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Christianity 1

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 Christianity is embedded in Filipino culture as

our country became predominantly Catholic

since the Spanish period. Thus, stories from the
Old Testament and New Testament are
something that most students have become
familiar with.
In this activity, summarize two Bible stories that
you love and explain why you like those tales.
Also, share the lessons you have learned from the
stories that you selected.
Be ready to share your Bible tales and insights in
 What is the core teaching of
Why is Jesus called the Messiah?
How should Christians live their lives
according to Christian teachings?
What are the political, cultural, and
religious conditions that contributed to
the birth of Christianity in Palestine in
100 C.E.?
 Christianity
- is considered the most popular religion in
the world with the most number of
adherents among all religions.
Starting around the 1st century C.E., it
developed out of Judaism during the reign
of the Roman Empire in West Asia.
It centers on the life, teachings, death, and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is
considered the Messiah or Savior of
Christians also believe in the Holy
Trinity, which means God has three
aspects—Father, Son, and the Holy
It is believed that God the Father sent
His only Son, Jesus, to earth to redeem
humanity from their sins for them to
avoid the eternal flames of hell.
 The Jews do not accept that Jesus was
the fulfillment of that promise.
Instead, the Jews are still waiting for the
Messiah to be sent by God the Father.
Christianity - is considered the world’s
largest religion, a religion based on the
teachings of Jesus Christ who is
considered the Son of God and the
Messiah or Savior.
According to the Global Christianity: A
Report on the Size and Distribution of
the World’s Christian Population (2011),
10 countries with the largest number of
Christians are the following:
 U.S, Brazil, Mexico, Russia,
Philippines, Nigeria, China, DR Congo,
Germany, Ethopia
 Christianity
The most
common symbol
for Christianity
is the cross.
In Roman Catholic churches, the
crucifix is a regular feature, with the
image of Christ nailed on the cross.
This aims to emphasize Christ’s
sufferings for humanity.
Meanwhile, Protestant churches often
feature only the cross without the image
of the body of Christ, to emphasize
Christ’s resurrection and not His
 The fish symbol is as old as Christianity
itself, for it was used by persecuted
Christians as a secret sign when meeting
other Christians.
Because Christians were threatened by
the Romans during the time, they had to
make a secret code to avoid persecution.
Thus, when meeting strangers on
the way, a Christian would draw one
arc of the fish outline, and if the
stranger drew the other half it means
they are both Christians and
therefore safe in each other’s
The word “fish” also has a secret
meaning, for Christians made an
acrostic from the Greek word for
fish, which is ichtys: Iseous Christos
Theou Yios Soter, meaning Jesus
Christ, Son of God, Savior.
 Christianity developed in Palestine
around 100 C.E.
 It was founded by Jesus, considered
to be the Son of God and Messiah or
Today Christianity is divided into three
major sects—Roman Catholicism,
Greek Orthodox Church, and
These major Christian sects are further
subdivided by Christian denominations
that differ in certain beliefs and practices
but are united in worshipping Jesus Christ
as the Son of God.
 Historical Context
 Judea, the mountainous southern part of
Palestine, was the home of Christianity.
During that time, Judaism was the
dominant religion in Palestine and it was
considered by the Jews as land promised
to them by God.
 Historical Context
 It was conquered by the Assyrian Empire,
then by the Babylonian Empire which
enslaved the Jews, then the Achaemenid or
Persian Empire under Cyrus, who
permitted the Jews to return to their land.
 Historical Context
 Soon the Greeks under the leadership of
Alexander the Great conquered West Asia
including Palestine around 400 B.C.
 Then the Romans conquered Jerusalem in
63 B.C. When Jesus was born, Palestine
was still under Roman rule.
 Historical Context
Social conditions cooperated with the
relatively free atmosphere created by
Agustus’ Pax Romana or Roman Peace.
 Historical Context
Also, the birth of a man who was
considered as the fulfilment of the
prophesy among the Jews that God will
send His Son to liberate the people from
sufferings and sins paved the way for the
development and spread of a new religion
called Christianity.
 Jesus as the Founder of Christianity
 His ministry began when he was in his
early thirties.
 Preaching and healing in the villages, he
started to preach teachings which were
considered revolutionary at that time.
 Jesus as the Founder of Christianity
 He criticized the uprightness and
insincerity of religious officials and
emphasized that God values service and
He also taught about the new covenant
that God will bring to humanity:
 that of sending His begotten son to save
humanity from their sins and restore the
people’s relationship with Him.
 Religious Leaders
The Catholic Church follows a certain
hierarchy based on the Canon Law of the
Catholic Church.
At the top of the hierarchy is the pope,
considered as Peter’s successor. The
hierarchy also includes the cardinals,
archbishops, bishops, priests, and deacons.
Each member of the hierarchy has his own
function for the efficiency of the church.
 Religious Leaders
The Pope serves as the head of the Catholic
Church, the inheritor of Peter.
He has his headquarters in the Vatican, an
independent state in Rome. He is
responsible for the general supervision of
the church. He is the head of the Catholic
Church and the head of the Vatican. He
also has the authority to appoint
administrative and religious officials in the
 Religious Leaders
Cardinals - who are also appointed by the
The cardinals represent the Pope and the
Roman Catholic Church in different parts
of the world. They serve as advisers to the
Pope and elect a new pope as the need
arises, thus they have the power to choose
the successor of the outgoing pope. The
body comprising the cardinals is called the
College of Cardinals.
 Religious Leaders
Bishops - are teachers of the doctrine,
priests of sacred worship, and ministers of
church government.
They provide pastoral supervision for a
diocese and serve as representatives of the
The Pope himself is a bishop.
A bishop is ordained to his station, just like
 Religious Leaders
 Priests - who are ordained ministers
responsible for the administering of the
sacraments, such as the Eucharist,
Marriage, Baptism, and Confirmation.
 They may belong to particular religious
order, such as Jesuits, Dominicans,
Augustinians, among others, or they may
be committed to serve a certain
 Religious Leaders
Deacons are classified into two types:
the transitional deacon is a seminarian
who is studying for the priesthood
the other one is a permanent deacon, who
can get married and serve as a priest’s
assistant in administering some of the
Christians believe in one God, therefore
Christianity is a monotheistic religion.
God is seen as the creator and maintainer of
the universe, and is believed to be
omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-
knowing), omnipresent (all-present), and
omnibenevolent (all-good).
 God is also sacred, moral, unchangeable,
compassionate, graceful, and timeless.
 Holy Trinity
 This doctrine of the Holy Trinity was
affirmed at the Council of Nicea in 25
C.E. where it was agreed upon that the
Son has the same substance with the
Father, therefore they are both eternal.
 Holy Trinity
 The doctrine of the Holy Trinity was
Christianity’s way to end the
controversy generated by Arianism, a
teaching by Arius which claimed that
Jesus Christ was not actually a God.
 Holy Trinity
 In Matthew 28:19, it is stated that:
“Go therefore and make disciples of
all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.”
 Holy Trinity
In 2 Corinthians 13:1:
“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
and the love of God and the
fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with
you all.”
The Bible is considered the sacred
scripture of Christianity.
It is a collection of songs, stories, poetry,
letters, history, as well as literature.
It is composed of two books, the Old
Testament and the New Testament.
The Old Testament is considered the
original Hebrew Bible, written between
1200 and 165 B.C.E. The New
Testament was written by Christians
around 100 C.E.
Old Testament:
- is composed of 39 books which are
arranged in three parts:
The first five books (Genesis to
Deuteronomy) are considered “The
Law” or Torah which may refer to
guidance or instruction.
Old Testament:
Later these books were called the
Pentateauch, which were attributed to
Meanwhile, the second part of the Old
Testament is called “The Prophets”
which is divided into two parts, the
earlier prophets and the latter prophets.
Old Testament:
The book of former prophets is
considered historical while the
book of latter prophets contain
sayings and stories of the
Old Testament:
 The third part is called “The
Writings,” which include Psalms
(songs, prayers, and worship liturgies),
Proverbs (wise sayings), Job (a drama
that explores the nature of suffering),
and the five scrolls (Megiloth) which
were grouped together for their
associations with a particular religious
The New Testament
- is composed of 27 books written
around 50 to 100 C.E. and is composed
of two sections: The Gospels which tell
the story of Jesus (Matthew, Mark,
Luke, and John); and the Letters (or
Epistles), written by various Christian
leaders to serve as guide to the early
Christian communities.
The New Testament
The Acts of Apostles and Luke tell how
Christianity developed from a small group
of Jewish believers to becoming one of the
world’s major religions.
Revelation is the last book of the New
Testament, traditionally attributed to the
apostle John, which is considered an
epistle and an apocalypse.
These teachings are essential to their
belief system as Christians and not
following them would lessen their
chances of being called true Christians
and reduces their chances of salvation in
the afterlife.
Poster-making. Make a poster depicting the set
of laws given by God to people of Israel at Mt.
Sinai through Moses.
RUBRIC FOR POSTER Total: 20 points
Organization - The concept was clearly and
creatively conveyed. 10 points
Content - The illustrations were appropriate to
the theme. 5 points
Visual Presentation - The idea was clearly
presented based on the pictures and words used.
5 points
Ten Commandments
also called the Decalogue, these are a set
of laws given by God to the people of
Israel at Mt.Sinai through Moses.
In Exodus, God gave Moses the tablets
containing the Ten Commandments,
which Moses smashed into pieces because
of extreme anger when he saw the golden
calf idol created and worshipped by the
Ten Commandments
1. “I am the Lord your God, who brought
you out of the land of Egypt, out of the
house of bondage. You shall have no other
gods before Me.
 2. “You shall not make for yourself a
carved image, or any likeness of anything
that is in heaven above, or that is in the
earth beneath, or that is in the water under
the earth; you shall not bow down to them
nor serve them.
Ten Commandments
3. “You shall not take the name of the Lord
Your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold
him guiltless who takes His name in vain.”
4. “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it
holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your
work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of
the Lord your God.
5. “Honor your father and your mother, that
your days may be long upon the land which
the Lord Your God is giving you.”
Ten Commandments
6. “You shall not murder.”
7. “You shall not commit adultery.”
8. “You shall not steal.”
9. “You shall not bear false witness against
your neighbour.”
10. “You shall not covet your neighbor’s
house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s
wife, nor his male servant, nor his female
servant, nor his donkey, nor anything that is
your neighbor’s.”
Seven Sacraments
- considered signs of inner kindness given
by God for Christians to live a genuine
human life.
 The seven sacraments include Baptism,
Confirmation, Holy Communion,
Confession, Matrimony, Holy Orders, and
the Anointing of the Sick.
Seven Sacraments
The first three sacraments are Baptism,
Confirmation, and Holy Communion,
which are considered the sacraments of
Baptism is meant to remove the guilt and
effects of Original Sin and welcome the
baptized to the Church.
Seven Sacraments
Confirmation, which should be
administered right after Baptism, is meant
to complete Baptism and bring the
baptized the graces of the Holy Spirit that
were given the Apostles on Pentecost
Holy Communion entails the reception of
Christ’s body and blood which helps
Christians grow in the likeness of Jesus
Seven Sacraments
Confession is considered the fourth
sacrament, which is meant to reconcile
Christians with God by confessing their
The Sacrament of Marriage comes next,
with the union of a man and a woman for
the purpose of procreation and mutual
support. It also reflects the union of Jesus
Christ with His Church.
Seven Sacraments
The Sacrament of Holy Orders is
considered the continuation of Christ’s
priesthood which He passed on to His
Anointing of the Sick, also known as
Extreme Unction or Last Rites, which is
administered to those who are on the verge
of death or are seriously ill, or about to
undergo a serious operation, for physical
and moral strength.
The Beatitudes
It comprise what is known as the
“Sermon on the Mount” recorded in
Matthew 5-7.
The Beatitudes refer to the eight
sayings of Jesus at the beginning of the
“Sermon on the Mount.” Here are the
Eight Beatitudes mentioned in Matthew
And he opened his mouth, and taught
them, saying,
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for
theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they
shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek: for they shall
inherit the earth.
Blessed are they which do hunger and
thirst after righteousness: for they shall
be filled.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall
obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they
shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they
shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they which are persecuted for
righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom
of heaven.
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you,
and persecute you, and shall say all manner
of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is
your reward in heaven: for so persecuted
they the prophets which were before you.
 Matthew 5:1-12, New Testament King James Version
Apostles’ Creed
It is believed to have developed in the 100 or
200 C.E. and was influenced later by the
Nicene Creed.
A letter written by the Council of Milan in
390 C.E. is the earliest historical evidence of
the existence of the Apostles’ Creed.
It is not written by the apostles themselves
but it serves as a summary of their basic
Draw how God
created the universe
in 6 days.
Story of Creation
- narrates how God created the universe in six
days, is found in Genesis 1 of the Old
It narrates how God created light and darkness
on the first day; the sky and the ocean on the
second day; the earth and plants on the third
day; the sun, moon, and the stars on the fourth
day; sea creatures, land animals, and birds on
the fifth day; and finally the first man and
woman on the sixth day, after which He rested
on the seventh day.
 Big Bang Theory
 - which states that the universe began as
an incredibly hot, very dense point in
space about 14 billion years ago.
 It then underwent rapid expansion in no
time and, as it cooled, led to the creation
of stars, galaxies and planets.
 Advent, Lent, and Pentecost
 Advent - refers to the season of waiting for
the birth of the Messiah, hence its
celebration lasts for 4 weeks, beginning four
Sundays before Christmas and ending on
Christmas eve.
 It features certain colors, such as purple/
dark blue, which symbolizes seriousness,
repentance, and royalty; and pink, which
signifies joy.
 Lent - refers to the season observed by
Christians in preparation for Easter, a
celebration of the resurrection of Christ.
 Ash Wednesday signals the start of the
season of Lent, which begins 40 days before
 Pentecost - is celebrated as a holiday to
commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit
to the early Christians. Thus, Pentecost is also
celebrated as the birthday of the Church.
 The word Pentecost comes from the Greek
word pentekostos, which means “fifty,”
pertaining to the Jewish holiday celebrated every
fifty days from the end of Passover to the
beginning of the next holiday (also known as
 Prior to the reign of Emperor Constantine who
declared himself a Christian in 312 C.E.,
Christians were persecuted under Roman
 Christianity was only legalized in 313 C.E.
upon Constantine’s declaration of the Edict of
Milan, which declared equality among all
 In 324 C.E., Emperor Constantine made
Christianity the official religion of the empire
and sought to end all doctrinal arguments on
As time went by, conflicts arose between
the Roman Empire and the Byzantium
Empire, resulting in the inevitable split
between the Roman Catholic Church and
the Greek Orthodox Church.
The conflict was further heightened when
Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne, King
of the Franks, the Holy Roman Emperor in
800 without consulting the Byzantine
The official split happened in 105 with the
“Great Schism” which divided the Western Latin
Roman Christianity from the Eastern Greek
Byzantine Christianity.
Abuses and corruption in the church led another
sect to be formed around the 16th century.
Martin Luther, a teacher and a monk, posted
his list of ninety five propositions to the door of
the church at Wittenberg in Saxony in 1517,
which signalled the beginnings of another
Christian sect called Protestantism.
The Protestant Reformation is considered
the second greatest split in Christianity.
One of the things he opposed was the
selling of indulgences (indulgence refers
to the pardon granted by the Pope to
purgatorial punishment to Christians who
pay a certain amount for the absolution of
their sins) of the Catholic Church, which
was meant to save the soul in the afterlife.
In order to address the issue of disunity
among Christians, the concept of
ecumenism was adopted by the Roman
Catholic Church.
Thus, ecumenism is one important issue in
Still, there are some issues which are in conflict
with Christian teachings, concerning sexuality
(especially issues of contraception, abortion,
and homosexuality); divorce; capital
punishment and euthanasia.
- refers to the effort of the Catholic Church
to sponsor activities and initiatives to
promote mutual understanding and unity
among all Christians.
Ecumenism can also be described as the
promotion of worldwide Christian unity
(Brodd 2003).
 Itis based on Vatican II’s Decree on Ecumenism which
states that:
 “The restoration of unity among all Christians is one of
the principal concerns of the Second Vatican Council.
Christ the Lord founded one Church and one Church
only. However, many Christian communions present
themselves to men as the true inheritors of Jesus
Christ; all indeed profess to be followers of the Lord
but differ in mind and go their different ways, as if
Christ Himself were divided. Such division openly
contradicts the will of Christ, scandalizes the world,
and damages the only cause of preaching the Gospel to
every creature.”
Ecumenism is based on three principles:
1 )Christ established the Church on the
Apostles and their successors, whose head
became Peter and his successor the Bishop of
2) since the 1st century there have been
divisions in Christianity, but many persons now
separated from visible unity with the successors
of the Apostles under Peter are nevertheless
Christians who possess more or less the fullness
of grace available in the Roman Catholic
Ecumenism is based on three principles:
 3) Catholics are to do everything possible to
foster the ecumenical movement, which
comprehends all “the initiatives and
activities, planned and undertaken to
promote Christian unity, according to the
Church’s various needs and opportunities”
(Decree on Ecumenism, I,4).
Ecumenism is based on three principles:
 3) Catholics are to do everything possible to
foster the ecumenical movement, which
comprehends all “the initiatives and
activities, planned and undertaken to
promote Christian unity, according to the
Church’s various needs and opportunities”
(Decree on Ecumenism, I,4).
The goal of ecumenism is Christian
Christianity advocates natural family
planning methods such as the rhythm
method, wherein couples will engage in
sexual acts only during days when the
woman is not fertile and cannot conceive a
Another issue with regard to sexuality is
that of homosexuality. It refers to
attraction to members of the same sex.
 Thus, in the Christian line of thinking,
homosexuality should not be practiced since
it is not in accordance with God’s plan.
The Church does not allow same-sex
marriage and is vocal in opposing
homosexual relationships.
The Christian view on marriage is based
on Matthew 19:-6,
“He who made man from the beginning,
made them male and female. And he said:
For this cause shall a man leave father and
mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they
two shall be in one flesh. Therefore now they
are not two, but one flesh. What therefore
God hath joined together, let no man put
Capital punishment or death penalty -
wherein a person is punished by death for
his or her capital crime goes against the
Christian belief that life is given by God
and should not be taken away by any
 Euthanasia or mercy killing - is also
considered immoral since it entails taking away
what has been given by God, and that human
beings should not interfere with the natural
process of death.
Short debate about euthanasia,
marriage or live in and death
 Why euthanasia is really not allowed in
Christians view?
 Why more people continue practicing
euthanasia not just to human but to
animals as well?
 Write a short reflection about the beauty
of God’s creation.
 Romans 10:11 “As Scripture says,
“Anyone who believes in him will never
be put to shame.”

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