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8 Page Essay

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8 Page Essay

Writing an essay, particularly one spanning eight pages, can be a daunting task. The challenge lies
not only in the length but also in maintaining coherence, relevance, and depth throughout the piece.
Crafting a compelling thesis statement, conducting thorough research to support arguments, and
organizing ideas in a logical manner are just a few of the hurdles one must overcome. Additionally,
ensuring proper citation of sources and adherence to formatting guidelines adds another layer of

Moreover, the process of writing such an essay demands a significant investment of time and effort.
It requires meticulous planning, multiple drafts, and rigorous editing to refine the content and
structure. Juggling other academic or personal commitments alongside this endeavor can further
intensify the difficulty.

Despite these challenges, writing an eight-page essay can also be a rewarding experience. It offers
an opportunity to delve deeply into a topic, explore different perspectives, and develop critical
thinking skills. Moreover, successfully completing such a task instills a sense of accomplishment
and enhances one's writing proficiency.

In conclusion, while writing an essay of this length presents various challenges, it is also a valuable
opportunity for intellectual growth and expression. By dedicating oneself to the process and
persevering through the difficulties, one can produce a thoughtful and well-crafted piece of writing.

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8 Page Essay 8 Page Essay

Nighthawks By Edward Hopper Meaning
It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Similarly, through careful
analysis of a work of art it is possible for one to more deeply understand the ideas that
the artist is attempting to express. At first glance, Edward Hopper s painting Nighthawks
may just appear to be a painting of a normal diner. However, it is only through careful
analysis that it is possible to see that the painting actually excels in creating a feeling of
darkness, while at the same time portraying the feelings of both desire and mystery in the
After looking at the painting, it is possible to conclude that the artist is trying to portray a
feeling a desire through his work. Evidence that supports this observation can be found ...
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It can be inferred that the man sitting alone does not want to be bothered based on the
fact that he is sitting farther away than everyone. This begs the question of why the lone
man would not want to be bothered. Similarly, the lone man is sitting with his back
facing the viewer as opposed to having his facial features visible to us like the rest of the
people in the painting. This gives us no indication of emotion that we can use to try and
figure out how the lone man is feeling, which only strengthens the sense of mystery that
he gives the viewer. The arms of the lone man are also not visible on the counter in front
of him, suggesting that his hands may be cupped in front of his face in deep
contemplation. Consequently, this leads the reader to wonder what he is contemplating,
adding to the sense of mystery. Lastly, a sense of mystery is portrayed in the way that the
waiter seems to be staring directly at the lone man. Consequently, the sense of mystery is
again strengthened by the lack of information regarding why the waiter is doing
Border Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania was one of the original 13 colonies, it became the second state
administrated into the union on Dec 12 1787.Like other states Pennsylvania has a
motto,Pennsylvania s motto is Virtue,Liberty, and Independance .Pennsylvania s total
population is about 12,703,379 (but it s ever changing) there is about 49,188 in
Pennsylvania s capital Harrisburg which is about 1/240 of the total poppulation.
Pennsylvania s state bird is the ruffed grouse, the state flower is the mountain laurel, and
the state tree is the eastern hemlock. Pennsylvania Has many nicknames such as the
keystone,oil,coal, and quaker state and state of independance. The origin of Pennsylvania
s name is from it s founder Quaker Penn as Pennsylvania in dutch means Penn s Woods .
The states that border pennsylvania are New york,Ohio,West Virginia,Maryland, and
Delaware. Some noteworthy geographic regions in Pennsylvania could be Mt. Davis, the
Ohio River, Delaware River. Pennsylvania ranks 33rd. Highest in state size rank, and is
3,346,055 mi². Pennsylvania highest point is the peak Mt. Davis And the lowest point is
the Delaware river. The weather in main regions of pennsylvania are harrisburg and
lancaster Apr 63 3.41 May 72 4.05 Jun 81 3.67 Pittsburgh Apr 64 May 73. Pennsylvania
s agriculture involves sweet corn, ... Show more content on ...
Rachel Carson Was born in springdale, 1907 who was a marine biologist and author, one
of her books banned the use of DDT a commonly used harmful insecticide. William
Henry Bill Cosby Jr. was born on July 12, 1937 and is a stand up comedian, actor, and
author Who has inspired many. Benjamin Franklin was born on Jan.17 ,1706 ,and
invented the lightning rod which is still in use today, and an ambassador for the colonies
during the revolution, and an author. Henry John Heinz was born on Oct. 11 ,1844 and
has made the food industry with ketchup, beanz , worcestershire sauce and other
St Lucy Research Paper
Saints, by definition, are any persons of exceptional holiness of life, formally recognized
by the Catholic Church. As Catholics, we practice praying to saints to ask for guidance in
all types of situations. To become a saint, a person must live a holy life, have proof of
miracles, and must be beatified before the official canonization. The saint I chose, Saint
Lucia, led a very holy life, and gave her life rather than deny her faith. Saint Lucia (also
known as Saint Lucy) was a virgin and martyr from Syracuse, Sicily, in Italy. She was
born in the year 283 A.D. Lucia was born into a wealthy Sicilian family. She lived during
a period of Christian persecution. Lucia s devotion to Christ began at an early age. She
made a vow to live ... Show more content on ...
Another account claims that Lucia told Paschasius that he would be punished, so he
ordered guards to gouge her eyes out. In one other portrayal, Lucia gouged her own eyes
out in hope to dissuade a resolute suitor. However, in all accounts, Lucia s eyes had been
restored at her burial. Lucia s name means light. She is the patron saint of the blind, and
all eye patients. In paintings and sculptures, she is almost always portrayed carrying her
eyes on a plate. She is very commonly pictured with a palm branch, which is a symbol
for triumph over evil. She is venerated on December 13th. When I was in third grade, I
received my Confirmation with the Confirmation name of Saint Maria. In the Greensburg
Diocese, Confirmation names were the child s middle name, so I did not have a choice in
who my Confirmation saint would be. I chose to research Saint Lucia because her name
has the same meaning as my first name. I also chose to research her because she has a
very interesting, and powerful story about the trials and tribulations she went through to
devote her life to
The Tragedy Of Macbeth By Raphael Holinshed
Do we really know all of the facts about Macbeth solely based on Shakespeare s play?
Shakespeare took great liberties with the material in Raphael Holinshed s series called,
Holinshed s Chronicles, altering it to suit his dramatic purposes (McGraw, 306). Most of
the information in the play, The Tragedy of Macbeth is based off of Holinshed s books,
therefore, Macbeth is portrayed extremely different in the play than he actually was in
reality. Macbeth was born in c. 1005 at Alba, Scotland. His parent s names are Findlaech
mac Ruaidri and Doada. Macbeth s father was Mormaer of Moray until he was killed by
his cousin s, Malcolm and Gillecomgain, which was possibly brought on by Findlaech
being too close to Malcolm II. His mother was the second daughter of Malcolm II
( Macbeth married Gruoch, also mentioned by the name of Lady Macbeth in the
play, and she had a son named Lulach, which made him Macbeth s stepson (Heydt, 55 7).
Macbeth died on August 15, 1057 at Lumphanan, Scotland. He was buried in the Holy
Isle of Iony, which was where many of the Scottish kings were buried ( When
Macbeth s father was murdered, he disappeared for a while because he was not mature
enough to take on that kind of responsibility so someone else took his place until he was
able to make rational decisions on his own and until he was mature enough to carry on
his father s legacy by taking on the title of Mormaer of Moray (Heydt, 55 7). Around
1032, Macbeth returned, and was
The men who built America is a series that portrays the...
The men who built America is a series that portrays the life some of the richest men in
America s history. It not only tells their story on how they got rich, but it goes into details
about each and every part. Those details range from small things like childhood to larger
ideas like how these people shaped the country we live in today. It starts out just a few
days after the civil, stating that our country was divided into two halves. Despite that
division the country was in an age of advancement. The people of these times are
supposed to be the ones who built our nation s culture. That is when Cornelius Vanderbilt
s life came into this movie. Vanderbilt was a tough guy who was always in fights and had
a love for winning. Vanderbilt ... Show more content on ...
Vanderbilt bought all of the company s stock at such low prices, and he then owned the
largest railroad in America. He started to run railroads all throughout the nation, and he
allowed the economy to boom. After the expansion he began to show his power to the
world by building the Grand Central Depot. The Grand Central Depot was the biggest
train station in the United States, but that was not enough. Vanderbilt wanted more; he
wanted to own the entire railroad. The first step to that would be to by the railroad to
Chicago or the Erie line. To do so he instructed his agents to buy as much stock as
possible to gain ownership of this line. Jay Gould and Tim Fisk then noticed what
Vanderbilt was doing and diluted the stock, so as Vanderbilt bought stock he would not
gain much ownership. As a result, Vanderbilt spent 7 million dollars and had nothing to
show for it. That defeat humiliated him and made him vow to never get beat again.
Vanderbilt began to look for a new way to win, and saw oil as the key component to
winning. He knew oil was in high demand, so if he could transport it he would have
instant profits. To get that oil he found a business man and oil refiner in Cleveland, Ohio.
He met with John Rockefeller and they made an agreement to move the oil. The only
problem was the Rockefeller made an agreement that he could not make. Rockefeller
knew that he would somehow get the job done,
Analysis Of Les Pr�ludes S. 97
Les Préludes S.97 by Franz Liszt (October 22, 1811 July 31, 1886) is the third of his
thirteen symphonic poems. The premiere took place at the Weimar Hoftheater on 23
February, 1854 under the baton of Liszt for a benefit concert. The instrumentation
consists in three flutes (third also piccolo), two oboes, two clarinets, two bassoons, four
horns, two trumpets, three trombones, tuba, timpani, snare drum, cymbals, bass drum,
harp and strings. The year 1847 was the year where Liszt was moving to Weimar to begin
a new stage in his musical life, he took the decision to finish his career as a pianist and
begin to dedicate to the composition, besides, he met the Polish Princess Carolyne zu
Sayn Wittgenstein, that she impulse his career as a composer. He found the necessity to
evolve the music, and the way that he found was combining music with literature. In this
essay I will discuss how Les Préludes evolve the symphonic genre.
Mark Evans Bonds in Absolute Music discusses Liszt´s Program music. According with
Bonds, Liszt in his Harold essay, he distinguishes between ¬¬specifically musical
composer and the composer driven by an overarching poetic image or narrative. In
program music, the recurrence, variation, alteration, and modulation of motifs are
determined by their relationship to a poetic idea. Liszt used the new term to identify a
repertory of instrumental music which through an evocative title, a verbal program, or
both, draws the listener´s attention in advance toward a specific object . Bonds analyses
the opinion of Liszt in his program music, how he tried to convince that program music
is the next step in music evolve, the necessity of break form rules to adequate the music
into literature (in the case of Liszt) and the fact that he was reinforcing the first ideas of
combining music with other arts, like Berlioz in his Symphonie Fantastique . Liszt
proclaim himself as a Beethoven´s successor, he felt that he had the necessity to create
something new, as we know, the Weimar period of Liszt was dedicated to him as a
composer, leaving aside the achievements of other composers like Haydn, Mozart and
Beethoven. He looked that form and harmony were like a formula after Beethoven,
Stevenson Create a Sense of Mystery and Horror in Mr Hyde...
Stevenson Create a Sense of Mystery and Horror in Mr Hyde and Dr Jekyll In this essay
I am going to look at Mr Hyde and Dr Jekyll, the first two chapters, and explain using
quotes and information from these chapters how the writer creates a sense of mystery and
horror. I will be focussing on the descriptions given about the characters and the house
which plays a significant part in this story. This novel is about a highly classed doctor of
science, named Dr Jekyll. Dr Jekyll is a very clever professor who makes a mixture of
chemicals, which can turn him into a totally different person for a short period of time.
This power to become someone else lets Dr Jekyll live two different lives, without ...
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A man of a rugged countenance that was never lighted by a smile This could suggest to
the reader that Mr Utterson is a grim or evil character, which creates a sense of mild
horror and mystery already about this character. Now the writer again informs the reader
about uttersons look, lean, long, dusty, and dreary. This could imply that utterson is a
creepy dark person, therefore again creating a sense of horror and mystery about him.
This sense of mystery is portrayed again by Stevenson, in the way he describes uttersons
lifestyle and personality. He never marked a shade of change in his demeanour. This
makes utterson sound like an old fashioned, cold hearted man, therefore creating a sense
of mystery. Now the reader has been told of uttersons looks and what his personality is
like, now the writer informs the reader about uttersons stature and influence on people
around him. The last good influence of the lives of down going men. This foreshadows
what is going to happen later on in the novel and that Mr Utterson may be involved, this
creates a sense of mystery and horror about what is to come. These quotations about the
lawyer, utterson, from the opening page, act as an early piece of foreshadowing because
why else would Stevenson want to tell the reader these facts about
Symbolism In The Rocking Horse Winner
Fortune is the enemy of human morality. If not careful, a person who places complete
trust in luck can lose focus on the important things in life. This idea that our lives are
governed by an uncontrollable force consumes us in ways that most people do not come
to terms with. D.H. Lawrence uses compelling imagery in the Rocking Horse Winner to
create an insight of dark fortune. He accomplishes this through the relationship of the
mother and her children, the use of the rocking horse, and the conflict of luck within
Paul. Lawrence continually emphasizes the non existent relationship between the mother
and her children. He begins by telling us that the children had been thrust upon her, and
she could not love them . This sets the tone for the rest of the story; a desire for good
fortune makes the children seem like underappreciated burdens. Several times the mother
says things to the children with bitterness in her voice as if they inconvenience her. Only
the mother and her children know of the loveless hard little place in the mother s heart.
They read it in each other s eyes . The simple act of leaving the apathy unspoken creates
a sense of despair for both parties. The mother fills this gap in their lives by becoming
obsessed with money and blaming all of their misery on bad luck. In turn, the children
follow her example and become consumed by this belief as well. The desire is so great
that the house came to be haunted by the unspoken phrase: there must be more
Essay about The Persecution of the Hollywood Ten
Hollywood Ten For my arcival project I chose to research the Hollywood Ten, I chose
this because I am fascinated by the events of that occurred around this time and group.
The Hollywood Ten was a group of writers, directors, and other artists who bravely
refused to answer questions in front of the House of Un American Activities and were
therefore sentenced to jail time and banned from working in Hollywood. The actions of
that the House of Un American Activities and the resistance of the Hollywood Ten raised
attention and a debate across the country about the actions that the government was
taking against Hollywood artists. The House of Un American Activities Committee was a
government committee which set out to investigate alleged ... Show more content on ...
I find it interesting that so many people were swayed by what they were being told by the
government. I have the impression that American are very gullible and naïve. There had
to be more to what they were doing to convince Americans that Hollywood was friendly
with Communists and poisoning them with their movies. When I think of Americans
today, many of them raise an eyebrow to what the government is telling them. They will
also often times do the exact opposite of what the government is asking them to do.
When Mike Bloomberg suggested making it illegal for restaurants to sell extra large
sodas, many people that I know went crazy and would deliberately get extra large sodas.
These people didn t necessarily like soda or need one of that size and most definitely
knew that it was not good for them; however they didn t like the fact that someone from
the government was telling them what they could and could not drink. These people felt
that their rights were being violated. This is how I view most Americans today, they are
stubborn and are very protective of their rights. Which is why I find it hard to believe that
people actually bought into the idea that Hollywood was poisoning them with
Communist ideas and were in cahoots with Russia? My first experience at the New York
Columbus Day Research Paper
On October 9th, most people in America rejoice as they get to sleep in later than usual.
October 9th, Columbus day, is a day recognized in American culture as a day to celebrate
the accepted founder of America. October 9th however, is also Leif Erikson day. Leif
Erikson is the Norse viking who really discovered the North American continent, and he
did so over 500 years before Columbus was even born. Located on the Northernmost of
Newfoundland in Canada, there is a village called L Anse aux Meadows. It is the only
known site of a Norse village in North America outside of Greenland. When it was still a
Norse village, there were three timber and sod longhouses, and also five smaller turf
houses. Now, there are only replicas of those buildings
The Importance Of The Uniform Commercial Code
The Uniform Commercial Code is a set of legal rules that was developed to bring about a
sense of consistency to the commercial industry. It is merely a blueprint of how the
developers interpret the way of doing business that would be fair and just to all parties
concerned. It was totally up to the individual states if they would enact the UCC as
written or construct modifications they felt were necessary to circumstances within that
state. Once the codes were adopted by an individual state, they became the legal
authority that still governs the way many business transactions are handled today. The
Uniform Commercial Code has been one of the standards for doing business in North
Carolina since 1965. Over the years, there have been changes and modifications to the
originally adopted code; but, it is important to note that the basics of justice and fairness
to all parties involved, have remained the same. As important as the UCC is to commerce
today, it is by no means the only law governing business. Prior to the adoption of the
UCC, the legal authority for just about every aspect of life business or personal has been
Common Law. Although the UCC encompasses the ways of commerce today, it is
important to remember that business thrives on contracts and Contract Law is still a
major portion of Common Law. It stands to reason that each is just as important as the
other when it comes to the standards of doing business. There are probably a wide range
of opinions as to whether
Essay on Motor Vehicle Manufacturing in Australia
Motor Vehicle Manufacturing in Australia



Thomson (2003) explains that the manufacturing of motor vehicles is a global game.
Thomson (2003) argues that Australia does not really have domestic businesses that
manufacture motor vehicles as the three major car makers (GM Holden, Ford and
Toyota) are all subsidiaries of foreign companies. However, this is not the case, GM
Holden for example produces many cars a year in Australia for Australian consumers as
well as engines for export.

Industry Attractiveness
The Ibis report (retrieved 1 August 2010) shows that the motor vehicle manufacturing
industry in Australia is a $11.8 billion industry where 19,025 are employed. The industry
is said to grow ... Show more content on ...
With new technologies coming out constantly it is those who can keep up to date or even
ahead of time that will succeed. As Wright (2008) explains the major risk index is first
competition then imports followed lastly by life cycle of cars.

Brief News
In late 2009 General Motors (the subsidiary of Holden in Australia) filed for chapter 11
bankruptcy, however Holden Australia guarantees to continue to manufacture and
maintain operations in the Asia Pacific region. Moreover Holden has taken all necessary
steps to weather the economic downturn, including cutting employee shifts and pay cuts
across the board. Holden also states it is in position to be a future economic hub in
emerging regions along with China and Korea.

According to Ruthven (2004) Holden started in 1856 in South Australia, a far cry from
what Holden is today, boasting that it is only one of seven fully integrated General
Motors operators that designs and builds cars and motors for Australia and around the
world. Holden hold 29.4% of the market share in the motor vehicle manufacturing
industry in Australia.

With representation of over 300 retail outlets amongst all of Australia Holden also boasts
a vehicle manufacturing plant in South Australia and a motor manufacturing plant in Port
Melbourne. There is an availability to build over 40 different car models with
No Sql Databases
INSY 5337 Data Warehousing Term Paper
NoSQL Databases: An Introduction and Comparison between Dynamo,
MongoDB and Cassandra
Authored ByNitin Shewale Aditya Kashyap Akshay Vadnere Vivek Adithya Aditya

Data volumes have been growing exponentially in recent years, this increase in data
across all the business domains have played a significant part in the analysis and
structuring of data. NoSQL databases are becoming popular as more organizations
consider it as a feasible option because of its schema less structure along with its
capability of handling BIG Data. In this paper, we talk about various types of NoSQL
databases based on implementation perspective like key store, columnar and document
oriented. This ... Show more content on ...

Soft State Since the data is distributed, there is no assurance of consistency.

Eventually Consistent The data would be consistent eventually, even if it s not at a given
point in time [5][6][10].

3. Features of NoSQL

Flexible Data Models NoSQL allows horizontal data partitioning across different
distributed systems or processors. However, relational model has a fixed schema in

contrast to NoSQL. Applications based on NoSQL have data models explicitly

designed and augmented for them.

Partial Record Updates Data models that use NoSQL emphasize on column based
processing that enable data aggregation on more than one attributes and entities.

Optimized MapReduce Processing MapReduce, a native functionality for data movement

and mapping is a part of NoSQL.

Horizontal Scalability It allows on the fly addition of the processors with their own
resources. Each node is fed with a subset of data to process, thus increasing the efficiency
of the application. Horizontal scalability is more achievable in NoSQL data model as
compared to RDBMS [1].

4. Types of NoSQL Databases

Key Value Key value data stores references the data using a unique key. The unique key
acts as a link to the data that is randomly and independently stored on the disk.
Addition of new data values can be
Income Inequality In The Middle Class
Income inequality has been a common problem among people in the United States. A
prime example of a group facing income inequality is the middle class. The middle class
has served as the backbone to a working economy for decades. Though, lately, the middle
class is facing a downward spiral: it is slowly shrinking in number. Because the Middle
class will never truly be eliminated, solutions can be limited; however the best thing to
do is to try to strengthen this weak link. As Richard Nixon said in his Address to the
Nation, we are a working class as a whole, we should be using that backbone to uphold
our nation. The middle class does so much in our economy that the fall of this keystone
could possibly cause a complete domino effect in the ... Show more content on ...
Thee middle class is constantly referred to as the working class . Former President
Richard Nixon explains this in his speech address to the nation on labor day September 6,
1971. This speech was given to talk about something Nixon felt America has failed to
achieve: a home without war or inflation. In his speech, he describes that this nation is
under the impression that it is immoral... to strive for a higher standard of living (Nixon).
He was explaining that this nation has come to know that where you are is where you
stand you do not shift from that position. If you are making a life for yourself, you should
be happy. Middle income Americans, however, cannot be held at a stand still. Because so
many people make up the middle class, it is always a question to many Americans if they
qualify as middle class . Richard Fry and Rakesh Kochhar are two of the many minds
behind Pew Research Center. PRC is specific on being unbiased and developing har facts
from both sides of a situation. In 2016, they made a study that provides a solution of who
is considered middle class. It has been proved that over 51% of all workers are a part of
the middle class (Fry and Kochhar). Thus, making up a little more than half of what our
economy runs on. These middle class people are people with jobs like a secretary, a truck
driver, even a high school teacher. These people contribute in everyday life throughout
our society. Because the middle class makes up most of what is the working class, they
definitely economically benefit the
Increasing Crimes



Open any newspaper or tune into any news channel and you can be pretty sure to stumble
upon crimes of all sorts ranging from petty thefts to dacoity, murder, terrorism, sexual
crimes and the like.
The statistics show that the miscreants have been found quite focused and determined at
their jobs. In India for instance, as per the National Crime Records Bureau, incidences of
crime since the early days of independence has gone up by more than 5 times, and this
ofcourse excludes the large number of unreported crimes, especially related to smaller
thefts, crime against women and the many cases where the police just refuse to ... Show
more content on ...
The modern university educationis focused primarily on providing extensive information
and data, the sole purpose of which is toequip students to earn their livelihood. Thus,
higher aspects of education, such as personality development, value inculcation, and self
discovery are often ignored. With the focus purely on materialistic achievements, people
are tempted to employ unfair means to achieve the desired object. This mentality, if
extended further, can easily lead one to cheat and subsequently graduate into white collar
crimes, such as fraud, forgery and false pretences. The financial impact of such crimes
has been in the range of billions of dollars, according to the Internationsl Symposium of
Crime. The recent Satyam Scam is only one among the many such examples.

A superficial materialistic culture that focuses on what we possess than What we really
are is largely responsible for misleading the masses. Beguiled by an endless array of ads,
slogans and culture trends prompting us to switch to a high and luxurious lifestyle that
we don t need and can hardly afford, we are gripped with desire and then with frustration
and dismay when we either fail to achieve this, or if they fail to satisfy us. Hence, we see
spiralling statistics of depression as well as an upsurge in use of alcohol and drugs, big
time contributors to crime. Because having more becomes the criteria for success and
Sexual Harassment Intervention
In order to propose an effective intervention aimed at increasing the number of female
corrections officers who self report experiencing sexual harassment from other male
officers, one must first look at the strategies that already exist to help with this problem.
It is also important to note that the existing interventions try to reduce sexual harassment
in the workplace, not increase the number of reports made about the harassment.
Additionally, a few strategies seem to exist for workplace sexual harassment in general,
but none is specific to sexual harassment in the corrections setting. However, it is still
important to address the existing interventions in order to make the new intervention as
effective as possible. The first strategy ... Show more content on ...
This is also the channel of the intervention. The psychoeducation group will serve as
both an educational group about sexual harassment and therapy and a support group for
the victims. Additionally, the groups will also allow the female officers to learn from one
another and model appropriate behavior in regards to sexual harassment reporting.
Therefore, modeling would be considered the method of the intervention. Further, the
strategy of this intervention is for modeling to occur in the psychoeducational group
therapy sessions to motivate the female officers to report their experiences of sexual
The sessions will be mandatory for the female officers that are identified as victims.
Additionally, they will last about two hours and will be conducted in the training room
above the main gate entrance and will meet once every other week for about eight
sessions, for a total of about four months. The group will not be offered to more than ten
female officers at a time. However, multiple groups may occur at the same time. The
only people in the sessions will be the female officers who were identified as victims,
and one or two psychology staff members of the prison to direct the
Cellular Respiration Lab Report
This experiment tested the hypothesis that there was no difference between cellular
respiration before vigorous exercise and cellular respiration after vigorous exercise in
terms of rate of cellular respiration. During cellular respiration, glucose broke down into
carbon dioxide in order to convert the chemical energy stored in glucose into usable
energy in ATP. Cells did not perform cellular respiration to create carbon dioxide, for
carbon dioxide was a byproduct, and thus, carbon dioxide was released. In this
experiment, the carbon dioxide was bubbled through water and, as a result, formed
carbonic acid when carbon dioxide and water reacted. Since acids donate hydrogen ions,
carbonic acid a weak acid dissociated in water, which formed ... Show more content on ...
As soon as the stopwatch started, the subject blew into the straw until the solution
appeared clear. When the solution appeared clear, the stopwatch was stopped, and the
time was recorded in a table as the subject s resting clearing time.
Next, a timer was set to five minutes, and the subject exited the lab room. As soon as the
timer started to count down from five minutes, the subject begun their exercise, which
consisted of running laps around building on the second floor. When the timer reached
zero, the subject returned to the lab room and sat down in front of the second Erlenmeyer
flask filled with prepared solution that sat on top of a white piece of regular printer paper.
The timer was set to zero, and then, as soon as the timer was started, the subject blew
into the straw until the solution appeared clear, which was when the stopwatch was
stopped. Then, the time was recorded as the subject s working clearing time. In the entire
class, there were a total of twenty participants; the twenty subjects consisted of both male
and female students of varying ages and various races, including White and Hispanic
descent. We determined the class mean of resting and working clearing time, excluding
four outliers.
Little Bitty Man
In the Poem Little Bitty Man by Alfonsina Storni, Storni portrays the message that
woman at the time are overshadowed by men and it is time for woman to take hold of
their own life, break free with the help of man or not, and fly. Storni amplifies this
message through the use of metaphors, as a shortcut to the real life message. Storni s use
of personification of the canary trapped in the cage opens up the internal problem with
the world that Storni felt was most important. Through the additive use of ethos and
pathos, Storni ties the poem together and publishes a bold a statement for the world. For
many women worldwide, Storni s poem reaches into their soul and speaks the words that
so many are afraid to do. The title itself even pushes ... Show more content on ...
Storni published this poem with several ideas intending to be uncovered. Storni s first
and foremost treasure from this poem was the ability to accurately portray ethos and
pathos into the canary. Storni shows the reader that a bird should not be caged, that is
ethically cruel. Any man, woman, or child reading this poem may not even know that
they are slowly building up anger against the Little Bitty Man because he is not freeing
the canary, as simple as it sounds. For women everywhere, Storni sprinkles heart and
truth, allowing many woman to connect and realize they are the canary. Storni has
awakened this canary concept and led with the idea that the canaries purpose is not to
entertain man, but that they have the option to love men for only thirty minutes and
leave. Well that is at least what men do to woman, like the canary, women at the time
would take hours to prepare for men and when man finally gave women attention, they
would only be given as much as half an hour before they were disregarded. Storni
magnifies the idea that a canaries world is not the cage and who visits buy much more
and through ethos and pathos, delivered the
Elizabethan Entertainment Essay
In Elizabethan England, before the theatre was accepted, there were various forms of
entertainment. Whether one lived in a small town or the great city of London, dances
were very popular, as well as meeting with friends at the local pub for sing alongs. Chess,
checkers and tennis also happened to be popular games at the time, along with hunting,
fencing and bear baiting for the upper class. However, once the Globe Theatre was
introduced in 1599, new standards for human fun and enjoyment were created
(Mabillard). Because of the Globe Theatre, talented actors, and brilliant playwrights such
as William Shakespeare, the world of entertainment has forever been changed. Before the
world of theatre was popular, acting and plays were considered taboo. Elizabethan people
loved entertainment. Feasts, fairs, and festivals were all common occurrences throughout
the year, a lot of which were dictated by the Church and religious affiliations. Whenever
there was something to celebrate, such as a betrothal, wedding, or a victory, the people of
Elizabethan England were always eager to oblige. Linda Alchin writes that court
entertainment was often a regular, nightly occurrence combined with feasts, jousts and
banquets often accompanied by music and dancing (Alchin). All classes seemed to
delight in the vicious form of entertainment known as bear baiting, but it was without
doubt Queen Elizabeth s favourite pastime. Dogs would be pitted against bears or bulls
and onlookers would gather
Fourth Amendment Speech
Opening: Benjamin Franklin once famously said: They that give up essential liberty to
obtain a little temporary safety deserves neither liberty nor safety. I hope by the end of
this speech you agree with this founding father. Because, that s right, we are talking
about the USA PATRIOT Act and the idea of freedom versus security, otherwise known
as Hollywood s go to theme for the past decade. This is how I imagine how every
conversation goes in every writers room in LA: Hey, Mark? Yeah, Steve, what do you
need? Well, I just can t seem to make my superhero screenplay appeal to a modern
audience. Hmm...Have you tried setting your story against the backdrop of a society
conflicted by its own unstoppable spiral into an Orwellian hellscape? ... Show more
content on ...
Simple: We repeal it. Just get it out of here. Turn the NSA Data Center in Utah into giant
indoor mini golf complex. It will become the only reason non Mormons visit Utah.
Secondly, we need a new amendment guaranteeing our right to privacy.
A. As Oliver Diggelmann and Maria Nicole Cleis wrote in a 2014 article published in the
Human Rights Law Review, the right to privacy has two distinct meanings: privacy as
freedom from society and privacy as dignity.
1. Both of these would be protected under the umbrella idea of the right to privacy
B. However, in a 2015 article in Philosophy Public Affairs, Andrei Marmor asserts that
the right to privacy, while being a necessary human right, would not clear cut.
1. Which brings up the question: Do we want this amendment to be that broad?
2. In which, the answer is: Yes. We are Americans. We liked our constitutional
amendments to be confusingly open ended.
3. More importantly I want this amendment to be so broad that literally nothing impedes
on privacy gets passed.
Proposal: The USA PATRIOT Act is a horrendous abuse of governmental power that
violates rights usually guaranteed to American citizens. This act should be repealed and,
additionally, elected officials should move to amend the U.S. Constitution to include a
right to
Minority Report Essay On John Anderton
Minority Report Notes:

The movie is set in the year 2054, with the main character played by none other Tom
Cruise known as John Anderton in the movie. The whole premise of the movie is the fact
that the police force John is involved with has the ability to predict that someone is about
to commit a crime. They do this through three precogs or mutated humans who are able
to see through the future. The only caveat to the precogs is that they only reveal clues to
reveal the location or person related to such crime. After finding and gathering a few
clues, John determines a area where he finds Howard. Howard finds out that his wife is
cheating on him, and plans on killing his wife and the alleged new man in her life.

While Anderton works, he s led by Danny Witwer, an associate agent from the US
Department of Justice. That evening, Anderton reminisces ... Show more content on ...
The caretaker of the precogs, Wally, sees the vision and offers John 2 minutes to depart
the building before he hits the alarm. John escapes and is instantly hunted person by his
own team and Witwer. Having trained his team, he has a plus associated escapes them
through associate residence and an machine manufacturing plant, employing a
automotive that s made around him. He makes his thanks to the residence of Dr. Iris
Hineman (Lois Smith), whose analysis arranged the groundwork for the Precrime
program. Quite eccentric however still coherent, Hineman explains that the 3 precogs
don t invariably agree on their visions of the future; once this happens, the one that
deviates the foremost from the others generally is unnoticed. so as to ascertain his
innocence, Anderton should confirm whether or not this minority report exists and, if so,
get onto for himself. Anderton is at a loss on that of the precogs would generate a
minority report and Hineman tells him its the most talented of the three:
Saving Private Ryan Film Analysis
Americans pride themselves with their war efforts during World War II. Americans pride
ourselves so much on their ability to keep fighting, even though we were faced with
many obstacles that countless Hollywood directors have been led to make movies about
the era and American perseverance. Steven Spielberg was no exception. Saving Private
Ryan, directed by Spielberg in 1998, is a two hour and forty five minute film about a
group of eight soldiers during World War II who trek deep into German territory in
France to find Private James Ryan, whose three brothers have been killed in combat, in
order to tell him that he is being sent home. Throughout the movie, the viewer is exposed
to the many gruesome scenes between two enemies, America and Germany, ... Show
more content on ...
The film graphically brings the horrors of World War II to life and how much it can
impact the people who were a part of it. For example, when Private Caparzo died, played
by Vin Diesel, I started to tear up, because he was one of my favorite characters and I
wanted him to survive until the very end. However, he died in a brutish way, right after
he tried to save a young child from the war zone. Yet, in this film, the viewer understands
that people die, they don t live because they are a fan favorite, they live because they
were the ones who killed the other guy first. I would also recommend this film to people
who want to gain a better understanding of World War II because it shows how much the
war changed people. Throughout the entirety of the film, T/5 Timothy Upham protests
the killing of anyone, and whenever the eight men went into battle, he sat on the
sidelines, or helps the other men fighting by carrying ammo to them. But, in the final
scene of the movie, he becomes enraged at the death of Captain Miller that he shoots and
kills the German soldier who had killed him. This moment shows how even the people
who protested the most about killing people were driven to kill others themselves.
Finally, the film lets the viewer witness how bloody and gruesome the war actually was.
Spielberg didn t shy away from showing intestines
Essay on Se7en
The Hero Loses
In the mystery thriller Seven from 1995, we meet the two homicide detectives William
Somerset and David Mills, played by Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt. Together they are
hunting a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as reasons for his murders. At the
end of the movie, the two detectives are out in the desert together with the murderer,
John Doe. He has told them that they are going to find the last two corpses. The two
detectives have already found five of his victims, so the last two bodies will make his
work complete. After a while, the sixth victims head is delivered in a box. It belongs to
Detective Mills wife, Tracy. This makes Mills so upset that he shoots John Doe, who
becomes the seventh corpse. ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, he has committed a murder, which is a really serious crime. He would
probably spend many years in prison to serve his sentence. And on the top of all this, he
will probably never get permission to work as a homicide detective again. In other words,
his life is practically ruined and it will never be the same again after this day. Detective
Mills is one of the heroes in the movie and a person whom the audience sympathize with.
So because it is a really tragical ending for him, the audience would probably also think
that it is an unhappy ending.
Above all, David Mills position as a hero is weakened because he is not able to resist the
temptation to kill. Mills chooses the easiest solution by shooting John Doe. In a situation
like this, it might be easier to shoot John Doe, than to defeat the temptation and do the
right thing. It is human to search for justice and when someone has really hurt you it
takes a lot of strength not to hurt them back. Because David Mills would have shown
more strength by laying down the gun and also ruin John Doe s masterpiece, this murder
weakened his position as a hero. As I have mentioned earlier, David Mills is considered
as one of the heroes. His job is to solve criminal puzzles and he represents safety in the
community. Consequently most people expect him to do the right thing. So when he
chooses the easiest solution and becomes a murderer, it is probably also a disappointment
for the audience.
As I have shown in this
Pride and Prejudice and Falling in Love Essay
One of the most famous extracts from the novel, Austen allows her two protagonists to
take each other on in a battle of words and wits, showing up the intellectual superiority of
the two in sharp contrast to the superfluous nature of the people around them. Miss
Bingley s attempts to attract Darcy s attentions are lost in an extract that enhances Austen
s themes, develops her narrative and allows the romantic readers to catch their breath as
we see Darcy and Elizabeth begin to fall for each other, despite their independent states
of denial. By way of context, the dialogue between Darcy and Elizabeth takes place
following Miss Bingley s attempt to show up Elizabeth s ill breeding by parading around
the room in front of Mr Darcy. In Miss ... Show more content on ...
Vanity is physical pride, and so here Austen makes a distinction between pride in intellect
and pride in physical appearance condemning only the latter, whereas the former where
there is real superiority of mind... will always be under good regulation. Thus Austen
shows that there is a form of `good pride and makes room to allow some characters to
have this pride, namely: Mr Darcy, Elizabeth and, to a large extent, Mr Bennet. Austen s
use of irony and sarcasm in the novel shines through in this extract. For example, the
irony of Darcy s aforementioned statement lies in the fact that Darcy makes it, and Darcy
was the man who originally deemed Elizabeth not pretty enough to even notice, let alone
dance with (page 9) implying that he felt himself more attractive than Elizabeth or at
least, deserving of a prettier partner. Austen s tone is ironic again when Elizabeth
concludes that she is perfectly convinced... that Mr Darcy has no defect (line 6,) saying
that he is perfect and admits it himself, although her own opinion of
Like The Sea Poetic Techniques
In 2009 Alicia Keys released her album The Element of Freedom , on this album her son
Like the Sea compares being in love to the sea. This album released a year before she got
married so she was speaking from her experiences. Like the Sea by Alicia Keys use
similes and repetition to demonstrate the ups and downs that come with love and make
love complex. Alicia Keys talks about love in the majority of her songs. In her music
listeners can hear the change from looking for love to being in love. In Like the Sea she
addresses the conflict of the difficulty of being in love. In the song she is speaking to
people in love because couples have to take the ups with the downs to stay in love.
Within the song the figurative antagonist is the ... Show more content on
The effects of all these comparisons help find another meaning to love for people who
have never felt it before. The first line of the song is Love is the like the sea and this line
sets the listener up for all the deeper comparisons and gives the main parallel of the song.
In the song Alicia Keys compares being lost at sea and seeing the light from a light house
to being in a happy and safe relationship when she says, So when you see the light. Like
a ship in the night. You have found the place . The comparison really expresses the
feeling that someone would get if they were lost at sea and seen a light house then they
would be filled with a huge amount of happiness and a sense of safety. In lines closely
following, she compares seeing the distant shore when someone is lost at sea to being in
a safe and happy relationship when she says, You ve been looking for. Like a distant
shore. Don t you ever look back again . Again she is talking about someone finding peace
and happiness in a relationship. Alicia Keys also say that love Leave you on your knees
and this is accurate because love makes people weak and vulnerable. The similes used in
this song give the listener the advice to cherish the good times with the person they love
and work through the
Essay On The War To End All Wars
the war to end all wars by russel freedman This text goes through the events of the first
world war.the protagonist in world war are the allies wich consist of france britian russia
canada greece serbia along with the united states.the central powers antagonist are
germany bulgaria turkey austria hungray the first world war took place in europe but
when you hear the fronts majority fronts where in the west but there was some fighting in
the east. Naval battels were in the north pacific ocean.the airial combat belonged to the
skies of europe.the conflict started in sarajevo june 28 1914 when the heir to a thousand
year old empire austria hungray visited sarajevo in bosnia.when visiting, a group of
serbian terrorest assiniated ... Show more content on ...
as the morning sun rises a german solider rose over the trench but instead of being armed
rose over the top hands up a britian rose up aswell and both sides called a christmas truce
instead of fighting both side enjoyed christmas but as an officer contaced head quater
they where orded to continue fight both sides went back to thier trenches .the war had
been ongoing for years getting suplies from netural contries overseas. but germany
formed a blockade as well as great britian so thus germany introduced u boats
submarines to attack merchant ships torpeading any ship with out warning. telling the
world to keep out of international waters go on your own risk as a passengern ship from
new york to britian torpedoed and sank with in 15 min america was outraged but coolage
tried to keep the us entering war germany feared that the us would tip the balance
thusending the war.The kasier told u boat captians to give a warning to let passangers
escape.but after a while the order went backi tounrestricted attacks agianst all ships
heading tword british isels. after that the us declared war on germany in 1918 the us
finialy enterd the war and in that time the us were in the war they conqured the belleau
woods a german strong hold in three november the peace treaty signed it went
in to effect on the eleventh month on the eleventh day of the elevnth hour. the guns on
the western front at 11 am the guns went silent.In 11936 hitler violated the terms of the
Nina G. Jablonski s Skin Deep
In the article, Skin Deep by Nina G. Jablonski and George Chaplan, the authors are
attempting to explain how the human skin color has evolved to be dark enough to prevent
sunlight from destroying folate but light enough to enhance the production of Vitamin D.
The changes in skin pigmentation have evolved since the age of Lucy, who is a skeleton
of the ancient humans that is about 3.2 million old. Lucy is being used to determine
where and why our ancestors began changing in skin pigmentation. The theory according
to Peter Wheeler of John Moores University in Liverpool, England is that the skin of
humans adapted to fit the needs at that time. His theory is that back then humans had to
stay cool and protect themselves from the extreme heat. This was accomplished by the
increase in sweat glands on the surface of the body and reducing the amount hair on the
body. However, once the hair was lost another issue became important: the issue of
protecting the skin from the sun and its detrimental effects. One of the damaging effects
of the sun discussed ... Show more content on ...
The longest skin color that was able to adapt was those of the indigenous people of
Africa, due to the fact that the first modern humans evolved from the same areas. Within
the African continent there are variations of skin color. The Khoisan, which were on the
earliest colonizers, are found in Southern Africa and have lighter skin than those who live
in equatorial Africa. This is due to clear adaptation of the lower levels of UV radiation in
the southern portion of the continent. Yet, it doesn t appear that skin colors of those who
live in Southern Africa are uniformed. The skin color differences between the Khoisan
and Zulu comes to show that the amount of time that a group inhabits an area also plays a
great role in how light or how dark their skin color
Etiquette And Ejustice Behavior In Society
Etiquette is the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a
particular profession or group and it is very important because it shows other people
respect and consideration. It also makes them happy that we are with them. Without
proper etiquette, people would act less like people, and more like animals. Being polite
and courteous means considering how others are feeling, which can mean the difference
between success and failure between many aspects of life.
The basics of proper etiquette, surely everyone has heard. Some examples of basic proper
etiquette are taking your elbows off the table if they make the table rock, putting your
napkin in your lap, using the flatware beginning from the farthest from the plate, and of
course, do not chew with your mouth full. Other examples that should be practiced more
are arriving on time, keeping personal space, and acting like a gentleman/lady.
In one culture, what may be excellent etiquette, may be shocking in another. Etiquette
evolves within culture. For example, in Hausa culture, eating while standing is seen as
offensively casual and ill mannered, insulting the host ad showing lack of respect for the
food is known as eating with the devil. In China, taking the last item of food without
offering it to others first is insulting to the host s generosity.
Communicating also involves etiquette because a successful business relies on
communication in order to establish partnerships and market to
Negative Effects Of Peer Pressure
Negative Effects of Peer Pressure
Come on, you know you want to do it! You are such a loser, just do it already! Are you
chicken? Many of us will agree that these are familiar statements that we have either said
or heard. Peer pressure is everywhere. Schools, jobs, sports, home, and life in general.
Most of the peer pressure we face occurs in school when we are surrounded by our
friends or people we are trying to fit in with. These encounters help shape us and can
cause us to make difficult choices. It s through these difficult choices that we can either
take a path of trouble and destruction or rise up and stand our ground. Everyone has to
deal with peer pressure at some point and it s how you deal with it that turns peer
pressure into either a negative or a positive in your life. Even though there are times
when peer pressure is positive, the majority of the peer pressure facing kids today has a
negative effect and can lead them to extremes such as gang behavior or even sex.
First is the type of negative peer pressure that leads to gang behavior. Gang behavior can
include anything from stealing and carjacking, to selling drugs. Many times, kids that
succumb to this type of peer pressure live in poverty or come from single parent homes.
In the article Peer Pressure Influences Gang Behavior , the author Dale Greer explores
the life of a young boy and the choices he made that eventually landed him in jail. Greer
discovers that through negative peer pressure a
Argumentative Essay On Killer Bees
Scientists and Beekeepers Can Make Killer Bees Less Aggressive
People discovered honey since an ancient time and considering it as liquid gold. There
are many kinds of bees that produce honey, and it differs from place to place. One
remarkable species is African honeybee which well known for its ability to produce more
honey than other species and survive in hot climate (Anne, 2006). Evans and
Butler(2010) have acknowledged that some species of honey bees are known as Killer
bees or Africanized bees, which are currently living in some parts of South America and
North America, and they started to move northward in the United States. One reason for
naming them Africanized bees is that they were introduced in Brazil and hybridized with
European bees. On the other hand, Killer bees got their name because they are much
more defensive than the other species,they will attack any living creature that is around
them and is consider as a threat for them, sometimes to death (Hodges, 1996).
According to Horn(2006), the Brazilian government tends to focus on beekeeping
business since it is a low cost business, and it does not require a land to work on. The
suitable species were African bees because they produce more honey than their cousin
European bees do, and they can live in tropical weather (Hodges, 1996). However, with
its huge advantage in producing ... Show more content on ...
(2006, June). Africanized killer bees. Continuing Education.
Chau, M. (2013, March 7). 100,1000 Killer bees attack bees Florida Park rangers.
Christian Science Monitor.
Delapane, K., Mayer, D. F. (2000). Crop Pollination by bees. Cambridge, Mai: CABI.
Evans, E., Butler, C. (2010). Why do bees buzz? Fascination answers to questions about
bees, New Brunswick, NJ, USA: Rutgers University Press.
Gullen, L. (2009, September). Ten venomous years. Cygnus Business Media, Inc. 34, 9.
Hodges, D. (1996, October 10). Thebuzz about Africanized bees proves mostly bad
publicity. Christian Science Monitor. 88,
Black Robes By Moki Summary
In the story, Moki had two visions. The visions had shown him two ways to live. The
first with seeds for tomorrow was a way of sharing. The second was not a way of sharing
at all (Burnes). The vision of sharing had actually happened in real life and in the story
itself. The second vision was present, but did not happen in the end. The Hopi realized
that they are able to share the land and the valley, so they relocate on the top of the mesa.
Throughout the short story, Moki s visions represented something that happened in real

In the beginning, the Spanish missionaries, also known as the Black Robes, were
resented by the Hopi, or the People. The People strongly disliked the idea that Spanish
settlers and governor took over their ... Show more content on ...
In the text, it mentions about the religious dances and ways of the People. Then, the
Spanish and Black Robes came and everything changed. The Spanish were very brutal to
the People, but the had also introduced new plants for cultivation, such as watermelon.
The People eventually outlawed the garden seeds in order to reject their new ways. Like
the story itself, this was true. The People had rejected new influences in order to continue
their regular cultural lives. The peace was not settled, so Pope drove out the Spanish
settlers in the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. Many lives were lost on both sides; fields were
destroyed; churches and homes were razed. This was like Moki s second vision; not
sharing the seeds. After peace was restored between the two sides, the People tried to
return to their old religious customs, but their old way of life could not be attained. The
People eventually moved atop the mesa where they live today. Like in the story and in
real life, the People finally decided to move out of the Spanishs way. Archaeological
findings say that they have uncovered native garden seeds of squash, melons, and corn
that are still able to to grown after
Taking a Look at Polyester Fiber
2.2 Polyester Fiber
2.2.1 Background and General Properties of Polyester Fiber
Polyesters are those fibers containing at least 85% of a polymeric ester of a substituted
aromatic carboxylic acid including but not restricted to terephthalic acid and f
hydroxybenzoic acid. The major polyester in the market is polyethylene terephthalate
(PET), an ester formed by step growth polymerization of terephthalic acid and the diol
ethylene glycol. The polyester fibers all have similar properties, are highly resilient and
resistant to wrinkling, possess high durabilily and dimensional stability, and are resistant
to chemical and environmental attack(Needles, 1986). In 1996, 24.1 million metric tons
of manmade fibres were produced globally. The main volume gain took place in
production of PET fibres (PET filament 9%, PET staple 4%) (Froehlich, 1997). Dramatic
growth in PET fibre production is foreseen in Asia in the near future (Harris, 1996). The
cost of polyester, with the combination of its superior strength and resilience, is lower
than that of rayon. Polyester fibres are hydrophobic which is suitable for lightweight
facing fabrics used in disposable industry providing a perceptible dry feel on the facing,
even when the inner absorbent media is fully saturated. As the new methods of PET
processing and bonding of are developed, rayon is replaced by polyester on the market.
49% of the total nonwovens market share in USA belongs to polyester staple, reaching
up to 291 million pounds in
Essay On Stereo Imaging
I My Question Have you ever wondered why Eddie Van Halen s guitar sounds like it is
on the left of you? Well it is all thanks to the technique called stereo imaging, which can
make a sound appear to come from anywhere in the stereo field. Stereo imaging has
always fascinated me, which lead me to interested in how it works. Stereo imaging
makes you feel like the song is being performed all around, with the listener able to
pinpoint any sound coming from the audio. But how is this done and achieved? I knew a
little about audio recording, and a little about stereo imaging, such as using two
microphones to record an acoustic guitar sounds better than one, but I wanted to know
more about the different techniques of stereo imaging. ... Show more content on ...
For example, while researching my topic, I wanted to test out some of the stereo imaging
techniques for myself, so that I knew exactly what they do, and how they work leaving
me able to better explain them. This also made me realize that I am a visual learner and a
hands on learner; I have to experience things for myself for me to truly understand how
they work. If it is possible for me to learn with hands on methods, that would be the best
way for me to learn efficiently. I hope that when my Isearch paper is read, that the reader
learns something about the way things they hear on the radio or on tv are created. There
is a process to make it sound a certain way, and that is a real art. If I ever have to write
another Isearch paper or if I had to complete the process again, I would be sure to use the
Iconn database, understand what I am learning about myself while researching, and keep
in mind improvements that I can make while I am writing. Overall I felt my research was
accurate and mostly accurate, but in the future there are always things I can improve such
as finding very credible sources, narrowing the focus of my research, and continuing to
experiment and hands on test my research
Essay on Classification of Dog Personalities
As the owner of three unique pups, I know that dogs variances are numerous. Any one
who owns a dog knows that it has a mind of its own, and therefore a unique personality.
Having had many dogs throughout my life, I have found that dogs fit into three
Annie dogs As princesses of the canine universe, Annie type dogs have a loving yet
manipulative personality. An Annie dog assumes the role of queen bee. As leader of the
pack, she keeps everybody in line. She dominates all of the other dogs, often by physical
herding or malicious growl. Tough the tough façade she has created does not accurately
represent her entire personality. There is a bit of a diva atop Annie dogs fur, especially
when anger causes the hairs of ... Show more content on ...
They literally start to squirm. This excitement epitomizes the carefree nature of Winnie
type dogs. Around our house, we refer to these types of dogs as stuck in the teenage
years. They have perfect, adult like bodies, but gawky movements and lighthearted
behaviors, which show the kid that still resides in them. Winnie types are unpredictable
sleepers, needing to find the perfect position (often achieved by circling multiple times
over all of the papers you are working on just to get as close to you as possible before
falling asleep), needing to be untouched, and needing near silence to fall asleep. However
in contrast to the Annie type dogs, Winnie dogs can sleep through it all (that is after
ruining all of your homework and falling asleep so close to you that you cannot manage
to move your elbow enough to even rewrite your English assignment). The benefit of
their deep sleep, however, is it gives you a chance to tell them your problems. They listen
well, and their serene expression, really does give the perfect answer to dilemmas, quite
often. Winnie dogs are goofs, but loving, goofs. They look at you with inquisitive eyes
which reveal the compassion needed on a bad day. They love to play with you, love to
sleep with you, and love to eat with you (either in their own bowl on the floor beside
your kitchen table, or on the couch begging for a bite of your cereal). Seeing as to how
dogs mainly eat, sleep, and play, Winnie type dogs
America Quotes In Kindred
Kindred takes place in two different time periods, on two different sides of America. This
makes the differences in the place and time very different. Not only has Dana s home of
California not yet been discovered, but she ends up in the antebellum south, in the early
17th century. When Dana does go back to the early 17th century, she must save Rufus
from whatever danger he is in, and then can leave when she is in danger. This often
leaves her stranded in Rufus time, unable to leave. During this time, she had to either do
slave labor, or help Rufus with whatever he needed her to do. However, Dana often
bends to what Rufus wants, even if it is bad for others around her. In Kindred, Dana is
usually more harmful than she is helpful, as she almost always bends to Rufus will.
There are many moments throughout Kindred where Dana is harming the other slaves by
bending to Rufus will. One major example of this is when Dana goes back to Rufus time
and sees him getting beaten up by Isaac. She stops Isaac, and tells him that ... Show more
content on ...
After Alice and Isaac are caught, Rufus buys Alice to save her, but she has been badly
beaten. When Dana sees her, she describes it as Alice lay bloody, filthy, and barely alive
(146). This shows that she is in bad shape, as Dana directly states that she is barely alive
(146). The commas in the sentence also help to cut up the sentence, making the reader
pause momentarily on each word describing her condition. While her appearance may be
bad, Rufus gets Dana to help her and eventually get her to a point where she is
continuing to heal and grow (154). In the end, this situation is overall beneficial to Alice.
While she may not appreciate being a slave now, she isn t dead, and she isn t somewhere
in the south. Rufus is a good master who will not beat her, and he can keep his father
from beating her, especially after he
Robert Bloch s Use Of The Word Thing
The word thing may be found in many English speakers vocabularies. The word, as a
whole, acts as a loophole a way to avoid directly speaking about things. In Robert Bloch
s novel Psycho, the word thing makes an appearance several times after the brutal murder
of Mary Crane. Bates finds himself unwilling to properly address the remains of Mary, as
well as his mother s breasts, and so he resorts to the word thing. Rather than actually
address these objects, Bates manages to work his way around the topic. Bloch s use of
the word thing, however, may do more than simply convey Bates evasive nature and
unwillingness to address the body parts of both Mary and his mother. In this essay, I seek
to look at several definitions of the word ... Show more content on ...
The large reveal in Bloch s novel comes near the end when the reader learns of Bates
Dissociative Identity Disorder. Bates real mother has been dead for years the murderer of
Mary, Arbogast as well as other missing women has been the personality of Mother,
living inside Bates head. Here, it is interesting to look at a late 19th to early 20th century
definition of the word thing : To view or express as a thing; to represent by means of
material objects; to reify ( thing, v.2). The word thing, according to this definition, is not
a noun, but instead is a verb a verb that reflects the materialization of an immaterial
thought or notion. This is exactly what happens to Bates mother, Norma, in Psycho. The
personality, living inside Bates mind, takes material form when Bates drinks too much,
allowing Norma to take control of Bates body (Bloch 172). In this way, then, Norma
Mother is quite literally thinged. The personality within Bates head takes on material
form, dominating Bates body and managing to interact with the everyday world. In this
way, then, Norma becomes the embodiment of the word thing, not only representing the
common definitions, but also becoming the action becoming the
Cameren Yamamoto Research Paper
Who is Cameren Yamamoto? You may think this an average get to know the author blog,
but you re wrong. I am not your average blogger. I am crazy, funny, beautiful, and
infalliable. I am 17 years young and a senior at Konawaena High School. There are three
other family members that reside in my household. My mother (Clarissa Ymamoto), my
father (Cy Yamamoto Jr.), and my brother (Conner Yamamoto). Two other family
membebers that play a huge roll in my life is my grandmother (Rosemarie Yamamoto)
and my grandfather (Cy Yamamoto Sr.) The photos you see depict my family perfectly. I
am in the top row on the left, top center is a photo of my grandfather, top right is a photo
of my dad. Next, in the center row on the left is a photo of my grandmother
Ender s Game Analysis
In the book Ender s Game, written by Orson Scott Card, Andrew Wiggin (Ender) was
chosen to save the entire human race from the Formics, commonly known as the
Buggers, who were coming back to invade humanity again. Ender was recruited into the
International Fleet (I.F.) where he met Colonel Graff, Director of Primary Training at
Battle School. Graff acted secretly as Ender s friend and mentor throughout the entire
novel but simultaneously as the creative manipulative force in Ender s development into
an officer at the school, doing everything he could to bend, break, and mold Ender
physically, emotionally, and mentally. Ender learned many good points about humans
from Graff during his time at Battle School, including but not limited to, each ... Show
more content on ...
Take a good look at him, little boys. He s going to be a commander when you re still in
diapers up there... (Card 63). Colonel Graff said this to the launch group on the way to
Battle School to isolate Ender from the others and make them hate him before they even
got there. He did this to make Ender realize that he can only reach his full potential if he
is determined enough. Graff is using Ender as a tool to do what he wants by singling him
out. Only after Ender experienced being under the power of some of the other
commanders and received his own army, did he realize Graff had been helping him this
whole time. It was the teachers who had done it. And it wasn t an accident. Ender
realized that now. It was a strategy. Graff had deliberately set him up to be separate from
the other boys, made it impossible for them to be close to wasn t to unify the rest
of the group...Graff had isolated Ender to make him struggle. To make him prove... that
he was far better than everyone else (Card 205). Colonel Graff makes Ender realize that
each person s worth to humanity is determined by the purpose he/she serves in life, and
right now, humanity needs Ender to save
What Are The Characteristics Of The Dutch Republic
In this time, the Dutch Republic will let you publish any book and will let anyone say
what they think no matter if it is against the government or anyone or anything. That is a
trait of the Dutch Republic that no other country would let that happen, they will
probably kill the person that published a controversial book if anyone did so out of the
Dutch republic. The Dutch are also very open to new ideas and opinions, like the ideas
that the Earth orbits the Sun and that the Earth is round. Also the Dutch really like
painting, science and basically learning, they are open to any idea and will try to come up
with their own ideas too and try to help each other with their ideas. They are also a very
supporting community, especially in the science ... Show more content on ...
Also there are lots of artists like the Golden Boy Rembrandt and lots more, but a very big
difference between our artists and the artists in France is that our artists can paint for
more people not only the church, they could paint for the Regenten or for people with
enough money to pay them, of course that doesn t assure you to become some kind of
superstar for appearing in a Rembrandt painting because you might not appear in the
front or even be seen. The Dutch Republic is also widely known for the smartness and
intelligence of the Dutch and their people, they most probably have a very high IQ :).
They are very smart because they really like learning and they learn a lot and their
intelligence and open mindedness makes them learn faster and more things in the same
time as other people might learn half what they learn in the same time because they are
really open minded and they are also very intelligent and creative. Also people really like
each other in the Dutch Republic and they get really well with each other, they don t care
if they are jewish or muslim or christian or of any religion, they treat them the same way
as they treat their
`` Cool Kids `` By Ray Bradbury
Ana is a girl who followed trends and participated in activities the cool kids did in high
school. At first she did it because everyone said it was entertaining, but that was not the
case for her. Ana came to the conclusion that it was not amusing; she was only doing it
because others said it was for the popularity. She decided not to be like the others. Ana
was her own person and was determined to do what was right for her future. Such a
follow the leader type situation is not uncommon in high school as it is a place where
people follow others actions to fit in. Fortunately, someone like Ana will always strive to
be an individual and live the way he or she assumes is best. Unfortunately, a willingness
to practice nonconformity ... Show more content on ...
He even questions his own happiness after McClellan asked, Are you happy? (10).
Quickly, Montag replies yes, but after thinking about it for himself he realizes he is not
happy at all. Montag never had a thought provoking conversation until meeting Clarisse
McClellan because society in general never had a conversation of any substance other
than pleasure. Conversations about anything other than happiness were not expressed in
society, and Montag was oblivious to it until McClellan talked about the beauties of
nature in comparison to the restricted society. Every conversation between Montag and
McClellan slowly convinced Montag that books could prevent humankind from making
mistakes that could lead to war in some way. Because society is so against books, it
sparks a curiosity in Montag which leads him to slowly grow deviant and rebellious
toward society. As Montag s external appearance stays the same as the rest of the
firefighters who burn books, his internal appearance and physical actions are
continuously evolving. The narrator reveals Montag s realization about the firemen who
all looked the same with dominant traits such as, black hair, black brows, a fiery face and
a blue steel shaved but unshaved look, which was expressed to show the lack of
individuality among the men(33). Each firefighter, including Montag, plays a role in the
burning of books and each is content doing so, but
Total Knee Replacement
Nifedipine (Adalat,Procardia,others) Prototype Drug / .Therapeutic Class: Drug for
hypertension and angina Pharmacologic Class: Calcium channel blocker. ACTIONS
AND USESNifedipine is CCB generally prescribed for HTN and variant or vasospastic
angina. It is occasionally used to treat Raynaud s phenomenon and hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy. Nifedipine acts by selectively bloking calcium channels in myocardial
and vascular smooth muscle, including those in the coronary arteries. This results in less
oxygen utilization by the heart, an increase in cardiac output, and a fall in blood pressure.
It is available as extended release tablets (XL). ADMINISTRATION ALERTS Do not
administer immediate release formulations of nifedipine if an ... Show more content on ...
Ensure proper use and functioning of any home equipment obtained. | Ensuring
therapeutic effects:Continue frequent assessments as described earlier for therapeutic
effects.(Blood pressure and pulse should be within normal limits or within parameters set
by health care provider. If drug is given for angina and /or dysrhythmias, significant
improvement in reports of pain, palpitations, or ECG demonstrates improvement) |
Encourage the patient to adopt a healthy lifestyle of low fat food choices, increased
exercise, decreased alcohol consumption, and smoking cessation. | Encourage
appropriate lifestyle changes. Provide for dietitian consultation as needed. (Healthy
International Management
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International Management
Culture, Strategy, and Behavior
Eighth Edition

Fred Luthans University of Nebraska Lincoln Jonathan P. Doh Villanova University


EIGHTH EDITION Published by McGraw Hill, a business unit of The McGraw Hill
Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright 2012
by The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Previous editions 2009, 2006,
and 2003. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by
any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent
of The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited ... Show more content
on ...
The advent of social networking and other media has transformed the way citizens
interact and how businesses market, promote, and distribute their products globally. The
same can be said for mass collaboration efforts occurring through digital, online
technology for the development of new and innovative systems, products, and ideas.
Both social networking and mass collaboration bring new power and influence to
individuals across borders and transform the nature of their relationships with global
organizations. As in the past, these developments underscore and reinforce the
importance of understanding different cultures, national systems, and corporate
management practices around the world. Students and managers now recognize that all
business is global and that the world is now interconnected not only geographically but
also electronically and psychologically; it is hard to imagine any business or nonbusiness
organization that is not directly affected by globalization. Yet, as cultural, political, and
economic differences persist, savvy international managers must be able to develop a
global mindset in order to effectively adjust, adapt, and navigate the changing landscape
they face on a day to day basis. In this new eighth edition of International Management,
we have taken care to retain the
Internal and External Pursuasive Communication Essay
Internal and External Persuasive Communication

COM 537
August 19, 2013

Organizations both large and small, all share a common feature. This feature is internal
and external stakeholders. An organization can have a wide variety of internal and
external stakeholders. It is vital to make certain that designated managers within the
organization keeps both internal and external stakeholders informed of accolades,
potential problems, problems, as well as any other issue that has transpired that will
affect them. By doing so, all stakeholders will remain happy, and may even be able to
offer applicable feedback.

Persuasive Memo to Internal Stakeholder: Employees

To: Best Games ... Show more content on ...
Either way: there will be disgruntled customers.
Consider the first choice: rolling the game out with the technical issues still remaining.
Yes, we would more than likely exceed our sales expectation. We are more than certain
that the game would sale, as our sales records show, but if the customers are dissatisfied
with our product that be reflected in future sales. How would this choice change the
opinions of our customers? Perhaps they would think that compared to our previous
products, this game is not what they expected, I wasted my money, this game is not
working properly and I would like a refund and so on. How would we as an organization
recover from this? Would we be able to recover? The potential for loss is very great in
this situation.
Now, consider the second choice: delaying the release of the video game allowing our
video game developers more time to resolve the technical bugs, and bring our product up
to spec. This will however prevent the organization from reaching its projected sales
goal. How would this make the customer feel? Perhaps they would be disappointed for
the additional wait, they may be very pleased with the quality of or product once again,
they may feel as is the additional wait was well worth it because the product is
outstanding. What would this mean for future sales? Increased customer loyalty,
increased sales, and we would
Cultural Capital Needed For Gain Upward Social Mobility
As a student from a working class background, I did not have access to the type of
cultural capital needed to gain upward social mobility. For example, I come from a
family that has had no formal education beyond high school and so I was without the
knowledge of how to gain access into the realm of higher education. My family had
never gone through the application process and so they did not know how to access and
utilize the college help that my school provided. Also, my high school only had fourteen
counselors available to provide assistance to the 4,263 students that attended the school
(Illinois Report Card 2010). This counselor to student ration meant that not much time
could be devoted to each student to give them the help they needed to navigate the
complex college application system (Civil Rights Data 2009, Illinois Report Card 2010).
During my time in high school, I never actually spoke to any of the counselors about
college plans and I was not even aware that they could help in that area. In the following
sections I detail how the cultural capital borrowed or learned from scholarship programs
and cultural mentors ultimately impact a student s upward mobility most.
Exclusive scholarship programs can act as a tool that helps move a working class student
beyond the achievement levels of their parents. These programs do so by exposing
students to privileged knowledge, skills, and strategies that they would not access to
otherwise. Lareau and Horvat define these types
Freshmen Inquiry Class Assignment
Time flies, the first term of my freshmen year is almost to the end. When I first got into
college, I didn t know what to do as a college student. It was hard during the first two
weeks of my freshmen year. Not to mention, It was right after a long summer s vacation.
I was extremely lazy about everything and couldn t focus on school work. After almost
failing my first mid term, I realized I need to focus on studying. I began to get back on
track and finished work before the deadline. As time passed, I could still remember when
I first got into the Freshmen Inquiry class I was struggling and now my Freshmen Inquiry
class is working on our last project of the term and our group is doing great. During
Freshmen Inquiry class, I learned many things. ... Show more content on
One of the assignments named Every Source Tells a Story was to do research on specific
article that everyone was given, In other words, find a primary source on the article and
write an essay about the primary source. This assignment was meaningful to me because
I put lots of efforts on it. My topic was about immigration, I spent few hours to look for
sources that are related to immigration. I also went to the writing center to ask for help
and so that I had an idea on how to start the paper. I worked my best on this assignment.
This task taught me how to write a research paper, in fact, it showed me how to cite
specific sources when using other people s idea. I remember when I was in high school,
most of the teacher didn t teach how to properly cite sources. I would just put multiple
URLs and treated it as a work cited pages. Besides, not a lot of teachers care about
plagiarism in high school. Now I know the importance of citation, is to be respectful of
others idea and not claim it as our own. This term, when I get out of my FRINQ class, I
wish to know how to be a more responsible student. In other words, a student that know
what to accomplish in the future as well as finishing tasks on
Homeowner s Identity In Wichita, Kansas-Personal Narrative
In Wichita, Kansas, in the early 2000 s, a man walked into a police station and exposed
himself to the cops that he was an undercover agent who had recently taken the identity
of a local homeowner. The man gave them the police the address of the house that he was
currently staying at. Therefore, if anyone was to report him as an impostor or state that he
had broken into the house, the police would not have to investigate, as he had already
come in to expose his situation. Later on, no one really understood why he decided to
turned himself in so the cops sent a unit of police to the address he had given them to see
what was going on. They found the same man, that turned himself in earlier, living there
under the original homeowner s identity.
Reasons For Hammurambe s Code Dbq
Did you know that Hammurambe would eventually rule an estimated population of over
one million? Hammurambe was the ultimate ruler, the King of Babylonia, and ruled for
forty two years. The King of Babylonia s Laws: Were They Fair? Hammurambe s Code
was not fair because there was no evidence Shamash, the god of justice, was real, future
kings could not alter the law to make it just, and the strong were not treated the same as
the weak. The first reason Hammurambe s Code was not just was because there was no
evidence from the stele that the god of justice, Shamash, ever existed. According to
Document A, excerpts from Hammurambe s Code, the stele shows Hammurambe
standing before Shamash, the god of justice. Why should we believe the Code if there
was no proof Shamash was real? The second reason Hammurambe s Code was not just
was because no other future king could alter the law to make it just, or even to just keep
up with what was going on at the time. According to Document B, excerpts from the
epilogue, if he destroys the law...may the great gods of heaven and ... Show more content
on ...
According to Document E, excerpts from Hammurambe s Code, if a man strikes the
daughter of a free man and causes her to lose the fruit of the womb, he shall pay ten
shekels of silver...if he has struck a slave girl and has caused her to lose her fruit of her
womb, he shall pay two shekels of silver. If Hammurambe s Code was truly meant to
spread righteousness over the land; if it were really given by the god of justice, Shamash;
if Hammurambe himself stated in Document B, excerpts from the epilogue, may the law
spread righteousness in the land...may the strong protect the weak... How can there be
righteousness in the land if the punishments are less harsh for the slave girl, who is
weaker than the daughter of the free girl? How can Hammurambe justify
Charles Manson Accomplishments
Charles Manson was an illegitimate, unplanned child, born to a 16 year old mother. His
mother was irresponsible, into drugs and criminal activity, and unable to care for a child.
She reportedly sold him when he was a young child for a pitcher of beer (Henderson).
Sounds like an amazing childhood, right. Wrong. Charles Manson was bounced around
from house to house, and because of that, his childhood was not that great. Because of
his nerve wrecking childhood, Manson was bound to be a criminal. As the years went by
and time took its course, Manson decided that he wanted to take a new turn in life and
become a star.
All Charles Manson wanted to be was a music sensation and this was his opportunity.
One day in 1968, two teenage girls were hitch ... Show more content on
This cult consisted of brain washing, hallucinogenic drugs, and worshiping Manson.
They trusted him completely and did anything and everything that he said (Henderson).
The Manson family soon moved into Dennis Wilson s home. For a time, it was only girls
who lived in the home but Manson was soon introduced. Now, Manson had already spent
12 years of his life in prison (Jolly). His offenses ranged from pimping and the theft of
government checks to grand theft auto and rape (Henderson). During the time that
Dennis and Charlie started talking and hanging out more during his stay at the Wilson
home. They soon found out that both of them had a passion for music. Once Wilson and
Manson started discussing about their music abilities, they started writing music together.
Dennis once said, I told them [the girls] about our involvement with the Maharishi and
they told me they too had a guru, a guy named Charlie who d recently come out of jail
after 12 years. He drifted into crime, but when I met him, I found he had great musical
ideas. We are writing together now. He s dumb, in some ways, but I accept his approach
and have learnt from him (Jolly). After some collaboration and some song writing,
Wilson then put Manson in contact with a man named Terry Melcher
Blitzkrieg Tactics
Blitzkrieg What is a war tactic? A war tactic the process of organizing a military force
using weapons and military units to fight the enemy. Various war tactics have been used
throughout history, but one of the most infamous tactics is the blitzkrieg used during
WWII. The blitzkrieg is a well known military tactic used by Adolf Hitler. The blitzkrieg
is German for Lightning war. It was designed to create disorganization and shock among
the enemy forces with the use of speed and surprise. They relied on a military force to be
based around with tanks, planes, and artillery. The lightning war was being developed
between the years of 1918 to 1939. It was first test in the year of 1939 in Poland. The
blitzkrieg was a very complicated war
Is Hypnosis Fake
Hypnosis essay
What I think about Hypnosis is that it is fake. These are the reasons why I think that
Hypnosis is fake. One reason is that if someone let s just say, tells you to act like a
chicken while they hypnotize you, you are probably not going to act like a chicken, but
there is a chance that you could act like a chicken. One of the reasons I think that
hypnosis is fake is because like there is proof that is real buts like what if behind the
scenes they tell each other what they are going to say and stuff and then they say bark
like a dog so the person just barks like a dog. But if it was real because there are ways
like with people who smoke they went to some place and got hypnotized and then they
stopped smoking.
Some ... Show more content on ...
Also, it s a fact that not everyone is susceptible to hypnosis. Some people seem to
possess a trait called hypnotizability that, like other traits, varies greatly among
individuals. To be successfully hypnotized, a person must want to undergo the process
voluntarily and also possess at least a moderate degree of hypnotizability. Even highly
hypnotizable people may not benefit from hypnotherapy, and a single session of hypnosis
usually does not produce lasting results. Often, a person will have to undergo a series of
hypnotic procedures to reinforce whatever constructive suggestions may be given. The
most frequent clinical uses of hypnosis include: breaking bad habits, overcoming
insomnia, recalling forgotten experiences, and as an anesthetic for managing pain. You
can easily test the benefits of self hypnosis. Simply sit or lie down and get comfortable in
a quiet setting. Then, close your eyes and take in a few deep breaths, slowly, in and out.
This places many people into a mild trance and a state of comfortable relaxation. In this
state, say some optimistic things to yourself and picture some
Gold Mining in Australia
When did gold mining begin in Australia? Gold has been rumoured that it was found in
Australian as early as 1814, however, the first gold fields did not appear until thirty years
later. Gold was found in Australia many decades before the Goldrush. The first discovery
of gold was actually in New South Wales, in May 1851 by Edward Hargreaves. In fact,
this was a tentative start to the Goldrush. Gold was commonly found only in New South
Wales and Victoria in the days. How was gold mined? (Now and then) Well, long time
ago it actually wasn t mined, it was panned. You had to search and find the right river to
find gold. Then you pick a spot along the river or stream with a slow current and a spot
that has large rocks or a fallen tree along the water s edge. Than you pick up your pan
(metal in the day). Then dirt and gravel in scooped into the pan and then submerged into
the water. The dirt and gravel will float, and because gold is heavier and denser it will
say in the pan. This process uses the density of gold and the force of gravity to separate
gold particles from other sedimentary deposits. Another common way in the day was
sluicing. The water washes down fine gravel containing gold so that it can be directed
into sluice boxes and recovered using gravity separation (where the heavy gold is trapped
at the bottom and the lighter sands are washed away). The world has advanced and
developed numerously. More sophisticated techniques have been developed for gold to
be found
Life Styles Inventory (Lsi) Survey
I GM591 LSI Survey

Life Styles Inventory (LSI) Survey

GM591 ACC_C Miles DVUC MNHTN Leadership and Organizational Behavior

July 22, 2011


This paper reviews Lifetime Inventory survey results. It is definitely the self discovery

tool that has revealed my primary and secondary thinking styles as well as my limiting

style that has a negative impact on my management style. It also gave me a feed back of

my management styles. It provides me with idea of how my personal thinking was

formed and what influence my family or culture or school ... Show more content on ...

all of the styles mentioned above are the key components to successfully follow the four

functions of the management that are planning, organizing, leading and controlling.

As defined in text book an effective manager helps others achieve high

levels of both performance and satisfaction (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, Uhl Bien, 11th

edition, 2010) and thus my survey results perfectly shows my ability of being one.

Part III : Genesis of personal life style

Family and culture had a great influence on my personal life style like on

every person I would think. I grew up with the idea that adult knows everything and is

always right ,which turned out totally wrong. Now I realize that it was misunderstanding

of respecting the adults.

I was raised by the parents who had adopted high authoritarian style and

I was always expected to obey rules without questioning them. I think that it had a

negative impact on my self confidence but made me very responsible in every aspect of
life and work. I could not say no to others and had to do what I was expected to. But at

the same time I have to mention that individual invents and life time experiences showed

me the
Berkshire Hathaway Phenomenon In the Context of Modern...
Berkshire Hathaway
In the Context of Modern
Finance Theory


Berkshire Hathaway Phenomenon

In the Context of Modern Finance Theory

Over the 46 years ending December 2012, Warren Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway) has
achieved a compound, after tax, rate of return in excess of 20% p.a. Such consistent, long
term, out performance might be viewed as incompatible with modern finance theory.

This essay discusses the Berkshire Hathaway phenomenon in the context of modern
finance theory. Part 1 Modern Portfolio Theory
Berkshire Hathaway s investing strategies mainly differ with modern portfolio theory on
two aspects. The first one is the attitude towards the undesirable thing in ... Show more
content on ...
Having compared the differences, it is still worth noting that Markowitz did not rule out
fundamental analysis in portfolio selection process, as is said in his foregoing paper,
(Markowitz, 1952) the process of selecting a portfolio may be divided into two stages.
The first stage starts with observation and experience and ends with beliefs about the
future performances of available securities. The second stage starts with relevant beliefs
about future performances and ends with the choice of portfolio. This paper is concerned
with the second stage .

Part 2 Efficient Market Hypothesis

The strong form of efficient market hypothesis states that all information, no matter
public or private, instantaneously affects current stock price. Semi strong form is only
concerned with public information, while the weak form suggests that current stock price
reflects information in the previous prices. In short, they simply imply that in the long
run, no one should be able to beat the market in terms of investment return.

As is said in Fama s paper in 1970, (Eugene F, 1970) the evidence in support of the
efficient markets model is extensive, and (somewhat uniquely in economics)
contradictory evidence is sparse . However, Warren Buffet has always criticised efficient
market hypothesis as much as he could. The major

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