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Environmental Engineering (BFC 32403) Individual Assignment (5%)

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NO. MATRIC : CF190125

No. Criteria Mark Given

1 Introduction and topic of the interview 0.5

2 Understanding the issue of environmental aspect 2

information from the industry

3 Discussion of the overall perspectives (own reflection) 1

4 Conclusion and summary of the experience 1

5 Effective English writing 0.5

Mark 5.0
Rapid urbanization and population development growth have contributed both to a
steadily expanding interest in water utilization and, simultaneously, to the degree of water
contamination in Malaysia. The nature of water in Malaysia, just as admittance to water, all
in all, is a significant concern. Lakes and supplies go about as homegrown, business, agrarian,
hydroelectric, navigational, and sporting water assets. As 98% of water comes from
waterways, streams' contamination is a genuine issue with an ever-increasing number of
waterways are dirtied. Nonstop waterway contamination will additionally exhaust water
supplies. Due to this pollution, the Department of Environment in 2017 shows that there were
579 rivers in 2008 but it is reduced to 477 remaining rivers in 2019. J. Muller in his research
published on Statista shows that approximately 34% of Malaysia's rivers in Malaysia are
slightly polluted. It is stated that 7% of the rivers were polluted. Based on this research, it can
be mention that these polluted rivers can lead to adverse effects on human life, aquatic life,
the environment, and sewage. As regarding Malay Mail, due to pandemic issues nowadays, it
is reported that 160 cases of river pollution happened in 2020. As this polluted river led to a
shortage of water, this pandemic creating more chaos among the community whereas water is
the main source in daily life. It is a serious matter that needs to be concern by society for a
better life. This problem is crucial where it needs to have a better solution.

As the best solution is needed, it becomes a question if this program "Denai Sungai
Kebangsaan" is the best solution that can help this current issue of river water quality. As to
answer this question, the call interview session has been conducted with Mr. Izzat bin
Abdullah, an Assistant Engineer in River Valley and Coastal Zone Management from
Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID), Negeri Sembilan as he is willing to share his
knowledge regarding this topic. According to him, under this DSK, the Chief Minister of
Negeri Sembilan has identified four river trail locations that can be used as new attractions
for tourism to Negeri Sembilan. These four trails are located at Kuala Pilah, Tampin, Jempol,
and Rembau that involves 1km by each district. Initially, there are 10 areas suggested being
upgraded in this program. But, only four trails have been accepted. In this interview, there are
some criteria that being discuss which are the environmental aspect, management, awareness,
issues, and challenges also the concept of DSK. This interview has been conducted for 1 hour
where this topic brings the best outcomes of the criteria needed.

As explained by Mr. Izzat, this problem already caught the Ministry of Environment
and Water (MEWA) attention. This attention has made MEWA to initiate "Denai Sungai
Kebangsaan (DSK)" program. This new initiative is a mechanism for controlling the river
pollution and flood risk that being set by MEWA Strategic Plan 2030. By implementing DSK,
MEWA as a pioneer leader role is liable for deciding the direction and execute the strategy of
the whole program. By 2030, DSK is arranging and focusing on the development of 10,000
km of trails at chosen rivers in the entire country, and the whole distance, which is 1,000 km
is intended to be prepared in 2023. This implementation of DSK also involving collaboration
with government agencies such as the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Ministry
of Works, and Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture. In the meantime, throughout this
implementation of DSK, MEWA will have some strategic partners with some NGOs such as
Friends of Rivers Malaysia (FoRM), Rakan Alam Sekitar, corporate bodies, and institutions
of higher learning with Parties State and Federal Government Authorities. This collaboration
aims are to identify and gather the participation of the local community to work together to
make DSK a success. The concept of this DSK also will be promoted continuously through
communication, education, participation, and awareness (CEPA) that can be organized at the
location of the completed trail which including blogging activities, tree planting, trail run, and
communal work.

The environmental aspect is the main issue that needs to be a concern when we
discussing about river pollution. It is necessary to know the bad impacts of this river pollution
on the environmental surround. In this overview, the environmental aspect that every person
needs to care about is the spillage of chemical wastage. Everyone knows that to have a good
quality of water resources is through clean water from the river. But, this spillage of chemical
waste made the river water became polluted and this condition will lead the local community
to face a shortage of water. If these things are not being solved, how much time that we need
to face this problem. In meantime, this hazardous chemical that coming from factory disposal,
would not only kill the aquatic animals and aquatic plants but would kill human life. The
incident that happened at Kim Kim River on 7 March 2019, was the most noticeably terrible
water contamination that occurred as it is affected 6,000 people and hospitalizing 2,775
casualties. The majority of the casualties were school students and the results of these
occurrences, 110 schools situated close to the waterway were consequently shut. This episode
shows us that the risky synthetic compounds are perilous for individuals as well. Thus, to
address this issue, every industry mover needs to guarantee that all waste must be treated and
consent to the principles set by the DOE before being discharged into the river. In the
meantime, the enforcement by the government needs to be increased to tackle this issue. As
the outcomes, this execution of this program will forestall the disposal of chemical waste as if
the trails are made as a vacation spot for tourists when this area has been embellished. This
consequence will at least prevent the awful intentions on the waterway to proceed.

As should be obvious, there are some examples of existing trails such as Sungai Muda
at Kedah, Sungai Perai at Pulau Pinang, and Sungai Melaka, Melaka. These existing trails
show us the positive outcomes as this plan made the sustainability of the river can be taken
care of and appreciated. Indeed, this joint venture is not only from the government, however,
this respectable endeavor is also likewise the aftereffect of visiting sightseers that additionally
keep the waterway clean together. No achievement will be accomplished by carrying out this
program if there is no wise management behind it. Thus, the wise system that is used by the
state government to ensure the smooth running of this program is by creating a Negeri
Sembilan DSK committee chaired by the Chief Minister State Secretary. The presence of this
committee will monitor the implementation of DSK management in Negeri Sembilan. This
committee is included all the agencies that act as noticeable participants in creating the
strategy for this program.

Besides the concepts of DSK, it is necessary to concern about the objectives of this
program which are ensuring the sustainability and beauty of the river, thus controlling
activities that can cause pollution, creating a sense of shared responsibility among the various
parties, encourage nature-based activities among the local community and stimulate
economic-based activities such as river ecotourism. As to achieve these objectives, it is a
must for all communities to take part and put their concerns on this program. The
accomplishment of this program will make our river in Malaysia keep having good quality
water and this situation will give joy to every community. For example, if one of the
objectives is achieved such as to encourage nature-based activities among the local
community, the joy that we have is a blessing where all the community can experience
nature-based activities such as kayaking and fishing. This will create the awareness of human
reliance on the environment and the significance of the environment to human existence and
if this activity is being neglected, it will cause the loss of priceless assets compared to money.

As Mr. Izzat is one of the responsible officers that handle this program in Negeri
Sembilan, it was a chance to know his perspective on this program in the first place.
According to his perspective, this initiative is a good program that needs to be a concern of as
this program eventually can nurture all ages on having a clean environment where they need
to know the atmosphere about rivers near them. This perspective has brought us to the
discussion of how this program can give a big impact on our environment and community
about the importance of protecting our rivers. As the good values are applied, at least the
community will begin to more focused on the importance of river cleanliness, and these noble
characteristics will lead Malaysia towards protecting beautiful river management and even
improve water quality in rivers in Malaysia. It is known that illegal dumping and garbage
disposal will cause river pollution which normally occurred. Heavy rainfall will carry all this
garbage into the river and causing this river pollution. To control approach at source nature-
based solutions. The program is arranged with precautionary strategy contamination through
a control approach at source nature-based arrangements by DSK. Along these lines, through a
control approach at the source, it can assist with decreasing the issue of waste disposal,
particularly in stream save territories, which thusly affects better water quality.

As the primary target of this DSK is arranged, the reason for the development of this
trail is to shape and sow the love for the river and environment. At the point when local
people and visitors realized the neatness that should be dealt with together, this arranged
target will be accomplished without a doubt. Hypothetically, the execution of DSK could
assist to reduce any removal of waste in a river will be saved but it is not a complete
arrangement. Nevertheless, if the execution of DSK is stretched out to the entire river area, it
is seen to able to give a good impact. The implementation of DSK in Negeri Sembilan is one
of the activities taken by the Government following a few contamination occurrences that
have happened in Negeri Sembilan. Based on the interview with Mr. Izzat, it is clarified that
the DSK program will be a critical part of controlling flood hazards. It is said that in the
future, he is affirmed that this program will update their framework with high keen
innovation and technology that can handle this flood hazard. In this view, this innovation and
technology can measure the water level and displaying data. This high-level identification of
flood hazards from this framework will assist the authority's specialists with setting up certain
approaches to stay away from the floods that will happen.

In creating awareness among the society on progressing basis, the public authority
needs to plans and constructs the facilities and amenities around the trails for the utilization
of local people and indirectly giving some way about the application of care and cleaning for
long term use in embedded the locals without expecting that only government has the right to
maintain the sustainability of the river. For instance, the government initiative by doing river
program for factories where this program aims the responsibilities of maintaining the river
quality that meets the needs of the second objective of DSK which is creating a sense of
shared responsibility among the various parties. As this awareness keeps spreading, it is good
to have some methods that can approach the community to have this awareness. Besides the
government efforts, it is a must for the community itself to be concerned about the incidents
that happened in our rivers. The locals can be government eyes and ears to combat these
activities that can disrupt the cleanliness and sustainability of our rivers by reporting the law
and authorities. By referring to Mr. Izzat, another way of approach that can be implemented
is creating communal work with the community monthly. This approach will eager the
community to keep concerned about our river quality. Thus, this communal work will make
our people fabricate an obligation in themselves regarding the preservation of the river.

Besides, a syllabus that is related to rivers needs to be introduced starting from pre-
school and secondary school. On the off chance that the syllabus has being presented, it will
be fostered awareness as the campaign on keeping the river clean is additionally held. The
increasing of enforcement by the government due to this DSK, is another good approach that
can be used as this enforcement will lead the community to take it lightly about our rivers and
at once it will give the community chances to protecting the rivers.

As this implementation of DSK is a new thing in Malaysia, it is be challenging where

the authorities need to involve. According to Mr. Izzat, honestly, the challenge that needs to
be coping by hsim and his department is to identify the selected location whether the selected
location is on a government reserve or private land. It can be said that this problem makes the
department having trouble for manage the locations proposed. If it is on private land, it will
be tougher as they need to deal with the landowner. Other than that, the issues that being
confronting are the ways and methods of determining the appropriate location that can impact
the local population as well as achieve the planned objectives for attractiveness and eco-
tourism. By right, these issues still be a burden for the department but the department has
planned the best strategy to adapt to this senseless issue. The enormous difficulties that can
be concluded are about the limited financial allocation, were to cover and develop the project
comprehensively with the value of the allocation received in phases. As this program needs a
big budget, the restricted monetary will obstruct the department from solving the issue in

In a nutshell, this interview session with Mr. Izzat has open my mind towards a
greater direction that explains the importance of preserving our rivers. The principles idea of
planetary wellbeing is pointed toward cultivating mindfulness, just as joining the
neighborhood local area and all partner through a feeling of possession and obligation.
Assuming this idea can be supported in every person, it will help the nation in creating a
more reasonable age and climate through improving water quality as well as be felt in all
parts of life. In reality, this DSK program is an initiative that should be a concern as it can
keep our stream from being dirtied ceaselessly. This program additionally giving numerous
advantages to all life as it can invigorate the neighborhood's financial activities. Truth be told,
the manageability of the waterway should be kept just as its truly giving us the best landscape.
To wrap things up, I wish that each individual in this nation will keep appreciating the
presence of our rivers that can be concluded as these rivers are giving the water assets for our
everyday life. I cannot imagine, what will befall us if our waterway is not ensured by any
parties nor the stream are not exist.



CONTACT NUMBER 012-652 5207





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