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An Example of An Argumentative Essay

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An Example Of An Argumentative Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "An Example Of An Argumentative Essay" can be a challenging task,
as it involves a careful balance between presenting a clear argument and supporting it with relevant
evidence. The difficulty lies in constructing a coherent and persuasive narrative that not only
conveys your perspective but also anticipates and addresses potential counterarguments.

To begin with, choosing a compelling thesis statement is crucial. This requires a deep understanding
of the topic and a clear stance on the issue at hand. Crafting a thesis that is both specific and
debatable is essential to set the tone for the rest of the essay.

Next, the body of the essay demands meticulous research and organization. Finding credible sources
to support your argument is a time-consuming process, and critically analyzing these sources to
extract relevant information adds an additional layer of complexity. Balancing the presentation of
evidence, counterarguments, and your own perspective requires finesse to maintain a coherent flow.

The structure of an argumentative essay requires careful consideration as well. Each paragraph
should seamlessly connect to the next, with a logical progression of ideas that builds a persuasive
case. Transitions and topic sentences become critical tools to guide the reader through your

Moreover, addressing opposing viewpoints is an integral part of the essay. Anticipating and refuting
counterarguments demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic and enhances the overall
persuasiveness of your position. This, however, demands a keen analytical mind and the ability to
empathize with alternative perspectives.

Finally, the conclusion should summarize the main points and restate the thesis in a compelling way,
leaving a lasting impression on the reader. Achieving a balance between summarization and leaving
a thought-provoking final statement is a challenging task in itself.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "An Example Of An Argumentative Essay" demands a
combination of research skills, critical thinking, and eloquent expression. The difficulty lies not only
in presenting a convincing argument but also in crafting a well-structured, cohesive essay that
engages the reader from start to finish.

For those who find the process challenging, assistance is available. Similar essays and much more
can be ordered on , where professionals can provide guidance and support to
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An Example Of An Argumentative Essay An Example Of An Argumentative Essay

Literature Study On Six Sigma
Literature Study

Six Sigma
Six Sigma is a household name in the world of industry. Six Sigma is a union of of
methods and instruments that are created for one sole purpose process improvement. An
engineer named Bill Smith, who worked at the cellphone company, Motorola, in 1986,
first initiated this principle. 9 years later, Jack Welch from General Electric made Six
Sigma central to his business strategy.
The name Six Sigma was originated from the Greek letter sigma, which has a function of
denoting variation from a certain standard. In statistics, the word sigma measures how
much is the distance of a certain process with perfection. The main idea of Six Sigma is
that if the defects or flaws of a certain process can be defined, then it is certain that the
aforementioned defects and flaws can be eliminated in order to achieve perfection or the
stage of zero defects . In order to achieve the aforementioned goal, a process must be
able to produce no more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. An opportunity in this
case is defined as a moment of ... Show more content on ...
The meaning behind the 80/20 rule is that 20% of the problems in a certain process hold
the key to 80% of the impact. The manager and the team of a certain company use Pareto
Analysis in order to achieve the perfect, no defect production process. Pareto Analysis is
efficient to use because Pareto Analysis quickly directs the focus of the analysts on the
key causes of certain problem. Therefore, Pareto Analysis is the right tool to use when
the company has limited resources, because the resources will not be allocated to means
with less significant meaning. However, Pareto Analysis requires trained personnel and
data, because without those, Pareto Analysis will not be able to be conducted. In a
nutshell, Pareto Analysis is an analytical tool that allows analysts to focus on the vital
few factors in order to gain massive improvement in the
Elizabeth I And Two Miscarriages
Anne Boleyn
Born: Possibly end of May or early June between 1501 and 1507, specific date unknown.
Probably born at Blickling (Norfolk).
Parents: Sir Thomas Boleyn, Courtier and Diplomat, and Elizabeth, daughter of the Duke
of Norfolk.
Siblings: George Boleyn and Mary Boleyn.
Married: Henry VIII of England. Married 25th January 1533, probably at the Palace of
Whitehall. Divorced by her execution on the 19th of May 1936.
Children: Elizabeth I and two miscarriages.
Died: 19th May 1536, Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula, at the Tower of London.

Brief Summary
(Write a brief summary of there life. Highlight the key areas of their life)
Her childhood was spent as the lady in waiting for the Archduchess Margaret before
going to the French court and becoming the lady in waiting for Queen Mary, Henry VIII
s younger sister. After the death of Louis her services went to Claude for seven years
before returning to England in 1522, where a short betrothal was arranged that fell
through eventually. She becomes a lady in waiting for Catherine of Aragon. After gaining
the attention of Henry VIII she refuses to become his mistress like her sister had. Her
family and her are showered in gifts and titles. Anne wanted the marriage annulled as she
wanted to be Queen before giving in to her but showed a vile temper when it took a long
time due to the disagreement with the Pope Clement VII. Anne made many enemies at
court due to her behaviour and the way she was given preferential treatment even
Loss of Faith and Religion in Ellie Wiesel’s Night Essay
The Holocaust survivor Abel Herzberg has said, There were not six million Jews
murdered; there was one murder, six million times. The Holocaust is one of the most
horrific events in the history of mankind, consisting of the genocide of Jews,
homosexuals, gypsies, mentally handicapped and many others during World War II.
Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany, and his army of Nazis and SS troops
carried out the terrible proceedings of the Holocaust. Elie Wiesel is a Jewish survivor of
the Nazi death camps, and suffers a relentless night of terror and torture in which humans
were treated as animals. Wiesel discovers the Kingdom of Night (118), in which the
history of the Jewish people is altered. This is Wiesel s dark time ... Show more content
on ...
He and his father attend services at temple regularly, pray, and study the history of the
Jewish people. He is fond of the Jewish religion and wishes to study Kabbalah, which is
an ancient Jewish tradition that teaches the deepest insights into the essence of God, His
interaction with the world, and the purpose of creation. This is very strange for a boy to
study, and because of this his father won t find him a teacher, You are too young for that.
Maimonides tells us that one must be thirty before venturing into the world of mysticism,
a world fraught with peril (4). Frustrated and determined to find a teacher to teach him
the mysticism of the world, Wiesel meets Moishe the Beatle, I succeeded on my own in
finding a master for myself in the person of Moishe the Beatle (4). Moishe asks Wiesel
provoking questions about the religion and praying to deepen his knowledge, Why did I
live? Why did I breathe? (4). Even when Wiesel is in the ghetto, he still has faith and is
completely orthodox. Because Wiesel is extremely dedicated to his study of the Jewish
religion, it is harder for him to lose it during the horrible and horrifying events of the
Holocaust, I continued to devote myself to my studies. Talmud during the day and
Kabbalah at night (8). In conclusion, Wiesel is a deep believer in God and the Jewish
religion, and because of this it is harder for him to lose it during the Holocaust.
Faith is trusting God for your safety,
Analysis Of The Story Shenzhen
Overview The story of Shenzhen always begins with lyrics from a song: In 1979, an old
man drew a circle at the South Sea of China written by Jiang Kairu ( A Story of Spring ).
The old man, Deng Xiaoping, still enjoyed a prestigious reputation among old
generations because of opening China to foreign investment and the global market, and
supporting the market economy. If Shenzhen is the circle, then for many people, Deng is
the designer that drew it. As the first special economic zone established in China,
Shenzhen developed from a small town in Guangdong Province to a metropolis with
more than fifteen million people. The sudden increase in population from different areas
makes Shenzhen a diverse and vibrant city in China, and it ranks 22 in Global Financial
Centres Index, even above Beijing ( GFCI ).
Shenzhen belongs to Guangdong Province, the southmost Province on the mainland
China. Although Shenzhen is a coastal city about one degree below the Northern Tropic (
Shenzhen, China latitude longitude ), it is still not the southmost city in Guangdong
Province. Cities often have special names that reflect its trait historically. Guangzhou, for
example, is sometimes called the city of sheep due to the ancient legend of five
immortals riding on sheep who brought fortune and good harvest to the farmers
(citation). Shenzhen, on the other hand, had never showed any significance in history
until it became the Special Economic Zone. Lack in legendary tales did not
Second Punic War Essay
The outcome of the second Punic War turned Rome into the single most powerful force
in the western Mediterranean. Indirectly, it also forced Rome to grow politically and
militarily as it learned to deal with acquisitions and powerful opponents beyond the
Italian peninsula.

Direct Consequence of the Second Punic War (218 201)

(Morey, 1901a, Par. Battle of Zama and End of the War)
1. Carthage became a dependent state, loosing it s right to declare war without
permission of Rome.
2. Carthage lost all lands in Spain, and was split up into the two Roman provinces of
Hither and Farther Spain which was then governed by a Roman praetor.
3. Carthage lost claim to all Mediterranean islands between Carthage and Italy.
4. Carthage was saddled with tribute of 200 talents payable for fifty fifty.
5. Masinissa was recognized as King of Numidia, and became a staunch ally of Rome.
6. Syracuse lost it s independence, and became a part of the Sicilian province.

Indirect Impacts of the War

Military Advances
Rome gained a brilliant General by the name of Publius Scipio Africanus, who who
subdued Spain, and changed the Roman Strategies by attacking Carthage directly, thus
forcing Hannibal (an offensive genius) to return to Africa and fight a defense war (Morey
... Show more content on ...
In Masinissa, Scipio gained the Numidians as allies in defeating Carthage and became
Romes staunchest allies in Africa (Morey 1901a, par The War carried into Africa).
Macedonian, however, exposed herself as an enemy to be dealt with in future campaigns
(Morey, 1901a, Par. Hannibal s New Allies). A peripheral threat, not immediately
identified, was the influx of slaves, which would later spawn a revolt in Sicily (Morey,
1901a, Par. The Servile War in Sicily). Finally, a pattern of punishing disloyal states such
as Capua (Morey, 1901a, Par. Recovery of Capua), was established, which would be
utilized in future
Essay about The 59th Unnamed Cave in Florida
The last article talks about the 59th Unnamed Cave, in Florida. This cave is located in the
eastern part of the Florida Panhandle. From the dates of the artifacts and the dates of the
glyph, the site was occupied in the Late Woodland period. The cave was discover in 2007
when a group of cave explorer saw fine engravings on the wall. This site was the first
cave art site that was found in Florida and it is the second rock art site that was found in
the states. Rock art is very rare in Florida, but now with the site found there is a wider
perspective on the importance of rock art. The site did not only include the petroglyph
drawing of the past, but it included some artifacts that was use to help date the time that
the cave was occupied. ... Show more content on ...
One of the way that we can tell is by looking at the weathering of the image. If the edge
of the image is nice and sharp then the engraving is new. If the edges of the engraving is
nice and rounded we can safely say that the engraving have been there for a while. The
main point of this article is to talk about the findings of the 59th Unnamed Cave in
Florida. This cave is interesting because there are very few sites in Florida. This was only
one out of the two sites that had rock art in them that is in the state of Florida. I really
like this article because instead of just talking about what they see in the petroglyph, the
authors actually highlighted the engravings so that it is easier for the readers to see what
they are talking about. The other articles I have read only talked about the engraving but
they did not really highlighted the engraving which makes it very hard for the reader to
see what they were talking about. Another good point of this article is that they showed a
comparison between the older cave engraving versus the new engraving. By adding this
information it help the reader understand the difference between the two time frame that
the engraving was marked. One of the things that I wished this article would have is the
radio carbon dating section. The other articles I read about all have some type of radio
carbon dating to try to date when the site were occupied. This article only talked about
the ceramic sherds that they
Essay on UFO s and whether or not they are real; includes...
UFOs: Are They Real?

UFOs have been one of the greatest mysteries of all times. From the beginning of time
humans have seen UFOs. The real mystery is whether or not a UFO is a ship from
another planet. There have been numerous reports of flying saucers. Many of them have
been able to be explained and some were even elaborate hoaxes. But still, there are a few
out there that are unexplainable and could quiet possibly be visitors from somewhere else
in the universe. Even the government has admitted after long studies that some of the
reported cases seem to lean towards extraterrestrials. UFO stands for unidentified flying
object. Therefore the facts clearly show that UFOs are real.

The most famous of all the sightings was the Roswell ... Show more content on ...
The next morning a team of Royal Air Force scientists were sent to the site. They found
three holes in the ground in a perfect equilateral triangle and in the middle was a piece of
scorched earth. There was also a line on all the nearby trees about 4 feet off the ground
(Kettelkamp 19). The scientists used a Geiger counter and found extremely high
radiation readings from the site. The next night the object appeared again in a nearby
field. When investigated the site was similar to the one from the previous night. The
official report stated that the object that showed up on the radar and was later seen in
Rendlesham Forest could not be identified (Kettelkamp 24).

Sightings of UFOs have not been limited to just on Earth. There have also been many
sightings by astronauts in space. Gemini 7 photographed what appeared to be two flying
saucers. Apollo 8 may have photographed what was a giant spaceship near the moon. On
their next orbit the object had disappeared. Apollo 11 may have also spotted a UFO near
the moon. Possibly the most famous and mysterious sighting is the picture taken by the
Viking satellite. The photo shows what looks to be a giant face on Mars. The face looks
remarkably similar to the face on the Sphinx in Egypt. Some believe it could be a giant
monument from an alien race that once lived on Mars (Kettelkamp 7). Photographic
analysis could not identify any of the reported objects.

Along with sightings

Theme Of Tension In A Doll s House
In the play, A Doll s House, the juxtaposing placement of characters relative to doors
creates tension through separation and isolation; between the Helmers and the outside
world, and within the Helmer household. Throughout the play, the characters and stage
directions relate the positioning of doors and people to allow the audience to understand
both the literal and figurative barriers between them. The author, Henrik Ibsen,
manipulates fully versus partially opened doors, movement through versus stillness in
doorways, and leaving the house versus already being outside to nonverbally
communicate the strain between characters.
Most apparently, the author makes a conscious choice between fully and partially opened
doors to symbolize the amount ... Show more content on ...
When people stand outside they represent the segregation of the family from the outside
world. Nora describes Krogstad s actions as he puts the letter in the letter box and states
that he is standing outside (29). His lack of motion outside shows the division between
the Helmers and the outside, through the angst Nora has about his actions. When Rank
stands outside he asks her if he can come in for a moment he asks to enter the enclosed
area of the home, emphasizing the division between the Helmers and the outside world
(37). Nora going between the house and the outside and within the house, increases the
tension between the family. Nora and Helmer finish their conversation, and he forgives
her, Nora then goes out from the room (41). With her departure, she shows that although
Helmer has forgiven her, a lack of trust still exists between them. At the very end of the
play, Nora, goes out by the hall door (45). At this time, she exits the house completely,
showing the inability for reparation between her and Helmer. Nora s actions of leaving
both rooms and the house, signify the destruction of the relationships within the
Sputnik Launch A Space Race
From the origins of rocketry, the only major contenders in space exploration were
governmental agencies, while the commercial use of the Universe was limited to
communication satellites. However, everything is changing. Modern developments like
reusable rockets and nano satellites drastically lower the cost of accessing space, starting
the new Space Race. This Race, unlike the previous one, is accessible for all of us and I
m going to share it in my Paideia class.

If we were to launch a space mission, the first step would be, well, building a spacecraft.
Since Sputnik launch in 1957 until recently, the satellite industry was limited to
governmental labs, military and telecommunication companies. Costing from hundreds
of millions up to billions
Augustine Empire Vs Byzantine Civilization
Although the Ancient Egyptian Civilization and the Byzantine Empire both had a big
influence on each other and are very similar, they also have their big differences. The
first and foremost of those differences being how the members of each civilizations made
their living. The Ancient Egyptians were mostly farmers, or laborers, while the people of
the Byzantine Empire were mostly traders, builders, tutors, and doctors. Another
difference and similarity is each civilization s respective geographical features. They
both share access to the Mediterranean Sea, but while Ancient Egypt has many man
made geographical features, the Byzantine Empire has little to none. Other differences
include religious aspects, written languages, and systems of rule. ... Show more content
on ...
The standard religion in Ancient Egypt wasn t really one set religion at all. It was more a
mix of all of the main principles of the different, and most prominent religions we
observe being practiced around the world today. Like most religions, they had a belief in
a higher power, they were polytheistic that went with an extensive mythology for all of
the gods they worshipped, whilst having a very strong belief of spiritualism, and having
magic incorporated into many parts of their religion. They also had a more scientific
aspects of their religion such as psychiatry, herbology, and medicine. Contrarily, the
religion of Byzantium wa much more predetermined, standard, and while being
Christianity at the specific time of those people, their religion is very similar to that of
today s Christianity. They were monotheistic, meaning they only worshipped one god,
unlike the Ancient Egyptians. While they only worshipped one god, they believed that
there were three elements to him: God the Father; God the Son and the Holy Spirit. They
followed the teachings of Jesus Christ, also viewing him as the son of God, and the
messiah promised in the Old Testament. They obtained this information from their holy
book called the Bible, and worshipped and were taught lessons from the Bible in
churches, by their religious leaders called Priests or Ministers. Other
The Imitation Game ( 2014 ) Directed By Morten Tyldum
The Imitation Game (2014) directed by Morten Tyldum is a carefully crafted film that
depicts the life of a British scientist named Alan Turing. The film exposes the audience to
Turing s formative time in school, his vital work during World War II, and his troubling
time after he was persecuted for his sexual orientation. Though the film focuses on
Turing s groundbreaking and often considered crucial work on the German enigma code,
it reveals that the British government and society, during that time, treated homosexuals
harshly. This indirect narrative in the film highlights the personal consequences of the
treatment of homosexuals was used as a tool to further the cause of LGBT rights during
and after the time of production. The film itself was also a product of the rise in the
LGBT rights movement across the world. In this paper, I argue that the film The
Imitation Game was a product of a series of event that occurred within the LGBT
movement, and was used as a tool to further the cause. The film The Imitation Game is a
product of the time in which it was produced. The film explores Alan Turing s life while
not directly focusing on his sexual orientation. Yet, within the film the topic is displayed
and holds a powerful message. To fully comprehend this message knowledge of events
leading up to the release of the film is crucial. Production of The Imitation Game began
in September of 2013 (Lussier, 2013), however the discussion of gay rights had begun
years before. In the
Lightning Strikes Quotes
Lightning makes no sound until it strikes. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said Lightning
makes no sound until it strikes . This quote means that something bad or destructive
cannot be found or uncovered until it has been put into action. It also means that a
revolution can be assembled quietly and that it can strike with power. MLK said this
because he wanted the populace to learn how a something that is quiet can strike with
unknowing force. In his case, the Negro Revolution was his cause of this quote. After
being treated badly, they decided to make a quiet revolution, and then strike with
frightening force. I think that the quote let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night,
and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. by Sun
Software Systems Requirements Engineering
This paper presents an overview of software systems requirements engineering (RE).The
requirement engineering is the process of eliciting individual stakeholder requirements
and their needs and evolving them in depth. And then granted requirements is
documenting in a form that is responsive to analysis and communication and specified
that they can serve as the basis for all other system development activities. This research
paper provides a wide ranging and well structured introduction to the fundamentals,
principles, and techniques of requirements engineering. In this paper they presents agreed
techniques for eliciting, negotiating and documenting as well as validating, and
managing requirements for software intensive systems. The various phases of the process
and the techniques are demonstrated using numerous examples and their work in
industrial collaborations. Their presentation aims at professionals, students, and lecturers
in systems and software engineering development. The Professionals people such as
software architects, project managers, and software engineers will profit in their daily
work from the well presented mixture of validated measures and industrial experience.
Students and lecturers will appreciate the complete description of sound fundamentals,
principles, and techniques. It provides one of the clearest definitions of RE:
Requirements engineering is the branch of software engineering concerned with the real
world Goals for, functions of, and
Air France Internet Marketing
Air France s Case You have just been hired by Rob Griffin to help him better understand
the effectiveness of Air France s online sponsored search efforts. He has requested
answers to the following questions: 1. Please calculate the effectiveness of each of Air
France s marketing campaigns across the 7 different publishers categories (3 points).
Publishers | Avg. Cost per clicks | Tot. Clicks | Media Costs | Tot. Bookings | Tot.
Revenue | Net Revenue | Net Rev per Cost | Avg. of Sales per Click % | Avg. of Trans.
Conv. % | Yahoo US | 2 | 45,598 | $46,198 | 662 | $882,289 | $836,091 | 18 | 1.45% |
183% | MSN Global | 2.15 | 11,217 | $12,160 | 129 | $145,524 | $133,364 | 11 | 1.15% |
113% | MSN US | 2.87 | 10,808 | ... Show more content on ...
The use of phrase keywords also contributes to number of bookings like the phrase DC to
France Sale which have the highest conversion rate compare to others. Different with
Google, Yahoo has moderately earned more income from the words of city such as
Florence, Paris and Rome. This may be resulted from the difference search methods that
Yahoo mainly focuses on web contents keywords. Overture more likely to gain revenue
in words that relate with cities in eastern part of Europe like Athens, Tunis, Amman.
Overture loses money on broad unspecific words. Thus, Overture should focus on the
exact keywords which have connection with flight and travel to eastern part of Europe.
MSN US and MSN Global costs mainly derived from phrase keywords except Air France
Brand keywords. For example, phrase keyword of travel to France generates moderate
number of 346 clicks, but none of the clicks succeed in sales conversion. Another
example is flights to Paris , other publishers succeed in booking of positive net revenue
with the keywords, while MSN US and MSN Global lose money. * Broad and focus
keyword Broad keyword usually gains many clicks from the campaigns. By analyzing
publishers performance data, we concluded that Yahoo US, Overture Global, MSN US
and MSN Global are publishers that have strength in broad campaign keywords. Number
of clicks for broad keywords represents minimum 90% of total clicks
Can Money Buy Happiness Essay
Can money buy everything, including money?
Some people think that money can buy everything. Does that include happiness? Can
money really buy happiness? Different people have different opinion about this as well as
the definition of happiness that varies through people. According to the dictionary,
happiness is the state of being happy. Happiness is not just a state of mind but it is a state
of emotion. Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology, theorises that while 60%
of happiness is determined by our genetics and environments, the remaining 40 % is up
to us. Psychologists have researched that when you are happy, certain hormones are
release. The feelings we experience are nothing more than chemical reactions taking
place in our body. So do you think money can be used to make this reaction happen? Can
money really buy happiness? This world is full of wealthy people, such as the royal and
billionaire. The question is, are they always happy? We cannot deny the fact that money
is needed in order for us to be able to satisfy our ... Show more content on ...
Every time I go shopping, it never fails to bring happiness to me. However, it is just short
term happiness. What really makes me happy is when I get to stay with my family and
friends, this happiness cannot be bought from any place but it need to be built within. It
is the kind of happiness that lingers for long time. In conclusion, happiness can happen in
thousands of ways. It is just whether you want happiness to last for a long time or just a
short period. Think of what makes you happy., our doubts about happiness cannot be
answered abstractly. Not even the best theories can make you happy; you have to test it
yourself. However, to me, I don t think I can buy feelings and certainly cannot force a
chemical reaction to take place in my body. Neither can it force hormones of happiness to
Nanook of the North Essay
Nanook of the North is an interesting film that documents the lifestyle of an Inuit family
in Quebec, Canada. Robert J. Flaherty, the writer, producer and director of the film
makes sure to film every aspect of the family s daily struggles and duties. With nearly
everything but cold weather in limited supply, it becomes very obvious that every aspect
in their lives serves a specific role aimed towards survival; they have no space extraneous
The community as a whole seems to be very amicable, with everybody willingly helping
each other out. The fur trader treats Nanook s children to some biscuits and lard, and then
even gives one of them some castor oil after they overdo it on their snacks. Nanook is
even shown helping out ... Show more content on ...
He goes out into the rugged land and hunts down seals, walruses, foxes, and even polar
bears with nothing more than his bare hands and a harpoon, the film enacts masculinist
fantasies in mainstream American culture. (Huhndork 137) Like a father would in the
United States, Nanook even decides the where the family will rest for the night.
Purveying the snow, he chooses where the snow is best for building and cuts out the
materials for the family. He then lays the heavy snow bricks one on top of the other, even
furnishing the igloo with an ice window. Meanwhile, the women complete the less
rigorous task of filling the holes, and furnishing the inside while the children play around
and sled down the hill. The inside of the igloo seems to be the one setting where the
women get the most screen time; this is their domestic sphere (ibid). Just like a man
coming home from work, Nanook is simply shown as undressing and lying down to rest.
But the women are now taking the active role as caretaker. They are shown boiling the
water, washing off the children, and carrying them and the puppies in their hoods. Also in
the film Nyla responds to such things in the West such as women s suffrage, women in
the workplace, and the nuclear family. All the roles in which we see Nyla
Why Did Cortes Conquer The Aztec Empire
Cortés conquered the Aztec Empire in present day Mexico. He was a hard work restless
man in Spain who was anxious for a life of adventure. So when he was 18 , he hopped on
a ship traveled to the new world. In 1511 , he joined an expedition runned by a man name
Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar. So when another conquistador, Juan de Grijalva ,
established a new colony on the mainland in early 1518, Cortés decided to take
advantage. Cortes was appointed to the lead the expedition. Cortés sailed for the eastern
shore of Mexico and arrived at Veracruz in July, 1519. As he approached the Aztec
capital of Tenochtitlan, Cortés made alliances with other native people who had either
been conquered by the Aztecs or was at war with them.

Moctezuma II ninth
The Initiation Of Formal Education Essay
Prekindergarten marks the initiation of formal education for most young children in the
United States. Educators in these classrooms often focus their teaching on the integration
of learning and play. Children in prekindergarten, however, often learn more than
material outlined in curricular standards. A child s introduction to preschool often their
first institutional experience forces them to adopt a subject position in this new social
context (Mansson 8). That is, children become socialized by the formal school setting;
they develop individual and group manners, classroom etiquette, and interpersonal skills.
With these social lessons come a series of social beliefs, norms, and expectations, not
least among them, gender and gender roles. As innocent and naïve as some may believe
them to be, preschoolers are attentive and perceptive; they are not immune to the explicit
and implicit ideas and messages about gender that surround them. Early lessons in
gender, gender roles, power, and inequality become ingrained in young minds and often
serve to frame rather, to confine ideas about ability, potential, and achievement. There
exists a significant volume of research on various topics of gender in the prekindergarten
setting, including gender salience, gender roles, and gender differences. Utilizing existing
research and classroom experiences, this paper thus explores the nuances of gender as
they manifest themselves in the prekindergarten classroom setting and provides
Raising A Healthier Generation Of Children
In 2010 the lives of students in over 100,000 schools in the United States changed quite
dramatically (What). The beloved junk food in the vending machines, high calorie
lunches, and sugary drinks sold at schools were forcibly removed. Through the Healthy,
Hunger Free Kids Act, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) made the
first major changes in school meals in 15 years (School). Although the initial reaction
from students has been quite negative, this program is beneficial to schools and will
fulfill its goal in raising a healthier generation of children (School). The National School
Lunch Program was established under the National School Lunch Act signed by
President Truman in 1946 (National). Schools involved in the lunch program receive
cash subsidies and USDA foods from the USDA for each meal they serve. Only if their
meals meet the federal requirement, will the school receive the money. The lunches
provided are nutritionally balanced and low cost or free. Today, over 31 million students
receive meals through this lunch program (What). The Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act
was put in place to improve the already existing school meal requirements and promote
better nutrition. The opponents to the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act are usually students
who are angry about the loss of their junk food. With this being a large factor, students
who pay for full price lunches declined by about 10% in 2013, the lowest rate in over a
decade (Harrington). The Government
The Pros And Cons Of LUSH
Do you ever pass by someone and think wow they have nice soft skin? Well you can
have that same skin, how you ask! Well one easy way to get soft great smelling skin is to
use LUSH bath bombs at least once a week. LUSH is a company that makes hand made
products in Canada. The company uses ingredients for the products that are never tested
on animals; nor are any ingredients they buy from other companies. The bath bombs are
made from the freshest ingredients; they strive on making quality products. LUSH bath
bombs are not only pretty but smell like paradise for your bath water, they have a number
of different kinds of bath bombs to choose from. Your skin will love you for the care
since we do live in dry Alberta.
LUSH has so many wonderful ... Show more content on ...
Why would you want to support the abuse of animals for a product that is gone within a
couple hours. If you would not harm an animal why support products that do it. LUSH
uses vegetarian alternatives, which is great to see that this company is instead using
things that are produced and grown. LUSH has been fighting against animal testing for
over 30 years. As we all know animals are used in such cruel ways for testing purposes;
we also know that today science has come so far that we are able to replace animal
testing with non animal test methods that are as equally evident, and way cheaper.
Lastly, LUSH only uses the freshest ingredients to make their products. Fresh vegetables,
flowers, fruits, and herbs are all straight from local suppliers who also are against animal
cruelty. LUSHs products are all freshly made weekly so that customers receive the
freshest products, which is probably why they have such great reviews and such high
demand for products. I have been using LUSH products for over a year and a half and
highly recommend indulging your self care routine in LUSH Cosmetics you wont be
Finally, as a satisfied customer of LUSH Cosmetics I guarantee you will never go back to
regular plain old bath times, the Bath bombs will silken your skin; furthermore, will
indulge every relaxing sense in your body. They have everything for everyone s pleasure
and age is never a concern, because there is no age requirement; let the child
Kimberly Remijan
Mr. Harvey
The Pros Outweigh the Cons When one thinks of a major Chinese city such as Shanghai
or Beijing, images of sidewalks overcrowded with pedestrians, thousands of bicycles
lined on the streets and litter spotted throughout public areas may come to mind.
However, with the modernization and industrialization China has gone through, urban
citizens are now more frequently using public transport, automobiles are increasingly
being used more and people are hired to keep streets as clean as possible. With a little
over three decades having past since the major industrial development, China has
industrialized at an astonishing rate. This is especially apparent when comparing its
much higher industrializing rates to ... Show more content on ...
With such comforts being more widely used than in the past, people are able to live more
comfortably and happily. The benefits for the common people do not stop here. On a
public level, public transportation is now being frequently used and education as well as
heath care is more available and accessible to citizens. Public transport such as buses,
trains, airplanes and boats are being developed and utilized by many. China will build or
renovate 150 airports...harness water routes along major 20 thousand
kilometers of roads...and 6,000 kilometers of railways ( China to Witness Development ).
Going back a few years ago when China mostly used bicycles to get to and from places,
this burst of transportation development is huge. Not only is it available to many now but
the government also continues to improve such means of transport, which will make
business, travel, trading and communication much easier. It gets even better as the
government focuses much of its time and money on spreading opportunities for
education throughout the country. In the nine year compulsory education, the central
government remitted 52 million students from underdeveloped western and central
regions their tuition fees and extras ( China Economic Growth ). With education being
available to all social and economic classes in China, there is opportunity for a great
social leap in the future. With proper
Outman In Russia
The eastern question in European history involves the problems generated by the
declining of human empire and the effects this decline had on the rest of Europe, the
states under the control of the outman empire and the aspirations of states like Russia to
take the humans place in the European balance of power by control of some of her
territories. This gave rising to nationalistic aspirations among states under the control this
state s include Greece, Serbia and the rest of the Balkans. The locations covered by the
eastern question spanned from the Balkans region of southern Europe, Middle East as
bordered by the Caucasus Mountains in the North East and the red sea in the South
spanning to the Eastern part of North Africa. These where all ... Show more content on ...
England feared potential opponent that should be drowned in its embrace France was a
rival of England but yet it does not support the Greek rebellion. This was due to the fact
that they feared Russia will reach the Mediterranean on the advent of the fall of the
Ottoman Empire. Also the country s commercial competitiveness with the Greek navy
where all important reason Austria position against Greece was due to the fact that
Chancellor Metternich s domestic and foreign policy was to drown any idea of
overthrowing the countries regime and oppression of the people. he also feared that the
greek revolution was setting a dangerous example because it will fire in nationalistic
aspirations colonized peoples not excluding the reside its of Austria Russia seemed to be
the guardian of the Greek people but influenced by the British and Austrian foreign
ministers, Russia did not intervene in the Greek revolution under Tsar Alexander. The
Austrian and British Foreign ministers were able to convince the Russian tsar against
going to war against turkey . They made the Tsar believe that an intervention in the
rebellion will unsettle the balance of power that was achieved in Europe and was not
strong; they also made the Tsar believe
Case Study Of The Sportage
Kia opted to update the Sportage in 2017, thus drivers shouldn t expect major changes for
the 2018 Kia Sportage Rio Rancho NM. This does not suggest, however, that there won t
be modifications drivers will love and want to wait for. Last year s model saw major
changes to the exterior, an interior that was slightly more spacious than past years and
materials of higher quality. This was in addition to the retuned engines Kia touted. This
car has been around since 1994, however, and has come a long way since then. As a
result, every driver should be sure to check this vehicle out when searching for a new
ride for themselves and their family.

First introduced in America in 1994, the Sportage appeared similar to a truck and wasn t
enjoyable to ... Show more content on ...
Look to the Porsche Cayenne and Macan to see where the fenders have been derived
from, while the Sportage is pure Kia. It features the tiger nose grille this company is
known for. The high belt line and low roof contribute to the overall muscular feel of this
machine, and it comes with the four individual LED bulbs for fog lights.

The interior won t be lacking either, although time will tell what Kia has opted to add for
this model year. Anticipate seeing the large instrumentation and controls found in last
years model. The EX and SX come with the UVO infotainment center, and drivers can
choose to upgrade to this feature in the LX. In dash GPS only comes standard on the SX
at this time, and may be added on the EX.

As with the interior and exterior of the Sportage, very few mechanical changes are
expected in the 2018 model. Drivers will find the EX and LX come with a 2.4 liter
engine that produces 181 horsepower and 175 pound feet of torque. However, the SX
Turbo truly stands out in the class, as it comes with a turbocharged 2.0 liter engine that
provides 240 horsepower together with 260 pound feet of torque. The six speed
automatic transmission is standard on all. While the LX and EX can compete with other
vehicles in the class, the SX Turbo pulls away here too.

Fuel economy is of concern to many drivers when they go to buy a car. Individuals who
choose either the LX or EX version of the Kia Sportage will find they get
Fort Sumter Case Study
Fort Sumter is a historical fort on the mouth of a harbor in Charleston South Carolina.
Fort Sumter was the location of the first shots fired that started the American Civil War in
1861 1865 (Borat, 2016). South Carolina from the north also called the union on Dec.
20th, 1860. Major Robert Anderson took his 85 soldiers to fort Moultrie near the
Charleston harbor ( Fort Sumter, 2016). Major Robert Anderson was concerned for his
men s safety. Anderson later moved his command to fort Sumter. Anderson s position
later became perilous, immediately after Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated. Anderson
later reported that he and his men only have six weeks of supplied food left inside of the
fort ( The Battle of Fort Sumter, 2014). On Thursday, April
The State Of Ancient Rome Essay
In its heyday Ancient Rome was many great thingsm it was the military Powerhouse of
the world, it had uncomparable economic power and and at peakm the empire of Rome
had over 5 million square kilometres in it s Territory. The state even had the population
of Rome held within their control, as you can imagine this wasn t done through
trnsperency and good morales, but instead through various scare tactics and
manipulation, this paper will focus on one aspect of the states control over the Roman
citizens, that aspect is control through Religion. To the state in Ancient Rome religion
was a tool for social control, they saw that if they could control such an important part of
a citizens life as their Religion and beleifs that then that citizen would effectivly behaive
in the way the state wished. This paper will first discuss those behind this, the senate, the
consuls and the emperor [maybe need to change], will then talk about the control being
previlent even with those near the top of the social ladder using the example of the Vesta
virgins. After this the Calender and festivals used by the state to have a strong hold of
control throughtout someones life will be the topic and finally two state promoted rittuals
will be talked and analized.

Roles people played

[The top state officals] At the very top of the Anceint Roman society was the rich and
esteemed senatorial class, a class of men who had served in the senate, this class also
included the family of
Palestine and Israel Essay
Palestine and Israel

Our views of world conflicts such as war are influenced by the part of the world in which
we live. When exploring media coverage of discord, it is important to think about where
the author is from and how it has influenced the way he/she has portrayed disharmony.
Reports on a world conflict can express extremely different views depending on the
social values and understandings of the writers. One must read articles that address the
issue of war with cultural relativism by taking into account the local values and historical
experiences of the writer. By neglecting this approach, a reader may be persuaded to
believe biased and often untrue facts. When researching the war in the Middle East, for
example, I found ... Show more content on ...
The Palestinians were convinced that this was a deliberate murder. Three days later a
young Palestinian picked up a stone from the ground and threw it at an Israeli patrol. His
friends followed this act and soon hundreds were throwing stones.

Palestinian intellectuals interpreted this action as an attempt of their youth to shake

themselves free from twenty dismal years of Israeli rule. This spontaneous uprising took
most by surprise. For generations Israel s domination of Jerusalem had gone largely
unchallenged. The fighting continued and the casualties that resulted were high. Most of
the 1,300 deaths were Palestinians. In 1993 the international community attempted to
find a permanent solution by creating the Oslo agreement. Parts of Jerusalem were
officially handed over to the Palestinian self rule authority of Yasser Arafat while the
Israelis continued to control other sections. Despite the peace efforts the war is still
raging strong today. Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, and Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud
Barak, are now locked in the worst shoot out in years. Judaism s holiest site and Islam s
third holiest site are on the same rock in Jerusalem. Arafat wants possession of al Aqsa
mosque that lies in the same place as the Temple Mount, a Jewish holy sight. Various
solutions have been proposed but there seems to be no easy way to divide the city
between these two warring groups. The stalemate, that newspapers endlessly report, is
Drug Carking And Drug Trafficking
If I have another day like I did today, I swear I ll stand on a street corner and scream,
until I m taken away by the men in white coats and fed meds twenty four seven.
For ten years I ve stuffed circuit boards at the High Cats International Corporation and at
noon, a thousand federal agents, which included, the FBI, ICE, Homeland Security, and
local police, raided the place and arrested the owner of High Cats and fifty high ranking
employees. According to what I overheard the Federal agents had confiscated 800
pounds of cocaine, 400 ounces of meth, 200 ounces of heroin, 9, 00 ounces of marijuana
and a shit load of prescription pills. As well as, 560 high powered rifles and over 600
thousand dollars, stuffed in paper bags. How was I to know that drug trafficking and
weapons smuggling were taking place, right under my nose? Needless to say, the Feds
padlocked the front door and now I m jobless
When I arrived home, I found a note from my wife that stated, she d cleaned out both the
saving and checking accounts, and ran off with a travelling salesman, twenty minutes
later the bank foreclosed on the house and right after that the repo man drove away in my
truck. With no money in my wallet, I packed a duffle bag and found a park bench down
by the river and spent the night.
Sometime around sunrise I felt a tug on my foot. When I opened my eyes there stood an
elderly man, who resemble Gandalf the Gray or maybe Albus Dumbledore, but not as
elegant. Thou his white hair hung down
The Problem Of Racism In The United States
Racism is an enormous problem that the United States dealt with since people have
different cultures due to the fact that they came from different parts of the world.
Merriam Webster s Collegiate Dictionary (1999) describes racism as following: The
belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial
differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race (p. 979). This
misconception of the idea that one race is superior to another has caused so much conflict
among people that often times violence is involved. Racism can also be the
discrimination of certain type of people because they are different. According to the
Peace Alliance, more than a hundred million people died due to indirect or direct ... Show
more content on ...
Unfortunately, despite the fact that numerous laws protect the United States citizens
racism still occurs. Racism is an issue that depends on the worldview of the person
because it is a way of thinking which can be influenced. It affects people and society and
in order to have a peaceful life society must be at peace. Therefore, racism is the most
important issue that the government should address this
Essay The Lewis and Clark Expedition
After being issued by President Thomas Jefferson to map, explore, and compile
information on the land just bought through the Louisiana Purchase, Captain Meriwether
Lewis and 2nd Lieutenant William Clark set off on one of the greatest expeditions of all
time. This paper will explore what adversities were faced on the Corp of Discoveries.
From militant Indians to diseases like dysentery, they faced it all. And as Captain Lewis
documented, We went as close to hell as you can go in this lifetime. (11.Perry) On April
30, 1803, the United States bought 828,000 square miles of uncharted land from France.
This is known as the Louisiana Purchase. A little over a year later, Jefferson s famous
Corps of Discovery set off from Camp ... Show more content on ...
Lewis and Clark combined prehistoric gathering of edible plants with the more modern
style of hunting. This created a wide variety in their diet. Their main source of food was
from shooting wild buffalo. Sacagawea also aided them in finding food. Since she was a
native of the land, she knew the vegetation better than anybody. But even with this many
resources there were times when their food supply was low or even deteriorated to the
point that several members often suffered with malnutrition. As bad as this seems, this is
just the beginning of their problems. (2. Delms) (3. Hardships mccarthy) Our next
hardship is illnesses. This was a monumental challenge during that day. Their medical
knowledge was very little. Lewis and Clark did carry medicine with them, but most of it
did no good. These diseases included boils, dysentery, frost bite, appendicitis, tooth
aches, mouth sores, cholera, and many more. The only person to die on the expedition
was Sergeant Charles Floyd, and he passed away with appendicitis. Also petty things like
no toothbrushes or unsterile water cause many of the diseases. (2. Delms) (12. Scott)
Weather also gave the crew trouble. Since they did not have the technology we do today,
they had no way of knowing if bad weather was on its way. This served as one of the
greatest hardships. They encountered temperatures ranging from ninety five degrees to
negative forty degrees (in Fahrenheit).
Learning And Mastery Based Learning
Wendy Trusty EDU 502 WA 1 May 1, 2015 Nondirective Learning and Mastery Based
Learning There are many learning models available for teachers to use to ensure that
students grow as learners and master content in a timely progression. Nondirective
learning and mastery based learning are two models that are frequently used by teachers
to deliver instruction and assess student performance. Nondirective learning is a teaching
method from the personal family model of learning; while, mastery learning is part of the
behavioral systems family. Both learning methods offer advantages and disadvantages for
the teacher and student. It is the teacher s responsibility to research different learning
methods and determine which method, or methods will ... Show more content on ...
Goals of nondirective learning include: helping students to understand their own needs
and values, encouraging empathetic communication, developing emotionally, and
becoming more self aware. Nondirective learning is considered a student centered model
for instruction. Students are responsible for their own decisions about learning and
provided choices during the learning process (Siddiqui, 2013). Mastery learning is based
on the work of Benjamin S. Bloom who suggested that although students vary widely in
their learning rates and modalities, if teachers could provide the necessary time and
appropriate learning conditions, nearly all students could reach a high level of
achievement (Gusky, 2010). In mastery learning, students should be given adequate time
to demonstrate mastery or complete remedial work. Teachers are responsible for creating
units of instruction that directly relate to defined learning objectives. Students move onto
the next set of objectives after demonstrating mastery (Huitt, 1996). In order to determine
if students have mastered the given learning objectives, teachers monitor student progress
through the use of formative assessments throughout the unit of instruction and
administer summative assessments at the end of the unit. Formative assessment data is
used by the teacher to identify what students have learned well, and what remediation is
required. After analyzing the data, teachers use corrective instruction in the form
Globalization And The Fast Food Market
Dennis Asante
Professor Okoror
Global Health
It is summer in Ghana and I m walking down a block in my neighborhood. The air is
hazy and dense and the smell of food fills every corner. A city that never used to have
any of foreign foods, now filled with the aroma and signs of fast food restaurants. As I
walked, I realize that there was only one whole food market. Meanwhile, a McDonald s
and Kentucky Fried Chicken were seen on multiple corners. Another thing I noticed: the
majority of people entering the fast food market are from places that were once filled
with only traditionalists. A region where its former citizens used to invest their time in
cooking local traditional food and sold them to the public and families. These same
communities have now become so westernized that they neglect the traditional side of
diet. Instead, everyone now focus on the new fast food market. People are flocking with
their families into the fast food restaurants. Watching the differences between those who
entered the supermarket and those who entered the McDonalds s, I couldn t help but
think about complications minorities in the United States face from the fast food market.
I made a very quick connection with the United States because I had an idea of how
people in the US especially minorities, suffer from fast food. Some people (fast food
victims) in Ghana aren t any better than minorities in the US. The commonness of fast
food in Ghana has created multiple jobs to
Prosecutorial Misconduct
Clearly, mistaken or deliberate manipulations even of minor details can impede the
accurate reconstruction of an event and possibly incriminate innocent suspects.
Importantly, the present findings indicate that a large proportion of eyewitness fail to
detect such mistakes. Nevertheless, one may object that the records of identification
decisions are unlikely to be incorrect or that witnesses usually sign their names next to
the photo of the identified suspect. Considering how often professionals make procedural
errors (e.g., erroneous matches of bullets, foot and fingerprints; Saks Koehler, 2005) and
the impact of biases due to contextual influences in the forensic science (Kassin, Dror,
Kukucka, 2013), we posit that such a scenario is not all that unrealistic. In exacerbation
to this issue, the report on prosecutorial misconduct cases compiled by the Northern
California Innocence Project sides with the idea of altered identification decisions and
tempered with testimony in real investigations (NCIP; Ridolfi Possley, 2010). The report
reveals 4,000 cases of alleged misconduct, in 707 of which the courts explicitly
established that the prosecutors deliberately mishandled, mistreated or destroyed
evidence. Thus, errors in the recording of ... Show more content on ...
Even under the speedy trial act as applied in the US judicial system trials begin the
earliest 90 120 days after the arrest of the suspect (Shermer, Rose, Hoffman, 2011). This
is worrying considering the increasing blindness rates with longer delays (Chapters 3 7).
The findings of the present dissertation suggest that by the time witnesses are questioned
in court, a large proportion would fail to realise that they are sitting in front of the wrong
defendant or that their statements contain
Symptoms And Treatment Of Clostridium Difficile Essay
Clostridium difficile
BIS 222 001
Lillian Armoush (Introduction, Causal agent, and Epidemiology)
Katelyn Ryan (Transmission, Clinical features, and Diagnosis)
Jeremy Vasquez (Treatment, Prognosis, Control measures, and Conclusion)

Clostridium difficile (C. diff) is a type of bacterium that can cause a person to endure
diarrhea like symptoms to more drastic symptoms that may involve inflammation of the
colon. Most people who come across C. diff are expected to be in a hospital setting for an
extensive period of time. It is more accessible to acquire C. diff when a person is of old
age, in a hospital setting, and taking antibiotic medication (Mayo Clinic, 2016).
Normally, one would think that taking antibiotics would not cause any harm to the body,
but would instead help the body fight off diseases. However, once a person who has been
taking antibiotics for a long period of time stops taking them, such as in a nursing home
or hospital setting, that person can develop some reactions in the absence of those
antibiotics (Bartlett, 2012). This reaction, then allows the person to experience diarrhea
symptoms, which lead to inflammation of the colon and more drastic colon problems.
This paper will mainly explain what Clostridium difficile is, its causal agent,
epidemiology, ways of transmission, some clinical features, diagnoses and how to test for
the bacterium, treatment, prognosis, and preventative measures. There are treatments
available for this
Testing of Hardened Concrete
Part B: Testing of hardened concrete 1. Objectives:
The objective of the hardened concrete test was to determine the compressive and
indirect tensile strength. On the other hand, this experiment was also used to examine the
effect of curing condition on strength of concrete, the influence of specimen shape on
compressive strength, the effect of compaction on compressive strength and this
experiment was also to examine the effect of increasing water to cement ratio on
compressive and in direct tensile strengths of concrete. 2. Procedure (Refer AS1012 for
full details)
2.1 Compressive Strength * In this test, standard cylinders and cubes will be subjected to
uniaxial compressive loading and the load will be applied gradually ... Show more
content on ...
Compressive Strength Cylinders (Air stored for 28 days)

3.3 Indirect Tensile Strength Cylinders (Water cured for 28 days) Specimen No. |
Diameter | Length | Weight | Max. Load | cylinder strength (Mpa) | average cylinder
strength (Mpa) | | (mm) | (mm) | (g) | (kN) | | | A1.7 | 100.2 | 201 | 4151 | 151 | 19.1 | 20.1 |
A1.8 | 100.1 | 201 | 4137 | 169 | 21.5 | | A1.9 | 100.1 | 203 | 4166 | 155 | 19.7 | | B1.7 |
100.2 | 201 | 4044 | 136 | 17.2 | 16.5 | B1.8 | 100.1 | 201 | 4022 | 129 | 16.4 | | B1.9 | 99.8 |
200 | 4002 | 124 | 15.9 | | C1.7 | 100.2 | 202 | 3899 | 115 | 14.6 | 14.6 | C1.8 | 99.7 | 200 |
3912 | 109 | 14.0 | | C1.9 | 99.9 | 201 | 3903 | 120 | 15.3 | | D1.7 | 99.8 | 198 | 3861 | 96 |
12.3 | 12.3 | D1.8 | 100.1 | 200 | 3837 | 93 | 11.8 | | D1.9 | 100.2 | 198 | 3859 | 102 | 12.9 | |
Table 3 Indirect Tensile Strength Cylinders (Water cured for 28 days)

3.4 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Cubes (Water cured for 28 days) Specimen No. | Path
Length | Elapsed Time | pulse velocity(km/s) | average velocity(km/s) | cylinder strength
(Mpa) | | (mm) | (μsec) | | | | A1.10 | 100.1 | 21.1 | 4.7 | 4.8 | 20.1 | A1.11 | 100.2 | 20.9 | 4.8
| | | A1.12 | 100.1 | 20.7 | 4.8 | |
Student Athletes Are Deserving Of Economic Remuneration
The seven most popular sports (in order) in the United States are: NFL, MLB, NCAAF,
auto racing, NBA, NHL, and NCAAM (Rovell, 2014). Five of the sports included are
professional where the athletes are paid. However, two of them NCAAF and NCAAM
are amateur sports headed by student athletes who are not paid. When these college
sports are on par with professional organizations that are worth billions of dollars, then
the amateurism behind the NCAAF and NCAAM is questioned. In fact, the NCAA
generates almost a billion dollars annually. Since the athletes in question are amateur
student athletes, paying them might damage the integrity of the sports. Therefore, there is
an ongoing contested debate over whether student athletes are deserving of ... Show more
content on ...
However, amateurism is an illusion because the NCAA insatiably embrace[s]
commercialism in all facets of intercollegiate athletics except on a single issue athlete
compensation (Zola, 2013). The 1980s is where NCAAM and NCAAF exploded as
businesses. The Supreme Court, in 1984, struck down the NCAA s restrictions on
television appearances. This coincided with the government deregulation of cable
television and, ultimately, led to massive television contracts and sports stations covering
NCAAM and NCAAF. As the athletic departments of universities expanded profoundly,
they continued to reiterate the student in student athletes. By doing so, they built the
boundary up as an effective defense from allowing college athletes to get a cut of the
newfound income. In 1988, the NCAA became an effective private institution when the
Supreme Court ruled against Jerry Tarkanian and allowed the NCAA to dismiss due
process during their investigations. Amateurism, in the sake of college football and men s
basketball, is a falsehood and a boundary created by the NCAA and enforced by college
coaches and athletic departments. The meaning behind the category of student athletes
was empowered by the NCAA in the 1950s to fend off lawsuits and implement the
sanctity of college sports as amateur sports. The NCAA s moral authority lies in the term
student athlete and is meant to conjure the nobility of amateurism, and the precedence
Particles In Atoms Research Paper
Particles in Atoms
The following section will be describing the atom and all of the particles that make it up.
It will start off with what protons, neutrons, and electrons are. This will describe where
they are in the atom and what their relative sizes respective one another are. This section
will end off with the charges of all of these particles and the total number of all of these
particles for every element inside of the carbon family. The entire section will be based
off of the particles that make up an atom and more details about them such as their
The atom, which is the basic unit of life, is made up different types of particles which are
protons, neutrons, and electrons. The proton is a stable subatomic particle that is located
in the nucleus of an atom. A neutron is quite similar to a proton in the sense that they are
both subatomic particles of very similar masses and almost always located in the nucleus.
Neutrons are found in the nucleus most of the time except for in ordinary hydrogen
which does not contain any. An electron is also a stable subatomic particle but it is found
in the shells or orbitals which surround the nucleus of an atom. As for the size of these
particles protons and neutrons are roughly the same size in mass, with the proton being
slightly lighter, while an electron weighs about two thousand times less than protons and
neutrons. Both the protons and neutrons make up most of the of the mass of the atom in
the nucleus while the electrons on the outskirts are much lighter and smaller. Considering
the charges of the particles, the proton has a positive electric charge. A neutron on the
other hand has no charge and is neutral. The last ... Show more content on ...
These elements all have different numbers of protons, neutrons, and electrons. In the
carbon family remain the elements carbon, silicon, germanium, tin, and lead which all
have different amounts of particles which make them
Beowulf Is Not Your Average Viking Warrior
The hero observed the swamp thing from hell, the tarn hag in all her terrible strength,
then heaved his war sword and swung his arm: the decorated blade came down ringing
and singing on her head. But soon he found his battle torch extinguished; the shining
blade refused to bite. (1518 1523). Few images in medieval literature capture masculinity
as well as the sword. Its phallic shape and use of dealing harm by penetrating your foe
make it the ultimate allusion to the male anatomy. However, in this battle between
Grendel s mother and Beowulf, our hero s sword cannot seem to perform its intended
function. This failed display of masculinity by Beowulf is only one of many that suggest
that he is not your average Viking warrior. The ... Show more content on
Beowulf s gender nonconformity is poorly justified by the Beowulf poet representing
him as almost a Jesus Christ figure. There are several ways that Beowulf serves as a
working Christ figure. He saves people s lives, is chaste as far as we know and he even
has a posse of twelve that follow him around. This allusion to Jesus is further solidified
in the ending of the epic poem where Beowulf is betrayed by his apostles who allow him
to fight the dragon mostly alone. Beowulf saying this fight is not yours, nor is it up to any
man except me... (2533 2534), is essentially the same as how Jesus alone had to die to
free man from sin. However, this Christianization of Beowulf is just an attempt for
people to understand why Beowulf never had any sexual relations with a woman. By
constant comparison to Jesus, who also abstained from sex, Beowulf s abstinence is
normal. However, this is not the case, it is instead an example of Catholicism making
things confusing. It doesn t make sense to have so much symbolism alluding to the fact
that Beowulf is queer while simultaneously alluding to him as a Christ figure. Therefore,
Beowulf must have been changed by the Beowulf poet or simply over the years of people
telling the poem by word of mouth to fit better into Catholicism.
During the fight with Grendel s mother, Beowulf performs emasculating actions which
are discounted by the fact that
Accounting Questions and Answers
accounting quiz 1 [pic] 1 The primary purpose of accounting is to determine whether the
business entity is profitable or unprofitable in its operations. A) True B) False This is the
correct answer. Feedback: The primary purpose of accounting is to provide information
that is useful for decision making purposes. Accounting is not an end , but rather it is a
means to an end. LO 1 2 Costs, prices, sales volume, profits, and return on investment
are all accounting measurements. A) True This is the correct answer. B) False Feedback:
A clear understanding of accounting terms and concepts is required of those who have a
financial interest in an enterprise if they are to understand and communicate about the
enterprise. Accounting ... Show more content on ...
A) True B) False This is the correct answer. Feedback: Management accounting is the
preparation and use of accounting information systems to achieve the organization s
objectives by supporting decision makers inside the enterprise. LO 4 17 Plant managers
are internal users of accounting information systems. A) True This is the correct answer.
B) False Feedback: Internal users of accounting information systems include boards of
directors, chief executive officers, business unit managers, plant managers, store
managers, and line supervisors. LO 4 18 The management accounting information
created and used primarily by internal users is intended above all for planning and
control decisions. A) True This is the correct answer. B) False Feedback: Managerial
accounting is oriented towards the future, measures efficiency and effectiveness, and is a
means to end, not an end in itself. LO 4 19 One of the specific purposes of management
accounting system is to provide information useful to help the enterprise achieve its
goals, objectives, and mission. A) True This is the correct answer. B) False Feedback:
The specific purpose of management accounting is to provide information for decision
making authority, for decision making support, and evaluating and rewarding decision
making performance. LO 4 20 Standards adopted and used as
Understanding the Business Environment
Understanding the Business Environment Part A (100w) Company Name: Coca Cola
Description: The Coca Cola Company is the world s largest beverage company and is the
leading producer and marketer of soft drinks. Today, Coca Cola is consumed throughout
the world at the rate of more than 600 million times per day and this figure is continuing
to rise. However, Coca Cola is not the sort of company to live on its past glories; instead
it looks to the future as a challenge and constantly seeks new markets and ways of
increasing its market share in areas where it currently has a strong presence. It is the
world s largest producer and distributor of syrups and concentrates for soft drinks.
Products developed by the Company are sold through ... Show more content on ...
Financial statements also show the results of the stewardship of management, or the
accountability of management for the resources entrusted to it. Those users who wish to
assess the stewardship or accountability of management do so in order that they may
make economic decisions; these decisions may include, for example, whether to hold or
sell their investment in the enterprise or whether to reappoint or replace the management
1.3 Describe the responsibilities of your chosen organisation and strategies employed by
the company to meet them. (150w) Human Rights Conferences Agendas from the
conferences hosted by TCCC to engage business on Human Rights issues * 2012
Addressing Human Trafficking in Labor Sourcing * 2011 Implementing Respect for
Human Rights * 2010 Addressing Respect for Human Rights * 2009 Addressing Child
Labor * 2008 Addressing Forced Labor Addressing Child Labor We have hosted
convenings of experts on the topic of child labor to seek advice on the most constructive
role that we can play in addressing this complex issue. Input from these discussions has
been incorporated into our action plan focused on raising awareness at the international
level and taking concrete actions at the country level in collaboration with our suppliers,
local government and industries to address child labor in sugarcane
1960 Chilean Earthquake Research Paper
Alba Torres
29 March 2016
ENGL 1301 43037

The 1960 Chilean Earthquake and 2010 Haiti Earthquake

Earth is a life giving planet. It is also true that it s never at rest. It is in a daily course of
revolution and rotation, making us experience not only night and day, but also seasons.
This planet goes through many changes that brings wonders, but also catastrophes. These
forces of nature leave damages and deaths all over the world. One of these cataclysm is
earthquakes. What exactly is an earthquake? An earthquake is the ground shaking caused
by the sudden movement of one block or rock slipping past another along the faults
(Lutgens, Tarbuck). There is a process that causes an earthquake to happen. First it
involves the heating, followed by ... Show more content on ...
To begin with, what exactly caused both of these quakes? Well, a cycle is happening
above as well as beneath the surface. This cycle involves the movement of tectonic
plates. Both of these earthquakes were caused by the movement of two very different
plates. The Chilean earthquake was caused by the Nazca Plate sub ducting under the
South American plate. This means these two plates collided along the plate boundaries,
which made one slip underneath the other. The bottom plate slowly pushed the top plate,
and was then released causing the earthquake. The magnitude for the quake was of 9.5,
being the largest earthquake ever recorded. The Haiti quake was caused by a lateral strike
slip motion. There was a separation in the boundary region of the Caribbean Plate and
North American Plate. As the plates glided past one another, strain and compression was
building along the fault. There was a release of energy that resulted in ground shaking.
The Haiti earthquake had a magnitude of 7.0. The number of deaths and damages is the
biggest difference between the two. You would think that the largest earthquake ever
recorded would also have tragic numbers, but it didn t. The Chile earthquake reached an
approximate number of about 2,000 deaths and. While the Haiti earthquake had an
estimate of 316,000 killed or missing. How is this possible? Well, this is because Chile
has strict building codes that help buildings resist. In comparison to Haiti which is a very
poor country. 86% of people were living in slum conditions and tightly packed, poorly
build, concrete
Overdose of Hypnotic Essay
Intentional Overdose of a Hypnotic
How does Temazepam work, and what are the indications for its prescription? What are
the onset, duration and peak of the drug?
Tamazepam acts at many levels in the CNS, producing generalized depression. Effects
may be mediated by GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter.
Therapeutic Effects: Relief of insomnia
Prescription indication: Short term management of insomnia.
Onset 30 Mins
Peak 2 3 hrs
Durations 6 8 hrs
What are the signs and symptoms of a Temazepam overdose? Overdose symptoms may
include extreme drowsiness, confusion, muscle weakness, slurred speech, tremors, a slow
heartbeat, shallow breathing, feeling light headed, fainting, seizure (black out or ... Show
more content on ...
The nurse will have to shake up the fluid before administering. The nurse will not
administer drugs 2 hours before and 2 hours after the activated charcoal is given.
What drug is the antagonist and may be used to treat benzodiazepine overdose? What is
the dosage in adults? Pediatric patients? What is the risk for complication with its use?
Flumazenil is the drug that is used to treat benzodiazepine overdose. In adults the dosage
is 0.2 mg, additional 0.3 mg may be given 30 sec later. Further doses of 0.5 mg may be
given at 1 min intervals, if necessary to a total dose of 3 mg. In children, 0.01 mg/kg
(maximum dose 0.2 mg) with repeat doses every minute up to a cumulative dose of 1 mg.
Seizures are a life threatening risk associated with Flumazenil.
Discuss the nursing interventions to be utilized with a family member who is in crisis in
the care setting and interfering with the healthcare team s performance.
When a family member is interfering with a crisis the nurse can ask them politely to
leave and try not to escalate the situation. If the family member does not listen then
security will have to be called and the family member will have to be removed.
Describe nursing communication techniques utilized in a crisis situation with families.
Develop an alliance by using caring gestures to the family. Asking caring, sensitive and
perceptive questions convey sincere concern for the patient and will help develop trust
with the family
Essay Picture Perfect Surroundings
Early Saturday morning, I awoke to a great aroma. The strong scent lifted me up out of
bed, to my feet, and downstairs, for I was eager to discover the redolence that was idle.
Chills ran up my back when my bare feet first touched the cool tile flooring. The rising
sun beamed through the floor to ceiling windows in the solarium as well as, the bay
window above the conveniently placed double bowl sink. The sun flooded the room with
its natural light and created a rather cheerful atmosphere. I immediately felt
uncomfortably happy. This was a disturbingly cheerful place. Each strategic decoration
was perfectly in place and the overemphasized motif was extreme and almost alarming.
There was a shelf on each wall overflowing with clown ... Show more content on ...
Everything was pastel pinks and yellows. The tiles on the floor were checkered with the
wretchedly pleasant colors, each of the four walls displayed them in a striped pattern, and
even the countertops were subjected to their speckled blend. The sunlight danced off the
small crystals within the granite and caused me to squint due to the bright reflection. It
was as if the granite tops were glaring at me and daring me to take another peek. To my
left, the cabinetry had paneled doors and drawer fronts which created a traditional look.
But they were painted pink and yellow in an alternating fashion. The cabinets? knobs and
bar pulls had a delicate, ornate touch with their polka dotted soft pale colors of pink and
yellow. The backsplash was a blend of muted pastel glass tiles, which created a spring
like and an elegant atmosphere to the ?work only? environment for cooking and baking.
The colors complimented the light colored cabinets and countertops to create the pleasing
colorful space. A pink paisley apron draped over a bar stool, which was part of a five
piece dining set. Fresh daffodils were centered on a round pedestal dining table, which
was dressed formal with proper place settings complete with water goblet and wine
glasses. Every utensil and piece of stemware was perfectly placed. Forks on the left and
the knife and spoons on the right. Perhaps a dinner date was scheduled. The table was
home to
Argumentative Essay On Orphan Children
Today there are around 140 million orphaned children around the globe. Orphaned
children are rarely spoken about nor does society educate itself on the complexity of
what being an orphan means. But speaking from experience, I understand the strain of
having to come to terms with the fact that you were abandoned. Despite one s best efforts
to maintain a fully functioning state of being, an emotional darkness always maintains its
presence and can pop out at any moment of low self confidence. Though many orphaned
children live many different types of lives; some are luckier than others and some are
stronger than others; many retain an unbalanced, sometimes, unhealthy perceptions of
themselves. I feel that Zen Buddhism would be the best application for orphan children
to think and practice in the here and now, learn to accept aspects of life as they are, and
attain compassion and detachment.

Buddhism has been touted as the cure all for many conscious, unconscious, and physical
illnesses. It has been especially exploited by the elites of America, customized to fit their
personal demands and desires. Paradoxically, I think the diligent and honest study and
practice of Buddhism can help those orphaned as children, teenagers, or those living
adult lives. More specifically, I believe that Zen Buddhism and the practice of Zazen
Meditation can harmonize and establish themselves within the traditions and practices of
Zen. At its core, Zen Buddhism is practiced through meditation of allowing oneself to be
conscious of their thoughts, but at the same time letting them pass without acting upon
them. To briefly introduce, Zen Buddhism is comprised of two unique schools of
Buddhism called the Rinzai and Soto Zen Buddhism. The Rinzai sect in Japan found
popularity amongst the feudal lords and Shoguns. Soto, on the other hand, were
penetrated amongst the common people and were available to all because of its beauty in
simplicity. Despite Soto Zen being the most pervasive in Japanese practice, it was the
Rinzai sect that found popularity in the Western world. Regardless of its popularity
within the Western world, Soto Zen is more compatible in understanding and reflecting
on the life of being an orphan. One Japanese
Middle School Changes
Fifty percent of students state that middle school is a struggle and has changed them, here
are some reasons why and how. Did you know usually for the first few days of school the
student doesn t have any or only a few friends! Another thing is it s a big change from
having one class to having six classes every day. Another reason is there is more
classwork and homework to get done. To be fair, I am one of the students who stated that
middle school was hard and changed me, let me explain why it was a struggle and how it
changed me. On the first day of middle school I was very nervous and didn t have many
friends. In the begging of the school year I saw people I knew from elementary, I was shy
to make friends. Then I tried to make
Stop Payment Request Form
ACH Drafts
A Member can place a stop payment on an ACH draft. The Member is required to fill out
and sign a Stop Payment Request Form. Assist Member in filling out the form if
necessary. The merchant s name goes on the payable to line, expecting clearing date
should be the date that the draft normally clears each month, and the merchant number
goes on the check serial number line.
Call the Accounting Department so they can put the stop payment on the system. Be sure
to sign your name at the bottom of the form and get a good telephone number from the
Member in case the Accounting Department needs to get in touch with them. Fax the
form to the appropriate personnel in the Accounting Department. Give Member the
yellow copy of the form so they ... Show more content on ...
The telephone company, then, creates a physical Paper Draft, which they submit for the
Stop payments on Electronic/Paper Drafts are often difficult because the merchant will
sometimes make up a random check number when creating the draft. This means if we
place a stop payment on a specific check number, it could possibly clear as a different
number and bypass the stop payment we created.
Gather as much information as possible from the previous drafts that the merchant has
The Member will need to fill out and sign a Stop Payment Request Form. Call the
Accounting Department so they can set up the stop payment on the system. Be sure the
Member and you sign the bottom of the form. Get a good telephone number from the
Member in case the Accounting Department needs to get in touch with them. Fax the
form to the appropriate personnel in the Accounting Department.
Advise the Member to monitor their account and immediately notify the credit union if
this particular draft clears. Call the Accounting Department to let them know if this
occurs so we can return the item as a stop payment and refund the Member s account.
Verbal Stop
The Greatest Dramatists Of The Great Composers
He was an undersized little man, with a head too big for his body a sickly little man. His
nerves were bad. He had skin trouble. It was agony for him to wear anything next to his
skin coarser than silk. And he had delusions of grandeur. He was a monster of conceit.
Never for one minute did he look at the world or at people, except in relation to himself.
He was not only the most important person in the world, to himself; in his own eyes he
was the only person who existed. He believed himself to be one of the greatest dramatists
in the world, one of the greatest thinkers, and one of the greatest composers. To hear him
talk, he was Shakespeare, and Beethoven, and Plato, rolled into one. And you would have
had no difficulty in hearing him talk. He was one of the most exhausting
conversationalists that ever lived. An evening with him was an evening spent in listening
to a monologue. Sometimes he was brilliant; sometimes he was maddeningly tiresome.
But whether he was being brilliant or dull, he had one sole topic of conversation: himself.
What he thought and what he did. He had a mania for being in the right. The slightest
hint of disagreement, from anyone, on the most trivial point, was enough to set him off
on a harangue that might last for hours, in which he proved himself right in so many
ways, and with such exhausting volubility, that in the end his hearer, stunned and
deafened, would agree with him, for the sake of peace. It never occurred to him that he
and his
Goblin Market And The Bloody Chamber
Nicole Broeke
Professor C. Brady
English 201
4 December 2014

Female Heroism
In both Goblin Market and The Bloody Chamber , women face objectification as
pornographic objects whose solitary purpose is to be a man s appealing possession.
Evidently, the objectification of women impacted the way each author constructed their
texts. Feminist movements aiming to undermine these rigid female and male roles are
prominent in the time period of both literary works. Both Christina Rossetti and Angela
Carter use strange worlds to differentiate from the typical fairy tale s predictable
conclusion and instead make a statement through the use of a female heroine. Both
literary works contrast the archetypal idea that a man must always be the savior ... Show
more content on ...
In Goblin Market, when Laura is infected with the goblin s poisonous fruits her sister
[stands] in deadly peril to do her good, and win the fiery antidote . (Rossetti, 558 559)
Evidently, the relentless bravery Lizzie illustrates when facing the violence and
temptations of the goblins to save her sister s life is used by Rossetti to provide an
impression of power in female refusal to vigorous male
Garrett Hardin Lifeboat Ethics Essay
What makes us human, what drives our humanity, our social contributions? What
separates us from common beasts? It s our ethics, our morals, the empathy we feel
towards each other that makes us worth anything more than the meat and bones our
bodies are comprised of. Garrett Hardin is an american economist and philosopher who
doesn t seem to grasp that. The argument of Lifeboat Ethics is that all of humanity is in a
shipwreck, there are a few select rich countries with lifeboats. All the other countries are
floating in the water waiting for their inevitable doom and hoping, praying for a spot on a
lifeboat. He then complicates things further, each lifeboat has a carrying capacity of 100
people, each lifeboat is currently carrying 90 people. So then what are the rich (in their
make believe lifeboat) to do. Hardin proposes three options the first is to let all the poor
onto the lifeboat, exceeding the carrying capacity and dooming everyone to a deathly ...
Show more content on ...
For sure the use of fossil fuels is limited but not only are we moving away from the use
of fossil fuels but we re actively expanding into energy sectors that are more
environmentally friendly and more efficient. Not only are our energy resources basically
limitless, but with the strides made in GMO technology our food resources are infinitely
more productive, more nutritious and more efficient. Hardins last issue is the limited
amount of land on our precious planet. Brookings Institution proved that a population of
10 billion wouldn t be too much for the planet earth to sustain. While it s evident that
Harding s main points are easily disproven, another issue with his third solution of
keeping some space for wiggle room is that the world is not a lifeboat. If a huge wave hit
the lifeboat it wouldn t matter how much wiggle room the lifeboat had. In a perfect,
predictable world Hardin s argument would have
Connotative Dreams in Sabato s The Tunnel Essay
Connotative Dreams in Sabato s The Tunnel

In Ernesto Sabato s The Tunnel, dreams reveal Juan Pablo Castel s obscure and
conflicting personality. Castel has lived a life of isolation, despair, and one that has been
both solitary and lonesome. His existence becomes meaningful when a young lady
named Maria takes notice of an abstract window within one of his paintings. Maria
becomes his obsession; he seeks solace and refuge through her. Castel s dreams unveil
his true motivations for obsessing over Maria; they help to display his need for meaning,
love, affection and attention. His dreams symbolize his ambiguous and construed
emotions as well as foreshadow upcoming events in his life. By making the dreams
complex and enigmatic, ... Show more content on ...
Castel shares the exact same anxieties in his waking life; although he is a highly
respected painter, he despises critics because he is paranoid about their opinion of him.
He is also recklessly fretful that Maria will leave him or that she doesn t care about him.
As he encounters more and more of his surroundings, Castel finds that his first
adolescent loves were being reborn in the house, with the same trembling and sensations
of sweet madness and fear and joy (88). His adolescent loves are symbolic of the love
that he is unearthing through Maria. Since Castel has not experienced a true and
substantial relationship, he clings to it as if he were a child holding dearly onto its
mother. These adolescent loves also suggest that he cannot develop an adult relationship
with Maria and that they he has childish and unrealistic intentions. Castel s sweet
madness foreshadows his eventual turn towards insanity after he realizes he cannot have
the person who gave his life purpose and gave him a sense of fulfillment. When Castel
awakes, he concludes that the house in the dream was Maria. The house denotes
obscurity by being dark and by him often being lost within it. Maria is a cryptic woman
who sometimes gives Castel definition but often leads him astray. Because of her
The Living Dead
The 1970s represented a truly diverse time in the history of horror cinema. This was a
reflection, perhaps, of how life was growing more complex in the 1970s, with competing
problems pulling audiences towards different fears. Some horror films in the 1970s were
revisionary, based on the fresh principles of a freer, more personal cinema. Other horrors
were merely old resurrections and variations of monsters who had appeared on the silver
screen, in one form or another, since the 1930s and 1940s. Nevertheless, following the
path of Night of the Living Dead, most low budget horror films of the early 1970s
depicted the raw social and sexual conflicts. For example, films such Wes Craven s Last
House on the Left (1972) shares the story of a ... Show more content on
The possessed child levitates off her bed, spews green vomit, turns her head around
backwards, and masturbates with a crucifix while screaming a string of profanity
unimaginable in a big studio movie. Along with blockbusters as The Godfather (1972),
The Sting (1973), and Jaws (1975), The Exorcist was one of the most profitable movies
of the decade. The Exorcist was set in Washington DC and released at the height of the
Nixon administration s engagement in the Watergate scandal. Throughout the film, there
are various references to relating to the Vietnam era. For example, early in the film, we
see Chris MacNeil (mother of Regan MacNeil) on the set of a campus anti war protest.
Meanwhile, we also see old Father Martin has been living in Woodstock, New York,
presumably trying to expel the evil spirits of its countercultural demons. The film also
represented the tense political anxieties of the 1970s. The climax, with the girl saved but
the priests dead, strongly suggested that the battle between good and evil as the film
defined it had ended in an exhausting and uneasy draw. This example can be a reference
to the United States stalemate and withdraw from the Vietnam War in the 1970s. It was a
very exhausting war for American troops and uneasy success. Accordingly, The Exorcist
inspired many horror films throughout the decade and beyond. For instance, The Omen
(1976) used certain ideas from The Exorcist to describe the birth of the antichrist to the
Persuasive Functions Of John L. LewisSpeech
Persuasive Functions of John L. Lewis Speech

John L. Lewis was the only proponent of established labor unions in the 20th century. He
successfully led the labor movement that pushed for equal treatment of labor workers
despite the terrible economic condition.
Lewis spent his formative years in Iowa. As an adult, he was unsuccessful in entering the
world of politics and business. After he moved to Panama, Illinois he was first elected
president of the local United Mine Workers union. Next, Lewis was appointed an AFL
organizer by Samuel Gompers in 1911. His second UMW appointment was as a delegate
to the AFL Convention in 1916. Finally, Lewis was appointed as vice president of the
United Mine Workers Union. Lewis begins to prescribe courses of action for workers to
be part of a movement that pushed for a labor union by organizing and uniting the
discontented. In his speech he mentions enacting a policy to enable the workers to stand
as a unit (Lewis 3). John Lewis used his speech at the AFL convention to establish
himself as the leader of the labor movements and prescribe courses of action for the
workers by altering perceptions of reality and identity.
His speech at the American Federation of Labor allowed him to become the leader, but
was ineffective in convincing the AFL to establish industrial unions.
Furthermore, labor movements were part of the establishment (Jensen 29). Due to the
strikes in labor unions, it was necessary for a new type of labor leader to arise. At
Essay about Rationalism of Failure
Rationalization of Failure

Aesop s short story The Fox and the Grapes tells of a fox failing to find a way to reach
some grapes hanging high up on a vine. The story deals with the rationalization of the
failure to attain a desired end. Rather than accept a personal failure by acknowledging
our shortcomings or by unemotionally evaluating the circumstances that surrounded the
failure, we rationalize and come up with an immediate excuse. We need to convince
ourselves and everybody else who witnessed our attempts that the outcome was all for
the best. Just like the fox, we actually prepare our egos and our witnesses to view a future
failure as if it were actually the result we intended. In The Fox and the Grapes , when the
fox ... Show more content on ...
The sour grapes defense requires both the speaker and the listener to be tricked into
overlooking all the eagerness and persistence that had just been exhibited by the fox. We
have all used the term sour grapes at one time or another. For example, I desire a
promotion, but there are few chances that I will get it. In that case, I can imitate the fox
and tell myself that the higher position is really too burdensome to be worth the
additional pay. I can also refuse to believe the evidence and persist in an unjustified
belief that promotion is just around the corner. This will, for a while, also bring my
beliefs and desires in harmony with one another. Joyce Meyer said in her book that, Our
minds can play many tricks on us and in some cases the result is to give us some peace of
mind in what would otherwise have been an uncomfortable situation (Meyer 24). This
quote relates to the fox s circumstances because by being able to rationalize and tell
himself that the grapes weren t worth having anyway, he made his life easier. The fox,
being the symbol of cleverness, does succeed in jumping at the chance to be the model
for us to copy. When something happens that we find difficult to accept, we will make up
a logical reason why it has happened. When confronted by failure, people tend to
attribute the blame on other people or outside forces. In this story, denial is a
rationalization of failure and not a satisfactory excuse.

Works Cited

Aesop. The Fox

The Search For Dominance By Victor Frankenstein
The search for dominance is always evident in the story of Frankenstein, the story even
begins with Victor Frankenstein in the search for strength. Everyone in the story has
some kind of moxie that they can use over the other characters, but the desire for power
takes everyone on a different path. Any time in the story when Victor Frankenstein needs
to find and regain himself he looks to nature to find it all. Nature holds a great part of the
power that happens in the story, but the creature is also filled with the crave for prestige
as well as Victor. Authority controls the actions of all the characters in the play whether
or not they realize it. In the story whenever Victor feels like he needs to find himself and
gain control of himself he goes out into the nature to find motivation inside himself.
Victor has a knack for using the nature to his advantage, he uses it to find himself while
in the wild, but he also uses it to create the creature. His drive for success became so
great that he went to make a creature that would make him very influential in the
scientific world once he proved that he could create life with his bare hands. Victor was
successful in creating the creature, but once he had created the creature he was disgusted
with his creation and all his work became an eminent failure. He then proceeded to
abandon the creature because of how hideous it appeared. Little did Victor know that
when he abandoned the creature that he would go on his own hunt. The
How Values And Values Have Affected My Life
From the beginning of time, ancient philosophers and educators have taught different life
developmental skills to aid people as they grow. Those educators often taught students
how to develop ethical and moral character. With teaching those characteristics as a
foundation they were able to teach students to branch out and understand a deeper
meaning of authenticity, virtue and value. All three of these concepts are required to live
a meaningful and balanced life in both the physical, mental and spiritual realms. I will be
discussing how authenticity, virtue and values have affected my life, along with how they
affect my future. Secondly, I will be discussing how these principles have helped guide
me through my life. Values, authenticity, and virtues have an effect on a person from the
time they were born and as they continue to age. Authenticity almost has a royal name to
where it must be respected and bowed to without question. In my book that is exactly
how I think of being authentic; it is being real and genuine without any deception. I could
not think of a better way to work, communicate, love, or develop any type of relationship
with unless they were honest and real. Deception and liars are not people I set out to
communicate with. I feel bad for the people who feel that they must deceive or hide who
they are because being you is much easier. Authenticity shapes my life because I am able
to be genuine when working with others in my work environment. According to
An Analysis Of Assess And Balance Financials
Strategic Position:
Asses and Balance Financials is a small firm that works with the government on the
county level and helps departments in the county with their financial needs. This firm
analyzes, creates, and finalizes budgets for these departments and ensures that each is
equipped with the necessaries for their role in the county. Assess and Balance Financials
is in search of filling a position for a budget analyst. Currently, there are two interns in
the firm, a staff accountant, a purchasing coordinator, and the finance director. This firm
works closely with the county manager as well. The firm is struggling to function with
the employees that are currently working, but they can provide the minimum required
information, so the firm ... Show more content on ...
Recruitment: In order to recruit to fill this budget analyst position, we will be seeking
individuals who have a four year, bachelor s degree, in accounting or finance. At Assess
and Balance Financials, needs qualified individuals who understand basic accounting and
financial rules and equations learned through course material and experience. This is best
for Assess and Balance Financials because the material covered affects many firms and
creates a domino effect down to the taxpayers if the numbers are not handled with
precision and accuracy, so it is imperative that this individual understand and have
experience working with budgets and have knowledge in accounting. This audience is
best for Assess and Balance Financials because these individuals will have the four year
degree and internships and if older, some additional job experience.
In order to fill this position, Assess and Balance Financials will look internally, at the
interns, and seek to post positions online to Indeed. Assess and Balance Financials will
benefit from this recruitment, because it will already be aware of the work ethic and
performance from the interns. Additionally, Assess and Balance Financials will know that
the interns fit into the organization culture and understand expectations. Interns will also
be familiar with the departments and will require less training as

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