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Commentary Essay Topics

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Commentary Essay Topics

Writing an essay on the topic of "Commentary Essay Topics" can be a challenging task that demands
a careful balance between analysis, personal reflection, and effective communication of ideas. One of
the primary difficulties lies in selecting a suitable topic that not only piques the interest of the reader
but also provides enough material for commentary. This requires a thorough understanding of the
subject matter and the ability to identify relevant issues worth discussing.

Furthermore, crafting a commentary essay involves delving into the nuances of the chosen topic,
dissecting it from various perspectives, and presenting well-reasoned arguments supported by
evidence. The writer must navigate the fine line between offering insightful commentary and
avoiding excessive personal bias. Striking this balance requires critical thinking skills and the ability
to articulate thoughts coherently.

The process of writing such an essay also involves conducting extensive research to gather relevant
information and examples. This research phase can be time-consuming, especially when trying to find
unique angles or lesser-known aspects of the chosen topic. Additionally, synthesizing the gathered
information into a cohesive and engaging essay poses its own set of challenges.

Moreover, the structure of a commentary essay demands a clear introduction, body paragraphs with
supporting evidence, and a thoughtful conclusion. Organizing ideas coherently and ensuring a
smooth flow of arguments can be a daunting task, especially for those new to this type of writing.

In conclusion, composing a commentary essay on the topic of "Commentary Essay Topics" requires a
combination of skills, including topic selection, critical thinking, research, and effective
communication. While challenging, successfully navigating these complexities can result in a well-
crafted essay that provides valuable insights into the chosen subject.

If you find yourself struggling with such assignments, it's worth noting that assistance is available.
Similar essays and much more can be ordered on , where professional writers can
provide support in developing well-researched and eloquently written essays on a variety of topics.
Commentary Essay TopicsCommentary Essay Topics
Jesus Use Of Parables Essay
Although scholars may disagree about the intentions behind Jesus use of parables or
whether to analyze them through their historical and social contexts, these stories are
remaining relevant in the 21st century because Biblical scriptures transcend time.
Meaning, the Parables of The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, and The Lost Son remain
relevant to 21st century Christians. Jesusstories compel believers to introspectively
evaluate their relationship with God, with fellow believers, and sinners.
Christians must understand and remember that the Lost Sheep communicate God s
passionate love for mankind; before we were formed in the womb God knew the
personalities and destinies of everyone. [21] Consequently, the dynamic between the
shepherd, his ... Show more content on ...
Like the Pharisees, Christians, and Christian leaders can fall into the trap of religion
instead of being in a relationship with Christ. Being in a relationship with Christ
requires loving others, even those who are unlovable. Practically, this message applies to
the way Christians treat members of other religions, and ethnicities. Sometimes, an
outsider qualifies as anyone who does not serve God, and someone who does share the
same mindset, political affiliation, or live in the same neighborhood; religion causes
hearts to wax cold towards outsiders and breeds pride, self righteousness, hypocrisy, and
elitism. Consequently, religion births division, confusion, and hatred; most of the
previous attributes manifest in the eldest son s response to his father s celebration for the
Lost Son. After reading this story, a believer must evaluate their own attitudes and
perception of God s will towards sinners then compare their values with God s. Jesus Lost
Son Parable exposes the judgmental attitudes towards sinners that lies dormant within the
hear. His message calls for repentance and extends an invitation to celebrate when a soul
returns to
How Is It Used To Revolutionize The Telegraph
Technology has advanced throughout the years. Almost every invention has changed in
shape, size and the way it is used. Some even have a different function from they were
first made. One of the most successful creations, is the telephone. Almost everyone has
one it is used daily by many people. The beginning of telephones came around when a
man by the name of Samuel Morse, thought of a way to send messages to people more
quickly over long distances. The invention was created by many other inventors that
helped revolutionize the telegraph.
The first telegraph was created in 1835. The telegraph was powered by a battery,
which sent a current through a wire. To keep the signal, the electric created a
magnetic field which kept the electricity running through the copper wire. The idea
was to send dots onto a paper by using certain amounts of taps. These dots represented
a letter. The way they read this, was from an alphabet created by Samuel Morse, which
was called visible speech. In the 1800 s, the telegraph was the fastest way of
communicating over a long distance. The only problem was if you wanted to send a
message to someone, you would have to take to the post office and have an operator
send that message for you. The operator would use morse code to ... Show more content
on ...
Alexander Graham Bell had an had an idea of improving the telegraph by using tuning
forks, this would make it possible to send and receive messages without the
electromagnetic fields interfering with each other. In 1873 he had another idea though,
instead of tuning forks, Bell thought of using small stripss of metal near a coiled wire.
This would make a continuous current, but he didn t try it since the current would be so
small. Alexander was a creative man and had yet another idea in 1874. The idea was to
use just strips of metal. He thought he was not skilled enough and also didn t think it
would transmit messages that far, so he forgot all about that
Lack Support From Middle Management
Lack support from middle management
When the change happens, the middle managers and front line supervisors boycott their
bosses. They refuse to obey or listen to the top managers. They do not trust their boss.
The middle managers and front line supervisors boycott their bosses. They walk away
from their jobs. They take off for a few days or a few weeks. They try to find any reasons
to refuse to do their jobs.
The middle managers and front line supervisors do not want to obey the top managers.
They feel their bosses do not understand or listen to them, so they want to do anything
against their bosses. They do not listen to their bosses because their bosses make a
decision to change without their input. They do not want to cooperate with their boss.
The middle managers and front line supervisors also do not trust the top managers. They
lost faith in their bosses, because their bosses do not keep the old routine, and keep
changing all the time.
Resistance to the change, and lack of support from middle management are the results
from the lack of prioritization. The lack of prioritization.
The lack of prioritization comes from many reasons. The first reason is the plan is not
clear, the second reason is the plan does not emphasize the objective of change and the
last reason is the top managers want to hide their goals or objectives.
The first reason is the unclear plan. The plan is focused only on the tasks that have to
Essay on Ronald Schaffer s America in the Great War
Ronald Schaffer s America in the Great War gives new insights into World War I.

The book gave historical accounts about the war that other books negated to included.

The thesis that Schaffer tries to prove that the Great War was the start of the American

welfare state and the beginning of big government. America in the Great War was

structured in chronological order of the war, from America s mobilization to the actual

fighting. What the book did not include is a detail account of the fighting. This was the

biggest draw back in a otherwise well thought book.

The book begins with the mobilization of the United State s industry and man

power. The first two chapters dealt with how the Federal Government shaped the ... Show
more content on ...
The Federal Government paid the

industries based on their cost to produce the products. This type of payment encouraged

the industries to pay their workers very highly, knowing the government would pay them


The war provided the excuse for the government to take control of industry. A

good example of this control is in the railroad industry. Before the war, the railroad

industry enjoyed limited government control. As a result different companies had different

rail lines and different prices. When America joined the Great War, the Federal

Government took complete control of the railroads. The government standardized the

industry by setting the size of track , the size of trains and the price paid for shipping. The

government also controlled what cargo went where and at what time.

The next two chapters are about social reformers and the black experience during

the war. The United States before the war was on a progressive movement, the Great
War reinforced the movement. American leaders were concerned that things like alcohol

and prostitution would affect there fighting ability. As a result bars and whore houses

were closed around U.S. bases. There was great concern when the soldiers were shipped

to Europe. People feared that foreign attitudes towards liquor and brothels would affect

American soldiers. Measures were taken to limit American interaction with liquor and

women. Brothels and saloons were

School Counselor Interview
Making the decision to make a difference
According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Bureau of Labor
the employment of school and career counselors is projected to grow 8 percent from
2014 to 2024, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Increasing school
enrollments should lead to employment growth of school and career counselors .
Having the opportunity to interview Feliza Martinez, a University of California, Irvine
graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a California State University,
Long Beach graduate with Masters of Science in Counseling gave me a perspective of
the type of work that she does as an elementary school counselor. We both come from the
same background and have face challenges ... Show more content on ...
The interview made me reflect about what I want to and why. If I want to become a
school counselor then that would require education beyond a bachelor degree. I had
always picture myself having my own classroom and returning to Kern County to
empower and teach students. After talking to a few social workers in Kern County I
became interested in the field, but that would require me to attend a graduate program.
After graduation I could see myself working in the education field whether is it
counseling students or teaching them I know that I will be making a difference in their

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