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4'A Lesson Plan

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Achieve Great Things, Initiate Changes, Transform from Better to best, Excel and Remain Humble

Asian Institute of Technology and Education, Inc.

Olinsterg Bldg., Maharlika Highway, Brgy. Poblacion 3, Tiaong, Quezon, Philippines
Telefax Number: (042)-545-6547 / Cell No. 0923-747-3607


Demonstration Teacher/Student: Raul A. Bonquin Jr. Grade Level: 11

Topic: Models Of Communication Duration: 1 hour

At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
 Identify the various models of communication;
 Compare and contrast the models of communication;
 Appreciate the different characteristics of communication models;
 Present a scenario depicting different models of communication.


Subject: Oral Communication
Topic: Models of Communication
Instructional Material: Powerpoint Presentation, Laptop, Manila Paper
Reference: Internet,
Values Integration: Unity & Teamwork
Strategies: 4 A's Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)


Teaching Hints Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

I. Preliminaries

a. Greetings Good morning class! Good morning Sir!

b. Prayer Kindly stand for the opening prayer. ( Someone will lead the opening prayer )
( Call someone to lead the prayer )

c. Motivation Before we proceed to our discussion for today lets No, Sir!
us have first a short game. The game will be called
"Arrange Me" Are you familiar with that game?

(The teacher will explain the mechanics of this


Okay class, do you understand the mechanics of

the game?

Are you ready class?

Yes Sir!

Yes Sir!

(The teacher will flash the picture in the screen)

1. D O L E M

Now look at this jumbled letters. Anyone who can

arrange it to come up with the word that is
associated with the picture being projected?

What do you think is the answer?

Okay very good class!

2. A P M (The studenst will answer)

Whenever we travel or go to other places we look

for a model. However this travel model is called

That's correct very good!

(The students will answer)

3. R A T M O F

Whenever we are ask to write a research paper

we also look for a model. What do you this model?

That's right very good!

(The student will answer)

And whenever we ask who do you want to be
when you grow up, we always look for a model.
Someone we look up to as a good example and
worthy to imitate. What do you call that person?

That's correct very good!

5. I T O N M M U O C I N C A
(The students will answer)

This is the act of giving, receiving, and sharing

information whether its verbal or nonverbal. In
other words, talking or writing, and listening or

Okay, very good!

(The students will answer)

II. Lesson Proper

d. Activity Activity 1: "Stick on Me"

(The teachers will give the instructions about this


Okay class, form a 2 groups, each groups will be

given a random words on the word pool. And
then, I will paste a statement and all you have to
do is to race on the front and whose group who
stick the word first will be given a point. Lastly, the
group who got the highest points will be the
winner for this activity.

(The students wil form a group and have

a discussion on their given activity)

d. Analysis Word Pool:





Non verbal







1.________ is a process which follows a certain

Answer: Communication

2. Communication occurs between two or more

people; the ______ or the source of the
information and the ________.
Answer: Sender and Receiver

3. It can be articulated through _________ or

spoken words.

Answer: Written

4. It can also expressed through gestures, facial

expressions or actions which are ________ where
Answer: Non verbal
words are not needed to understand what one

5. _______ is the process of interpreting the

encoded _________ of the source by the receiver.
Answer: Decoding and Message

6. Communication are also functions to control

__________. Answer: Behavior

7. It ________ or encourage people to live better

and allows individual to ________ with others.
Answer: Motivates and Interact

Are you ready class? Okay lets start!

Yes sir!
(The teacher will begin posting the statement on
the board)

Okay very good class! Give a round of applause for

the winner of this activity.

( The students will clap their hands)

e. Abstraction Our topic for today is about the Three Models of

Now let us start our discussion.

First, let us define the word communication.

Any idea from the class? What is communication?

(The students will answer)

A communication is the act of giving,

receiving, and sharing information
whether its verbal or nonverbal. In other
Very good! That's correct. words, talking or writing, and listening or

When we say communication this is the act of

conversation of a person eitheir its two people are
talking or more. Also communication is the act of
sharing information whether its verbal or non
verbal communication.

Now that we have already define what is

communication. Let us proceed to the three
Models of Communication.

There are three Models of Communication which


1. Linear Model (Shannon-weaver Model 1949)

2. Interactive Model (Schramm Model 1954)

3. Transactional Model

Let's start with the first model which is Linear


Who among you, have an idea about Linear

Very good!

(The students will answer)

When we say Linear Model is a one way process, For me, linear model is a one way
in this model we focus on a transmission of a communication or one person is talking.
message to a receiver will never response or has
no way of responding in information conveyed.

Who can give an example of a Linear Model?

Yes that's correct because the receiver can not

give any response to the message that is
conveying by the sender or anchor of that radio

Give him a round of applause.

(The students will answer)

Listening on a radio channel.

Other examples are:

1. Reading a newspaper.

2. Watching state of the nation address.

3. Watching TV
(The students will clap their hands)
Class do you understand the first Model?

Is there any questions?

If none let's proceed to the second model which is

Interactive Model. Yes Sir!

Any idea from the class? What is Interactive

None so far Sir!
Very good class, that's correct! (The students will answer)

When we say Interactive Model is a two way Sir I think Interactive Model is a process
process of communication, there a response is of communication between two person.
given after a message is deliver. The recepient of
the action is intentionally gives a feedback
associated with the information receive.

Who can give an example of Interactive Model?

That's correct, very good! Who else?

(The students will answer)

Sir I think a job interview.

That's also correct, very good!

(The second students will answer)

Others example are:
For me, when I have a conversation on
1. A simple conversation over the phone. one of my friends Sir.

2. Conversation between you and your parents,

siblings or friends.

Now class, do you understand what is the second

Any Questions?

That's great we can now proceed to the last model

which is Transactional Model.

Who can share an idea about Transactional


Yes Sir.

That's correct, very good! None! Sir

When we say Transactional Model there are many

senders and receivers of the message in the
situation, and aside from that noises can be heard

(The students will answer)

I think Sir, it is a process of

communication between a group of

Who can give an example of Transactional Model?

That's right, Very good!

Here are the other examples:

1. A meeting in which all attendees participate by

sharing ideas and comments.

2. A telephone call
(The students will answer)
3. An interactive training
Sir I think the example of this is a
4. A group activity business meetings.

Did you understand the three Models Of

Communication class?
Any other questions or clarifications regarding the

That's good to hear class!

Yes Sir.

None, Sir!

f. Application Since we are done discussing the three Model of

Communication. Get a one half sheet of paper and
write a sentence of what you have understand for
each Model of communication.

I will give you 10 minutes to finish.

And submit it to me when you are finish.

(The students will do the given task)

IV. Evaluation (5 Minutes)

Read each item carefully and then choose the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. Which of the following is an example of one-way communication process? C

A. A group of teenagers planning for a big event.

B. The committee finding ways to reach for the less fortunate in their barangay.
C. The president of the Philippines delivering his SONA.

D. A and B

2. You ask your sister to wear a mask everytime she goes out and she nods as reply. Which model of
communication is presented here? A

A. Interactive

B. Conversational

C. Linear

D. Transactional

3. Which model of communication portrays a multilayer of communication processes where the

characters and environment change over time? C

A. Interactive Model

B. Linear Model

C. Transactional Model

D. All of the above

4. Which communication model focuses on the message sent to the recepient? B

A. Interactive Model

B. Linear Model

C. Transactional Model

D. A combination of A and B

5. A strong wind struck as arnold and his father took turns in pulling the fishing boat to the shore. Arnold
can't hear his father's voice. Which affects the flow of communication process? D

A. Arnold's voice

B. Boat

C. Father

D. Wind
V. Assingment

In the Ven Diagram below, show the similarities and differences of the three communication models.


Interactive Transactional

Prepared by:

Raul A. Bonquin Jr.

English Teacher

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