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Expression of Interest



Engagement of Individuals and / or Firms for Providing

Services of Experts in the fields of Ports, Water Resources,
Water Supply, Drainage System and Sewerage System

EOI No. RITES/CO/P&WR/Manpower/2023/01

December 2023

(Schedule ‘A’ Enterprise of Govt. of India)
Expression of Interest


Expression of Interest
1.1 General

RITES Limited is a Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Railways. RITES was
incorporated in India as a Public Limited Company under the Companies Act, 1956 and is
governed by its Board of Directors which includes persons of eminence from various
sectors of engineering and management.

RITES Limited, an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, is a multi-disciplinary consultancy

organization in the fields of transport, infrastructure and related technologies. It provides a
comprehensive array of services under a single roof and believes in transfer of technology
to client organizations. In overseas projects, RITES actively pursues and develops
cooperative links with local consultants, as means of maximum utilization of local resources
and as an effective instrument of sharing its expertise.

RITES is internationally recognized as a leading consultant with operational experience of

over 55 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, South America and Middle East regions.

1.2 Scope of work:

"Expression of Interest (EOI)" is invited for Engagement of Individuals and / or Firms for
providing services in the field of Ports, Water Resources, Water Supply, Drainage System
and Sewerage System.

Relevant Position, Experience, Qualification and Area of Engagement of Experts are detailed
in Annexure – I.

Experts: Engagement of individual / Firm shall be termed as “Experts” and the same
should have citizenship of India. Registration / Incorporation in India. Experts should be
having good working knowledge of English (speaking and writing).

1.3. Applicable law, Dispute resolution & Court's jurisdiction

1.3.1. This EOI shall be governed by Applicable Law which shall mean, all Indian Laws, Bye-
Laws, Statutes, Rules, Regulations, Orders, Ordinances, guidelines, Codes, Notices,
Directions, Judgments, Decrees or other Requirements or Official directives and /or any
Statutory Authority, in the Republic of India.

1.3.2. For this EOI Notification, the 'Parties' shall mean Employer and the Expert (either
prospective or engaged experts, as the case may be).

1.3.3. All the disputes, in connection with or arising out of this EOI Notification and related
process shall be mutually & amicably settled using Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR)
techniques such as Negotiation/Mediation/Conciliation, failing which, the dispute shall,
finally, be settled by Arbitration, under the procedural rules, chosen, as per the mutual
agreement, by the Parties, and under Indian Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996 (as
subsequently amended during 2015, 2019 & 2021) as the Governing Law of Arbitration.

1.3.4. In the matter of all the litigious disputes, arising out of the entire EOI process, Parties
agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of adequately competent [as per Applicable Law] Court

Expression of Interest
of Delhi.

2. Invitation for Expression of Interest

2.1. RITES Limited invites eligible individuals / firms ("Experts") to express their interest
in being engagement for the aforesaid ‘Scope of Work'. Interested Experts should provide
information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant
professional experience to perform the Services. The shortlisting will be based on the
experts meeting the Empanelment criteria, attached as Annexure-1 and their
performance during the interaction meeting (including presentation) before engagement,
in response to this EOI Notification, to prove their ability to perform the Scope of Work.

2.2. Each Expert shall have a valid PAN Number & GST Registration. Individuals not having
GST number may be considered in case their total receipts in the previous financial year, is
below the stipulated ceiling.

3. Confidentiality

Information relating to the evaluation of EOI application and recommendation of resultant

engagement is confidential and shall not be disclosed to experts or any other persons not
officially concerned with such process.

3.1. Any attempt by a Prospective Expert to influence the Employer in the evaluation of the
EOI application and resultant decision therefrom may result in the rejection of its EOI

4. Preparation of EOI Application

4.1. Prospective experts are requested to, first, carefully peruse the contents of this EOI
notification and prepare their EOI application in terms of the provisions/stipulations as
made in this EOI notification. In Case of any Doubt, Experts are requested to seek

4.2. Experts shall submit in their covering letter (as per attached format), along with their
EOI Application, amongst other details as deemed fit.

5. Submission of EOI Application

5.1. Expert shall submit the EOI Application, scanned copy (digital copy), through mail on OR Hard Copy, Bearing Experts signatures, EOI Notification
no-, Details of EOI Object, Name of the EOI Submitting Expert and date of EOI
Application submission. Validity of document is 31.12.2024. The EOI received
during the month will be evaluated at the end respective month.

5.2. To assist in the examination, evaluation of the EOI Applications, the Employer reserves

Expression of Interest
the right to and may, at its discretion, ask for a clarification on their EOI application. Expert
shall provide Clarification within the time frame conveyed by the Employer in their

5.3 The Employer shall examine the EOI applications to confirm that all requisite
documents, as requested in or as required in terms of this EOI notification, have been
provided, and to determine the completeness of each document submitted. The Employer
shall treat the information and documentation supplied by the expert, in fulfilment of the
engagement criteria, in their EOI application, as correct & complete, placing reliance on
the Expert's averments, made in their covering Letter [as mentioned above] & on the EOI
Forms, as to their correctness and completeness. The Employer shall not, during
Evaluation of EOI applications, make any attempt at separate verification/ authentication
[from the issuing source] of the aforesaid information and documentation supplied by the
Expert. Any misrepresentation/deviation (from stated facts/Incorrect statements, if
detected in the EOI application submitted by the Expert, shall result in rejection of The
Expert's EOI application or cancellation /annulment of the Expert engagement with
consequent blacklisting/banning of Business with that Expert for a period maximum up to
three years from the EOI Application submission date, as the case may be.

5.4 Expert submitting application as Individual shall submit his / her details in Proforma I
and Annexure II; Expert submitting application as Firm shall submit details of at least 2
partners / 2 employees in Proforma I and Annexure II. Qualification documents and Client
Certificate or any other document showing evidence for qualification and experience
should be submitted along with Proforma I.

6. Evaluation of EOI Applications

6.1 Employer shall, during their evaluation of the EOI application use inputs provided with
the EOI application (As per Annexure I) and its assessment of capabilities of Expert
Individual / Firm (meeting qualification criteria) based on interaction (including
presentation) before engagement. The date and time for interaction (including
presentation) by experts qualifying in Criteria as per Annexure I shall be intimated in
due course.

6.2 Notwithstanding anything stated above or anywhere else in this EOI Notification, the
Employer reserves the right to assess the EOI applicants' eligibility i.e., their capability and
capacity to perform, should the circumstances warrant such assessment in the overall
interest of the Employer.

6.3. After Evaluation of Applications and interaction (including presentation), a list of

individual /Firm Experts eligible for shortlisting shall be prepared. These shortlisted parties
shall be offered experience-wise man-month rate for acceptance. The offered man-month
rates shall be decided by the Employer based on indications received in various EOI
applications and other market inputs available with the Employer.

6.4 Individuals / Firm Experts who accept these offered rates shall be engagement for

Expression of Interest
specific function(s) / subject matter(s). The engagement shall be valid for one year from the
date of initial engagement against this EOI. The Accepted rates shall be exclusive of GST and
shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of acceptance.

6.5 This EOI is valid up to 31.12.2024, meaning thereby, that initially a list of engaged
Experts shall be prepared on the basis of EOI applications received during the month.
Further, Experts' Applications will be admissible thereafter as well which will be evaluated
once every month and thus newly empanelled Experts would be added to the aforesaid
approved list of engaged Experts.

7. Miscellaneous

7.1 EOI should be as concise and focused as possible to give evidence of the requirements
cited in the document, including the experience statements and organization profiles.

7.2 Complete EOI document can be downloaded from RITES website (
under Careers tab prior to the deadline for submission of EOI. The EOI shall be
submitted offline to the address mentioned below along with CVs in the format attached
along with other documents.

GM/ Ports & WR

RITES Limited, Fourth Floor (Left Wing)
Shikhar, Plot No. 01, Sector 29,
Gurugram, Haryana– 122001.
Tel -0124-2818457

Encl: -

1. Annexure-1 –Qualification Criteria

2. Annexure II –Indicative Remuneration of Experts
3. Proforma 1 – CV of Experts

Expression of Interest
Annexure I

Qualification Criteria
S. No Position Qualification Experience Engagement areas
(A) Port Material Handling
1. Port B.E / B.Tech in Minimum 20years’ (i) Port Planning Activities
Material Mechanical experience in Port (ii) Design of Port
Handling Engineering. Material Handling Infrastructure works.
Expert works, with (iii) Review of drawings.
Post Graduate in experience in (iv) Review, Inspection &
Mechanical/ erection/ testing/ Monitoring of
Instrumentation/ commissioning of Construction works
Material bulk handling (v) Co-ordination &
Handling will be system/ container Supervision of a
preferred. handling system. Multidisciplinary team.
(vi) Review, Inspection,
Erection, Planning of
Mechanical handling
equipments, Cargo
handling, Bulk / Liquid
material handling system,
Conveyor System for Port
related activities.
(B) Marine Infrastructure Works
2. Resident B.Tech/ B.E. in Civil Minimum 15years’ Review, Monitoring,
Engineer Engineering. experience in Supervision, Execution,
(Ports)- Marine Inspection works related
Civil Post Graduate in Infrastructure to:
Marine/ Ocean Projects (i) Construction of
Engineering will be Diaphragm wall, Jetties,
preferred. Quays, Breakwater,
Revetment works, On-
shore terminals, Conveyor
works, Railway works etc.
3. Deputy B.Tech / B.E. in Minimum 07years’ Review, Monitoring,
Resident Mechanical experience in Supervision, Execution,
Engineer Engineering. Mechanisation and Inspection works related
(Ports)- Bulk handling to:
Mechanical systems in Ports (i) Construction or Supply and
sector Erection of Port
Mechanical Handling
systems, Port cargo
handling systems, Port
bulk / liquid material
handling system, Port
Conveyors system,
Pipeline works.

(C) Dredging & Reclamation Works

4. Dredging B.Tech / B.E. in Civil Minimum 07years’ (i)Supervision and
Expert Engineering or experience in monitoring of dredging
equivalent. Dredging & activity on board,
Reclamation verifications of Daily
works. dredge quantity (DDR),
Track plots, deepening &
widening of navigational

Expression of Interest
S. No Position Qualification Experience Engagement areas
channels, dumping of
dredge material,
reclamation works,
Quality Assurance
and Quality Control etc. of
the dredging&
reclamation contract.
(D) Inland Waterway Terminal Works
5. IWT Expert B.Tech / B.E. in Civil Minimum 20 years Review, Monitoring,
Engineering. of overall Supervision, Execution,
experience Inspection works related
Post Graduate in including 7 years of to:
Water Resources will experience in IWT (i) Construction of works /
be preferred. related works project management
installation of large
diameter driven and /or
bored RCC piles
or steel tubular piles or
precast concrete piles of
large lengths in

6. Deputy B.Tech / B.E. in Civil Minimum 12 years Review, Monitoring,

IWT Expert Engineering. of overall Supervision, Execution,
experience Inspection works related
Post Graduate in including 5 years of to:
Water Resources will experience in IWT (i) Construction of works /
be preferred. related works project management
installation of large
diameter driven and /or
bored RCC piles
or steel tubular piles or
precast concrete piles of
large lengths in

(E) Electrical Works

7. Electrical B.Tech / B.E. in Minimum 07 years’ Review, Monitoring,
Expert Electrical experience in Supervision, Execution,
Engineering. Mechanisation and Inspection works related
Bulk handling to:
Post Graduate in systems (i) Electrical constraints of Port
Electrical Mechanical Handling
Engineering will be systems, Port cargo
preferred. handling systems, Port
bulk / liquid material
handling system, Port
Conveyors system.
(F) Environmental Works
8. Environme Postgraduate in Minimum 07 years’ (i) Review & Monitoring of
ntal Expert Environmental experience in Environmental pollution
Sciences carrying out mitigation measures &
or relevant Environmental Environment related
disciplines studies/works. issues.
(ii) Coordinate with
MoEF/PCBs/ Forest

Expression of Interest
S. No Position Qualification Experience Engagement areas
Department etc. to obtain
ToRs, conduct/ review EIA
(G) Design & Detailing Works
9. Design M.Tech/M.E. in Minimum 07 years’ Design of onshore and
Standards, Structural experience in offshore structures related to
Specificatio Engineering design of Ports and IWT sector.
ns & structures related
Detailing to Ports, Harbor &
Work Waterways sector.
(H) Water Supply, Drainage System And Sewerage System Projects
10. Resident Post Graduate in Civil Minimum 15 years’ (i) Preparation of DPR for
Engineer - Engineering or B.E/ experience for Post various City Water Action
Civil B.Tech in Civil Graduate or Plan / State Water Action
Engineering. Minimum 20 years’ Plan/ Rural Area Action Plan
11. Resident Post Graduate in experience for including water supply
Engineer - Mechanical Graduate Civil / schemes, drinking water
Mechanical Engineering or B.E/ Mechanical sources, distribution System,
B.Tech in Mechanical Engineer. WTP, Reservoirs, Jack well,
Engineering. OHT etc., drainage schemes,
Minimum 05 Years sewerage schemes.
of experience as a (ii) Guide team for design and
team leader. detailing works.
(iii) Project coordination with
Professional client/ stakeholders.
experience (iv) Monitoring schemes and
required in the Implementation of projects.
field of (v) Quality Assurance.
monitoring &
design/ DPR
preparation of
water/ used
12. Project Post Graduate in Civil Minimum 10 years’ (i) Preparation of DPR for
Manager - Engineering or B.E/ experience for Post various City Water Action
Civil B.Tech in Civil Graduate or Plan / State Water Action
Engineering. Minimum 15 years’ Plan/ Rural Area Action Plan
13. Project Post Graduate in experience for including water supply
Manager - Mechanical Graduate Civil / schemes, drinking water
Mechanical Engineering or B.E/ Mechanical sources, distribution System,
B.Tech in Mechanical Engineer. WTP, Reservoirs, Jack well,
Engineering. OHT etc., drainage schemes,
Minimum 03 Years sewerage schemes.
of experience as a (ii) Guide team for design and
team leader or detailing works.
deputy team (iii) Project coordination with
leader. client/ stakeholders.
(iv) Monitoring schemes and
Professional Implementation of projects.

Expression of Interest
S. No Position Qualification Experience Engagement areas
experience (v) Quality Assurance.
required in the
field of
monitoring &
design/ DPR
preparation of
water/ used

14. Site B.Tech / B.E. in Civil Minimum 05 years’ (i) Assist team in Preparation
Engineer - Engineering or experience for of DPR for various City Water
Civil Diploma in Civil Graduate Civil / Action Plan / State Water
Engineering Mechanical Action Plan/ Rural Area
Engineer or Action Plan including water
Minimum 07 years’ supply schemes, drinking
experience for water sources, distribution
Diploma holder in System, WTP, Reservoirs, Jack
Civil / Mechanical well, OHT etc., drainage
field. schemes, sewerage schemes.
(ii) Assist team in design and
Professional detailing works.
experience (iii) Assist team in
required in the coordination with client/
field of stakeholders.
construction/ (iv) Assist team in Monitoring
monitoring & schemes and Implementation
evaluation/project of projects.
management/ (v) Quality Assurance in Civil
design/ DPR Aspects of water supply,
preparation of drainage and sewerage
water/ used schemes.
15. Site B.Tech / B.E. in water/drainage/se (i) Assist team in Preparation
Engineer - Mechanical werage of DPR for various City Water
Mechanical Engineering or management Action Plan / State Water
Diploma in projects. Action Plan/ Rural Area
Mechanical Action Plan including water
Engineering supply schemes, drinking
water sources, distribution
System, WTP, Reservoirs, Jack
well, OHT etc., drainage
schemes, sewerage schemes.
(ii) Assist team in design and
detailing works.
(iii) Assist team in
coordination with client/
(iv) Assist team in Monitoring
schemes and Implementation
of projects.
(v)Quality Assurance of
Production/ Manufacturing

Expression of Interest
S. No Position Qualification Experience Engagement areas
processes of DI/MS/ HDPE
pipes & appurtenances,
pumping machineries etc.
16. Senior Graduation / Post Minimum 10 years’ (i) Lead the team for
Design Graduation in Experience in Hydraulic design and
Engineer - Hydraulic Engineering Hydraulic design & detailing works for Water
Hydraulics drawing aspects of supply schemes, Drainage
water supply Schemes & Sewerage
schemes for Post Schemes.
Graduate in (ii)Assist team in Preparation
Hydraulic of DPR for various City Water
Engineering or Action Plan / State Water
Minimum 15 years’ Action Plan/ Rural Area
experience Action Plan including water
In Hydraulic design supply schemes, drinking
& drawing aspects water sources, distribution
of water supply System, WTP, Reservoirs, Jack
Schemes for well, OHT etc., drainage
Graduate in any schemes, sewerage schemes.
one area of Civil (iii) Assist team in
Engineering. coordination with client/
17. Junior Graduation /Post Minimum 07 years’ (i) Assist team for Hydraulic
Design Graduation in Experience in design and detailing works for
Engineer - Hydraulic Hydraulic design & Water supply schemes,
Hydraulics Engineering drawing aspects of Drainage Schemes &
water supply Sewerage Schemes.
schemes for Post (ii) Assist team in Preparation
Graduate in of DPR for various City Water
Hydraulic Action Plan / State Water
Engineering or Action Plan/ Rural Area
Minimum 10 years’ Action Plan including water
experience in supply schemes, drinking
Hydraulic design & water sources, distribution
drawing aspects of System, WTP, Reservoirs, Jack
water supply well, OHT etc., drainage
Schemes for schemes, sewerage schemes.
Graduate in any (iii) Assist team in
one area of Civil coordination with client/
Engineering. stakeholders.
1. Minimum relevant professional experience for a Firm should be 3 years
2. Qualification documents and Client Certificate or any other document showing evidence for above
qualification and experience should be submitted along with CV/ proposal.
3. Individual should submit PAN card along with Income Tax Return for last 1 year
4. Firm should submit PAN card, Registration Certificate, Audited statement of last 3 years

Expression of Interest
Annexure II


S. Position Proposed Indicative Expected Indicative

No Remuneration Remuneration
Rs per Man-Month Rs per Man-Month
(Excluding GST) (Excluding GST)
1 Various Positions as indicated Rs. 2.00 Lakh to 2.50
in Annexure – I having above Lakh
20 years of experience.

2 Various Positions as indicated Rs. 1.50 Lakh to 2.00

in Annexure – I having 15 to Lakh
20 years of experience.
3 Various Positions as indicated Rs. 1.25 Lakh to 1.50
in Annexure – I having 07 to Lakh
15 years of experience.

Expression of Interest
Proforma 1

1. Name of Expert

2. Name of Staff
(In case of Expert is a Firm and
separate CV for Each Expert)

3. Profession

4. Date of Birth

5. Year of relevant experience

6. Nationality

7. Key Qualification

8. Memberships of Professional

Bodies / Societies

9. Educational Qualifications

College/University Year of Passing Qualification

10. Experience Details

Durati Name of the Name of Position Held Location Activities

on Employer
Project Performed

11. Languages
Language Speaking Reading Writing



1. Qualification documents and Client Certificate or any other document showing evidence for
qualification and experience should be submitted along with CV.
2. Individual should submit PAN card along with Income Tax Return for last 01 year
3. Firm should submit PAN card, Registration Certificate, Audited statement of last 03 years

Expression of Interest
12. Contact Details

13. Certification:
(i) I, the undersigned Certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this bio- data
correctly describes my qualifications, my experience and myself. I understand that any
wilful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if
engaged, in case Employer at any stage detects that misstatement have been made by
me, it would be at liberty to take any appropriate action against me including debarment
for up to Three Years.

(ii) I have not been removed by Competent Authority of any Employer from any of the
works without completing my assignment and shall be available to work with the
Employer. In case I leave the assignment without approval of Employer or I am removed
by Employer on account of some default, Employer would be at liberty to take any
appropriate action against me including debarment for up to Three Years.

(iii) I hereby undertake that I will not leave Employer assignment without giving a minimum
notice of 30 days and handing over of all records. I understand that in case I do so then
Employer would be at liberty to take any appropriate action against me including
debarment for up to Three Years.

(iv) I have no history of involvement in Vigilance/CBI/Police Case, resulting in major penalty

punishment of removal/dismissal/compulsory retirement or conviction.

(v) I have never been debarred from Consultancy Services by any Employer.

[Signature of Expert / Applicant]

Full name of Expert:


Full name of authorized representative:


Expression of Interest


GM/ Ports & WR
RITES Limited, Fourth Floor, Left Wing,
Shikhar, Plot No.1, Sec. 29,
Gurugram, Haryana, India – 122001.

Sub: Expression of Interest (EOI) for Engagement of Individuals and / or Firms for
Providing Services of Experts in the fields of Ports, Water Resources, Water
Supply, Drainage System and Sewerage System.

Dear Sir/ Ma’am,

1. With reference to your EOI document RITES/CO/P&WR/Manpower/2023/01 dated

December 2023, I, having examined the EOI document and understood its contents,
hereby submit my proposal for Qualification for the aforesaid works. The EOI Proposal
is unconditional and unqualified.

2. I acknowledge that RITES Limited will be relying on the information provided in the
EOI Proposal and the documents accompanying such EOI Proposal for qualification of
the Applicants for the aforesaid Engagement, and I certify that all information provided
in the EOI Proposal is true and correct; nothing has been omitted which renders such
information misleading; and all documents accompanying such EOI Proposal are true
copies of their respective originals.

3. This statement is made for the express purpose of engagement against the referred

4. I shall make available to the RITES Limited any additional information it may find
necessary or require to supplement or authenticate the EOI Proposal.

5. I acknowledge the right of the RITES Limited to reject our EOI Proposal without
assigning any reason or otherwise and hereby waive, to the fullest extent permitted by
applicable law, our right to challenge the same on any account whatsoever.

6. I certify that in the last three years, I have neither failed to perform on any contract,
as evidenced by imposition of a penalty by an arbitral or judicial pronouncement or
arbitration award, nor been expelled from any project or contract by any public nor
have had any contract terminated by any public for breach on our part.

7. I submit that I have not been declared insolvent, or put in receivership, bankrupt or
being wound up, not have had our business activities suspended and not be the subject
of legal proceedings for any of the foregoing.

8. I have not been blacklisted/debarred/banned/restricted by any Dept of Central

Govt./State Govt. /Central or State PSUs as on date of submission of the Bid.

Expression of Interest
9. I further declare that none of the Purchase Order(s) for any Project / work of RITES
were cancelled on risk & cost basis for non-performance or non-submission of
performance guarantee in last 3 years.

10. I declare that I have examined and have no reservations to the EOI document,
including an addendum (if any) issue by RITES Limited.

11. I understand that you may cancel the prequalification process at any time and that
you are neither bound to accept any EOI Proposal that you may receive nor to invite the
Applicants to submit a detailed proposal for the Project, without incurring any liability
to the Applicants.

12. I undertake that in case due to any change in facts or circumstances during the
selection process, I am attracted by the provisions of disqualification in terms of the
provisions of this EOI; I shall intimate RITES Limited of the same immediately.

13. I hereby irrevocably waive any right or remedy which I may have at any stage at law
or howsoever otherwise arising to challenge or question any decision taken by RITES
Limited in connection with the engagement of Agency in respect of the above-
mentioned Project and the terms and implementation thereof.

14. I agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the EOI document.

15. In witness thereof, I submit this EOI Proposal under and in accordance with the
terms of the EOI document.

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of the Applicant)

Name of the Applicant



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