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Comparative Criminal Justice Systems 5th Edition Dammer Test Bank

Comparative Criminal Justice Systems

5th Edition Dammer Test Bank
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Comparative Criminal Justice Systems 5th Edition Dammer Test Bank



Multiple Choice

1. The first attempt to collect data on crime at the international level occurred at:
A. The General Statistical Congress in Brussels
B. International Congress on the Prevention and Repression of Crime in London
C. The Conference of the International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation
D. The Economic and Social Council of the UN

ANS: A REF: 18 OBJ: 1

2. Which of the following is not one of the three major perspectives of a criminal incident:
A. The perspective of the offender
B. The perspective of the victim
C. The perspective of the media
D. The perspective of the police

ANS: C REF: 19 OBJ: 1

3. The Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) are compiled by:

A. Interpol
B. The United Nations
C. Independent police stations
D. The Federal Bureau of Investigation

ANS: D REF: 19 OBJ: 1

4. Which crime statistics initiative collects data on every incident and arrest within 22
offense categories made up of 46 specific crimes?
A. Uniform Crime Report (UCR)
B. National Incident- Based Reporting System (NIBRS)
C. The National Crime Victimization Survey (ICVS)
D. The Dark figure of crime

ANS: B REF: 19 OBJ: 1

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5. Which of the following collects information from member countries about crime rates
and the operations of the criminal justice systems?
A. Uniform Crime Report (UCR)
B. International Crime Victimization Survey (ICVS)
C. National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS)
D. United Nations Surveys of Crime and Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice
Systems (CTS)

ANS: D REF: 19 OBJ: 1

6. Which of the following is not one of the crimes that the National Crime Victimization
Survey collects data on?
A. Rape
B. Larceny
C. Murder
D. Motor vehicle theft

ANS: C REF: 20 OBJ: 1

7. Which crime statistics assembly method involves people reporting their own delinquent
and criminal acts?
A. National Crime Victimization Surveys
B. Self- Report Surveys
C. National Incident-Based Reporting
D. Uniform Crime Report

ANS: B REF: 20 OBJ: 1

8. The best available sources of international crime data are:

A. Self-Report Surveys
B. Interpol Data
C. International Victimization Surveys
D. National Crime Victimization Surveys

ANS: C REF: 21 OBJ: 3

9. The primary collection tool used in the International Crime Victim Survey (ICVS) is:
A. Paper surveys
B. Email surveys
C. Face to face interviews
D. Computer assisted telephone interviewing

ANS: D REF: 22 OBJ: 3

10. Which problem has plagued comparative researches for many years in regards to
international crime statistics?
A. Lack of standard definitions of crime
B. Lack of resources
C. Lack of cooperation between countries
D. Lack of statistical methods

ANS: A REF: 27 OBJ: 4

11. Which one of the following regions has one of the highest homicide rates?
A. Western Europe
B. East Asia
C. Central America
D. Southeastern Europe

ANS: C REF: 29 OBJ: 5

12. Which of the following of our model countries has the lowest homicide rates?
A. France
B. Saudi Arabia
C. China
D. United States

ANS: B REF: 30 OBJ: 5

13. Which model country has the lowest overall crime rates?
A. Japan
B. Saudi Arabia
C. China
D. Germany

ANS: A REF: 30 OBJ: 5

14. The majority of the American Crime problem is one of:

A. White collar crime
B. Violent crime
C. Property crime
D. Victimless crime

ANS: B REF: 31 OBJ: 5

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mercy, we conceal not thy beneficence. Thou hast set at liberty the
generations of our nature, thou didst hallow the virginal womb by thy
birth. All creation praiseth thee who didst manifest thyself; for thou, O
our God, wast seen upon earth, and didst dwell together with men.
Thou didst hallow the streams of Jordan, sending down from heaven
thy Holy Ghost, and didst crush the heads of the dragons that lurked
And the priest then saith this thrice, and blesseth the water with
his hand at each verse.
Do thou thyself, O man-loving King, be present now also through
the descent of thy Holy Ghost, and sanctify this water.
And give it the grace of redemption, the blessing of Jordan. Make
it a fountain of incorruption, a gift of sanctification, a loosing of sins, a
healing of sicknesses, a destruction of demons, unapproachable by
hostile powers, fulfilled with angelic strength, that all they that draw
and partake thereof may have it for the cleansing of souls and
bodies, for the healing of sufferings, for the sanctification of houses,
and for every befitting need. For thou art our God, who through water
and the spirit hast renewed our nature fallen through sin: thou art our
God, who through water didst overwhelm sin in the time of Noe: thou
art our God, who through the sea by Moses didst deliver the Hebrew
race from the servitude of Pharao: thou art our God, who didst divide
the rock in the wilderness, and it gushed waters and poured streams,
and satisfied thy thirsty people: thou art our God, who through water
and fire by Elias didst convert Israel from the error of Baal.
And do thou thyself now, O Master, sanctify this water by thy Holy
And grant unto all them that touch it, and partake thereof, and are
sprinkled therewith, sanctification, healing, cleansing, and blessing.
Save, O Lord, thy Servant, our Most Pious, Autocratic Great Lord,
And his Consort, the Most Pious Lady, THE EMPRESS MARIA
And His Heir, the Right-believing Lord, the Cesarevitch and Grand
Duke, NICOLAUS ALEXANDROVITCH, and all the Reigning House.
Save, O Lord, and have mercy upon the Most Holy Governing
And keep them under thy protection in peace, subdue under Them
every enemy and adversary, grant unto Them all desires for
salvation and eternal life, that by elements, and by men, and by
angels, and by things visible and invisible thy most holy name may
be glorified, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, now and ever, and
to ages of ages. Amen.
Priest. Peace to all.
Deacon. Bow your heads to the Lord.
Priest, the bowing down prayer.
Incline thine ear, O Lord, and hearken unto us, thou that didst
vouchsafe to be baptized in Jordan, and didst hallow the waters; and
bless us all, who through the bending of our necks indicate the
representation of service; and count us worthy to be filled with thy
sanctification through partaking of this water; and may it be to us, O
Lord, for the healing of soul and body.
For thou art our sanctification, and to thee we ascribe glory, and
thanksgiving, and worship, with thine unbeginning Father, and with
thy Most Holy, and good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever, and
to ages of ages. Amen.
And straightway, blessing the water crosswise with the honourable
cross, he dippeth it perpendicularly, sinking it in the Water and
raising it, holding it with both hands, and singing the present
troparion in tone i.
In Jordan when thou wast baptized, O Lord, the worship of the
Trinity was manifested; for the Parent’s voice bore witness unto thee,
naming thee the well-beloved Son; and the Spirit, in appearance of a
dove, testified to the surety of the word. Thou who wast manifested,
O Christ God, and enlightenest the world, glory to thee.
And the same is sung by the singers.
Again a second time in like manner he signeth the water. And a
third tune in like manner. And the priest, having taken of the
sanctified water in a salver, turneth himself with his face towards the
west, holding the cross in his left hand and the aspergillus in his
right. And first the president approacheth, and kisseth the
honourable cross, and the priest signeth him in the face with the
aspergillus with the sanctified water. Then the priests come forward
in their order. And after this all the brotherhood in order.
And the troparion,
In Jordan when thou wast baptized, O Lord.... is sung many times,
until all the brotherhood are sanctified with the sprinkling of the
And straightway we go into the temple, singing the idiomelon, tone
Ye faithful, let us sing the greatness of God’s providence for us; for
he that for our sins became a man, in Jordan for our cleansing
cleansed was, himself alone being pure and uncorrupt, me hallowing
and the waters, and the dragons’ heads crushing the water in. Then,
brethren, let us water draw with joy; for unto them that draw in faith
the Spirit’s grace invisibly is given by Christ, the God and Saviour of
our souls.
Then, Blessed be the name of the Lord.... thrice.
And Psalm xxxiii. I will bless the Lord at all times....
And, first having drunk of the sanctified water, we receive the
antidoron from the priest. And he maketh the full dismissal.
He that vouchsafed to be baptized in Jordan for our salvation,
Christ our true God, through the prayers of his Most Pure Mother,
and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us and save us, as being
good and the lover of mankind.
Chapter XXIV.

The priest maketh,

Blessed be our God....
Christ is risen.... thrice.
Then, Let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, have mercy.
O Lord Jesus Christ, our God, look thou upon flesh-meat, and
sanctify it, as thou didst sanctify the ram which the faithful Abraham
brought unto thee, and as the lamb which Abel offered unto thee as
a holocaust, likewise also as the fatted calf which thou didst bid to be
killed for thy prodigal son when he returned again to thee, that as he
was counted worthy to enjoy thy grace, so may we also enjoy those
things that are sanctified and blessed by thee for the nourishment of
us all. For thou art the true nourishment, and the giver of good
things, and to thee we ascribe glory, with thine unbeginning Father,
and with thy most holy, and good, and life-creating Spirit, now and
ever, and to ages of ages. Amen.
Chapter XXV.

Master, Lord our God, author and creator of all things, bless thou the
curdled milk, and with this also the eggs, and preserve us in thy
goodness, that, as we partake of these, we may be filled with thine
ungrudgingly bestowed gifts, and with thine unspeakable goodness.
For thine is the might, and thine is the kingdom, and the power, and
the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, now
and ever, and to ages of ages. Amen.
Chapter XXVI.

Let us pray to the Lord.

Lord have mercy.
Bless, O Lord, this new fruit of the vine, which through the salubrity
of the air, and through showers of rain and temperate weather, thou
art well-pleased should at this time attain unto maturity. May our
partaking of this new growth of the vine be for gladness, and for the
offering of a gift unto thee for the cleansing of sins, through the
sacred and holy body of thy Christ, with whom thou art blessed,
together with thy most holy, and good, and life-creating Spirit, now
and ever, and to ages of ages. Amen.
And be it known that this prayer is said, where there are vineyards,
over grapes, and these are brought into the temple for a blessing on
this sixth day of August. But here in great Russia, where, vineyards
are not found, apples are this day brought into the temple, and the
prayer for them that offer first-fruits is said, of which the beginning is,
Master, Lord our God....
And likewise other fruits, let each be brought in their season to the
temple for a blessing, and then let the prayer be said over them.
Chapter XXVII.

Master, Lord our God, who biddest everyone according to their

purpose to offer unto thee thine own of thine own, and bestowest
upon them in return thine everlasting blessings, who didst favourably
accept the offering of as much as she could of the widow; do thou
now also accept the things offered by thy servant, name, and
vouchsafe to lay up the same in thine eternal treasury, and grant
unto him abundant possession of thy worldly blessings, together with
all things that are serviceable unto him.
For blessed is thy name, and glorified is thy kingdom, of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, now and ever, and to
ages of ages. Amen.
Chapter XXVIII.

O God Almighty, who didst make the heaven in understanding, and

didst found the earth on its firmness, thou builder and creator of all;
look upon thy servant, name, who purposeth, in the might of thy
strength, to erect a house for habitation, and to set it up with a
building. Do thou stablish the same on a firm rock, and, according to
thy divine evangelical voice, so found it that neither wind nor water,
nor anything whatsoever may be able to injure it. Be pleased to bring
it to completion, and deliver them that desire to live therein from
every snare of the enemy.
For thine is the might, and thine is the kingdom, and the power,
and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,
now and ever, and to ages of ages. Amen.
Chapter XXIX.

O God our Saviour, who was pleased to enter in under the roof of
Zaccheus, and didst bring salvation unto him and unto all his house;
do thou thyself now also preserve unhurt from every harm them that
have purposed to live here, and offer unto thee prayers and
supplications through us unworthy ones, blessing those whose
dwelling-place is here, and preserving their life without snares.
For to thee is due all glory, honour, and worship, with thine
unbeginning Father, and with thy most holy, and good, and life-
creating Spirit, now and ever, and to ages of ages. Amen.
Chapter XXXIII.

O God, our God, the true and living way, who didst journey with thy
servant Joseph; do thou journey with thy servant, name, and deliver
him from every storm and snare, and peace and vigour continually
provide. Be pleased that, having accomplished every intention of
righteousness, according to thy commandment, and being filled with
temporal and heavenly blessings, he may return again.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, now and ever, and to
ages of ages. Amen.
[1] The office for the laying on of hands of a bishop is not found
in the book here mentioned, and consequently no translation of
this office will be found in the present work.
[2] This work also contains the troparia for the day and other
matter not written at length in the text of the present one.
[3] See Euchology, chap. xxvii.
[4] These verses form no part of the proper Easter service, but
are sung at Matins on ordinary Sundays. See Euchology, page
[5] This Doxology is the one sung at Matins on an ordinary
week-day when no festival is observed. See Euchology, page
105. And observe how the present office, with its Stichera, etc.,
takes the form of Matins.
[6] These Verses are proper for the Saturday of meat-
abstinence. See Euchology, page 261.
[7] This verse is proper to Matins, and serves as a keynote to
indicate whether the occasion is a joyful or a penitential one, it
being superseded by the singing of Alleluia in the latter case. See
Euchology, pages 23 and 94.
[8] An exclamation at the celebration of the Liturgy, after the
consecration and the intercession for the dead and living, and
before the ectenia that introduces the Lord’s prayer.
[9] Chap. vi., 3-11.
[10] Chap. xxxviii., 16 ad fin.
[11] The questions that follow, coming down from Byzantine
times, though retained in the Trébnik, are not now asked, but the
confessor waits for the penitent to reveal his or her offences, and,
when necessary, puts suitable questions, according to the
person’s condition, sex, and age.
[12] Here in the Trébnik follow some instructions respecting the
imposition of penance, which, according to the canons, consists
in prohibition from Holy Communion for a given time for certain
grave sins.
[13] Chap. v. 20, ad fin.
[14] Chap. ii. 1-11.
[15] James v: 10-16.
[16] Chap. x. 25-37.
[17] Chap. xv. 1-8.
[18] Chap. xix. 1-10.
[19] 1 Cor. xii. 27—xiii. 8.
[20] Chap. x. 1, 5-8.
[21] 2 Cor. vi. 16—vii. 1.
[22] Chap. viii. 14-23.
[23] 2 Cor. i. 8-11.
[24] Chap. xxv. 1-13.
[25] Chap. v. 22—vi. 2.
[26] Chap. xv., 21-28.
[27] 1 Thess. v., 14-23.
[28] Chap. ix., 9-13.
[29] Psalm xc.
[30] Psalm cxviii.
[31] 1 Thess. iv. 13-17.
[32] Chap. v. 24-30.
[33] Sun. chap. i. 1-8. Mon. chap. i. 12-17 21-26. Tues. chap. ii.
14-21. Wed. chap. ii. 22-36. Thurs. chap. ii. 38-43. Fri. chap. iii. 1-
8. Sat. chap. iii. 11-16.
[34] Matt. xxviii. 16-20.
[35] 1 Thess. iv. 13-17.
[36] Chap. v. 24-30.
[37] Chap. v. 12 ad fin.
[38] Chap. v. 17-24.
[39] Psalm xxiii.
[40] 1 Cor. xv. 1-11.
[41] Chap. vi. 35-39.
[42] Psalm lxxxiii.
[43] 1 Cor. xv. 20-28.
[44] Chap. vi. 40-44.
[45] Chap. xiv. 6-9.
[46] Chap. vi. 48-54.
[47] Psalms cxlviii, cxlix, and cl.
[48] Psalm xc.
[49] 1 Cor. xv. 39-45.
[50] Chap. vi. 35-39.
[51] Chap. ii. 11 ad fin.
[52] Chap. v. 1-4.
The office for the appointment of a reader and singer 5
The office that is used at the laying on of hands of a
subdeacon 9
The office that is used at the laying on of hands of a deacon 12
The office that is used at the appointment of an archdeacon
and a protodeacon 17
The office that is used at the laying on of hands of a
presbyter 18
The order of the office for the making of a protopresbyter 23
The office that is used at the appointment of an abbot 24
The office that is used at the appointment of an
archimandrite 27
He that is to be made a taper-bearer is brought by two
subdeacons into the middle of the church, and he maketh three
reverences. And, turning himself, he boweth thrice to the Archpriest;
and, having been conducted to the Archpriest, he boweth his head,
and the Archpriest signeth him crosswise with the hand upon his
head thrice. And after this, placing his hand upon his head, he saith
this prayer.
Lord, who with the light of thy wonders enlightenest all Creation, who
knowest the intention of each before it is formed, and strengthenest
them that desire to serve thee; do thou thyself adorn with thine
unspotted and undefiled robes thy servant, name, who is minded to
precede thy holy mysteries as a taper-bearer, that, being enlightened
and meeting thee in the world to come, he may obtain an
incorruptible crown of life, rejoicing with thine elect in everlasting
Exclamation. For hallowed is thy name, and glorified is thy
kingdom, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, now
and ever, and to ages of ages. Amen.
And be it noted that, if the liturgy be not celebrated, the Archpriest
maketh the beginning, Blessed be our God.... and then is sung, O
heavenly King.... Trisagion. O most holy Trinity.... Our Father.... For
thine is the kingdom.... And the troparion of the day is said.
But if the liturgy be celebrated, O heavenly King.... and Trisagion
and Our Father.... are not sung, and only these troparia are said.
O holy apostles, pray the merciful God that he may grant our souls
remission of sins.
The grace of thy mouth, shining forth like fire, hath illuminated the
universe, hath offered the world treasures of liberality, and hath
shewed to us the height of humility. And as thou instructest by thy
words, O father John Chrysostom, pray Christ, the Word of God, to
save our souls.
Thy sound is gone forth into all the earth, which hath received thy
word, whereby thou hast divinely taught, hast explained the nature of
things that are, and brightened the customs of men, O royal divine,
venerable father: pray thou Christ God to save our souls.
The shepherd’s reed of thy divinity hath overcome the trumpets of
the orators; for as to him that seeketh the deep things of the spirit, so
was the grace of language accorded thee. Then, father Gregory,
pray Christ God to save our souls.
Glory. Both now.
Through the prayers, O Lord, of all the saints, and of the God-
bearing one, grant thy peace to us, and have mercy upon us, as
being alone compassionate.
Then the Archpriest sheareth his head crosswise, saying, In the
name of the Father. A protodeacon and a reader, or a singer, say,
Amen. Archpriest. And of the Son. Protodeacon. Amen. Archpriest.
And of the Holy Ghost. Protodeacon. Amen.
Then the Archpriest putteth the short phelonion on him, and again
thrice signeth him crosswise on his head with the hand, and layeth
his hand upon him, and prayeth thus,
O Lord God almighty, elect this thy servant, and sanctify him, and
grant unto him, in all wisdom and understanding, to practise the
study and reading of thy divine words, preserving him in a blameless
course of life.
Through the mercy, and compassions, and love to man of thine
only-begotten Son, with whom thou art blessed, together with thine
all-holy, and good, and life-creating Spirit, now and ever, and to ages
of ages. Amen.
And after the prayer the Archpriest openeth the book of the
apostles over the head of the reader. And the subdeacons conduct
him from the Archpriest, and place him in the middle of the church,
with his face towards the east, and give him the book of the apostles,
and he readeth thus, The reading of the message of the holy apostle
Paul to the Romans (or, to others). And he readeth the portion of the
epistle that is appointed, from the beginning to the end, and turneth
himself and boweth thrice to the Archpriest according to rite. And the
subdeacons take off from him the phelonion, and conduct him to the
Archpriest. And the Archpriest again signeth his head thrice with the
hand. And they bring the sticharion to the Archpriest, and he signeth
the sticharion with his hand over the cross. And he that hath been
appointed, having signed himself with his hand, kisseth the cross
upon the sticharion, and the hand of the Archpriest; and the
subdeacons vest him with the sticharion. And the Archpriest
addresseth him on this wise,
Child, the first degree of the priesthood is that of reader. Therefore
it becometh thee to read every day in the divine scriptures, that they
that hear, considering thee, may receive edification, and that thou, in
nowise shaming thine election, mayest prepare thyself for a more
advanced degree. For, living temperately, holily, and righteously, thou
shalt gain the mercy of the man-loving God, and make thyself worthy
of a higher ministry, in Christ Jesus our Lord, to whom be glory to
ages of ages. Amen.
Then the Archpriest saith on this wise,
Blessed be the Lord, lo, the servant of God, name, becometh
reader of the most holy church, name, in the name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
And the Archpriest giveth him a lamp, and he standeth before the
Archpriest with the lamp in the indicated place.
And if there be several readers to receive the laying
on of hands they receive this together,
and the prayer is said in the
Now if on the same day he is to receive the laying on of hands for
the subdiaconate, after the investing with the sticharion, the
subdeacons bring a sticharion-girdle to the Archpriest. And the
Archpriest maketh the sign of the cross upon the girdle, and he that
is to receive the laying on of hands kisseth the girdle, and the hand
of the Archpriest, and they gird him. And the Archpriest signeth him
with the hand upon the head thrice. After this the protodeacon saith,
Let us pray to the Lord. And the Archpriest, having laid his hand
upon him, saith this prayer.
O Lord our God, who through one and the same holy Spirit,
distributest gifts to them whom thou hast chosen, bestowing various
orders in thy church, and appointing degrees of service therein for
the ministration of thy divine and spotless mysteries, who, in thine
unspeakable foreknowledge, dost also appoint this thy servant to be
worthy to serve in thy holy church; do thou thyself, O Master,
preserve him blameless in all things, and grant unto him to love the
beauty of thy house, to stand at the doors of thy holy temple, to
kindle the lamp of the tabernacle of thy glory; and plant him in thy
holy church as a fruitful olive-tree that beareth fruit of righteousness;
and, at the time of thine advent, declare thy servant perfected to
receive the reward of them that have been acceptable unto thee.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, now and ever, and to
ages of ages. Amen.
And after the prayer the subdeacons give a ewer to him that is
receiving the laying on of hands, and lay a towel upon his shoulder;
and the Archpriest washeth his hands. And he that is receiving the
laying on of hands for subdeacon poureth water on the hands of the
Archpriest. After this he that is receiving the laying on of hands, and
the other subdeacons, kiss the Archpriest’s hand, and betake
themselves from him to the indicated place. And he that is receiving
the laying on of hands for subdeacon standeth, holding the ewer,
and the wash-hand basin, together with the towel, until the cherubic
hymn. And he saith, Trisagion. O most holy Trinity.... Our Father....
Lord, have mercy. I believe in one God.... Forgive, remit.... and
whatever else he is minded to say secretly. And during the cherubic
hymn he is conducted before the royal doors to the Archpriest; and
the Archpriest washeth his hands according to rite, and saith the
prayer. Then he signeth the water with his hand crosswise thrice.
And the Archpriest with this sanctified water wetteth his eyes, ears,
nostrils, and lips. And at the great introit he walketh behind all the
ministers. And when the Archpriest taketh up the holy things, and all
the ministers proceed into the altar, he that is receiving the laying on
of hands for subdeacon boweth to the Archpriest, and beareth water
to the right and left choirs, and to the people, and they all splash
themselves with this water. And they conduct him back to the altar,
and they pour the water that remaineth into the piscina. And, being
conducted, he remaineth before the royal doors, and standeth in the
indicated place according to rite. And when the Archpriest hath said,
And may the mercies.... after this exclamation he is conducted into
the altar by the subdeacons according to rite, and, having received a
blessing from the Archpriest, he standeth with the subdeacons.


After the Archpriest hath said,
And may the mercies of the great God.... the subdeacons bring
forward the throne, and place it before the holy table, but somewhat
on the left side, so that they may not turn their backs towards the
holy things. And the Archpriest seateth himself thereupon, and they
take him that is to receive the laying on of hands from the middle of
the church, two subdeacons holding him between them, each of
them laying one hand upon his neck, and with the other hand holding
him by the hands, and they bow him down as lowly as possible. And
a deacon in the altar saith, Bid. Then, having advanced somewhat,
they bow him down as before. And another deacon saith, Bid ye.
Then they come nigh unto the holy gates of the altar, and bow him
down before the Archpriest.
And the protodeacon saith,
Bid, right reverend master.
And the subdeacons leave him that is to receive the laying on of
hands at the royal gates, and two receive him, a protodeacon and a
deacon, one by the right and the other by the left hand, and he
boweth himself to the Archpriest. And the Archpriest signeth him with
the hand crosswise, and they conduct him round the holy table, they
that lead him and the others singing,
O holy martyrs, who valiantly contended, and are crown’d; pray ye
the Lord for mercy on our souls.
Then they that are without sing the same once. And he that is
receiving the laying on of hands kisseth the four corners of the holy
table, and the hand of the Archpriest, and his knee. Then they
conduct him round again, singing,
Glory to thee, Christ God, apostles’ boast, and martyrs’ joy, whose
preaching was the consubstantial Trinity.
And the choir without singeth the same once. And he that is
receiving the laying on of hands again kisseth the holy table in like
manner as before, and the Archpriest’s epigonation, and his hand.
Then again they conduct him round, singing,
Rejoice, O Esaias, the virgin is with child, and bringeth forth a son,
Emmanuel, God and man: the orient is his name, whom magnifying,
we call the virgin blessed.
And they make the rite, as before written. And they sing the same
without. Then the Archpriest riseth, and they remove the throne, and
he that is receiving the laying on of hands goeth to the right side of
the Archpriest, and boweth himself before the holy table thrice,
saying, O God, cleanse me, a sinner. And, bending the right knee,
he placeth his palms crosswise on the holy table, and layeth also his
forehead between his hands on the holy table. The Archpriest
placeth the end of the omophorion on the head of him that it
receiving the laying on of hands, and blesseth him upon the head
thrice. And the protodeacon or the deacon having said, Let us
attend, the Archpriest, holding his hand upon his head, readeth
aloud in the hearing of all them that stand in the altar,
The divine grace, which always remedieth that which is feeble,
and supplieth that which is lacking, layeth hands upon, name, the
most pious subdeacon to be deacon: let us therefore pray for him,
that the grace of the all-holy Spirit may come upon him.
And the priests within sing, from the right hand side, Lord, have
mercy, thrice. Then again, from the left hand side, the same thrice.
And the singers without, in the right and left choirs, Kyrie eleison,
antiphonally thrice slowly, while the Archpriest readeth the prayer.
Then the Archpriest blesseth him upon the head thrice, holding his
hand upon the head of him that is receiving the laying on of hands.
The protodeacon saith, Let us pray to the Lord, in a low voice.
And the Archpriest saith the prayer secretly.
O Lord our God, who, by thy foreknowledge sendest the gift of thy
holy Spirit on them that are destined, by thine unsearchable might, to
be ministers, and to serve at thy spotless mysteries; do thou thyself,
O Master, preserve in every virtue this man whom thou art well-
pleased to lay hands upon by me for the ministry of the diaconate,
he holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. Give unto
him the grace which thou gavest to thy protomartyr Stephen, whom
thou didst first call to the work of thy ministry; and make him worthy
to use, as may be acceptable unto thee, the degree which, by thy
goodness, is given unto him (for they that minister well prepare for
themselves a good degree); and do thou declare him thy perfect
For thine is the kingdom, and the power,
and the glory, of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,
now and ever, and to
ages of ages.
And the protodeacon readeth that which is of peace in a low voice.
In peace let us pray to the Lord. And they answer to each petition,
Lord have mercy, once. For the peace that is from above.... For the
peace of the whole world.... For our archpriest, name, for his
priesthood, assistance, continuance, peace, health, salvation, and
for the work of his hands, let us pray to the Lord. For the servant of
God, name, now receiving the laying on of hands for deacon, and for
his salvation, let us pray to the Lord. That the man-loving God may
bestow on him a spotless and blameless diaconate, let us pray to the
Lord. For our Most Pious, Autocratic Great Lord, THE EMPEROR
ALEXANDER ALEXANDROVITCH of all Russia, and for all HIS
palace and army, let us pray to the Lord. For this city.... For our
deliverance.... Help us, save us, have mercy on us....
Commemorating our most holy, most pure.... They answer, To thee,
O Lord.
And the Archpriest, holding his hand on the
head of him that is receiving the laying on of hands,
saith the second prayer.
O God our Saviour, who, by thine incorruptible voice, didst appoint
the law of the diaconate unto thine apostles, and didst declare the
protomartyr Stephen of such rank, and proclaim him the first to fulfil
the work of a deacon, as it is written in thy holy gospel, Whosoever
desireth to be the first among you, let him be your minister; do thou,
O Master of all, fill this thy servant, whom thou hast made worthy to
enter on the ministry of a deacon, with all faith, and love, and power,
and sanctification, through the visitation of thy holy and life-creating
Spirit (for it is not by the imposition of my hands, but by the presence
of thy compassions, that grace is given unto them that are worthy of
thee), that he, being without any sin, may stand blameless before
thee in the fearful day of thy judgment, and may receive the unfailing
reward of thy promise.
Exclamation. For thou art our God, and to thee we ascribe glory, to
the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, now and ever, and
to ages of ages. Amen.
Then they raise him up, and loosen his girding. And the Archpriest,
taking the orarion, layeth it upon his left shoulder saying with a loud
voice, Axios. And they sing in the altar thrice, Axios. And in like
manner without by both choirs. Then the maniples are given him,
and the Archpriest saith, Axios. And they sing the same in the altar
thrice, and in like manner without. Then the fan is given him, and the
Archpriest saith, Axios. And they sing in the altar and without
according to custom. And he kisseth the Archpriest on the shoulder,
and placeth himself by the altar, and fanneth the holy things.


He that is to be appointed an archdeacon is led by a protodeacon
and a deacon unto the right reverend Archpriest in the middle of the
church, where the Archpriest is standing at the time of the introit with
the gospel; and he inclineth himself to his girdle before the
Archpriest thrice, and boweth his head. And the Archpriest, sitting,
signeth him with the hand on his head crosswise, thrice; and, rising,
he layeth his hand upon his head. And the deacon having said, Let
us pray to the Lord,
the Archpriest saith this prayer.
Master, Lord our God, who, by thine unspeakable providence, hast
given to our race archdeaconship, that they that are endued
therewith may command and serve, with the subordinate ministers at
thy divine mysteries; do thou thyself endue with this grace of
archdeaconship thy present servant, name, and adorn him with thy
virtue to stand at the head of the deacons of thy people, and to be a
good example to them that are under him. And make him to attain
unto a ripe old age to glorify thy majestic name, of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, now and ever, and to ages of ages.
Then the Archpriest signeth his head crosswise, saying, Blessed
be the Lord, lo, the servant of God, name, is archdeacon (or
protodeacon) in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghost.
And the Archpriest, laying his hand upon his head, exclaimeth,
Axios, thrice. And the singers sing, Axios, thrice. And they enter the
altar according to rite.


After the conclusion of the cherubic hymn, he that is to be
appointed presbyter is conducted by an archdeacon, or by one of the
other deacons, through the royal gates unto the holy table before the
Archpriest on the right hand side. And the Archpriest signeth him
with the hand crosswise, and he is conducted round the throne
thrice, as it is written in the diaconal laying on of hands, while all in
the altar sing these troparia.
O holy martyrs, who valiantly contended and are crown’d; pray ye
the Lord for mercy on out souls.
Glory to thee, Christ God, apostles’ boast and martyrs’ joy, whose
preaching was the consubstantial Trinity.
Then, Rejoice, O Esaias, the virgin is with child, and bringeth forth
a son, Emmanuel, God and man: the orient is his name, whom
magnifying, we call the virgin blessed.
And he bendeth both knees, and placeth his palms crosswise on
the holy table, and layeth his forehead between his hands on the
holy table. The Archpriest placeth the end of the omophorion on the
head of him that is receiving the laying on of hands, and blesseth
him upon the head thrice. And the leading priest having said, Let us
attend, the Archpriest, holding his hand upon his head, readeth
aloud in the hearing of all them, that stand in the altar,
The divine grace, which always remedieth that which is feeble,
and supplieth that which is lacking, layeth hands upon, name, the
most pious deacon, to be presbyter: let us therefore pray for him,
that the grace of the all-holy Spirit may come upon him.
And the priests within sing, Lord, have mercy, thrice from the right
hand side. Then again thrice from the left hand side. Then in like
manner also the singers without in the right and left choirs, Kyrie
eleison, antiphonally thrice slowly, while the Archpriest readeth the
prayer. The Archpriest again blesseth him thrice, having his hand
lying upon the head of him that is receiving the laying on of hands.
And the protodeacon saith, Let us pray to the Lord, in a low voice.
The Archpriest saith the prayer secretly.
O God, unbeginning and unending, who art older than every created
thing, who honourest with the tide of presbyter them who are made
worthy in this degree to minister sacredly the word of thy truth; do
thou thyself, O Master of all, vouchsafe that this man, whom thou art
well-pleased to lay hands upon by me, may receive, in a blameless
conversation and in unswerving faith, this great grace of thy holy
Spirit, and declare him thy perfect servant, acceptable unto thee in
all things, and worthily exercising this great priestly honour
vouchsafed unto him by thy foreknowing power.
For thine is the might, and thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghost, now and ever,
and to ages of ages.
And the priest readeth that which is of peace in a low voice.
In peace let us pray to the Lord. They answer to each petition,
Lord, have mercy, once. For the peace that is from above.... For the
peace of the whole world.... For our archpriest, name, for his
priesthood, assistance, continuance, peace, health, salvation, and
for the work of his hands, let us pray to the Lord. For the Servant of
God, name, now receiving the laying on of hands for presbyter, and
for his salvation, let us pray to the Lord. That the man-loving God
may bestow on him a spotless and blameless priesthood, let us pray
to the Lord. For our Most Pious, Autocratic Great Lord, THE
all HIS palace and army, let us pray to the Lord. For this city.... For
our deliverance.... Help us, save us.... Commemorating our most
holy, most pure.... They answer, To thee, O Lord.
The Archpriest, having his hand lying on the head of him that is
receiving the laying on of hands, prayeth thus,
O God, mighty in power, and unsearchable in understanding,
wonderful in counsels above the sons of men; do thou thyself, O
Lord, fill with the gift of thy holy Spirit this man, whom thou art well-
pleased should attain unto the presbyterial degree, that he may be
worthy to stand blamelessly at thine altar, to declare the gospel of
thy kingdom, to minister sacredly the word of thy truth, to offer unto
thee gifts and spiritual sacrifices, and to renew thy people by the
laver of regeneration, that he, meeting thee at the second coming of
the great God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ, thine only-begotten
Son, may receive the reward of a good stewardship of his order, in
the plentitude of thy grace.
For blessed and glorified is thine all-revered and majestic name, of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, now and ever, and
to ages of ages. Amen.
Then they raise him up, and bring the epitrachelion, and taking the
orarion from him that hath received the laying on of hands, the
Archpriest giveth him the epitrachelion, having blessed it, and he that
hath received the laying on of hands kisseth the epitrachelion, and
the Archpriest’s hand. And the Archpriest layeth it upon his neck,
saying with a loud voice, Axios. And they sing in the altar thrice,
Axios. And the singers without sing the same in both choirs. In like
manner he giveth him also the girdle, and he kisseth it, and the

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