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DLP Oral Communication

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A Detailed Lesson Plan

Oral Communication

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Enumerate and describe the elements of communication.

b. Appreciate the importance of communication and its elements.

c. Create a scenario which shows the functions of each element of communication.

II. Subject matter

Elements of Communication

Reference: Pagay, J. B. (2015). Purposive Communication A Handbook. Bulacan: St. Andrew

Publishing House.

Materials: Laptop, projector, pieces of paper

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Tasks Learners’ Tasks

A. Preparation
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance

B. Review
Let’s have a review of what was previously Communication is the transmission of messages
discussed. Who can give the definition of from a sender to a receiver in an understandable
communication? manner.

How about the difference of verbal and non- Verbal communication is the use of words to
verbal communication? convey a message or to express a feeling to
someone, while nonverbal communication is the
interaction to others without the use of words
but actions and behavior, instead.
Very good!

C. Motivation
Today, we are going to have some fun by having (The students will be grouped into four.)
a game that I think most of you are familiar with.
But before that, you will be grouped into four.

Do you know the game, Pass the Message? Yes.

That’s good. So, I assume you are already familiar

with the mechanics. I have added some twist to
the game.

The last persons at the back will be given a

paragraph to whisper to the persons in front of
them. Repeat the procedure until it reaches the
first persons in the line, who will then write the
paragraph on the board or on a sheet of paper.
The group that finishes first with the most
accurate output wins the game.

Is that clear? Yes.

If that’s the case, let’s get started. (The students will do the activity.)
D. Discussion
Did you enjoy the activity? Yes.

The game that you all did a while back has

something to do with our lesson for today. Before
we discuss, let me ask you some questions.

How did you deliver the message from one We delivered the message personally to the
person to another? person in front of us through whispering.

What did you use to deliver the message? We used words.

What was the process you have undergone to Communication.

transfer information?

Was the message accurately transmitted? Yes. (No)

For those who completed the task, what helped We listened very well to the message and
you accomplish the task well? delivered it to the person next to us with correct
pronunciation of the words. We took it slowly but

For those who didn’t, what hindered you from The message cannot be easily memorized. We
doing it well? also had some problems saying the words.

If you were to repeat the process, how would you We will be very careful with saying the words so
improve it? that the person in front of us will get the message

For today, we will be having a discussion on the

different elements of communication.

Now, let’s take a look at the first component of (A student will read the definition of a sender.)
communication. The sender.

(The teacher will expound the term.)

Second component would be the message. (A student will read the definition of a message.)

(The teacher will expound the term.)

Third is the channel. Who can give me an idea? It is the medium or the means in which the
encoded message is conveyed.

There are different forms of channels.

(The teacher will explain these things.)

Fourth is the receiver. (A student will read the definition of a receiver.)

(The teacher will expound the term.)

Fifth is the feedback.

Feedbacks can be categorized into two.

(The teacher will flash and explain these


The teacher will provide an example of (The students will identify the elements present
communication. in the conversation.)
Another component is the noise. (A student will read the definition of a receiver.)

(The teacher will expound the term.)

Can you provide some examples? Noisy environment, poor signal, language

Last element is environment. (A student will read the definition of a receiver.)

(The teacher will expound the term.)

Is everything clear? Yes.

Very good. I have prepared here a sample (Volunteers will act and the rest of the class will
conversation. I need few volunteers to act out help identify the elements of communication in
what’s on the screen. the scenario presented.)

E. Application
Using the same groupings, write conversation (Students will do the group activity.)
chunks and identify the different components of
communication in these chunks taken from the
following settings.
1. Home
2. School

Write it in a ½ sheet of paper.

F. Generalization
Can someone enumerate the elements of The elements of communication are sender,
communication? message, receiver, channel, feedback, noise, and

Very good! Do you have any questions? No.

IV. Evaluation
In a ¼ sheet of paper, identify the words described in each number.
1. It is anything that distorts, interferes with, or changes the meaning of an intended message.
2. It is both the psychological and the physical surroundings in which communication occurs.
3. This is the response to a message that a receiver sends back to the source.
4. It is the route by which messages flow between the source and receivers.
5. One who transmits the words, actions, or expressions
6. This is transmitted from person to another either through words, actions, or expressions.
7. A single individual or many individuals who analyzes and interprets messages, both intended
and unintended.
8. It is the process of converting the message into words, actions, or other forms that the speaker
9. It is the activity of expressing and exchanging ideas to convey information, and share meaning,
from one or more people to one or more other people by employing diverse means.
10. It is the process of interpreting the encoded message of the sender by the receiver.

V. Assignment
In a ½ sheet of paper, write at least three qualities of an effective communicator. Explain.

Prepared by:

Ivory B. Mauro

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