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Auto and RoboticsAug-2022

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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT CBCSDSCHENE us [TT] 18ME7 Seventh Semester B.E. Degree Examination, July/August 202 Automation and Robotics Time: 3 brs Max. Marks: 100 @ le. Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question fro Modute-1. 1a. What is Automation? Explain the basic elements of an auto zi (06 Marks) 1b. What is the difference between a closed loop control systeiland an@yen loop control system? (06 Marks) Briefly explain the advanced automation functions (03 tars) 4. Briefly explain five levels of automation (os Marks) or 2a, Whatis the difference between a continuous cont sysicr eka discrete control system? (06 aris) b. What is Sensors? Explain analog and discrete (05 marks) €. Explain with block diagram analog t digit (08 barks) Mc 3a. With sketch explain the types of low ie e . a2 ntarks) bb. Write a short note on butler stomge, (os htarks) Explain the three control functions (ft 1 production line (os ntarks) 4a Aten station transfer machi ycle time of 30 see. The frequency of line stops is F= 0.075 stopsieyele. 1e Mbp occurs, the average down time is 4.0min. The cost Of raw work part is RgOSSRE LingJ@perating cost is Rs.42.00Mhr and cost of disposable tooling is Rs.0.2/pe. Bieler re in per, piece produced. (oo ntarks) », tc identification methods. (Wo tarKs) ©. fc stripes, optical character recognition and machine vision (05 Starks) Module-3 Sa trial Robotics? Explain with neat sketch Robotic configuration, (10 Marks) b. Explai ich six degrees of freedom in Robots. aks) or Spa. it AP the Industrial Robot applications? (08 Marks) is End effectors? Briefly explain the type of End-Effectors. (06 Marks) in with sketch Robot Accuracy and Repeatability (6 Marks) 10f2 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT Whats Homogeneous Transformation? Explain. (os ngees Explain for the Denavit Hartenberg (D-H) representation of robot. SG ks) to Explain offtine programming systems. Explain in central ius in OLP systems sy 18MET. Module Explain with sketch hydraulie system for Robot “ ‘What ae the characteristics of pneumatic actuators used in Robotics? ais) Write a short nate on serve motor and stepper motor Mptarns) oR Module-5, Explain in levels of Robot programming. ark) ‘What are the requirements of robot programming language? What are problems pertaining to robot programming languages (06 Marks) oR (08 Marks) 12 Marks) O 2of2 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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