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A Literary Essay

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A Literary Essay

Crafting a literary essay can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. At its core, such an essay
requires a delicate balance between analytical prowess, literary insight, and eloquent expression. The
difficulty lies not only in unraveling the layers of meaning embedded in the chosen literary work but
also in the art of articulating those insights in a cohesive and compelling manner.

One of the primary challenges arises from the need to navigate the vast landscape of literature,
selecting a specific work or theme that not only captivates the reader but also offers ample material
for analysis. Once the material is chosen, the writer must delve into the nuances of the text, exploring
the author's intentions, characters' motivations, and the broader cultural or historical context.

The process involves a meticulous examination of literary devices, symbolism, and the interplay of
themes. The essayist is tasked with deciphering the author's craftsmanship, decoding the subtle
messages interwoven into the narrative, and providing a thoughtful interpretation that transcends the
surface of the text.

Furthermore, the literary essay demands a refined ability to synthesize ideas and articulate them
coherently. The writer must weave together a narrative that not only elucidates their understanding of
the literary work but also engages the reader on an intellectual and emotional level. Precision in
language, depth in analysis, and an inherent sense of style are indispensable elements that elevate a
literary essay from mere exposition to a piece of art in itself.

However, as challenging as it may be, the process of writing a literary essay offers a unique
opportunity for personal growth and intellectual exploration. It prompts the writer to sharpen their
critical thinking skills, cultivate a deep appreciation for literature, and refine their ability to
communicate complex ideas effectively.

In conclusion, the endeavor of crafting a literary essay is akin to embarking on a literary adventure,
navigating through the rich tapestry of words, meanings, and interpretations. While the journey is
demanding, the destination promises a profound understanding of literature and the satisfaction of
having crafted a nuanced exploration of a literary work.

For those seeking assistance in navigating this challenging terrain, there are resources available.
Similar essays and much more can be ordered on, providing a helping hand to
those looking to delve into the world of literary analysis with guidance and expertise.
A Literary Essay A Literary Essay
The Working Memory Model Proposed by Alan Baddeley
That our memory isn t veridical is not a novel idea. This means that we don t perfectly
remember everything that we have seen or experienced in the past. Broadly speaking,
there are two fundamental memory errors that occur in everyday life. One is forgetting
events that have occurred, and the other is remembering something that did not transpire
(or misremembering them in the way that they occurred). The first error, forgetting, is
very common, and needs no explanation. We can all think of instances where our memory
has failed us. However, the latter error is a more curious scenario. Often times, when a
friend mentions a funny episode that happened at a party you were at, you might
incorporate that into your memory even though you... Show more content on ...
This is to say that the brain works on the information even after we store it in our
memories. And therein lies the problem. The fact that our cognitive system processes
raw data in order to make better sense of it is a probable cause of the aforementioned
lapse in our memory. This experiment aims to study whether the information
processing in our cognitive systems leads to the formation of false/illusory memories,
and if so, what are the possible reasons as to why these false memories take shape.The
experiment was in the form of a word recognition test. Participants went through a list
of 12 words; the words were all thematically related (car, wheel, bike, motorcycle ...),
with the exception of one of two in the list (pencil). After they had gone through the
list, they were presented with another set of words, and were asked to recognize which
of those words had been present in the initial list. Each of these recognition sets
contained at least one word that belonged to the same overarching theme of the initial
list, but wasn t actually present in it (brakes). Thus, there were three types of words
participants could have chosen on the recognition sets : words that appeared on the list,
words that did not appear, but were related to the ones on the list, and those
Review Of The Of Jesus Christ
Nam: Jonathan Musozo
Writing Style: APA
Course and Section number: THEO 201 B11

Short essay 2 on Christology

For as long as 2000 years millions have asserted Jesus as their rescuer and staked their
lives and their endlessness on His promises. In the story of Jesus Christ is a falsehood
then it is impressively the best and most preposterous scam to ever deify itself and
pressure humankind. However, in the event that it is true, we must choose the option to
consider Him important, neglecting to do as such could cost you everything. Eventually
in each of our lives we must face the subject of Jesus Christ. [1]

It appears that the contentions against Jesus deity are far more noteworthy; nonetheless,
there are some who might argue against ... Show more content on ...
A more dubious and fervently argument is over Jesus deity. Many commentators will
inside and out deny Jesus as God; also, some Christians will deny His divinity too. Some
will go similarly as saying that He was an extraordinary instructor or an ethical man, yet
not God. C.S. Lewis addresses this issue by expressing: A man who was merely a man
and said the things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a
lunatic on the level with a man who says he is a poached egg or else he would be the
Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God:
or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool; you can spit at
Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God [2]

The Old Testament anticipated the coming of Jesus in more than 100 particular
predictions, which Jesus satisfied, having no human control to do as such with such
accuracy whether circumstantially or purposefully. In the New Testament, Jesus
claimed to be God. These cases were unmistakably comprehended by His crowd. Along
these lines affecting charges of obscenity, irate responses, endeavors at stoning Him,
and eventually His crucifixion. The most strong and direct claim of holiness can be
found in John 8:58 , before Abraham was born, I am! This verse has been paralleled with
the Exodus 3:14 utilization of I AM when God uncovered Himself to Moses, the
correlation confronts the phonetic
Lonewolf Research Paper
There are many people that are experts at hunting and shooting a recurve bow. They all
have their own technics and ways. But their is a god that is so good at hunting and
shooting he can kill up the 2 elks at a time and do crazy trick shots. His name is
Lonewolf. Lonewolf was introduced to shooting a recurve bow when he was a little boy
and learned about huntingwhen he was the age of 11. Every birthday lonewolf had he got
a bigger recurve bow from his dad. Lonewolf is 6 3 tall, he is ripped, he wears a black
chest amor and black shorts that made out of black wolf skin, has a quiver made out
of bear skin, his arrows, his arrows are wooden and has orange and red stripes around
it, the tip of the arrow is a red arrow head. His recurve bow is blue and has bright green
and orange stripes around it and also has wolf fur for the the bows silencers. His realm
is strength and protecters of animals. His special job is is hunting. Lonewolf lives in a
treehouse that is in the clouds. His family members are Eros, Athena, possiden. His
father is Hades, his mother is Athena and his brother is possiden. Lonewolf has no
sisters and he is not married. Lonewolf has many horrible memories while he was
growing up. Like when he got hit in the head with a golf ball while he was riding is bike.
... Show more content on ...
Lonewolf hurried to try to flip over the creature, but the the Bulker was to heavy for
him. The Bukers tail burned Lonewolf s arm, after that Lonewolf had a flash back
when he got burned on his back. Lonewolf got so angry and terrified he flipped the
Bulker like a feather. Lonewolf grabbed his last arrow and lit the tip on fire, then aimed
at the Bulkers stomach, and then shot the arrow. The Bulker was just laying there, but
growling as loud as a grizzly bear. Lonewolf rushed to go get the mountain tobacco and
hurried out of the forest before he ran into another
Space Flight Research Paper
History of Space Flight and Current Development
Benet Thekkel
Today edition of Aero magazine will cover the technological advancements throughout
the history of space flight. The dream of reaching space was made possible, when
Chinese invented gunpowder rockets in 1232. It was initially used as fireworks, then
later on it was use advanced into warfare tactics. The gunpowder consisted of simple
ingredients such as charcoal dust, sulfur and potassium nitrate. The end of the rocket is
left open as the ignited powder produced fire, smoke, gas and thrust which enabled the
high velocity forward motion.
Shortly after, Mongols gained the secret weapon of China and spread the knowledge to
Western Europe and all over Asia.
In the 17th century, rocketry ... Show more content on ...
The equipment used in the moon landing was tested in the first four flights and other six
landed on the moon. In 1969, Neil Armstrong surfaced on moon along with his crew.
Another significant mission was the Apollo 13, where a group of astronauts were sent to
the moon and returned without landing on the moon. This was due to the malfunction of
the centre engine and the explosion in the oxygen tanks which damaged the Service
module. The last moon landing was in 1972.
Humans have come a long way from living on the surface of Earth to Space. Five
different space agencies such as NASA, ROSCOSMOS, the Canadian Space agency, the
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and the European Space Agency, representing 15
countries, joined together to build a $100 billion International Space Station and it still
continues to operate today. It is the largest structure that we have put into space and it is
used as an observation platform for astronomical, geological and environmental research
and a laboratory for new technologies. It also serves as a stepping stone for further space
exploration including the mars expedition.
After the moon landing, human settlement on Mars is the next giant leap for
humankind. The current developments of NASA are to send humans to an asteroid by
2025 and Mars by 2030. The Mars rover known as Curiosity is already on the surface of
Mars collecting data and sending back to
Examples Of Archetype In The Wizard Of Oz
The Wizard of Oz Archetypes Everyone is unique in their own way but we are all
placed under a general characterization or archetype. In the movie, The Wizard of Oz,
each character is placed under a specific archetype. For example Dorothy is the
maiden, Glinda the good witch of the north is the mother, the wicked witch of the west
is the villain, the lion is the child, and the tin man is the father. Each character has a
certain type of personality that makes them a certain archetype. Dorothy, the main
character, is the maiden because she is a very innocent and pure person. She s very
worrisome when she says, Toto, I ve got a feeling we re not in Kansas anymore.
Dorothy expresses worry when she says this because she doesn t know where she... Show
more content on ...
She s the villain because she opposes anything that Glinda, Dorothy and her friends do.
She desperately wants her sister s slippers back that Dorothy wears during the movie
and will do anything to try and get them. The wicked witch of the west said, I ll get
you my pretty and your little dog too! This shows that the witch is the villain because
she told Dorothy that she s going after her and will get her slippers at some point in
the movie. The witch follows Dorothy and her friends throughout their journey down
the yellow brick road, she taunts them their whole way to see the wizard. The witch is
the villain because she truly opposes everything that Dorothy does and wants to keep
her from going home to Kansas with her sister s slippers. The archetype, child, is the
cowardly lion. The lion is very childish and longs for help from others. The lion said, I
do believe in spooks. I do believe in spooks. I do. I do. I do. I do. The lion is very
timid towards others and is very scared of almost everything around him. The lion acted
tough when he first met Dorothy, the scarecrow, and the tin man, but shortly after that
he showed that he was scared and a cowardly lion. The lion is cowardly because he
wants to act tough because of whom he is, but he is very scared of everything around
and wants to gain courage from the
It s All My Fault
It s all my fault. It s all my fault. It s all my fault... Again. Those were the only words I
could think of. My mind wouldn t allow me to stop having these horrendous thoughts.
What if he dies? How about if he never wakes up? Am I the reason he s in this state?
Why couldn t it had been me instead? I grabbed his hand and started to cry. Why did
you jump in? Why did you jump in? You should have let me drown. What are you
saying dummy? Why would I let something stupid like that happen? I glanced up and
seen he was sitting up, staring at me with a tired eyes and a neutral face. Can you let
go of my hand? I was so happy, I jump into him, hugged him around his neck and buried
my face in his chest. Hey now! I don t like all this... I m... Show more content on ...
If I didn t care about you, why did I jump in after you? he asked in a serious tone. And
why would I have protected you from that old geezer? I don t know. Let me repeat
what I told you. I said I couldn t care less about what you do. That sounds nothing like I
don t care about you. So you do care about me? He slowly released my face, replied to
my question with a discombobulate expression and hastily looked out the window.
Um... In a way... I guess? he stuttered, basically taking back his previous statement. I
should ve expected no less from him. No? It s not that I do care, but more so I can t
stand to see you to get physically hurt. He s so confusing. It was a simple yes or no
question, yet he managed to turn it into one that would bring the Millennium Prize
Problems to shame. I m sorry, I woefully repeated, hoping he ll accept my apology,
although I still believe words aren t enough to repay for what I have done. I m sorry
for the pool incident, sorry for forcing you to come, sorry for having you deal with my
shenanigans, sorry for having to be partnered with me, sorry for... Stop apologizing for
everything! he snapped, turning back to glare at me. I hate when you do that shit! I can
t. It s the only way... It s the only way nothing! This is why you get into trouble. You
trust people too easily, you always let your guard down at the wrong times, you don t
realize when someone is trying to use you, you have a
Cahokia Bounds
Recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
as a World Heritage Site, Cahokia Mounds is located in the current day city of
Collinsville, Illinois. Near the Mississippi River, this pre history site is made of
mounds scattered around an area of about Three and a half square miles of land. The
park may be large, but the actual city of Cahokiain pre history spread much further than
what the park is recognized as today. Cahokia is recognized by historians as part of the
Mississippian culturewhich groups them with other native civilizations that lived along
the Mississippi Riverwho shared architectural styles (like the mounds fount in Cahokia)
as well as other attributes like maize based economics and tools... Show more content on ...
When I visited again I gained much more fascination from the site. The area of
Collinsville that the site lies in has not much more than a few fast food restaurants and
some gas stations. I first arrived at Monk s Mound and was amazed by the sheer size
of the man made structure. I assumed the mound had eroded over knowing that the
mound was so old which would make it even taller during the time it was erected.
When I climbed to the top, I could see the metropolitan area of St. Louis Missouri.
Being on top of the mound gave the feeling of governing a civilization. I could see
many of the other mounds and the people walking to and from the parking lot to make
the same journey that I did to be on top of Monk s Mound. I expected the area
surrounding the site to look better than it did. As the mock chief that I was for fifteen
minutes, I did not know how to feel about an automotive repair shop at the base of my
mound. This simply shows how close the local community today has come to live hand
in hand with a World Heritage
The Campaign For A Better Voting System
Just a few weeks ago, if you were to turn on the TV, you d be bombarded with political
advertising campaigns. During the height of a midterm election season, campaign ads are
just one demonstration of candidates pouring funds into their race with the hopes of
creating name recognition and getting our votes. Not all tactics of gaining votes are as
transparent as witnessing a negative ad campaign; some unethical ways of gaining votes
are rather questionable, such as Gerrymandering. I wanted explore the basis behind
gerrymandering and understand not only how it affects electionshere in New York, but
nationwide as well; what has come from the races as we announce the winners of these
elections and possible reform for a better votingsystem in our country.
The term Gerrymandering is an interesting one to begin with. It is simply the practice of
redrawing district lines in the attempts to establish a political advantage for a particular
party or group. This happens when the district lines are manipulated to create a partisan
advantage. The term however, has a negative connotation attached to it for the advantage
that those in power benefit from the process and the consequential disadvantage that the
minority parties, the poor population, and the generally uninformed voters are put into
with their muted votes. Our text book gives a funny anecdotal entomology of
Gerrymandering by telling us that the word was created in reaction to a redrawing of
Massachusetts Congressional
Male Gaze Sparknotes
Stacey, J. (1993) Star gazing: Hollywood cinema and female spectatorship. New York:
The author, Jackie Stacey is a British feminist film historian. The main goal of her
research is to understand the specific pleasure and engagements of British cinema
audiences in the 1940s and 1950s. Stacey received 350 letters from women who went to
the cinema 2 3 times a week during this period of wartime as cinema going was at an all
time high. Within the book, Stacey discusses Laura Mulvey s Male Gaze and how
Mulvey s analysis of the pleasures of Hollywood cinema led her to conclude that the
spectator position offered is a masculine one. She talks about how there are 3 looks
within the dominant mode of Hollywood cinema; the camera(man), the editor and the
director. She emphasizes on how all of these looks work together to create the effect of
seeing the female characters as objects of desire through the eyes of the male characters.
However, Stacey argues that women do not have to adopt the dominant masculine
position offered by the text in order to gain pleasure from looking at the female
characters. Stacey describes Mulvey s work as an attack on the visual pleasures of
Hollywood cinema (page 24). She broadens her argument to state the distance between
spectator and screen contributes to the voyeuristic pleasure of ... Show more content on ...
William T. Bielby holds a half time position as Professor of Sociology at the University of
Illinois, Chicago, and he is also the distinguished Research Scholar in the University of
Arizona s Department of Sociology. He specializes in organizational behavior, research
methods for the social sciences, quantitative methods, social inequality, and
discrimination. This Journal Article examines gender inequality in the labour market for
writers of feature
Spotify Impact
Streaming has had a massive impact on the the music industry within the last few
years. One of the most well known impacts for the music industry, was the launch of
Spotify in 2008, which has changed the way people listen to music ever since. It has
been argued that Spotify do not pay out fairly to artists but this can also be argued to be
due to bad contract deals with record companies. There are many recognizable examples
of why mainstream artists are against musicstreaming, Lady Gaga claimed she only
earned ВЈ108 from one million listens in 2010. Spotify is a legal service and pays to
license songs from all major record labels and although Spotify pays royalties for all the
listening that occurs on their service, they distribute nearly 70% of revenues back to the
right holders, such as; publishers, distributors and the independent artists themselves.
Therefore, as reported by the Independent (Brown, 2012) if you calculate the minimum
US monthly wage of $1,160 an... Show more content on ...
As explained by Spotify officials, they work around the basis that the more users they
get, the more money they can pay out (Knopper, 2014). Along with Spotify there are
many more streaming sites, such as Tidal and Apple Music. Most recently, singer
Adele has not allowed her latest album 25 available on many streaming services but it
is still expected to be the best selling album of the year. Adele stated she would have
allowed streaming services to the new album, if it was restricted to pay but Apple
refused to do this. It can be debated that mainstream artists are restricting their music
being put on streaming sites due to business or just taking a stand. By artists not
streaming their music, sites such as iTunes have a rise on their digital sales. Any retailer
prefers this as it is Encouraging more people to buy then to stream (Shaw,
The Problem with Presidential Primaries
The Problem with Presidential Primaries

Ever since the election season of 1972, presidential primaries have become the
dominant means of selecting the two major party candidates. i[i] The primary system is
one in which the eligible voters of each state do one of the following: 1) Vote for a
presidential candidate to run for their party in the general election. 2) Vote for a delegate
pledged to vote for a certain candidate at the party s national convention. As intended,
this process would bring the candidate selection processes out into the open and let the
people vote for the candidate of their choice. ii[ii] On the surface, this may look very
democratic (and admittedly, in some instances it was/is), but upon closer ... Show more
content on ...
Standing in his way was the fact that only one of the early primary states had a true open
primary Michigan. Both New Hampshire and South Carolina were considered modified
open primaries iii[iii] that tended to discourage Independent voting. In addition,
Delaware and Arizona were closed primaries that would not allow Independents or
Democrats to vote. However, despite the closed primary, McCain s home state of
Arizona was essentially a lock.

Due to heavy campaigning, McCain was able to win New Hampshire by a 48% to
30% iv[iv] margin. George W. Bush emphatically won the closed Delaware primary by
a 51% to 25% v[v] margin. Bush then went on to win in South Carolina s modified
open primary by a 53% to 42% vi[vi] margin, thus robbing McCain s hopes of gaining
momentum. Despite this, McCain did get back on the winning track with wins in
Michigan s open primary and in Arizona s closed primary.

Victories aside, McCain was still going against the mainstream Republicans who were
backing Bush. The structure of the primaries early in the season allowed McCain to
make a name for himself, but the fact that closed primaries worked and would continue to
work against him made winning the nomination extremely difficult.

Proportional Representation vs. Winner Take All

Proportional representation is a system used by the Democrats that allows delegates to be

True Grit Essay
True Grit is a gritty but heart felt western released in 1969 and directed by Henry
Hathaway. Charles Portis wrote True Grit the novel and Marguerite Roberts wrote the
films screenplay. The focus of this paper is to give a detailed summary of True Grit. It
will give incite on the underlining them of the film. Making the theme of the film seem
obvious to the viewer when in fact it is hidden in plain site. This paper will also
establish the genre of True Grit. To give a analysis of the characteristics of True Grit that
make it a western and also what makes it stand out from other movies in the western
The year is 1880, in Dardanelle, Yell County, a farmer Frank Ross heads with his
employee Tom Chaney to Fort Smith to buy some ponies. ... Show more content on ...
Westerns often stress the harshness of the wilderness and frequently set the action in an
arid, desolate landscape. Specific settings include isolated forts, ranches and homesteads;
the Native American village; or the small frontier town with its saloon, general store,
livery stable and jailhouse. Apart from the wilderness, it is usually the saloon that
emphasizes that this is the Wild West: it is the place to go for music, women, gambling,
drinking, brawling and shooting. In some Westerns, where civilization has arrived, the
town has a church and a school; in others, where frontier rules still hold sway The
Western genre portrays the conquest of the wilderness of the Western United States.
Dealing with inhabitants of the frontier such as Native Americans and wildlife. A
Western depicts a society organized around codes of honor and personal, direct or private
justice. Protagonists usually consist of Law Men and antagonists are outlaws. Or men
with moral obligations to justice and honor against men with personal vindictive goals.
True Grit is definitely a western film through and through. The elements in True Grit that
make it a western are the setting, characters, and has a damsel in
Race And Reality In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
Imposture and Identity, Fiction and Reality are the real dilemmas of Mark Twain s
America in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of Mark Twain s most celebrated novels.
Although it is viewed as a continuation of another work of his, The Adventures of Tom
Sawyer (as is referenced in the story itself), the book has managed to gain its own
success and to have a fame of its own thanks to the subtle but effective manner in which
it managed to bring forth into discussion a great number of very important themes, such
as culture and civilization, values and morality, race and identity. Disguised in a coming
of age story about a boy who seeks to escape the limitations of a life which stifles him by
traveling ... Show more content on ...
During the course of his journey, Huck adopts role after role. [...] But in each case, he
casts off the role that he plays. We get to know Huck, in other words, by who he is not,
not who he is. Huck s identity depends, therefore, on whatever it is that keeps those
adopted roles from sticking. (Thomas 281) That is not, however to say that Huckleberry
Finn will not acquire a true identity, as with the progression of the story, from the very
start but more evidently from the Wilks Farm adventure, the reader gathers glimpses of
what the boy may become as we witness his thoughts and evolving opinions. One may
assume that that which keeps Huck from becoming an impostor through his many roles
is the same factor which will determine his later and final
Treaty No. 2 Essay
Treaty No. 2 was the second of the eleven treaties to be signed and established during
Canada s infancy. Also known as, Manitoba Post Treaty , named after a post of the
Hudson Bay Company where the treaty was signed on August 21, 1871 at Manitoba
Post, located on the northwest shore of Lake Manitoba. Treaty No. 2 was signed on
behalf of the Ojibway by Mekis, Sou sonce, Ma sah kee yash, Broken Fingers, and
Richard Woodhouse. Commissioner Simpson, accompanied by Lieutenant Governor
Archibald, James McKay and Molyneux St. John, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
signed on behalf of the crown. The Ojibway inhabit the area included within the treaty
boundaries of approximately 92462 square kilometers located in central southwestern
Manitoba and a small portion of southeastern Saskatchewan. Every first nation of Treaty
2 is located in Manitoba and these include: Dauphin River, Ebb and Flow,
Keeseekoowenin, Lake Manitoba, Lake St. Martin, Little Saskatchewan, O Chi Chak Ko
Sipi, Pinaymootang, and Skownan. The Ojibway are an Anishinaabe grouping of
indigenous peoples of North America, of which the majority inhabit Canada. They are the
second largest First Nationsgroup in Canada, only surpassed by the Cree. The lands of
Treaty No. 2 were primarily inhabited by the... Show more content on ...
2 included 160 acres of reserve land for each family of 5 persons, agreement to
maintain a school in each reserve whenever required, and three dollars for each Indian
man, woman and child belonging to the band represented. Also, each family of 5 was
to be paid the sum of 15 dollars in Canadian currency or in similar proportions to a
larger or smaller family. Such payment was to be made in items required by the Indians
such as blankets, clothing, twine, or traps at current cash price in Montreal, Canada.
Lastly, Treaty No. 2 provided the Ojibway people with farming tools and instilled a
census to keep track of how many Aboriginals were in each band, mainly for
Why The Rich Are Getting Richer
Many people wonder in the world, why are the rich getting richer ? Which is a very
important question. Over countless years, the wealthy have found many ways around
taxes like loopholes and tax deductions. Meanwhile, the lower class are left lost and
clueless to any sort of tips around taxes and leaves them in turmoil. In Reich s Why the
Rich are Getting Richer he goes on and explains just that, why are the rich getting
richer. The economic difficulties that have been circulating in America have been
making it challenging for people to pay their taxes, while only two percent of the
Americans are sitting on their high horse sponging up all their money. America is the
way it is because society doesn t sit down and take in that the wealthy are only getting
richer while the poor or people in povertystruggle to just keep up with their bills. One of
the biggest things in the United States is social security. It has put many people in trouble
and I don t get why the rich are getting it after they retire. Through the world we have
always struggled with people not getting paid enough or people getting paid to much.
Most of the people are getting paid far less than what they should. Through this essay I
am going to give you information about social security and the effects it has had on
lives of people, including the rich. When first created in 1935, Social Security was first
thought of, as a social insuranceprogram as an idea to provide income to the elderly
Hitler s Use Of Propaganda In Ww2
Hitler once said, By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda one can make a people
see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise. ( Nazi Propaganda 1).
Propaganda is simply someone trying to get others to believe that what they do is
correct or reasonable. We see propaganda in our daily lives trying to convince us to
follow along with what others are doing. The Nazis took over the media to communicate
their ideas of the Jew and make others see the Germans, or Aryans as the superior race.
In 1933 Hitler set up a Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and propaganda directed
by Joseph Goebbels . ( Nazi Propaganda 1). Germans were constantly reminded of their
war against foreign countries and the Jewish ... Show more content on ...
They tricked the Jews by falsely informing them that they were moving them to their
true destination.(Nazi propaganda Us 11) When arriving to the camps they were told
to take their clothes off and go in the showers because they were going to be disinfected.(
The History Place Genocide in The 20th Century: The Nazi Holocaust 1938 45 11) As
soon as all the Jews were in there they would lock the doors and released a deadly gas,
mostly carbon monoxide.( The History Place Genocide in The 20th Century: The
Nazi Holocaust 1938 45 11) The Nazi s would send letters to family saying We are fine
here, we have jobs and we are well treated, we can t wait for you to be here. to lure them
in as well.( The History Place Genocide in The 20th Century: The Nazi Holocaust 1938
Harriet Tubman Quotes
I was the conductor of the Underground Railroad for eight years, and I can say what
most conductors can t say I never ran my train off the track and I never lost a
passenger (Harriet Tubman Historical Society; Quotes). Harriet Tubman , one of the
world s bravest woman s, freed thousands of slaves to Canada starting in 1853 (Africans
in America). She was a fearless woman, working diligently in the United States to help
the slaves in the south escape their harsh conditions right before and during the civil war.
Harriet Tubmanwas motivated to struggle for change to help herself, her family, and
other slaves escape by the Underground Railroad.
Araminta Ross, known as Harriet Tubman, was born a slave in Dorchester County,
Maryland. Harriet ... Show more content on ...
She was very good at what she did and no one could catch her. The danger was
increased in 1850 when the fugitive slave act was enforced. This meant that any slave
that came to the North as a fugitive could be captured and returned back to slavery. No
matter what the people in the North thought, they had to follow the law and help aid
in the capture of the slaves to return them back to where they came from. Tubman didn
t let this defeat her, she rerouted the Underground Railroad to Canada. Tubman and
her fugitive slaves remained uncaptured and safe as they made their journey to Canada
(Harriet Tubman Biography). There are two things I ve got a right to, and these are,
Death or Liberty one or the other I mean to have. No one will take me back alive; I
shall fight for my liberty, and when the time has come for me to go, the Lord will let
them, kill me (Harriet Tubman Historical Society; Quotes).. Araminta Tubman stopped
at nothing to continue her dangerous, life risking work. The new laws only pushed her
to become better at what she was doing and she became very good with new
tactics.Tubman discovered that it was best to work in the winter and help slaves
escape on saturdays. Runaway slaves couldn t be published in the newspaper until
Monday morning (Harriet Tubman Historical Society;Facts). No matter what, she
knew she had death or Liberty and she knew God would give her death after she
accomplished everything she possibly could. Harriet Tubman left people in aw with
her ambition to fight for herself and anyone else. Her selflessness and diligence to
helping people left her with the nickname moses(Harriet Tubman Biography). Moses
became Araminta Tubman s new name for a very long time. She encouraged the slaves
to never give up and do whatever they put their minds too. Tubman, later on, still
remained active during the civil war. She worked as a cook and nurse then worked her
way up to become an armed scout and
Stella Artois s Market Entry Strategy
Stella Artois, informally called Stella, is a pilsner beer between 4.8 and 5.2% ABV. It
is a beer brand from Belgium and it also brewed in other locations. Stella Artois is one
of the prominent brands of Anheuser Busch InBev, the world s largest brewer. Stella
Artois has its own Pouring Ritual and iconic serving chalice and it is savoured in 95
countries as a complement to elegant events and fine dining (ABInBev, 2014). The first
point will be discussed is Stella Artoiss market entry strategy. As same as other
international companies, Stella Artois also uses acquisition strategy to expand its market.
As InBev attempted to maximise its product portfolio by launching its leading brands
into new markets, Stella Artois was launched as a premium product in Latin America
(Passport, 2005). China is the key focus of Stella Artois s efforts to generate growth. The
2014 acquisition helped the company make the fastest growing top 10 player in the
market (ABInBev, 2015). The acquisition also served to strengthen its position in
economy larger and enhanced the company s production and distribution infrastructure in
the market. The second point being analyzed is Stella Artois s marketingstrategy. First of
all, the packaging strategy of Stella Artois will be analysed. The packaging of Stella
Artois has evolved over time. However, the mandate on the design has not change. All
packaging must be supreme quality and worth (Stella Artois, 2004). Stella Artois
packaging always exclusive
The Spanish Inquisition Essay
The Spanish Inquisition In the year 1469 there was a union between the Spanish
kingdoms, Aragon and Castile. This union would ignite the darkest moment of Spanish
history, the Spanish Inquisition. Ferdinand of Aragon married Isabella I of Castile, in
hopes of obtaining the Castilian crown. Isabella s high spirited and politically astute
personality enabled her to retain sovereign authority in her own realm, they became
known as the Spanish Kings. At the time, Spainwas a nation state created out of religious
struggle between numerous religions. Both being of Catholic descent Ferdinand and
Isabella decided to unite... Show more content on ...
It is true that in the year 1478, Pope Sixtus IV had given permission to the Spanish
rulers to purify the people of Spain. However, on April 18th 1482, he proposed a new
Papal Bull, and accused the Inquisition in Aragon Catalonia to be one that was not
focused on heresy and salvation of souls, but rather on greed seeking profit. He noted
that true and faithful Christians were being imprisoned, tortured and condemned as
heretics on false testimonies made by enemies, rivals, envious people etc. An example
is in the year 1635 Pedro Ginesta, a man over 80 years of age of French origin was
brought before the tribunal of Barcelona by a comrade for having supposedly eaten a
meal of bacon and onions on a day of abstinence. Of all the popes that existed during the
time of the Inquisition, only Pope Innocent III (who succeeded Pope Sixtus IV)
supported the Spanish Inquisition, all the others attempted to put an end to the vicious
inquisition, with each of them noting how inhumane it was.

The reliability of the witnesses and the evidence is heavily questioned, not during the
era but now, hundreds of years later. The witnesses are heavily disputed, it has been
recorded by many scholars at the time that the witnesses were often servants of the
accused, or had some type of grudge against
Religious Beliefs And Its Effects On Children
It is a question that has become increasingly difficult for religious parents to completely
ignore: Are parents who raise their children to hold religious beliefs instilling a form of
permanent indoctrination? Many atheists argue this today, one of the most famous being
zoologist Richard Dawkins. In a detailed article about this topic, he stated, There really is
an important difference between including your children in harmless traditions, and
forcing on them un evidenced opinions about the nature of life or the cosmos (Dawkins).
In another interview he said, Children do need to be protected so that they can have a
proper education and not be indoctrinated in whatever religiontheir parents happen to
have been brought up in (Humphreys). Atheists argue that brainwashing plays into
account when raising a child with religious beliefs, which leads to an influence on their
future, and way of thinking. These individuals propose that we should raise children
without any religious beliefs at all and allow them to reach a level of intellectual maturity
so that they can choose their own system of beliefs. Some might support this argument
and find it reasonable. However, due to the fact that parents raise their children according
to their own beliefs, having the best interest for their kids at heart and contradicting with
the concept of brainwashing by the number of atheists there are today, religious parents
have every right to raise their children according to their own
Parable of the Sadhu Essay
Parable of the Sadhu: Analysis from three general approaches.

The Parable of the Sadhu presents a complex situation which action immediate action was
necessary. Sadhu, an Indian holy man, was discovered naked and barely alive by a group
of multicultural mountaineers during their journey. Each ethnic group did a little to help
the Sadhu, but none assumed full responsibility. Their priority was in climbing the
mountain rather than carrying Sadhu to the village where other people could help him.
Although the conditions of the trip were so that once the mountaineers went down to the
village they might not have been able to come back up, the author of this essay still
feels guilty for what was not done for the Sadhu (Donaldson 280). There ... Show more
content on ...
They focus on cultivating certain characteristics and look at every situation in terms of
its potential influence on the morale of the person (Donaldson 10). This method,
although much more helpful than utilitarianism, still produces an unclear response. On
one hand, kindness and compassion are both virtues that would be cultivated if the
mountaineers decided to help the Sadhu and carry him to the village. On the other hand,
if mountaineers continue their journey virtues such as courage and determination would
flourish. It is difficult to decide which virtues are more important than others and
therefore, this method is too ambiguous to be applied to this situation.

Finally, there is deontology, also called non consequentialism. Deontology, in general,

focuses on the motives of the act and the concept of duty (Camenisch 2). Kantian
deontology assesses that there is a Categorical Imperative the highest moral principle that
should govern all human actions. This universal law is stated in two ways:

1) act in a way that one would act with anyone in the same situation, and so that one does
not create an undesirable world and 2) interact with people as human beings with rights
and dignity rather than means to an end (Camenisch 2). This moral principle would be
the most fair and useful in the Sadhu situation. McCoy s friend mentions in the essay that
the mountaineers would have probably acted differently if the Sadhu were a member of
Alien And Sedition Act Case Study
The continuous battle between Hamilton s Federalists and Jefferson s Democratic
Republicans did not stop after Washington s warnings in 1796. The debate between the
balance of Order and Liberty was a very large topic during the four year period of 1796 to
1800. John Adams, a Federalist, became President in 1796 after defeating Thomas
Jeffersonin a close poll. Adams was much more openly aligned with the Federalists
than Washington was and he wanted to keep Federalist leaders in power as long as he
could, even after his administration. To ensure this, Adams passed the Alien and Sedition
Acts in 1798. The Alien act changed the number of years a foreigner had to live in
America before they could vote from five years to fourteen. This benefited
Kneeling During The National Anthem Should Not Be Allowed
Kneeling During the National Anthem Should Not be Allowed
Although NFL athletes are a huge figure in America today, they still choose to disrespect
their country by kneeling during the National Anthem. I believe kneeling during the
National Anthem is unpatriotic, separate s teammates and the community, and is also
bad publicity. This has caused people to protest the NFL by doing things such as burning
their season tickets. Kneeling during the anthem has caused a huge controversial issue
that is impacting many. This has not only caught the attention of adults but also children.
The NFL is now losing its focus on football and putting more focus on politics.

First off, kneeling during the National Anthem is unpatriotic. This is the greatest
country in the world. It gives everyone who comes here an opportunity in life, and the
right to pursue a life of happiness. It is crazy to think Americas finest football players
will still disrespect our Anthem. This problem has gotten so big that even our president
has had strong words concerning the issue. President Trump has taken to twitter
multiple times saying how unpatriotic it is. Also, how it should be illegal and players
who are choosing to kneel should leave the NFL. With that being said, there are still
NFL players who stand in support of the Anthem. Some coaches do not allow players to
stand alone, like Mike Tomlin of the Pittsburgh Steelers. Instead these players they hide
in the locker room during the Anthem. In my opinion,
Native Americans And Conquistadors
As a new and mysterious world awaits to be discovered, daring conquistadors leave
their home country of Spain in a journey of exploration. Two men by the name of
Narvaez and Cabeza de Vaca set sail to thwart the untrustworthy Cortez who, behind the
backs of Narvaez and Cabeza de Vaca, sailed to the New World with half of Narvaez s
crew in search of treasures. However, the journey would prove to be treacherous as the
conquistadors would have to encounter hostile Native Americans and strange terrain they
have never seen before. Throughout the expedition, future encounters between the Native
Americans and conquistadors were heavily influenced by the personalities of the
individuals and past experiences the Native Americans faced.
Past experiences that the Native Americans endured from earlier Spanish conquests
affected both the expedition and the encounter between the Native Americans and
Narvaez s crew. During earlier Spanish expeditions, Spanish settlers would raid Native
American tribes looking to capture the natives as slaves. These raids were due to the
Spanish believing that the Native Americans were barbarians and, therefore, needed to
be civilized. Before beginning the trek to Apalachee, Resendez states, The explorers
could see for themselves that the bay was poor and sparsely populated. These early
conquests cause the Native Americans to become hostile, and even fearful, of the
Spanish conquistadors. For example, when finally docking on shore in Florida,
Video and Uses for HTML5
1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
In todays world the amount of video that is being captured is growing exponentialy. Over
100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. (
/press/en GB/statistics.html)

This most of this video is being captured through the over 1.5 billion smart phones in
circulation across the world. This video is then edited and uploaded to a video hosting
site aka youtube or vimo or shared through a variaty of social media channels.
This rate of creation and the need to have tools to curate and modify this ever expanding
sea of video will create the need for more versitile video ediditors.

One of the biggest developments in communications and technology in recent months is

the rise of HTML5. This updated markup language has serious potential to destabilize a
variety of different computing environments as we know them, and yield impact to the
field that can only be barely conceived of today.
One of the biggest impacts HTML5 is likely to generate in 2013 is in the field of
mobile platforms. Already, HTML5 is looking to destabilize the mobile environment,
with Web based apps that can be run via browser potentially looking to encroach on app
stores in their current form. More and more mobile applications will come available
using HTML5, and that s going to mean a huge difference in the way these mobile
applications are developed.
What s more, HTML5 is looking to change the way apps are developed. There will be, as
Research Paper On Hernia
A hernia is the protrusion or penetration of an organ through the wall of a cavity that
normally contains it. Hernia is Latin for protrusion. A hiatal hernia occurs when there is a
protrusion upwards from the stomach into the mediastinum through the esophageal
opening in the diaphragm. One of the most common herniae develops in the abdomen,
when a weakness in the abdominal wall evolves into a hole , through which tissue or
abdominal organs may protrude. An example is an inguinal hernia (see picture below).
Herniae shows itself through a visible lump. There may or may not be pain at the site.
There may be certain symptoms resulting from pressure on an organ which has become
lodged in the hernia, sometimes leading to organ fungi. Fatty
Tampa Bay Times Article Analysis
On August fourth, in Tampa Bay, Florida, a flamingo, affectionately named Pinky was
forcefully taken from her enclosure at Busch Gardens, and slammed against the
ground by an Orlando man with a history of senselessly murdering animals. Multiple
news websites covered the traumatic incident, but two managed to stand out above
the others: The Tampa Bay Times, and United Press International. However, only one
presented the story effectively and accurately. The Tampa Bay Times is a credible
news agency and is published both on paper and online. They are Florida s largest
newspaper, is the most utilized news website in Tampa Bay, and has won twelve
Pulitzer Prizes for their works. The site has a cool color scheme: black, grey, white,
and pale green, that manages to appear inviting. The fonts are simple, bold when
required, and correspond. The title of the page is the first thing to load and is followed
by the rest of the words and the pictures. The article, Orlando man accused of throwing
Pinky the flamingo to her death at Busch Gardens was... Show more content on ...
The site uses shades of blue, the majority of people s most favorite color, as well as
black and white. Their webpage s appearance is similar to that of quite a few generic
news sites and they reuse the same font for everything, save for the UPI logo. The site
loads from top to bottom and is easy to read. The article, Famous dancing flamingo
killed by visitor at Busch Gardens was published by Shawn Price, who has written
over seven hundred articles for UPI. His story was simple, stated the facts and gave no
account of the events that lead to Pink s demise, however, both descriptive and
opinionative quotes were included. The only picture in the article was a mugshot of
Anthony Corrao, Pinky s murderer and the site produced ads that probably should have
been censored on a school
I Like Older Cars Essay
I like older cars. Cars are one of the coolest things that were every made in my opinion.
I think that cars that are older than 1990 are better than the cars that are 1991 and newer
because they are easier to work on, they also look better, and sound better but the newer
cars get better gas millage, and are safer.

I have worked on my different new and old cars, but I think that the older cars are
easier to work on. They are easier to because they don t have all the technology that the
newer cars have. For example my dad s 1984 Chevy Truck doesn t have all the things
that a 2018 truck has on it. For example, newer car is electronica and my dad s truck
has cables that make the carburetor work. There are also a lot different things that
make it easier to work on older cars over newer cars. For example, you don t have a many
wires getting in the way with the older cars where the new cars have a wire or more going
to almost everything know matter was it is. Even the tires are easier to work on because
newer cars have sensors and the older ... Show more content on ...
I am going to be telling about the old car first. This one day I was just sitting at home
when I decided to work on my uncles 1979 ford pickup truck because he was having
trouble with it so I told him, I can look at it one day after school if you want me to
because I have nothing else to do besides homework . He said back to me that is fine
because I have to work every night this week so just try and find out what is wrong
with it. Every night that week I look at his truck try to find out what was wrong with it.
When he got off work on Wednesday, he took the motor out for me to go through after
school. When I got home from school, I got big glass of tasteful Arizona tee. It turned
out that his piston was broke. He decided that he would just try and find a used piston
that is good just to get his truck running
Analysis Of A Mockingbird
Would you ever think that a small bird can be so important, let alone be compared to
people? Well this book is based on a mockingbird. A mockingbird is an animal with
innocence, and does nothing wrong except minding it s own buisness. Killing them is
wrong and there wouldn t be a reason. Just like in the book, Tom Robinson, Atticus and
Boo Radley were known as mockingbirds. In chapter 10 Atticus says, to Scout and Jem,
I d rather you shot at tin cans in the back yard, but I know you ll go after birds. Shoot
all the bluejays you want, if you can hit em, but remember it s a sin to kill a Mockingbird.
In this essay I will talk about what it means to be a Mockingbird and how it influences
the characters in the book. To be a Mockingbird or to be known as one, is being
represented as being innocent. A Mockingbird is an innocent being. All they do is mind
their business and sing in harmony until somebody tries to hurt them after they did
nothing. Characters in the book that are considered to be Mockingbirds would be Tom
Robinson, Boo Radley and Scout.
Tom Robinson lived a pretty average life for an African American in Alabama. Tom
was hard working man despite his arm, he usually spent his days picking cotton in the
hot weather of Maycomb and was pretty harmless. In my eyes he was a good example
of a literal Mockingbird, an innocent harmless man who is targeted by others. When they
finally saw him, why hadn t he do any of those things Tom Robinson was an innocent
man who was
The Revolutionary City Is Not Just An Area
The Revolutionary City provides its visitors with an adorned sense of place. Although
Williamsburg was restored from its original structures, with some changes implemented
by the modern centuries, an American faith has bestowed on the Tidewater town of
Williamsburg, Virginia. Colonial Williamsburg adequately portrays how the area
incorporates the cultures, hopes, aspirations, and conflicts of the American people of the
time period. The Revolutionary City is not just an area that is composed of colonial
streets and buildings. It is a community of people and their tales of life linking the distant
past with a relevant future. In the Historic Area, visitors are able to experience the
opulence that permeated the city of Williamsburg through... Show more content on ...
The events that occur from dawn until dusk, capture the moments that molded America
into the new nation it fought to be, with the help of our legendary forefathers, the
townspeople, and even ourselves. The Revolutionary City allows its patrons to gain a
strong appreciation of the importance of the movement towards independence from the
British, and it is an incredible inspiration for people to take the initiative to attain
knowledge on how our nation began; such a project demonstrates an utmost
significance to the true lineage of the American people black and white, men and
women, free and enslaved. The core of the Revolutionary City occupies Duke of
Gloucester Street, the mile long principal street of the town. The street runs from the
Capitol building, passing the taverns and trade shops on the way to Palace Green which
displays the Governor s Palace at its farthest edge, and continues onward towards the
College of William and Mary. When standing in the center of town near the Marketplace,
the Capitol is visible in its magnificent being. There are many infamous faces that walk
the streets of the Revolutionary City awaiting patrons to ask them probing questions
about how this historical landmark creates a sense of place for them in America; among
them are Peyton and Betty Randolph, James Innes, James Madison, James Monroe,
Edmund Randolph, Lydia Broadnax, Patrick
What Does Montresor Symbolize In The Cask Of Amontillado
After the thousandth insult, Montresor couldn t take it any longer. As time goes on
Fortunato will get what he deserves. The story The Cask of Amontillado was written
by Edgar Allan Poe, and is set in Italy. In the story Montresor is fed up with Fortunato s
so he plans to kill him, and his plan works. Some character traits can be a good thing in
some situations, but in this story they caused harm to another character. As readers go
through the story they will soon notice that Montresor has three characteristics that stick
out the most; sneaky, vengeful, and relentless. Montresor is sneaky in many ways. One,
he planned out the murder of Fortunato precisely. He made sure to send all of the
servants home to make sure no one was around
Student Loan Loans Should Not Be Educational
i.Student loan defaults in China
In the context of entering the mass higher education stage, the ideology of cost sharing
and equity in higher education is now widely accepted as a must do in China, and there
is a tradeoff in which colleges can charge tuition fees in exchange for better financial aids
to students from disadvantaged groups. Thus, implementing a student loan scheme to
ensure educational opportunities for needy students is the primary choice for the Chinese
government. Nowadays the availability of student loans has been significantly improved
while the issue of debt collection is still not addressed. In other words, high default rates
will further negatively impact the sustainability of student loans.
On behalf of the ... Show more content on ...
Student borrowers who do not immediately pursue further education typically must begin
making monthly payments on their loans after graduation. In the first 3 year grace
period, they are only requested to repay interests, and then pay off their loans up to 20
By the end of 2013, 3.13 million graduates had entered repayment period, and the total
balance of outstanding student debt was 16.35 billion RMB, which accounted for
around one third of the total volume. Most notably, the default rate by principal plus
interest amount was 4.13% and the ratio of students who defaults is 3.95% in 2013.
To be detailed, the default rate of school based student loans was 9.46% whereas that
of home based student loans was only 0.22% . However, based on loan recovery
statistics of 30 provinces, the highest default of home based student loans went up to
17.46% . Compared to over 30% default rate of some extreme cases in the year of 2004 ,
the default rate on student loans has declined substantially in recent years, but it remains
a significant challenge to sound operation of student loan schemes. ii. Negative Impacts
of High Defaults
Given student loan has no collateralized debt, and it takes long to realize money back, it
is rational for lending banks to choose risk prevention strategies like raising interest rates
or limiting
(A case study of Manyatta and Nyalenda peri urban areas of Kisumu East.)
Zepha (2008), states that, Solar Water Disinfection (SODIS) is a simple, cheap and
environmentally friendly method for treating microbiologically contaminated drinking
water at household level. (as cited in Moses ,Zephaniah Jacques,2008, p.3). According to
EAWAG (2008), SODIS utilizes solar radiation to inactivate pathogenic microbes majorly
known to cause water borne diseases and thereby improving water quality. The pathogens
are vulnerable to a synergistic effect of UV A light (wavelength 320 400nm) and
increased water temperature ... Show more content on ...
SODIS is one of the methods recommended and indeed has an attributable fraction of
16% to diarrhoea and adjusted odds ratio of 0.65 at 95% C.I thus a protective factor
(Conroy, et al., 1999). The PETS used are transformed into photoproducts by sunlight.
However, laboratory tests have proven that these photoproducts are generated at the
outer surface of the bottles and No indication for migration of possible photoproducts or
additives from PET bottles into water was observed with the applied analytical methods
(Suter et al.2001). Kohler et al. (2008) confirms that the use of PETS and SODIS
procedure is safe as far as human exposure to di(2 ethylhexyl)adipate (DEHA) and di(2
ethylhexyl)phthalate is concerned.

A study conducted in Bolivia by Moser H and Mosler HJ (2008) indicated that the
adoption of SODIS was dependent on increased participation of opinion leaders and
community on drinking water themes. Further, a study by Landolt et al. (2009) showed
that the acceptance and sustained use of SODIS was greatly determined by the
availability of PET bottles locally, repeated training and promotion programmes, user
educational level, motivation and commitment of promoters, social pressure, and
institutional aspects. Tamas et al. (2011) indicated that decrease in health promotion
consequently made users to terminate
The Change In Style Of Jazz Bass
Final Paper

Explore the change in style of jazz bass since the introduction of electric bass (bass guitar)

Modern 4 string, fretted, horizontally played electric bass was first introduced by Paul
Tutmarc in the 1930s. Later in 1950s Leo Fender developed this idea so it could be
mass produced and finally introducing the Fender Precision bass in 1951. Electric bass
then started to coexist with the double basses in jazz, since there were bassists starting to
use electric bass as they are easier to be played, could be easily transported, and were
able to be amplified to any volume without feeding back (Driscoll, 2002).

In jazz, electric bass became a viable option in adding modern timbres and textures to the
developing ... Show more content on ...
(2013, March 31). Heavy Weather. The Weather Report Annotated Discography.
Retrieved November 25, 2014, from
Driscoll, E. (2002, September 11). How The Fender Bass Changed The World.
Blogcritics. Retrieved November 12, 2014, from the fender
bass changed the/
Wikipedia (2013, October 09). Donna Lee. Wikipedia. Retrieved November 20, 2014,
Watrous, P. (2000, September). Thirty Years of Our JazzTimes. Jazz Times. Retrieved
November 25, 2014, from thirty years of our
jazztimes the 90s
Zamboni. (2003, October 03). Harmonics For Beginners. Ultimate Guitar. Retrieved
November 20, 2014, from http://www.ultimate

Figures woogie bassline.svg

Generale, I. The Real Book 5th Edition page 7
Rock And Roll History
The begins of rock and roll have always been challenged as to when they were first
established. The most common argument is that is first started in Southern United states,
the birth place of many of the first early rock and roll music hits. As the south always had
a huge majority of slaves from Africa and immigrants from Europe, through the gathering
of different influences that created a connection between African musical traditions with
European instrumentation. Immigration of once slaves to populated urban centers
including New York City and Chicago meant that both the black and white communities
were living in close proximity, resulting in hearing each other s music and even began to
follow and impersonate each other s fashions .
Rock ... Show more content on ...
There were no pre rock roll equals to Sam Phillips, who parlayed a tiny Memphis label
with a staff of one into a group whose musicians sold millions of records everywhere in
the world. In record business terms, rock roll indicated that modest, formerly specialized
labels like Sun and Specialty were overrunning the higher influences of the pop charts,
along with the privileged domain of the important industrial record labels and old line Tin
Pan Alley music publishing
Language Does Not Empower Women
Additionally, the ineffectiveness of Perdita s rhetoric furthers Shakespeare s claim that
language does not empower women in the lower class shepherd s court. For example,
during Perdita and Polixenes discussion of flowers, Perdita s language is unable to
persuade Polixenes to agree with her opinions. Perdita states that she [cares] not/ To get
slips of carnations and gillyvors because they are nature s bastards and are not natural.
She continues by asserting that There is an art which in their piedness shares/ With great
creating nature, explaining her beliefthat because the flowers are made through
crossbreeding, they are unnatural and therefore their beauty is artificial since it is owed
equally to nature and the gardener that bred them (IV.4.82 89). However, Polixenes is
unconvinced by this claim and instead states that although nature is made better by no
mean, all means of attempting to improve nature must themselves be natural. Therefore,
Polixenes believes, the apparently artificial quality of crossbred flowers is an art/ That
nature makes and thus art itself is nature (IV.4.89 97). Perdita has no response to
Polixenes view and yields to his argument. This conversation demonstrates that Perdita s
rhetoricin the court of the shepherd is largely unsuccessful and does not empower her or
further her opinions in the same manner as the language of Paulina and Hermione does.
Overall, Shakespeare conveys his claim that Perdita s powerand influence in the
Dr. Vernon Krieble Company Essay
Loctite de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
Background and History Dr. Vernon Krieble founded Loctite Corporation in 1953 in
Hartford, Connecticut; he was a retired Trinity College chemistry professor (Merchant
Van der Stede, 2012). Loctite was originally founded as American Sealants Co.
American Sealants Co s first product was n anerobic sealant, called Loctite. Loctite
was the top sealant producer in the world for anerobic sealants, it maintained dominant
at 85% in market shares in 1992. By 1992, Loctite produced a broad range of different
sealant and adhesive products around the world. Loctite was ranked 477th on the
Fortune 500 list of the largest US industrial corporations and employed 3,500 people.
Loctite operated in 33 countries around the world and in six major marketing areas. The
company was organized into four different geographical groups: North America, Europe,
Latin America, and Asia/Pacific with North America and Europe being the largest
groups. (Merchant Van der Stede, 2012)
Mexican Environment The Mexican environment is considerably different from the
United States. Jose Monteiro will need to consider Mexico s culture when designing and
using his management control system. Mexican employees seem to be more group
oriented than individual oriented, as they are in the United States. As a result, Jose needs
to familiarize himself with Mexico s culture, and understand what motivates employees
to work hard. Mexico is a highly competitive market and has a
The Importance Of Civilization In Iowa City
Civilizations are culturally created environments in which we follow rules, standards,
and ethical behaviors. Iowa City offers multiple signs of civilization, including public vs.
private land, religious vs. secular, and the presence of central control. Through these five
characteristics we can identify and interpret what the environment is explaining to us.
My area of choice is northern Iowa City, which has an environment that tells me it is a
civilization through rhetorical elements provided in the use of space and materials that
create it. In Northern IowaCity public space is common. Happy Hollow Park offers an
open landscape with sidewalks and free access. The pathways invite civilians in and
show them where they may go, but do not impose any rules on where they must go.
The basketball court and baseball field have no walls or barricades blocking entry,
allowing us to know they are available for whoever pleases. An outdoor pavilion could
be used for family gatherings and parties at no cost. A free parking lot with good
lighting tells civilians that there is nothing restricting their access to the space. This
space is known as public due it s ease of entry and the way the park invites civilians in
with pathways and block free attractions. Therefore, Happy Hollow Park represents
public space as an area that invites every civilian to explore and go as they please.
Private space is popular in IowaCity due to the amount of residential housing. The
housing in Iowa City
The Confederate s Defeat in the Battle of Gettysburg Essay
The famous Battle of Gettysburg was fought July 1 to July 3 of 1863 in and around the
town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The battle proved to show the most casualties of the
entire war and resulted in a crushing defeat of the Confederates. The Battle of Gettysburg
is generally considered to be the turning point of the American Civil War. This paper will
demonstrate the various reasons as to why the Confederates, led by General Robert E. Lee
, were unsuccessful in the Battle of Gettysburgduring their invasion of the north. General
Lee s over confidence, the confederate army s disorganization and failed coordination,
and the shift of intelligence all contributed to the crushing defeat of the confederates at
Gettysburg. Following his... Show more content on ...
A major cause of the confederate loss at Gettysburg was the extreme amount of
confidence that General Lee instilled in his men and his inability to adapt. By the year
of 1863, when the Battle of Gettysburg occurred, General Lee s expectations highly
exceeded what his army could have realistically accomplished. Two years of heavy
battlefield losses had exhausted his army and more importantly their offensive
capabilities. The Seven Days Battle in 1862 resulted in 20 000 confederate casualties,
as well as 10 300 at the Battle of Antietam in 1862. Despite having suffered many
losses in the battles leading up to Gettysburg, Lee remained devoted to the offensive
strategy. This mindset placed the confederate army on the operational and tactical
offensive which contradicted their need to conserve man power. Chancellorsville had
given Lee absolute confidence in his men which blinded him from any deficiencies in
the army s offensive capabilities. This failure to recognize the reality of his army
resulted in many costly strikes. Along with Lee s overconfidence, he also failed to
understand what so many other Generals had understood, Unlike many Union officers,
such as Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, and Maj. Gen. George
Gordon Meade, the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia never recognized that
Civil War armies were virtually indestructible. Lee did not recognize that a victory of
annihilation was an impossible
The Minister s Black Veil Visitor Analysis
This paper will focus on the Congregation in The Minister s Black Veil . The
Congregation manipulates the story through the different characteristics that they
display. They play a big role in the way that the minister is perceived throughout the
story. The three main element s this paper will cover are the Congregation s gossip,
superstition, and various emotions. The Congregation uses gossip throughout The
Ministers Black Veil . Their gossip shapes others opinions towards the Minister and his
Veil. He has changed himself into something awful, only by hiding his face . (
Hawthorne 1) This quote is one example of the Congregation s form of gossip. Their
judgmental slander causes a negative effect on the opinions... Show more content on ...
The Congregation s Superstition causes rumors to spread that hurt not only the Minister s
feelings, but his reputation as well. From the first moment they see the Veil, superstition
overwhelms the Congregation. The Congregation never seems to stop coming up with
new reasons for why the Veil is worn. Each new theory spreads throughout the town like
wildfire. From church to their own home, their superstitious thoughts follow them
everywhere they go. This in turn hinders them from learning the real truth behind the
veil. The never ending cycle of superstition causes the Congregation to live in fear and
worry. Their fear is caused by the unknown meaning of the veil. They came up with
superstitious fables about the Minister. A fable went the rounds that the stare of the dead
people drove him thence. It grieved him, to the very depth of his kind heart, to observe
how the children fled from his approach, breaking up their merriest sports, while his
melancholy figure was yet afar off. (Hawthorne 5) The way the Congregation looked at
the Minister, because of their superstition, saddened him greatly. This caused the Minister
to live the rest of his life depressed and gloomy, surrounded by superstition. Superstition
can ruin a life. The minister loved his congregation and because of their superstition
towards him it ruined their outlook of him. No matter the Minister s bizarre covenant the
congregation should not have used superstition against
Social Criticism In The Chimney Sweeper
With reference to both texts discuss the use of social criticism in the chimney sweeper
The Chimney Sweeper from Songs of Innocence in 1789 and The chimney sweeper
from songs of experience in 1794 both are written by William Blake who is the one of
the first writers of the Romantic Period. The first poem is indescribable litter chimney
sweepers who hold hope in their hearts and feel warm although they are abandoned by
their parents and are living a miserable life in the actual world. The second poem talks
about the child who is unhappy and hopeless, what s worse the adult make them more
painful, although they are trying to become happy. Thus, both of the two poems talk
about what a hard life children live at that time, but the difference ... Show more content
on ...
In the first poem, the litter chimney sweeper Tom has a dream that he d have God for
his father and never long for joy that show angle give Tom hope and God will be his
father and bless him in the next life. Although real life is dark and hard, Tom does not
lose hope and after him waking up, he feels happy and warm. The tragic fate of the
children chimney sweepers live in miserable situation , but because the angel s love
and mercy , God will make good children s fatherly promise which created an image
that God could bring brightness life to poor people. This poem showed William s
sympathy of poor children who live in misery and suffering real life and criticized this
dark society. Poet also tell readers that be patient and wait for God to help people. In
the second poem, William said that they think they have done me no jury, and are
gone to praise God and his Priest and King who make up a heaven of our misery ,
which use irony to show that omnipotent and merciful God not only save the litter
chimney sweepers, but also associated priests and King to make a heaven above their
painful. Poet does not praise the God; instead, it criticizes the God, Priests and King.
On the other hand, he also criticizes the dark religion and politics at that time. Poet fee
angry because that although children are trying to become happy, society take away
their pure! Poet also pointed out that people are being faced with Religious oppression
and political oppression at that time. Thus, these two poems are talking about the same
characters, the huge difference of these two poems is that one poem has hope, the other
is hopeless.

Both The chimney sweeper epitomize the terrible of that dark world and what life the
litter children are living. The world of William in the first poem encourage people to
believe God and
April Morning Psychology
Every child wants his or her father s love. In April Morning, Adam Cooper (Chad
Lowe) does not feel cherished from his father. In fact Adam feels that his father hates
him, and would not care less if he did not exist. While this of course is not true, Adam
strives to earn respect from his father Moses Cooper (Tommy Lee Jones) throughout the
movie. This strife allows Adam to defend Lexington effectively. April Morning shows the
values of striving to live up to the expectations of one s parents, is entertaining, and is
mostly historically accurate. The movie begins with Solomon Chandler (Rip Torn) riding
across the road on a cart. British soldiers stop the cart and inspect the cargo. As they
inspected, they found stolen weapons and ammunition.... Show more content on ...
Ruth walks into the shed, but soon after, a British soldier captures her. The soldier
takes Ruth out of the shed, and Adam is in hot pursuit. His efforts to free Ruth are
successful, and he heads back into the woods to fight the British. Lexington soon
discovers they are not the only town fighting against the British. Men from other
villages gather to defend. The men take positions throughout the woods, where Adam
kills his first British soldier. He soon regrets it and in the evening, after he almost loses
his life, decides he is done for the day. With his father dead, he sits the head of the table
where he tells his mother and grandmother of his day. April Morning excites viewers,
but unintentionally brings a few laughs. The movie has a solid storyline, but in several
scenes, the acting and scripting were laughable. One of the most ridiculous lines was
from Adam s mother when he returns home from the war. When Adam walks into the
house, she exclaims, You re so dirty, I ve never seen you so dirty. (April Morning). In
addition, whenever someone shot another person in the movie, the person shot would fly
backwards unrealistically and let out quick sighs when they died. These scenes are few
of the many hilarious scenes in the
Persuasive Essay On Nuclear Power
Although nuclear power cost the least for the amount of power it makes, it is still very
expensive. To make nuclear power you have to build a nuclear power plant. To build a
nuclear power you need millions of dollars. Not only that, you have to also run the
nuclear power plant. To run a nuclear power plant you need to either mine the uranium
and then refine yourself, or buy the uranium from another company. Once you have
done this you need to run everything in the power plant, which cost money, and then
pay your workers. Also when creating nuclear energy you create radioactive waste
which need to be stored far away somewhere, under surveillance, to make sure that it
does not ruin the environment. The owner of exelon, the one who owns Three Mile
Island, said that they have lost around 800 million dollars in recent years. If exelon
decided to change their mind they would end up losing even more money and
eventually have to shut down. People may argue that this is unfair to the workers but
it s not. If exelon does shut down three mile island all the people working there will
lose their jobs, but exelon would probably do something about that. Exelon is a fairly
large company and owns many different power plants in other states. If a worker was
willing to move they would be fine, but if they didn t exelon could offer them a
severance package. A severance package is a package in which the worker receives pay
and benefits from their employment after they leave. Environmental
A Close Look at Rheumatoid Arthritis Essay
RA is a mediated inflammatory process that triggers an autoimmune response. The result
is in the production of antibodies and inflammatory cytokines that over time destroys
bone, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels (Dewing, Setter, Slusher, 2012).
Although joints are the primary areas of destruction, the inflammatory process can also
affect various organs, such as heart tissue including the heart values, visceral layers of
the lung and brain, spleen, sclera and larynx (Dunphy, Windland Brown, Porter, Thomas
2011). If RA is not treated promptly or if the patient does not respond to treatment,
irrevocable bone deformity, bone erosion and immobility is often the sequelae.
Standards of treatment
According ... Show more content on ...
Although there are a variety of CAM options, only a few have been investigated and
show promise. Tai Chi and Omega 3 fatty acid supplement are two types of CAM that
show potential to improve the patient s mental state, decrease pain, reduce inflammation
and improve functional mobility.
Complementary Alternative Therapy
The National Health Institute defines complementary alternative therapy as a health care
methodology used outside of or in addition to mainstream medicine (National Center for
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), 2013). CAM is divided into five
groups: (1) oral based product, such as supplements, (2) body manipulation, such as
massage, chiropractic, reflexing and osteopathy, (3) mind and body therapies, consisting
of yoga, tai chi, meditation, biofeedback and hypnosis, (4) energy touches, which
includes Reiki, Gigong, and prayer; and (5) holistic approaches, such as homeopathy,
naturopathy, traditional Chinese and Indian medicine. According to Efthimiou, Kukar,
and Mackenzie (2009) there has been exponential growth in those who seek CAM. In
2010, data demonstrates that 40 60% of Americans use CAM to cope with medical
conditions. This growth trend is attributed to increased public awareness through social
media and patient s desires to try something new and promising. Barnes and Bloom
(2008) determined that individuals decided to use CAM therapies because they were
frustrated by the lack of response
Jim Heid Photography First Steps Analysis
For the student choice activity, I chose a video titled Photography: First Steps
. In this course, Jim Heid goes into detail regarding various photography subjects; such
as: different cameras, lighting specifics, editing photographs, etc. While I am fairly
efficient in my photography skills, I have not learned the camerabasics. That is to say, I
rarely use a professional camera for my pictures; instead, I typically capture photographs
on my phone. After finishing this course, I have learned quite a few beneficial tips in
regards to photography. For instance, I have become quite knowledgable in reference to
exposure. Since I take pictures on my phone, I have not been too concerned about finding
the correct exposure. On the contrary,
Investigations of Buffers Essay
CHM 116 Lab

Investigations of Buffers

I. Purpose

The purpose of this experiment was to get an understanding as to how to properly

prepare chemical buffers. Also part of this experiment was to gauge the effectiveness of
the buffers by measuring their pH levels in various titration solutions, using a pH meter.

II. Procedure

To start our experiment we had to prepare Buffer B, which was the .060 M Ammonia
/Ammonium solution. Using 3.0 M ammonia, we had to calculate the proper volume of
NH3 base by using the M1V1 equation. Calculation:

Using pipettes we measured out the needed volume and transferred it to an Erlenmeyer
flask, which we eventually used to combine the solution.

We also had ... Show more content on ...

4. Comparing Buffer Capacity: in regards to the two different concentrations of Acetic
acid/acetate buffers (0.060M amp; 0.030M) :

HClNaOH Solution A| 9.0 mL| 9.0 mL| Solution C| 4.0 mL| 6.0 mL|

Since the M of NH3/NH4 buffer is twice as much as the acetic acid/acetate buffer, we
expect the buffer capacity for Solution A to be around twice as much as Solution C. Our
data reflects this assumption.

5. a. The initial pH of the 0.060M acetic acid solution was around 3.00. Calculating the
expected pH, we should get a value close to 3.

b. Once you start titrating with NaOH at the 5mL mark, you start to create a buffer.

c. The pH of Solution D at the equivalence point was 8.48.

Molecular Equation: CH3CO2H + NaOH ↔ NaCH3CO2 + H2O
Complete Ionic Equation: H + CH3CO2 + Na + OH в†’ Na + CH3CO2 + H2O
Net Ionic Equation: H + OH в†’ H2O


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