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Rivers Id Ian (Oct 2011) Finalised

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A newsletter by Riverside Secondary School 3 Woodlands Street 81 Singapore 738524 Tel: 6269 9631 Fax: 6368 3677

OCT 2011 ISSUE 2

Visit BY minister for eDucation

Our Minister for Education, Mr Heng Swee Keat, visited Riverside on 21 September 2011. In his visit, Mr Heng spent time interacting with students from all streams and engaging in meaningful dialogue session with our teachers. The insights shared by the Minister will contribute significantly to Riversides continued journey towards educational excellence.

Minister interacting with the students in the Science Laboratory.

Learning by inquiry during a Science Practical lesson - students explaining their task to the Minister.

DistinguisheD Defence Partner awarD

On 27 July 2011, our Principal received the Distinguished Defence Partner Award from the Minister of State for Defence and Education, Mr Lawrence Wong. This award is given to organisations with strong support, commitment and contributions towards Total Defence and National Service for our country, Singapore.

Minister observing a Chinese lesson. Riversides school management team in conversation with the Minister.



Prime ministers Book Prize

Riverside Secondary School is proud to announce that H Sharanya Pillai (class 4/4, 2010) was presented with the prestigious Prime Ministers Book Prize Award from Mr Heng Swee Keat, Minister for Education, at the 2011 Special Awards Presentation Ceremony on 19 August 2011. The Prime Ministers Book Prize was first presented in 1974 and this award was given to outstanding bilingual students on the basis of their outstanding bilingual performance as well as in recognition of students achievements in both the academic and non-academic spheres.



achieVements of our uniformeD grouPs in 2010

NPCC: Unit Overall Proficiency Award Gold Award

St. John Ambulance Brigade: Corp Achievement Award Gold Award

NCC (Sea): Best Unit Competition Gold Award

Boys Brigade: JM Fraser Award for Excellence Silver Award





our girls BrigaDe achieVement JourneY from Bronze to silVer to golD awarDs in 4 Years
Started in 2007 with only 15 girls, our 79th Girls Brigade Company faced a declining enrolment with only 4 new recruits in 2009. Through the wide variety of activities that includes camps, competitions, service learning trips to Cambodia and Malaysia, archery, fencing and kayaking courses, to pipes and drums, we managed to attract girls to this CCA and enriched their lives. Though small in number, our dedicated GB girls are ever determined to make a positive difference and do their Best and More. GBs tremendous progress is also evident in our Company Awards achievements from Bronze in 2009 to Silver in 2010 and Gold in 2011. We are delighted for GB President, SSgt Ng Yang Tin (class 4/5, 2011) for getting the highest national award, the Pioneer Brigader Brooch. We are also proud of our former GB girl, H Sharanya Pillai (4/4, 2010) for achieving 9A1s in the GCE`O level examination and receiving the Prime Ministers Book Prize Award in 2011. We are grateful for the strong leadership by Ms Lee Cheng Yen and all former and current teachers. Our heartfelt thanks also go to Mrs Lim-Hee Onn Nah (GB Chaplain), Pastor Lim Chee Boon (New Life Bible-Presbyterian Church as sponsoring church), Mr William (BB Captain), Ms Doris Foo and Ms Mavis Goh (volunteers and instructors) and graduated seniors for their service and labour of love. May this CCA continue to provide a holistic education for our GB girls and bring out the best in every member.

SSGT Ng Yang Tin

Girls Brigade Company Award Gold Award

malaY traDitional games comPetition 2011

On 1 June 2011, our students participate in the Malay Traditional Games Competition. They participated in four traditional games: Guli (marbles), Tarik Upih (pulling the palm sheath), Kleret Roda (wheel spinning) and Capteh. They brought home the Best Individual Award in two categories as well as Best Team Award in two categories. But the victory was heightened when they were announced as the overall champion in the competition.

The winning team!

Tarik Upih pulling the palm sheath.

Look at what weve won!

Kleret Roda wheel spinning.





24th sPeech anD Prize giVing DaY

The 24th Speech and Prize Giving Day was successfully held on 16 April 2011. It was a joyous event celebrating Riversides success at producing another GCE O Level Top Indian Student, H Sharanya Pillai, as well as other students who performed outstandingly in the national examinations. Our Guest-of-Honour (GOH) and School Advisory Committee (SAC) Chairman, Mr Woon Kok Meng, lauded the staff and stakeholders efforts to create a quality school experience for all students and contribute to their social and emotional development. The schools aesthetic groups also put up spectacular visual and aural performances befitting their strong achievements at the 2011 Singapore Youth Festival competitions. The Speech Day also saw three staff, Mdm Geraldine Chang, Mdm Haslinda Shafawi and Mrs Nancy Then Joke Eng receiving the MOE Service in Education Award.

A warm welcom e to our GOH, Mr W oon Kok Meng, SAC Chair man.

Mr Woon Kok Me

ng giving his spee


Our GOH presenting Riverside SAC Scholarship to H Sharanya Pillai (class 4/4, 2010) and 2010 PSLE top-scorer, Lee Wen Kai (class 1/5, 2011).

Dr Daniel Chia, SAC Vice-Chairman, presenting award to Ang Jun Jie (class 4/2, 2010), our top N-level student.

The Speech Day comperes, Haiqal (4/9) and Chea Yee (4/5), hosting the event with solemn graciousness.

Outstanding Student Leadership Award: Rayna Lee Xin Ying (class 4/4, 2010)

Outstanding Riversidian Award: Ang Rui Xia (class 4/5, 2010)




The Modern Dancers making graceful leaps as deers to mark the importance of protecting wildlife.

The SYF Gold with Honours Malay Dance performance.

The SYF Gold Indian Dancers performance with the traditional kavadis.

The Chinese Dancers displaying their graceful moves.

The Choir enthralled the audience with a selection of international songs.

The Symphonic Band provided a rich rendition of the school song.




new zealanD exchange Programme

Kia Ora! In the Maori language, this translates to hi to the New zealanders. On 9 June 2011, 17 students along with Mdm Haslinda, Mdm Ow Ju-Lin and Mr Jamie Chong, said, Kia Ora as they touched down in Auckland, New zealand. Our twinning schools in New zealand, Auckland Normal Intermediate and Waikowhai Intermediate School, warmly welcomed us with an elaborate and traditional Maori welcome ceremony. Indeed, it was an eye-opener for the students and teachers as they had the opportunity to experience and discover various New zealand customs such as the Hongi, Haka as well as the Hangi. The highlight of the visit for the students was a four-night homestay at their New zealand buddies homes. Our students had the opportunity to experience a slice of New zealand life as their buddies together with their families, engaged our students in a variety of activities and brought them to attractions unique to Auckland. Our students left Auckland with fond memories of the people and the places they visited. They have learnt more about the New zealand culture and people and also made new friends. They look forward to their buddies visit to Singapore so that they too can return the hospitality bestowed to them!
Our first meal cooked by our New Zealand counterpart in the kitchen.
Enjoying the footbath at the hot spring.

Our students together with their New Zealand buddies.

The Principal of Waikowhai Intermediate School, Mr Howard Perry and the Principal of Auckland Normal Intermediate School, Ms Jill Larson.

At the Rotorua Museum.

hong kong-shenzhen anD guangzhou triP

On 28 May 2011, 22 students departed excitedly from Singapore Changi Airports Terminal 3 for the 7-Day Hong Kong, Southern China (Shenzhen and Guangzhou) Educational and Cultural Immersion trip. Led by Ms Jasmine Lim, Ms Mendy Kok and Mr Anson Tan, the students visited Caritas Fanling Chan Chun Ha Secondary School in Hong Kong, Guangzhou Pui Ching Middle School and various famous historical landmarks in the Chinese special economic zones. Besides visiting several famous historical landmarks in Hong Kong, the students spent an unforgettable morning with students of Caritas Fanling Chan Chun Ha Secondary School, interacting and observing their daily routine. The enjoyable session ended with an authentic vegetarian meal with the principal, staff and students of Chan Chu Ha Secondary School. In Shenzhen, the students learnt more about Chinese culture and traditions at the Shenzhen Cultural Village and OCT Tea Valley before proceeding to Guangzhou to visit Pui Ching Middle School. The students had an eye-opening computer lesson with the Chinese students where they realised that their counterparts learnt computer programming language. On the other hand, they were very warmly received by the Chinese students who enjoyed the opportunity to practise speaking in English. It was difficult to bid farewell but we eventually did so as to proceed with the historical sightseeing journey to Sun Yat Sens Memorial, Chen Clan Ancestral Shrine, Qin Ping Market and Beijing Road. Overall, it was an unforgettable and fulfilling experiences for the teachers and students who realised that so many sociocultural similarities and disparities existed between Chinese people of different parts of the world. The students also appreciated many aspects of Singapore after the trip and made many new friends along the way.

Our students with their Hong Kong (Caritas Fanling Chan Chun Ha Secondary School) and Guangzhou (Pui Ching Middle School) friends during the school visits. An in-depth computer less on at Pui Ching Secondary School cond ucted in English & Mandarin. at a handsMaking Wife Biscuits h Bakery. on session at Wing Wa

At Shenzhen Cultural Villa ge where the st udents danc ed with perform ers.

lunch with A vegetarian ts. Kong studen Hong




Dance training cum cultural immersion BeiJing triP

Birds Nest National Stadium.

Warm-up before dance training.

Picking Cherries.

From 10 to 15 June 2011, 32 students from both Chinese and Modern Dance groups, together with Mrs Sng Siew Hong, Mdm Rekha, Ms Soo Chee Ling and Mr Chong Shu Chi embarked on a Dance Training cum Cultural Immersion Trip to Beijing. The objective of this trip was to provide an opportunity for our dancers to appreciate how dance training is conducted in China and to further develop their dance competencies through the training sessions. The highlight of the trip was the Chinese and Modern dance technique classes conducted by the dance professors from Beijing Dance Academy. The trip would not be complete without the excursions to places of interest such as Great Wall, Tiananmen Square, Imperial Palace Museum, Olympic Village and Beijing Capital Museum. Students even had the chance to pick cherries themselves during one of the activities planned for them.
At Tiananmen Squar e.




At Olympic Villa


Vietnam triP

A group of 22 students accompanied by Ms Cheoh Pin, Ms Bridgette Wong, Mrs Tio-Fung Eng Chu and Mdm Suriyati visited Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, during the September holidays. Some places of interest visited were the Cu Chi tunnels, Can Gio Mangrove Forest Park, War Museum and The Reunification Palace. There was also a school exchange programme towards the end of the trip. The War Museum visit was particularly memorable as gruesome photographs, a simulated tiger cage prison and jars of deformed fetuses were displayed. These tiger cage prisons were used by the South Vietnamese government to house political prisoners. It made visitors understand the cruelty that took place during the Vietnam war. On the other hand, the Reunification Palace, formerly South Vietnams Presidential Palace, allowed students to see the actual reception room, vintage radio and office equipment used by the South Vietnamese before Ho Chi Minhs revolutionary forces took over. Visiting the Nguyen Van Be School was an eye-opening experience as it was the first time that these students visited a foreign school. They get to interact with the local students and understand how a typical school day is like for them. This has indeed been an enriching and educational trip for both the students and teachers. All students left Ho Chi Minh City with fond memories and a new-found love for the place.

Students of Nguyen Van Be Secondary and Riverside Secondary.

Students cleaning up at the orphanage.

Students learning how the Vietnamese recycled bomb shells and bullets to make their own weapons.

Teaching Vietnamese students how to play kuti-kuti a traditional game.





national Police caDet corPs (nPcc) hong kong triP

On 6 June 2011, 16 cadets from National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC), accompanied by three teachers, Ms Fu Wei, Ms Ong Siew Hwee and Mr Lawrance Chua embarked on an educational trip to Hong Kong. We boarded a morning flight and arrived at Hong Kong International Airport at noon. The tour guide who welcomed us was approachable and we were excited to find out what was in store for us on this foreign land. We visited Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade, Avenue of Stars and the magnificent Symphony of Lights before heading back to the hotel. The other places of interest we visited during this trip include Hong Kong Museum of History, Hong Kong Police Museum, Hong Kong Coastal Defence Museum and Ngong Ping Sewage Treatment works. We also went to Stanley Market, Temple Street and Ladies Street for shopping. It was an eye-opener to experience how bargaining is done at the street markets. We got to know and taste different varieties of tea during a Chinese Tea Appreciation ceremony. The most memorable activity for the trip is the hike up Victoria Peak. We covered parts of the Aberdeen Hike Adventure Walk and took a tram up the Peak. The trek was quite exhausting as we had to hike along very steep slopes. With continuous encouragement from one another, we managed to reach our destination! Personally, I feel honoured to have the opportunity to visit Hong Kong. I got to know both my fellow cadets and seniors better from the trip and we had the opportunity to try different types of activities together. Most importantly, we learnt to put aside our differences and bonded well as a team. Nur Asyura, 2/9

to Learning how ss. compa

use the

Looking at the se q the sew age plan uence of t operati on.

Joy in completing the hike!

BoYs BrigaDe / girls BrigaDe camBoDia triP

During the June holidays, a total of 22 students from the Boys Brigade and Girls Brigade embarked on an educational cum community involvement trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia. The students were educated in the horrific events that transpired during the Pol Pot regime that resulted in the massacre of millions of innocent Cambodians. They were deeply saddened during the visit of the Toul Sleng Genocide Museum and the Cheoung EK killing fields both as records of Cambodias tragic history. The students also participated in community work in Siem Reap, engaging orphans from various orphanages in fun and education. The students planned activities and games for the street children and even passed on basic skills and knowledge in terms of hygiene and language to the children. The students left with great reluctance at the end of the six days. The trip had inspired many of them and developed in them a sense of empathy and new-found appreciation for the lives they lead in their own country.
Students at Toul Sleng Genocide Museum, in one of the torture chambers.

Visiting the floating school where poor children study.

Interacting with children at an orphanage.

Engaging orphans in Art and Craft activities.

Cambodian children playing with the paper boats they made.

Students Reflections:
I was inspired by Cambodias resilience as they successfully recovered from the tragedy of what happened in the past. Chua Hong Ze, 3/6 I learnt that we should not take things for granted. We may be living in Singapore peacefully and happilybut we have to guard what we have in case something happens. Ken Leon, 2/9

Friendships forged with new friends in Cambodia.





stuDent leaDers outreach week 2011

Our student leaders approached teachers, schools staff and the student population to offer services and helping hands during the annual Student Leaders Outreach Week held from 11 to 15 July 2011. They practised the true spirit of servant leadership and demonstrated that humility is a key aspect of good leadership. Our student leaders also served as role models for other students in showing that it is important as a leader to be proactive in helping people.

Reflections by Student Leaders:

From the Outreach Week, I have learnt that helping others brings about a kind of unexplained satisfaction. Through this, I have also learnt that being a leader is also about being caring and concerned towards others. Rendering help comes from the bottom of our hearts and we should not help others just for the sake of it. Mabel Kho 3/5 From this Outreach Week, I have learnt that our society will be a better place if we have more helpful people. Helping selflessly made me gain much humility. It was heartwarming to see the rest of the student leaders doing the same thing. Lesha 3/5 I learnt that we have to always extend our help to people even if it is for the slightest thing. This Outreach Week has encouraged me to continue with being proactive in lending a helping hand. I observed many student leaders extending their help and its truly heart-warming to see such modest acts! Haidah 3/8

outstanDing all-rounD stuDent (oars) awarD

Riverside student leaders have once again did the school proud by garnering three Outstanding All-Round Student (OARS) Awards given by the Northwest Community Development Council (CDC). The award ceremony was held at Republic Polytechnics auditorium on 25 May 2011. Ma Chea Yee and Priscilla Ng Bei Si, both from class 4/5 won the OARS award at CDC Level while Sri Rahayu Budi of class 5/1 clinched the OARS award at the School Level. They shared this proud moments with their families and the rest of the award winners from various schools in the north.

PrimarY school Prefects training

The Primary School Prefects Training was held on 2 June 2011. This was organized annually by the Student Council to teach them leadership skills. A total of 60 primary school prefects from various primary schools in Woodlands participated. Overall, the event was a success and an enriching experience for everyone. Siti Nuraisha Bte Safri, 3/8 Secretary of 10th Student Council
Students working hand-in-hand.

Our student leaders with the primary school prefects.

Students thinking of innovative ways to prevent an egg from breaking when released.




mother tongue Brew

Riversides annual Mother Tongue Brew was held on 15 September 2011. With the purpose of cultural knowledge and awareness of the various races among our students, our Lower Secondary students participated in four cultural activities - Bean Art, Clay Modelling, Seal Carving and Congkak. The highlight this year was the level competition with the Sec 1 competing in Bean Art, and the Sec 2 in Clay Modelling. The elements of traditional culture and competition sparked off the interest of Riversidians, engaging them in a way that they have never experienced before. Through these fun-filled activities, our students had a deeper understanding of their Mother Tongue culture.

Designing our very own Bean Art.

Creativity at work-Clay Modelling.

Learning the Congkak.

Seals made by our students.

external Performances BY aesthetic cca grouPs

Our students from Chinese, Indian, Malay and Modern Dance groups and the Choir performed for Singapore Heritage Festival 2011 in July at various shopping centres in Singapore, such as Ang Mo Kio Hub, North Point, Novena Square and Jurong West Library. Our dancers also showcased their talents at the following events such as the 3rd ASEAN Schools Gamescum-Singapore Youth Festival 2011, Singapore Youth Festival 2011 Closing Event, 46th National Day Celebration Dinner, and Chinatown Mid-Autumn Festival 2011.

hosting of hong kong stuDents from Yuen long lutheran seconDarY school
A group of 28 students and 3 teachers from Hong Kong, Yuen Long Lutheran Secondary School visited our school on 6 July 2011 with the objective of Learn Global. Twenty-two of our Characters and Citizenship Education (CCE) Champs were chosen to host our Hong Kong friends upon their arrival. After the school assembly and a short introduction to Riverside Secondary School, the Hong Kong students proceeded with cultural exchange activities. The Hong Kong students and teachers enjoyed taking photos with various ethnic costumes and through this activity, they achieved a better understanding of Singapores unique multi-racial cultures. Besides cultural exchanges, the Hong Kong students also experienced the learning environment in Singapore schools with their paired buddies for two periods. Meanwhile, the teachers observed classroom lessons to learn about our school teaching pedagogies.

Hong Kong visitors wearing our ethnic costumes.

Learning of different pedagogies used to engage students.

A taste of Singapore food.

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Students are naturally digital natives. They are very in tune with the use of technology. Therefore it is not uncommon that schools carry out learning through the use of ICT. Riverside Secondary School organises E-Learning for students annually and this year it has been carried out in January and May. Students carry out their E-learning at home through the use of the schools Learning Management System (LMS), Cybersphere. Students engaging in self directed learning through Cybersphere. This year, the schools LMS has been upgraded with bigger bandwidth and more features. Students followed a timetable at home to complete their E-learning for respective subjects. Some students use the schools Computer Lab for E-learning as they do not have Internet access at home. Although they may not see their teacher face to face, most students expressed enthusiasm through this form of learning.

Pet rocket
About 80 students took part in this years PET rocket Science enrichment activity. This activity allowed students to build and launch rockets made from PET bottles. We made use of recycled materials like PET bottles to learn Physics concepts in a fun and engaging manner.

Students displaying their new rockets!

Students launching their rocket with the help of their instructor.

Students enjoying themselves while launching the rockets.

Through the activity, we learnt that the volume of water, position of flaps and pressure pumped into bottle can affect how far the rocket can launch. We truly enjoy the learning experience. Tian Yu Harn, 3/5

creating art with chemistrY hanDs-on workshoP at the singaPore science centre
In conjunction with National Chemistry Week held between 28 May to 5 June 2011, the Singapore Science Centre held a series of workshops for students to participate in. A Chemistry Fair was held at the premises of the Science Centre. There were various booths featuring numerous experiments that we do not get to see in our chemistry labs. We were amazed at how liquid nitrogen can cause a balloon to shrink right before our eyes. At another booth, we experienced how a solidliquid mixture behaves when pressure is applied. At the workshop, we learnt about the processes of electroplating and alloying. We were astonished that with just pieces of zinc, copper and sodium hydroxide, we can make brass that appears golden in colour within minutes. It was definitely a fun and eye-opening experience for all. Kee Ming Feng & Eliza Tem Hui Shi, 2/7
Attending a workshop on the use of Electrochemistry.

by liquid were amazed All students onstration. for dem nitrogen used

A solid-liquid mixture for students to ob serve.

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new meDia communitY ProJect

The inaugural Community Engagement Seminar, organised jointly with Innova Junior College and Woodlands Community Centre, was held on 16 July 2011 at Woodlands Community Centre. The seminar aimed to raise awareness amongst our youths on how they can be more involved in volunteerism through use of new media and to promote racial and religious harmony. The theme for this years seminar was Youth and Volunteerism. Presentations and table top discussions were held during the seminar to draw out reflections from the student leaders. Together with the Question and Answer segment, the participants will also be able to learn more about the opportunities to volunteer in the community.

Ms Ellen Lee interactin

g with the student par


Teachers and members of Woodlands community at the seminar.

Group presentation by student leaders.

Students signin g up for Commun ity Engagement ac tivities.

national DaY celeBration

On 8 August 2011, Riverside was in a sea of red as the students came dressed in colours of our National flag. The Birthday Wishes morning celebration started with for Singapore. the National Day Observance Ceremony, followed by classroom activities and a National Day concert. Prior to the event, all classes were involved in the NDP Classroom Notice board decoration and the Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) Champs were involved in the production of a video which showcased their vision for the Singapore spirit. The video was played during the concert itself which won applause and laughter from the audience.

National Day Observance Ceremony.

CCE Champs conducting the NDP quiz in class.

The performers leading the school in community singing.

Students enjoying the NDP concert.


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racial harmonY DaY

Riverside celebrates this years Racial Harmony Day on 20 July 2011. The theme for this years celebration is Home: Joint Hopes, Shared Memories. The Photo Blurb competition kickstarted a series of celebrations which took place on the actual day itself. Students were encouraged to submit photos which displayed multi-culturation. On the actual day of celebration, Drama Club brought together laughter to the audience which was followed by an amazing display of dance performances. Finally, all classes went back to the classrooms for their celebrations by taking pictures with their fellow classmates in their colourful ethnic costumes.

Students performing a racial harmony dance during the RHD concert.

Our staff and Riversidians in ethnic costumes.

A skit by our Drama students.

reDuce, reuse, recYcle (r3) DaY

Riversides annual R3 Day is held on 9 July this year. It was a day where the staff and students worked together to raise funds for the needy students. The day started at 8 am where the students dispersed to their assigned blocks to collect newspapers. They worked together as a team, displaying the RSp2Irit (school values), with a common goal in mind: which is to collect as much newspaper as possible to raise fund for the schools Needy Fund. Good job, Riversidians!

Excited to start

the days event.

Seniors helping the juniors.

Working together as a class.

Parent-support group working along with our students.

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aces DaY anD teachers DaY celeBration

On 1 September 2011 morning, students participated in the annual ACES workout led by the Sports Leaders. The workout included an inter-class RS dance competition whereby students and teachers danced to the beat of the music. The event is then followed by the Teachers Day celebration organised by the Level 4 student leaders and the student councillors. The theme for the concert is Guiding Lights as teachers are like our guiding lights, ever guiding us in our pursuit for knowledge and friendship.

rs Day. ration of Teache A dance in celeb

Teachers D ay concert soloist per formance b y Loo Mee Ye e (3/2)

The concert included videos and dedications from our school partners and alumni, games and prizegiving ceremonies. The concert ended with a highlight which was a performance put up by the new teachers who joined Riverside this year. I take this opportunity to wish all teachers a Happy Teachers Day and thank you for being our guiding lights. Mabel Kho, 3/5

hosting of hoDs from schools in the north zone

As part of the capacity building and professional development effort in the North zone Theatre of Dreams, six Head of Departments (HODs) from primary/secondary schools and one junior college in the North zone were attached to Riverside Secondary School for 3 days in August 2011. The HODs had a meaningful attachment program as they learn how our key programmes are conceptualised, implemented and reviewed in alignment with the schools strategic thrusts using a whole school approach and with the involvement of school leaders, staff and student leaders and even stakeholders. This attachment program also allowed the HODs to broaden their perspectives and deepen their understanding on school leadership and educational challenges.

Presentation by HOD/CD, HOD/NT and HOD/PD on our RS Pupil Development Programme.

Mrs Sng as the Mentor Principal.

riVersiDe achieVes healthY eating in schools Programme (2010-2011)

This achievement is a testimony providing our school community beverage choices. The canteen on ten guidelines by nutritionists Promotion Board. of our continual effort in with healthier food and vendors were assessed commissioned by Health

Kudos to everyone who have contributed to this achievement!

Our RS canteen vendors promoting healthy eating.

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north zone learning sYmPosium for senior teachers anD leaD teachers
The North zone Learning Symposium for Senior Teachers and Lead Teachers marked a significant milestone on the part of the North zone schools efforts to strengthen professional development and nurture a culture of professional excellence amongst their teachers. With the theme, Imagine the Singapore Educators: Understand Who We Are, Imagine Who We Can Be, Create Who We Will Be, the symposium aimed to provide a platform for teachers to share ideas and build their capacities as curriculum leaders. On 16 May 2011, three of our Senior Teachers, Mdm Haslinda, Ms Tang Wai Yin and Ms Fu Wei, presented their Action Research projected entitled Problem-based Learning: Effects of Scaffolds in Secondary School Science at the symposium. The symposium was indeed an enriching and meaningful learning experience for all participants.

Mdm Haslinda, Ms Fu Wei and Ms Tang Wai Yin with their poster presentation of their Action Research project.

north zone ict connection.liVe

This year, the North zone ICT Committee has organised ICT Connection. Live which was held on 1 July 2011 for school teachers and key personnel aiming to strengthen their understanding of SDL (Self-Directed Learning) and CoL (Collaborative Learning) through the use of ICT. Riverside Secondary School is honoured to be selected as one of the twenty two classroom experiences. Mr Cheong Tuck Wai, HOD ICT, shared with the participants on Collaborative Brainstorming using ICT for Mind Mapping for Research in Design and Technology. Participants were presented on the ICT lessons carried out by the D&T unit, focusing on infusing SDL and CoL through the use of ICT tools. Participants were given a chance to understand the considerations behind the lesson planning for effective infusion of SDL and CoL. They also took the opportunity to interact with the presenters and some of our selected Riverside students who were there to guide participants in the use of the ICT tools for the D&T lessons.

Use of Min d Mapping by HOD ICT .

ents guiding Riverside stud in the use of participants e ICT tool. the onlin

Participants learning more about the use of ICT tools.

BY(i)tes workshoP
On 23 June 2011, key personnel of Riverside Secondary School was invited to attend the BY(i)TES (Benchmarking Your ICT Practices for Excellence in Schools) workshop organized by our HOD ICT, Ag SH ICT and VP (Academic). The objectives of the workshop aim to help participants in achieving a clearer understanding of the revised BY(i)TES version and at the same time, helping participants to identify, reflect and adapt the strategies of implementation. Participants were briefed on the focus of the revised BY(i)TES and were also invited to discuss, share and reflect on their current understanding and practices for ICT infusion in the curriculum. Four of our schools ICT mentors were also invited to share about their learning and understanding of SDL (Self Directed Learning) and CoL (Collaborative Learning) through their lesson plans. They are currently involved in the ICT Mentor programme organized by Education Technology Division (ETD) and they also shared with the participants what they have learnt in the workshop.

staff learning JourneY to khoo teck Puat hosPital

Dr Eugene Shum, Director of Medical , Affairs and Innovation ing his keynote giv address.

Dr Eugene Sh um with staff

of Riverside.

On 24 June 2011, staff of Riverside Secondary School visited Khoo Teck Puat Hosptial to learn about their innovative practices. We were briefed about the hospitals unique mission and vision before embarking on a very fulfilling journey around the hospital grounds. Everyone was greatly encouraged because we learnt new practices to benefit the students and school.

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2011 national DaY awarDs

The Commendation Medal
Congratulations to Mr Chen Fook Pang, Vice-Principal (Academic). The Commendation Medal is awarded to officer who has distinguished himself through commendable performance and conduct, or with significant efficiency, competence and devotion in his duty.

Long Service Medal

Mrs Sng Siew Hong (Principal) received her 3rd National Day Award this year. She was the recipient of the Public Administration Medal (Bronze) in 2005 and the Commendation Medal in 1998. The Long Service Medal is for duty-holder with irreproachable character and have completed at least 25 years of service.

welcome to the new familY

eas learning JourneY

On 4 July 2011, our non-teaching staff went on a Learning Journey organised by the N5 Cluster to Chinatown, Kampong Glam and the Eurasian Association. It was a good opportunity to understand and appreciate the culture and history of the different ethnic groups in Singapore.

From left to right Mr Lin Shaojie, Ms Cai Gengyun, Mdm Toh Siew Hoon, Ms Junainah Amran, Ms Wong Yi Jun, Ms Dorothy Ong.

Our EAS at Kampong Glam.

teachers DaY lunch

The Riverside family gathered together in our very own library to celebrate Teachers Day. This years theme is fLiP! and it was a very colourful and cosy celebration. Entertained by table games and a fun loving School Welfare Committee (SWC), Riverside teachers also enjoyed a wonderful spread on the buffet table. Everyone left the lunch venue with smiles and happy memories of a lunch spent together to commemorate the beauty of teaching.

Teachers dressed-up for the occasion.

Our fun-loving School Welfare Committee.

Editorial Team Advisor : Mrs Sng Siew Hong (Principal) Editors : Mrs Lee Yen Ping, Ms Wong Yi Jun & Ms Sim Yeng Suann

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