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Bi 1stmodule

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The business environment is constantly changing.

private and public organization are under pressure

that force them to response quickly to changing conditions and to be innovative in the way thy

Cold chain in health is defined as the temperature controlled supply chain

It involve a system of transporting and storing vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs

It consist of 3 major component

1. Transport and storage equipment

2. Trained personnel
3. Efficient management procedure

Vaccines are maintained at a temp of 35-46 degree farenheit

Vaccine must be stored properly from manufacture util they are available for use

Any extereme temp of heat or cold will reduce vaccine policy ,such vaccine might not yield effective

Maintaing the temp of storage unit throughout the healthcare supply chain in realtime is most
effective solution

Eg: Beginning from the gathering of resources manufacturing, distribution, dispensing of products

A way toward a possible solution:

Magpie sensing is a startup project under Ebers smith and Douglus associated LLC. It provide a suite
of cold chain monitoring and analysis technologies for healthcare industry

It is shippable, wireless temp and humidity monitor that provide real time location aware tracking of
cold chain product during shipment,

It apply 3 types of analytical technologies


2) Predictive

3)Prescriptive analytics

Properties of cold chain storage system:

1.Typical range of temp values in the storage system

2.Duty cycle of the system’s compressor

These are monitored and reported in real time. This information helps the trained personnel to
ensure that the storage unit is properly configured to solve particular product

All the temp Information is displayed the webdash board. That shows the graphs of temp inside the
specific storage unit.
Based on information derived from monitoring devices ,Magpie’s predictive analytic algoritham can
determine the set point of storage unit’s thermostat and alert the system’s user if the system is in
correctly configured, depending upon the various types of product stored.

Magpie’s system also send alert about possible temp variations

It report possible human errors

1.Failure to shut the storage unit door

2. Presence of incomplete seal

By analysing the temperature trend and alerting user via web interface ,text message ,audible alert
before the tempeture bounds are usually violated

In the similar way a compressor or power failure can be detected.

Estimated time before storage unit reaches an unsafe temp also is reported.

Prescriptive analytics helps users dial in the optimal temp setting which helps to achieve the right
balance between freezing and spoilage risk

It gather useful meta information on cold storage unit ,including the time of day that are busiest and
periods where system’s doors are opened,which can be used to provide additional design plan and
institutional policy.

Its is used to guide the equipment purchase decisions by analysing the performance of current
storage unit

By using magpie sensing cold chain analytics, additional manufacturing time and expendicture can be

Changing Business enviornments and computerized decision support:

To understand companies are embrassing computerized technologies including business intelligence ,
a model called business pressure-responses-support model is developed.

It has 3 components

1.Business pressures: result from today’s business climate

2. responses: Action taken by companies to counter the pressures

3.computerized support: That facilitates the monitoring of the environment and enhances the
response actions taken by organization
The Business Environment:
Business Environment factors can be divided into 4 major categories: markets, consumer demands,
technology and societal

These categories are summarized in the following table:

The intensity of most of the factors increases with time leading to more pressures,more competition
and so on.

In addition, department within the organization face decreased budgets and amplified pressures
from top managers to increase the performance and this enviormnent managers must
response quickly and innovate.
Managerial decision making:

Management is a process by which organizational goals are achieved by resources.

The resources are considered as inputs

The attainment of goals is viewed as output of process.

The degree of success of organization and manager is measured by the ratio of output and input.

This ratio is indication of organization’s productivity which is the reflection of organizational and
managerial performance.

Level of productivity depends up on the managerial functions such as planning,organizing,directing

and controlling

To perform their functions mangers engage in continuous process of making decision

Making decision means selecting the best alternatives from two or more solutions.

The nature of manager’s work:

Managers especially those at high level managerial levels are primarily decision makers.

The decision making process:

Enviornment factors make the evaluation process difficult for the following reason:
Computerized support for decision making/information system support for decision making:

Computer applications have moved from transaction processing and monitoring activites to problem
analysis and solution applications.

Much of the activities are done with web technologies and can accessed through mobile devices.

Analytics and BI tools such as data warehousing,data mining,online analytical

processing(OLAP),dashboard and the use of we are the cornerstone for today’s management.

Managers must have high speed networked information system to assist them in important task for
making decision.

Growth of decision support and analytics can done in the following ways:

1. Group of communication and collaboration:

Decisions are made by groups whose members may be in different locations.
Groups can collaborate and communicate by using web based tools as well as smart
Assembling a group of decision makers in one place can be costly.
Information system can improve the collaboration process of group and enables the
members to be at different location saving travel cost.
2. Improved data management:

3. Managing gaint data warehouses and big data

4. Analytical support

5. Overcoming cognitive limits in processing and storing information

6. Knowledge management
7. Anywhere, any time support

An early framework for computerized decision support:

In early 1970s, Gorry and Scott-Morton created a framework of 3 by 3 matrix.

The left side of above figure shows decision making process fall along a continuum that
ranges from highly structured to highly unstructured decisions.
Sometime these highly structured is called programmed and highly unstructured is called
Second half of this framework define 3 categories that encompasses all managerial activities:
1.stratergic planning:it involves defining long range goals and policies for resource allocation. control:the acquisition and efficient use resources in the accomplishment of
organizational goals.
3.operational control:the efficient and effective execution of specific tasks.

This is 9 cell decision support matrix.

Initial purpose of this matrix was to suggest different types of computerized support to
different cells in the matrix.

Eg:1.make or buy decision

2. capital budgeting
3.allocation of resources
4. distribution,procurement,planning,inventory control decision
For each category an easy- to -apply prescribed model and solution approach is developed.
Therefore it use a scientific approach for automatic portion of managerial decision making.

The concept of decision support system(DSS):

In early 1970 ,Scott Morton defined DSS as “interactive computer-based systems,which help
decision makers ultilize data and models to solve unstructured problems”.
Another classic definition provided by Keen and Scott Morton defined as(1978):

Like management information system DSS is a context free expression. Therefore there is
no universal accepted defition of DSS.
DSS can be viewed as conceptual methodology,that is broad umbrella term.
DSS as an umbrella term:

An organization have knowledge management system to solve their problem.

Another organization have separate support system for marketing,finance,accounting.
Supply chain management system for production.
Several rule based system for product repair diagnosis and help desks.
DSS encompasses them all.

A framework for business intelligence:

Dynamic multidimentional reporting,forecasting and prediction,trend analysis,drill-down to
details,status access and critical success factors were the features appeared in commercial products
until mid 1990s.These capabilities and some new one appears in BI.

1.a data warehouse,with its source data

2.a business analytics , a collection of tool for manipulating,mining,and analyzing the data in

3. a business performance management(BPM) for monitoring and analyzing performance.

4.user interface(eg: dash board)

The relationship between these components is shown below.

A work system view of decision support:

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