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Assignment 1 - 222 Final

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ABDUlRAHMAN ALOUFI 202156830 Sec: 02

Historical perspective of Aeroplanes and their development

over the years

:primitive beginnings
Since antiquity, there have been stories of men strapping birdlike wings,
stiffened cloaks or other devices to themselves, and attempting to fly, during
this early period, the issues of lift, stability and control were not understood,
.and most attempts ended in serious injury or death
Abbas Ibn Firnas, an Andalusian scholar, made one of these attempts
between 810 and 887 AD. He fastened two wings to his arms and clothed
himself in eagle feathers. Due to his lack of a tail (since birds usually land with
their tails), he was seen flying a fair distance before landing with some

:Flying by lighter-than-air
The Montgolfier brothers invented the first hot air balloon in 1783, using hot
air to generate buoyancy. They conducted their first public demonstration in
France and later achieved the first tethered balloon flight with humans on
board. Airships, on the other hand, utilize gas lighter than air to stay aloft. The
.construction of the first Zeppelin airship started in 1899
:Flying by heavier-than-air
During the 19th century, significant progress was made in the study of
heavier-than-air flight. In 1801, French officer André Guillaume Resnier de
Goué achieved a 300-meter glide from the top of the city walls of Angoulême.
In 1837, French mathematician and brigadier general Isidore Didion
emphasized the need for a more powerful engine to achieve successful
Sir George Cayley, considered the "father of the airplane," made significant
contributions to the development of modern aircraft. In 1846, he was given
this title for his extensive study of flight physics and the design of the first
modern heavier-than-aircraft. Cayley clarified the principles of lift, conducted
aerodynamic experiments, and defined the configuration of a modern airplane
with fixed wings, fuselage, and tail assembly. He also demonstrated manned
gliding flight and emphasized the importance of power-to-weight ratio for
.sustained flight
Cayley's innovation included the use of a whirling arm test rig to study lift and
the construction of a model glider in 1804, which resembled a modern aircraft.
In 1809, he published "On Aerial Navigation," a treatise that discussed the
scientific principles of flight and identified the vector forces influencing an
ABDUlRAHMAN ALOUFI 202156830 Sec: 02

aircraft. He also contributed to the understanding and design of ornithopters

.(flapping-wing aircraft) and parachutes
Otto Lilienthal, Octave Chanute, Percy Pilcher, and the Wright brothers
worked on gliders and aerodynamics in the late 19th century, establishing a
.foundation for powered flight
Otto Lilienthal, the first person to be captured on camera flying a contraption
that was heavier than air, did more than 2000 glider flights begin in 1891. He
.devoted a lot of time to studying and documenting aerodynamics
Samuel Langley made successful engine-driven, unpiloted Aerodrome flights
in 1896. Just a few days before the Wright brothers' flight in 1903, his
.attempts to build a human aircraft were unsuccessful
The Wright brothers approached the problem of controlled flying methodically
and scientifically. They successfully merged control and power in the Wright
Flyer in 1903 after rigorous wind tunnel testing and gradual full-scale
The Wright Flyer made four flights on December 17, 1903, close to Kitty
Hawk, North Carolina, with the longest lasting 59 seconds and covering 852
feet. It is largely acknowledged that this was a heavier-than-air aircraft's first
.prolonged, controlled powered flight
Through 1905, the Wrights continued to refine their designs and
accomplished longer, more precise flights. The Flyer III was the first real
.aircraft with multiple flight capabilities
World War I saw early air combat and ace pilots like the Red Baron. Aircraft
.technology advanced rapidly
Between the wars, aviation progressed from biplanes to sleek monoplanes.
.Record-setting flights pushed aircraft development
In World War II, huge advancements included jet engines, radar, and mass
.strategic bombing. Helicopters also emerged as practical aircraft
The postwar Jet Age saw commercial aviation grow exponentially. The de
.Havilland Comet was the first jet airliner in 1952
Major milestones included breaking the sound barrier in 1947, launching
.Sputnik in 1957, and landing men on the moon in 1969
The Concorde made its first supersonic passenger flight in 1976. The Boeing
.747 jumbo jet revolutionized mass air travel
The digital revolution from the 1980s improved avionics and manufacturing.
.Fly-by-wire improved performance. Unmanned aerial vehicles emerged
The 21st century has seen expanded air travel globally, renewed interest in
.supersonic flight, and solar-powered flight milestones
ABDUlRAHMAN ALOUFI 202156830 Sec: 02

.Different space missions done by different nations

Space missions play a crucial role in expanding our knowledge, driving
technological advancements, and benefiting society in various domains,
ranging from scientific research and exploration to communication, navigation,
.and education
In the field of space, my nation is currently participating in a mission. By
launching the SaudiSat-5B satellite, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has made a
.significant advancement in its effort to explore space
The SaudiSat-5B satellite, which was created in collaboration with Chinese
partners, was sent into orbit with the main objective of permitting multiple
applications, such as communications, remote sensing, and environmental

:The 10 most prominent space missions in human history

Sputnik 1 mission: The first artificial satellite to swim in space, launched by - 1
the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957. The launch of this satellite was the
beginning of the space race between the two powers (the Soviet Union and
.the United States of America)
Vostok 1 mission: The first spacecraft to exit the Earth's atmosphere, - 2
carrying astronauts on board, led by Major Yuri Gagarin. That was April 12,
Apollo 11 mission: It is the first of its kind to lead man to land on the moon. - 3
.It took place on July 20, 1969
Apollo 13 mission: It is an American spacecraft, sent on April 11, 1970, to - 4
.carry out a reconnaissance mission and land on the surface of the moon
The STS-51-L mission: It is the 25th flight within the American space - 5
program. It took place on January 28, 1986, and ended in less than 73
.seconds, after the shuttle exploded and all the crew members died
Voyager 1 mission: The first space probe was launched on September 5, - 6
.1977, to provide a detailed picture of the planets Jupiter and Saturn
Mars Pathfinder mission: an exploration mission to the surface of Mars, - 7
launched on December 4, 1996, by NASA. Its aim was to study and analyze
.the atmosphere, climate, and rock composition of Mars
International Space Station (ISS): Its construction began under - 8
international cooperation led by America and Russia in 1998. On November 2,
.2000, the first space crew arrived on board the International Space Station
The Kepler mission: It is a space observatory that was launched, in March - 9
2009, by NASA into space in order to discover whether there is life in the
.Milky Way Galaxy
ABDUlRAHMAN ALOUFI 202156830 Sec: 02

The Cassini-Huygens mission: A cooperation project between NASA, the - 10

European Space Agency, and the Italian Space Agency, to send two probes
to study the planet Saturn and its system. The mission lasted 20 years (from
.1997 to 2017)
Sputnik 1 Vostok 1

Apollo 11 Apollo 13

The STS-51-L Voyager 1

Mars Pathfinder ISS

The Kepler Cassini-Huygens

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