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Chapter 4:

Different techniques for TQM: Benchmarking

Dr. Shyamal Gomes
When an organization / company want to maintain a level of quality that satisfy their
customers at the appropriate time and price then that organization must follow some
quality management techniques for fulfil those principles and planning. The
techniques are:
Quality Circle
Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
Business Process Reengineering
Total Productive Maintenance
Six Sigma,
Poka Yoka etc.

Actually the important principles of Total Quality are:

1. Focus or delighting the customer
2. Participation and team work
3. Continuous improvement and learning
4. Zero defect ( maximum level)
Planning for quality must always start with the product attributes (or specifications)
which are important to the customers. A method must then be devised to test and
measure quality for each of product attributes. Next, the quality standards are set
against which the actual quality is compared. Quality planning also involves setting of
quality objectives, establishing quality strategies and formulating quality policies:

Benchmark and Benchmarking:

A benchmark is a point of reference against which things are measured. In business,

these points of reference or standards can measure by questions about the product or
service e.g how many, how much time, how much money, how reliable or how well
made is it, by studying other organizations and comparing the answers to these
questions, we will be able to measure our performance against that of others. As a
result, an organization will be able to set new goals, and adapt the best practices to
their organization. This exactly helps them to satisfy their customers with the best
quality, cost, product and services.

Bench marking is an effective technique, which helps organizations to create quality

targets in the Strategic Quality Management Process.

Benchmarking is a systematic method by which an organization can continuously

measure themselves against the best industry practices or world class or Best in
Class and improve accordingly. Simply it is the search of industry best practices that
lead to superior performance

Benchmarking is systematic and continuous measurement improvement Process: A

process of continuously measuring and comparing an organizations business
processes against process leaders any where in the world to gain information which
will help the organization to take action to improve performance.





Thus, the goal of benchmarking is to make the best in class target for the organization,
based on the information from both internal and external sources. The secret to
benchmarking technique is borrow adopt refine the best attributes for
continuous growth and development.

When Benchmarking?

Where there are 8 negative answers like:

1. Is the companys QMS properly developed, documented and implemented -

2. Are there systems to allocate appropriate resources and finding for the
effective implementation of QMS- no.
3. Companys great strength areas are measured no.
4. Companys great weakness areas are measured no.
5. Companys great opportunities are measured no.
6. Areas have threats for its survival no.
7. Customer needs assessed and rectified no.
8. KSF application is central focus- no.

Levels of Benchmarking in Competitive environment:

Internal benchmarking within ones org.

Competitive benchmarking analysis the performance and practices of best
in class companies.
Non competitive benchmarking is learning something about a process a
company wants to improve by benchmarking.
World class benchmarking- ambitious and looking towards recognized leader

General areas of Benchmarking / where benchmarking:

Operational Strategies:
Inventory management
Inventory control
Marketing management
Customer service levels
Billing and collection
Purchasing practices
Quality Improvement efforts / process
Management of quality councils
Overall equipment effectiveness etc.
H.R. Practices
Talent Acquisition / Search
Training and Development
Compensation management etc.
Supply chain management
Warehousing and distribution
Types of Benchmarking:
There are (7) seven types of Benchmarking:

Performance or operational benchmarking

Process or functional benchmarking
Strategic benchmarking
Functional Benchmarking
Internal Benchmarking
External Benchmarking
International Benchmarking

A. Performance or operational benchmarking:

It involves pricing, technical quality, features and other quality
Performed by reverse engineering in which competitors products are taken
apart and analyzed
It is also known as competitive benchmarking

B. Process or Functional benchmarking:

Centres on work processes such as billing, order entry or employee training.

It identifies the most effective practices in companies that perform similar
functions, no matter in what Industry.

C. Strategic Benchmarking:

Examines how companies compute and seeks the winning strategies that have
led to competitive advantage and market success.
Determine how well a company is prepared to compete in a segment and to
help define a best-in-class competitor is to construct a key success factor


Key success Competitive analysis Computer Industry Segment
Performance Rating

Weight Our Company Competitor A Competitor Competitor

Sales Force
Cost Structure

D. Functional benchmarking: or generic benchmarking is used

when an organization look to benchmark with partners drawn from
different business sectors or areas of activity to find ways of
improving similar functions or work processes. This sort of
benchmarking can lead to innovation and dramatic improvements.

E. Internal Benchmarking: Involves seeking partners from within

the same organization. The main advantages of IB are that access to
sensitive data and information is easier, standard data is often readily
available and usually less time and resources are needed.

F. External Benchmarking: Involves seeking outside organizations

that are known to be best in class. External benchmarking provides
opportunities of learning from those who are at the cutting edge,
although it must be remembered that not every best practice solution
can be transferred to others. In addition, EB may take up more time
and resources to ensure the comparability of data and information,
credibility of findings and development of sound recommendations.

G. International Benchmarking: It is used where partners are sought

from other countries because best practitioners are located elsewhere
in the world. Globalization and advances in IT are increasing
opportunities for international projects. However, this can be more
time and resources to set up and implement and the results may need
careful analysis due to national differences.

Phases of Benchmarking:

Benchmarking is usually treated as a structural process. The structure

is best provided by developing a step by step model. Any type of
benchmarking process model should provide an adequate framework
for the successful planning and execution of a benchmarking exercise.
It should be flexible enough to encourage people to modify the
process to suit their needs and project requirements. There are 5 stages
of Benchmarking:
Planning: Identify the product, service or process to be
Analysis: Determine the gap between the firms current
performance and that of the firms benchmarked and identify the
causes of significant gaps.
Integration: Establish goals and obtain the support of managers
who must provide the resources for accomplishing the goals
Action: Develop action plans, and team assignment, implement the
plans, monitor progress and recalibrate benchmark as
improvements are made.
Maturity: Leadership position attended, best practices fully
integrated into process.

XEROX s twelve steps of benchmarking (1980):

Phase 1: Planning
1. Identify what to benchmark;
2. Identify comparative companies;
3. Determine data collection method & collect data.
Phase 2: Analysis
4. Determine current performance gap;
5. Project future performance levels.
Phase 3: Integration
6. Communicate finding and gain acceptance;
7. Establish functional goals.
Phase 4: Action
8. Develop action plans;
9. Implement specific actions & monitor progress;
10. Recalibrate benchmarks.
Phase 5: Maturity
11. Attain leadership position
12. Fully integrate practices into processes.

The Process and of Benchmarking:

Therefore, the process of Benchmarking may involve asking 4 key questions:

1. What should we benchmark?

2. Whom should we benchmark?
3. How do we perform the process?
4. How do they perform the process?

These 4 questions formed the basis on which Boeing, Digital equipments company,
Motorola and Xerox jointly developed a benchmarking template.
Outputs, Results, Sources Factors

Benchmarks Who/What
Data Collection

US Data Analysis THEM

How do Data Collection How do
We do it? THEY
Do it?

Processes, Practices, Methods

Organizations that benchmark, adapt the process to best fit their own needs and
culture. Although the number of steps in the process may vary from organization to
Organization, the following SEVEN steps contain the core method of bench marking:

Step 1: Determine the focus areas to be benchmark / identify what to benchmark.

Step 2: Carry out assessment on the existing practices to understand the current
Step 3: Determine what to measure example compensation/ incentives structure
for sales people
Step 4: Define the standard against which you are going to benchmark Identify who
to benchmark
Step 5: Set goals and Carry out BM exercise
Step 6: Implement the action plan
Step -7: Improve performance based on the information obtained through continuous

1. Most organizations have a strategy that defines how the firm wants to position
it and compete in the market place. This strategy is usually expressed in terms
of mission and vision statements. Supporting these statements is set of critical
activities, which the organization must to successfully to realize its vision.
They are often referred to as critical success factors. In general, when deciding
what to benchmark, it is best to begin by thinking about the mission and
critical success factors.

2. To compare practices to outside benchmarks it is first necessary to thoroughly

understand and document the current process by applying techniques like
follow diagrams, cause effect diagram etc. When documenting the process, it
is important to quantify it. Units of measures must be determined. The key
metrics like unit costs, hourly rates, asset measures, quality measures etc.
must be compared during the bench marking and investigation.
3. Once internal processes are understood and documented, it is possible to make
decisions about who to benchmark and how to conduct the study.
Benchmarking plan is a learning process including:
To use information in the public domain to focus the inquiry
To find appropriate benchmark pictures
Determine data collection method and collect data.
4. Three techniques are mainly use for this Step:
Site Visit
Focus Group Discussion

5. Learning from the data collected in a benchmarking study involves answering

a series of questions.
Is there a gap between the organizations performance and the
performance of the best in class organization?
What is the gap, how much is it?
Why is there a gap, what does the best in class do differently that is
If best in class practices have adapted, what would be the resulting
6. When a benchmarking study levels a negative gap in performance, the
objective is to change the process to close the gap. Benchmarking is a waste of
time if change does not occur as a result. To effect change, the findings must
be communicated to the people within the organization who can able to make
improvement. The findings must translate to goals and objectives, and action
plans must be developed to implement new processes.

7. Monitor the entire process and find out the key areas where more
improvement is needed and finally document the final results.

Different Approaches to Benchmarking

AT&T s 12 step process XEROX 12 step process

1. Determine who the clients are who will use the 1. Identify what is to be benchmark

information to improve their processes

2. Advance the clients from the literacy stage to the 2. Identify comparative organizations

champion stage

3. Test the environment. Make sure the clients can and 3. Determine data collection method and
will follow through with benchmarking findings collect data.

4. Determine urgency panic or disinterest indicates little 4. Determine current performance Gap.

chance for success.

5. Determine scope and type of benchmark needed 5. Project future performance levels.

6. Select and prepare the team 6. Communicate B.M findings and gain


7. Overlay the benchmarking process on to the business 7. Establish functional Goals

planning process

8. Develop business management plan 8. Develop action plans

9. Analyze the data 9. Implement specific actions and monitor


10. Integrate the recommended actions 10. Recalibrate benchmarks.

11. Take Actions 11. Attain leadership position ;

12. Continue Improvement 12. Fully integrate practices into processes

Factors to be kept in mind to ensure success with bench marking:

Benchmarking must have the full support of senior management and they should actively
involve. with this process
For benchmarking team and process training is very imp.
Benchmarking should be a team activity
Benchmarking is an ongoing process.
Benchmarking efforts must be organized, planned, and carefully managed.
Used, correctly, benchmarking can lead you to the competitive edge in todays business
market place.


Benchmarking is a systematic method by which organizations can measure themselves

against the best Industry practices
It promotes superior performance by providing an organized framework through which
organization learn how the best in class do things.
It helps for continuous improvement.
Benchmarking inspire managers (and organization) to compete.
Through Benchmark process organization can borrow ideas, adopt and refine them to
gain competitive advantages.

The most resistant criticism of Benchmarking comes from the idea of copying others.
BM is not a panacea. It is not a strategy nor is it intended to be a business philosophy.
Therefore, it is a time taking technique.

Now a days, more than 60% companies in the world uses this technique for fixing their target
for continuous improvement. For them it is an important tool. But to be effective it must be
used properly. It breaks down (waste money, time and energy and some times morale too) if
process owners and managers feel threatened or do not accept and act on the findings. Finally,
benchmarking is not a substitute for innovation; however, it is a source of ideas from outside
the organization.

Kai the Japanese word means change, while Zen means good (for the better), so kaizen
means improvement. It is an effective tool of continuous improvement in small increments that
make the process more efficient, effective, under control and adaptable. It focuses on
simplification by breaking down complex processes into their sub processes and then
improving them. Massaki Imai, the chairman of the Cambridge Corporation, an international
management consultancy firm based in Tokyo, propound this useful technique in 1986.

Kaizen relies heavily on a culture change that encourages suggestions by operators who
continuously try to incrementally improve their jobs or processes.

Innovation is seen as major changes in the wake of technological breakthroughs, or the

introduction of the latest management concepts or production techniques. Innovation is
dramatic, a real attention getter. Kaizen is continuous and incremental, and its results are
seldom immediately visible. Since Innovation requires large investment but little effort to
maintain it because its effort orientation is technology, that means innovation may be
challenging, creative and constructive but not cost effective; other hand Kaizen requires little
investment but great effort to maintain it, because its effort orientation is People that means
Kazen is not only for challenging, creative and constructive but cost effective too. This is we
can consider as C4 Innovation.
The management of the company encourages suggestion or kaizens from employees
regarding possible improvements in their respective work areas. The employees are
awarded on giving a large number of useful suggestions. These rewards are more of
recognition such as kaizen man of the month titles and certificates or small gifts
rather than monetary rewards.

The objectives of Kaizen:

To build ownership and establishing the acceptable working culture /
environment because kaizen relies heavily on a culture change that encourages
suggestions by operators who continuously try to incrementally improve their
jobs or processes.
To determining capital cost projects.
To involves slow but steady incremental improvements.
To create participatory approach on creativity and updated fashion design as
per taste of the customer.
To create zero defect production in the production line.

Kaizen mainly focus on:

1. Value - added and non-value added work activities.

2. Muda (work without a product or effort wasted), which refers to the seven
classes of waste over production, delay, transportation, processing,
inventory, wasted motion and defective parts.
3. Principle of the motion study and the use of cell technology.
4. Principles of materials handling and use of one-piece flow.
5. Documentation of standard operating procedures.
6. The 5S for work place organization, which are five Japanese words that mean
sort/ proper arrangements ( Seiko), Sort in orderliness (Seiton), shine /
personal cleanliness ( Seiketso), standardize (Seiso) and self discipline
7. Visual management by means of visual displays that everyone in the plant can
use for better communications.
8. Just in time principles to produce only the units in the right quantities, at
the right time, and with the right resources.
9. Poka yoka to prevent or defect errors.
10. Team dynamics, which include problem solving, communication skills, and
conflict resolution.

How Kaizen works:

The concept of continuous improvement is applied in all directions:

industrial processes can be improved

working methods can be improved
quality defects can be eliminated
waste can be reduced
Customer service can be bettered
The working environment can be improved
Boss/subordinates relationship can be improved.

Now, improvements in industry can be obtained in many ways: new technology can
bring improvement to a process or to products' quality - technology can also bring
improvements in productivity and in efficiency - it can also bring improvements to
customer service - external consultants can bring improvements to working methods,
to processes, to interpersonal relations. But these types of improvements do not fall
under the Kaizen umbrella.

Kaizen is improvement through the poor man approach: the poor man does not spend
money on improvements because he has no money to throw at it - he rather uses his
wisdom, and his brain, and his creativity, and his talent, and his patience....

Kaizen is brain power

This is the real power of Kaizen: by using their brain to obtain improvements, people
perfect their skills and increase even more their talent. And there is an extra benefit:
they are more satisfied. If you are a wealthy man, and build a sumptuous villa
designed by the best architect in town, you may or may not be as satisfied as the
average man who, through years of patient, creative work has transformed his house
into a cosy, warm nest, filled with handmade decorations, each corner showing his
dedication, each ornamental object purchased through intelligent savings but selected
with care and rich in taste, and each detail showing and proving his love...... Each step
of improvement, once completed, brings satisfaction, but probably the real
satisfaction is in the improvement process itself: because improving mainly or
primarily through creative efforts is a tough challenge, and challenge is a wonderful
source of satisfaction.

Tools for kaizen

Surely, brain alone is not sufficient: specific techniques are available for Kaizen
oriented people to perform effectively. Like a home improver needs to know
sufficiently about interior decorating, and antiques' restoration, and soft furnishing
(and landscaping, painting, plumbing, wallpapering......), similarly the industrial
Kaizen improver needs:
To know about problem-solving techniques, and tools for creativity, and
Pareto and Ishikawa Diagrams (to mention but a few of the available
instruments for systematic improvement).
Valid Kaizen requires an extra skill from people: the ability to work
effectively in team. Starting from the assumption that "the Pope and the
Peasant together know more than the Pope alone", the Japanese have
extensively deployed and mastered the "team" concept for real, methodical
Their Quality Circles, for instance, are known world-wide.

In western industrial environments the concept of "effective team for systematic

improvement" has somehow failed to deliver high level results, mainly due to
considerable cultural differences. The ability to perform in team effectively,
intentionally and regularly, with the objective of improving systematically all weak
areas of an enterprise, seems to be, in the western world, not as high as in the far
east. And many attempts to transplant Japanese methods and Kaizen approaches into
western enterprises have somehow failed. The truth is that the original Kaizen
concept must be tailored to suit not only the western industrial environment, but even
the specific enterprise, taking into due consideration its culture and values (and
objectives, strategies, policies.....).
Like a home improver cannot and will not merely transform his house following
recommendations and ideas of an interior decorating magazine (ideas that he will
rather vet and adapt to his or her specific needs and taste), similarly an enterprise
willing to undergo a process of continuous, systematic improvement will have to
identify, define and deploy a specific "style" and specific, personalised methods to
pave its "road to excellence".

Kaizen Sheet:
A kaizen sheet is a useful way of depicting the information relating to the
implementation of a kaizen suggested by an individual or a group of workers.

In Kaizen sheet important components are:

1. Kaizen theme (What and which)

2. Problem identified
3. Cause analysis ( why why analysis)
4. Root cause
5. Idea / possible alternative solutions
6. Counter measures
7. Before counter measures ( How)
8. After counter measures
9. Implemented by (Who)
10. Target and targeted date ( when)
11. Benefits / Result after implementation
12. Comparative analysis (before and after)
13. Place of Implementation (Where)
Name of the company / Where:
Organization KAIZEN SHEET Machine:

Kaizen theme: How many and when:

(What and Which)
Problem Counter Measure Benefits: how
Analysis (Why , why) Before counter measure
Rot Cause After counter measure
Scope and plan for
horizontal development
Idea / Alternatives Implemented by: Kaizen No.

Gemba Kaizen:

Muda in Japanese means work without a product or effort wasted. Muri is

refers to an overburden system. Mura means unevenness in the flow of work.
Masaaki Imai, chairman of Kaizen Institute, propounded the concept of
Gemba Kaizen. Gemba means real place or the place where the real action
takes place like factory or shop floor in an Industry, while in the service
sector; Gemba refers to the administrative offices. According to M.Imai:
Gemba is the teacher of any effective manager, when he or she go to gemba,
what they see is the real data. The report from gemba they read sitting at their
office, desk is merely secondary information.

Gemba management follows 5 golden rules, called the 5 gemba principle, as

1. When a trouble (abnormality) happens, go to gemba first and observe it by
own eyes.
2. Check with gembutsu- means some tangible things on which you can put
your hands (machines, tools, rejects, and customer complaints).
3. Take temporary counter measures on the spot for on going solution but do
not address the real issue that ads to the ext point.
4. Find out the root cause: by repeating the question why several times
with the team manager can find out the root cause of the problem.
5. Standardize for prevention of recurrence once the root cause is
identified, counter measures came up with solutions; it is the time to
standardize such a countermeasure so that the same problem will not

One major tool of Gemba Kaizen is Muda Elimination. Various types of muda are as
Muda of Processing

Muda Muda
For of
Over Production Transportation

Muda of Inventory MUDA

Muda of

Muda of Waiting Muda of Motion

Values of Kaizen in Total Quality Management:

High productivity
Commitment and partnership
Cost effectiveness in entire business environment
Team concept and ownership

Kaizen effects at Taj Hotels:

The famous Taj Hotels (Rs. 687 crore India Hotels Corporation Ltd) belong to the
TATA group. The Taj Hotels chain is ranked amongst the best three hotel chains in
Asia, but the aim is to be among the top chains in the world. Over the past three years,
the group has institutionalized both the kaizen approach and total productive
maintenance. Sr. vice president (corporate quality) Mr. H.N.Shrinivas, personally
visited the worlds leading hotel chains such as the Ritz Carlton (Marriott group) and
four seasons to pick up the best practices.
The Taj group benchmarked with Ritz Carlton on customer satisfaction measurement
in luxury hotels. It has also adopted its three steps to service philosophy which is
used for defining performance requirements of employees at all levels warm
welcome, anticipatory, service, and farewell.

According to Taj Hotels, three functions should happen simultaneously within any
organization maintenance, innovation, and kaizen. Maintenance refers to
maintaining the current status, where procedures are set and the standard standards
implemented. Innovation refers to breakthrough activities initiated by top
management, buying new machines, new equipments, developing new markets,
directing R & D, change of strategy etc. In the middle, there is kaizen, small steps but
continuining improvements without large capital investments. Kaizen should be
implemented by the staff at all levels with encouragement and direction from the
management. Taj Hotels follow the ten basic tips for kaizen implementation:

Discard conventional fixed ideas

Think of how to do it, not why it cannot be done.
Do not make excuses, start by questioning on current practices
Do not search perfection, do it right way, even it for only 50% of
the target.
For any mistake, correct it right away.
Dont spend money for kaizen, use wisdom.
Wisdom is brought out when faced with hardship.
Ask why? Five times and seek root causes.
Seek the wisdom of ten people rather than the knowledge of one.
In kaizen, ideas are infinite and sky is the limit.

Energy conservation at Taj Bengal, Kolkata an example

Before Kaizen After Kaizen
Electrical energy was being wasted due to After a proper study and discussion with
misuse of electricity operated kitchen the concerned team, all the under used
equipments such as hot ranges, ovens etc. electrically operated kitchen equipments
have been disconnected and removed
Fresh air and exhaust fans were running Timers have been provided for the fresh
beyond the operating hours in various and the exhaust fans of various kitchens.
Air conditioners of various offices were Timers have been provided for the air
running beyond working hours conditioners of various offices.
Unwanted lights in lobby corridors were The 300W halogen lights have been
on during the night. replaced with 70W metal halide lamps.
Timer have been provided and cabling
modified for the alternative handy lights
of lobby corridors
Annual savings of Rs. 19.62 lakh and in terms of savings in electricity, there is a total
savings of 4,01,317 KWH annually.

Finally, there are always two external forces acting on an organization:

1. The improvements made by competition
2. The ever-increasing pressure from customers and the market.

A company will fail it its people have Lets stop here, Hold performance at this
level, or We have done enough attitude. Therefore, it is important to build
awareness of Kaizen as a continuous process through out the company; use the
Kaizen strategy as management tool within the TQM movement.
Quality Circle
Historical Background and why an organisation should
institutionalise this concept

Dr. K. Ishikawa started Quality Control Circles (known as Quality

Circles in India and in many nations) originally for the self and mutual
development of the workmen. They are also a very logical outcome of
the Japanese drive for training and accomplishment in quality control
and quality improvement.

From the early 1950's, Japanese learnt from the seed courses of Dr. E.
Deming's on statistical methods for quality control and Dr. J. Juran's
courses on Quality Management. With zeal for learning and self-
sufficiency, they vigorously promoted quality education by local experts
across their country. It began with massive education of engineers,
and then top and middle managers, supervisory levels.

Under their system of organising work, it became logical to extend

training on quality to the Gemba-cho', the 'leading hand' of the workers
in a section. Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa and his associates realised the
immense potential of front line employees. It is not only the best way
to help people to develop their own potential but also from the
organisation point of view for contribution through training,
development and motivation for quality control and improvement.

The training featured intra departmental groups of 10 or so workers

seated around a table and hence the name 'QC Circle'. This thought
revolution has been of immense benefit to Japan as a country, to the
Japanese organisations that adopted it and to most of the ASEAN
countries who have been pursuing it.

Problem solving was no more the exclusive purview of supervisors and

managers (with workers only to do as told) but the people who are
performing the tasks at work place are trained and empowered to solve
work related problems and recommend solutions. Persons becoming
members of Quality Circles realise and develop their potential,
individually and in groups, acquiring new skills and competencies. Such
competencies only will help to improve their performance and
capabilities for their own betterment.



Assessment of the prevalent conditions in the

organisation/units/divisions through a survey.

Exposure programme to top management, senior management,

discussion on survey findings and decisions for next steps.
Formation of a Quality Council/Steering Committee and choice of the
coordinator and facilitators; roles and responsibilities of each.

Working out an action plan and schedule, taking care to incorporate.

Key concerns arising from the survey findings and actions agreed
Developing facilitators and internal trainers through intensive
Exposure to all the supervisory/middle management personnel,
from areas where Quality Circles are to be started.
Exposure to all the workmen in the division/unit where initially
circle formation is aimed at formation of the initial Circles,
education and training to all the members of the Circles on the
processes, tools, techniques, maintenance of records, etc.
Guiding and troubleshooting in the implementation stage by
attending monthly review meetings of the steering
committee/quality council for the first 6 months and bi-monthly,

What is quality circle?

A group of employees who perform similar duties and meet at

periodic intervals, often with management, to discuss work-related
issues and to offer suggestions and ideas for improvements, as in
production methods or quality control, called quality circle.

Therefore quality circle is nothing but a small group of employees who come
together to discuss with the management issues related to either quality
control or improvement in production methods form a Quality Control Circle
(QCC). These employees usually work in the same areas, and voluntarily
meet on a regular basis to identify, analyze and solve their problems.

Key Characteristics of quality circle:

A circle, usually consisting of 6-8 members, from the same section.
Membership of a Quality Circle is voluntary.
Circle members should meet regularly, ideally once a week, in
particular place also in particular time.
Circle members select a name for their circle in the first meeting and
elect a leader to conduct the meetings.
Members are specially trained in problem solving and analysis
techniques in order to play their role effectively.
Circle works on a systematic basis to identify and solve work related
problems for improving quality and productivity not just discussing
The management must ensure that solutions are implemented quickly
once they have been accepted
The management must give appropriate and proper recognition to

Why Quality Circle:

It is said that 95% of the problems in workshops can be solved through quality
control tools. The Japanese have experienced this! The quality control tools
useful for QCCs are Pareto Diagrams, Cause-and-Effect Diagrams,
Stratification, Check Sheets, Histograms, Scatter Diagrams, Graphs and
Control Charts. Also, logical thinking and experience are a must for solving
problems. Therefore the main objectives of QC are:
To improve quality and productivity.
To reduce the cost of products or services by waste reduction, safety,
effective utilization of resources, avoiding unnecessary errors and
To identify and solve work-related problems and interfere with
production as a team.
To tap the creative intelligence of people working in the org. and make
full use of human resources.
To improve communication within the organization.
To improve employees loyalty and commitment to the organization and
its goals. (Promoting Morale of employees)
To build a happy, bright, meaningful work environment.
To satisfy the human needs of recognition, achievement and self

The benefits of introducing a quality control circle program in

the work place are many.

Heightened quality awareness reveals faults in the system that might

obstruct good practices.
It improves the quality of your firms products and services, thereby
increasing the value of your brand, and securing your customers
confidence. The quality of customer relationship management can be
further enhanced by using help desk software from the likes of Pro
The people who are part of the quality control circle will feel a sense of
ownership for the project. Higher yields and lower rejection rates also
result in enhanced job satisfaction for workers, which in turn drives
them to contribute more.
A quality control circle program also brings about improved two-way
communication between the staff and the management.
Finally, the financial benefits will certainly exceed the costs of
implementing the program. A study revealed that some companies
improved their savings ten fold!

Basic Organizational Structure of QC:

A quality circle should have an appropriate organizational structure for its

effective and efficient performance. The structure may vary from one org.
to another, but it is useful to have basic framework as a model:

In a typical organization, the structure of a QC may consist of the following

Steering committee Gen. manager / works manager, rep. from top
management, rep. of human resource development and a rep. of
employees union.
Coordinator: an administrative officer / personnel officer from middle
level management.
Facilitator: senior supervisory officer / foreman. A facilitator may
manage up to 10 circles. A facilitator is usually from one of the three
departments quality control, production or training.
Circle Leader: circle leaders may be from the lowest level of
supervisors. A circle leader organises and conducts circle activities.
Circle members: line and / or staff workers ( circle members should
attend all meetings as far as possible, offer suggestions and ideas,
participate actively in group processes, and attain training seriously.

How to implement quality circle:

Firstly, the management is informed about the quality control circle

process that is being planned.
A committee is formed, and key persons such as a coordinator and in-
house coach are selected.
The scope is defined, and areas of application identified.
First-line supervisors in the identified areas are given QCC
presentations. It is important to make these impressive, and valuable
tips on the subject are available.
This is followed up with extensive training for coordinators and middle
management on the process and their roles.
Employees are invited to become members of a circle, and trained
suitably once they sign up. Thus, a circle is formed and begins work.
These may give rise to other circles.
Problems are discussed and solved in a systematic manner in the
QCCs. It is very important that solutions are implemented as quickly as
possible, to maintain the momentum.

Usually QCC programs must operate in all sections of the company i.e., in the
offices, service operations and manufacturing. But remember, while the size
of the company is not important to a program's success, the following factors
certainly are:

Voluntary participation.
Management support.
Employee empowerment.
Training programs.
Team work.
Problem solving skills.


Generally, a quality control circle program requires the same framework as an

ISO 9000 quality standard with regard to the management structure and training.
Hence, QCCs should be part and parcel of your company's Total Quality
Management (TQM) initiative. However, QC followed some ethics, those are:

Criticise ideas, not persons.

The only stupid question is the one that is not asked.
Everyone in the team is responsible for the teams progress.
Be open to others ideas.
Pay, terms of employment and other negotiable items are excluded.

Limitation OR when QC is inactive?

y Inadequate Training
y Unsure of Purpose
y Not truly Voluntary
y Lack of Management Interest
y Quality Circles are not really empowered to make decisions.
y Too many suggestions.


QFD is a technique used to carry the voice of the customer through design and the
production process. It is actually, a customer driven planning process to guide the
design, manufacturing and marketing of goods. It tries to eliminate the gap between:
What customer want in a new product and what the product must deliver. QFD is
designed to help planners focus on characteristics of a new or existing product or
service from the viewpoints of customer/market segments, company, or technology-
development needs.

QFD was originated at Bridgestone Tyre, Kurume plant, where the quality chart was
used for the first time in 1966. Dr. Mizuno, professor of the Tokyo Institute of
Technology, is credited with initiating the Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
system. The first application of QFD was at Mitsubishi, Heavy Industries Ltd., in the
Kobe Shipyard, Japan, in 1972. Professor Yogi Akao (Asahi University, Tokyo) has
been credited with developing this technique to the present form. QFD was
successfully implemented by Mini Vans by Toyota in 1977.

Quality function deployment (QFD) was originally developed by Yoji Akao in 1966
when the author combined his work in quality assurance and quality control points
with function deployment used in Value Engineering. Mr. Akao described QFD as a
method to transform user demands into design quality, to deploy the functions
forming quality, and to deploy methods for achieving the design quality into
subsystems and component parts, and ultimately to specific elements of the
manufacturing process.

QFD is a structured method in which CRs are translated into appropriate Technical
Descriptors / specifications for every stage of product development and production. It
is a technique consisting of a series of interlocking Matrices that translates customer
need into product and process characters.

Therefore, QFD is a technique used to carry the voice of the customer through design
and the production process. It is actually, a customer driven planning process to
guide the design, manufacturing and marketing of goods. It tries to eliminate the gap
between what customer want in a new product and what the product must deliver.

QFD is designed to help planners focus on characteristics of a new or existing product

or service from the viewpoints of market segments, company, or technology-
development needs. The technique yields graphs and matrices.QFD has been used by
several corporations and organizations.

Purpose of QFD

The main purpose of QFD is to ensure that CRs are incorporated into every aspects of
the design and production process. However, in 1987, the QFD research group of the
Japanese Society of Quality Control (JSQC) led by Akao published a final survey
report on the status of QFD application among 80 Japanese companies. The
companies surveyed listed the following as the purpose o using QFD:

Setting design quality and planned quality

Benchmarking competitive process
New product development that sets the company apart form competitors
analysing and accumulating market quality information
Deploying design intent into manufacturing
Identifying control points for the Gemba

The Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Technique:

The structure of the QFD is based on a set of Matrices. The main matrix
relates CRs (WHAT) and their corresponding technical requirements (HOW)

CRs Importance TDs

to the

The primary planning tool used in QFD is the House of Quality. The house of
quality translates the voice of the customer into design requirements that meet
specific values. It also matches those requirements against the ability of the
organization to meet them. The basic structure of QFD can be thought of as a
framework of a house like:
1. Identifying the Customer and determining Customer Requirements: Who
is the customer? In addition to the person buying the product, the customers of the
design engineer would also include the manufacturing and assembly engineers and
workers. (or anyone else downstream of the design process). The goal is to
develop a list of all the customer requirements (made up in the customers own
words) that will affect the design. This should be accomplished with the whole
design team, based on the results of customer surveys.

2. Identify Technical Descriptors / Requirements (Voice of the organization):

The ceiling or second floor, of the house contains the technical descriptors /
requirements. The goal of the house of quality is to design or change the design of
a product in a way that meets or exceeds the customer expectations.

y Each engineering characteristics must directly affect a customer perception

and be expressed in measurable terms.
y These characteristics are an expression of the voice of the customer.
y Brainstorming among the engineering staff is a suggested method for
determining the technical descriptors.
y Eventually, technical requirements are the hows by which the company
respond to the whats customer requirements.

3. Interrelationship between Customer requirements & Technical

requirements: The next step in building a house of quality is to compare
customer requirements and technical descriptors and determine their
respective relationships.

y The interior walls of the house are the relationships between customer
requirements and technical descriptors.
y Customer expectations ( customer requirements) are translated into
engineering characteristics ( technical descriptors)

4. Interrelationship between Technical Descriptors: The roof of the house is

the inter-relationship between any pair of technical descriptors. Various de notes
these relationships. For Example: the symbol denote a very strong relationship,
O for a medium relationship and denotes a weak relationship. This
relationships indicate answers to questions such as, How does one change of
product attributes affect others? And assessment of trade-offs between attributes.

5. Competitive Assessment through Competitive Benchmarking: The goal

here is to determine how the customer perceives the competitions ability to meet
each of the requirements. This forces awareness of what already exists and points
out opportunities for improving upon that which already exists. Each competing
product is compared with customer requirements. Some comparisons are
objective and others are subjective.

6. Prioritizing the Customers Requirements: A weighting factor is generated

for each requirement. The weighting factor will give the designer an idea of how
much effort, time and money to invest in achieving each requirement.
6. Translating the Customer Requirements into Measurable
Engineering Requirements: The goal here is to develop a set of
engineering requirements (often called design specifications) that are
measurable for use in evaluating the proposed designs:

1. Transform the customer requirements into engineering requirements and

2. make sure that the engineering requirements are measurable.
Benefits of Quality Function Deployment:

QFD was originally implemented to reduce start up costs. Organizations using QFD
have reported a reduced product development time. For example US car
manufacturers of the late 1980s and early 1990s needed an average of 5 years to put a
product on the market, from drawing board to showroom, where as Honda put a new
product on the market in two and a half years and Toyota did it in 3 years. Both
organizations credit this reduced time to the use of QFD. Product quality and ,
consequently, customer satisfaction improve with QFD due to numerous factors
depicted in following:

A. Improve Customer Satisfaction Creates focus on customer requirements

Uses competitive information effectively
Prioritizes Resources
Identifies items that can be acted upon
Structures resident information
B. Reduce Implementation Time Decreases mid stream decisions changes
Limits post introduction problems
Avoids future development redundancies
Identifies future application opportunities
Surfaces missing assumption
C. Promotes Teamwork Based on consensus
Creates communication at interfaces
Identifies actions at interfaces
Creates global view of details
D. Provides Documentation Documents rationale for design
Is easy to assimilate
Adds structure to the information
Adapts to changes
Provide frameworks for sustainability analysis

Operational process of QFD:

1. When an organization decides to implement QFD, the project manager and team members
need to be able to commit to form small team and significant time to it, especially in the early
2. Priorities of the project must be inform to all departments within the organization, so team
members can budget their time accordingly.
3. Formation of two teams designing a new product or improving existing products (Team
members are from marketing, design, quality, finance and production).
4. Periodic team meetings
5. Inter team communication and feedback
6. Improve the quality as well (fulfil the customer requirements)

Application of QFD:

The first application of QFD was at Mitsubishi, Heavy industries Ltd. in the Kobe Shipyard, Japan in
1972. After 4 years of case study development refinement, and training, QFD was successfully
implemented in the production of mini vans by Toyota. Using 1977 as a base , a 20% reduction is
start up costs was reported in the launch of the new van in October 1979, a 38% reduction by Nov.1982
and a cumulative 61% reduction by April 1984. QFD was first introduced in the United States in 1984
by Dr. Clausing of Xerox. QFD can be applied to practically any manufacturing or service industry. It
has become a standard practices by most leading organizations, who also require it of other suppliers.

Because QFD concentrates on customer expectations and needs, a considerable amount of efforts is put
into research to determine customer expectations. This process increases the initial planning stage of
the project definition phase in the development cycle. But the result is a total reduction of the overall
cycle time in bringing to the market a product that satisfies the customer.

The driving force behind QFD is that the customer dictates the attributes of a product. Customer
satisfaction, like quality, is defined as meeting or exceeding customer expectations. Words used by the
customers to describe their expectations are often referred to as the voice of the customer .

Sources for the determining customer expectations are focus groups, surveys, complaints, consultants,
standards and federal regulations. Frequently, customers expectations are vague and general in nature.
It is the job of the QFD team to analyze these customers expectations into more specific customer
requirements. Customer requirements must be taken literally and not incorrectly translated into what
organization officials desire.

QFD begins with marketing to determine what exactly the customer desires from a product. During the
collection of information, the QFD team must continually ask and answer numerous questions, such as:

What does the customer rally want?

What are the customers expectations?
Are the customers expectations used to drive the design process?
What can the design team to do to achieve customer satisfaction?

Finally, the goal of QFD is not only to meet as many customer expectations and needs as possible,
but also to exceed customers expectations.

Business Process Reengineering:

Introduction: Incremental improvement and Total customer satisfaction are
the main mantra in competitive edge of any business. But to incremental improvement
and TCS, improvement / change in manufacturing process is not enough, need radical
change in inter functional, inter organizational and customer based processes.
Similarly, in service industry, rapid changes in information technology and its
applications have been a major enabler of successful business.

In 1990, two Americans, James Champy and Michael Hammer presented the idea
of business process reengineering. They coined the word: Business Process
Reengineering (BPR) in their famous book Reengineering the corporation
published in 1993.

What is BPR?
According to Michael Hammer, Reengineering has been defined as the
fundamental rethinking and radical design of business processes to achieve dramatic
or break through improvement in critical contemporary measures of performance such
as Cost, Quality, Service and Speed.



Therefore, Business Process Reengineering or process reengineering, or simply
reengineering is focused on break through improvement to dramatically improve the
quality and speed of work and to reduce its cost by fundamentally changing the
processes by which works get done.
Hammer states that B.P may be defined as a set of logically related task to achieve a
defined business outcome. A set of process forms a business system the way in which
a business unit or a collection of units carries out its business. Requirement of
Reengineering process are:

1. Critical processes core business process rather functional process

2. Strong leadership a sense of ownership
3. Cross functional team for continuous growth - top down and bottom up
initiatives can be combined the top down for performance targets and the
bottom up for deciding from to achieve the target.
4. Information Technology: who need the information when they need it and
5. Clean state philosophy: price target for the product or services, deduct profit
desired and then find a process that providing what customers wants at the
price the customer will pay.
6. Process analysis what, where, when, why and the outcomes.

Develop Understand and Identify process

Business measure the current To be redesigned
Vision and process

Steam line Design and Identify the IT

build a
Prototype of

Rethink Redesign
Measurement Continuous
And Improvement

Fig. Business Process Reengineering Process Flow

When and why BPR is required?

For organizations that want to survive and grow, improvement is not an option but a
compulsion and key to success. When an organization realizes that the old ways of
doing things needs changing or its customers are taking over its market share, or not,
many processes in the organization may need reengineering, not a major tweak, but a
major overhaul. Some of the symptoms that signal that it is the time to start
reengineering these are:
If takes too long time for an organization to move its products from
conception to the market place as compared to its competitors.
The budgeting process may be too complex
The services provided by the organization are not compatible with its
customers needs.

Assuming that a company has decided that its processes are ineffective and inefficient
the following are the major steps the company should embark on to redesign its

Strategic Redesign of Process:

Understand and measure existing processes

Identify processes to be redesign
Develop business vision and process objectives.

2. Identify information technology levels:

100% utilization of a new technology

Brainstorming sessions to identify new approaches

3. Design and build a prototype of the process:

Plan as per strategic redesign
Implementing organizational and technical aspects

4. Involvement of Right teams of people

5. Continuous feedback and improvement of processes.

BPR / Reengineering entail the following seven rules or principles:

1. Organize around outcomes, not tasks

2. Have those who use the output of the process perform the process.
3. Merge information processing work into the real work that procedures the
4. Treat geographically dispersed resources as through them work centralized.
5. Link parallel activities instead of integrating their results.
6. Put the decision point where the work informed and build control into the
7. Capture information once at the sources.

Reengineering in Service Industry:

Like manufacturing industry, RE is similar important for service industry also.
According to Janson 3 salient features of reengineering in the Service sector are:
1. Make the customer the starting point for change
2. Design work processes in light of organizational goals and
3. Restructure to support front line performance


Human dimension - focuses on customers and employees

Work process dimension multi skilled services profession
Technology dimension new techniques and automations

Benefits of Reengineering:

1. Achievements of radical changes in performance measured by cost, cycle

time, services and quality.
2. Boosting competitiveness in the operational networks
3. Helps to think big (revolutionary thinking)
4. Helps to make noticeable changes in the pace and quality of response to
customers needs
5. Resulting new org. designs that helps firms respond better to competitive
pressures, increase market shares and profitability and improve cycle times,
cost ratio and quality (org. renewal)
6. Bring change in the corporate culture, encourage workers for better
participation and better result.
7. Reengineering has helped to create more challenging and more rewarding
jobs with broader responsibilities for employees.


1. Not a panacea for all problems

2. Not simple or easily done, not is it appropriate for all processes for all
3. Use of information technology is a must to gain significant process
4. Improvement of processes requires active participation of people who
actually perform the work.

Reengineering Process and TQM:

Michael Hammer argues that the two concepts are compatible and actually
complement each other. Both concepts have the same focus customer satisfaction

However, the relevance of REP in TQM are as follows:

TQM has advocated continuous and incremental improvement of processes (Kaizen)

where as reengineering is about radical discontinuous change (break through
improvement) through process innovation.
However, the reengineering gave; together with quality Gurus such as Deming and
Juran all agreed that innovation and break through in processes are essential parts of
Quality Management. In fact incremental and breakthrough improvements are
complementary approaches that fall under TQM umbrella. Reengineering requires the
support of TQM to be successful.
Chapter 9:

Total Productive Maintenance

Dr. Shyamal Gomes

Introduction: TPM - History:

TPM is an innovative Japanese concept. The origin of TPM can be

traced back to 1951 when preventive maintenance was introduced
in Japan. However the concept of preventive maintenance was
taken from USA. Nippondenso was the first company to introduce
plant wide preventive maintenance in 1960. Preventive
maintenance is the concept wherein, operators produced goods
using machines and the maintenance group was dedicated with
work of maintaining those machines, however with the automation
of Nippondenso, maintenance became a problem as more
maintenance personnel were required. So the management decided
that the routine maintenance of equipment would be carried out by
the operators. (This is Autonomous maintenance, one of the
features of TPM). Maintenance group took up only essential
maintenance works.

Thus Nippondenso which already followed preventive maintenance

also added Autonomous maintenance done by production operators.
The maintenance crew went in the equipment modification for
improving reliability. The modifications were made or incorporated
in new equipment. This leads to maintenance prevention. Thus
preventive maintenance along with Maintenance prevention and
Maintainability Improvement gave birth to Productive
maintenance. The aim of productive maintenance was to maximize
plant and equipment effectiveness to achieve optimum life cycle
cost of production equipment.

In Total Quality Management, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

is an important and effective tool for the excellence. Total
productive maintenance (TPM) is keeping the current plant and
equipment at its highest productivity level through cooperation of all
areas of the organization. Generally, the first bridge to cross is to
break down the traditional barriers between maintenance and
production personnel so they are working together.

Now, Maintenance management is planning, organizing, controlling

maintenance activities such that the over all maintenance cost is
the minimum.
Maintenance is required not only by equipment but also by other
facilities such as building, land, garden, lawn etc. Maintenance
lawns and garden of the premises of the factory may be important
aspects of environment protection especially in process industries.
However, maintenance of equipment used directly in the production
process is much more important for a business enterprise.

Maintenance of facilities and equipment is done to ensure that these

are in good working condition at any point of time and if
breakdowns occur, necessary repairs should be done in order to
bring these back to running condition as early as possible.

What is Maintenance and what is Maintenance Management?

` Maintenance is an initiatives that covers all those operations

such as monitoring , inspecting, adjusting, repairing and / or
doing whatever is necessary to keep a machine, a facility, a
piece of equipment or transportation vehicle in the proper
working conditions.
` Maintenance Management is reviewing, planning, organising
and controlling maintenance activities such that the overall
maintenance cost is the minimum.

Maintenance development stages:

1. Breakdown maintenance:

1. Break-down maintenance: is remedial or corrective

maintenance that occurs when equipment fails and must be
repaired on an emergency or priority basis. It means that people
waits until equipment fails and repair it. Such a thing could be used
when the equipment failure does not significantly affect the
operation or production or generate any significant loss other than
repair cost.

Obviously this is not an ideal way of keeping equipment

or machinery operating because of the down time of
the equipment or machinery when break down occurs.
This results in loss of production due to idling of
equipment and machinery and consequently idling of
labour also. Ultimately customers orders cannot be
delivered as promised

2. Preventive maintenance (1951):

It is a daily maintenance (cleaning, inspection, oiling and re-

tightening), design to retain the healthy condition of equipment and
prevent failure through the prevention of deterioration, periodic
inspection or equipment condition diagnosis, to measure
deterioration. It is further divided into periodic maintenance and
predictive maintenance. Just like human life is extended by
preventive medicine, the equipment service life can be prolonged by
doing preventive maintenance.

2a. Periodic maintenance (Time based maintenance - TBM):

Time based maintenance consists of periodically inspecting,

servicing and cleaning equipment and replacing parts to prevent
sudden failure and process problems.

2b. Predictive maintenance:

This is a method in which the service life of important part is

predicted based on inspection or diagnosis, in order to use the parts
to the limit of their service life. Compared to periodic maintenance,
predictive maintenance is condition based maintenance. It manages
trend values, by measuring and analyzing data about deterioration
and employs a surveillance system, designed to monitor conditions
through an on-line system.

In this concept, OPERATORS operates the machines for production

and the MAINTENANCE group is responsible with work of
maintaining those machines, however, maintenance became a
problem as more maintenance personnel are required.

3. Autonomous Maintenance:

When the maintenance part is not always controlled by outside

forces like maintenance group and the operator can able to handle
it everyday, called autonomous maintenance.

4.Productive Maintenance:

Thus preventive maintenance along with Maintenance prevention

and Maintainability Improvement gave birth to (4) Productive
maintenance. According to Nakajima, Total productive
Maintenance is productive maintenance carried out by all
employees through small group activities. In TPM, the machine
operator is responsible for the maintenance of the machine as well
as its operation.

What is Total Productive Maintenance?

It can be considered as the medical science of machines. Total

Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a maintenance program which
involves a newly defined concept for maintaining plants and
equipment. TPM seeks to maximize equipments effectiveness
throughout the life time of that equipment. It strives to maintain
optimum equipment conditions in order to prevent unexpected
break downs, speed loses, and quality defects arising from process

The goal of the TPM program is to markedly increase production

while, at the same time, increasing employee morale and job

TPM brings maintenance into focus as a necessary and vitally

important part of the business. It is no longer regarded as a non-
profit activity. Down time for maintenance is scheduled as a part of
the manufacturing day and, in some cases, as an integral part of
the manufacturing process.

The goal is to hold emergency and unscheduled maintenance to a


Why TPM / The objective of TPM:

TPM was introduced to achieve the following objectives:

Avoid wastage in a quickly changing economic environment.

Producing goods without reducing product quality.
Reduce cost.
Produce target quantity at the earliest possible time.
Goods send to the customers must be non defective.
To fulfill those objectives and the goal TPM has dual targets: 1. Zero
defects, zero accidents and zero loss; 2. Zero breakdown (100%
equipment availability). It is true that when defects and breakdown
are reduced the operating costs come down and hence productivity
increases and the products are delivered to the customer at a
reasonable cost and at the right time.

Six core principles of TPM:

Obtain Minimum 90% OEE (Overall Equipment

Effectiveness) Run the machines even during lunch.
(Lunch is for operators and not for machines!)

2. Operate in a manner, so that there are no customer


3. Reduce the manufacturing cost by 30%.

4. Achieve 100% success in delivering the goods as
required by the customer.
5. Maintain a accident free environment.
6. Increase the suggestions by 3 times. Develop Multi-
skilled and flexible workers.

Now the question comes -why should we consider TPM is an

effective tech. for continuous Improvement? Because it

Aims to maximize equipment effectiveness overall

Various departments engineering, operations, and
Maintenance collectively implement it.
Involves every single employee from the top management to
workers in the shop floor.
In TPM the machine operator is responsible for the
maintenance of the machine as well as its operation

However, Smart TPM requires the following:

Restoring equipment to a like new condition.

Having operators involved in the maintenance of the

Improving maintenance efficiency and effectiveness.
Training the labour force to improve upon their job skills.
Equipment management and maintenance prevention, which
is considered inherent in the reliability strategy and
The effective use of preventive and predictive maintenance
Therefore, the aim of productive maintenance was to maximize
plant and equipment effectiveness to achieve optimum life cycle
cost of production equipment. In 1971, the Japan Institute of
Plant Maintenance (JIPM) defined TPM as a system of
maintenance. JIPM introduced TPM award to respective
organization as a standard of quality in 1972.

Motives of 1. Adoption of life cycle approach for improving

TPM the overall performance of production
2. Improving productivity by highly motivated
workers which is achieved by job enlargement.
3. The use of voluntary small group activities for
identifying the cause of failure, possible plant
and equipment modifications.

Uniqueness The major difference between TPM and other

of TPM concepts is that the operators are also made to
involve in the maintenance process. The concept of "I
( Production operators ) Operate, You ( Maintenance
department ) fix" is not followed.

TPM 1. Achieve Zero Defects, Zero Breakdown and

Objectives Zero accidents in all functional areas of the
2. Involve people in all levels of organization.
3. Form different teams to reduce defects and Self

Direct 1. Increase productivity and OPE ( Overall Plant

benefits of Efficiency ) by 1.5 or 2 times.
TPM 2. Rectify customer complaints.
3. Reducethe manufacturing cost by 30%.
4. Satisfy the customers needs by 100 % (
Delivering the right quantity at the right time,
in the required quality. )
5. Reduce accidents.
6. Follow pollution control measures.

Indirect 1. Higher confidence level among the employees.

benefits of 2. Keep the work place clean, neat and attractive.
3. Favorablechange in the attitude of the
4. Achieve goals by working as team.
5. Horizontaldeployment of a new concept in all
areas of the organization.
6. Share knowledge and experience.
7. The workers get a feeling of owning the

Steps in introduction of TPM in a organization :


STEP 1 - Announcement by Management to all about

TPM introduction in the organization:

Proper understanding, commitment and active involvement of the

top management in needed for this step. Senior management
should have awareness programmes, after which announcement is
made to all. Publish it in the house magazine and put it in the notice
board. Send a letter to all concerned individuals if required.

STEP 2 - Initial education and propaganda for TPM :

Training is to be done based on the need. Some need intensive

training and some just an awareness. Take people who matters to
places where TPM already successfully implemented.

STEP 3 - Setting up TPM and departmental

committees :

TPM includes improvement, autonomous maintenance, quality

maintenance etc., as part of it. When committees are set up it
should take care of all those needs.

STEP 4 - Establishing the TPM working system and

target :

Now each area is benchmarked and fix up a target for achievement.

STEP 5 - A master plan for institutionalizing :

Next step is implementation leading to institutionalizing wherein

TPM becomes an organizational culture. Achieving PM award is the
proof of reaching a satisfactory level.


This is a ceremony and we should invite all. Suppliers as they

should know that we want quality supply from them. Related
companies and affiliated companies who can be our customers,
sisters concerns etc. Some may learn from us and some can help us
and customers will get the communication from us that we care for
quality output.


In this stage eight activities are carried which are called eight pillars
in the development of TPM activity.
Of these four activities are for establishing the system for
production efficiency, one for initial control system of new products
and equipment, one for improving the efficiency of administration
and are for control of safety, sanitation as working environment.


By all there activities one would has reached maturity stage. Now is
the time for applying for PM award. Also think of challenging level to
which you can take this movement.

Organization Structure for TPM Implementation:


PILLAR -1 - JISHU HOZEN ( Autonomous maintenance ) :

This pillar is geared towards developing operators to be able to take

care of small maintenance tasks, thus freeing up the skilled
maintenance people to spend time on more value added activity
and technical repairs. The operators are responsible for upkeep of
their equipment to prevent it from deteriorating.


1. Uninterrupted operation of equipments.

2. Flexible operators to operate and maintain other equipments.
3. Eliminating the defects at source through active employee
4. Stepwise implementation of JH activities.


1. Prevent the occurrence of 1A / 1B because of JH.

2. Reduce oil consumption by 50%
3. Reduce process time by 50%
4. Increase use of JH by 50%
Steps in JISHU HOZEN :

1. Preparation of employees.
2. Initial cleanup of machines.
3. Take counter measures
4. Fix tentative JH standards
5. General inspection
6. Autonomous inspection
7. Standardization and
8. Autonomous management.

Each of the above mentioned steps is discussed in detail below.

1. Train the Employees : Educate the employees about TPM, Its

advantages, JH advantages and Steps in JH. Educate the
employees about abnormalities in equipments.
2. Initial cleanup of machines :
o Supervisor and technician should discuss and set a date
for implementing step1
o Arrange all items needed for cleaning
o On the arranged date, employees should clean the
equipment completely with the help of maintenance
o Dust, stains, oils and grease has to be removed.
o Following are the things that has to be taken care while
cleaning. They are Oil leakage, loose wires, unfastened
nits and bolts and worn out parts.
o After clean up problems are categorized and suitably
tagged. White tags is place where problems can be
solved by operators. Pink tag is placed where the aid of
maintenance department is needed.
o Contents of tag is transferred to a register.
o Make note of area which were inaccessible.
o Finally close the open parts of the machine and run the
3. Counter Measures :
o Inaccessible regions had to be reached easily. E.g. If
there are many screw to open a fly wheel door, hinge
door can be used. Instead of opening a door for
inspecting the machine, acrylic sheets can be used.
o To prevent work out of machine parts necessary action
must be taken.
o Machine parts should be modified to prevent
accumulation of dirt and dust.
4. Tentative Standard :
o JH schedule has to be made and followed strictly.
o Schedule should be made regarding cleaning, inspection
and lubrication and it also should include details like
when, what and how.
5. General Inspection :
o The employees are trained in disciplines like
Pneumatics, electrical, hydraulics, lubricant and coolant,
drives, bolts, nuts and Safety.
o This is necessary to improve the technical skills of
employees and to use inspection manuals correctly.
o After acquiring this new knowledge the employees
should share this with others.
o By acquiring this new technical knowledge, the
operators are now well aware of machine parts.
6. Autonomous Inspection :
o New methods of cleaning and lubricating are used.
o Each employee prepares his own autonomous chart /
schedule in consultation with supervisor.
o Parts which have never given any problem or part which
don't need any inspection are removed from list
permanently based on experience.
o Including good quality machine parts. This avoid defects
due to poor JH.
o Inspection that is made in preventive maintenance is
included in JH.
o The frequency of cleanup and inspection is reduced
based on experience.
7. Standardization :
o Upto the previous stem only the machinery / equipment
was the concentration. However in this step the
surroundings of machinery are organized. Necessary
items should be organized, such that there is no
searching and searching time is reduced.
o Work environment is modified such that there is no
difficulty in getting any item.
o Everybody should follow the work instructions strictly.
o Necessary spares for equipments is planned and
8. Autonomous Management :
o OEE and OPE and other TPM targets must be achieved
by continuous improve through Kaizen.
o PDCA ( Plan, Do, Check and Act ) cycle must be
implemented for Kaizen.


"Kai" means change, and "Zen" means good ( for the better ).
Basically kaizen is for small improvements, but carried out on a
continual basis and involve all people in the organization. Kaizen is
opposite to big spectacular innovations. Kaizen requires no or little
investment. The principle behind is that "a very large number of
small improvements are move effective in an organizational
environment than a few improvements of large value. This pillar is
aimed at reducing losses in the workplace that affect our
efficiencies. By using a detailed and thorough procedure we
eliminate losses in a systematic method using various Kaizen tools.
These activities are not limited to production areas and can be
implemented in administrative areas as well.

Kaizen Target:

Achieve and sustain zero loses with respect to minor stops,

measurement and adjustments, defects and unavoidable
downtimes. It also aims to achieve 30% manufacturing cost

Tools used in Kaizen:

1. Problem analysis
2. (Root cause ) Why - Why analysis
3. Summary of losses
4. Kaizen register
5. Kaizen summary sheet.


It is aimed to have trouble free machines and equipments producing

defect free products for total customer satisfaction. This breaks
maintenance down into 4 "families" or groups which was defined
1. Preventive Maintenance
2. Breakdown Maintenance
3. Corrective Maintenance
4. Maintenance Prevention

With Planned Maintenance we evolve our efforts from a reactive to a

proactive method and use trained maintenance staff to help train
the operators to better maintain their equipment.

Policy :

1. Achieve and sustain availability of machines

2. Optimum maintenance cost.
3. Reduces spares inventory.
4. Improve reliability and maintainability of machines.

Target :

1. Zero equipment failure and break down.

2. Improve reliability and maintainability by 50 %
3. Reduce maintenance cost by 20 %
4. Ensure availability of spares all the time.

Six steps in Planned maintenance :

1. Equipment evaluation and recoding present status.

2. Restore deterioration and improve weakness.
3. Building up information management system.
4. Prepare time based information system, select equipment,
parts and members and map out plan.
5. Prepare predictive maintenance system by introducing
equipment diagnostic techniques and
6. Evaluation of planned maintenance.


It is aimed towards customer delight through highest quality

through defect free manufacturing. Focus is on eliminating non-
conformances in a systematic manner, much like Focused
Improvement. We gain understanding of what parts of the
equipment affect product quality and begin to eliminate current
quality concerns, then move to potential quality concerns.
Transition is from reactive to proactive (Quality Control to Quality

QM activities is to set equipment conditions that preclude quality

defects, based on the basic concept of maintaining perfect
equipment to maintain perfect quality of products. The condition are
checked and measure in time series to very that measure values
are within standard values to prevent defects. The transition of
measured values is watched to predict possibilities of defects
occurring and to take counter measures before hand.

Policy :

1. Defect free conditions and control of equipments.

2. QM activities to support quality assurance.
3. Focus of prevention of defects at source
4. Focus on poka-yoke. ( fool proof system )
5. In-line detection and segregation of defects.
6. Effective implementation of operator quality assurance.

Target :

1. Achieve and sustain customer complaints at zero

2. Reduce in-process defects by 50 %
3. Reduce cost of quality by 50 %.

Pilar 5: Development Management / Early Management:

Early management or development management helps in drastically

reducing the time taken to receive, install, and set up newly
purchased equipments (known as vertical start up). Early
management can also be used for reducing the time to manufacture
a new product in the factory.


It is aimed to have multi-skilled revitalized employees whose

morale is high and who has eager to come to work and perform all
required functions effectively and independently. Education is given
to operators to upgrade their skill. It is not sufficient know only
"Know-How" by they should also learn "Know-why". By experience
they gain, "Know-How" to overcome a problem what to be done.
This they do without knowing the root cause of the problem and
why they are doing so. Hence it become necessary to train them on
knowing "Know-why". The employees should be trained to achieve
the four phases of skill. The goal is to create a factory full of
experts. The different phase of skills are :

Phase 1: Do not know

Phase 2: Know the theory but cannot do.
Phase 3: Can do but can not teach
Phase 4: Can do and also teach


1. Focus on improvement of knowledge, skills and techniques.

2. Creating a training environment for self learning based on felt
3. Training curriculum / tools /assessment etc conductive to
employee revitalization
4. Training to remove employee fatigue and make work


1. Achieve and sustain downtime due to want men at zero on

critical machines.
2. Achieve and sustain zero losses due to lack of knowledge /
skills / techniques
3. Aim for 100 % participation in suggestion scheme.


Target :

1. Zero accident,
2. Zero health damage
3. Zero fires.

In this area focus is on to create a safe workplace and a

surrounding area that is not damaged by our process or procedures.
This pillar will play an active role in each of the other pillars on a
regular basis.

A committee is constituted for this pillar which comprises

representative of officers as well as workers. The committee is
headed by Senior vice President ( Technical ). Utmost importance to
Safety is given in the plant. Manager (Safety) is looking after
functions related to safety. To create awareness among employees
various competitions like safety slogans, Quiz, Drama, Posters, etc.
related to safety can be organized at regular intervals.


Office TPM should be started after activating four other pillars of

TPM (JH, KK, QM, PM). Office TPM must be followed to improve
productivity, efficiency in the administrative functions and identify
and eliminate losses. This includes analyzing processes and
procedures towards increased office automation. Office TPM
addresses twelve major losses. They are

1. Processing loss
2. Cost loss including in areas such as procurement, accounts,
marketing, sales leading to high inventories
3. Communication loss
4. Idle loss
5. Set-up loss
6. Accuracy loss
7. Office equipment breakdown
8. Communication channel breakdown, telephone and fax lines
9. Time spent on retrieval of information
10. Non availability of correct on line stock status
11. Customer complaints due to logistics
12. Expenses on emergency dispatches/purchases

Today, with competition in industry at an all time high, TPM may be

the only thing that stands between success and total failure for
some companies. It has been proven to be a program that works. It
can be adapted to work not only in industrial plants, but in
construction, building maintenance, transportation, and in a variety
of other situations. Employees must be educated and convinced
that TPM is not just another "program of the month" and that
management is totally committed to the program and the extended
time frame necessary for full implementation. If everyone involved
in a TPM program does his or her part, an unusually high rate of
return compared to resources invested may be expected
Six Sigma

Six sigma is a long journey. However, it is one of the rewarding journeys

that an individual or company may elect to take. Six Sigma is many
things, but foremost it is a data driven leadership approach using specific
tools and methodologies that lead to fact based decision making. The
focus is on performance throughout the organization. The resulting
culture of leaders is one that does not tolerate waste or inefficiency. It is
very creative in its approach to doing business, and it offers solutions that
exceed the customers requirements and expectations.

The concept of a culture of leaders may seem strange at first glance. Yet
one of the things that Six Sigma does is empower individuals throughout
the organization to develop individual leadership skills and capabilities.
This is accomplished through projects that teach them to gather data,
analyze them, and as a part of a team, determine the best course of action
for the company to follow to enhance performance.

Six Sigma pioneer Motorola started the program in 1987. It took five full
year to see significant results of six sigma. Motorola attributes 15 billion
dollars in savings over the past 11 years to Six Sigma. In 1997, General
electric (GE) invested 380 million US dollars in Six Sigma mostly for
trainings, and in the same year GE received 700 million US dollars in
documented benefits from creased productivity.

The basic of Six sigma quality initiative, very briefly, means going from
approximately 35,000 defects per million operations, which is average for
most companies, including GE, to fewer than four defects per million in
every element in every processes that this company engages in every day.

Six sigma has been adopted as a quality philosophy by companies such as

Texas Instruments, Allied signal, Eastman Kodak, and in India by ICICI,
Godrej Appliances etc. Godrej Appliances is one of the few companies in
India where the six sigma initiative was started as early as 1995, courtesy
GE (JV partner). Another Six Sigma project at Godrej Appliances was
related to remittance of payment made anywhere in the country to their
Mumbai headquarters. Earlier, it used to take 45 days at least, but six
sigma resulted in a reduction in this duration to bring it down to 3.46
days. The reduction was only marginal, but it resulted in savings around
Rs. 1 Crore.
What is Six Sigma exactly means:
Six sigma is a way of thinking and the results of the approach can yield a
spectrum of improvement choices based on the balance of values and risk.

Six sigma is an internationally recognized management process focused on

producing high quality products or services to meet the customers need and

Six Sigma is not a set of statistical tools, neither it is a bureaucratic, stage

gate approach to managing the projects but it is represents a philosophy to
reduce variation continuously and create a win win situation for all the
partners in and around the business or services.

Motorola describe Six Sigma as a standard methodology "for driving and

achieving transformational change within an organization. It is a business
improvement process that focuses an organization on customer requirements,
process alignment, analytical rigor, and timely execution."

Objectives of Six Sigma:

To reduce variation.
To solving the problems in scientific manner.
Six Sigma places an emphasis on the DMAIC approach (define, measure,
analyze, improve, and control) to problem solving.
To develop the bottom line responsibilities towards continuous improvement.
Organizations using Six Sigma often utilize teams that are assigned well-
defined projects with a direct impact on the bottom line.
To create importance on Business level strategy
Upper management typically supports Six Sigma as a key of business strategy.


1. Leadership Commitment

Achieving Six Sigma is not easy it requires serious commitment in the form of time,
effort, and resources. For a company to be successful, such commitment must come
first from the top executive leadership of the organization and must be practiced by

2. Managing Decisions with Data

It is not enough to run a business based on one's experience or "tribal knowledge."

Decisions must be based on data versus the typical "I think", "I feel", or "In my
opinion" practices that often exist today. With the maturation of the information
economy, data is available to virtually everyone in the organization, along with the
tools for analyzing that data. Properly using data to Measure, Analyze, Improve, and
Control performance forms the foundation of the Six Sigma methodology.
3. Training and Cultural Change

Improved performance does not and will not happen automatically. High-caliber
training is required. Disciplined implementation must follow, and people at all levels
have to change the way they go about doing their jobs. In short, new ways of thinking,
communicating, and operating must pervade the entire organization. You also need a
methodology. DMAIC and DFSS provide a structured problem solving roadmap and
tools towards obtaining the results you expect.

Six Sigma Tools kits and its overview:

Six Sigma

DMAIC Process Six Sigma Training Poka - Yoka


The Seven
Quality Tools

Histogram Ishikawas fish

bone diagram

Flowcharts Pareto Chart

Green belt Judgment
Training Inspection

Black belt Informative

training Inspection

Master black
belt Training Source / 100%

Full Six Sigma Deployment

The core elements of implementing Six Sigma training for Black Belts, Green Belts,
Yellow Belts, Ground School, Master Black Belt, Leading Six Sigma, RADD and
Senior Executive Six Sigma to deliver Six Sigma skills throughout your

Green belt Training:

This course is designed to enhance technical problem solving skills in line managers.
Participants will successfully complete a project while completing the classroom
portion of the training.

Green Belt Certification takes candidates through a proven, step-by-step training

course based on the transfer of knowledge and process skills that leads to improved
project results through support of Black Belt initiatives and enhanced technical
problem solving skills. Courses are designed to include sophisticated adult learning
theory and no-nonsense evaluation of learning success, while supporting the
framework for true cultural change within an organization.

Manufacturing Green Belt Certification is a 6-8 week course involving 11 days of

classroom training. Classroom training consists of 3 modules, each followed by 2-3
week periods of real world project-driven applications in the workplace.

Black belt Training:

The Black Belt is a key change agent for the Six Sigma process. Typically the "best of
the best," these individuals lead teams working on chronic issues that are negatively
impacting the companys performance.

Black Belt Certification takes candidates through a proven, step-by-step training

course based on the transfer of knowledge and process skills that lead to improved
customer satisfaction, increased profit margins, shortened cycle times and reduced
costs. Courses are designed to include sophisticated adult learning theory and no-
nonsense evaluation of learning success, while constructing the framework for true
cultural change within an organization.

Typically, the entire Black Belt training investment can be justified by results from
the first project. The median return on each trained Black Belt is in and around
$100,000 per project.

Master Black Belt (MBB)

As a leader, the MBB will have responsibility for overseeing projects with multiple
Black Belt and Green Belt participation that will significantly change the way the
organization does business.

MBB program delivers:

Project Management skills to ensure project completion.
Advanced tools and capabilities useful in daily activities.
Mentoring skills to achieve results, transfer knowledge more effectively.

The Program

For an example, Six Sigma Qualtec a premier Six Sigma Training Institute,
create a customized program to meet training needs.

Master Black Belt candidates are certified after completing their Super Project
and the required course work, both of which specifically address your
organizations goals. The training duration varies but includes 13-19 days of
instruction over a period of 6-12 months.

The two primary components of the MBB Certification:

1. Individual MBB Candidate Mentoring: the personalized review of prerequisite
credentials, the Super Project, and the evaluation and certification of teaching and
mentoring; and
2. Advanced Study Options: the classroom instruction portion of the program.
Mentorship and Project Management Skills

MBB candidates will mentor several individuals who are working on Six Sigma
projects or other problem solving efforts. Six Sigma instructors evaluate their
mentoring abilities using defined criteria to measure the breadth and
development of these skills. A positive evaluation will earn the candidate a
mentorship certification.

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is a rigorous approach to designing products and
services to meet customer expectations. Companies implementing Six Sigma find that
many defects are actually created during the design process. DFSS facilitates a
redesign of processes factoring in manufacturing and transactional capabilities from
the very beginning and ensures that end products are producible using existing
technology. Additionally, DFSS integrates the engineering and process design
functions enabling concurrent product and process design, thereby eliminating defects
before they can occur.

Integrating the principles of MAIC (Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) with design
tools and the IDEaS (Initiate, Design, Execute and Sustain process), the result is
product designs that consistently meet Six Sigma standards from inception.

Mention Six Sigma and you will hear folks refer to a mnemonic known as DMAIC.
DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. These steps
represent the five components of the Six Sigma improvement process.

Define. The key to the first step is for your team to ask: What is important?
What are the areas that you see as a chance to make an improvement that will
reach the organization's objectives and grant the greatest outcome? To do this,
use a SIPOC diagram. On a white board, write at the top Suppliers, Inputs,
Processes, Outcomes and Customers and under each heading define that aspect
of the process. Breaking down a process and its parts so everyone can see them
offers a good first step for gaining an objective appreciation of the process you
wish to improve.

Measure. Often we brainstorm on a process and make adjustments with the

hope of improving it before we've ever taken the time to measure how the
process is doing in the first place. The second step involves measuring the
process you hope to improve. This allows the establishment of a benchmark of
current performance and the ability to differentiate between variations in the
process that are common and those that are of a special cause.
Analyze. Now, we get to finally ask what's wrong. Step three is traditionally
where most folks begin their improvement efforts. In this improvement effort,
however, we enter this phase with a clearly defined process and objective data to
help us investigate the root cause of its issues. This helps us avoid focusing
attention on what we perceive to be the problem and aligns us toward accurately
targeted solutions.

Improve. The first three steps of the DMAIC process form the foundation for
asking what needs to be done. What are the possible solutions and how do we
execute the best one? Now that you have an informed perspective on the
process and potential problems, you are in a good position to assess various
solutions, evaluate their potential success and develop a sound implementation

Control. The final phase of the process involves an often forgotten and
misunderstood step in a change process. Once a solution has been implemented
and the data shows you are achieving the desired improvement, how do you
sustain the new level of performance? With confirmation in hand that your
improvement is effective, verifiable and reproducible, it's time to mesh the new
process into day-to-day operating practices. Doing so ensures that that the new
and improved process replaces its troubled predecessor. Only then will the
process truly be improved and the initial problem remains fixed.

Define the Measure the Analyse the Improve the Control to

priorities processes process to performance ensure that
of the and the determine of the the
customers defects the most process and improvements
with arising in the likely causes remove the are maintained
respect to product due of defects causes of the over time
quality to the defects
Identify Brain Identify the Eliminate Maintaining
the storming cause of the (define effect the solution
problem problem of the cause) (control)

Cost Cause and Identify the Assure Control Chart

Benefit effect problem employees
priority diagram solving team involvement

Written Apply basic Build their Change the Revised

project tools: capacity process for standard
statement Pareto 80/20 through common operating
and chart, Check training cause procedures
Identify sheet,
process Process Map.

For project QFD (Quality Prepare the Aim to Design for six
Implement function improvement increase of sigma (DFSS)
technique development) plan EBIT
set and (Earning
develop before
project interest and
plan tax)

Motorolas Six Sigma as an example:

Motorolas six sigma quality levels allow an off centring of the process up to 1.5
sigma. Table given below shows the number of defectives (parts per million) for
specified off-centring of the process and quality levels. Note that in the table the first
row shows the DPMO (Defects Per Million Opportunities), where there is no off-
centring of the process. At 3 sigma quality level, it shows the DPMO as 2700, while
at 6 sigma quality level the DPMO is 0.002, that is, 2 defects per billion. For an off-
centring of 1.5 sigma (row 7) and six sigma quality level, the DPMO is given as 3.4.
Thus, Motorola has quality level such that 3.4 defects per million are allowed.

Sigma / Quality level

Off 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
centring Sigma Sigma Sigma Sigma Sigma Sigma Sigma
0 2700 465 63 6.8 0.57 0.034 0.002
0.25 3577 666 99 12.8 1.02 0.1056 0.0063
0.5 6440 1382 236 32 3.4 0.71 0.019
0.75 12288 3011 665 88.5 11 0.02 0.1
1.0 22832 6433 1350 233 32 3.4 0.39
1.25 40111 12201 3000 577 88.5 10.7 1
1.5 66803 22800 6200 1350 233 32 3.4
1.75 105601 40100 12200 3000 577 88.4 11
2.0 158700 66800 22800 6200 1300 233 32

For a process without off-centring, 3.4 defects per million lie somewhere between 4.5
and 5 sigma quality level. In row one (for zero off centring) , the 4.5 sigma quality
level has DPMO of 6.8, while 5 sigma quality level has DPMO 0.57. Thus the value
DPMO 3.4 lies somewhere between DPMO 0.57 and 6.8 (i.e between 4.5 and 5
sigma quality level with an off-centring of 1.5 sigma, in other words, they produce
66,803 defectives out of every million units produced. Thus, Motorola and GE have
made a quantum leap in quality enhancement.


Defining a problem is the most critical part of the Six Sigma methodology. A problem
defined is a problem half-solved. We can dance around a problem as much as we
want, but if we don't define it properly, we will run around in circles, writing
corrective action reports and working on keeping people busy.
The distinctive feature of Six Sigma is its integrated approach. Jim has said that TQM
has evolved. Six Sigma takes all those tools that have been developed and integrates
them into a structured approach. We can use all those tools and define it as a
methodology and clarify the intent. Six Sigma requires aggressive goal setting. Six
Sigma is about innovation because we must learn to be intellectually engaged with
our processes.

Again, Six Sigma is like running, and TQM is like walking. Six Sigma is results-
oriented and learnable, and TQM is ill-defined, philosophy-driven and, overall, very
questionable. The methodology still needs to find a way to simplify and clarify its
approach so that people can do something with it. We need systems that are

The fundamental difference is the intent. TQM is for incremental and continual
change, and Six Sigma represents rapid, radical and dramatic change through
innovation. It's not about behavioral or cultural change; it's about intellectual
engagement. The question is, how do you get people intellectually involved to drive
dramatic improvement? Tom Peters said that it's not difficult to learn new things;
what's difficult is forgetting old things. If you're having difficulty forgetting the old
method of TQM, then move beyond TQM to Six Sigma.

Six Sigma works; TQM has not worked. To summarize, Six Sigma is a TQM baseline
system powered by a new approach. Six Sigma has been the most successful
methodology to date in introducing corporate improvement. Six Sigma provides
focused, real-world results. Therefore, the main contrast between Six Sigma and TQM
are as follows:


Executive Ownership Self directed work teams
Business Strategy execution Quality Initiative
system Largely within a single function
Truly cross functional Mass training with no quantified
Focused training with verifiable return on investment
return on investment Quality oriented
Business result oriented
Poka Yoke:
Shigeo Shingo was one of the industrial engineers at Toyota who has been credited
with creating and formalizing Zero Quality Control (ZQC), an approach to quality
management that relies heavily on the use of poka-yoke (pronounced POH-kah YOH-
kay) devices. Poka-yoke is Japanese for mistake-proofing. These devices are used
either to prevent the special causes that result in defects, or to inexpensively inspect
each item that is produced to determine whether it is acceptable or defective.

A poka-yoke device is any mechanism that either prevents a mistake from being made
or makes the mistake obvious at a glance. The ability to find mistakes at a glance is
essential because, as Shingo writes, "The causes of defects lie in
worker errors, and defects are the results of neglecting those
errors. It follows that mistakes will not turn into defects if
worker errors are discovered and eliminated
beforehand"[Shingo 1986, p.50]. He later continues that "Defects arise
because errors are made; the two have a cause-and-effect relationship. ... Yet errors
will not turn into defects if feedback and action take place at the error stage"[Shingo,
1986, p. 82]. We suspect that Shingo and Deming would have a protracted discussion
about whether workers or management are responsible for defects. No resolution of
that issue is undertaken here.

An example cited by Shingo early in the development of poka-yoke shows how

finding mistakes at a glance helps to avoid defects. Suppose a worker must assemble a
device that has two push-buttons. A spring must be put under each button. Sometimes
a worker will forget to put the spring under the button and a defect occurs. A simple
poka-yoke device to eliminate this problem was developed. The worker counts out
two springs from a bin and places them in a small dish. After assembly is complete, if
a spring remains in the dish, an error has occurred. The operator knows a spring has
been omitted and can correct the omission immediately. The cost of this inspection
(looking at the dish) is minimal, yet it effectively functions as a form of inspection.
The cost of rework at this point is also minimal, although the preferred outcome is
still to find the dish empty at the end of assembly and to avoid rework even when its
cost is small. This example also demonstrates that poka-yoke performs well when
corrective action involves trying to eliminate oversights and omissions. In such cases,
poka-yoke devices are often an effective alternative to demands for greater worker
diligence and exhortations to "be more careful."

An example of a poka-yoke device at General Motors (GM) was described by Ricard

[ Ricard, L.J., "GM's just-in-time operating philosophy", in: Y.K. Shetty and V.M.
Buehler, (Eds.)., Quality, Productivity and Innovation. Elsevier Science Publishing,
New York, 1987, pp. 315-329.]: "We have an operation which involves welding nuts
into a sheet metal panel. These weld nuts will be used to attach parts to the car later in
the process. When the panel is loaded by the operator, the weld nuts are fed
automatically underneath the panel, the machine cycles, and the weld nuts are welded
to the panel. You must remember these nuts are fed automatically and out of sight of
the operator, so if the equipment jams or misfeeds and there is no part loaded, the
machine will still cycle. Therefore, we have some probability of failure of the process.
An error of this nature is sometimes not detected until we actually have the car
welded together and are about to attach a part where there is not a nut for the bolt to
fit into. This sometimes results in a major repair or rework activity."

"To correct this problem, we simply drilled a hole through the electrode that holds the
nut that is attached to the panel in the welding operation. We put a wire through the
hole in the electrode, insulating it away from the electrode so as it passes through it
will only make contact with the weld nut. Since the weld nut is metal, it conducts
electricity and with the nut present, current will flow through, allowing the machine to
complete its cycle. If a nut is not present, there will be no current flow. We try to
control the process so that the machine will actually remain idle unless there is a nut
in place."

Shingo identified three different types of inspection: judgment inspection,

informative inspection, and source inspection.



Judgment inspection involves sorting the defects out of the acceptable product,
sometimes referred to as "inspecting in quality." Shingo agreed with the consensus in
modern quality control that "inspecting in quality" is not an effective quality
management approach, and cautioned against it.

Informative inspection uses data gained from inspection to control the process and
prevent defects. Traditional SPC is a type of informative inspection. Both successive
checks and self-checks in ZQC are also a type of informative inspection. Successive
checks were Shingo's response to the insight that improvements are more rapid when
quality feedback is more rapid [1986, pp. 67-69]. Work-in-process undergoes many
operating steps as it is moved through a manufacturing facility. Often inspections are
conducted at intermediate stages in the process. Shingo's concern was that the
inspections may not occur soon enough after production to give the best information
necessary to determine the cause of the quality problem so that it can be prevented in
the future. By having each operation inspect the work of the prior operation, quality
feedback can be given on a much more timely basis. Successive checks are having the
nearest downstream operation check the work of the prior operation. Each operation
performs both production and quality inspection. Effective poka-yoke devices make
such an inspection system possible by reducing the time and cost of inspection to near
zero. Because inspections entail minimal cost, every item may be inspected. Provided
that work-in-process inventories are low, quality feedback used to improve the
process can be provided very rapidly.

While successive checks provide rapid feedback, having the person who performs the
production operation check their own work provides even faster feedback. Self-
checks use poka-yoke devices to allow workers to assess the quality of their own
work. Because they check every unit produced, operators may be able to recognize
what conditions changed that caused the last unit to be defective. This insight is used
to prevent further defects. Self-checks are preferred to successive checks whenever

Since the main difference between successive checks and self-checks is which work
station performs the inspection, in this research we do not distinguish between the two
types of informative inspection. Both successive and self-checks provide information
"after the fact."

Source inspection determines "before the fact" whether the conditions necessary for
high quality production exist. (Note that Shingo's use of the term source inspection is
not the practice of having the buyer's representative inspect the quality of work-in-
progress at the supplier's facility, which is also called source inspection.) Shingo
writes, "It had dawned on me that the occurrence of a defect was the result of some
condition or action, and that it would be possible to eliminate defects entirely by
pursuing the cause" [Shingo, 1986, p.50]. He further writes that "I realized that the
idea of checking operating conditions before the operations rather than after them was
precisely the same as my concept of source inspection" [Shingo,1986, p.51].

With source inspection, poka-yoke devices ensure that proper operating conditions
exist prior to actual production. Often these devices are also designed to prevent
production from occurring until the necessary conditions are satisfied. Norman [1988]
refers to this type of device as a "forcing function." The example from GM that
"forces" the nut to be present before welding can occur is an example of source

Source inspection, self-checks, and successive checks are inspection techniques used
to understand and manage the production process more effectively. Each involves
inspecting 100 percent of the process output. In this sense, zero quality control is a
misnomer. These inspection techniques are intended to increase the speed with which
quality feedback is received. And although every item is inspected, Shingo was
emphatic that the purpose of the inspection is to improve the process and prevent
defects, and therefore is not intended to sort out defects (although in some cases that
may also be an outcome) [Shingo,1986, p. 57]. Shingo believed that source inspection
is the ideal method of quality control since quality feedback about conditions for
quality production is obtained before the process step is performed. Source inspection
is intended to keep defects from occurring. Self-checks and successive checks provide
feedback about the outcomes of the process. Self-checks and successive checks
should be used when source inspection cannot be done or when the process is not yet
well enough understood to develop source inspection techniques.
In Shingo's seminal book on ZQC [1986], he criticized SPC and suggested that ZQC
should supplant SPC as the pre-eminent tool for defect elimination in quality control.
His main argument against SPC was that it is by nature an intermittent form of
inspection, and therefore allows for some number of defects to occur. He further
argued that SPC is designed to maintain the current level of defects, rather than to
aggressively seek to eliminate them. In addition, Shingo claimed that "...a look at
SQC methods as they are actually applied shows that feedback and corrective action -
the crucial aspects of informative inspections - are too slow to be fully effective."
[Shingo, 1986, p.68]

Given the fact that applications of SPC generally have substantial intervals between
the taking of samples, it seems reasonable to argue that feedback will be faster with
source inspection and informative inspection in ZQC. However, it is not clear that
ZQC should be systematically faster than SPC at insuring corrective actions. Indeed,
according to Shingo [Shingo, 1986, p.71], "Defects will never be reduced if the
workers involved do not modify operating methods when defects occur." The
willingness to take corrective action is a function of the attitude and commitment of
both managers and workers, not an intrinsic attribute of a particular approach to
quality management. Shingo's complaint about the actual implementation of SPC may
also apply to ZQC.

A detailed, academic treatment of the relationship between SPC and ZQC is presented
in working papers by Grout and Downs (1995). The essence of their conclusions is
when used for informative inspection,

ZQC is not as effective as SPC for defects that result from variance in
measurement data
ZQC is a special case of SPC for defects that result from variance in attribute
ZQC's source inspection can be used effectively to eliminate mistakes and in
conjunction with SPC to eliminate the recurrence of special causes.

Therefore, Shigeo Shingo explained that for ZQC, the following three components
have to be followed:

1. Source Inspection: In this form of inspection, factors causing defects are

inspected rather than the resulting defects.
2. 100% Inspection: Inexpensive poka yoka are used for automatic 100%
inspection of items and defective operating conditions.
3. Immediate action: where ever a mistake is detected, operations are
stopped immediately and resumed only upon corrective action.

Zero Defect Planning:

1. Explaining the concept and program to all the supervisors and preparing them
to explain it to their people.
2. Determination of the material required and assuring its preparation.
3. Deciding what method of launching a program will be the best for any
particular operation.
4. Spelling out the functions that will be accomplished.
5. Examining the recognition policy of the industry and determining what type of
recognition should be used in praising improved performance.
6. Setting up the time schedules, and making the participants rehearse.
7. Identifying the error cause program and making plans for its execution.

Now the question come how we can implement poka yoka in our organization.
Educate the team about poka-yoke devices
Find the source of the errors

Brainstorming is a method for developing creative solutions to problems

unanimously. It works by focusing on a problem, and then coming up with as many
deliberate, unusual solutions as possible and by pushing the ideas as far as possible.
According to Mr. Alex F. Osborne: The father of brainstorming, it is a tool for
maximizing a groups creativity in problem solving . It is a conference technique
by which a group attempts to find a solution for a specific problem by amassing all
the ideas spontaneously by its members

How Brainstorming?

The following rules are important for successful brainstorming:

Make sure everyone understands and is satisfied with the central questions
before you open up for ideas.
You may want to give everyone a few seconds to jot down a few ideas before
getting started
Being by going around the table or room, giving everyone a chance to voice
his or her ideas or pass. After a few rounds, open the floor.
More ideas are better. Encourage radical ideas and piggybacking.
Suspend judgment for all ideas.
Record exactly what is said. Clarify only after everyone is out of ideas
Dont stop until ideas become sparse. Allow for late coming ideas
Eliminate duplicates and ideas that arent relevant to the topic.
Set out the rules for any B. session.
Once finished the B session, go through the results and share with everyone
for immediate response.


It is true that Poka Yoka devices are simple and inexpensive, and used for 100%
inspection of all the items produced so that zero defects can be achieved, but this
is not applicable for every organization until and unless they able to develop the
organization as a centre of excellence ( Total Culture Change for continual

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