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Performance Monitoring and Coaching Form PMCF

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
SCHOOLS Division of Bukidnon


S.Y. 2021-2022
Name of Teacher: ROSIELYN G. EGAM Position: Teacher III

Date Critical Incidence Output Impact on Job/Action Plan Success Indicators Signature
Ratee Rater

8/18/2021 Brigada Eskwela Kick Off - Brigada pictures,attendance It will make everyone inspired to Clean environment and well-
-Joined the kickoff and helped start the school year, with the help prepared Accomplishment
in the preparation of Brigada Accomplishment Report of the stakeholders Report
8/23/2021 Grolier Donation Drive- Books/Materials donated The books being donated is of Books/Materials use in
-Prepared the acceptance great, can be used in reading and reading
documents and received the other activities
materials donated (as the school
property custodian)
8/24/2021- Pahina of Parents and Clean and safe classroom A clean and conducive for Clean and safe classroom
9/10/2021 stakeholders and surroundings learning is a great place for a and surroundings
-Participated in the school conducive for learning leaning to happen. The teacher conducive for learning
readiness and school ground will feel secure and can teach
cleanliness and orderliness well
8/30/2021 Helped in the making of the APP and SIP folders The plan for the school APP and SIP folders
Annual Procurement Plan submitted to the division improvement is of great help submitted on-time to the
(APP) and SIP for the teachers and learners, division
-Completed PNPKI like materials/supplies and
Certificate other programs for the school
9/6/2021 Distributed MOOE Specific supplies were The supplies are useful in the Specific supplies were
supplies to the teachers distributed to each teacher teaching and learning and also received by each teacher
and office in observing health protocol and office
9/6/2021 Accepted enrolees -Enrolled learners To know and receive the Grade -Enrolled learners enrolled
9/6/2021 Released school report -Cards given to learners V for this school year and in the LIS
cards finalize an enrolment list -Cards given to learners for
-To let the learners/parents reference
know the grades/performance
in Grade V for the school year
9/7/2021 Reported online Oplan Data of Enrolled Learners To monitor and have an update Increase number of
to Balik Eskwela Public per day the list of the daily enrolment Enrolled Learners per day
9/17/2021 Assistance Command
Center (OBE-PACC)
As School Information
9/10/2021 DRRM Orientation to Pictures,attendance,more Gain more knowledge on the More knowledge on the
teachers and parents knowledge on the DRRM basi DRRM info and and apply DRRM basic info, apply in
basic info these and to relay the learners real life situations
9/10/2021 Preparation of Printed copy/modules No cramming in the time of Printed copy/modules
documents and modules prepared/well-prepared distribution prepared/well-prepared
for distribution of
9/14/2021 Cleaned the classroom, Well-prepared/conducive Classroom is ready for the Well-prepared/conducive
watered the plants, for learning classroom and learners and the teacher will be for learning classroom and
arranged the well-prepared docs and comfortable well-prepared docs and
papers/docs health kit for the face-to- health kit for the face-to-
Arranged the pupils face face
health kit and clear
9/15/2021 Earthquake drill -Picture/accomplishment -Everyone will be ready for the -Picture/accomplishment
report on the drill earthquake, no panic report on the drill
Distribution of modules -attendance/pictures/ -The modules will be the basis -attendance/pictures/
Modules distributed to the for the grades Modules distributed to the
parents parents
9/21/2021 Did LIS report online Updated LIS data/learners Upadated LIS list of learners Updated LIS data/learners
will make the LIS enrolment
9/27/2021 Printing reading Printed reading materials Can help learners read at home Printed reading materials
materials for the and at school, can improve
learners to read at home reading
10/5/2021  Prepared 3 LAC Work 3 SLAC Work Plan Serves as guide in SLAC 3 SLAC Work Plan
Plan session

10/8/2021  Made activity sheets for Activity sheets Helps the teacher in the lesson Activity sheets
the learners discussion
10/12/2021  Made/printed reports Accomplishment Report Well-documented report for the Accomplishment Report
for Brigada Eskwela performance
Accomplishment Report
10/13/2021  Homeroom PTA -Pics/docs/narrative -Strengthens stakeholders -Pics/docs/narrative
Meeting/ BE-LCP partnership
Orientation -list of specific forms to be -Specific forms to be prepared -list of specific forms to be
 SBM prepared will be enumerated a prepared

10/15-  Division Wide Training Output of different apps The training helped me learned Output of different apps
17/2-2021 on Synchronous and used ICT-teaching strategies to be used
Asynchronous used for teaching the learners
Approach Under the
New Normal (3 days)
10/17/2021  Meeting with the school Program and Plan Made Proper documentes and plan for Program and Plan Made
Technical Working the evalution were discussed as
Team (TWT) for WINS guide
10/18/2021  Captured videos for Pics and videos for the Properly organized files to be Pics and videos for the
SBM-WINS classroom evaluation submitted evaluation
and school entry
 Made videos for WINS
10/22/2021  SPG Pupil Presidents’ -District SPG Officers -The group of leaders will be -District SPG Officers
Virtual Meeting via created useful in the school programs created
Google Meet -pics,accomplishment -On-time submission is -pics,accomplishment
 Made documents for report necessary for the competition report
SBM -Output on the application -The output can help the -Output on the application
teachers and learners
 Submitted output on the
training on
Synchronous and
Under New Normal
(Made a video lesson,
Made Google classroom
and input materials in
the Gclassrom, Made
google quiz, Made/did
materials in the, Made
Kotobee interactive e-
10/25/2021  Checked the activity -recorded activities - The Monitoring the -recorded activities
sheets/recorded scores/performance
 Encoded pupils’ info for
10/26/2021  Went to the District for SPG Advisers Officers Chosen as SPG District Adviser SPG Advisers Officers
the meeting of the SPG created is a great responsibility that I created
Advisers and Crafting District Unified Project accept as a challenge District Unified Project
of Unified SPG Work Work Plan Make project work plan Work Plan
 Elected as the District
SPG Adviser President
10/27/2021  2nd Homeroom Meeting Pictures,attendance/minutes Strengthens Pictures,attendance/
with the parents Recorded performance stakeholders’support minutes
 Checked the activity Recorded performance
sheets/summative tests
11/3/2021  Accomplished School Accomplished SF9 Grades of the learners will be Accomplished SF9
Form 9 (School report shown to the parents and
Card) learners
11/9/2021  Gender and Pictures,narrative report More knowledge on the Gender Pictures,narrative report
Development (GAD) and Development issues was
Orientation/Symposium gained to apply to life
11/10/2021  3rd Homeroom PTA Pictures,attendance,minutes Strengthens Agreed minutes for the
Meeting(Parents agreed stakeholders’support reading program
and signed the for the reading program
Parents’consent for
Brigada Pagbasa)

11/11/2021  Brigada Pagbasa 1st and Pictures, narrative, forms The reading baseline and Pagbasa result
2nd Batches performance of the learners
Let the pupils read were identified, so as specific
innovations were planned
11/15/2021  Read-a-Thon cluster Winners for the contests Contests in reading like this Winners for the contests
elimination were chosen will help us select the best were chosen
learners and readers to compete
for the next level
11/19/2021  Made CMMS data for 1 quarter grades Make CMSS ready for analysis 1st quarter grades
the online submission to make more innovations
11/22/2021 Prepared for the SBM-WINS Well-developed SBM- A well-developed SBM-WINS Well-developed SBM-
To Division Evaluation WINS School Preparedness is necessary for School WINS School Preparedness
11/25/2021 (classroom entry and for Face-to-Face Preparedness for Face-to-Face for Face-to-Face
11/25/2021  School Learning Action Pictures, attendance, work Gain knowledge on Pictures, attendance, work
Cell (SLAC) plan, training design,  Civil Service plan, training design,
 Civil Service matrix  Parental matrix
 Parental Involvement on
Involvement on Child’s
Child’s Education at
Education at Home During
Home During Pandemic
Pandemic  Psychosocial
 Psychosocial Orientation for
Orientation for Parents in Time
Parents in of Pandemic
Time of  Revised
Pandemic Implementation
 Revised of
Implementatio Homeroom
n of Guidance
Homeroom During Crisis
Guidance Situation
During Crisis

11/26/2021  Division SBM-WINS SBM-WINS Evaluation A well-developed SBM-WINS SBM-WINS Evaluation

Evaluation tool is necessary for School tool
Preparedness for Face-to-Face
12/7/2021  Oriented my Student Properly informed student The Properly informed student
Teacher (Charlyn N. teachers teachers
Galan) of the DepEd
school forms and other
forms for demonstration

12/9/2021  Face-to-Face Pictures, attendance, School Preparedness for Face- Minutes agreed during the
Orientation with the minutes, narrative to-Face classes orientation
parents, PTA
officers,Bargy Council
(one of the presenters)
12/14/2021  Helped prepared the ST IMs, lesson plan Strategies, ideas and IMs for Well-prepared and
for her demo the demo suited for the lesson executed good
 Helped the ST with her were applied demonstration
demo/encoded her
lesson plan and had a
run-through with the

Dec,17-  Attended Training on Pictures, attendance, The teachers are updated on the Knowledge on the roles
19,2021 Upskilling MT and T- certificate roles and functions of a master and functions of MT is
III at Hotel Valencia teacher so as to know as guide gained and learned
when one is an MT, someday
1/6/2022  Prepared the action Action research proposal The action research proposal Action research proposal
research proposals and preliminary documents will help the teacher in solving approved
one of the common problems in
her classroom
1/14/2022  Spoke about Kotobee Work plan, training matrix To discuss on the bsic concepts Kotobee output from a
App (SLAC) and design, pictures, and functions of Kotobee as module
narrative part of the learning continuity
Jan 24-26,  Attended the Division Pictures, attendance, To make a remedial reading Video lesson on Remedial
2022 Remedial Reading certificates, lesson plan drill video assigned…to be Reading assigned
Drills for Video used by the division for
Lessons at Hotel remedial reading purposes
Veranda, Malaybalay
1/27/2022  INSET Speaker: Pictures,training matrix and Re-echo the roles and functions Upskilled Master Teachers
District Unified design, narrative, of Teacher III and Master and Teachers III
Upskilling of Teachers attendance,certificates Teachers
I,II, and III
1/28/2022  SLAC and Pictures, narrative, Different demo and strategies Successful demonstration
demonstration of the different strategies were demonstrated
student teachers

2/8/2022  Planned for the learning Pictures, minutes, narrative Plans for the English area was Functional English Park
area/English Area Cleaned area presented and stakeholders are
to give their support
2/11/2022  Made SMEA Powerpoint presentation of SMEA presentation will help SMEA powerpoint
docs/Gathered data for SMEA 2022 the teachers and parents look at Parents well-informed
SMEA presentation of the progress of the school and
the school principal learners in the different aspects
2/21/2022  SMEA 2022 and to make appropriate
2/22/2022  Prepared the classroom Cleaned and arranged the A classroom conducive for Classroom conducive for
for Face-to-Face (2- classroom for the face-to- learning can help the teachres learning
door classroom) face classes and learners comfortable and
learn well
3/1/2022 o District SBM SBM on-site District The well-preparede documents Well-prepared organized
Validation Evaluation help the school achieve a high SBM documents
score on SBM
3/14/2021 o Celebrated National Winners for the different The contest will exercise the Math Winners identified
Day of Math contests were known learners knowledge in Math,
Mathematics/Math which is one of the major
Challenge subjects

3/22/2022 o Dry run for Face-to- Well-prepared learners, To help the learners, teachers, Well-prepared learners,
Face teachers and facilities prepare for the actual face-to- teachers ready for the face-
face set-up following the health to-face
3/24/2022 o Oriented parents on the Pictures,narrative, minutes The orientation will let each Well-oriented parents and
face-to-face info Well-oriented parents and one be informed of the rules stakeholders
o Presented Project Work stakeholders and functions of each of us and
Plan for the needs during the
Coordinatorship implementation of face-to-face
3/25/2022 o Prepared reading Printed reading materials The reading materials will help Printed reading materials
materials and and summative test the learners read well and the read and summative test
summative tests summative test will test the answered
learners knowledge
4/4/2022 Gave diagnostic tests to Diagnostic Diagnostic Diagnostic
Face-to-Face learners Test Output/Result Tests allow the teachers to Test Output/Result
determine the current
knowledge of the learners
4/7- Division Video Lesson Videos for the video lesson Record quality videos for the Final Video for the
15/2022 shooting Remedial reading remedial videos to be Reading Remedial Drill 54
Reading Drill no.54 used by the division
4/18/2022 Complied NSBI NSBI forms Records of school buildings are Validated NSBI forms/data
data/forms complied/folders updated and submitted for
4/21/2022 Action Research Picture,certificate The action research helps a lot Action research proposal
Colloquium Gained knowledge on in making an action research
action research
4/27/2022 Action Research Picture, Gained more knowledge on the Action research proposal
proposal defense/TA Gained knowledge on submitted action research
action research
4/28/2022 School Speaker on Pictures, certificate, The orientation will help in the RPMS-PPST
RPMS-PPST Speaker RPMS-PPST additional RPMS-PPST accomplishment
5/2/2022 Accomplished school SF 9 Grades/SF10 Pupils’record of AF 9 and SF Updated SF 9 and SF 10
form9 and 10 10 will be updated
5/4/2022 Presented at the District Video lesson Video lesson presented for final Video lesson
the Video lesson in comments and suggestions
Remedial Reading before submission
5/12/2022 Complied Midyear Midyear Review Form Updated forms for IPCRF Midyear Review Form
Review and


Ratee Coach/Mentor/Rater Approving Authority

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