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Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity - April 2023

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India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 2

Key Findings .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Glossary of Terms ......................................................................................................................................... 8
1. Indian Solar Photovoltaic Manufacturing Landscape............................................................................. 9
2. Trends in Domestic PV Manufacturing ................................................................................................ 18
3. Impact of the Approved List of Module Manufacturers in Driving the Indigenisation of PV
Manufacturing ............................................................................................................................................ 24
4. Risks and Challenges ............................................................................................................................ 26
5. Analysis of Emerging Global PV Hubs Outside of China .................................................................... 29
6. The Way Forward .................................................................................................................................. 36
7. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 42
About JMK Research & Analytics ............................................................................................................. 44
About IEEFA ............................................................................................................................................... 44
About the Authors ...................................................................................................................................... 44

Figures and Tables

Figure 1: Growth of Domestic PV Manufacturing Capacity………………………………………………...6
Figure 2: Stages of Solar PV Manufacturing………………………………………………………………. 10
Figure 3: Growth of Domestic PV Manufacturing Capacity……………………………………………… 11
Figure 4: Current Solar Module Manufacturing Capacity of Leading Indian Companies……………... 12
Figure 5: Proposed Addition to Module Production Capacity in India: Manufacturer-wise Distribution
by 2026………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 13
Figure 6: State-wise Share of Upcoming PV Module Manufacturing Capacity in India, 2023-2026... 14
Figure 7: Current Solar Cell Manufacturing Capacity in India: Manufacturer-wise Distribution……… 15
Figure 8: PLI Tranche 2 Result and Winner Details………………………………………………………. 22
Figure 9: Cumulative Manufacturing Capacities Under Both Tranches of PLI, by PV Manufacturing
Stages…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23
Figure 10: Net Availability of Domestic High-Quality High-Wattage Modules in the Open Market…... 25
Figure 11: Module Price Comparison: Imported vs Domestic (December 2022)……………………... 26
Figure 12: Global Solar PV Module Production, 2010-2022……………………………………………... 29
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 3

Figure 13: Proposed Expansion Plans of Solar PV Module Manufacturers in the U.S………………... 31
Figure 14: Projected Solar PV Module Manufacturing Capacity in the U.S. 2022–2030……………... 32
Figure 15: Proposed Expansion (by PV Segment) and Associated Investments in Europe by 2025... 34
Figure 16: Expansion Plans of Major European PV Manufacturers by 2025…………………………… 34
Figure 17: Expected Global Market Share Growth of the EU by 2025 (% Segment Wise)……………35
Figure 18: Year-Wise Estimated Additional Manufacturing PV Capacity………………………………..36
Figure 19: Solar Modules Export from India: Trends and Major Export Markets……………………… 37
Figure 20: Polysilicon Price Forecast Trend………………………………………………………………. 38

Table 1: Domestic PV Supply Chain: Current Status and Outlook (December 2022) ......................... 10
Table 2: PV Technologies Preferred by Various Indian Manufacturers ................................................. 19
Table 3: Solar Wafer Sizes and Their Module Wattage .......................................................................... 20
Table 4: List of Beneficiaries Under Solar PLI Tranche 1 ....................................................................... 21
Table 5: Current Status of PV Manufacturing Facilities of PLI Beneficiaries......................................... 21
Table 6: Major Solar Equipment Manufacturing Deals (2022 onwards) ................................................ 27
Table 7: Polysilicon Production Parameters (India vs China) ................................................................. 27
Table 8: Manufacturing Credit Accorded to PV Manufacturers Under the Inflation
Reduction Act..............................................................................................................................................31
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 4

Key Findings

Around 110 gigawatts (GW) of photovoltaic (PV) module manufacturing

capacity is set to come online in India by the financial year (FY) 2026,
which will make the country self-sufficient.

The two tranches of the

India's cumulative module
production-linked incentive
manufacturing nameplate
scheme will help add 51.6GW of
capacity more than doubled module capacity and at least
from 18GW in March 2022 to 27.4GW of integrated
38GW in March 2023. ‘polysilicon-to-module’ capacity
in India in the next three to four

Compared to FY2022, Indian PV exports (by value) have already risen by more
than 5x in FY2023.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 5

Executive Summary

India’s nameplate manufacturing capacity for solar photovoltaic (PV) modules will likely
reach 110 gigawatts (GW) by 2026. Upon reaching that mark, the country would attain
self-sufficiency for its solar PV module demand. India should then focus on expanding
its reach in other global markets and offer its PV products as a viable alternative to
China in terms of quality and price. Favourable policies, particularly the production-
linked incentive (PLI) scheme have helped PV manufacturing grow rapidly in the last
two to three years, with the nameplate capacity for both cells and modules more than
doubling. Yet, overreliance on imports for upstream components, muted interest among
domestic consumers for locally made PV products and lack of skilled manpower to
install and operate the high-tech machinery is holding back the full potential of the
industry. Policy stability must continue to sustain investor confidence in the PV
manufacturing sector.

Since the early 2010s, the world has largely depended on China for its photovoltaic (PV) equipment
requirements. The huge concentration of the entire PV value chain in one country poses a potential
risk to other countries. It leaves them susceptible to localised supply chain shocks and other
In recent years, PV importers, such as India, the United States of America (the U.S.) and Europe,
have enacted several measures to limit the dependence on China and support local PV
India introduced a safeguard duty (SGD) in 2018, while the U.S. instated anti-dumping duty (ADD) on
Chinese PV imports. More recently, the U.S. issued its Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which provides
an extensive production-linked incentive plan to support PV manufacturing.
In India, the government has put in place several tariff (basic customs duty (BCD)) and non-tariff
(Approved List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM)) barriers to PV imports. In addition, the
government included solar PV manufacturing in its production-linked incentive scheme (PLI)
scheme, with a total outlay of approximately US$3.2 billion spread over two tranches.
Echoing the favourable policy environment created by the Indian government, PV manufacturing has
grown rapidly in the last two to three years. Between 2020 and 2023, the nameplate capacity for
both cells and modules more than doubled in India. We estimate that the operational capacity for
both cells and modules is between 50-60% for most manufacturers.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 6

Figure 1: Growth of Domestic PV Manufacturing Capacity

2020 3
15 Polysilicon production capacity
Ingot/Wafer production capacity
Cell production capacity
2022 4.3
18 Module production capacity

2023 6.6

2026 56
e 59

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Nameplate Capacity, GW

Source: JMK Research

By 2026, India will likely reach the 110 gigawatts (GW) mark in solar module manufacturing
nameplate capacity. India will also have a notable presence in all upstream components of PV
manufacturing, such as cells, ingots/wafers and polysilicon.
The PLI scheme is one of the primary catalysts spurring the growth of the entire PV manufacturing
ecosystem in India. Besides the augmentation of infrastructure in all stages of PV manufacturing,
from polysilicon to modules, it will also lead to the simultaneous development of an ancillary market.
Based on the result of both tranches of PLI, the scheme will lead to the direct augmentation of
51.6GW of module capacity and at least 27.4GW of integrated polysilicon-to-module capacity in
PV technology is continuously evolving. Poly-crystalline, which was the mainstay just a few years
back, is already obsolete. Currently, designs for all existing and proposed manufacturing lines are for
mono-passivation emitter rear contact cells (PERC). This continuous technology shift highlights the
need for manufacturers to plan carefully while designing their PV lines to accommodate all future
scenarios. Hence, all current mono-PERC line designs can easily upgrade to other upcoming
technologies, such as Heterojunction technology (HJT) or Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact
Furthermore, all major PV importers also aim for a “China+1” strategy for their PV sourcing
requirements. In addition to already having the second largest module manufacturing capacity, India
has significant expansion plans in the next two to three years. Hence, Indian tier-1 manufacturers
have a huge interest and demand from abroad for their products. Compared to the financial year
(FY) 2022, Indian PV exports (by value) have already risen by more than 5x in FY2023.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 7

However, despite the growth and demand from other exports market, the Indian PV manufacturing
sector is still facing headwinds. These include sustained reliance on imports, especially for upstream
components (polysilicon and ingots/wafers), ancillaries and PV machinery. Although the quality of all
tier-1 Indian manufacturers is comparable to global standards, the manufacturers have complained
that the domestic consumer base is largely hesitant towards Indian PV products. In addition, the lack
of skilled manpower to install and operate the high-tech machinery, especially for cells and other
upstream components, is also an ongoing challenge.
The future of the Indian PV manufacturing sector is bright. Upon attaining self-sufficiency in the next
two to three years, India must focus on expanding its reach in other global markets and offer its PV
products as a viable alternative to China in terms of quality and price. In the meantime, policy
stability is a must for sustaining investor confidence in the market.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 8

Glossary of Terms
Abbreviation Definition
ADD Anti-Dumping Duty
ALMM Approved List of Modules and Manufacturers
BCD Basic Customs Duty
CAPEX Capital expenditure
DCR Domestic content requirement
EVA Ethylene Vinyl Acetate
EU European Union
EC European Commission
FY Financial year
GW Gigawatt
GDP Gross Domestic Product
HJT Heterojunction Technology
IRA Inflation Reduction Act
IEA International Energy Agency
IREDA Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency
mm Millimetre
Mono PERC Monocrystalline Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell
MNRE Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
MW Megawatt
PLI Production Linked Incentive
PERC Mono Passivation Emitter Rear Contact Cell
PV Photovoltaic
PM-KUSUM Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan
R&D Research & development
ROW Rest of world
SGD Safeguard Duty
SEIA Solar Energy Industries Association
TOPCon Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact
US United States
USA United States of America
USD United States Dollar
UAE United Arab Emirates
Wp Watt-peak
XUAR Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 9

1. Indian Solar Photovoltaic Manufacturing

The Indian solar photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing industry is in a pivotal growth phase. It has
witnessed an accelerated transformation post-COVID-19, primarily aided by a favourable policy
environment. As a result, the industry is gearing up to support the surging demand for solar power in
domestic and international markets.
Over the years, India and other net PV importing countries, such as the United States of America
(the U.S.), have enacted several measures to limit dependence on China for PV products. These
include implementing tariff barriers, such as a safeguard duty (SGD) in India and an anti-dumping
duty in the U.S.
With the implementation of the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan campaign in 2020,1 domestic
manufacturing has become one of the key pillars of India’s long-term development strategy. In line
with this vision, the central government introduced a production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme for
14 key sectors with a total outlay of Rs1.97 trillion (US$23.8 billion). The government chose labour-
intensive and heavy import-dependent sectors for the scheme to reduce the import bills and drive
employment growth simultaneously. The integrated manufacture of high-efficiency solar PV modules
was one of those sectors, highlighting how important PV manufacturing is to the government.
The government is currently removing all potential roadblocks to domestic PV manufacturing to
reduce enterprises’ import dependence and mitigate their risk of exposure to uncertainty in global
supply chains.
To enable and maintain the sustainable development of the solar PV manufacturing industry, the
Indian government is aiding simultaneous growth in the demand and supply of domestically
manufactured PV products. Schemes with a domestic content requirement (DCR) aid demand
through the mandatory use of domestically manufactured modules. These include Pradhan Mantri
Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan (PM-KUSUM) Scheme and the Central Public Sector
Undertaking (CPSU) Scheme. On the other hand, schemes such as PLI aid supply by providing
financial support to the manufacturers.
Since the start of 2022, the PV value chain's downstream stages (cells and modules) manufacturing
capacity has grown significantly. Though the upstream stages (polysilicon and ingot/wafers) remain
virtually non-existent in the Indian context, there are some notable preliminary developments.

Ministry of Finance. Finance Minister announces Government Reforms and Enablers across Seven Sectors under Aatma Nirbhar
Bharat Abhiyaan. May 2020.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 10

Figure 2: Stages of Solar PV Manufacturing

M.G. Ingot/
Polysilicon Cell Module
Silicon Wafer

Source: JMK Research

In India, PV manufacturing capabilities drastically reduce as we move up the value chain, from solar
modules and cells to ingots/wafers and polysilicon. This is due to the increasing complexity and
manufacturing capital expenditure (capex) requirements as we move upstream in the PV value
chain. Historically, polysilicon and ingots/wafers have had negligible to zero relevance in India’s
overall PV commodities/products trade. The domestic industry has relied entirely on imported
products from international markets for these components.

Table 1: Domestic PV Supply Chain: Current Status and Outlook (December 2022)

Parameter Module Cell Ingot/Wafer Polysilicon

38GW 6.6GW Negligible Nil

19-20GW 3-4GW Negligible Nil

Number of
70+ 8+ 1 (Adani Solar) Nil
Active Players
Substantial progress
Numerous mid- to Pace of underway in terms of
No presence currently.
Current large-scale capacity development capacity addition; Adani
PLI scheme to act as a
Status additions are in strongest of all Solar aims to expand to
critical catalyst.
progress stages 2GW capacity by the
end of 2023
Moderate to highly
Very strong mid- to Total nameplate Low favourability for
favourable near-term
long-term prospects capacity to capacity addition in the
prospects will advance
with total nameplate exceed 50GW in near term owing to the
Outlook the progress of the
capacity to reach three years on highly complex
manufacturing plans of
about 110 GW in account of high manufacturing process
big and established
three years demand and capex
Source: JMK Research

Over the next two to three years, India aims to build its presence across all stages of PV
manufacturing. It has a long-term target to build enough capacity to meet the needs of both the
domestic and export markets.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 11

Domestic Manufacturing Capacity

While the current manufacturing capacity in India across the PV value chain is sub-optimal, it is likely
to grow by leaps and bounds this decade.
Indian enterprises currently can manufacture only modules and cells. By 2026, they will likely have a
significant manufacturing presence in polysilicon (38GW) and ingots/wafers (56GW). 2 By the same
time, module production capacity will reach 110GW, approximately 3x the current capacity and
around 7x the capacity in 2020 (see Figure 3).

Figure 3: Growth of Domestic PV Manufacturing Capacity

2020 3
15 Polysilicon production capacity
Ingot/Wafer production capacity
Cell production capacity
2022 4.3
18 Module production capacity

2023 6.6

2026 56
e 59

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Nameplate Capacity, GW

Source: JMK Research

India currently has one of the largest solar module manufacturing capacities outside China.
Moreover, with several manufacturers announcing their expansion plans, the near to mid-term
prospects of the sector are also very strong.

Existing Capacity
According to JMK Research, India’s cumulative module manufacturing nameplate capacity as of
March 2022 was 18GW. By March 2023, the cumulative capacity had leapfrogged to around 38GW,
a remarkable addition of more than 100%.

Business Standard. Solar manufacturing PLI to create 90 GW additional capacity: RK Singh. October 2022.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 12

JMK Research estimates that leading manufacturers’ operational module manufacturing capacity is
about 50-60% of their nameplate capacities.
The top ten domestic manufacturers contribute 72.3% of this cumulative capacity (see Figure 4).
As of March 2023, Waaree, with a capacity of 9GW, is the largest module manufacturer in India.

Figure 4: Current Solar Module Manufacturing Capacity of Leading Indian Companies

Waaree 9

Adani (Mundra) 4

Vikram Solar 3.5

Goldi 2.5

RenewSys 1.75

Premier 1.6

Rayzon 1.5

Saatvik 1.5

Emmvee 1.25

Solex 1.2

Pahal 0.9

Insolation 0.7

Jakson 0.6

Navitas 0.5

Gautam Solar 0.5

Others 7.0

0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0

Nameplate capacity (GW)
Source: News articles, JMK Research

Upcoming Capacity by 2026

Currently, at least 23 companies have proposed setting up GW-scale new module manufacturing
capacities in the country. Based on the proposed capacity addition size, Reliance New Energy Solar
(Reliance), Shirdi Sai Electricals, ReNew, Tata Power Solar (Tata) and Grew Energy (a subsidiary of
Chiripal group, a Gujarat-based textile manufacturer) are the top five manufacturers. According to
JMK Research, the top five manufacturers will add ~33GW of new module capacity in India by 2026.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 13

Figure 5: Proposed Addition to Module Production Capacity in India: Manufacturer-wise

Distribution by 2026
Indian players International players
Reliance 10
Shirdi Sai Electricals 10
ReNew 4.8
Tata Power Solar 4
Grew Energy 4
Vikram Solar 3.8
Goldi 3.5
First Solar 3.4
Premier 3.4
Avaada 3
Waaree 3
Navitas 3
RenewSys 3
Solex 2.5
Rayzon 2.5
Jakson 2.4
Bharat Vikas Group 2
Jupiter Solar 2
Websol 1.8
Emmvee 1.8
Saatvik 1
Gautam Solar 1

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Capacity (GW)
Source: News articles, JMK Research

The coastal state of Gujarat alone accounts for nearly 57% of all the forthcoming PV manufacturing
capacity. Some major reasons manufacturers chose Gujarat for setting up their PV fabrication
facilities (fabs) include cheaper industrial electricity prices and easy access to ports for imports and
exports. Further, the base of some of the largest Indian PV manufacturers, such as Adani and
Waaree, is already in Gujarat.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 14

Figure 6: State-wise Share of Upcoming PV Module Manufacturing Capacity in India,



6% 2023-2026: 57%


Gujarat Telangana Rajasthan Andhra Pradesh Tamil Nadu Others

Source: JMK Research

In the past few years, solar cell manufacturing capacity in India has risen. Still, it lags significantly
behind the module manufacturing capacity. However, based on the announced expansion plans of
several local manufacturers, domestic cell manufacturing is likely to grow rapidly in the next two to
three years.

Existing Capacity
In March 2022, the cumulative capacity of cell manufacturing was about 4.3GW, which increased to
about 6.6GW by March 2023, an addition of 53.4%. According to industry estimates, the operational
capacity could be 50% (or even less) of the nameplate capacity.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 15

Figure 7: Current Solar Cell Manufacturing Capacity in India: Manufacturer-wise Distribution

Adani 4

Jupiter Solar 0.8

Premier 0.75

Tata Power Solar 0.53

Websol 0.25

RenewSys 0.13

BHEL 0.105

BEL 0.01

0 1 2 3 4
Nameplate capacity (GW)

Note: BHEL stands for Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited

Source: News articles, JMK Research

Upcoming Capacity by 2026

JMK Research expects nearly 52GW of additional cell manufacturing capacity to be online in India by
2026. We expect five big Indian manufacturers — Reliance, Waaree, Goldi Solar, Shirdi Sai
Electricals and Tata Power Solar — alone to contribute ~58% of this new capacity addition.
In 2021, Reliance announced that it would start building a 10GW solar cell and module factory in
Jamnagar, Gujarat, by 2024, with plans to scale up the annual capacity to 20GW in a phased manner
by 2026.

• In April 2022, Reliance signed an agreement with Chinese solar cell equipment supplier Suzhou
Maxwell Technology to purchase heterojunction technology (HJT) cell manufacturing lines to
manufacture 4.8GW of HJT cells.

• Reliance will use the high-efficiency HJT of Renewable Energy Corporation (REC) Solar Holdings,
a Norway-based PV manufacturer it acquired in October 2021, for its Jamnagar factory.3
Other companies are also planning expansions. For example, Grew Energy plans to enter the big
league of solar PV manufacturers, aiming to build a 2GW cell manufacturing facility by 2026. In a
more recent development, Centrotherm, a Germany-based technology and equipment provider to

PV Tech. Reliance Industries’ REC Group lands PV equipment supply deal with Maxwell Technologies for HJT modules. October
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 16

the PV industry, disclosed that it had received orders for delivering solar cell manufacturing lines of
more than 10GW capacity from six customers in India. 4
Some other prominent players looking to set up new cell manufacturing lines include Vikram Solar,
ReNew, Emmvee, Premier Energies and Solex. Existing players, such as Jupiter and Websol, are
also expanding their operational cell capacities.

China has 97% of the global solar wafer manufacturing capacity, according to the International
Energy Agency (IEA).5 It also holds 80–85% of the manufacturing capacity of polysilicon, the raw
material for wafer manufacturing. The polysilicon capacity outside of China (15–20%), translating to
60-80GW, is in the U.S., Germany etc. Therefore, as an alternative to China, India must source a
significant portion of its polysilicon requirement from these countries for domestic wafer
The capex of ingot/wafer manufacturing is roughly the same as cell manufacturing. However, the
current technology associated with wafer manufacturing is less complex than that of cells. We expect
these fundamental aspects, inter alia, to drive domestic opportunities in India for wafer

Existing Capacity
So far, in India, Adani Solar is the only company that has demonstrated a product in the
ingots/wafers stage. In December 2022, Adani Solar introduced a large-sized monocrystalline silicon
ingot in its Mundra (Gujarat) facility. This development led the company to become India’s first
manufacturer of monocrystalline silicon ingots, capable of producing M10 (182mm) and M12
(210mm) size wafers. Adani Solar will exclusively use these ingots to produce its modules, whose
efficiencies will range from 21% to 24%.6

Upcoming Capacity
While Adani Solar has initiated wafer production, it also plans to add 2GW of ingots/wafers capacity
by December 2023, which it intends to scale up to 10GW by 2025.
In addition, in October 2021, Reliance New Energy Solar, a subsidiary of Reliance Industries Limited,
invested US$29 million in German wafer manufacturer, NexWafe. The two companies also entered
an agreement through which Reliance will access NexWafe’s proprietary technology, which the
Indian company will use to build large-scale wafer manufacturing facilities in India.
Finally, in July 2022, Emmvee Photovoltaic announced its plan to set up 1.5GW of wafer-to-module
capacity in India by the end of 2023.7

PV Magazine. Centrotherm’s order book exceeds 10 GW in India. January 2023.
IEA. Special Report on Solar PV Global Supply Chains. July 2022.
Mint. Adani Solar introduces India’s first large sized monocrystalline silicon ingot. December 2022.
Company Website.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 17

Polysilicon, the first stage in the PV manufacturing chain, involves the most complex manufacturing
process. Its capex requirement is very high. For example, setting up a polysilicon manufacturing
facility to produce 1GW of solar modules can cost approximately US$100–150 million.
Manufacturers with access to large capital reserves, such as Reliance and Adani, will likely be at the
forefront of domestic polysilicon manufacturing. The polysilicon they produce will likely be for self-
consumption as raw material for their own wafer manufacturing facilities. Building fully integrated PV
manufacturing capacities is prudent for these companies which have laid down huge commitments
in the larger renewable energy ecosystem, including building large-scale green hydrogen production
Through integrated factories that PLI beneficiaries are setting up, we expect India to host the first of
the future polysilicon manufacturing capacities within the next couple of years.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 18

2. Trends in Domestic PV Manufacturing

New Entrants
Among those looking to set up GW-scale PV manufacturing facilities, Reliance, ReNew, the Chiripal
Group (through its subsidiary Grew Energy) and the Bharat Vikas Group, one of India's largest
integrated services companies, are some new entrants.
One of the largest coal producers in the world, Coal India, and power developers, such as Avaada,
ReNew, and Amp Energy, have announced their plans to enter the domestic PV manufacturing
landscape in the past two years.
As modules are the most expensive component of a solar project, developers are entering the
manufacturing space for better cost controls and to ensure an all-year-round module supply.
ReNew’s 6GW module and 2GW cell plants are likely to commence operation by the end of 2023.
PLI provides conglomerates and companies operating in other business domains a chance to invest
in solar manufacturing. Hence, Reliance and Shirdi Sai Electricals, both beneficiaries of the first
tranche of PLI, have ventured into large-scale PV manufacturing.
Even some global manufacturers are vying to set up their manufacturing facilities in India. The most
prominent name in this is First Solar (a U.S.-based solar PV manufacturer), which is also one of the
winners under PLI Tranche 2.

Shift in Technology
Over the last two to three years, the domestic PV manufacturing industry has dramatically moved to
adopt advanced manufacturing technologies. We expect this trend to become stronger in the mid-
term. Companies have set up the latest manufacturing facilities, which host semi- or fully automated
machinery, either as an upgrade to obsolete manufacturing lines (usually on the part of big,
established manufacturers) or as greenfield assets by new entrants.
Mono PERC technology, the workhorse of the global PV industry, predominantly forms the basis of
new PV manufacturing lines. Though the domestic industry now possesses the technological
capabilities to produce high-efficiency mono PERC cells and modules, it lacks production capacities
at scale.
Many Indian manufacturers are transitioning to producing cells and modules with large wafer
formats/dimensions. These modules have improved power output (wattage) between 435–650 watt-
peak (Wp) or even higher. In addition, the adoption of bifacial module technology has also gained
substantial momentum in the last one to two years.
The following section covers the recent trends in domestic PV manufacturing in India in detail in
terms of aspects like cell technology and wafer format.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 19

Manufacturing Line Technology

About 90% of the Indian solar market has transitioned to using mono PERC technology, according to
industry estimates. Mono PERC will likely remain the mainstream technology for another two to three
years in the global PV landscape. Thus, the Indian industry, in all likelihood, will follow this trend.
Typically, the capex of a mono PERC module manufacturing line is about Rs1 billion (~US$13 million)
per GW. Meanwhile, a mono PERC cell manufacturing line costs 5x more, i.e., Rs5 billion (~US$65
million) per GW. Many Indian manufacturers have set up, or are in the process of setting up, new cell
manufacturing lines with greater flexibility in terms of upgradability.
Companies such as Adani, Premier Energies, Jupiter Solar and Tata Power Solar have mono PERC
cell and module manufacturing lines that are upgradable to Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact
(TOPCon) technology. On the other hand, Reliance will be using HJT for its upcoming Jamnagar PV
manufacturing line.
Both TOPCon and HJT are the newest high-efficiency technologies in PV manufacturing that are
swiftly gaining prominence.
TOPCon is gaining popularity in China. From 2023, we expect TOPCon’s use to gradually increase
and grab the market share of mono PERC in India. Many Indian businesses, including Adani and
Emmvee, have already announced plans to set up either greenfield TOPCon capacities or modify
existing mono PERC ones.

Table 2: PV Technologies Preferred by Various Indian Manufacturers


Source: JMK Research

Wafer Format
Existing and prospective domestic cell manufacturers are either adopting or looking to adopt mono
PERC technology with wafer sizes up to M12 (210mm) through M6 (166mm) and M10 (182mm).
M10 wafers will likely be the preferred domestic market choice in the foreseeable future, based on
lower logistics costs during transportation vis-à-vis M12-based modules.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 20

It must, however, be noted that any greenfield investment for new manufacturing lines or any
modifications to existing manufacturing lines dealing with wafer sizes up to M6 requires a moderate
capex as opposed to wafers sized M10 and beyond. The latter needs many manufacturing line
modifications, and the associated equipment requires huge capex investments.
With the larger wafers (M10 and M12) linked to superior performance (significantly greater power
output), the overall cost of production vis-à-vis smaller wafers would be only modestly higher.

Table 3: Solar Wafer Sizes and Their Module Wattage

Wafer Size Nominal Power Output (Wp)

M3 370–390

M6 435–460

M10 535–560

M12 590–650

Source: JMK Research

Progress of the PLI Scheme for Solar PV

In November 2020, the Indian government introduced a PLI scheme for manufacturing high-
efficiency solar PV modules, among other things. The government approved the implementation of
PLI for solar manufacturing in April 2021 with a financial outlay of Rs45 billion (US$605 million). It
later enhanced the outlay by Rs195 billion (US$2.6 billion) under the Union Budget for 2022–23 in
February 2022.
The government is implementing the PLI scheme in two tranches. It concluded the selection of PLI
beneficiaries (final list) under the first tranche in February 2022. SECI announced the winners of the
second tranche in March 2023.

Solar PLI Scheme Tranche 1

In May 2021, the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) issued a tender inviting
bids to set up 10GW of high-efficiency solar module manufacturing capacities. This tender received
an overwhelming response, with 18 eligible bids aggregating 54.8GW. IREDA announced the
successful bidders/beneficiaries – Shirdi Sai Electricals, Jindal India Solar Energy and Reliance New
Energy Solar – in November 2021.
However, in February 2022, the IREDA updated the winners’ list, adding Adani Infrastructure and
excluding Jindal India Solar Energy. The total PLI to be granted across the three final awardees is
Rs44.55 billion (US$542 million), which would lead to the setting up of 8,737 megawatts (MW) of PLI-
linked capacity (see Table 5).
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 21

Table 4: List of Beneficiaries Under Solar PLI Tranche 1

Bidder’s Manufacturing Eligible Capacity for PLI Total PLI for Five
Winner Name
Capacity (MW) (MW) Years (Rs billion)

Reliance New Solar Energy 4,000 4,000 19.17

Shirdi Sai Electricals 4,000 4,000 18.75

Adani Infrastructure 4,000 737 6.63

Total 8,737 44.55

Source: IREDA, News Articles, JMK Research

Integrated wafer-to-module manufacturing lines under the first tranche will likely be online in the
short-to-medium term. The main challenge lies in the setting up of polysilicon manufacturing lines.
Setting up polysilicon manufacturing lines of 4GW (PLI-linked) capacity is financially unviable owing
to its high capex requirements.
Thus, PLI Tranche 1 winners, Reliance and Shirdi Sai Electricals, both bid in the second tranche,
where they were allotted additional capacities of 6GW each (Total PLI (PLI 1 + PLI 2) Cap – 10GW).

Table 5: Current Status of PV Manufacturing Facilities of PLI Beneficiaries

Plant Solar Land Equipment Date of
Company Location Expansion
Capacity Technology Procurement Procurement Commissioning
Shirdi Sai Mono PERC Completed Under
4GW Andhra April 2024 10GW
Electricals + TOPCon (5,147 acres) progress
Reliance New Completed Jamnagar 20GW, later
10GW HJT Done 2024
Solar Energy (~5,000 acres) , Gujarat than 2026
10GW (4GW
Adani Mono PERC Mundra, Under
already Completed 2024 -
Infrastructure + TOPCon Gujarat progress
Source: News Articles, JMK Research

PLI beneficiaries are already planning and setting up factories. Reliance and Adani are in various
stages of setting up fabs of 10GW each. Shirdi Sai Electricals, which is currently setting up only 4GW
capacity, will expand to 10GW of PV manufacturing capacity in the future, owing to its win in the
second tranche of PLI.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 22

Solar PLI Scheme Tranche 2

The Indian government approved the second tranche (PLI outlay of Rs195 billion (US$2.6 billion)) in
September 2022. The government expects this to substitute PV imports worth Rs1.40 trillion
(US$16.94 billion) annually and create 975,000 direct and indirect jobs.8
Of the total Tranche 2 outlay, the government has reserved Rs120 billion (US$1.45 billion) for
companies setting up integrated manufacturing of polysilicon, wafers, cells and modules. The funds
allocated are Rs45 billion (US$605 million) for wafers, cells and modules and Rs30 billion
(US$362.97 million) for cells and modules.
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) anticipates the second tranche to significantly
augment the country’s PV manufacturing infrastructure (directly and indirectly) and boost the module
manufacturing capacity multifold. 9

Figure 8: PLI Tranche 2 Result and Winner Details

10000 3500
3300 Bidder Manufacturing Capacity (MW)
Eligible capacity for PLI (MW) 3000
8000 Total PLI for five years (Rs crore)
7000 2500
Capacity (MW)

6000 6000 6000


Rs crore
4000 1500
4000 3400
3000 3000 3000 3000
3000 2400 2400 1000
2000 2000
2000 1700
1000 1000 1000 500
1000 500 500

0 0

Tata Power Solar


Grew Energy
Shirdi Sai Electricals


AMPIN (Amp Energy)

Vikram Solar
First Solar


Stage 1 to 4 Stage 2 to 4 Stage 3 to 4

Note: Stage 1 (Polysilicon), Stage 2 (Ingot/Wafer), Stage 3 (Cell), Stage 4 (Module)

Source: SECI

The Economic Times. Solar PLI of Rs 19500 crore under tranche II puts focus on product efficiency levels. October 2022.
Business Standard. Solar manufacturing PLI to create 90 Gw addl capacity in India: R K Singh. October 2022.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 23

SECI conducted the bidding process for this second tranche of PLI, which concluded on 28 February
2023. As per the results announced on 28 March 2023, Shirdi Sai Electricals, through its subsidiary
Indosol Solar Private Limited, secured the highest PLI amount of Rs33 billion (US$401 million) for an
integrated polysilicon-to-module manufacturing capacity of 6,000MW.
Other prominent winners include Reliance (6,000MW), Waaree (6,000MW), ReNew (4,800MW),
Vikram Solar (2,400MW), and Tata Power Solar (4,000MW). Adani, one of the largest domestic solar
PV manufacturers, did not participate in PLI Tranche 2 bidding process.
Notably, U.S.-based solar manufacturer, First Solar, became the first and only non-Indian entity to
secure a PLI. It received an incentive of Rs11.78 billion (US$143 million) for setting up a 3,400MW
integrated polysilicon-to-module factory.
PLI Tranche 2 marks the entry of some prominent Indian solar developers into the manufacturing
space. These include Avaada, ReNew and Amp energy. However, a significant portion of the
manufacturing capacity by these developers will be for self-consumption in their own solar projects.

Figure 9: Cumulative Manufacturing Capacities Under Both Tranches of PLI, by PV

Manufacturing Stages

Expected Capacity Development of

Each Stage Under PLI (MW)
Stage 1 to 4 27,400

Module 27,400
Stage 2 to 4 16,800 51,600 16%
Cell 44,200
Stage 3 to 4 7,400 51,600 25%

0 10,000 20,000 30,000

Polysilicon Ingot/Wafer Cell Module

Note: Stage 1 (Polysilicon), Stage 2 (Ingot/Wafer), Stage 3 (Cell), Stage 4 (Module)


Over the next few years, the PLI scheme (both tranches combined) will directly lead to the setting up
of 27.4GW of integrated polysilicon-to-module manufacturing capacity in India. Additionally, the PLI
scheme will add at least 51.6GW of module production capacity to reach 110GW by FY2026.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 24

3. Impact of the Approved List of Module

Manufacturers in Driving the Indigenisation of
PV Manufacturing
The MNRE introduced the Approved List of Module Manufacturers (ALMM) in 2019 to ensure quality
standardisation and lower the industry’s dependency on imported solar modules. It updated the
ALMM on 27 February 2023. The latest list includes 70+ MNRE-approved manufacturers and an
enlisted capacity of 22,389MW. 10 All of these manufacturers are domestic companies.
Only those solar module models listed in the ALMM would be eligible for use in open access and net
metering projects along with government projects, government-assisted projects, and projects under
various government schemes and programmes.
Even after applying the basic customs duty (BCD) on imported modules, the current cost differential
between a domestic and imported module is negligible. In such a scenario, the ALMM acts as an
absolute trade barrier protecting the interests of domestic manufacturers. Thus, over the past year,
ALMM has been the most important driver for the development of domestic PV manufacturing.

Paucity of Domestic High-Wattage Module Availability Impeding

ALMM Effectiveness
Most domestic module manufacturers lack higher wattage modules (>500Wp) in their portfolio.
Thus, project developers in India face a paucity of module procurement options. Against the Indian
nameplate PV module manufacturing capacity of around 38GW, the actual net availability of high-
wattage, high-quality modules within the open domestic market is quite limited (around 7.4GW).

MNRE. Updation of list 1 of ALMM. February 2023.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 25

Figure 10: Net Availability of Domestic High-Quality High-Wattage Modules in the Open Market

Source: JMK Research

The limited availability of high-wattage modules consequently results in a substantial delay in the
commissioning timeline of multiple solar projects, especially in the utility-scale segment. To address
this shortage, in March 2023, the Indian government announced that it would defer ALMM
implementation by a year until March 2024, until domestic PV manufacturing could sustain local
While the ALMM deferment is a big relief to the developers, it is a temporary setback to domestic
manufacturers’ rapid expansion plans. At this juncture, it is critical for regulatory stakeholders to
carefully balance the needs of developers and manufacturers in the best interests of the overall
growth of the solar sector in India.

MNRE. Approved models and manufacturers of solar photovoltaic modules order amendment. March 2023.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 26

4. Risks and Challenges

Despite all the current growth drivers, several major challenges are still hampering the growth of the
Indian PV manufacturing sector. While some key challenges, including supply chain disruptions,
reductions in polysilicon price, and regulatory clarity regarding BCD, have found a resolution, other
pertinent ones remain.

Duties on Cell and Ancillary Components

A BCD of 40% is applicable on solar modules imported after March 2022. Also, a BCD of 25% is
applicable on the import of solar cells. While all manufacturers unanimously supported the BCD on
solar modules, they were not in favour of the BCD on solar cells.
Indian solar cell manufacturing (around 6.6GW nameplate capacity) lags significantly and is unable to
meet the demands of domestic module manufacturing (around 38GW nameplate capacity). Thus,
without ample domestic cell manufacturing, Indian module manufacturers must import solar cells and
pay a BCD of 25%.
In addition, manufacturers also have to pay anti-dumping duties for importing ancillary components
of a solar module, such as the backsheet, frame, glass, ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), etc.

Figure 11: Module Price Comparison: Imported vs Domestic (December 2022)

35 29
30 27
25 5 8

10 22 21
Domestic Imported

Base Duties & Taxes

Note: 1. The module type considered in the price trend in this figure is 440–450Wp Mono PERC (Monofacial).
2. These prices do not include freight charges and other associated costs.

Source: JMK Research

This further adds to higher input costs for manufacturers and, hence, higher selling prices of
modules compared to Chinese counterparts. All these duties add up and form a significant portion of
the landed price of a domestically manufactured module. Hence, a domestically manufactured
module's final landed price is almost equal (only a US$0.01-0.02/Wp difference) to its imported
counterpart, even with a 40% BCD.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 27

Lack of Domestic Solar Equipment Manufacturing

Although India has made significant strides towards achieving self-sufficiency in solar PV
manufacturing through capacity addition, the machinery for this comes almost entirely through
imports, mainly from China. Thus, in the event of breakdowns or process fine-tuning, etc., there is an
understated overreliance on spare parts/assistance from the PV machinery supplier (viz., located
outside India).

Table 6: Major Solar Equipment Manufacturing Deals (2022 onwards)

Country of
Supplier Importer Order Date Capacity (GW) Type
Reliance New
SC-Solar January 2023 China 5.2GW Module (HJT)
6 different Indian December Cell (Mono
Centrotherm Germany 10GW
manufacturers 2022 PERC)
Reliance New
Maxwell April 2022 China 4.8GW Cell (HJT)
All major tier-1
Indian H1 2022 China 18GW Module
Source: News Articles, JMK Research

The Polysilicon Hurdle

As highlighted earlier in this report, polysilicon production is the solar PV manufacturing supply
chain's most capital-intensive and time-consuming process. Setting up a polysilicon factory takes at
least two to four years. The considerable infrastructure investment makes any polysilicon facility of
less than 3-4GW financially unviable.

Table 7: Polysilicon Production Parameters (India vs China)

Parameter India China

Cost to develop (per GW) US$130 million US$60 million

Polysilicon nameplate capacity (2022) - 340GW

Proposed polysilicon capacity (by
38GW 637GW
Industrial electricity prices US$100/megawatt-hour (MWh) US$60–80/MWh

Source: IEA, JMK Research

Due to the higher initial capex and industrial electricity prices, it is more expensive to build and
operate a polysilicon factory in India vis-à-vis China. With China scaling up its polysilicon production
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 28

significantly over the next few years, it will be difficult for Indian manufacturers to maintain cost
competitiveness with their Chinese counterparts.
For the same reasons, Indian manufacturers are apprehensive about entering polysilicon production.
Even those that have announced plans to enter the segment (such as Adani) may use a large
proportion of their polysilicon production mostly for their own plants. Hence, even with the rest of the
solar supply chain secured domestically, polysilicon may be India's last persistent hurdle to achieving
self-sufficiency in solar PV manufacturing.

Lack of Skilled Manpower in Solar Manufacturing

There is a dearth of skilled professionals with experienced know-how in installing, commissioning
and operating a solar manufacturing facility, especially for upstream components, such as cells,
wafers, polysilicon, etc.
Recently, Indian solar PV manufacturers have cited instances of a shortage of skilled engineers while
commissioning or configuring their modules or cell lines. This shortage led to improper site
configuration, leading to installation delays and inefficient operations, affecting the factory production
A significant reason for this lack of skilled professionals is the massive concentration of the solar
manufacturing industry in China — it stands to reason that most skilled PV engineers are Chinese.
In addition, since 2020, multiple waves of COVID-19 have impacted travel between China and India.
Thus, the resulting scarcity of manpower in India trained to handle the installation of cell lines has
limited the expansion plans of several solar cell manufacturers.
With the anticipated scaling up in Indian PV manufacturing capabilities over the next few years, India
must develop academic capabilities to enable a skilled workforce to drive this growth. It is imperative
for Indian manufacturers to bridge the gap between academia and industry through tie-ups with
leading educational institutes. Leading institutes must establish courses and departments catering to
PV manufacturing. A close interaction between academia and industry may also spur India's starkly
deficient research and development (R&D) capabilities.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 29

5. Analysis of Emerging Global PV Hubs

Outside of China
Besides India, many other global counterparts are proactively introducing initiatives to build their
domestic manufacturing capabilities post-COVID-19. In this section, we will discuss in detail some of
those initiatives.
Regarding global PV module production, shipments and installations, 2022 was a year of vast
growth. Overall global PV shipments were well above 300GW. Of the 245GW shipped by the top 10
global module suppliers, over 55% was by China and Europe. 12
Of the 10 leading solar module suppliers in the world, eight are Chinese. These companies shipped
more than 40GW each of their branded modules in 2022.

Figure 12: Global Solar PV Module Production, 2010-2022

Note: ROW = Rest of World

Source: IEA. Special report on solar PV global supply chains. July 2022

The dominance of China in solar PV manufacturing is visible in the output module production
volumes of each country in the past 12 years. The share of China in global solar module production
has increased from around 50% in 2010 to around 70% in 2021 and 2022.

PV TECH. Top 10 PV module suppliers in 2022 shipped 245 GW. February 2023.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 30

The United States of America

The U.S. is one of the leading consumers of the solar PV industry. Lately, the American solar industry
has been vying to make a mark in the manufacturing space, mainly to reduce dependence on PV
imports from China and Southeast Asia.
Currently, the U.S. solar PV industry faces supply chain disruptions due to the anti-circumvention
probe and the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act. In FY2022, the US imported more than 80% of
its solar modules from Southeast Asian countries. 13 The Department of Commerce’s preliminary anti-
circumvention probe found that some cells and modules exported from Cambodia, Thailand,
Malaysia and Vietnam circumvent tariffs on goods made in China. They were evading the anti-
dumping and countervailing duties in place for Chinese imports.
Upon investigation, the U.S. Department of Commerce decided that solar cells made by any of these
four countries, using only wafers from China, exported to a different country, and further assembled
into modules, would not be eligible for imports.
In June 2022, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection implemented the Uyghur Forced Labour Act.
The Act, first passed in December 2021, probits the import of solar modules produced through
forced labour practices in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR). The resulting market
uncertainty led to delays in approvals for hundreds of stranded solar equipment manufacturers
whose shipments were in the U.S. ports, leading to a dip in solar installations across the country. 14

Policies and Incentives

The solar manufacturing industry in the U.S. is developing at a rapid pace. Over time, the
government has introduced several policy incentives and actions beneficial to solar PV
manufacturers. These measures also aim to enable the competitiveness of domestic manufacturing
via subsidies and tax rebates.

• In 2014, the U.S. Department of Commerce imposed anti-dumping duties on solar PV cells and
crystalline silicon imports from China and Taiwan. 15
• In 2018, the US imposed a safeguard duty on solar cells and modules. Initially, it was 30% and
later reduced to 18% in 2022.
• In 2022, the U.S. Senate approved the Inflation Reduction Act, which commits an investment of
US$30 billion towards manufacturing renewable energy components and electric vehicle
batteries. This kind of policy intervention significantly boosts local manufacturers’ trust in the
demand for local products, resulting in more progressive expansion plans. Further, the Act
provides manufacturing credit for all stages of PV manufacturing, from polysilicon to modules.

Reuters. U.S to consider tariffs on solar panels made in southeast Asia. March 2022.
Baird Holm LLP. Uyghur forced labor prevention act will affect imported solar modules. July 2022.
PV Magazine. Solar trade war: US imposes preliminary anti-dumping tariffs of 26-165% on solar PV from China, Taiwan. July 2014.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 31

Table 8: Manufacturing Credit Accorded to PV Manufacturers Under the Inflation Reduction


Credit Amount for

S. No Components

1 Solar grade polysilicon US$3 per kilogram

2 PV wafer US$12 per square metre

3 PV cell US$0.04 per Wdc

4 Polymeric back sheet US$0.4 per square metre

5 PV module US$0.07 per Wdc

Source: U.S. Department of Energy

The passing of the Inflation Reduction Act and the implementation of favourable solar PV
manufacturing policies in the U.S. spurred multiple new project announcements in 2022
(see Figure 13).

Figure 13: Proposed Expansion Plans of Solar PV Module Manufacturers in the U.S.

12 4.5


Investment $billion
8 3



4 1.5


0 0
First Solar Q CELLS Toledo Solar Meyer Mission 3Sun(Enel) SPI Energy
Burger Solar

Modules Ingots/Wafers Investment

Source: IEA
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 32

First Solar, a leading solar PV manufacturer in the U.S., announced its plans to invest up to US$4
billion in increasing the production of American-made solar modules. This investment is forecasted
to expand the solar module production capacity in the U.S. to more than 10GW by 2025.16
In addition, Hanwha Q CELLS, a South Korea-based solar PV manufacturer, has announced that it
will invest more than US$2.5 billion to build a complete solar supply chain in the U.S. This is one of
the largest investments in the U.S. solar industry. The project will establish a fully integrated silicon-
based solar supply chain in the U.S. with an anticipated total production capacity of 9GW. 17

Target to Reach 50GW of Solar Manufacturing Capacity by 2030

The U.S. Department of Energy has realised that the U.S. will not be able to meet its climate goals
until it expands domestic manufacturing in clean energy, specifically in solar energy. As a result, the
Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) released a roadmap to establish a complete domestic PV
supply chain in the country. It prepared the roadmap to achieve 50GW integrated annual solar
manufacturing capacity by 2030.

Figure 14: Projected Solar PV Module Manufacturing Capacity in the U.S. 2022–2030

50000 46500
35000 33000

15000 12000
5000 2500 3000
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2030

Polysilicon Ingot/Wafer C-Si Cell C-Si module

Source: SEIA

Currently, the U.S. has limited capacity to manufacture PV components like polysilicon, steel,
aluminium, resins and mountings. However, there is still a significant gap in the supply chain. In
addition, there is no domestic manufacturing capacity for solar ingots/wafers and cells, and only a
restricted capacity to produce solar modules. Thus, these segments require enhanced focus and
support to achieve 50GW of manufacturing capacity. 18

PV Magazine. First Solar to invest up to $1.2 billion to expand US solar output by 4.4 GW. August 2022.
Utility Dive. First Solar brings US manufacturing investment to $ 4B after selling out of panels through 2025. February 2023.
PV Magazine. Solar industry eyes 50GW of manufacturing capacity by end of this decade. August 2022.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 33

European Union
The European Union (EU) plans to scale up its solar PV-based electricity to meet its climate goals,
decarbonising its electricity grid and being less dependent on countries outside the EU, like China,
for solar PV components.

Policies and Incentives

As part of the EU’s solar strategy, it aims to reach 30GW of solar module production capacity by
2025. Accordingly, the EU has introduced policies and incentives to reach this target.

• In June 2013, the European Commission (EC) imposed anti-dumping duties on Chinese solar
panel components, including wafers and cells. A product is considered dumped if it is exported
to another country at prices lower than its normal value in its own domestic market.
• In May 2022, the EC announced the REPower EU plan, which responded to the energy hardships
caused by the Russian-Ukraine conflict. It aims to save energy, produce clean energy and
diversify energy supplies. It includes financial and legal measures to ramp up the new clean
energy infrastructure in the EU. 19

EU Aims to Reach 30GW Solar Module Production by 2025

EU aims to increase its solar module manufacturing capacity from around 4.5GW at present to 30GW
by 2025. This capacity addition will ultimately result in an annual addition of €60 billion (US$65
billion) to the EU’s gross domestic product (GDP). 20 In addition, European solar manufacturing
companies have recently announced cumulative expansion plans of around 20-30GW capacity in
each solar supply chain component.

European Commission. REPower EU: affordable, secure, and sustainable energy for Europe. May 2022.
EIT InnoEnergy. EU Solar PV Industry Alliance sets target of 30GW of PV Manufacturing Capacity by 2025. December 2022.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 34

Figure 15: Proposed Expansion (by PV Segment) and Associated Investments in Europe by

50 3.5
45 3.26
35 2.5

US$ billion
30 2.06 2

20 20 20
20 1.5

15 1
0 0
Polysilicon Ingots/wafers Solar cells Solar modules

Proposed capacity Capex Requirements

Source: Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems

Establishing this proposed capacity in the EU requires a cumulative capex investment of ~US$8
billion across PV verticals. The highest share (around 40%) of this investment will go towards setting
up 30GW of polysilicon manufacturing.

Figure 16: Expansion Plans of Major European PV Manufacturers by 2025



5 5
5 3.8 3.5
5 5 3.8 1.8 4 1.8 1.7 1 0.4
1.8 2.8 3.6
1.8 2.8 0.3 0.1

Polysilicon Ingots/wafers Cell Module

India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 35

Source: Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems

We highlight some of the key PV manufacturing expansion announcements in the EU below.

• German chemical producer Wacker Chemie AG (Wacker) has announced the expansion of its
polysilicon production capacity at its plant in Holla, near Trondheim, in Norway. Wacker is among
the top five companies in the world in polysilicon production and has approximately 28GW of
production capacity in Europe. It plans to roughly double its manufacturing capacity to 53GW by

• French Industrial start-up CARBON has declared that it will build a 5GW solar panel factory in
France by 2025 and then expand its production capacity to 15GW by 2030. 21

• In Sicily, Enel S.p.A is setting up a 3GW capacity for HJT-based bifacial modules. 22 It has set an
ambitious cell efficiency target of 30% for its facility.
• Companies like Norsan and Norwegian Crystal are setting up dedicated ingot/wafer
manufacturing units, and both are planning around 4GW of new capacity. Nexwafe also aims to
reach 3GW of manufacturing capacity in ingots/wafers by 2024–25.

Figure 17: Expected Global Market Share Growth of the EU by 2025 (% Segment Wise)

Solar modules

Solar cells


Solar polysiliocn

0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14%

Present By 2025

Source: Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems

Various policies and the planned increase in PV manufacturing capacity in the EU will increase
production capabilities outside of China. By 2025, Europe will enhance its global market share in all
PV supply chain verticals. The increase is especially notable in the cells and ingots/wafers segments.
The market share of the manufacturing of polysilicon and solar modules will also increase by almost
1-2% for each.

Renewables Now. Solar start-up carbon plans 5-GW PV factory in France. March 2022.
Enel Green Power. The 3 Sun Gigafactory Story: Towards the Gigafactory in record time.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 36

6. The Way Forward

Like the U.S. and Europe, India has been a net importer of PV products and is now vying for self-
sufficiency and reduced dependence on China. Thus, the global market trends will likely define the
future course of PV manufacturing in India.
The PV manufacturing sector in India is undergoing a radical change, both in terms of scale and
quality. Looking ahead, we can see the development of current trends in the sector blossoming into
further opportunities.

Augmentation of Domestic PV Manufacturing Capabilities

India's PV module manufacturing capacity has more than doubled from 18GW in 2022 to around
38GW in 2023. This growth in domestic manufacturers' capacities will continue for the next two to
three years.

Figure 18: Year-Wise Estimated Additional Manufacturing PV Capacity


100 94

Capacity (GW)

59 56
60 52
38 38

18 19
4.3 6.8

March 2022 March 2023 2023e 2024e 2025e 2026e

Module Cell Ingot/Wafer Polysilicon

Source: JMK Research

With ~72GW in the pipeline, the Indian module manufacturing capacity will reach around 110GW by
2026. Additionally, there is likely to be a similar growth rate in cell manufacturing capacity with
~52GW in the pipeline.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 37

With such a large expansion of PV manufacturing capabilities, there will be no dearth of domestic
modules in the market a few years down the line. As noted earlier in this report, Indian
manufacturers will then have the potential to meet domestic demand and cater to the export market.

Strengthening Export Opportunities for Domestic Manufacturers

India recorded a huge jump in solar module exports during the current financial year as well,
primarily due to the restrictions imposed by other countries on Chinese goods. Data from the
Ministry of Commerce and Industry shows that Indian enterprises exported modules worth US$388
million from April to November 2022 compared to over US$71 million in the same period in 2021.
The U.S. was the largest consumer of Indian PV modules, accounting for 93% of the exports.

Figure 19: Solar Modules Export from India: Trends and Major Export Markets

160 Major PV Export Market Share

(April-November 2022)
120 1% 3%
US$ (million)

100 1%













Solar Modules 2021 Solar Modules 2022 USA UAE South Africa
Afghanistan Mauritius ROW

Source: Ministry of Commerce and Industry

All major PV importers around the globe are actively pursuing a “China+1” strategy to insulate their
PV procurements against future supply chain shocks that become unavoidable in certain cases due
to the concentration of manufacturing in just one country. Additionally, for some countries, such as
the U.S., geopolitical issues also impact decision-making regarding solar imports.
Naturally, with India having the second-largest module manufacturing capacity globally and
significant expansion plans, many countries are looking at India as a viable alternative to China for
their PV requirements.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 38

All leading GW-scale manufacturers in India are reporting considerable interest and demand from
abroad for their high-quality and high-wattage lines of modules. Thus, they are already earmarking
around 20–25% of their manufacturing capacity only for the export market. However, this may
inadvertently lead to shortages in the local market for high-quality modules in the short term.
Domestic manufacturers must also factor in the risk of lower overseas demand in the future as major
export destinations, such as the U.S. and Europe, are scaling up their PV manufacturing capabilities
and becoming self-sufficient.

Reduction in Polysilicon Costs

The last few years (2020-2023) have been turbulent, to say the least, for PV component prices. Since
2020, polysilicon shortages have led to a surge in its prices, which have increased by almost 6x
between 2020 and 2022. This unprecedented hike in polysilicon costs has increased the prices of all
PV downstream components, such as wafers, cells and, ultimately, modules.

Figure 20: Polysilicon Price Forecast Trend

Polysilicon Price

35 40

27 25.6
10 15.4
5 10.6







Source: PwC analysis,23 PV Infolink

With the polysilicon capacity set to almost double over the next few years, the recent glut in
polysilicon availability is nearing its end. Going forward, the polysilicon prices are expected to fall
back to their pre-pandemic levels, leading to a simultaneous easing in all PV component prices in
India as well.

PwC. PV Price Predictions: Assessment of solar power’s cost economics. December 2022.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 39

Ancillary Market Development

Developing the manufacturing capacity of PV ancillary components (glass, EVA, backsheets, etc.) in
tandem is crucial to enable a truly integrated production ecosystem. With ongoing efforts by the
Indian government to incentivise solar manufacturing, the growth of the ancillary market is imminent.
For example, Borosil recently doubled its solar glass manufacturing capacity in India. 24 Other major
domestic manufacturers, such as Adani and Reliance, aiming for integrated manufacturing, also plan
to start manufacturing ancillaries.
To aid the growth of the ancillary market, the government may also consider including ancillary
components in future potential iterations of the PLI scheme. Additionally, the government may
provide indirect manufacturing incentives to ancillary components through tax credits, similar to the
recently implemented Inflation Reduction Act in the U.S.

Policy Expectations and Recommendations

Recently, the Indian government has created several policies and initiatives to support and spur
domestic PV manufacturing. This includes aiding supply (the PLI scheme) and demand (the ALMM,
BCD and manufacturing linked tenders) of domestic modules. However, the government can also
implement the following policy initiatives to aid PV manufacturing capabilities in India further.

Extension of the PLI Scheme

The current version of the Solar PLI Scheme provides direct incentives for manufacturing polysilicon,
wafers, cell and modules, with the extent of integration being an important parameter for monetary
However, to develop a complete PV manufacturing ecosystem, the government may consider
supporting other important but often overlooked components of solar manufacturing through the PLI
Scheme. These include manufacturing PV equipment machinery and ancillary components like glass
and EVA.
The Inflation Reduction Act passed in the U.S. provides a suitable blueprint to include the extensive
PV manufacturing ecosystem under the production-linked benefits. In addition to the manufacturing
stage of polysilicon into modules, the Act also provides incentives for producing inverters, trackers,
backsheets, batteries, etc.

Upfront Subsidy Disbursal Scheme

Establishing a PV manufacturing facility is a capital-intensive enterprise. In India, setting up a 1GW
cell and module factor requires an investment of approximately Rs10 billion (~US$120 million). 25

PV Magazine. Borosil expands solar glass capacity in India. January 2023.
IEA. Special Report on Solar PV Global Supply Chains. July 2022.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 40

Additionally, with PV technology constantly evolving, a significant capital influx is also necessary at
regular intervals for machinery upgradation and other maintenance-related tasks.
A manufacturing incentive disbursed right at the beginning (pre-construction) can potentially
alleviate any likely capital crunch initially, especially for small manufacturers.

Subsidising Electricity Costs

PV manufacturing, especially polysilicon, is an energy-intensive process. The subsidised rates for
electricity provided to Chinese PV manufacturers were an important reason they could easily scale
up manufacturing capabilities.
On similar lines, the Indian government can also consider incentivising the electricity consumption of
PV manufacturers. The government can do this by putting them in a separate tariff category or
providing rebates on electricity consumption.

Forthcoming Export Ban by China Can Potentially Slow

Manufacturing Growth
Recently, the Chinese government has been mulling a curb on PV exports, especially high-tech PV
technologies and machinery. 26 The move aims to sustain China’s position as the global leader in PV
manufacturing, even as other countries like the U.S. and India continue strengthening their
The current version of the proposed ban aims to restrict the technology outflow for the “polysilicon
to wafer” stage of the PV manufacturing process. China almost has a monopoly of this stage,
considering that 97% of the “polysilicon to wafer” manufacturing capacity is in the country. In
addition, no other country can currently manufacture large-sized wafers measuring 182mm and
China is still considering the move, and its ministries of commerce and science and technology have
yet to finalise the ban. If China implements the ban, it can be a huge setback to other countries’ plans
to establish integrated PV manufacturing domestically. It might lead to a potential halt or a slower-
than-expected push towards integrated solar manufacturing in India and other western markets,
such as the U.S. and Europe.

Bloomberg. China Mulls Protecting Solar Tech Dominance With Export Ban. January 2023.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 41

Impact of Manufacturing Push on India’s Renewable Energy

Capacity Targets
After the application of the BCD and ALMM in the current financial year, solar installations in India
have plummeted. Between the first and last quarter of 2023, solar installations fell around 46.4% from
4,650MW in Q12023 to 2,489MW in Q42023. 27 With only a handful of tier 1 domestic manufacturers,
developers have complained about the lack of availability of high-quality high-wattage modules.
Meeting India’s renewable energy target by 2030 requires an annual addition of 25–30GW of solar
PV installed capacity. Until there has been an adequate augmentation of domestic PV manufacturing
capabilities, any barrier to developers’ procurement options will ultimately result in slower solar
installation growth.
Foreseeing the risk to India’s renewable energy targets, the government recently deferred the ALMM
implementation by a year until March 2024. However, over the next decade, the government must
look at balancing the requirements of developers and providing support to PV manufacturers.

CEA. Monthly reports archive. January to December 2022.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 42

7. Conclusion
The Indian PV manufacturing industry is growing by leaps and bounds. Every day, there are
announcements of expansion or new investments in the sector. Such a push towards the
manufacturing sector is partly due to the favourable policy scenario created by the Indian
government. Through both iterations of its PLI scheme, the government aims to catalyse the Indian
PV manufacturing landscape, especially for upstream components such as polysilicon and
In addition to the PLI scheme, the Indian government has restricted the inflow of PV modules by
implementing various tariff and non-tariff barriers. These include a BCD on solar modules and cells
and mandatory listings for manufacturers in the ALMM.
However, even with aggressive market drivers and government support, many minor hiccups still
impede the development of the domestic PV manufacturing sector.
The biggest challenge is sustained reliance on China for its raw material. Almost all (around 95%) of
the upstream PV manufacturing capabilities, i.e. polysilicon and ingots/wafers, are still in China. With
the Chinese government mulling restrictions on the outflow of the critical technology used in the
manufacture of these upstream components, it is imperative for countries targeting integrated PV
manufacturing at scale to identify alternate sources of supply for these raw materials.
Despite the ALMM being one of the most important drivers for the domestic PV manufacturing
sector, the government deferred its implementation until March 2024 to address the concerns of
developers regarding the shortage of high-quality, high-wattage ALMM-listed domestic modules.
This led to a decline in solar installations in the last few months. While this announcement was a
major relief for developers, it will derail the future expansion plans of domestic PV manufacturers.
Moreover, as part of the long-term expansion plan, India must aim to build enough PV capacity to
satisfy local demand and maintain a healthy global presence to become a viable competitor to
Chinese PV products. However, India's current major PV export markets – the U.S. and Europe – are
ramping up their own PV manufacturing capabilities. In future, these countries may also potentially
become self-sufficient in PV manufacturing. As a result, there is a greater impetus to explore other
export markets for Indian tier-1 manufacturers.
To further augment the expansion of domestic PV manufacturing, the government can look at some
policy initiatives:
• The PLI scheme, which currently covers the polysilicon to module stages of the manufacturing
process, should also include other components in future iterations/tranches for the holistic
development of the PV manufacturing ecosystem. These include PV equipment machinery and
ancillary components.
• The Inflation Reduction Act implemented in the U.S. can be a possible inspiration for including
these components under the ambit of the PLI scheme.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 43

• To help relatively smaller manufacturers having limited capital availability, the government can
look at a scheme providing upfront subsidies for setting up manufacturing units.
To conclude, the future of the Indian PV manufacturing sector is bright. With around 110GW of
module capacity set to come online in the next three years, India will quickly become the second-
biggest PV manufacturing country. After attaining self-sufficiency, India's next course of action will be
to challenge and compete for dominance in both quality and scale on the global stage.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 44

About JMK Research & Analytics

JMK Research & Analytics provides research and advisory services to Indian and International
clients across Renewables, Electric mobility, and the Battery storage market.

The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) examines issues related to energy
markets, trends and policies. The Institute’s mission is to accelerate the transition to a diverse,
sustainable and profitable energy economy.

About the Authors

Jyoti Gulia
Jyoti Gulia is the Founder of JMK Research. Jyoti has about 17 years of rich experience in the Indian
renewable sector. Her core expertise includes policy and regulatory advocacy, assessing market
trends, and advising companies on their business strategy.

Prabhakar Sharma
Prabhakar is a Consultant at JMK Research with expertise in tracking renewable energy and battery
storage sector. He has previously worked with Amplus Solar.

Nagoor Shaik
Nagoor is a Senior Research Associate at JMK Research, having five years of experience in the
renewable energy sector and worked with both public and private sector clients. He has previously
worked with Reconnect Energy Solutions Ltd. and PTC India Ltd.

Vibhuti Garg
Vibhuti Garg, Director, South Asia at IEEFA, has advised private and public sector clients on
commercial and market entry strategies, investment diligence on power projects and the impact of
power sector performance on state finances. She also works on international energy governance,
energy transition, energy access, reallocation of fossil fuel subsidy expenditure to clean energy,
energy pricing and tariff reforms.
India’s Photovoltaic Manufacturing Capacity Set to Surge 45

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