and swiftly transferable computer virus can cause an organization's computer support team to restrategize immediately. Viruses are unpredictable and
demand immediate attention, requiring the
computer service team to change foci immediately, based on a newly emerging set of contextual parameters. Unlike primary strategizing or
contingency planning, reactive strategy adjustment occurs during action phases, when teams
must adapt to unexpected and abrupt environmental changes (Meyer, 1982; Weldon, 1998) or to
emerging feedback that a current strategy is
Action Phase Processes
Action phases are periods of time when teams
conduct activities leading directly to goal accomplishment. In the sections below we discuss
four process dimensions that occur most commonly during action phases: monitoring
progress toward goals, systems monitoring,
team monitoring and backup responses, and coordination activities.
Monitoring progress toward goals. Monitoring
progress toward goals is defined as tracking
task and progress toward mission accomplishment, interpreting system information in terms
of what needs to be accomplished for goal attainment, and transmitting progress to team
members. This involves providing feedback to
the team on its goal accomplishment status so
that members can determine their progress and
their likelihood of success within a given period
of time. Teams assess in real time the discrepancies between their goals and their current
situation (Austin & Vancouver, 1996). This functions as a means of self-regulation by alerting
teams when performance gaps emerge or when
they veer off in a different direction. For example, product development teams will monitor
how well they are progressing on a given task to
determine whether to work overtime, call in additional help, or adjust their strategies or goals.
Monitoring goals includes not only detecting
progress but transmitting that progress to team
members. Statements about goal progress con-


Marks, Mathieu, and Zaccaro

tain information about how well the team has

implemented its task strategy, as well as suggestions for how the team should alter its goals,
plans, activities, or effort level in order to increase effectiveness or avoid problems (Gaddy
& Wachtel, 1992; Weldon et al., 1991). Poor goal
monitoring occurs when teams drift, procrastinate, or stray off task and lose track of their
purpose for extensive periods of time. In addition, teams that are unaware of their progress
cannot provide themselves with appropriate
performance feedback (e.g., speed up, slow
down, get back on track, locate more resources).
Monitoring goals occurs with varying frequency,
depending on the nature of the team. Teams that
work in fast-paced environments (e.g., military
command and control, firefighters) monitor their
progress frequently during action phases. For
other teams, progress monitoring occurs more
periodically, sometimes taking place during
transition periods that are used specifically for
intermittent progress reports.
Systems monitoring. Systems monitoring refers to tracking team resources and environmental conditions as they relate to mission accomplishment; it involves (1) internal
monitoring, tracking team resources such as personnel, equipment, and other information that is
generated or contained within the team, and
(2) environmental monitoring, tracking the environmental conditions relevant to the team. Effective teams manage their environments, both internal and external to the teams themselves, by
observing changes that occur as they perform.
They do this by monitoring critical information
internal (e.g., equipment, resources) and external (e.g., constituents, weather patterns, economy, news events) to the team. This process is
similar to what some have referred to as "situational assessment," in the sense that the process of monitoring critical internal and external
systems, along with the effective communication of this information among team members,
leads to situational awareness (Jentsch et al.,
Effective teams that work in dynamic environments continually monitor systems. Moreover,
they rely heavily on technology (e.g., machines,
displays, counters) to facilitate this process. For
example, an operating room team keeps constant watch of the heart-monitoring machine
during open heart surgery. Any changes on the
monitor are detected and then communicated to


other team members so that decisions about appropriate responses can take place. Likewise,
pilot crews rely on extensive panels of instrumentation that must be checked regularly to detect flight problems.
Teams that work in less dynamic environments may set aside specific time periods for
monitoring internal and external environments
(e.g., surveys to assess buyer markets, weekly
meetings to review resource allocations for
projects). Poor systems monitoring is evidenced
in some teams by erroneous interpretation of
critical internal and environmental elements.
For example, failure to attend to a weather
storm warning might leave construction teams
exposed to dangerous elements.
Team monitoring and backup responses.
Team monitoring and backup is defined as assisting team members to perform their tasks,
which may occur by (1) providing a teammate
verbal feedback or coaching, (2) assisting a
teammate behaviorally in carrying out actions,
or (3) assuming and completing a task for a
teammate. This dimension includes the provision of feedback and task-related support and
the seeking of help from teammates when necessary. For team monitoring and backup to occur effectively, teammates need to be informed
of others' role assignments in order to identify
what type of assistance is required at a particular time. Often, team members watch out for
one another, render assistance when required,
and warn of possible problems or dangerous
circumstances. For instance, in an airplane
cockpit, copilots must stay abreast of the pilot's
actions in order to detect or compensate for critical lapses in judgment or oversight. A failure to
monitor teammates and to provide backup renders the entire team susceptible to a single
shortcoming. If teammates are not looking out
for, or willing to help out, each other, the team
will fail when any one member fails.
Team monitoring is primarily a cognitive operation in which team members observe the actions of their teammates and watch for errors or
performance discrepancies. When a team member identifies the need to provide help, backup
behavior in the form of suggestive or corrective
feedback (verbal and/or behavioral) is provided
to assist the team member and get performance
back on track (Dickinson & Mclntyre, 1997).
Coordination activities. We define coordination activities as the process of orchestrating the


Academy ol Management Review

sequence and timing of inteidependent actions.

This refers to the management of synchronous
and/or simultaneous activities, and involves information exchange and mutual adjustment of
action (Brannick et al., 1993) in order to align the
pace and sequencing of team member contributions with goal accomplishment. This feature of
teamwork is closely intertwined with the taskwork required of the team. Coordination often
occurs during action phases (e.g., telecommunications service teams working interdependently
during a new community installation) but also
during transition phases (e.g., integrating work
schedule demands with inventories, technician
availability, and customer service mandates).
The more interdependent the tasks, the more
teams rely on coordination as a central process
for effective functioning (Tesluk, Mathieu, Zaccaro, & Marks, 1997). Teams experiencing "communication breakdowns" and those that get "out
of sync" are likely to be experiencing problems
with their coordination process. This is what
Steiner (1972) refers to as "process loss" due to
coordination, when teams fall below their estimated productivity level.
Interpersonal Processes
The final three dimensionsconflict management, motivating/confidence building, and affect managementrepresent processes teams
use to manage interpersonal relationships. We
note that interpersonal processes occur throughout both transition and action phases, and typically lay the foundation for the effectiveness of
other processes. We describe processes that
govern interpersonal activities, rather than the
emergent states that often emanate from such
Conflict management. Working in teams provides an interpersonal context in which conflicts
may occur and attempts to manage them are
made (Jehn, 1995). We have defined two types of
conflict management processes that can be
used to resolve or minimize conflict: (1) preemptive conflict management involves establishing
conditions to prevent, control, or guide team conflict before it occurs, and (2) reactive conflict
management involves wording fhrough task,
process, and interpersonal disagreements
among team membeis. We believe the degree to
which conflict emerges, and eventually interferes with (or enhances) the productivity of work


teams, is a function of the conflict management

process, which involves how the team handles
conflict situations that have arisen or have the
potential to arise. Research on conflict resolution targets what we refer to as "reactive conflict
management." This involves techniques for reducing or facilitating conflict that has emerged
during the team's performance cycle. Some techniques for reactive conflict management include
identification of the parameters of conflict between team members (Pace, 1990), problem solving, compromising, openness and flexibility,
and willingness to accept differences of opinions.
Preemptive conflict management focuses specifically on reducing or controlling the nature of
team conflict before it occurs. The establishment
of norms for cooperative rather than competitive
approaches to conflict resolution (Tjosvold,
1985), team contracts or charters that specify a
priori how team members agree to handle difficult situations (Smolek et al., 1999), and the development of team rules and norms about the
nature and timing of conflict may be vehicles for
curtailing the destructive aspects of conflict before they occur.
Motivating/confidence building. Motivating
and confidence building involve generating and
preserving a sense of collective confidence, motivation, and task-based cohesion with regard to
mission accomplishment. This includes encouraging team members to perform better or to
maintain high levels of performance. Teams motivate members by communicating their beliefs
about team ability (e.g., pep talks), competence
on particular tasks, and feedback on team success. They may also rely on imagery or modeling techniques to illustrate the capabilities that
teams like themselves have for particular situations.
Interestingly, we have often observed teams
act in ways that are demotivational to team
members. Negative comments about the team's
(lack of) competence or that of individual members can reduce confidence levels and task cohesiveness. Just as teams can enhance working
relationships and performance by boosting their
confidence level, so, too, they can hamper them
by deflating themselves. Debilitating team processes can spiral teams into a vicious cycle that
drags down both team confidence and performance over time (Lindsley, Brass, & Thomas,
1994). In addition, processes such as social loaf-


Marks, Mathieu, and Zaccaro

ing (Latane, Williams, & Harkins, 1979) and

shirking (Jones, 1984) typically occur when low
motivation levels reduce the amount of effort
expended by members on the team task, thus
lowering collective performance.
Affect management. Affect management involves regulating member emotions during mission accomplishment, including (but not limited
to) social cohesion, frustration, and excitement.
It refers to the process of calibrating team member emotional levels (George, 1990), which can
be inflated (or deflated) because of task conditions (e.g., failure, temporal stress), personal factors (e.g., animosity among members), or situational factors (e.g., job security concerns).
Techniques involved in regulating emotions
may involve attempts to calm members down,
control frustration levels, boost team morale and
cohesiveness among members, and provide empathy. A telecommunications service and repair
team deals frequently with stress-producing situations, such as dealing with irate customers
and making weather-induced emergency repairs. The team can effectively handle the situation by actively working to calm down frustrated members or by sending in another person
to deal with the angry customer. In contrast, the
team could ineffectively manage member affect
by ignoring, isolating, or fueling angry teammates.
Traditional team-building interventions have
targeted affect management by focusing on the
regulation of team member emotions. For example, traditional T groups put members into confrontational environments to deal with inter or
intrapersonal issues (Patten, 1981). Exercises
have been developed to manage the affect generated from team conflict (Harrison, 1983) and to
improve relations among team members (Bechhard, 1983). Team activities such as joking,
relaxing, and complaining may also be considered forms of affect management, if implemented in a manner that builds cohesion,
breaks tension, vents frustration, or manages
stressful situations. However, it is also possible
that such activities, if managed ineffectively,
may lead to increased negative affect, wasted
time, and performance problems.
Summary of Taxonomy
This taxonomy offers a two-tiered classification system that arranges ten processes into


three higher-level categories. It is also aligned

with the recurring phase model introduced earlier in the article, in that two of the three superordinate categories (i.e., transition and action
processes) correspond directly with the phases
of performance episodes. As we have stated, the
lower-order dimensions within each of these
categories may occur at any time, although they
are more frequent in their respective phases.
Interpersonal processes occur throughout episodes with regularity and are the kinds of factors that can rally or derail teams at any point.
For example, the ability to garner resources,
to pull together, and to squelch petty conflicts
may well enable a team to rise to an occasion
and to reach performance levels well beyond
what a composite of their knowledge, skills, and
abilities would predict they could achieve. Alternatively, breakdowns in interpersonal relations can subvert even the best-organized strategy development session, or can lead to a
failure to monitor and back up teammates or to
other types of coordination breakdowns.
Whereas the transition and action phase processes have a natural temporal rhythm and relationship to one another, the interpersonal processes can work as an attribute or liability
throughout goal accomplishment episodes.

Teams traditionally have been thought of as

pursuing one task at a time to reach a single,
collective goal. However, the primary arguments of the framework and taxonomy we advance here are that most teams work on multiple goals simultaneously and engage in
multitask processing. The idea that teams perform in recurring transition and action phases,
and that they use different processes during different points in time, challenges the way we
have been thinking about team effectiveness.
Consistent with Zaheer et al.'s (1999) call for
more attention on time in the study of organizational issues, we believe that researchers and
practitioners should consider a team's temporal
rhythms in measurements and evaluations of
teamwork processes and effectiveness. A team
task analysis is a necessary first step (Bowers et
al., 1994) in exposing the temporal rhythms of
team performance episodes, as well as the multitasking activities that teams pursue. In line
with McGrath's (1991) point about how teams


Academy of Management Review

simultaneously manage multiple bundles of activities over time, researchers should think
about how teams allocate resources to multiple
tasks over performance episodes.
In the following sections we discuss more specifically the implications of the team process
framework and taxonomy for future process
measurement, new research, and practice.
Process Taxonomy As a Guide for
Process Measurement
We hope researchers will use the framework
and taxonomy to further refine future research
on team processes. Specifically, this work is intended to shape future conceptualization of both
the scope and boundaries of team process, as
well as to serve as a guide for measuring process constructs in forthcoming studies of team
effectiveness. Our hope is that this work will
provide researchers not only with guidance in
the selection of appropriate process variables
but with thoughts about how and when to measure them so that we can learn not only what but
when team processes influence team effectiveness. The framework and taxonomy can help
researchers with three critical issues that arise
when planning studies to capture teamwork
(1) What teamwork processes should be assessed? When the goal is to predict team effectiveness defined as performance quality and efficiency, transition and action processes should
be targeted, because they have the greatest potential to impact the rate and caliber of taskwork. Researchers interested in predicting team
outcomes such as product development time
and quality, decision accuracy, response time,
customer service quality, amount of sales, or
manufacturing errors might consider assessing
such transition processes as goal specification
and strategy formulation, as well as action processes like monitoring progress toward goals.
Those studying team tasks that require high
member interdependency could measure processes such as coordination and team monitoring and backup behavior (Tesluk et al., 1997),
because they describe, techniques that team
members use to synchronize each other's activities. Those interested in teams that operate
within complex, dynamic, and unpredictable environments might choose to focus more on such
dimensions as mission analysis, strategy devel-


opment, and environmental monitoring, because these processes help teams to better understand both challenging and unstable
performance situations.
However, researchers who are primarily interested in predicting team effectiveness defined
as team longevity or satisfaction (Hackman &
Morris, 1975) should consider assessing interpersonal processes. Interpersonal processes are
more likely to influence team cohesion over
time, which is a primary antecedent of team
longevity and satisfaction. Thus, investigators
who want to explain team turnover rates, team
commitment, affect, efficacy, and satisfaction
might target such processes as conflict and affect management and confidence building.
The ten-dimension taxonomy also implies
that gaining a more complete understanding of
how processes contribute to team effectiveness
necessitates the measurement of more than one
process variable. However, we recognize that
measuring ten process dimensions is not often
practical or necessary. When the research goal
is to examine a broad range of processes, we
suggest representing each superordinate category (transition, action, and interpersonal) with
a process dimension most relevant to the research context. When the research goal is a targeted focus on a certain type of teamwork, measuring one or more dimensions within a
superordinate category is recommended. Researchers should evaluate the particular
tradeoffs between depth and breadth of process
measurement versus the added complexity in
research time and measurement. The taxonomy
can serve as a good starting point for consideration of what processes are most critical, salient, or challenging in a particular environment.
(2) What measurement strategy should be
employed? There is a variety of strategies available for process assessment (see Weingart, 1997,
for an excellent review). Studies in which researchers have examined multiple processes
typically have involved use of a single measurement strategy (e.g.. Campion, Medsker, & Higgs,
1993; Hyatt & Ruddy, 1997), either survey methodology or behavioral observation. However,
certain measurement strategies are more appropriate for some processes than others. For example, processes such as strategy formulation,
goal specification, coordination, and backup are
generally observable, lending themselves to the


Maiks, Mathieu, and Zaccaro

use of observer ratings. Mission analysis and

environmental monitoring may be less observable, so techniques such as in-baskets, interviews, and self-report questionnaires may provide alternate methods to examine these
processes. We encourage researchers interested
in assessing multiple processes within the context of a single study to consider (when feasible)
employing multiple measurement techniques
that best align with the dimensions of interest
(see Tesluk et al., 1997).
In addition, researchers should consider less
traditional and more creative methods of capturing teamwork processes that would be sensitive
to time-based dynamics. Williams and Alliger
(1994) employed a design in the study of affective state-behavior relationships in which they
used daily diaries and behavioral checklists. In
this way, employees could be asked to write
teamwork process information in journals either
daily or when critical teamwork events occurred. Team researchers could supplement traditional survey and observational data collection designs with handheld computers,
videotapes, archival measures (e.g., e-mail and
videoconferencing records, performance traces,
and so forth), and other methods to collect realtime data. The point is that not all process dimensions should necessarily be targeted, and
different ones may be better assessed using different measurement techniques (see Tesluk et
al., 1997, for a detailed outline of team process
measurement strategies).
(3) When should team processes be assessed?
The recurring phase model introduced earlier
depicts team performance as composed of a series of episodes, each containing cyclical I-P-O
linkages. Currently, we rely on single or aggregate measurement of teamwork to show relationships between overall teamwork quality (or
quantity) and performance. Longitudinal and
time sampling approaches that align team process measurement with performance episodes
(Zaheer et al., 1999) will permit an examination
of how teams work together as they move
through different phases of goal accomplishment. For example, teamwork such as affective
management is absolutely critical for nuclear
power plant control teams during planned and
unexpected shutdowns (Gaddy & Wachtel, 1992).
Observation of a nuclear operating crew's teamwork processes during normal operations would
probably show very little teamwork activity (oth-


er than systems monitoring). Making the same

observations during start-up or shut-down operations, however, would be most illuminating.
This type of approach will enable researchers
to answer questions about when teamwork is
most critical for team effectiveness, which then
has significant implications for when team
training or other interventions should be introduced.
In the laboratory environment, team tasks can
be designed to unfold over time and to elicit
different processes by embedding trigger events
in the task environment (e.g., the TARGETS
methodology; see Dwyer, Fowlkes, Oser, Salas,
& Lane, 1997). For example, if a researcher uses
a three-month-long team business simulation to
study the relationship among strategy development, environmental monitoring, and corporate
financial performance, he or she should consider when strategies' and monitoring are most
likely to occur and target measurement at that
point. An experimental platform could be designed to place a premium on strategy development within the first week of performance, followed by pivotal environmental instability
(requiring monitoring) in weeks four and seven.
Strategy development should be measured during or following week one, and monitoring during weeks four and seven.
In sum, our recommendations go beyond the
typical lament for longitudinal research and use
of multiple sources of measurement. Yes, longitudinal designs are important, but it is not sufficient to simply collect all measures of interest
periodically, say quarterly, via a survey. We argue that particular types of measures should be
gathered at appropriate times and using measures that are most suitable for the nature of the
construct(s) being examinedall based on the
knowledge garnered from a time-sensitive team
task analysis. In practice, such a strategy is
likely to offer the greatest payoff in terms of
insight gained from the efforts invested in data
Process Framework and Taxonomy As a Basis
for Practical Applications
The heavy reliance on teams in applied settings has created an increased need for tools
and interventions targeted specifically at optimizing team effectiveness (Stevens & Campion,
1994). The conceptual framework and taxonomy


Academy of Management Review

introduced here have implications for the structuring of teams, as well as the design and application of human resource management systems. Primarily, they bring to the forefront the
importance of considering how time impacts
teamwork and that various teamwork processes
are more and less likely to occur at different
points in the performance cycle. Thus, a logical
first step is to understand a team's temporal
rhythms and episodes and then to consider
what, when, and how teamwork processes contribute to critical performance outcomes.
To do so, we suggest conducting a traditional
team-level task analysis (Bowers et al., 1994)
embedded within a tempoial hamework in order to decipher team performance rhythms critical to goal accomplishment within a particular
team context, noting what behaviors and activities occur together during a single performance
episodein other words, tracking how teams
work together over time to obtain collective
goals. For example, a time-sensitive team task
analysis carried out for a certain company's retail sales teams might detail planning meetings
that occur primarily at the beginning of each
month, followed by periods of active customer
site visits and weekly progress and coordination
meetings. The focus of the planning meetings is
to develop goals, to analyze particular facets of
the environment that help them (e.g., strong
economy) or hinder them (e.g., competition), and
then to develop appropriate strategies to meet
those goals. Customer site visits require coordination, monitoring each other's customer loads,
and affect management when sales are not going well. This information, used alongside the
taxonomy, gives rise to a number of practical
applications regarding team feedback, performance appraisal, staffing, and training.
Team appraisals and feedback. The taxonomy
could also be used to conduct team process appraisals, where particular teams would be evaluated on their ability to conduct each of the
processes identified as critical by a team task
analysis. The resulting team process profile
would delineate teamwork strengths and weaknesses. This information could then be used to
provide teams with customized feedback and
interventions, as well as to identify specific developmental and training needs. For example,
rather than rely on generic team-building interventions as a universal solution for all processrelated problems, teams in constant discord can


be provided with conflict management skills.

Other teams that depend heavily on backup behavior can receive focused training in team
monitoring and coaching behavior.
A time-sensitive team task analysis, used in
conjunction with the framework presented here,
should also provide concrete prescriptions of
when feedback should be available to teams at
different points in time. For example, feedback
entailing a qualitative shift in team strategy
(Gersick, 1989) should be presented during transition phases, when teamwork is focused mainly
on guiding team efforts through strategy formulation, mission analysis, and goal specification.
In transition periods, teams are more prepared
to consider changing environmental influences,
revisit plans, and realign goals associated with
adopting new strategies. However, feedback
containing new strategies introduced in the
middle of action phases runs the risk of derailing ongoing goal accomplishment processes.
Action-phase feedback should pertain largely to
monitoring team progress, systems, members,
and coordination. In general, team-level feedback should be delivered based on the type of
information necessary at different points in the
team performance cycle and the types of teamwork processes that occur during these times.
Selection, placement, and training. Several researchers have advocated that team member
selection, placement, and training be based on
a set of team competencies (Cannon-Bowers et
al., 1995) or KSAs (Stevens & Campion, 1994) necessary for effective teamwork. The framework
and taxonomy support the idea that rather than
looking for uniform teamwork skills among all
members, employers should be asking what
teamwork skills are necessary at what stages of
the team performance cycle. In other words, how
can teams align their KSAs with teamwork skills
necessary at different points in time? Some individuals may be most suited for managing the
strategy development process, whereas others
may be more talented for action-phase teamwork activities. Along these lines, people with
particular KSAs may be chosen for a particular
team setting because they are capable of leading that team through transition processes,
whereas others might be selected for their ability to contribute to action or interpersonal processes.
For instance, we often hear of the superior
"clubhouse presence" (e.g., affect management.



Marks, Mathieu, and Zaccaio

ability to motivate) of certain players to a baseball team's overall effectiveness. Teamwork profiles that delineate the range of processes that
occur across different episodes in the team goal
accomplishment cycle open the door to a host of
tailored training solutions for teamwork issues.
These solutions range from team-building interventions designed to foster interpersonal
processes to the use of technology (e.g., online
displays, communication software) that is implemented to remedy or enhance the teamwork
needs of particular teams in context (Bikson,
Cohen, & Mankin, 1999).
Further, consideration of the surrounding context in which teams perform uncovers a new set
of process taxonomy applications. For example,
teams that strategize in relatively stable and
predictable environments should be taught formal planning skills, whereas those that perform
in turbulent and unpredictable environments
should receive strategy training that emphasizes problem diagnosis and impromptu strategy adjustment.
In sum, our framework emphasizes two oftenpracticed strategies and also illustrates why
they are effective. First, creating a wellbalanced constellation of KSAs in the team,
whether accomplished through selection, placement, and/or training, creates an enabling condition whereby human resources are available
for the varied tasks at hand. Second, the move
toward self-directed or empowered teams suggests that the members themselves are perhaps
best positioned to align those talents to the
changing requirement dynamics over the course
of episodes. Shifting the orientation from looking for uniformly high "team work skills" to
managing team human resources as a constellation of talents should help to enable teams to
be successful throughout the changing pressures of performance episodes.
Despite McGrath's (1984b) call for the serious
study of team process, there is still no conceptual framework of team process, no agreed-upon
definition or set of process dimensions and challenges associated with its measurement. Here,
through the development of a conceptual framework of team processes as they relate to team
effectiveness, we have identified the content domain for team process. It includes ten lower-

order process dimensions that map onto three

higher-order categories. This content domain is
embedded within the context of a time-based
framework that stipulates the role of process in
team effectiveness. By introducing both a framework and related taxonomy of team processes,
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Michelle A. Marks is an assistant professor of psychology at Florida International

University. She received her Ph.D. in industrial/organizational psychology from
George Mason University. Her current research interests focus on team and multiteam
training and effectiveness, workgroup conflict, and mentoring relationships.
John E. Mathieu is a professor of management at the University of Connecticut. He


Academy of Management Review

received his Ph.D. at Old Dominion University and has published over fifty articles
and chapters mostly in the areas of micro- and meso-organizational behavior. His
current research interests include models of training effectiveness, team and multiteam processes, and cross-level models of organizational behavior.
Stephen J. Zaccaro is an associate professor of psychology at George Mason University. He received his Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Connecticut. He
has numerous publications on work attitudes, leadership, and team effectiveness. His
current research interests include executive leadership, leader development, team
processes, and leader-team relationships.


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