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Raftstem Basic Unit

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Grades 3-8
Robotics Basics 2015JUN27

Robotics Basics 1
Overview Materials
This material is designed to provide you with the basic information needed to Robotics Basics PowerPoint file is
construct and program a robot for use in your classes. Once a robot is provided for introducing the unit.
assembled, many different lessons can be designed to include programming it
to perform in various ways. Remember that the focus of your lessons should be Roborobo kit #1 components
the content specified by the Georgia Performance Standards for your grade
§ CPU board (1)
level – not robotics for the sake of robotics. The hands-on robotics activities
§ DC motor (2)
should enhance the instruction you are already doing rather than add a lot of
§ Wheels (2)
new content to your curriculum.
§ Battery case (1)
§ AA batteries (4)
Objectives § Fiberboard main frame (1)
§ Fiberboard mid frame (1)
The following standards can be addressed by learning activities that include § L-frame 1x2 (2)
basic robot construction and programming. Numerous other standards can be § L-frame 2x2 (2)
addressed using learning activities with an assembled robot. § Motor frame (4)
§ 7mm support (4)
n MCC5.NBT.1 Recognize that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one
§ 20mm support (6)
place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its
§ 35mm support (5)
right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left.
§ Self-tapping screws (2)
n S5CS4. a. Observe and describe how parts influence one another in
§ Machines screws (43)
things with many parts.
§ Nuts (26)
n S5CS3. Students will use tools and instruments for observing, measuring,
§ Cap nut (1)
and manipulating objects in scientific activities.
§ Wires (8)
n SS5H9 The student will trace important developments in America
§ Phillips screwdriver (1)
since 1975.
§ Nut driver (1)
n SS5E1. f. Give examples of technological advancements and their
§ Rogic software running on
impact on business productivity during the continuing development of
Windows OS
the United States (such as the development of the personal computer
and the internet).
n ELACC5RI7 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Draw on Other Resources
information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the
ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem Use the Parts List to identify
efficiently. components needed to assemble to
robot. Note that the materials listed
above are just what is needed to
Activities assemble the basic robot and not
inclusive of everything in the
The learning activities described below are designed to guide integrated
Roborobo kit #1.
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) instruction that
also includes social studies and English language arts. The Assembly Instructions will provide
guidance for you or your students to
1. Discuss some of the reasons STEM is important and talk about
construct a robot that can be used in a
technological developments since 1975.
variety of ways. Follow instructions
2. Explain some of the history of robots and how they contribute to
carefully and look at the pictures for
productivity in manufacturing and business.
guidance. Note that mounting the
3. Ask students to do some research about how robots and intelligent
motors correctly is particularly
machines are becoming more and more capable of “human work.”
important or the robot will not
4. Have students work in teams of 2, 3, or 4 to assemble the robot
operate properly.
designed for this lesson. The Parts List and Assembly Instructions support
this activity.

Robotics Basics 2
5. Assign students to write a reflection paper about assembling the robot.
They should include a description of any steps that were difficult, how
they measured the size of parts where dimensions were given, and
how they think the robot will operate once it is programmed.
6. Navigate to the Hour of Code website ( and
demonstrate the first steps of Code with Anna and Elsa. Provide an
opportunity for students to individually complete this online activity.
If a computer lab is not available, assign it as homework.
7. Discuss the following Hour of Code programming blocks. What do
they do and how do they work?
a. Move
An Hour of Code Review Guide is
b. Turn
provided to assist with discussion of
c. Repeat
work students have completed using
d. Set color
that website. This item also includes
e. Jump
some activities to demonstrate
f. Create a circle (function)
programming without using a
8. Complete the activities described on the Hour of Code Review Guide.
Volunteers from the class move to demonstrate how the various blocks
work. These learning activities can be done without using a computer. The Programming Without a Computer
9. Use the Programming Without a Computer instruction guide to further instruction guide provides further
demonstrate how robotics programming code works. The activities on directions for activities to enhance
this sheet begin with simple English commands and move on to understanding of robotics
demonstrate Rogic (programming software for Roborobo robots) programming code.
programming code.
10. Launch the Rogic program using a SMART board or projection A Rogic program file is provided that
screen. Demonstrate the basic blocks in this software. Make uses all of the functions of the robot
comparisons between the Hour of Code programming blocks and the for this activity. The function of this
Rogic commands: Move >> DC Motor, Turn >> DC Motor, Repeat program enables the robot to do
>> Loop, Set color >> ON (used with LED), Jump >> Break, Create nothing until a push button is pressed.
a circle >> Functions. When the left button is pressed the
a. DC Motor LED’s light red, amber, and green;
b. ON the buzzer sounds for .1 second; and
c. OFF then all turn back off. This can be
d. Delay repeated as many times as desired
e. While until the right button is pressed. The
f. Loop left button routine has a break when
g. Break the right button is pressed and the
h. IF Else robot moves forward until it senses a
i. Functions barrier. It then reverses on the right
11. Use the settings of .1 to 11.1 and .2 to 2.22 in the delay chip to motor and moves forward again. It
demonstrate that a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it will continue to reverse each time it
represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the senses a barrier near one or both IR
place to its left. Note that the total range of the delay chip is .1 to 25 sensors.
12. A number of additional programming challenges can be used with this
robot to address standards. Simple programs that involve turning on
and off the LEDs in a prescribed manner or more complex programs
that control the robot as it navigates an obstacle course can be

Robotics Basics 3
Modifications in the planned learning activities to meet the needs of learners
who will be challenged can be implemented in a number of ways. Since much
of the work can be completed with students working in teams, assembling a
range of capabilities in each team is a good strategy. Also, providing less focus
on robot assembly, and more on programming is a viable strategy for those
learners who are either too young or find the assembly operations too difficult.

Assessment Instruments
The learning related to the listed standards should be evaluated in the same
manner as would be implemented if robots were not being used to enhance Several types of assessments are
learning. Assessments should be completed in the areas of mathematics, needed to measure learning outcomes
science, social studies, and English language arts. Evaluation of learning of STEM instruction using robotics
specific to robotics can also be administered either as a part of the research activities.
plan or to gain insights into the clarity and effectiveness of the curriculum.
Usual and customary evaluations
A robotics assessment for the RAFTSTEM project is currently under should be used for mathematics,
development and will be made available soon. science, social studies, and English
language arts.

The Robotics Content Knowledge

Assessment (RCKA) is provided to
evaluate learning related to robotics.
This instrument was designed around
Gagne’s Types of Learning and
evaluates acquisition of motor skills,
attitudes, verbal information,
cognitive strategies, and intellectual
skills associated with use of robotics
in STEM instruction.

Robotics Basics 4
Parts List
CPU Board – This circuit board contains
the “brains” of the robot. It holds the
CPU as well as input, output, and power
circuitry. The CPU used by Roborobo is
the ATmega8A. The chip has 8KB of
memory and 23 I/O ports. Letters and
numbers identify the holes around the
DC motor – The motors on this robot
operate on direct current. They can turn
at set speeds in either forward or reverse.

Wheels – The wheels we will use for the

first robot have rubber tires. Use care
when installing a wheel onto the motor
shaft. Align the hexagon hole with the
hexagon shaft.
Battery case – The battery case holds four
AA batteries that provide power for the
robot. If the robot will be stored for long
periods of time, be sure to remove the
batteries from the battery case.

Fiberboard main frame – This is the

largest of the fiberboard frames in kit #1.
The hole locations are identified with
numbers and letters.

Fiberboard mid frame – The mid frame is

the next largest of the fiberboard frames
in kit #1.

LED & Buzzer – There are three LEDs

in kit#1— red, amber, and green. The
buzzer makes an annoying sound.
IR sensor board – This circuit board
contains an infrared emitter and receiver.
The emitter is the clear bulb and the
receiver is black in color. There is a small
cream-colored capacitor between them.
Push button switch – This circuit board
contains a push button switch. When the
button is pressed, the circuit is completed
or turned on. When released the circuit is
open or turned off.
Wire – The wires consist of three
conductors — black, red, and yellow. Be
sure to install so that the black wire
connects on the pin with the white
L-frame – These metal frames are used to
connect various components of the robot
together. They are in three different sizes
based on the number of holes – 2x6, 2x2,
and 2x1.

Motor frame – holes are threaded on this

part; also the outer surfaces are covered
with dimples in the metal.

Support – Length of supports include

7mm, 20mm, and 35mm. There is a scale
on the lid of kit #1 to measure these.
Length in mm does not include the
threaded portion.
Self-tapping screw – This screw is used to
connect a wheel to the motor shaft. Do
not over tighten.
Machine screw – There should be 100 of
these in kit #1.
Nut – These nuts fit the machine screws
and the supports. 100 of these in kit #1.
Cap nut – Only one of these in kit #1

Phillips screwdriver – Used to install

Nut driver – Used to hold nuts when
installing screws. Use one of the supports
to remove stuck nut from driver
Assembly Instructions
Find the two DC motors, four motor
frames, and eight machines screws.
You will also need the Philips
screwdriver. Look at the Parts List to
see what these look like.

Slide the screws through the holes in

the motors and screw them into the
motor frames. Make sure the motor
frames are turned the right way. If the
sides with the white shaft are facing
you, one should be oriented toward
the left of the front face, and the other
should be toward the right of the front

Find the main frame, four 7mm

supports, and four machine screws.
The main frame is usually stored in a
plastic bag taped to the bottom of the
kit #1 box. This main frame will be a
major part of the robot assembly. The
edge of the board where the letters are
will be at the front of the robot. The
letters and numbers provide a way to
identify the holes in the board.

Slide screws through holes A8, A9, I8,

and I9 in the main frame and attach
the four 7mm supports.

Get ready to attach the DC motors to
the main frame. A total of eight
machine screws will be needed. Be
sure the motors are turned the right
way. The motor shafts should be
closer to the front edge (where letters
are) than to back edge of main frame.

Slide machine screws through B3, C3,

B9, and C9 and install the left motor.
Slide machine screws in holes G3,
H3, G9, and H9 and attach the right

Find the battery case, four AA size

batteries, and four 35mm supports.
This will be a good time to install the
batteries in the battery case. Be sure to
put the batteries in the right way
(match the + signs on the case and the

Slide the battery case onto the 7mm

supports. Use the middle two holes.
Then install the four 35mm supports
by screwing them down against the
battery case. Make sure the battery
case wire comes out toward the front
of the robot (where you can see the
letters on the main frame).

Find the CPU board and four nuts.
The CPU board has letters and
numbers along the edges to label the

Place the CPU board on the 35mm

supports so that it extends over the
battery case and toward the front edge
of the main frame. Use holes A1, C1,
A15, and C15. Install the nuts to hold
CPU board in place.

Find the three LEDs, buzzer, mid

frame, eight machines screws, and
eight nuts.

Use the machine screws and nuts to

fasten the LEDs and buzzer to the
mid frame. Use the Phillips
screwdriver and the nut driver to
tighten the screws.

Find six 20mm supports, two
machines screws, and two nuts.

Make two tall columns using the

20mm supports. Each column will use
three supports. Place screws in holes
C13 and G13 to connect the columns
to the main frame. Slide the LED and
buzzer assembly onto the threaded
ends of the supports and install using
the two nuts.

Find the wheels with tires, two self-

tapping screws, one 35mm support,
and one cap nut.

Screw the cap nut onto the threaded

end of the 35mm support. Then install
it using a screw through hole E13 of
the main frame. Carefully slide a
wheel onto the shaft of the right
motor and secure using one of the
self-tapping screws. Install the left
wheel in the same manner. Be careful
to align the hexagon shaft in the
hexagon hole of the wheel.

Find two 2x1 L-frames, two IR
sensors, four machine screws, and
four nuts.

Install one of the 2x1 L-frames using a

machine screw with nut in hole E9 of
one of the IR sensors to be used on
the right side of the robot. Install the
other 2x1 frame using a screw with
nut in hole E1 of the other IR sensor
to be used on the left side of the robot.

Install the right IR sensor assembly

using a screw with nut in hole G1 of
the main frame. Install the left IR
sensor assembly using a screw with
nut in hole C1 of the main frame. The
angle of the sensors can be adjusted
depending on the task the robot is
programmed to do.

Find two push button switches, two

2x2 L-frames, four machine screws,
and four nuts. The push button switch
makes a clicking noise when the
button is pressed.

Install one of the 2x2 L-frames to the
edge of the CPU board using screws
with nuts in holes I15 and K15.
Attach the other 2x2 L-frame using
screws with nuts in holes I1 and K1 of
the CPU board.

Attach one of the push button

switches to the 2x2 L-frame on the
right side using screws with nuts in
holes A1 and A3 of the switch. Install
the other push button switch on the
left side 2x2 L-frame also using screws
with nuts in holes A1 and A3 of the

In every case, be sure black wire
connects to the pin with a white
triangle or a white strip next to it.

Battery case è POWER

Left motor è Motor 1
Right motor è Motor 2

Red LED è OUT1

Amber LED è OUT2
Green LED è OUT3
Buzzer è OUT4

Left Push Button è IN1

Right Push Button è IN2
Left IR Sensor è IN5
Right IR Sensor è IN6

Hour of Code Review Guide

This review sheet can be used to guide discussion of Hour of Code programming blocks
after students complete the Anna and Elsa programming activities on their own. In
situations where students might have difficulty with this activity and differentiation is
needed, working with a partner would be recommended. Sample learning activities are
provided for each block.
move: This command is used to make a motion in a forward or backward direction. The
distance of the motion is in pixels and can be 50, 100, 150, 200, or 300.

Have a volunteer come to the front of the room and demonstrate the movement for the
following – move forward by 15 steps. In this case each step is equivalent to a pixel in the
Anna and Elsa code block.
turn: The figure can rotate either right or left. The degrees of rotation can be 45, 60, 90,
120, or 180.

Have another volunteer come to the front of the room and demonstrate the following –
move forward 3 steps, turn right by 90 degrees, move forward 2 steps.
repeat: When an action or several actions need to happen more than one time, this
command allows that to happen. Actions can be repeated from 3 to 10 times.

Have a volunteer demonstrate the following – repeat 4 times, move forward 2 steps, turn
right by 90 degrees. Give guidance on this activity if needed.

set color: This command can be used to set the color of lines being drawn. There are 9
choices of colors.

Take out some construction paper in several colors – yellow, blue, red, green, black. Have
a volunteer demonstrate the following – set color blue, move forward 2 steps, set color
green, turn right by 90 degrees, set color red. The volunteer should hold up the piece of
construction paper with the specified color when that command is executed and move as
instructed in the next command.
jump: Use this command to move the figure forward or backward without drawing a line.
The distance is set in pixels and can be 50, 100, 150, 200, or 300.

Have a volunteer demonstrate the following – jump forward by 1 hop, turn left by 90
degrees, move forward 4 steps, jump forward by 1 hop.
create a circle: This command is like a function that combines several other blocks into a
single block.

Have a volunteer move 1 step forward, turn slightly, move 1 step forward, turn slightly,
and repeat this process until they walk in a circle. Suggest that small steps be taken so that
there will be enough space for this action to be completed. While this will likely not take
360 steps and turns, it will demonstrate the principle behind this command.
Here are the blocks that the “create a circle” command replaces.

Programming Without a Computer
This guide provides instructions for several activities that demonstrate the logic and
execution of robotics programs. Some of the items are generic and applicable to any type of
robotics system and others are specific to the Rogic programming application. Activities in
this guide are based on work originally developed by Anna Conner.

To begin these activities you will need to have three volunteers come to the front of the
room to demonstrate various “program” commands. If desired, the persons demonstrating
the movements can be informed of them and practice in advance. For purposes of
instructions volunteers are identified as V1, V2, and V3. Have some chairs available for the
volunteers to sit in as needed.

Activity 1
V3 begins in standing position.
Does V1 have a hand raised?
YES – V3 takes three steps forward
NO – V3 remains still

Activity 2
V3 begins in seated position.
Is V2 smiling?
YES – V3 stands
NO – V3 remains seated

Activity 3
V3 begins in standing position.
Does V1 have a hand raised?
Does V2 have a hand raised?
YES – V3 walks forward two steps
NO – V3 walks backwards three steps
NO –
Does V2 have a hand raised?
YES – V3 sits down in chair
NO – V3 raises a hand

Activity 4
Have V1 and V2 link arms to demonstrate how a robot with two motors and wheels can
V1 walks forward and V2 pivots.
V1 walks forward and V2 walks backwards.
Provide guidance as needed but illustrate that when both walk in opposite directions the
rotation or turn is quicker than when one walks and the other pivots.
Activity 5
What instructions do we need to give for V3 to walk in a square?
Walk forward three steps
Turn right 90 degrees
Walk forward three steps
Turn right 90 degrees
Walk forward three steps
Turn right 90 degrees
Walk forward three steps
Turn right 90 degrees

or by asking V3 to repeat the actions …

Repeat the following action 4 times

Walk forward three steps
Turn right 90 degrees

Activity 6
Sometimes we want something to continue indefinitely. We do this by checking a
condition over and over again.
Sometimes V2 has a hand raised and sometimes the hand is not raised.
V3 begins in a standing position.
If V2 has a hand raised then V3 should sit down.
Else if V2 does not have a hand raised then V3 should stand up.
V3 continues to check whether V2 has a hand raised or not until time is called.

Activities that follow are based on Rogic programming blocks or code. Rogic is the
software that is used to create programs for Roborobo robots. The blocks are very similar
to other robotics programming as well as to the Hour of Code activities and the MIT
Media Lab created Scratch. Rogic code should be displayed by using either a projection
screen or a SMARTboard.

Activity 7

The 1 in the ON and OFF blocks indicates

that the OUT1 port is being controlled. The
DELAY is measured in seconds. Have V1
demonstrate the results of these Rogic
commands. Some kind of action is needed
during the time the ON is activated. This
might be walking, smiling, or some other
behavior that can demonstrate being ON or

If the activity7.rpj program is downloaded

and run on the Robotics Basics robot, the
red LED will light for three seconds.

Activity 8

When this program is run it will check to

see if PORT1 is on or off. This program
operates like Activity 1 and Activity 2. V1
with a hand raised or V2 smiling would be
the yes condition and V3 walking three steps
or standing would be the “on.” Otherwise
the no or off would happen.

If the activity8.rpj program is downloaded

and run on the Robotics Basics robot, the
left push button switch operates PORT1. If
that switch is already pressed when the
program is run, the red LED will light for
two seconds. Otherwise it will remain off.

Activity 9

This Rogic program operates like Activity 6.

The IF ELSE is constantly checked because
it is inside the WHILE∞. V2 with hand
raised is like PORT1 being on and V2 with
hand down is like PORT1 being off. V3 will
sit when on and stand when off.

If the activity9.rpj program is downloaded

and run on the Robotics Basics robot, the
left push button switch operates PORT1.
Pressing the left push button will light the
red LED and releasing it will cause the red
LED to go off. This action will continue for
as long as the program is running.

Activity 10

This Rogic program operates like Activity 3.

It checks conditions for two ports and
provides four possible actions. The actions
of V1 would be like pressing or releasing the
left push button switch. The actions of V2
would be like pressing or releasing the right
push button switch.

If the activity10.rpj program is downloaded

and run on the Robotics Basics robot, the
left push button switch operates PORT1 and
the right push button switch operates
PORT2. Pressing the left push button will
light the amber LED (OUT2), pressing the
right push button switch will light the green
LED (OUT3), pressing both push buttons
will light the red LED (OUT1) and releasing
both switch buttons it will cause all LEDs to
go off. Actions can be repreated because of
the WHILE∞.

Activity 11

This Rogic program operates like Activity 5

and causes the robot to move in the pattern
of a square. V3 can demonstrate by walking
forward for 1.5 seconds, turning 90 degrees
to the right, and repeating this process four
times. The pattern walked will be a square
shape with V3 facing the same direction as
at the start.

If the activity11.rpj program is downloaded

and run on the Robotics Basics robot, the
robot will move in a square shaped pattern
when the power switch is turned on. The
motor commands use the lowest speed
settings so the robot will not move very far.
The accuracy of the pattern traveled will
vary some from robot to robot. Even the
same robot will not travel exactly the same
way each time the program is run. The
motors used in this robot are not of the type
(not stepper motors) that operate very

Provided with the instructional materials is a program that uses the various features of the
Robotics Basics robot that is built when the assembly instructions are followed. The
program is named robotics_basics.rpj and it uses the two push button switches, the IR
sensors, the LEDs and buzzer, and the motors. Following the activities in this guide this
program could be projected on a screen or SMART board, explained, and then
demonstrated using the assembled robot.

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