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The Chemistry of
Combustion and Arson

11.1 The Combustion Continuum 11.3 Fires and Flames

11.2 Aspects of Combustion 11.4 Arson and Fire Investigation


The next few chapters will tackle the second most important work area (behind drug
analysis and toxicology) in forensic chemistry. We will begin with an exploration of the
fundamentals of combustion, a specialized type of oxidationreduction that spans can-
dle flames to powerful and destructive explosions. The important differences between a
fire and a bomb are the speed at which the combustion occurs and the degree to which it
is confined. As we will see, combustion can be thought of as a continuum. Forensically,
combustion is the process at the heart of arson, bombing, and, perhaps less obviously,
gunshot residue. In this chapter, we will cover the fundamental principles that underlie
these three types of forensic cases and evidence and discuss the physical evidence asso-
ciated with fires. In Chapter 12, we will delve into propellants and gunshot residue and
complete our discussion in Chapter 13, where we will explore explosives.


Combustion is an oxidative decomposition in which oxygen (the oxidant) oxidizes a fuel.
The different manifestations of combustion (Figure 11.1), ranging from a gentle candle
flame to a violent military explosive, are part of a continuum that includes the propel-
lants used in firearms. The terms we use to describe this decomposition depends on
characteristics such as the speed of the reaction. For example, in the detonation of an ex-
plosive, the reaction front moves faster than the speed of sound (~ 741 mph, or 331 m/s).
If this same reaction occurs at less than the speed of sound, it is called deflagration. This
term can also be applied to what we mean by the term burning, in which the flame
speed is less than the speed of sound. As the flame fronts speed increases, oxygen from
the atmosphere is incapable of sustaining it, and additional oxygen must come from an-
other source such as potassium nitrate (KNO3, or saltpeter). The fuel must also change
as the energy derived from it increases.

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Chapter 11 The Chemistry of Combustion and Arson 361

Burning/Flame/Deflagration Explosion/Detonation

Forensic Arson fire investigation Firearms Explosives

application GSR
Low High

Speed Subsonic Speed Supersonic

of burn of sound
Slow Moderate Fast

Hydrocarbons C C C O
Fuel C H, H H C N

Oxidant O2(air) O2 KNO3 NO3, ClO4 (Chemical oxidants)

(Nitrated carbohydrates) Organic peroxides

Confinement Unconfined/low Partially Confined/high


Type of
initiation Thermal Mechanical (shockwave)

Range of Generalized Speed of Localized

effects sound

FIGURE 11.1 The continuum of combustion. The dividing line between burning, deflagration,
and detonation is the speed at which the reaction front propagates.

Combustion is an exothermic reaction in which reactants are converted to prin-

cipally gaseous products. Because the reaction is exothermic, the product gases heat
up and expand, and in turn can be harnessed to do work. In a fire, such as arson, this
expansion generates plumes with predictable behaviors that leave distinctive markings
at the crime scene. In contrast, the expansion of hot gases is utilized in propellants to
drive a projectile forward (pressurevolume, or PV work), whereas in explosives the
expanding gases are confined as long as possible to generate a destructive shock wave.
Because of this confinement, a detonation is a mechanical process, whereas deflagration
is a thermal one. This critical distinction will be discussed in detail in the next section.


Salt, Peter?
An older name for the salt KNO 3 (potassium nitrate) is saltpeter (also spelled salt Peter and salt
peter), which is used as a chemical oxidant in gunpowder and explosives. Saltpeter is a mineral
that forms when organic material such as waste, decaying plants, and animal manure is placed
in contact with soil high in alkali content (such as limestone). Saltpeter is found on the earths

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362 Part IV Combustion Evidence

surface as well as in caves and is easily collected and mined. The first recorded mention of salt-
peter was by a Taoist alchemist writing and working in the ninth century. Although the mineral
was once used for medicinal purposes, demand skyrocketed with the invention of gunpow-
der and explosives. Lammont du Pont, of the famous du Pont family of chemists, was able to
patent a method for making blasting powder without saltpeter, a much more economical ap-
proach. Unfortunately, he died in 1884 while experimenting with dynamite and sulfuric acid. Du
Pont and several of his assistants were literally blown apart in the accident.

Sources: Harmon, M. B. Gunpowder, Ingenuity, Madness, and Murder: The Saga of the du Ponts.
Biography, November 2002, 92; Morrison, P., and P. Morrison. Nitrogen: The Dark Side. Scientific
American, 281 (October 1999): 12526.

Combustion requires reactants and enough energy to exceed the energy of acti-
vation (Ea) required to initiate the reaction. The reaction profile shown in Figure 11.2
illustrates the exothermic nature of a combustion reaction, as well as the need for
enough energy to initiate it. Once initiated, enough energy is produced to supply the
necessary Ea to sustain the reaction until one of the reactants is exhausted. With a sim-
ple flame, the fuel is exhausted first, since the oxidant is atmospheric oxygen. When
chemical oxidants are employed, either fuel or oxidant may be the limiting reagent.
The energy released in a combustion reaction results from the increased stability
(lower potential energy) of the products relative to that of the reactants. The energy
1 DH 2 released can be estimated with the two methods shown in Figure 11.3. The first
method is based on table values (found in Appendix 5) of thermodynamic quantities
under standard conditions of temperature and pressure (STP, 25C and 1 atm). The sec-
ond method calculates how much energy is required to break the chemical bonds in the
reactants and form the bonds of the products. As shown in the figure, this result should
be relatively close to that determined from the table values; however, the quantities cal-
culated are used only as starting points, because the combustion reactions encountered
in forensic chemistry are complex and rarely occur close to standard conditions. Even
if the reaction starts at near standard conditions, the reaction itself quickly pushes the
system well beyond standard conditions.


H (exothermic)


Reaction profile

FIGURE 11.2 A generic reaction profile for
combustion, along with a simple example of a CH4(g) + 2O2(g) CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)
combustion reaction. Combustion is a specialized Oxidizing
type of redox reaction. agent

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Chapter 11 The Chemistry of Combustion and Arson 363

A H oreaction = H oproducts H oreactants CH4(g) + 2O2(g) CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)

H oreaction = [ 393.5 + 2(241.82)] [ 74.8]

H oreaction = [ 877.14 kJ] + 74.8 kJ = 802.34 kJ

as written

B CH4(g) + 2O2(g) CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)

Bonds broken: Bonds formed:
4C H 4(413) = 1652 kJ 2C O 2(799) = 1598 kJ
2O2 2(495) = 990 kJ 4H O 4(463) = 1852 kJ
Cost to break bonds: Benefit from bond formation:
~2642 kJ ~3450 kJ

Net = Cost benefit ~808 kJ

as written

FIGURE 11.3 Two methods of estimating how much energy is released by a combustion reaction.
In the top frame (A), H is calculated from table values, whereas in (B), the energy balance between
bonds broken and bonds formed is used.

Some readers may be familiar with the fire triangle, which is one way of summa-
rizing the requirements for a combustion reaction. Such a triangle is divided into three
regions, identified as fuel, oxidant, and heat (the last of which supplies Ea). Building on
the concept of the triangle, we will consider the requirements for combustion to be
1. fuel and oxidant in appropriate quantities and concentrations,
2. a source of Ea, and
3. sufficient contact time for the energy source to initiate the reaction.
The absence of any one factor prevents combustion. We will examine the particu-
lars of each factor next.
The first requirement, fuel and oxidant in proper proportions, illustrates key
points and unmasks common misconceptions. Wood does not burn; rather, what burns
are the vapors emanating from heated wood. Gasoline in a can will not explode be-
cause the proper fuelair mixture does not exist. A cigarette tossed into a pool of gaso-
line usually smothers before it has a chance to ignite the vapor above it. Similarly, the
Hollywood staple of exploding gas tanks in cars is more fiction than fact. Rapid burning
can occur, but only when the gas tank is ruptured, the contents leak and vaporize, and
the proper airfuel vapor mixture is created at the same time and place as a source of
ignition that stays in contact long enough to spark the reaction.


Consider a simple model of combustion: burning wood (Figure 11.4). Once the fire
is burning, heat must be transferred efficiently to the wood to vaporize reactants.
Heat transfer is also needed to ensure that Ea is overcome and the reaction is self-
sustaining. Specifically, the activation energy must be sufficient to form free radicals,
the heart of combustion reaction mechanisms. Oxygen must move into the reaction
zone via mass transfer, and the rate of this transfer directly affects the reaction. Think of
blowing across a smoldering fire, an action that increases the efficiency of mass trans-
port of oxygen and speeds the reaction by supplying more oxidizing agent. The kinetics

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364 Part IV Combustion Evidence

CO2 plume




H2 C
Radiant heat CN CH2O Radiant heat
O2 C H O2
Air CH Decomposition region H Air
N2 N2
Vaporized fuel
FIGURE 11.4 The combustion of wood (fuel),
Pyrolysis zone
illustrating aspects of combustion addressed in
this chapter. Note the complexity of what would
at first seem to be a simple chemical reaction.

(speed) of combustion depends on the rate of formation of free radicals in the flame
flickering above the wood. The reaction speed also depends on multiple rate constants
and reactant concentrations in multiple connected chain-reaction pathways. The heat
evolved, favored pathways, and the balance of products will all depend on thermody-
namic considerations, including stoichiometric ratios and equilibria. Thus, although
we will address each of these topics individually, all interact to control and define the
complex process of combustion.

11.2.1 Thermodynamics
Thermodynamics relates concepts of energy flow, enthalpy (H ), entropy (S), free en-
ergy (G), and equilibrium. The first law of thermodynamics states roughly that energy
is neither created nor destroyed but only changes form. In combustion and in explo-
sions, potential energy in chemical bonds (chemical energy) is converted to heat and

Equilibrium is defined as the point at which G 0.

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Chapter 11 The Chemistry of Combustion and Arson 365

work. Energy is defined as the ability to do work and can be categorized by the type of
work done. For example, there is chemical energy, potential energy, mechanical energy,
and kinetic energy. The second law of thermodynamics relates to entropy and (again,
roughly) states that in any spontaneous process, the disorder of the universe increases.
Entropy increases during combustion because gaseous products are formed and heat is
released by the exothermic reaction. Molecules move faster at higher temperatures rela-
tive to molecules at lower temperatures, resulting in increased disorder.
The free-energy change of any reaction, including combustion, is defined in terms
of enthalpy and entropy:
DG 5 DH 2 TDS (11.1)
where S is entropy and G is the Gibbs free energy. In a flame, the combination of an
exothermic reaction with increasing disorder leads to a large negative value for the
change in free energy 1 DG 2 . DG also is a measure of how much work can be done by
a system in a spontaneous reaction. Work can be divided into two components: actual
work (w) and heat (q). Both aspects come into play across the combustion continuum.
In a fire, such as an intentionally set arson fire, heat and gases are produced but are
not exploited to do work. In propellants and explosives, heat and work play critical
roles and the work done is the central issue.
In chemical applications, the most common type of work is PV work. Examples
are shown in Figure 11.5. The top frame illustrates how the evolution of a gas 1 H2 2 in a
spontaneous process is used to do PV work in a system in which heat is a minor contrib-
utor. The lower frame depicts the relationship between PV, work, and force. To move
the piston, workspecifically, PV workmust be done, and the force acting inside the
cylinder must exceed the force exerted by atmospheric pressure. If the piston was re-
moved from the system, the gasoline would still ignite, burn, and generate hot expand-
ing gases; however, this expansion is not purposely directed into doing PV work. This is
the situation we see in arson fires.
Forensic examples involving energy and illustrating how work is done are
shown in Figures 11.6 and 11.7. In Figure 11.6, a bullet is propelled out of a gun by
PV work done by expanding gases produced by the burning propellant. Here, the
bullet is analogous to the piston (Figure 11.5), which is moved as a result of the pro-
duction of gas. In the gun, primer ignites when struck by the hammer, provides the
initial Ea spark, and initiates combustion, which produces heat and hot expanding
gases. The bullet is held in the cartridge by compression and friction, but the joint
is designed to give way once sufficient pressure builds up. The result is movement
of the bullet down the barrel, just like movement of the piston shown in Figure 11.5,
except that the force must overcome the compression and friction forces holding the
bullet in place. As gas expansion continues, much of the energy is transferred to the
bullet as kinetic energy. The energy trace of a gun firing can be summarized as a me-
chanical energy (hammer striking primer) h chemical energy h heat and work
(heat and mechanical) h kinetic energy. This progression can be simplified to
ME h CE h ME 1 and heat 2 h KE.
For a crude pipe bomb (Figure 11.7) made of galvanized steel pipe and gunpow-
der, the energy pathway is the same. What differs is that no joint is designed to fail, as
was the case with the gun firing. A pipe bomb is a mechanically stronger containment
device that allows pressure to build until it exceeds the strength of the container at its
weakest point. As we will see in Chapter 13, pressure and confinement are critical fac-
tors in explosions and detonations. The pipe shatters and ejects shrapnel in all direc-
tions. In contrast, a gun is designed to focus and direct the gas expansion and work in
order to impart the most kinetic energy to a single projectile traveling in a controlled
trajectory in one direction.

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366 Part IV Combustion Evidence

a) b)

H2 gas
plus original


HCl solution HCl solution

P = F/A P = F/A

FIGURE 11.5 Two illustrations

of PV work. In the top frame,
zinc metal is dropped into acid,
and pressure exerted by the
evolving gas raises the piston.
In the lower frame, pressure is h V
defined as force per unit area
(F/A), but the concept is the same
and the PDV term can be cal- Volume
culated geometrically by using change
the volume of a cylinder. For the
piston to move, work of quantity
2PDV must be done by the system.
An example of this mechanism is
gasoline burning in the cylinder Initial Cross-sectional Final
of an internal combustion engine. state area = A state

Cartridge Friction (force)

Gun barrel

Bullet KE = 1/2 mv 2

Hot expanding gas, P

FIGURE 11.6 How a combustion reaction is used to create

Burning propellant H(), S(+), T = high
sufficient energy to do the work of moving a bullet out of a
gun barrel. CE w+q KE

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Chapter 11 The Chemistry of Combustion and Arson 367
Pipe bomb


Pressure, hot Explosive

expanding gases (gunpowder)

Vessel ruptures


KE = 1/2mv2
FIGURE 11.7 A pipe bomb is designed to rup-
ture and not to fail at a specific joint. The result
is catastrophic destruction of the container and
the ejection of sharp shrapnel moving at high

Before going further, we should introduce terminology to eliminate the negative

positive sign confusion often associated with the heat of reaction and the release of heat.
All of the combustion reactions we will deal with in this chapter are exothermic, all release
heat, and all have a negative value for DHreaction. The heat released by the system is ab-
sorbed by the surroundings and is always positive. In the examples just discussed, the sys-
tem is the burning propellant or the detonating explosive. These reactions release heat to
the surroundings, such as the gun barrel. For this discussion, heat released will be referred
to as Q, in keeping with traditional thermochemical notation. In combustion, Q is always
positive and numerically the opposite of DHreaction:
Q 5 2 1 DHreaction 2 (11.2)
We will also assume that combustion is adiabatic combustionthat is, that the heat
released is used only to heat the products and that there is no heat exchange to the sur-
roundings. Again, using the gun example, if the firing process is adiabatic, it means that
all the heat evolved is consumed by heating of the products created by the combustion
reaction. Of course, this is only an approximation, but a useful one.
Heating the products also increases their kinetic energy. This heating causes pres-
sure to increase, according to the ideal gas law:
PV 5 nRT (11.3)
This law shows that temperature is directly proportional to pressure and volume. In the
case of an explosive, the higher the pressure generated, the more powerful is the explo-
sive. The power of an explosive can be defined as VQ, where V is the volume of gaseous
products and Q is the heat evolved.1 Thus, the most powerful explosives (per gram)
are those that create the largest number of moles (n) of gas at the highest temperatures.
A common way to express this relationship is via a modification of the ideal-gas law1:
F 5 nRTe (11.4)
where F is force of the explosive, n is number of moles of gas produced, and Te is the
temperature of the resulting product mix.

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368 Part IV Combustion Evidence

The value of Q (used to heat the products to Te) is central to describing and esti-
mating explosive power. Figure 11.3 illustrated two methods of calculation of the heat of
reaction, but of more interest here is gauging the relative heat generated per gram of fuel.
Also, the calculations shown in Figure 11.3 assume that the fuel and oxidant are in stoi-
chiometric equivalence (which we abbreviate as STE), meaning that the molar amounts
of fuel and oxidant are in exactly the correct proportions according to the balanced equa-
tion for the reaction to go to completion. In the case of methane combustion (Figure 11.2),
if 1.0 mol of methane was present when the reaction started, then at STE there would
be exactly 2.0 mol of O2 present. This situation, however, is rarely encountered, and as a
result, both the products of the reaction and the heat evolved will be affected.


Assuming that conditions are such that methane (CH4) and methanol (CH3OH) combust via
an explosion, which is the more powerful per gram detonated?

To answer this question, the value of heat released (Q or H) for each compound is needed,
as well as the number of moles of gas produced. Use the thermodynamic values provided in
Appendix 5 to determine Q per mole combusted. Some assumptions are necessary, but for a
rough comparison, this approach is reasonable. Here, we will treat all species in the gas phase.
CH4 1 2O2 h CO2 1 g 2 1 2H2O 1 g 2
274.8 2393.5 2241.82
moles 1.0 1.0 2.0 (3.0 total)
grams 1.0
moles/gram 0.063 0.063 0.125 (0.19 total moles per gram)
22.4 L
0.19 3 > 4.3 L/g
5 3 2393.5 1 2 1 2241.82 2 4 2 1 274.8 2
2802.3 kJ 250.1 kJ 50 kJ
5 5 ;Q>
mol CH4 g CH4 1 g 2 g CH4
2CH3OH 1 g 2 1 3O2 h 2CO2 1 g 2 1 4H2O 1 g 2
2 mol h 6 mol gas
moles/gram 0.0313 h 0.0313 mol 1 0.0625 mol or,
2.1 L
calculated as above,
DHoreaction 5 3 2 1 2393.5 2 1 2 1 2241.82 2 4 2 1 2201.2 2
21069 kJ 2535 kJ 16 kJ
DHoreaction 5 5 >
2 mol CH3OH mol CH3OH g CH3OH
QVCH4 > 50 3 4.3 5 215 QVCH3OH 5 1 16 2 1 2.1 2 <36
The difference is ~ a factor of 6 for 1 g of each substance.
Notice that, in balancing the equations, clearing the fractions was not necessary, since the oxy-
gen does not contribute to Q. The combustion of a gram of methanol produces about half the
gas volume of the combustion of a gram of methane. Thus, ethanol is a better fuel, at least
using this one metric.

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Chapter 11 The Chemistry of Combustion and Arson 369

Using the ratio of fuel to air at STE as a reference point, we can describe situa-
tions in which we do not have STE. When the amount of fuel relative to the amount of
oxidant decreases, the mixture becomes a lean mixture. In chemical terms, the system
is overoxidized, and if the fuel concentration drops too low relative to the concentra-
tion of oxidant, combustion cannot take place. When there is more fuel relative to the
oxidant, the mixture is rich, and the system is underoxidized. At the extreme of rich-
ness, combustion is impossible. An underoxidized system favors production of the less
oxidized product and releases less heat.
The calculation of the fuel/air ratio (F/A) is an important one and can assist
in determining such properties as potential flammability of mixtures. Returning to
the combustion of methane as our example, the molar ratio of methane to oxygen in
a balanced equation at STE is 1:2, respectively. Because the types of combustion of
interest here take place in air, additional corrections are required. Assuming that the
atmosphere is 21% oxygen, the number of moles of air supplied must be adjusted up-
ward. A mole of air contains 0.21 mol of O2; to obtain 1 mol of O2, we need to multiply
this value by 4.76 1 0.21 3 4.76 5 1.0 2 . One last adjustment is to multiply this result
by 2, since the complete combustion of 1 mol of methane requires 2 mol of oxygen.
This value is easily converted to a mass ratio using the formula weight of methane
1 16.0 g/mol 2 and the weighted average mass of air, which is generally taken to be
28.85 g/mol:

1 16.0 g/mol 2 1 1 mol 2

F/A 5 5 0.0583 (11.5)
4.76 mol air 28.85 g
1 2.0 mol O2 2 a ba b
1 mol O2 1 mol air

Thus, at stoichiometric equivalence, the mass ratio F/A is 0.0583. It is important to note
that here we are assuming a closed system, in that the fuel and air are being held at a
fixed volume at 1.0 atm. We will see many instances in which we have to make some
basic assumptions about conditions, and in many cases, our calculations are reasonable
estimates, not hard values. However, these types of calculations are the foundations of
complex models used to describe combustion, deflagration, and detonation.
Now, consider an example in which 5.0 g of methane is released into a container of
air with a volume of 20.0 L at a temperature of 25C. To determine whether the result-
ing mixture is combustible, rich, or lean, the mass ratios of fuel to air are calculated and
compared with the ratio at STE just calculated. The first step is to obtain mole ratios via
partial pressures and the ideal gas law:

5.0 g L # atm
a b a0.0821 b 1 298 K 2
nRT 16.0 g/mol mol # K
PCH4 5 5 5 0.38 (11.6)
V 20.0 L

therefore, Pair 5 0.62

We convert these mole fractions to mass using formula weights:

MCH4 5 MF 5 1 0.38 mol 2 1 16.0 g/mol 2 5 6.1 g

Mair 5 1 0.62 mol 2 1 28.85 g/mol 2 5 18.0 g

The last step is to determine the F/A ratio relative to that at STE:

1 MF /MA 2 SYS 6.1 g/18.0 g

5 5 5.8 (11.8)
0.0583 0.0583

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370 Part IV Combustion Evidence

The mixture in the container is rich relative to the STE ratio. As seen in Figure 11.8,
deviations from STE affect the temperature of the flame; we will see why momentarily.
Staying with our methane example, Figure 11.8 illustrates how rich and lean mix-
tures alter the heat evolved. The heat released at stoichiometric equivalence was previ-
ously calculated (Figure 11.3); note that the heats of formation for water (in gas or liquid
form) and methane are constants in this combustion, and the contribution of elemental
O2 is zero. As a result, the expression for calculating DH to compare the three reactions
depicted in the figure can be simplified as follows:

DHreaction 5 XCO DHCO 1g2 1 XCO2 DHCO2 1g 2 (11.9)

DHreaction 5 XCO 1 2110.5 kJ/mol 2 1 XCO2 1 2393.5 kJ/mol 2 (11.10)

where Xi represents the mole fraction of each species produced. The most negative
value (the largest Q) occurs when only CO2 is produced. Any carbon monoxide pro-

Lean; STE Rich;

overoxidized underoxidized
Excess O2 CO produced


FIGURE 11.8 Temperature of a flame as a function

of the fuel/air ratio. F/A ratio

d CO(g) + H2O(g) + heat

xi 110.5 kJ

h mol


Stoichiometric equivalence
CH4(g) + 2O2(g) CO2(g) + 2H2O(g) + heat
393.5 kJ


L e id iz e
an d
CO2(g) + 2H2O(g) + O2(g) + heat

H oreaction = H oproducts H oreactants

FIGURE 11.9 The effect
of underoxidation and H oreaction Controlled
overoxidation on heat O2 = 0.0 [74.8] constant by CO/CO2
released. H2O = constant

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Chapter 11 The Chemistry of Combustion and Arson 371

duced decreases the heat released, since the overall heat of the reac- CH3
tion becomes more positive (DHreaction becomes less negative). Thus,
underoxidized systems, which favor CO production, release less heat
than do systems at stoichiometric equivalence. However, if there is
excess oxidant, some of the heat evolved is diverted to heat that oxi-
dant, rather than just the products, as we assumed in the adiabatic
combustion model. As a result of heat diversion, Q decreases from the
maximum produced at stoichiometric equivalence, at which Q heats NO2
only the products.
Trinitrotoluene (2,4,6 TNT) C7H5N3O6
The discussion becomes more interesting when we examine
reactions in which the oxidant is not atmospheric oxygen or in
which the source of oxygen is chemical, as in the case of explosives
such as TNT or nitroglycerin (Figure 11.10). With these explosives, O
part of the oxidant is supplied by the molecule, part is supplied by
the atmosphere, and the ratio is expressed as the oxygen balance. O O
As demonstrated in Example Problem 11.3, nitroglycerin has a posi- O 2 N NO2
tive oxygen balance, meaning that when the explosive decomposes
Nitroglycerin C3H5N3O9
to gaseous products, the explosive molecule itself can supply all
the needed oxygen, with some to spare. The reverse is true for ex- FIGURE 11.10 Two common explosives.
plosives such as TNT, which require oxygen from the atmosphere
or another chemical source. When the oxygen balance is negative
and relatively large, CO will form in preference to CO2. In other words, the system
is underoxidized and lean. The oxygen balance can also be expressed as a weight-
percentage-like quantity derived from the ratio

Mass O released or consumed

Mass of explosive


For combustion of a hydrocarbon such as methane or ethane, is the oxygen balance positive
or negative?

The oxygen balance is always negative. There is no oxygen in the molecule.

Example Problem 11.3 illustrates how oxygen balance is calculated, and Table 11.1
gives the oxygen balance of some representative explosives.1
The concept of oxygen balance is analogous to the definition of a rich or lean
mixture of fuel versus oxidant. The difference is that the oxygen balance is internal

TABLE 11.1 Oxygen Balance of Representative Explosives

Explosive Oxygen Balance

Ammonium nitrate 120%
Nitroglycerin 14
Picric acid 245
TNT 274

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372 Part IV Combustion Evidence

Two components: x = fraction NG to the fuel molecule; in other words, the molecule supplies both fuel
1 x = fraction TNT and at least part of the oxidant. Because the oxygen ratio is related
to stoichiometric ratios, it also relates to the heat release Q. When a
4x + (1 x)(74) = 0 given explosive is the only material combusted, the more positive
the oxygen balance, the greater is the heat released. By itself, TNT
(+) Oxygen balance does not generate as much heat as a compound such as nitroglycerin.
However, explosives are often formulated such that their combined
4x + 74x 74 = 0 oxygen balance approaches zero, which corresponds to stoichiometric
78x = 74
equivalence (STE). For example, suppose an explosive mixture con-
sists of TNT and nitroglycerin. To maximize Q, the combined oxygen
x = 0.95 95% NG
balance should be as close to zero as possible. TNT has a large nega-
1 x = 0.05 5% TNT tive oxygen balance, whereas nitroglycerin has a small positive bal-
ance. Clearly, then, the mixture should contain a little TNT and lots of
4(0.95) + 0.05(74) nitroglycerin. The calculation is shown in Figure 11.11.
3.8 3.7
FIGURE 11.11 Oxygen balance calcu-
lations for a mix of explosives.

Applying the Science 11.1

It is not unheard of for fires to be set with the intent of destroying evidence of other crimes
such as murder. A recent study addressed how fires affect blood evidence both detection
of bloodstain patterns and the ability to obtain typable DNA samples from blood after a fire.
In this project, fires were set under tightly controlled conditions after bloodstains had been
purposely created in several rooms in the structure. Postfire, analysts studied the performance
of reagents used for presumptive testing of blood including phenolphthalein, luminol and
fluorescein on the stains, most of which remained visible even after burning. Results were gen-
erally poor, although some positives were obtained. The authors correlated maximum tem-
peratures with the ability to obtain full and partial DNA profiles and found that in areas where
the temperature exceeded 923C, they obtained full profiles from about a third of the samples,
partial profiles from about 12%, and no profile from more than half of the samples. In contrast,
85% of the samples from a room where the temperature was 307C yielded full profiles, 6%
partial profiles, and fewer than 10% yielded no profile. An important finding of this work is
that at fire scenes, the lack of a positive presumptive test for blood does not preclude the abil-
ity to obtain viable DNA evidence.

Source: Tontarski, K. L., K. A. Hoskins, T. G. Watkins, L. Brun-Conti, and A. L. Michaud. Chemical

Enhancement Techniques of Bloodstain Patterns and DNA Recovery after Fire Exposure. Journal of Forensic
Sciences 54, no. 1 (2009): 3748.


Calculate the oxygen balance for the following materials: aluminum metal and nitroglycerin
(NG, C3H5N3O9).

The first step is to balance the combustion equation, with products going to their completely
oxidized state. Any nitrogen is assumed to go to N2. The relative excess or deficit of oxygen is
calculated as a weight percent.

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Chapter 11 The Chemistry of Combustion and Arson 373

For Al:

Al 1 O2 h Al2O3

4Al 1 3O2 h 2Al2O3

One way to approach this problem is to use a table, as follows. Note that we do not need to
consider the products once the equation is balanced.

4Al 3O2
Moles 4 3
Formula weight (g/mol) 27.0 32.0
Grams 108 96

Oxygen balance:
96 g O2
3 100 5 289%
108 g Al
The balance is negative because additional oxygen is required for the reaction to proceed.

For NG:
This part of the problem is more complicated because oxygen is present in the molecule. We
need to determine whether the amount is sufficient by itself to support the reaction, so we first
balance the equation:

C3H5N3O9 h 3CO2 1 5/2H2O 1 3/2N2

2C3H5N3O9 h 6CO2 1 5H2O 1 3N2
18O h 12 1 5 5 17O; balance for excess
4C3H5N3O9 h 12CO2 1 10H2O 1 6N2 1 O2

Here, oxygen is in excess, so the oxygen balance will be positive.

4C3H5N3O9 O2
Moles 4 1
Formula weight (g/mol) 227.0 32.0
Grams 908 32

Oxygen balance:

32 g O2
3 100 5 13.5%
908 g NG

11.2.2 Kinetics of Combustion

Kinetics is the study of the speed of reactions and their mechanisms. Combustion is a
complex free-radical process in which many reactions can occur and in which a com-
plex mixture of products forms. The pathways favored and resulting products depend
on which reactions are favored under the given conditions.

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374 Part IV Combustion Evidence

Combustion does not involve simple single-step collisions between a fuel mol-
ecule and an oxidant. Rather, the reactions that occur during combustion are based on
free radicals. In a free-radical2 mechanism, three generic steps take place:
initiation, in which the first free radicals are formed
propagation, in which reactions among radicals produce more radicals
termination, which results from the combination of two free radicals to form a
neutral species
Because radicals react with neutrals to create new radi-
cals, a chain reaction results. Each step in a generic free-radical
CO + O2 CO2 + O Initiation
reaction has an associated rate constant. One of these steps
will be the slowest and is termed the rate-limiting step. Just as
O + H2O OH + OH the slowest member of a relay team limits its performance, the
CO + OH CO2 + H rate-limiting step limits the speed of the chemical reaction. The
rate-limiting step is generally the step with the highest energy
H + OH H2O Termination of activation. Partial and simplified steps for the combustion
oxidation of hydrogen are shown in Figure 11.12.
FIGURE 11.12 Sample free-radical reactions that
occur in a flame.


Its a Radical Difference

Radicals form when a bond such as H i H in H 2 is cleaved homolytically: H2 h 2 H.
A heterolytic cleavage would send two electrons to one atom and none to the other:
H : H h H 1 1 H:2. That which causes the formation of the free radical is called the initiator,
which may be a chemical species or energy such as UV light. In forensic situations, peroxides
(ROOR) are frequently encountered as free-radical initiators: ROOR h 2 RO. The relative sta-
bility of radicals is comparable to that of carbocations, with tertiary free radicals being the most
stable and primary the least.

The combustion of even a simple hydrocarbon such as methane is extraordinarily

complex. A recent count revealed 277 known elementary reactions for this well-studied
combustion involving 49 different chemical species.3 Compare this with the combus-
tion of an accelerant such as gasoline, itself a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, and
the task of accurately modeling the combustion becomes impossible. Fortunately, in fo-
rensic chemical applications, the most important point is that complex and competitive
free-radical pathways lead to a mixture of products.

11.2.3 Heat Transfer

Heat transfer and heat flow in combustion begins with the premise that all the heat Q
evolved in the process goes into heating the products and raising their temperature.
In other words, we assume an adiabatic flame. Excess oxidant (a lean mix) reduces
temperature, because Q must be distributed to excess reactant as well as to the prod-
ucts. There are other places heat can and must flow to sustain combustion, some of

Our discussion here will focus on heat transfer via convection (matter transport), but heating by conduction
and radiation also take place.

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Chapter 11 The Chemistry of Combustion and Arson 375

which were seen in Figure 11.4 and which are also shown in simplified form in
Figure 11.13. Heated air is less dense than cooler air, and as a result, much of the radiant
heat produced in a simple combustion like a burning candle is carried away in rising air
and gases. This kind of combustion is also called a buoyant flame. Heat is also required
for phase transitions, as shown in Figure 11.14. In the candle, the wax must first be melt-
ed to liquid and vaporized before combustion occurs. For some heavier hydrocarbons,
the melting point and heat needed to vaporize them can be quite high. If Q dwindles, so
will the supply of vaporized fuel.
Heat transfer to the substrate has interesting effects on fire behavior and arson
investigation. As shown in Figure 11.15 (top frame), heat may reach deep into a sub-
strate such as wood even when oxygen cannot. The result is pyrolysis (fire cutting)
or decomposition in a reducing environment. The products of pyrolysis are different
from those of oxidation and can be identified as a layer in burned wood. Typically, the
pyrolysis zone is some distance below the burned surface. The layer is defined by the
availability of oxygen and by the depth to which heat can penetrate.
The bottom frame of Figure 11.15 illustrates a situation seen in many arson cases:
a liquid accelerant such as gasoline is poured over a surface and the vapors are ignited.
If the pool is deep enough, it insulates the substrate below and limits the temperature
increase. Just as the temperature of liquid water (not steam) cannot exceed 100C, the
temperature of the liquid accelerant cannot exceed its boiling point. Consequently, the
pattern of burning and scorching at the edge of the pool and away from it will be differ-
ent from the patterns directly beneath.
Heat transfer is directly related to the concept of mass transfer. Q is used to heat
products of the reaction, which, on a molecular level, means that the greater Q is, the
more kinetic energy is transferred to the product molecules. This kinetic energy can be
transferred to other molecules via collision. However, for that energy to be transferred
to key molecules such as those found in the vaporized candle wax, the energy has to
be delivered, via fast-moving molecules, to the right place. That movement of mass is
called mass transfer.


point Vaporization

Q T Liquid Gas
wax components
Ea Melting
gas point
liquid Melted wax

wax (solid)

Hf Hv Q added
solid liquid gas
FIGURE 11.14 Some of the heat generated by the
FIGURE 11.13 Simplified heat flow paths in a combustion is consumed in the necessary phase transitions
candle flame. of the fuel.

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376 Part IV Combustion Evidence

O2 O2

Fuel + O2 CO2 + H2O etc.


Anoxic zone Little or no O2 pyrolysis

Max temperature = BP of liquid fuel


FIGURE 11.15 Burn patterns reflect heat flow as well as the

presence or absence of oxygen.

11.2.4 Mass Transfer

Figure 11.4 shows one aspect of mass transfer: the movement of atmospheric O2 and N2
to the combustion zone. This diffusion is driven by a concentration gradient, a process
aided by rising heated gases. As the heated products rise, surrounding air moves in to
fill the void. As these molecules approach the reaction zone, they collide with molecules
heated by the combustion, which increases the velocity of those heated molecules. This
is a simple view of how heat is conducted in the combustion zone.
Mass transfer and diffusion are also important considerations in evaluating how
well the fuel and oxidant mix. In a quiescent (quiet and not mixing) solution of water,
a drop of food coloring added will diffuse over time until it is equally distributed
throughout the liquid. This is another example of diffusion driven by a concentration
gradient. The same will happen in the gas phase. However, in combustion, the process
is more complex and dynamic. Consider the simple systems shown in Figure 11.16.
Heat transferred to the fuel imparts the energy needed to vaporize the fuel or its py-
rolysis products. These vapors diffuse away from the surface, a zone of high concentra-
tion. In the combustion zone, the fuel is consumed, as is oxygen, which diffuses inward
toward the combustion zone. Figure 11.17 illustrates two simple combustions and the
gradients created. The combustion zone approximates the concentration ratios shown
in Figure 11.16. The right frame shows a fire burning on a vertical surface such as a wall,
and the lower frame shows a pool fire, which would occur in an arson in which gaso-
line was used as an accelerant.

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Chapter 11 The Chemistry of Combustion and Arson 377

Optimal [fuel]
for combustion

0 Distance from surface
At surface

FIGURE 11.16 Concentration gradients of fuel and oxidant
as a function of distance. The [ ] notation refers to concentration.

Lean 21%
Concentration of

Concentration of
fuel vapors


Combustion zone Vertical
0 (solid)
0 Close Far
Distance from fuel surface

in air

Vapors in air
from fuel

Fuel Vapors generated
surface by pyrolysis of
fuel surface
FIGURE 11.17 Different views of the concentration gradients and the zones at which the
concentrations of the fuel and the oxidant support combustion. Figure 11.8 is superimposed
for reference.

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378 Part IV Combustion Evidence

Finally, in cases involving a poured liquid accelerant, mass transport of the fuel
occurs in a lateral direction, controlled by the characteristics of the surface. Gasoline on
a nonporous surface like concrete will diffuse easily, whereas gasoline on a porous sur-
face like wood or carpet will tend to be absorbed. As a result, porous and semiporous
surfaces should be sampled in depth, since the chances of finding residual accelerants
is increased in such cases.

Applying the Science 11.2 Spontaneous Combustion? Human Candles

One of the more persistent urban myths of forensic science is the belief that the human body
can somehow erupt into flame and rapidly burn down to ashes with no discernible ignition
source and nearly no peripheral burning. The material discussed in this chapter concerning
heat and mass transfer, fuelair ratios, flammability limits, and the conditions that must be met
for successful ignition are sufficient to debunk any ideas of spontaneous human combustion,
but the myth persists. To combat misperceptions, a series of experiments was conducted and
the results recently reported in the Journal of Forensic Sciences. The author noted that in most
cases of spontaneous human combustion, a source of ignition can be located, with cigarettes
being one common culprit. The mystery centers on how a body can burn with such ferocity (a
large Q value) and become incinerated while nearly all the furnitureeven furniture the vic-
tim is sitting onis barely damaged. One theory is the wick effect, in which the fat in a body
supplies a wick consisting of clothing to facilitate a long burn of a victim such that most of the
bodys mass is consumed as fuel, leaving little but small amounts of bone behind. The author
of the article cited here conducted experiments and monitored the heat of combustion of bio-
logical materials, including fat, tissue, bone, and an amputated leg. The results supported the
theory of the wick effect of human combustion, but not spontaneous human combustion.

Source: Reprinted, with permission, from Journal of Forensic Sciences, copyright ASTM International, 100 Bar
Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.


11.3.1 Flames
A common type of fire or flame is a laminar flame, meaning that the flame has definable
layers or regions. Within the laminar category, there are two familiar examples: a candle
and a Bunsen burner, shown in Figure 11.18. In a Bunsen burner, gaseous methane is
mixed with air and injected into the combustion zone. Hot gaseous products diffuse away
while atmospheric oxygen diffuses inward, creating a second region in which the fuelair
mixture is no longer in the same proportions as in the premix zone. In a candle, fuel is va-
porized and diffuses upward as oxygen diffuses inward. The regions in the candle flame
are defined by temperature. Pyrolyzed waxes form particulates (soot) that grow and rise.
Partial oxidation occurs, and any residual soot diffuses upward and outward as smoke. In
both cases, the flame is self-sustaining once ignited and burns until the fuel is exhausted.
A visible combustion wave is created if the fuel and oxidant gases are stationary,
as shown in Figure 11.19. A flame front is visible when, for example, a large puddle
of gasoline is ignited at one end and the flames propagate across the surface much as
waves on a pond propagate from the point where a stone is dropped into the water.
Typical flame velocities for a mixture of methane and air are in the range of approxi-
mately 15 to 45 cm/sec, depending on factors such as the fuelair ratio.4 In a candle
or Bunsen burner, the wave front is stationary because the gases are moving into and
out of the combustion zone. The combustion wave remains stationary because the un-
burned gas molecules are moving away at a rate equal to the burn rate.4 In simple com-
bustion (deflagration), the combustion wave never exceeds the speed of sound.

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Chapter 11 The Chemistry of Combustion and Arson 379

(residual soot)

O2 diffusion


Diffusion Heat
diffuse Soot formation
Fuel (diffusion)

Laminar Bunsen Laminar Candle

premix burner diffusion

FIGURE 11.18 A Bunsen

burner and a candle are
examples of laminar
Air CH4 flames.

fuel/air Heat, compression

Spark Fuelair mix


Combustion wave
~15 45 cm/s

FIGURE 11.19 A visible combustion wave

generated in an enclosed tube containing fuel
Products and oxidant.

As long as the fuelair mixture remains in the combustible range, the flame will
be self-sustaining. The events that bracket the flame event are initiation (ignition) and
quenching or suppression. The range of combustibility is referred to as the flammable
range and is defined as the fueloxidant ratios that permit steady propagation of the
flame. The lower end of the scale is called the lower flammability limit (LFL) or the
lean limit, whereas the upper range is the upper flammability limit (UFL) or rich limit.
The terms lower explosive limit and upper explosive limit (LEL and UEL, respec-
tively) are also used. Some examples are presented in Table 11.2.

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380 Part IV Combustion Evidence

TABLE 11.2 Example flammability limits (in air), % by volume

Fuel LFL (lean) UFL (rich)
Methane CH4 4.5 15
Propane C3H8 2.1 9.5
Butane C4H10 1.9 8.5
Acetylene C2H2 2.5 81
Hydrogen H2 4 75

Source: Hazardous Substances Database (HSDB,

You will note that in Table 11.2, the flammability limits are presented in volume %.
How could you use this data to assist in a fire investigation? This information is essen-
tial to deciding whether a combustible mixture could have existed in the right place and
at the right time to support combustion. For example, assume you are investigating a
fire that occurred in a small storage shed with dimensions of 4 ft 3 4 ft 3 6 ft. Inside the
destroyed shed, you find what is left of a propane bottle, labeled as containing 1 lb of
propane. Is it possible that the F/A ratio could have supported combustion? Having the
dimensions allows you to calculate the total volume of the shed:
4 ft 3 4 ft 3 6 ft 5 96 ft3
1 ft3 5 28.32 L
28.32 L
96 ft3 3 5 2718 L
1 ft3
Table 11.2 indicates that the flammability range of propane is 2.2%9.6% by volume. We
can use this information and the ideal gas law to estimate what these limits correspond
to in liters of propane. Initially, we will assume a temperature of 25C and a pressure of
1.0 atm:
0.022 3 2718 L 5 60 L
0.096 3 2718 L 5 261 L
These values provide an estimate of the volume of fuel that would have to be present.
Using the ideal gas law, we can estimate how many moles of propane these volumes
correspond to:
PV 1.0 atm 3 60 L
n5 5 5 2.4 mol at LFL
RT L # atm
0.0821 298 K
mol # K
PV 1.0 atm 3 261 L
n5 5 5 10.7 mol at UFL
RT L # atm
0.0821 298 K
mol # K
The molar mass of propane (C3H8) is 44.09 g/mol, and 1.0 lb = 453.59 g, so we can
convert the moles to pounds. Of course, you could convert the propane can weight to
grams as well; both approaches are valid.
44.01 g 1.0 lb
2.4 mol 3 3 5 0.2 lb
mol 453.59 g
44.01 g 1.0 lb
10.7 mol 3 3 5 1.0 lb
mol 453.59 g

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Chapter 11 The Chemistry of Combustion and Arson 381

The empty bottle was labeled as containing 1.0 lb of propane, indicating that the
contents released into the shed could have supported combustion. You will notice we
are being a bit cavalier about significant figures; there is a reason for this. This approach
is by its nature an estimate and does not consider many factors that would be important
in an arson investigation. For example, we made the implicit assumption that the shed
represented a closed system, all the propane left the bottle, and none of the contents
escaped the shed. We also estimated temperature and pressure. In this type of situa-
tion, all we are after is a reasonable and defensible answer to an investigative forensic
question: Could the propane have supported combustion? In this case, there was suffi-
cient propane to sustain combustion. However, this would represent a starting point for
further investigation, not the end. Alone, this calculation would not prove or disprove
arson, but it would provide investigators with important information.
As demonstrated and discussed already, many other variables will alter the fuel/
air ratio that exists in a given place at a given time. Because the fuel and oxidant are
gases, pressure and temperature are among the most important variables to be consid-
ered in a fire investigation. For example, the higher the temperature, the wider is the
flammable range. In arson cases, homogeneous mixtures rarely exist, and the relative
densities of materials become critical factors, as shown in Figure 11.20.
The weighted-average formula weight of air is taken to be approximately 29 g/mol.
The relative weight of hydrogen 1 H2; formula weight FW , 2 2 is therefore 2/29, or
about 0.07. If hydrogen is released into the air, it rapidly dissipates upward and away
from the release point. Conversely, gasoline vapors tend to sink. If gasoline is crudely
represented by n-octane 1 C8H18, FW , 114 2 , the weight ratio relative to air is 114/29,
or ,3.9. Therefore, in a quiescent or nearly quiescent environment, fuel vapors
disperse according to their weight and density. This phenomenon is illustrated in
Figure 11.20.
The presence of vapors within the explosive limits is a necessary condition for
combustion to occur, but it is not a sufficient one. The initial Ea barrier must be over-
come, and the energy to do so is supplied by an ignition source that must have suffi-
cient energy available and that must remain in contact with the flammable mixture long
enough to ignite it. In arson investigations, the ignition source is called an incendiary
device, such as a match, a cigarette, or a more sophisticated apparatus. As demonstrated
in Figure 11.20, this device must also be in the right place at the right time. In that ex-
ample, gasoline has been poured down the basement stairs and enough time has passed
that a stratification has developed in this closed, quiescent system. The gasoline vapors,
which are heavier than air, move lower in the room and create a rich layer near the floor.
Someone wanting to ignite the mixture would have to place the incendiary device in the
flammable region. A match tossed to the floor would not work because the mixture is too
rich, and a spark at the top of the stairs would fail because there the mixture is too lean.
In addition, the incendiary device would have to produce sufficient energy to initiate the

poured down the stairs
FIGURE 11.20 In a quiescent or nearly quiescent environ-
ment, the density of the fuel relative to the atmosphere
will dictate the places where fuel vapors accumulate and
Flammable Liquid the zones where combustion is supported. In this example,
gasoline which is heavier than air, will settle into a pattern
such as shown here, with the zone next to the floor being
relatively rich and the zone at the level of the can being
relatively lean.

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382 Part IV Combustion Evidence

reaction and would have to be in contact with the reaction mixture long enough to en-
sure the combustion had become self-sustaining. The energy needed to ignite a mixture
is usually thermal. Kinetic energy is transferred to the reactants via collisions among the
molecules of the mixture. The collisions may be instantaneous, as in the case of someone
using a striker and spark to ignite a Bunsen burner, but even the biggest spark will not
ignite a mixture that will not support combustion. In other cases, ignition takes much
more time, as when a smoldering cigarette is placed between the cushions of a couch.
With explosives, pressure can provide sufficient energy for combustion.

11.3.2 Fire Dynamics

A fire is a time-dependent event that has definable phases and dynamics. After igni-
tion, a fire will grow until it reaches a steady state that depends on the amounts of fuel
and oxidant available in the given environment. In the steady state, the fire triangle
requirements of fueloxidantheat are met, and the fire burns steadily. As one or more
of the key ingredients dissipates, the fire begins to decay and is eventually quenched,
although destruction and residual heat linger after the flame itself goes out. Of course,
the behavior of any given fire will be more complex even while it follows this general
model. How a fire behaves during its lifetime has important consequences for the fire
investigator and the forensic chemist. The dynamics of a fire will depend on all the fac-
tors described so far, which combine to make each fire event unique, although some
generalizations can be made.
In an arson fire, there are one or more points of origin for the fire, and an understand-
ing of fire dynamics is essential to locating these points. As noted earlier, conventional fires
are diffusion types in which heated gases move upward and outward from the combus-
tion zone. Such flames are also referred to as buoyant flames, since the heated
gases are less dense, and thus more buoyant, than the unheated gases.
Gases Heat Consequently, flames burn in plumes that can leave distinctive physical
and chemical evidence. A simple buoyant flame is shown in the top frame
O2 of Figure 11.21. Since the hot gases are moving upward and outward, a
V-shaped burn pattern on adjacent surfaces is often observed. Given that
a fire usually burns the longest at the point of origin, the V pattern often
marks this spot. If the fire burns in an enclosed room, a ceiling jet will form
in which the hot gases and smoke are forced outward.
If the fire is sufficiently intense, flashover may occur. In a fire in an en-
closed room, for example, flashover is the point at which all the flammable
vapors in the room ignite. A fire started in a corner can generate enough heat
and vapors from furniture, paint, and flooring that the entire room erupts in
flame, and what was a fire burning in one or more isolated locations becomes
Plume region
Ceiling jet generalized. Flames extend out through openings, and windows can be bro-
ken out by the sudden creation of hot gaseous combustion products. If the
room is tightly enclosed, flames may subside to a smoldering state that can
erupt again if a door or window is suddenly opened, allowing oxygen in. A
FIGURE 11.21 Examples of fire similar situation can result if a fire only smolders in an enclosed space, deplet-
dynamics that produce distinctive ing oxygen over time without the telltale flames. A door opened in this situa-
patterns. tion can cause immediate flashover in a room rich in fuel vapors. Flashover is
a significant danger to firefighters and first responders to fire scenes.


During the years 20032007, more than 53,000 intentionally set fires were reported in
the United States, causing 387 deaths, and more than $900 million in property dam-
age. Half of these were set in homes, and 8% of residential fires were intentionally set.5

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Chapter 11 The Chemistry of Combustion and Arson 383

Intentionally set fires, or arson, usually involve an accelerant of some type, as well as
an incendiary device used to ignite it, and these two components create the physical
evidence forensic chemists work with. Arson fires are also referred to as incendiary
fires. For fires set in homes, a bedroom was the most common point of origin; fires set
in public buildings were usually started in bathrooms. From a law enforcement point of
view, arson is a difficult crime to clear; in 2008, only 18% of arson cases were cleared by
arrest or other means. Nearly half of those arrested were under 18, and 3% were under
10 years of age.5,6
One of the challenges of fire investigation is the classification of a fire as natu-
ral, accidental, or incendiary (arson). Fire investigators utilize evidence at the scene,
as well as forensic analysis, to make such determinations. One of the most important
pieces of information required in making a determination of arson is the location of
the point or points of origin of the fire. Multiple points of origin are strongly indicative
of an intentionally set fire, whereas a point of origin at an electrical outlet suggests an
accidental fire. As discussed in Section 11.3, the behavior of a fire creates predictable
damage that is useful in locating a point of origin. Although such fire and fire scene
investigations are critical in determinations of arson, we will focus on the chemical
analysis aspects of fire and arson investigation. The former is fire investigation; the lat-
ter is forensic chemistry.

11.4.1 Accelerants and Incendiary Devices

An accelerant is anything that is intentionally placed at a scene to start and sustain a fire.
Accelerants can be solids (wood, paper, road flares), liquids (gasoline), or gases (natural
gas, propane). Although a gaseous accelerant will not leave chemical residues, there
will always be physical evidence related to the container used to hold or deliver it. For
example, if bottled propane is used to start a fire, the bottle will remain even though the
propane will not. As with any type of combustion, fuel, oxidant, and a source of igni-
tion are required, and the forensic chemist will be concerned with two of these three:
the fuel, such as an accelerant, and the incendiary device. The latter can be as simple
as a match, a candle, or a smoldering cigarette. More complex devices are also seen;
however, we will focus on the analysis of accelerants, since they represent the bulk of
the casework seen by forensic chemists. The most common accelerants are liquid petro-
leum distillate products. Also frequently seen as physical evidence are gasoline, kero-
sene, and diesel fuel.
As the name implies, petroleum distillates are extracted from crude oil by
distillation. The process shown in Figure 11.22 is one of many available, but for our
purposes, it is the most useful because of the parallels between distillation and gas
chromatography. As shown in the figure, crude oil is introduced into the cracking
tower and heated to about 350C, volatilizing much of its content. The vapors rise,
cool, and condense, whereupon they are collected on plates and removed. The heavi-
er fractions, such as diesel and kerosene, are collected lower in the tower than are
gasolines and fuel gases. The separation is not complete, and each fraction collected
consists of a mixture of hydrocarbon components with similar boiling points. This
separation is re-created on a small scale when samples are analyzed by gas chroma-
tography, which separates components on the basis of their volatility and preferential
partitioning on a solid phase.

Recall that one measure of the efficiency of a chromatographic column is the number of theoretical plates.
This analogy is drawn from distillation: the more collection plates in the column, the more effective is the
separation. The maximum number of plates (N) is achieved when the distance between them (i.e., the smallest
possible height of a plate, HETP) is minimized.

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384 Part IV Combustion Evidence

11.4.2 Forensic Analysis of Fire Debris

The most frequently encountered accelerants are
Fuel gases readily available petroleum distillates such as gas-
(propane, butane, etc.) oline, jet fuel, and kerosene. ASTM has published
a classification for ignitable liquids that is widely
used as part of the forensic analysis of fire debris;
a summary is presented in Table 11.3. Each class is
further subdivided into three groups based on car-
Cracking bon chain length, which correlates with volatility.
tower As we will see shortly, volatility plays an important
role in laboratory analysis.
Fire debris evidence is collected in coated
Gasolines paint cans of various sizes with a predrilled hole
Collecting sealed with a septum. The debris is placed loosely
plates in the can, leaving plenty of headspace above. As
Kerosene with all paint cans, the can is closed by pounding
the lid into the metal lip. This creates an airtight
seal that traps vapors, including any residual vola-
Light gas oil tile accelerants. Table 11.4 and Figure 11.23 summa-
rize existing ASTM-recommended protocols for fire
debris preparation and analysis. They also summa-
rize the evolution of sample preparation methods
Crude oil Heavy gas oil over the past decades. The first protocols used in-
volved steam distillation. Fire debris (slightly wet)
is transferred to a distillation apparatus, and heat
is applied. As the vapors rise in the distillation col-
Heat umn they are cooled and condense, dropping into
a collection thimble. Any petroleum products col-
FIGURE 11.22 Thermal distillation of crude oil. The oil is lect as a layer atop water. This approach is effective
heated, volatilizing most of the components, which then con- in separating and concentrating accelerants but is
dense as they cool. Fractions are collected that consist of a mix of time consuming and relatively aggressive, meaning
hydrocarbons with similar boiling points. that more volatile components can be lost.
The next development in sample preparation
was solvent extraction of fire debris with pentane
and carbon disulfide (CS2). Solvent is added to the evidence, collected, and concen-
trated into a small volume (about 15 mL). Both pentane and (CS2) are nonpolar and
well suited to solvation of petroleum hydrocarbons, but both also have limitations.
Pentane is extremely volatile, so care must be taken to ensure that the solvent extract
does not go to dryness. If it does, the lighter fractions will be lost along with the pen-
tane. Carbon disulfide is not as volatile, but it is relatively toxic and has a foul odor.
Additionally, solvent extraction, like steam distillation, is relatively aggressive and can
result in a loss of the more volatile fractions of residual accelerants.
Currently, the favored methods of sample preparation are based on headspace
(Chapter 5, section 5.2 and Chapter 10, 10.3.3). The headspace may be heated or
unheated, passive or active. All headspace methods involve concentrating volatiles
into a solid phase by adsorption. The effect is the same as a solvent extraction: tar-
get analytes are extracted from the fire debris matrix and concentrated on the adsor-
bent. Generically, this protocol is called trapping, and in the case of fire debris, the trap
is made of charcoal. In simple passive methods, a polymer strip coated with charcoal is
dangled above the fire debris, and the evidence can be resealed. Gentle heating drives
the volatiles into the vapor phase, from which they move via diffusion to the charcoal,
where they are adsorbed. At the end of the heating time, the charcoal strip is removed

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Chapter 11 The Chemistry of Combustion and Arson 385

TABLE 11.3 Classification of Ignitable Liquids (after ASTM)

Class Light (C4C9) Medium (C8C13) Heavy (C8+)
Gasoline Primarily C42C12
Petroleum distillates Pet ether Lighter Charcoal starter fluids Kerosene, diesel oil
fluids (butane)
Isoparaffinics Aviation gas (av gas) Paint thinners, copier Specialty solvents
Aromatics Toluenes and xylenes, Degreasers, specialty Industrial cleaning
degreasers cleaning agents, fuel solvents
Naphthenic paraffins Cyclohexane-based Lamp oils Lamp oils, industrial
solvents solvents
n-Alkanes Solvents to heptane Candle oils Copier toners
De-aromatized Camp stove fuels Some paint thinners Odorless kerosenes
Oxygenated solvents Ketones, lacquers Metal cleaners
Miscellaneous Blends Turpentines Specialty products

Source: ASTM Standard E 1618, Test Method for Ignitable Liquid Residues in Extracts from Fire Debris
Samples by ChromatographyMass Spectrometry.

and extracted with a solvent such as CS2. Active or dynamic headspace (DHS), also
called purge-and-trap, is a methodology widely used in environmental analysis. In
DHS, an inert gas constantly flows through the heated container, carrying volatiles
downstream to a trap. Because the equilibrium is constantly disturbed by removal of

TABLE 11.4 ASTM Standards Relevant to Fire Debris Analysis

Number (E-) Title and Subject
1385 Standard Practice for Separation and Concentration of Ignitable Liquid
Residues from Fire Debris Samples by Steam Distillation
1386 Practice for the Separation and Concentration of Ignitable Liquid Residues from
Fire Debris Samples by Solvent Extraction
1387 Test Method for Ignitable Liquid Residues in Extracts from Fire Debris Samples
by Gas Chromatography
1388 Practices for Sampling of Headspace Vapors from Fire Debris Samples
1389 Cleanup of Fire Debris Samples Extracts by Acid Strippinga
1412 Practice for Separation of Ignitable Liquid Residues from Fire Debris
Samples by Passive Headspace Concentration with Activated Charcoal
1413 Practice for Separation and Concentration for Ignitable Liquid Residues for Fire
Debris Samples by Dynamic Headspace Concentration
1618 Test Method for Ignitable Liquid Residues in Extracts from Fire Debris Samples
by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
2154 Practice for Separation of Ignitable Liquid Residues from Fire Debris Samples by
Passive Headspace Concentration with Solid Phase Microextraction
Used to remove nitrogenous and oxygenated species from a prepared extract.

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386 Part IV Combustion Evidence

E1385 Steam distillation


Solvent Pentane, CS2

Debris Concentrate

E1386 Solvent extraction

Headspace GC-FID
Sample GC-MS

Heat E1388 Headspace vapors

Heat E1412 Passive headspace absorption/elution

Extraction GC-MS

Heat E1413 Dynamic headspace purgeandtrap/elution


E2154 Solid-phase microextraction

FIGURE 11.24 The types of con-

FIGURE 11.23 Depiction of the sample preparations used in analyzing tainers used to collect fire debris
fire debris. samples.

M11_BELL5753_02_SE_C11.indd 386 11/19/11 5:00 PM

Chapter 11 The Chemistry of Combustion and Arson 387

product, the volatiles are efficiently extracted and trapped. Solvents are used to desorb
the sample traps. DHS methods are particularly effective with low concentrations of
residual accelerants.

analytes (debris) d
S analytes (vapor)
Another passive method of vapor preconcentration is solid phase microextrac-
tion (SPME). The procedure is much like that used for the charcoal strip, except that
other adsorbents are used to coat the silica needle. The needle can be directly intro-
duced into the gas chromatograph for thermal desorption, or a solvent extraction can be
employed.7 An added advantage of SPME is versatility: The fiber can be immersed in
an aqueous matrix if the fire debris is waterlogged. Currently, ASTM lists as a screening
technique standard E 2154-01, but high sensitivity and a solventless approach make the
SPME method increasingly attractive. A chromatogram of the same sample prepared
by different methods is presented in Figure 11.25. Note the peak to the far left on the
lower two frames, attributable to the solvent used in the extraction. Detection was with
a flame ionization detector (FID), and the sample was gasoline on charred carpet.
No matter what sample preparation method is used, discrimination occurs, and
there are inherent limitations. Analyses of fire debris samples are designed to detect a
wide range of compounds and, as a result, are not optimized for any one compound.
Headspace methods will be biased toward the more volatile materials, even under con-
ditions of gentle heating. Excessively aggressive heating can drive off the more vol-
atile fractions, so heating temperature is limited and typically falls into the range of
approximately 70C. The efficiency of a solvent extraction, like any other partitioning,
will depend on the relative polarities of the solutes and solvent; in a complex hydrocar-
bon mixture, discrimination is inevitable, and some compounds will be desorbed more
efficiently than others. Similarly, not all components of an accelerant will be adsorbed
with equal efficiency onto charcoal or other solid phases.8 These caveats do not mean
that the methods are fatally flawed, but they do mean that the limitations of each tech-
nique must be understood and that validated methods are essential. In the case of fire
debris, the conditions that are optimal for the collection of gasoline components are
likely not optimal for heavy distillates, and vice versa; the discrepancy is even more
critical when nonpetroleum products, such as methyl ethyl ketones or industrial clean-
ing solvents, are involved. However, keep in mind that the transfer (from debris to in-
strument) does not have to be 100% efficient for every compound that might be in the
matrix. Rather, the transfer of each target compound must be in an acceptable range and
also must be reproducible. The analysis of fire debris is qualitative, not quantitative,
and is based on pattern matching, not the presence or absence of any one component.
As we will see, pattern matching is widely used in materials analysis as well.
Regardless of the type of sample preparation, the instrumental method employed
for fire debris analysis is gas chromatography, coupled to either a flame ionization de-
tector or a mass spectrometer. Unlike other chromatographic methods used in forensic
chemistry, the primary goal (in most cases) is to recognize patterns rather than identify
specific compounds. The pattern of gasoline (Figure 11.25) differs significantly from the
pattern of diesel fuel (Figure 11.26, bottom frame), which is composed of heavier and less
volatile hydrocarbons. With the use of mass spectrometry, the patterns can be further
analyzed to identify significant groups of compounds within a sample, such as aromat-
ics, alkanes, and branched alkanes.911 In addition to recognizing patterns and groups
of compounds, the analyst must consider environmental factors. Accelerants undergo
weathering, and their composition changes over time. The changes are predictable in
that the more volatile a compound is, the more quickly it will be lost. For gasolines, then,
weathering is more of an issue than it is for diesel fuel. Understanding weathering and
the analysis of weathered samples is essential to interpreting analytical results.

M11_BELL5753_02_SE_C11.indd 387 11/19/11 5:00 PM

388 Part IV Combustion Evidence


FIGURE 11.25 Comparison

of recovery by three heated
headspace enrichment
methods. Sample: Fire debris
sample, gasoline on a charred

matrix of carpet and carpet 55

padding (Instrument 1). Top:
SPME, Carboxen/PDMS fiber
(70C, 3 min extraction). Mid-
dle: Static headspace enrich-
ment (90C, 16 h extraction). 0
Bottom: Dynamic headspace
enrichment (80C, 15 min
extraction). Reprinted with
permission from Ren, Q., and 55
W. Bertsch, A Comprehensive
Sample Preparation Scheme
for Accelerants in Suspect
Arson Cases. Journal of
Forensic Sciences 44 (1999): 0
50415. Copyright 1999, ASTM 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
International. Min

Also essential in any fire debris analysis is the collection and analysis of background
samples (matrix controls).1213 For example, if debris suspected of containing an accelerant
is collected on a carpet, samples of undamaged carpet should be collected as well, if at all
possible. Carpeting is manufactured from synthetic fibers (Chapter 16), the raw materials
of which are polymers, many derived from petroleum products. As seen in Figure 11.26,
many common materials produce patterns that could be confused with accelerants. The
data shown in this figure were collected by means of passive headspacecharcoal strips
and heating at 80C for 16 hours. The instrument used was a GC-MS, but the patterns of
the total ion chromatogram (TIC) are comparable to patterns that would be obtained from
a GC-FID. The figure illustrates the vital nature of controls in fire debris analysis.


An officer submitting fire debris requests that you analyze it for the presence of gasoline with
ethanol. Would you use GC-FID or GC-MS?

GC-MS. The FID detector would respond to ethanol (it is widely used for blood alcohol analy-
sis), but the response is not specific. Because a complex pattern of peaks would be expected
from such a sample, it would be difficult to definitively identify one as ethanol, although it
would likely be one of the earliest eluting peaks. A mass spectrometer could provide definitive
identification of ethanol via the compounds mass spectrum coupled with retention time data
and comparison to reference ethanol standards.

M11_BELL5753_02_SE_C11.indd 388 11/19/11 5:00 PM

Chapter 11 The Chemistry of Combustion and Arson 389

Mineral Spirits

T1C C11

C10 C12

Time 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0

Tung Oil Furniture Polish

T1C C11


Time 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0

Paste Shoe Polish

T1C C10 C11


Time 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0

WD 40 Spray Lubricant

T1C C10

C9 C11

Time 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0

Raid Insecticide

T1C C12C13
C11 C14

Time 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0

Lemon Oil Furniture Polish

T1C C17 C18

C19 FIGURE 11.26 An illustration
C16 of why control samples are criti-
C15 C20 cal in fire debris analysis. Many
of the patterns shown here are
Time 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 similar to accelerant patterns.
Total ion chromatograms of
Diesel Fuel common household products
compared with mineral spirits
T1C C17 and diesel fuel. Reprinted with
C18 permission from Lentini, J. J.,
C16 et al., The Petroleum-Laced
C14 C15 C19
Background, Journal of Forensic
Sciences 45 (2000): 96889. Copy-
Time 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 right 2000, ASTM International.

M11_BELL5753_02_SE_C11.indd 389 11/19/11 5:00 PM

390 Part IV Combustion Evidence

Whereas identifying residual accelerants is a well-developed forensic protocol,

classifying an accelerant beyond gasoline, diesel fuel, and the like is a difficult or impos-
sible task. Part of the difficulty is attributable to weathering and environmental factors,
part to the mass-production nature of distillates such as gasoline. Attempts have been
made to allow for greater discrimination by targeting compounds other than hydrocar-
bons, such as oxygenates. Ethanol is added to many gasoline formulations on a seasonal
basis, so identifying ethanol in a solvent mixture could provide valuable investigatory
information. Oxygenates are added to gasoline for similar reasons, to increase the oxy-
gen balance and improve the efficiency of combustion. Ethanol is a common oxygenate
in gasoline and is suitably volatile for headspace detection methods.

From flame to bomb, the underlying chemistry of apply to intentionally set fires in arson. We also dis-
combustion is the same: a rapid oxidative decompo- cussed how forensic analytical chemistry approaches
sition that produces large volumes of hot expanding arson investigations, taking advantage of the volatile
gases. A slower reaction front produces deflagration, nature of many accelerants. In the next chapter, we
whereas a rapid and confined mixture can detonate. will move into the chemistry and evidence associated
In this chapter, we discussed combustion chemistry with firearms.
generically and then focused on how these principles

Key Terms and Concepts

Accelerant 378 Lean mixture 369 Pyrolysis (combustion
Adiabatic combustion 367 Lower flammability limit reactions) 375
Buoyant flame 375 (LFL) 379 Rich mixture 369
Cracking 383 Mass transfer 375 Saltpeter 360
Deflagration 360 Matrix controls 388 Stoichiometric equivalence
Detonation 360 Oxygen balance 371 (STE) 368
Fuel/air ratio (F/A) 369 Petroleum distillate 383 Upper flammability limit
Incendiary device 381 Points of origin 382 (UFL) 379
Laminar flame 378 Propellants 360 Weathering 387

FROM THE CHAPTER with a mixture of about 94% NH4NO3 and 6% fuel oil.
What is the approximate oxygen balance of fuel oil?
1. Suppose that 1.00 gram of nitroglycerin is used in a 4. Three compounds that have been used as fuel in cars
firearm as a propellant. Suppose also that combustion and racing cars are ethanol, nitromethane (CH3NO2),
is 100% efficient and that 65% of the chemical energy is and gasoline. Using octane as representative of gasoline,
transferred to a bullet that weighs 115 grains. How fast calculate the following quantities for each compound:
will the bullet be moving? Will it exceed the speed of DH of combustion per mole of the fuel, moles of gas pro-
sound? duced per mole of fuel at 25C and 1 atm pressure, Q pro-
2. How is a shotgun like a pipe bomb in terms of energy duced per gram of fuel, liters of gas produced per gram
conversion? How is it different? of fuel at 25C and 1 atm, and the QV value. Assume that
3. ANFO is a powerful explosive mixture containing am- all components are in the gas phase. Which fuel would
monium nitrate and fuel oil. It was used in the 1995 be the best choice based on these considerations? You
bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in may need to look up some heat of formation values.
Oklahoma City. Optimal power, related to Q, is obtained

M11_BELL5753_02_SE_C11.indd 390 11/19/11 5:00 PM

Chapter 11 The Chemistry of Combustion and Arson 391

5. Through a balanced equation of combustion, calcu- high school welding shop. You call the supplier and
late the oxygen balance of the following compounds. learn that a full tank contains 25 lb of acetylene. The
Assume that the combustion is complete and produces shop teacher says the tank was new and barely used.
fully oxygenated species. Estimate the LFL and UFL in pounds and determine if
a) Ammonium nitrate a combustible mixture would be supported. Assume 1.0
b) HMX (Octogen) atm pressure and a typical indoor temperature of 25C.
c) Picric acid 10. Is SPME a destructive analysis? Justify your answer.
6. The propellant used in the solid rocket boosters dur- 11. Two common solvents used in clandestine drug labo-
ing the space shuttle program was based on aluminum ratories are diethyl ether and acetone. Being less than
metal and ammonium perchlorate. If these were the vigilant in laboratory and safety practices, clandestine
only two ingredients, what composition would pro- chemists often work with leaky equipment. If a person
duce a net zero oxygen balance? was brought to an emergency room under suspicious
7. Assume that the two main ingredients in a gunpowder circumstances, where would you predict the burn pat-
formulation are nitrocellulose (NC) and nitroglycerin terns on the persons body to be most pronounced if
(NG). If these were the only active ingredients, what he or she was injured by a fire or explosion at a clan-
composition would produce a net zero oxygen balance? destine laboratory?
Assume that the oxygen balance of NC is 24%.
8. According to the UFL and LFL for flammables listed in
Table 11.2, which would be better choices for setting
an arson fire based strictly on these criteria? Why? 1. Hydrogen is billed as the fuel of the future for au-
9. You are called to a fire scene in which the point of origin tomobiles. A popular misconception, mostly owing to
appears to be in a restroom in a high school. The dimen- films of the Hindenburg disaster, is that cars that store
sions of the room are 25 ft 3 10 ft 3 10 ft. In one corner, hydrogen as fuel will be more likely to explode in an
you find the burned remains of a small tank labeled accident than current cars that use gasoline. Why is this
acetylene that appears to have been stolen from the a misconception?

Further Reading
Akhavan, J. Thermochemistry of Explosives. Chap. 5 in Kelly, J. Gunpowder: Alchemy, Bombards, and Pyrotechnics:
The Chemistry of Explosives. Cambridge, U.K.: Royal The History of the Explosive That Changed the World. New
Society of Chemistry, 1998. York: Basic Books, 2004.
Almirall, J. R., and K. G. Furton, eds. Analysis and Mark, P., and L. Sandercock. Fire Investigation and Ignitable
Interpretation of Fire Scene Evidence. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Liquid Residue AnalysisA Review: 20012007. Forensic
Press, 2004. Science International 176, nos. 23 (2008): 93110.
DeHann, J. D., Kirks Fire Investigation, 7th ed. Upper Saddle Meyer, R., J. Kohler, and A. Homburg. Explosives, 6th ed.
River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2011. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2007.
Dolan, J. Recent Advances in the Applications of Forensic Pert, A. D., M. G. Baron, and J. W. Birkett. Review of
Science to Fire Debris Analysis. Analytical and Analytical Techniques for Arson Residues. Journal of
Bioanalytical Chemistry 376, no. 8 (2003): 116871. Forensic Sciences 51, no. 5 (2006): 103349.
Glassman, I. Combustion, 3d ed. San Diego: Academic Press, Turns, S. R. An Introduction to Combustion, 2d ed. Boston:
1996. McGraw-Hill, 2000.

1. Akhavan, J. Thermochemistry of Explosives. Chap. 5 3. Turns, S. R. Some Important Chemical Mechanisms.
in The Chemistry of Explosives. Cambridge, U.K.: Royal Chap. 5 in Introduction to Combustion: Concepts and
Society of Chemistry, 1998. Applications, 2d ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2000.
2. Turns, S. R. Laminar Premixed Flames. Chap. 8 in 4. Gamboa, J. A., et al. Rate Controlling Factors in a
Introduction to Combustion: Concepts and Applications, 2d Bunsen Burner Flame. Journal of Chemical Education 80
ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2000. (2003): 52428.

M11_BELL5753_02_SE_C11.indd 391 11/19/11 5:00 PM

392 Part IV Combustion Evidence

5. NFPA. 2011. An Overview of the U.S. Fire Problem. 9. Dolan, J. A., and Stauffer, E. Aromatic Content in
National Fire Protections Association, 2010. Available Medium Range Petroleum Distillate ProductsPart I:
from An Examination of Various Liquids. Journal of Forensic
FireOverview.pdf. Accessed January 2011; Sciences 49 (2004): 9921004;
6. NFPA. 2011. Intentional Fires Fact Sheet . National 10. Gilbert, M. W. The Use of Individual Extracted Ion
Fire Protections Association, June 2010. Available Profiles versus Summed Extracted Ion Profiles in Fire
from Debris Analysis. Journal of Forensic Sciences 43 (1998):
FireOverview.pdf. Accessed January 2011. 87176.
7. Harris, A. C., and J. F. Wheeler. GCMS of Ignitable 11. Wallace, J. R. GC/MS Data from Fire Debris Samples:
Liquids Using Solvent-Desorbed SPME for Automated Intepretation and Applications. Journal of Forensic
Analysis. Journal of Forensic Sciences 48 (2003): 4146. Sciences 44 (1999): 9961012.
8. Lloyd, J. A., and P. L. Edmiston. Preferential Extraction 12. Lentini, J. J. Persistence of Floor Coating Solvents.
of Hydrocarbons from Fire Debris Samples by Solid Journal of Forensic Sciences 46 (2001): 147073.
Phase Microextraction. Journal of Forensic Sciences 48 13. Lentini, J. J., et al. The Petroleum-Laced Background.
(2003): 13034. Journal of Forensic Sciences 45 (2000): 96889.

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