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The Hum: Welcome To The Grand Bavarian

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Table of Contents

Introduction 3


Pregenerated Characters 19

Bruce R. Cordell

Monte Cook

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Marc “Torah” Plourde, Sebastian Rives, Scott “Sybil” Robinson, Darcy “Jonny” Ross

Special Thanks
Shanna Germain (for directing my attention to the Hum)

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The Hum (from Wikipedia): The Hum is a phenomenon, or collection of
phenomena, involving widespread reports of a persistent and invasive low-
frequency humming, rumbling, or droning noise not audible to all people.

The Hum is an adventure for The Strange suitable for beginning players. It starts on Earth, but characters
eventually travel to a secret place in the recursion of Ardeyn called the Cathedral of Lotan.
The Hum guides the GM through a string of possible encounters, introducing nonplayer characters
(NPCs), places, and creatures as the narrative unfolds. Of course, since the player characters (PCs) can do
whatever they wish at any time after they learn about the situation, the order of encounters presented here is
just one way things could go.

The Grand Bavarian hotel was built by Oscar years ago, the Tesla Engine was stolen. Not long
Reinholdt (a “robber baron” of the Gilded Age who after that, a translation gate from the hotel to the Throughout this
made his fortune in tobacco). The hotel opened recursion of Ardeyn secretly opened in the hotel. adventure, you’ll
on May 1, 1911, in Colorado, about an hour east The other side of the gate opened directly into a see page references
of Denver. In its day, the Grand Bavarian saw subterranean temple dedicated to the imprisoned to various items
many rich and famous guests, including a variety god known as Lotan the Sinner. A few of the staff accompanied by
of Hollywood personalities, Theodore Roosevelt, members were possessed by demons, and things this symbol. These
are page references
Harry Houdini, and apparently even Nikola Tesla. haven’t been the same around the Grand Bavarian
to The Strange
In fact, Reinholdt and Tesla had a few minor ever since. (Mel didn’t know any of this when it corebook, where you
business dealings back in the day. first happened; she realized how bad things were can find additional
The Grand Bavarian’s fortunes have since fallen. only about a month before the adventure begins; details about that
Once-lustrous facilities became dingy, repairs went see Synopsis.) item, place, rule,
long overdue, and guests dwindled. Ownership The translation gate has several side effects NPC, or creature.
of the Bavarian passed to celebrity debutante when it operates, including the noise it makes. It isn’t usually
Mel (short for Melissa) Delgado almost a decade Every time the gate powers up, it produces a low- necessary to look up
ago. (Reinholdt was Mel’s great-great-great- frequency rumble that only particularly sensitive the referenced items
grandfather.) (and quickened) people can perceive. For these in the corebook; it’s
Mel has a secret she’s never shared with anyone: few, the sound is audible for miles—all the way to an optional way to
learn more about
she is quickened, though until the hotel came to Denver, in fact.
the situation and
her, she was too freaked out by her abilities to fully For Mel, the Hum just seemed like one more provide additional
explore them. Because of those abilities, she always indication that the hotel was the place for her. Only information to
felt like an outsider. Things were different at the she and a few other people were able to hear it. your players. The
Grand Bavarian. The place seemed to speak to her It became a way for her to tell if others might be exception is if a
in a way no other place ever had. Enthralled with the like her in some small way. The gate in the hotel cypher or creature
oddities of the location, she threw herself into the opened in the furnace room, which she rarely stat is referenced,
role of hotel proprietor. She delighted in the strange visited; that’s what furnace men were for. So she in which case you’ll
sounds that echoed down empty halls, glimpses of never witnessed the gate in operation—not until it want the corebook
“ghosts” darting through empty rooms, the sight was too late for her sister Olivia. nearby.
of people who weren’t there standing behind her The gate in the Grand Bavarian opened only
in mirrors, and, most amazingly of all, a device left twice in the first year. After that, the frequency of
behind by Tesla himself. openings increased, as did the intensity of the
Mel reopened the Bavarian not long after, Hum while the gate was open. Recently, the Hum Quickened, page 22
playing up the “haunted hotel” angle. She gave intensified so much that several people in Denver
Translation gate,
tours of floors where paranormal activity was and nearby mountain towns went insane. Some
page 134
thickest, showed off the “Amazing Tesla Science drove screwdrivers into their ears to stop the
Engine,” and hosted yearly 1920s-themed noise, and others killed themselves in grisly ways. Ardeyn, page 160
masquerade balls. Her younger sister Olivia came The suicides are what convince the Estate to
to work at the Grand Bavarian as an accountant, send operatives to find out if the “Denver Hum” Lotan the Sinner,
which suited Mel fine—she didn’t want her sister and related deaths reported on the news have page 162
to follow Mel’s earlier career as a celebutante. anything to do with the Strange.
Everything was fine for a few years. Then, five Thus enter the player characters. The Estate, page 148

As an adventure designed to be run at a convention or game store in a limited period of time, The
Hum throws characters right into the action. The adventure also presumes that the characters are
operatives of the Estate.


When investigating player characters arrive at the To conclude the adventure, PCs who agree to help
Grand Bavarian, they have the option of exploring Mel (or who stick to their original mission to deal
the hotel before attending a masquerade party. PCs with the source of the Hum) can go through the
who do so might encounter a dangerous phantasm gate in the furnace room. In Ardeyn, they must face
and possibly find a sealed-off room that contains a what they find in the Cathedral of Lotan: a being
riled-up bogeyman. called the Necromancer and a magic-adapted
Player characters who attend the masquerade Tesla Science Engine that keeps the gate open and
discover what at first seems like a fun event with the Hum alive. The characters may even rescue
Mel Delgado acting as hostess. But the event is kidnapped hotel guests, including Olivia Delgado,
interrupted by the sound of the Hum. When the in the bargain.
Hum is audible, it means the gate in the furnace
room is open, and during that time, minor demons INTRODUCE THE
(called demonseeds) who have already secretly STRANGE AND THE
possessed most of the hotel staff take control of CYPHER SYSTEM
their hosts. The demonseeds try to round up all If you’re running The Hum at a convention or
the party guests and send them through the gate game store, begin by introducing the setting and
to a bleak fate, unless the PCs stop them. game system of The Strange to the players. At
some point early in your explanation (right after
DELGADO’S PLAN you describe the differences between paradoxes,
Mel Delgado is not among the possessed. By the spinners, and vectors), let the players choose from
time the adventure begins, she has learned the the pregenerated characters that come with this
true, terrible nature of the Humming Gate because adventure (starting on page 19). When allowing
her kid sister Olivia was kidnapped through it a players to choose, provide the following summary
month ago. Given that Mel was already familiar of each character.
with the existence of recursions, she quickly got • Arlo Coulton: Arlo is good with guns and knows
over her initial disbelief at finding the gate in her his enemies’ weaknesses.
furnace room, and she has worked on devising a • Vanessa Torgue: Vanessa fights competently with
rescue. her two nightsticks.
Mel invited previous hotel guests from all • L. G. Babcock III: L. G. is best at helping others
around the world to her masquerade party, but only and isn’t necessarily great at fighting. On the
people who had told her that they could hear the other hand, L. G. is great at persuading NPCs of
Hum. She did so in an effort to find other people almost anything.
with abilities like her own who might be able to • Torah Bishop: Torah is brash. She’s better at
help retrieve her sister “from the other side.” Mel’s fighting than talking, unless she’s lying.
invitations came in the form of Grand Bavarian • Dr. Sybil Holloway: Sybil is a scientist who knows
Tickets, made up to resemble winning lottery high-energy physics and who can cause objects
tickets that gave the holder a free three-night stay, to shatter at a distance if she can see them.
meals, and paid flights as an incentive to attend a • Jonny “Flip” McDaniel: Jonny can see what’s
1920s masquerade ball. hidden, and he can stun creatures from alternate
Before the PCs show up, Mel is ignorant of the recursions who find their way into worlds where
Estate or any similar group—she thinks she is on they don’t belong.
her own. So to find others who have special abilities, Ardeyn Focus Sheets: These characters have
Cyphers, page 310 she seeds cyphers around the hotel, including the translated to Ardeyn before, but at this time, don’t
door prizes at the masquerade party. She knows that give players the Ardeyn focus sheets (starting on
quickened people with the abilities she seeks will page 31) associated with each character. Wait until
recognize the cyphers as something special. they pass through the gate in the hotel furnace


room and appear in Ardeyn. Then give them the a party that apparently starts about an hour from
focus sheets so they can access their Ardeyn foci. now. Except for your group, the only other person in
Experience Points: As part of the introduction, the lobby is the concierge, Albert.
tell the players that you’re giving them 1 XP each,
and that one of the things they can do with an XP Albert is not especially talkative or helpful.
point is reroll a bad d20 roll. Describe the lobby when the characters begin to
Introducing the system should take about twenty wonder about the layout.
minutes (and no more than thirty). Once the
players understand the basics, start the adventure. read aloud
Large windows look out onto the hotel hedge
DIFFICULTY AND EFFORT maze. Prominently marked hallways lead to a pool
If you’re running this adventure at a convention or (drained), a restaurant (closed), first floor guest
game store for players new to the Cypher System, rooms, and an impressively large lobby elevator.
tell them the difficulty level and target number of
tasks, attacks, and defense rolls that they attempt. Ask the players to introduce their characters
This allows them to figure out more quickly how to the other players, including the connection
the game works, and whether or not applying Effort information in each character’s Background (in the
for a particular task is reasonable. second paragraph), if that information isn’t a secret.
The players may also decide to reveal their personal
ADVENTURE START: backgrounds (the first paragraph). Introductions
MEETING IN THE LOBBY should take about five minutes.
The PCs begin play already checked into their
hotel, reviewing their mission. Read or paraphrase MORE ABOUT THE
the following to the players if they haven’t already HUM, HOTEL, AND
been briefed. INVITATION
After the players introduce their
read aloud characters to one another,
You’re an Estate operative, and you’ve got a badge they might have questions
to prove it. The Estate is a secret organization that about their situation. Either
monitors activity on Earth that originates in alternate way, read or paraphrase
recursions and, generally speaking, puts a stop to it the following, which is
for the planet’s safety. You’ve been touched by the information they received
Strange yourself and have abilities regular people in a dossier that they read
wouldn’t understand. Those abilities are what make on their flight from Seattle,
you a perfect operative for the Estate. Washington, to Denver. (If
You and your team were assigned a new mission: PCs are interested or have
to investigate the so-called “Denver Hum.” The Hum some way to do more in-depth
is a strange noise that only a small fraction of people research, a few additional
can hear, and which no one is normally able to trace details about the Grand
to a source. Bavarian’s history are noted under
Recently, the number of people hearing the Hum Background, page 3.)
around Denver, Colorado, skyrocketed. With that
additional data, the Estate was able to pinpoint its The Hum: The Hum is a mysterious sound
source as somewhere on or near the grounds of a heard in different places around the world. It’s
hotel called the Grand Bavarian. The hotel is located mysterious because only some people are able to
in the mountains of Colorado west of Denver. hear it (around 2% of the population), but also
Thus, you have checked into that very hotel. You’re because the sound is normally untraceable. None
here to explore the hotel, find the source of the Hum, of the characters has heard it before, but the noise
and eliminate it. supposedly sounds like a distant, low-pitched
You and your fellow operatives took your bags to rumbling. In the last few weeks, the percentage
your rooms and have now reconvened in the wide and of those hearing the Hum has skyrocketed in the
somewhat dim, dingy, and underpopulated “grand” Denver area. Some people were driven insane by
lobby of the hotel. Each of you found on your room the noise, and they killed themselves by trying to
pillow an invitation, addressed to “Grand Bavarian block it out—often by driving pens or screwdrivers
Guest,” to attend a party in the penthouse ballroom, into their ears too enthusiastically.

Hotel History: The Grand Bavarian’s fortunes have questions put to him in an obviously annoyed
fallen since it was built in the early 1900s. Many manner, as follows. Answers in parentheses are
of its once-lustrous facilities are in poor repair, provided for PCs who somehow get onto Albert’s
and its guests are few. Ownership of the Bavarian good side or otherwise persuade him to talk.
passed to celebrity debutante Mel (short for • How many guests are staying at the Grand
Melissa) Delgado nearly a decade ago. Afterward, Bavarian? “We don’t give out that kind of
she dropped out of the public eye. Then about information.” (In addition to the PCs, the hotel
eight years ago, she reopened the property and has about thirty-three other guests, spread out
marketed it as a “haunted hotel.” She gave tours of among the 130 rooms. They all won some kind
floors where paranormal activity was thickest and of contest Ms. Delgado was running, but Albert
hosted yearly 1920s-themed masquerade balls. She doesn’t know any details. Most of the guests will
briefly claimed to have an old device built by Nikola probably attend the masquerade party.)
Tesla, but apparently the Tesla Science Engine, as • What staff is employed here? “What, you want a
she dubbed it, was stolen five years ago. job? We’re not hiring.” (The current staff is bare-
bones: Albert, a few maids, a few cooks, and
Party Invitation: Inside a cream-colored envelope several contracted groundskeepers. None of the
addressed to “Grand Bavarian Guest” is a stiff card staff lives on the premises.)
on which is written: • Mel Delgado owns this place? What can you tell
“Welcome to the Grand Bavarian. us about her? “Her checks cash just fine.” (Mel
Mel Delgado was Ms. Melissa Delgado requests the honor of your Delgado rarely interacts with Albert directly;
famous mainly because presence at a masquerade costume party at four normally, she writes out her instructions to him,
she came from money, o’clock in the Bavarian Penthouse Ballroom. including a recent note to send the new guests
she was beautiful and Many amazing diversions are planned, and you up to the party. The truth is, Mel doesn’t like
young, and she was won’t want to miss them. Albert, but she can’t find anyone to replace him.)
adroit at publicity stunts,
Cordially, Mel Delgado • Have you heard the Hum? “The what now?”
once upon a time.
P.S. If you require proper 1920s-themed clothing (Sometimes Albert hears heavy things moving
and masks, inquire of Albert the concierge.” on floors above or below, when nothing of the
sort should have been there to make such a
After players have asked about the invitation, sound, but nothing like a “hum.” Then again, the
remind them that it’s about 3:00 in the hotel is haunted.)
afternoon—an hour before the party starts. • Anything strange going on around here? “Yeah,
Allow the PCs to discuss the briefing you wasting my time with questions.” (The
information, perhaps do a bit of roleplaying, aforementioned odd noises, and about once a
and engage the concierge with questions. If the month, guests check out without taking their
conversation lags, Albert says he has duties to luggage, even though their keys show up in the
attend to before the party starts (he points to the key drop box. Plus, everyone knows that floors
time on a large grandfather clock). After this, Albert 2, 3, and 4 are haunted. Weird lights, shapes in
disappears. mirrors, kids at the end of hallways where there
shouldn’t be any kids—that sort of thing. Read
the brochure. This is the “haunted hotel!”)
CHARACTER ROOMS • Do you have any masquerade costumes for us?
The characters’ rooms are on the first floor, the “You can probably find something in here. I
same floor as the lobby. Instead of key cards, can’t guarantee anything will fit.” Albert wheels
the PCs were issued old-fashioned big metal a hotel luggage cart out from a closet. The rack
keys for their rooms. Each room is clean and is thick with clean, vintage, elegant clothing
pleasant, if a bit faded and worn. (suits and gowns, and accessories), plus several
masquerade masks of different styles. PCs who
are interested can dress up quite stylishly.

Albert the Concierge

Albert the Concierge: Albert McCoy wears a somewhat shabby suit
level 2, level 4 for tasks and smells of stale smoke. When not engaging
If the PCs choose to spend the hour before the
related to running an guests (which is most of the time), he is out front
understaffed hotel party investigating the hotel, see the Grand
smoking or absorbed in watching soap operas on a
Bavarian Layout and Exploring the Hotel.
small black-and-white TV behind the lobby counter.
Albert isn’t naturally helpful, and he answers


Grand Bavarian Layout

The hotel sits on a ten-acre parcel of land. The
hotel grounds include a main structure, an
attached garage, a hedge maze, and a parking lot.
It’s a somewhat dingy mansion that was once an
elegant mountain chalet.
About twenty vehicles of various types are
parked in the garage at any one time. Five belong
to staff.
Hotel Wi-Fi is nonexistent, and cell service
is patchy at best. (When the Hum begins, cell
service, landlines, and all other forms of electronic
communication with the outside world are
Interior Hotel Layout: The adventure is divided
into five principal parts. The elevator in the lobby
connects to each level. Two sets of fire stairs on
either end of the hotel do the same.
• Hotel lobby on the ground floor (see Adventure
Start: Meeting in the Lobby)
• Floors 2 to 4 (see Exploring the Hotel)
• Penthouse ballroom on the fifth floor (see Party
in the Penthouse Ballroom)
• Furnace room in the basement (see Furnace
• Cathedral of Lotan through the translation gate
in the furnace room (see Cathedral of Lotan)

The hedge maze isn’t particularly well kept
these days. If the PCs head outside the hotel
to trace the maze, they find a wooden gazebo
at the maze’s center. The gazebo hasn’t had
a fresh coat of paint in well over a decade. A
search of the gazebo uncovers a level 5 audio
insulator cypher behind a loose board. The
cypher was planted by Mel Delgado in an
effort to find other quickened people that have
abilities similar to her own.

Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Explosive device (thrown, short range)
Ardeyn: A stone with a rune of destruction
inscribed on it (thrown, short range)
Ruk: Wristband projector (long range)
Effect: Explodes in an immediate radius,
creating a static area of complete silence for
one hour. No sound, regardless of frequency,
can pierce the area from the outside,
and sound made from within the area is
extinguished instantly as if it never existed.

EXPLORING THE HOTEL A phantasmic parasite takes form as a psychic
The hotel is too large to detail completely. If the construct. It creates the construct by reaching
PCs explore floors 2 to 4, use the information into a victim’s mind and finding someone or
in this section. If the PCs spend all their time something to which the victim has an emotional
exploring and never go to the party, the Hum finally attachment. The construct image then appears at
begins, as described in Party in the Penthouse some distance from the victim. The parasite feeds
Ballroom, three hours after the characters begin on the emotional stress created by the appearance
their exploration. of the phantasm. The more upset and worried the
Game Pacing: If you’re running The Hum at a beholder, the more the parasite consumes. Thus,
convention or game store and you have only about most parasites appear in some state of distress—
an hour before you need to stop, tell PCs who want weeping, whining, panicked. And when their
to explore the hotel that they find a lot of empty viewers come forward to close the distance, the
rooms but nothing out of the ordinary (though the phantasm shrinks away, always pulling back to stay
absence of all other guests is a bit strange), and just out of reach.
move on.
The helpful companion If more time remains or you’re running this HELPFUL COMPANION
speaks with the voice of adventure as part of your normal campaign, PCs Level: 1d6 + 2
a creepy child. who explore these floors might have some or all of Earth: 3-foot (1 m) tall cloth doll with button eyes
the encounters in this section. and a stitched mouth
Phantasm Ambush: If the PCs went to the party Ardeyn: Burlap dragon doll
first and didn’t explore the hotel beforehand, it’s Ruk: A solid-light hologram of a doll
unlikely that they’ll want to do so afterward; they’ll Effect: The doll animates for one hour and acts as
probably go straight to the furnace room. If two or a level 3 companion creature. It accompanies
more hours of playtime remain, consider using the you and follows your instructions. It must
phantasmic parasite or bogeyman to ambush the remain a short distance from you—if it moves
PCs as they get on or off the elevator on their way farther away, it drops limp until you move back
to the furnace room. into range. You’ll make rolls for it when it takes
actions. The doll acts on your turn and can
move a short distance each round. As a level 3
creature, it has a target number of 9 and a health
of 9. It doesn’t attack creatures, but it can spend
The hotel has always been “haunted,” but the
its action to serve as an asset for any one attack
level of activity and danger to guests has rarely
you make on your turn.
been as high as it is while the PCs are exploring.
The increased level of activity is due to an
ongoing ceremony occurring on the other side
When the PCs enter a particular room or emerge
of the Humming Gate, which will soon reach its
from the elevator facing a small sitting area, one
of the characters sees something moving in the
mirror: a terrible, monstrous parody of a person.
Then it’s gone. A PC might note an object lying
KID AT THE END OF THE HALL on a stand beneath the mirror—a level 5 random
One or more of the PCs see a small crying boy at annihilation cypher left by Mel Delgado. The
the other end of the hall, who immediately turns cypher’s presence, combined with the influence of
and moves out of view around the bend in the the Hum, created an unhealthy resonance with the
hallway. If PCs investigate, they may find a toy mirror.
left behind by the “child” but no sign of the boy. Creature Encounter Option: The phantasmic
The toy is a level 5 helpful companion cypher left parasite described above could also reveal itself
by Mel Delgado as a way to find other quickened in the mirror. It tries to lure characters into the
people. painted-over room or, if the Hum has already
Creature Encounter Option: If you have the started, down into the furnace room to meet the
time and desire for a longer encounter, you furnace man.
might decide the kid is actually a lure created by
Phantasmic parasite: a phantasmic parasite. The phantasmic parasite RANDOM ANNIHILATION
level 4, level 5 for tries to lure characters into the painted-over room Level: 1d6 + 2
deception or, if the Hum has already started, down into the Earth: A small black box with a red button
furnace room to meet the furnace man. Ardeyn: An amulet that opens to reveal an inset ruby


Ruk: A dragonfly that flutters its wings starts, they find an empty room with smashed
Effect: When activated, the cypher begins to tables, uneaten food, smears of blood hinting at
hum. After humming for one round, a random some kind of terrible event, and the unconscious
creature within long range is attacked with an body of Mel Delgado.
acoustic bolt that inflicts 10 points of Speed The elevator is the easiest way to reach the
damage (ignores Armor). penthouse ballroom on the fifth floor—just press Bogeyman: level 3;
the button labeled “B.” The elevator opens onto a all tasks related to
PAINTED-OVER ROOM long hallway set with tiny windows that run along intimidation as level 6;
As the PCs walk along a hallway, they notice that the hotel’s exterior roofline. Two sets of double feeds on courage
one room has been sealed by being painted over
completely with the same paint used in the hallway,
including the room number. Investigation (perhaps
taking a scraping with a pen knife) reveals that
paint has been applied in several coats over the
If the PCs break down the door (a difficulty
4 Might-based task), they find a completely
stripped hotel room, with three exceptions.
First, a blood stain mars the center of
the floor. Someone died here, and the
blood has gone into the wood.
Second, a cardboard box in the
closet contains the skeleton of a dead
cat, complete with dried ligaments
and shed fur.
Third, the room is inhabited by a
horrific presence: a bogeyman. In its
normal form, a bogeyman is nothing
more than a pair of disembodied
red eyes that float inside a shapeless
smear of shadow. As its action, a
bogeyman reaches out to feed on
courage. Any creature that can see it
must make an Intellect defense roll. On
a failure, the bogeyman inflicts 2 points of
Intellect damage as the target’s courage drains
away, and blood seeps from the victim’s eyes,
nose, and ears. In addition, the difficulty to resist
the bogeyman’s attack increases by one step. This
is a cumulative increase up to a maximum of five
Each time the bogeyman inflicts Intellect
damage, it becomes more solid, more real, taking
the shape of whatever its beholder most fears. Its
appearance is subjective to the viewer. One person
might see a vampire, another a werewolf, and
another a clown covered in blood.

The PCs don’t have to be punctual to attend the
party. If they show up anytime within an hour
or so of the start time (four o’clock), events
go off pretty much as described here. If
the characters miss the party entirely and
show up several hours later, after the Hum

doors are in the hallway, each marked “Ballroom.” If time permits and you want to use names and
The doors are closed, but music and conversation motivations for individual partygoers, use the
is audible through them. Read or paraphrase following.
the following to the players who check out the Dorothy Giles: Dorothy is an exuberant flapper,
ballroom. a bit tipsy already, but ready to dance “if there’s
a contest this year.” Dorothy has nothing but
read aloud admiration for Mel.
People in elegant clothing straight out of the 1920s, Jeff Sweeney: Jeff has a not-so-secret crush on
drinks in hand, stand talking in a massive ballroom Mel and is hoping to get her autograph and a
beneath a mirrored ceiling. Everyone wears some picture of her when she shows up for the dinner
kind of masquerade mask. Tables are set as if for toast. Jeff wears a black tuxedo with a top hat.
dinner on the far side of the ballroom, though no Franz the Bartender: Franz is unfailingly polite
one has yet taken their seat. Scratchy music plays in his maroon tuxedo. When the Hum begins (see
from a massive Victrola phonograph set in one below), he reveals himself as a demonseed.
corner. In another corner is a small bar, complete Hillary Benson: Hillary wears an Egyptian-
with a bartender serving complimentary champagne inspired gown with a silver tiara, and the heel
on ice. on her shoe is broken. She is a bit spooked
because she saw a ghost down on the third floor.
Unless the PCs are being stealthy, every Despite the “haunted hotel” tours and the place’s
conversation in the room stops when they open reputation, the creature radiated evil so palpable
the doors. All the partygoers slowly swivel their that Hillary broke a heel trying to get away. She saw
gazes to spear the characters with eyes glittering it right before the party started. If it was a special
under the ballroom lights. After a beat, the effect, it was a damn good one.
partygoers return to their previous conversations. Jim Downs, Waiter: Jim is tight lipped but
Mel Delgado (whom every PC likely knows from unfailingly polite in his white waiter’s jacket. When
publicity shots that saturated pop media years the Hum begins (see below), he is revealed as a
ago) doesn’t seem to be present. demonseed.
Maria Rojas, Waiter: Like Jim, Maria is tight
INTERACTING WITH THE lipped but unfailingly polite in her white waiter’s
PARTYGOERS jacket. When the Hum begins (see below), she is
Partygoer: level 2; no The partygoers are a subset of the hotel guests revealed as a demonseed.
attacks (about twenty-five of the thirty-three guests listed
in the register). If the PCs interact with the party MEL ARRIVES
attendees or the bartender, they can learn the After the characters have had a chance to talk to
Mel Delgado: level 4; following: a couple of the party guests, Mel Delgado arrives,
health 21; long-range • “Mel Delgado holds a masquerade ball every dressed in a fabulous sheer gown with a feathered
pistol attack for 2 year, but this one is something special. Everyone masquerade mask. The calls of “Mel!” and “Miss
points of damage; Spin present won a ‘Grand Bavarian Ticket’—a free Delgado!” from the other partygoers allow the PCs
Encouragement ability three-night stay with food and flights included. to recognize her.
How could we say no?” (Inviting everyone who Mel begins making the rounds, mouth wide
has previously heard the Hum is part of Mel’s with a smile, eyes sparkling behind her mask.
strategy to find other quickened people powerful When she sees the PCs, her eyes widen slightly in
enough to help retrieve her missing sister.) surprise, and (if no PC has approached her yet)
• “Ms. Delgado will be joining us for a toast when she approaches them. There’s time for a bit of
dinner starts, which should be any time now. conversation before the events described below
Mmm, roast pork—doesn’t it smell delicious?” under Dinnertime Hum commence.
(Mel does indeed arrive right before the food, as
described below.) First Conversation with Mel: The player characters
• “The hum? Now that you mention it, I did hear can learn the following from Mel during their initial
an annoying sound vibrating through the floor conversation:
in the middle of the night. I thought it was the • “We don’t get many unexpected guests at the
staff vacuuming the hallway, but when I opened Grand Bavarian these days. But I’m glad Albert
my door to look, no one was there. Last time was able to find you some costumes. What
we stayed here, I heard the same thing. Isn’t brings you to my hotel?” (If the PCs say they’re
that weird?” (Nearly everyone at the party is looking for the source of the Hum, she visibly
susceptible to the Hum.) reacts in surprise. After a moment, she has


questions for the PCs, probably many of the Several partygoers grab their heads, screaming,
same questions they have for her.) blood running from their ears and eyes. Some of them
• “Can you hear it? What do you know about the topple to the floor.
Hum?” (Mel is very interested in what the PCs The two waiters, the bartender, and the chef react
know because, until she meets them, she thinks differently. The waiters and bartender brandish knives,
that she is the only one who realizes the Hum is and with eyes pulsing orange fire in time to the
more than just a noise. She quickly wants to put vibrating Hum, they attack the screaming partygoers.
the PCs to her final test: to see if they recognize The chef physically swells, bursting out of his whites,
cyphers for what they are.) to reveal a pale, bloated body spattered with blood,
• “Wait. Go pick a party favor. I mean, really. It’s the puffy lips of its slack-mouthed face glistening with Chef Demonseed: level
important.” (Mel points to a small table near spittle. It picks up a cleaver from the catering cart and 4; health 21; two melee
an entrance that has about four small cloth yells, “Souls for the Lotan the Sinner!” attacks with a cleaver as
bags with red ribbons. These “party favors” are a single action that deal
actually cyphers. The PCs are free to take a few if If you haven’t rolled for initiative already, it’s 7 points of damage;
they wish, and Mel watches with avid attention time to do so now, but note the effect of the Hum regenerate 1 point of
to see if they recognize the cyphers.) on PCs below. health while its health is
above 0
Conversation Interrupted: Before Mel can make A Fight Breaks Out
anything of the situation, dinner arrives, and things The Hum: When the Hum begins, the player Demonseed (3): level
get scary. characters must succeed on a difficulty 2 Intellect 4; short-range knife-
defense roll or bleed for 1 point of ambient damage throwing attack that
Party Favors and lose their action on their turn. Each subsequent inflicts 4 points of
Four party bags remain on the table near one round, PCs who failed their initial defense roll damage; knife melee
of the entrances. PCs who select a bag and look must attempt a new one, with the same result on a attack
inside immediately realize that the object inside failure. On a success, the PC is no longer subject to
is a cypher. The four anoetic level 5 cyphers are as this particular effect of the Hum.
follows. Demonseed Tactics: The two waiters, the chef,
• Lime-flavored hard candy (analeptic): Substance and the bartender are possessed by demons Analeptic, page 313
restores a number of points equal to the that serve Lotan from the recursion of Ardeyn.
cypher’s level (5) to the user’s Speed Pool. Despite inhabiting human beings on Earth, the Armor reinforcer,
• Fragrant oil (armor reinforcer): User gains +1 to demons retain some of their abilities thanks to the page 313
Armor for one day. residual influence of the Hum. (Normally, once
Enduring shield,
• Silver cufflinks (enduring shield): For a day, the on Earth, a creature from Ardeyn would begin to
page 317
wearer of the activated cypher has an asset to experience degeneration of its abilities.) While the
Speed defense rolls. Hum sounds, the demons manifest their power as Grenade, corrosive,
• Decorative glass egg (grenade, corrosive): When demonseeds. page 318
thrown (short range), the cypher explodes in an The demonseeds brandish their cleavers to cow
immediate radius with a blast of corrosive liquid, partygoers and even hack into a few guests to
inflicting 5 points of damage. show they’re serious (unless the PCs intervene),
but their real goal is to keep as many people alive
DINNERTIME HUM as possible.
Party conversations are interrupted when dinner If the PCs intervene, the demonseeds turn their
is served. But just as service begins, so does the full attention to the characters. But if allowed to
Hum, which dramatically changes things. finish their tasks, the demonseeds bundle all the
Read or paraphrase the following as dinner is people (including the PCs) through the Humming
served. Gate down in the furnace room.
Find the Flaw: If Arlo uses his Find the Flaw Find the Flaw,
read aloud ability, he learns that the Hum is the demonseeds’ page 48
A man wearing chef ’s whites rolls a catering cart weak spot. If the sound stopped (or if the
into the ballroom. A covered casserole platter fills the demonseeds could be insulated from the sound),
entire cart, and the smell of roast pork intensifies. The they’d revert to normal humans, and the demons
partygoers move to take their seats. possessing them would again be submerged.
That’s when a strange noise becomes audible. The Partygoers: Many of the partygoers are
sound begins as a low, grating rumble but quickly incapacitated by the Hum. The rest are not fighters
jumps in intensity until it feels as if your entire brain is (except for Mel) and are easily cowed by cleaver-
vibrating. wielding demonseeds.

Mel Delgado: Mel fights, screaming in fury, the pieces together and come up with a plan to
“You can’t have any more of my guests, you rescue her! Will you help me?” (If PCs inquire,
bastards!” and, “Where’s my sister?” Mel is an she tells them about her scheme to find other
NPC spinner and has the ability to translate. She quickened people by noting their reaction to
Spin Encouragement, can also use her Spin Encouragement ability as cyphers. Mel got her cyphers by walking the
page 40 her action (instead of firing her pistol), shouting beach of a small recursion she calls Oceanmist.)
encouragement to allies in short range, allowing • “The gate opens onto a hellscape filled with
them to modify the difficulty of one specific kind of hungry spirits and demons. A place called the
task (usually, attacks) by one step to their benefit. Cathedral of Lotan.” (The PCs recognize the
name as a terrible place in Ardeyn.)
Reverted Hotel Staff: Killing Possessed Hotel Staff: If a demonseed is • “All this time that the door—I call it the
level 2; health 1 reduced to 0 health, the demon possession ends, Humming Gate—has been opening,
but the host isn’t killed. Instead, he or she reverts demonseeds have been infesting my staff and
to a normal (though very wounded) person. See stealing guests that no one would miss away
Ballroom Aftermath below. to the Cathedral. I didn’t know! And I still don’t
know why. But with you to back me up, we
GM Intrusion: When Ballroom Aftermath can go through and get my sister Olivia back!
a demonseed attacks If the PCs survive, it’s time to pick up the pieces. You’ll help me, right?” (Mel went through the
the character, instead For starters, the characters may want to question hotel records and discovered that guests had
of using a weapon, Mel and perhaps the defeated demonseeds, who been vanishing for years right when they were
the demonseed simply have reverted to normal (if dazed and bleeding) supposed to check out, which disguised their
touches the PC, who
wait staff. disappearances.)
must succeed on a
The aftermath goes better if the PCs use some
difficulty 4 Intellect
defense roll or her eyes interaction rolls to calm people down and make Questioning Surviving Hotel Staff: The PCs can
flash with fire and friends (or be commanding and intimidating, if attempt to question defeated demonseeds, who
she attacks an allied that’s more their style). revert to normal, though very weakened, people.
character on her next The Hum Goes On: When the fight in the They’re a bit confused and scared but provide
turn. Ballroom concludes, the Hum continues (for those the following information. First, though, the PCs
who can hear it); the sound continues to emanate must restrain Mel, who has a momentary break:
from the Grand Bavarian for the rest of this she begins kicking any surviving hotel staff who
adventure, until the PCs find a way to deactivate have been subdued, calling them bastards and
it. While the Hum remains active, cell service, demanding they tell her what’s been done with
landline phones, cable, and Internet remain her sister.
scrambled. • “A demon looked out of the mirror at me,
Mel Comes Clean: Mel presumably saw the PCs then entered my mind. It was awful. You can’t
stand up to the demonseeds, and she realizes understand the things we’ve done . . . Thank
they’re exactly the kind of people she’s been God I can’t remember most of it.”
looking for: • “Normally, the demons made us take a hotel
• “Despite all I did to lure other recursors to guest about once a month. But they said it
the Grand Bavarian to help me, you showed was time for the ‘Five-Year Offering.’ We were
up on your own.” (Mel has never heard of the supposed to subdue everyone at this party and
Estate and is quite surprised to know such an bring them through the gate in the furnace room
organization exists, if the PCs tell her about it. once it opened. If you hadn’t intervened, that’s
Until today, she’s been too frightened to explore exactly what would’ve happened. All the other
her abilities too much, other than to gather guests in the hotel have probably been rounded
cyphers from an out-of-the-way recursion.) up by now as well!” (It’s true—if the PCs check,
• “A door to someplace else first opened in the they find no other guests or staff in the entire
hotel furnace room about five years ago. The place, not even Albert.)
first year it opened only a few times, but lately
it’s been opening more and more. Whenever it’s Dealing With Surviving Partygoers: In the
open, people like me—people like you and me— aftermath of the bloody fight, Hillary Benson (or
can hear that strange hum.” another named NPC, if Hillary didn’t survive) takes
• “Keep in mind I didn’t know any of this until charge of dealing with the survivors, calming them,
about a month ago, when my kid sister Olivia organizing the tending of wounds, and so on. She
was taken by what lives on the other side.” (Mel tells Mel and the PCs to go do what needs doing;
breaks up a bit at this revelation.) “But I’ve put she’ll handle things in the ballroom.


FURNACE ROOM to a normal (though quite wounded) person. He

If the PCs descend into the basement, cinderblock provides similar information as described for the
hallways lead to a large set of steel double doors. A demonseeds in the ballroom, except that he notes
plaque over the doors reads, “Furnace Room.” The one additional point: “The Necromancer on the
sensation of the Hum is noticeably more intense other side is possessed by a demon much more
near the doors. (Other rooms in the basement powerful than the one that infested me!”
include laundry, storage, and maintenance
chambers, all empty of staff.) HUMMING GATE
Game Pacing: If you’re running The Hum at PCs able to investigate the gate for a few minutes
a convention or game store and you have only learn more about it. Even if no one present is
about an hour before you need to stop, skip the trained in knowledge of the Strange, Estate
encounter with the furnace man—instead, the operatives have enough working knowledge
furnace room is empty (except for bloodstains of translation to work out the following points
smearing through the gate). The PCs can progress without an Intellect-based roll.
straight to the Humming Gate. • Translation Gate to Ardeyn: Translation gates are
Too Early, Gate Not Open: If the PCs explore connections between two different recursions
the furnace room early in the adventure, before or, as in this case, between Earth and the
the Hum begins, the gate is still closed. In that recursion of Ardeyn. Creatures that pass through
case, the furnace man hasn’t manifested as a gate appear in the connected recursion and
a demonseed, and there is no connection to are translated to “fit in” to the new location’s
Ardeyn—yet. context.
Gate Is Open: If the doors to the furnace room • Malfunction: The Humming Gate is somehow
are opened and the Hum is audible, read or malfunctioning. While it’s operating, the
paraphrase the following to the players. connection is rough and turbulent, and it “leaks”
influence from the other side. That influence
read aloud manifests in the form of the Hum. The Hum
This basement chamber contains a massive iron apparently allows some creatures of Ardeyn
furnace, as advertised. But more impressive is the to retain a limited ability to act on Earth while
floor-to-ceiling vertical whirlpool hanging in the the gate is open and they are within several
air. Some kind of fiery scene is visible through the kilometers of it. (It’s possible that the leakage is
anomaly. The edges of the spinning oddity are crusted intentional, not a malfunction.)
with tumbling shards of metal, stone, thorns, bone, • Intermittent Opening: The gate is sometimes
and flesh. The Hum vibrates the very floor of this open and sometimes closed. Whatever is
room, making your vision jitter and shake. responsible for creating the gate is on the other
side of the divide, in Ardeyn. To permanently
Estate operatives have seen translation gates, disable the gate, someone will have to travel
but this one is unlike any the characters have through it and disable whatever is keeping it
encountered (or heard of) before. To determine open.
exactly what they’re seeing, the PCs must get • The Other Side: PCs who take a few rounds
closer. to study the gate’s opening can eventually see
When they do (assuming there’s time in the what’s on the other side.
game session for this encounter), the furnace man
steps around from behind the furnace, haloed in a Through the
mist of smoke, and shouts, “Hey!” Humming Gate
When the player characters peer or step through Furnace Man
FURNACE MAN the Humming Gate, read or paraphrase the Demonseed: level 4;
The furnace man (demon-possessed, naturally) following. health 21; Armor 5
guards the gate while it’s active. He attacks anyone against fire attacks;
investigating the gate or furnace. Mel helps the read aloud two melee attacks
with 3-foot flaming
PCs defeat him if she’s present. Sheer cliffs drop to the flame-tipped waves of a
pipe wrench as a single
Find the Flaw: Find the Flaw reveals the same magma sea that rolls across a subterranean vault
action that deals 5
flaw for the furnace man as the demonseeds in the of immense size. Castle-sized columns dot the sea, points of damage
ballroom. marching miles into the smoke-shrouded distance,
Fighting the Furnace Man: If the demonseed is supporting a stone sky lit by the fires beneath.
reduced to 0 health, the demon possession ends, A path winds along the face of the cliff, apparently Reverted Furnace Man:
but the furnace man isn’t killed. Instead he reverts originating where the gate mouth opens. The path level 1; health 1

hugs the cliffs and leads toward a stone protrusion Otherwise, all characters take on their Ardeyn
that extends like a pier over the burning tides far focus and undergo a significant change. Read or
below. paraphrase the following for the characters who
are in the group, and give the PCs their Ardeyn
Other than the magma waves, nothing visible focus sheets as you do so. Characters who drag
moves. Gauging perspective is difficult, but PCs their Earth focus with them still lose their regular
who study the scene believe that the path is about Earth clothing and equipment and gain Ardeyn-
1,000 feet (~300 m) above the waves, that the style equivalents, where possible.
slender catwalk itself is about 6 feet (2 m) wide,
and that the distant stone “pier” is probably about read aloud
500 feet (~150 m) away. You feel strange. Your clothing tugs, loosens, and
shifts, and your skin prickles and tingles all over.
Draggable focus, Arlo, your hunting knife lengthens and becomes
page 52 the size of a scimitar, as your pistol fades away, to be
replaced by a heavy bow.
Wields Two Weapons Vanessa, your clothing flows and thickens, and your
at Once, page 82 two nightsticks become two sharp, thin sabers. To you,
TRANSLATING TO ARDEYN it feels like coming home.
Operates Undercover, PCs who step through the Humming Gate L. G., your pistol becomes mist, lengthens, and is
page 70 translate to Ardeyn and appear near the Cathedral now a bow. Your fingers warm as if with healing grace.
of Lotan (along a cliff-face path that leads directly Torah, your machine gun fades away, and in its
Looks for Trouble,
to it). Characters with a draggable focus can place is a blade like a scimitar. Suddenly, you can
page 68
choose to retain their Earth focus, which includes feel the dead, like firefly lights, stretching away in all
Solves Mysteries, Vanessa (Wields Two Weapons at Once), L.G. directions, quiet and alone.
page 78 (Operates Undercover), Torah (Looks for Trouble), Sybil, it feels as if someone is pulling on your ears
and Jonny (Solves Mysteries). and nose, as both lengthen and your skin darkens to


a shade of beautiful ebony. You remember that once, What Are Those Chains in the Magma? A PC
your kind served a demigod called the Incarnation of trained in Ardeyn knowledge knows that the
Death. Heart Core is where Lotan the Sinner’s heart (in
And Jonny, your skin turns grey, stiffens, and the form of a monstrous creature) is restrained
becomes as hard as rock, and the sound of your feet by seven magic chains, and that demons swarm
on the ground thuds with a massive weight. Your flesh about the trapped god like smoke—which looks
has become stone. uncomfortably like what might be visible on the
lake of magma. Probably best not to draw their
Nothing immediately threatens the characters attention.
when they step through the gate, so give them
a few minutes to acclimate to their new foci. If Can We Destroy the Iron Cable Bundle? In a word,
anyone has questions, now is the time to answer no. PCs who try cutting the iron cable bundle
them. (level 7) discover that completely severing it
Mel Delgado also translates. In Ardeyn, she with implements available to them in Ardeyn, or Mel Delgado in Ardeyn:
looks very much like she looked on Earth, but she even with any cyphers they might bring to bear, level 4; health 21;
wears green leather armor and carries a bow and will take a few days, at minimum. Long before Armor 1; long-range
quiver. Mel never had the courage to go through then, the Necromancer shows up to investigate. bow attack for 4 points
the gate alone before, and she doesn’t know any It is obvious that the cable bundle is somehow of damage; Spin
Encouragement ability
more than the PCs about what they might face. But responsible for generating the power that keeps
she hopes they find her sister. the Humming Gate open. Tracing it to the power
The process of translation imparts some source seems like the thing to do.
knowledge about Ardeyn to the characters. The
relevant bits include the following: ALONG THE CLIFF-FACE PATH Translation, page 125
• Ardeyn operates under the law of Magic and is As PCs travel along the narrow cliff path, they
influenced by Sumerian myths. notice more strange things. What a Recursor
• Spirits of the slain live on in Ardeyn, and they Spirits: Drifting spirits, in the form of ghostly, Knows About Ardeyn,
are drawn into the subterranean Night Vault. A partly humanoid wisps, wander the path. The page 160
recursor who dies in Ardeyn would leave behind spirits are mumbling, crying, moaning, or singing.
a spirit subject to the same rules of death. If Torah “the Windmill” Bishop is present and
• The entire land of Ardeyn is built upon the her Shepherds the Dead focus is active, she could
petrified body of a god called Lotan the Sinner. use her Question the Spirits ability on one.
If not, the PCs instead find a living hotel guest
Shepherds the Dead,
CATHEDRAL OF LOTAN who escaped from the cage (see below). The guest page 76
The cliff-face path is a 6-foot (2 m) wide catwalk is dehydrated and mostly dead, but he can provide
over a magma sea, as described above. The them with the same final bit of backstory that the Question the Spirits,
view through the gate wasn’t perfect, though, spirit would have. page 76
so after the PCs acclimate to their new foci and • The Necromancer controls the Cathedral of
look around a bit more closely, they notice a Lotan. She set up the infernal device that powers
few additional details, which you can read or the Humming Gate five years ago. The device is
paraphrase to the players when they’re ready. called the Opener of the Way.
• The Necromancer feeds souls to the Opener of
read aloud the Way, but only souls brought through from
The farthest castle-sized columns in the magma the recursion gate. She needs souls from Earth
sea serve as anchors for massive, red-hot chains. to keep the thing running, but it hasn’t been
The chains seem to be securing something of enough. Now, the Opener of the Way must be
truly alarming proportions, though just what isn’t “supercharged” by sacrificing several dozen
apparent, thanks to a black miasma of ashen smoke souls from Earth at once, a ritual called the
and streamers swirling about it. “Five-Year Offering.” That’s about to happen
Immediately behind you, a gate like the one in the right now.
hotel furnace room hangs in the air—it’s the one you
came through. A thick bundle of iron cables runs from Massive Relief-Carved Face: Moving closer
the base of the whirlpool anomaly, past you along the along the path reveals that the pierlike extension
cliff-face path, toward a stone protrusion that hangs protruding from the cliff is actually the broad, flat
out over the magma. tongue of a relief-carved face of horror.
The Hum is as intense as ever. Hanging from the tip of the tongue is a cage
on an iron cable. Inside the cage are eight people

The Necromancer: level in various states of distress and heat exhaustion. read aloud
5; health 15; Armor
Although it’s difficult to tell from afar, Olivia is one The gaping mouth forms a sanctum of evil. A figure
1; long-range flesh-
of them, unconscious and as skinny as a rail from wrapped in leather, shadow, and fire floats a foot
decaying attack against
one target that inflicts malnourishment. above the ground in the center of the chamber,
5 points of damage; Sounds of atonal, horrific singing emerges from singing to some kind of elaborate device that’s
short-range death spell the cavern of the mouth, but the players must get discharging random bolts of electricity.
attack (usable once per closer to see what’s producing the sound. The device is a towerlike contraption that would
minute) that moves be right at home in a steampunk movie. Thick cables
one target who fails an CATHEDRAL SANCTUM connect to the device; one bundle runs back out along
Intellect defense roll one When PCs get close enough to see into the the cliff-face path to the translation gate. Another
step down the damage relief-carved face’s mouth, read or paraphrase the cable runs straight out of the mouth along the tongue
track; commands following. and secures a cage that dangles 20 feet (6 m) below
undead spirits
the tongue’s edge.
In addition to many randomly wandering spirit
wisps, four haunts with a more focused visage float
around the machine, as if guarding it.

Tesla Science Engine: If Mel Delgado is with

the characters, she exclaims upon seeing the
contraption. It’s the Tesla Science Engine that
was stolen from her hotel five years ago, and the
thieves were never caught. Now that she sees
where it went, it dawns on her that the device has
played a role in all that’s happened.

Necromancer: The floating figure is the

Necromancer, who currently serves as the only
living priest of Lotan. The Necromancer is an
Ardeyn native. She’s also currently inhabited by
a demon of Lotan, though that isn’t immediately
If the PCs can destroy (or remove important
components of) the Opener of the Way, the
Necromancer won’t be able to open a translation
gate to Earth anymore, and the Denver Hum will
be silenced. Of course, the Necromancer and her
four spiritual servitors attempt to stop anyone who
interferes with the proceedings.
Find the Flaw: Arlo’s Find the Flaw ability reveals
that new spirits will continue to be summoned
while the Necromancer (and the demon inhabiting
her) remain active.

Who Goes There?

When the Necromancer becomes aware of the
PCs, she ceases singing to the Opener of the Way
and regards them. She isn’t really responsive to
questions. She knows that the characters, having
come from the cliff-face path, must be recursors
from Earth, and that unless she can stop them,
they’ll probably try to stop her.
If Mel is with the PCs, she demands to see her
sister. The Necromancer says, “Oh, it’s you. Albert
was supposed to have killed you. Shame he failed.”
The Necromancer orders her servitor spirits


to attack. Ask the PCs to roll for initiative if you its turn each round so the total number of spirits Servitor Spirit: level 3;
remains at four. (Each time this happens, the PCs health 9; flies a short
haven’t done so already.
distance each round;
notice a phantom demon face emerge from the
melee flesh-decaying
The Necromancer Opens the Way Necromancer’s face, which says “Arise!” and sinks touch attack that
Necromancer Tactics: With the same action she back into her flesh.) inflicts 3 points of
uses to command her servitor spirits to attack, If the Necromancer is neutralized, the demon damage
the Necromancer makes an adjustment to the emerges and takes stock of the situation, not trying
Opener of the Way. The adjustment increases the to hide itself. When the characters notice it, the Demon Possessing the
magnitude of the Hum another level (see below). demon threatens them: “Run, mortals; when I Necromancer: level
After that, she joins the fight. She leads with her return, it will be with a demon army!” Then it flies 5, level 7 for all tasks
death spell and then falls back on blasting with off as a stream of black smoke, out toward the related to stealth;
health 30; Armor 2;
flesh-decaying bolts. center of the Heart Core, presumably to summon a
melee flesh-decaying
If she is killed or otherwise significantly demonic lynch mob.
touch attack that deals
compromised, a swirling blot of darkness issues Alternatively, if the demon chooses to emerge 5 points of damage,
from her slack mouth; see Inhabiting Demon, without being noticed, it could attempt to secretly or possession attempt
below. requiring Intellect
defense roll to resist
The Hum: After the Necromancer
adjusts the Opener of the Way (using a
complicated panel of electrical contacts
and dials), the power
to the translation
gate between worlds
increases, which
intensifies the Hum.
Characters must
acclimate to the new level,
as follows: each PC must succeed
on a difficulty 3 Intellect-based
defense roll or bleed for 3 points
of ambient damage and lose
his action. Each subsequent
round, PCs who failed the
previous round’s defense roll
can attempt a new one, with
the same result on a failure.
On a success, the PC is not
subject to more defense
rolls to resist the Hum
during this fight and can take
GM Intrusion:
Servitor Spirits: Four servitor The demon
spirits attack the PCs with possessing the
Necromancer reaches
single-minded fury. Each time
an immaterial hand out
a spirit falls, a new one appears a
through the host’s flesh,
round later (thanks to the demon grabs a character around
inhabiting the Necromancer), so that the neck, and tosses the
until the Necromancer is dealt with, the PCs PC through the air. The
continually face four spirits. PC ends up clinging to
the edge of the tongue or
Inhabiting Demon: The demon inside cage, dangling over the
the Necromancer does not emerge unless magma sea. He must
the host is defeated, on the verge of being succeed on a difficulty 3
defeated, or otherwise dealt with. While inside Might-based task to pull
himself to safety.
her, it replenishes one fallen servitor spirit on

possess a PC. If successful, the demon doesn’t easiest way to free them is to use the control panel
Possession by demon do anything immediately. But you can privately on the Opener of the Way to retract the cage from
of Lotan, page 265 let the character know that something dark and its precarious position, assuming the machine has
malevolent has slipped into the back of his mind, been switched off. Otherwise, the PCs are looking
where it waits. at a dangerous descent on a swaying chain.

Opener of the Way: level Opener of the Way: The steampunk-style magitech CONCLUDING THE
3; health 25; Armor 1 device has an engraved metallic plaque over the ADVENTURE
control board that reads “Patent #21701, Wireless Hopefully, the adventure ends with the PCs
Transmission of Signal by Nikola Tesla.” (No, Tesla deactivating the Opener of the Way, not dangling
never came to Ardeyn; this old Earth antique was in a cage over a lake of fire. In the former case,
recently retrofitted in Ardeyn after it was stolen.) if the machine is destroyed or deactivated, the
The PCs can destroy the Opener or try to figure Humming Gate closes (for good, if the device is
out the antiquated control system. The control destroyed).
panel allows a user to decrease or increase Hum
intensity, retract the cable holding the cage Translating Home: If the characters close the
Trance and containing the sacrifices (including Olivia) up from Humming Gate, they’ll have to translate back to
Acclimation Time,
where it dangles off the edge of the tongue, or Earth using normal rules of translation. Given their
page 128
switch off the power altogether (which causes the quickened nature, that shouldn’t be a problem, all
Humming Gate to close). Each of these options is else being equal; reassure them of this fact if they
a separate difficulty 3 Intellect-based task. become concerned about trapping themselves on
If the Opener doesn’t get a huge new influx of the Ardeyn side of the gate.
Earth souls within ten hours, it will deactivate. The If the characters begin a translation trance
Necromancer was planning to lower the cage of quickly, they can translate back to the furnace
sacrifices into the magma and then use the iron room of the Grand Bavarian before an army of
cable bundle to channel the released souls back up demons arrives from over the magma sea to
into the Opener of the Way. investigate. If one PC initiates the translation and
a spinner hastens it, the translation back to the
Cage of Sacrifices: The large cage holds eight furnace room on Earth takes ten minutes. Note
hotel guests (or more, if the partygoers from the that if PCs translate in this fashion, they can take
ballroom also ended up here), plus Olivia. The any surviving hotel guests they freed from the
cage along with them. If they think of doing it,
they can also take collapsed components of the
Tesla Science Engine with them to ensure that the
machine won’t be restored and used to reopen the
If you’re running this adventure at a convention
or game store, wrap things up either when the
PCs fall to their foes, or when they eliminate the
Necromancer, neutralize the Opener of the Way,
and return to Earth, hopefully with a very grateful
Mel Delgado and groggy Olivia in tow. In the
latter case, congratulate your players. Explain that
they’ve ended a threat that’s culled hundreds of
lives (and, in Ardeyn, souls) of innocent Grand
Bavarian hotel guests. What’s more, they’ve
finally ended the Denver Hum, itself a source of
annoyance, madness, and death.

Experience Point Awards

The PCs gain 2 XP each for discovering the source
of the Hum and putting a stop to it. The PCs gain
an additional 2 XP each if they save any of the hotel
guests who were held captive in the cage in the
Cathedral of Lotan. This is in addition to any XP
earned by other means.

1 1 0

Arlo Coulton
Sharp-Eyed vector
Is Licensed to Carry Earth
Sniper module (level 6)
Darksight (level 5)

10 1 16 1 8 0
0 Initiative 0Perception
0 Speed Defense
(w/no armor)
0 Balancing
0 Running

Find the flaw: GM describes an

9mm pistol 5 NPC’s weakness, if it has one
Hunting knife –1 2 When not wearing armor, trained
in Speed defense
Translation (better at easing)
Pierce (1 Speed point)
Fleet of Foot
Gunner: +1 damage with guns

0 Clothing
Cell phone
9mm pistol with 3 magazines of ammo (medium
ranged weapon)
Hunting knife (light melee weapon)

©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC. The Strange and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the United States and other countries. Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.
Arlo owes money to a number of
people and doesn’t have the funds to
©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC. The Strange and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the United States and other countries. Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.

pay his debt.

In the recent past, while doing a

little target practice, Arlo accidentally
winged Dr. Sybil Holloway, leaving
her badly wounded. It is up to Sybil
to decide whether she resents, fears, or
forgives Arlo.
1 1 0

Vanessa Torgue
Tough vector
Wields Two Weapons at Once Earth
Curative (level 6)
Electrical grenade (level 5)

16 1 10 1 8 0
0Might Defense 0 Speed Defense
(w/no armor)
0 Running
0 Hiding

+1 to Armor, +1 to recovery roll

Nightstick –1 2 Gain an extra light weapon when
Nightstick* –1 2 you translate to new recursion
When not wearing armor, trained
in Speed defense
Translation (better at easing)
Practiced in armor: reduce Might
cost and Speed reduction by 2
Bash (1 Might point)
*Dual Light Wield: 2 light weapon
attacks as one action

2 Street clothes
Leather jacket (light armor)
Nightstick (light weapon)
Another nightstick (light weapon)
Camping gear

©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC. The Strange and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the United States and other countries. Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.
Vanessa is a native of Ardeyn, but
no one on Earth knows it (she thinks).
©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC. The Strange and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the United States and other countries. Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.

An evil sorcerer laid a curse on her

when Vanessa turned 16, which she
escaped by translating to Earth and
taking up a new life. Things were
hard at first while she adjusted, but
Vanessa has made it work.

Vanessa noticed that “Flip” is also

skilled with weapons, and regardless
of how she feels about him otherwise,
can’t help but respect him for that.
1 1 0

L. G. Babcock III
Appealing spinner
Operates Undercover Earth
Stim (level 5)
Temporary shield (level 5)

9 0 12 1 16 1
0Pleasant social interaction
0Persuading & Deceiving
0Resist. persuas’n & seduc.
0Breaking into Comps.
Practiced with light and medium
9mm pistol 4 weapons
Translating (better at hastening)
Enthrall (1 Intellect point)
Spin Encouragement (1 Intellect

0 Street clothes
Disguise kit
9mm pistol with 3
magazines of ammo
Light tools (medium ranged
Duct tape weapon)
Pen knife “Sleep inducer” headset
Smartphone (made by Dr.

©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC. The Strange and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the United States and other countries. Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.
As a child actor, L.G. was loved and
adored. As an adult, less so, so L.G.
©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC. The Strange and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the United States and other countries. Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.

keeps it a secret.

Torah Bishop knows that L.G.

was a child actor, but has kept that
information private . . . so far. In
addition, Dr. Holloway made L.G. a
“science” machine that allows him to
get a good night’s sleep.
1 1 0

Torah “the Windmill” Bishop

Brash spinner
Looks for Trouble Earth
Strength enhancer (level 6)
Armor reinforcer (level 5)

10 0 14* 1 10 1
0 Initiative 0Deceiving
0 Ignoring fear/ 0Healing

* 16 w/out armor

Practiced in light and medium

Weighted baseball weapons
bat 5* Translation (better at hastening)
Submachinegun 4 Fast Talk (1 Intellect point)
Sleight of Hand (1 Speed point)
*Brawler: +1 damage in melee
(including with bare fists)
Wound Tender: Trained in

1 Street clothes
Leather jacket (light armor; 2 points subtracted
from Speed Pool; costs 1 Might per hour)
Weighted baseball bat (medium weapon)
Submachine gun (rapid-fire medium weapon)
First aid kit
Utility knife
Cell phone

©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC. The Strange and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the United States and other countries. Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.
Torah is part owner of a local bar,
where she’s something of a whiz at
©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC. The Strange and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the United States and other countries. Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.

creating specialty cocktails.

Arlo and Vanessa seem pretty

tough . . . and Torah secretly hopes
that at some point she’ll see who’s
tougher—her or them. In addition,
Torah knows that L.G. was a famous
child actor, despite the fact that he
hides it.
1 1 0

Dr. Sybil Holloway

Lucky paradox
Conducts Weird Science Earth
Force screen projector (level 6)
Meditation aid (level 6)
Phase changer (level 5)

8 0 8 0 18 1
0Setting up
0Knowledge of
the Strange

Luck Pool: 3 floating Pool points

Light handgun –1 2 Advantage: When XP used to reroll
d20, add +3
Practiced with light weapons
Translation (better at initiating)
Premonition (2 Intellect points)
Shatter (2 Intellect points)
Lab Analysis: Analyze samples
from scene of interest to learn
pertinent facts

0 Street clothes
Science field kit
Light tools
Pen knife
Light handgun (light weapon)

©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC. The Strange and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the United States and other countries. Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.
Sybil studied high-energy physics
and found something strange
©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC. The Strange and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the United States and other countries. Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.

in her experiments—something
she published, although it got her
thrown out of the ranks of respectable

Sybil created a scientific

instrument designed to give L.G. a
restful night’s sleep, but she now fears
unanticipated long-term side effects.
In addition, Arlo Coulton accidentally
winged Sybil during firearms
practice a few months ago. She’s fine
now, and has yet to decide how she
feels about him after the incident.
1 1 0

Jonny “Flip” McDaniel

Graceful paradox
Solves Mysteries Earth
Corrosive grenade (level 6)
Disguise module (level 6)
Lift (level 5)

10 0 12 0 14 1
0 Speed Defense 0Intellect
0 Balance and Defense
careful 0Perception
0 Physical
Practiced with light weapons
Light handgun –1 2 Translation (better at initiating)
Nightstick –1 2 Exception (2 Intellect points)
Exception 4 Closed Mind: Intellect defense and
Intellect armor
Spend points from Might, Speed,
or Intellect to apply levels of
Effort to any Intellect-based
Sleuth: Trained in Perception

2* Street clothes
Laptop computer
Utility knife
Cell phone
Light handgun (light weapon)
Nightstick (light weapon)
*2 Armor versus Intellect damage only

©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC. The Strange and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the United States and other countries. Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.
An experiment Jonny conducted
in his garage blew up, burning down
©2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC. The Strange and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the United States and other countries. Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.

his house and killing some family

members. Jonny still dreams about the

Arlo is a good sounding board.

After you talk to this character for
an hour, you gain an asset on any
Intellect-based task you attempt
related to the conversation.
Carries a Quiver Ardeyn
Arlo Coulton
10 1 16 1 8 0
0 Initiative 0Perception
0 Speed Defense
(w/no armor)
0 Balancing
0 Running
Find the flaw: GM describes an
Bow 4 NPC’s weakness, if it has one
Shamshir 4 When not wearing armor, trained
in Speed defense
Translation (better at easing)
Pierce (1 Speed point)
Fleet of Foot
Spend points from either Speed or
Intellect Pool when applying
Effort to increase bow damage
0 Clothing
Well-made bow and 24 arrows
Explorer’s pack
Tools for fletching
Wields Two Weapons at Once Ardeyn
Vanessa Torgue
16 1 10 1 8 0
0Might Defense 0 Speed Defense
(w/no armor)
0 Running
0 Hiding
+1 to armor, +1 to recovery roll
Sabre 2 Gain an extra light weapon when
Sabre* 2 you translate to new recursion
When not wearing armor, trained
in Speed defense
Translation (better at easing)
Practiced in armor: reduce Might
cost and Speed reduction by 2
Bash (1 Might point)
*Dual Light Wield: 2 light weapon
attacks as one action
2 Clothes
Leather jerkin (light armor)
Sabre (light weapon)
Another sabre (light weapon)
Explorer’s pack
Works Miracles Ardeyn
L. G. Babcock III
9 0 10* 1 16 1
0Pleasant social interaction
0Resist. persuas’n & seduc.
* 12 w/out armor
Practiced with light and medium
Bow 4 weapons
Translating (better at hastening)
Enthrall (1 Intellect point)
Spin Encouragement (1 Intellect
Healing Touch (1 Intellect point):
Touch restores 1d6 points to
PC’s Pool (difficulty 2 task)
1 Clothes
Leather jerkin (light armor)
Bow with 24 arrows
Explorer’s pack
Shepherds the Dead Ardeyn
Torah “the Windmill”
10 0 14* 1 10 1
0 Initiative 0Deceiving
0 Ignoring fear/
* 16 w/out armor
Practiced in light and medium
Shamshir 4 weapons
Translation (better at hastening)
Fast Talk (1 Intellect point)
Sleight of Hand (1 Speed point)
Question the Spirits (2 Intellect
1 Clothes
Leather jerkin (light armor)
Shamshir (medium weapon)
Explorer’s pack
12 sticks of incense
10 matchsticks
Embraces Qephilim Ancestry Ardeyn
Dr. Sybil Holloway
8 0 8 0 18 1
0Setting up
0Knowledge of
the Strange
0Qephilim lore
Luck Pool: 3 floating Pool points
Sabre 2 Advantage: When XP used to reroll
Death kindred 2 d20, add +3
Practiced with light weapons
(ignores Armor) Translation (better at initiating)
Premonition (2 Intellect points)
Shatter (2 Intellect points)
Mythlight abilities
Death Kindred (1 Intellect point)
Looks like a qephilim
0 Clothes
Sabre (light weapon)
Shield (asset to Speed defense rolls)
Relic “badge” of the Incarnation of Death
Explorer’s pack
Abides in Stone Ardeyn
Jonny “Flip”
15 1 12 0 14 1
0 Speed Defense 0Intellect
0 Balance and Defense
0 Physical
Practiced with light weapons
Golem fists 4 Translation (better at initiating)
Sabre 2 Exception (2 Intellect points)
Exception 4 Closed Mind: Intellect defense and
Intellect armor
Golem Body
Practiced in using fists as
Medium weapon
Golem Healing: Lose access to first
single-action recovery roll each
1/2* Pouch 200cr
Chisel and hammer
Sabre (medium weapon)
*2 Armor versus Intellect damage only

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