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HEALTH Reviewer

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MAPEH Major Review

September 2022
Review Coach: Prof. Renan N. Flores

1. A non-communicable disease characterized by abnormally high sugar levels in the blood with
symptoms like excessive urination and persistent thirst.
a. Cancer
b. Hepatitis
c. Diabetes
d. Meningitis

2. What drugs increases heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate?
a. Inhalants
b. Hallucinogens
c. Depressants
d. Stimulants

3. It slows down the brain function and other parts of the nervous system?
a. Chocolate
b. Alcohol
c. Coffee
d. Tea

4. An injury in which the end of the bone comes out of its joint, swollen and deformed is called?
a. Sprain
b. Strain
c. Dislocation
d. Fracture

5. Hair is as important as the rest of the body parts. Which of the following is not a good reason of
why we need to give importance to our hair?
a. It helps insulate our body from cold and heat
b. Keep dust and dirt out of our eyes, nose and ears
c. Help sweat from running into our eyes
d. They are made dead a cell that needs to be nourished.

6. Labels can help consumer compare and evaluate health products especially on drugs because____.
a. Tells about the side effects
b. It gives the price
c. Tells about the ingredients
d. It includes expiration dates
7. The danger of burns depend on_________.
a. Depth , size and location
b. Size, location but not depth
c. Depth and location only
d. Depth, size but not location

8. A branch of medical science which specializes in treating diseases of the female reproductive
organs and delivering babies.
a. Obsteric-Gynecology
b. Womens-Childrens Health
c. Medical-Dental
d. Gender Health-Development

9. If you are caught in an open area during lightning, lying down on a dry land is the best way to
avoid accident. Which of these is not the reason of such decision?
a. Water is a conductor of electricity
b. The tallest building is often hit by lightning
c. Those inside the building are often struck by lightning
d. Tall and isolated trees are commonly hit by lightning

10. A victim of car accident has pain in his neck. Upon checking, you found out the neck is swollen
and tender. What should you do?
a. Ask the patient to remain quiet and not to move
b. Splint the neck
c. Ask the patient to bend his head from side to side
d. Ignore it and tell the patient, it is nothing

11. Which of the following is not an effect of changes in the atmosphere?

a. Agriculture and industrial consumer practices
b. Cutting of trees which consume carbon dioxide
c. Water pollution
d. Noise pollution

12. Medical marijuana is now subjected to considerations in some countries. Which country became
the first to legalize the use of this substance?
a. Canada
b. Uruguay
c. China
d. Cuba

13. This is the condition by which the heart muscles are experiencing inflammation. This is common
disease for elderly person.
a. Angina pectoris
b. Myocarditis
c. Pericarditis
d. Heart Attack
14. What kind of bacteria can cause tetanus and food poisoning?
a. Streptococci
b. Bacilli
c. Clostridium
d. Amoeba

15. A conscious victim has broken leg and blood is gushing from a big cut on the arm. What would
you do first?
a. Splint the leg
b. Stop the bleeding
c. Check the breathing
d. Raise his arm

16. Which of the following food groups can provide an athlete sufficient energy during sports
a. Potatoes, breads, rice and grains
b. Butter, Margarine, animal fat, oils
c. Vegetables, yellow fruits, carrots, tomatoes
d. Fish, lean meat, chicken, pork, beef

17. The first known infection from SARS-Cov-2 were discovered in?
a. Germany
b. Japan
c. Russia
d. China

18. Who issued the official name of Covid 19 on February 11, 2020?
b. WHO
c. UN

19. Checking the victim’s breathing is important. This is because

a. A few minutes without oxygen can cause brain damage
b. An aider needs to decide if the patients need CPR
c. To find out if the patient is still alive
d. Anything that blocks the victim’s mouth or throat should be removed

20. In the hierarchy of needs by Abraham Maslow, this refers to the basic needs of human such as
homeostasis and shelter.
a. Esteem
b. Belonging
c. Psychological
d. Physiological

21. There are different ways to stop bleeding but what among the following is the best first aid to
simple cuts?
a. Tourniquet
b. Direct pressure
c. Inhalation
d. None of these
22. This is a disease caused by vitamin B1or Thiamin Deficiency?
a. Myopia
b. Hyperopia
c. Beriberi
d. Hepatitis

23. John is experiencing difficulties of reading texts written in the blackboard since he is seated about
5 meters away from it. What is John experiencing?
a. Myopia
b. Hyperopia
c. Beriberi
d. Hepatitis

24. Which of the following skin diseases are considered to be a chronic disease?
a. Tinea Flava
b. Pimples
c. Scabies
d. Psoriasis

25. There are different ways of reducing personal pollution. What among the following is not
a. Preserving the air
b. Preserving the water
c. Reducing solid and chemical waste
d. Depend on the program of different health organization

26. This is the first thing to do in an emergency

a. Rescue the victim
b. Give CPR
c. Check victims breathing
d. Treat wounds

27. Heart attack involves a clot in one of the blood vessels that supply the heat. What of the following
should be avoided?
a. Remove the victim from the source of heat
b. Open the airways
c. Cool the patient by means of cold water bath or cold moist towel
d. Watch out for convulsions or vomiting

28. It is a drug primarily employed in surgery on the membranes lining the nose and throat.
a. Shabu
b. Barbiturates
c. Cocaine
d. Amphetamines

29. Second degree burns has_____

a. Open tissues
b. Black painful blisters
c. Few or no blisters
d. Red blisters
30. An old woman is unable to move one side of her body, her speech is hard to understand. She
might be suffering from______
a. Heat stroke
b. Heat exhaustion
c. A stroke
d. Heart attack

31. It is prescribed to control extreme pain

a. Sedative
b. Morphine
c. Antibiotic
d. Opium

32. What drugs increase heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate?
a. Inhalants
b. Depressants
c. Hallucinogens
d. Stimulants

33. First degree burns could be treated first by ______

a. Ordinary water sprinkle
b. Pouring oil on the affected area
c. Application of burn ointment
d. Pouring cold water on the burn

34. Covid 19 is transmitted through air droplets, in this case the mode of disease transmission is?
a. Direct
b. Indirect
c. Angular
d. Cyclical

35. Which of the following government agencies has something to do with drug related cases?
a. AFP

36. This is a wound that occurs by tearing of soft body tissue. This is irregular or jagged.
a. Laceration
b. Incision
c. Puncture
d. Abrasion

37. This is a simple scrape type which can be contaminated and infected due to dirt and bacteria
a. Laceration
b. Incision
c. Puncture
d. Abrasion
38. What drugs are used to treat people who have trouble sleeping?
a. Sedative
b. Tranquilizer
c. Alcohol
d. Antibiotics

39. A person with symptoms such as fever with chills, muscle aches, nasal congestion and sore throat
is suffering from:
a. Pneumonia
b. Typhoid
c. Common colds
d. Bronchitis

40. What will you check after you rescue a little girl from the bottom of a pool?
a. Breathing
b. Broken bones
c. Pulse
d. Head injury

41. The protection & wise use of natural resources by using less of the materials we take from the
a. Recycling
b. Conservation
c. Reducing
d. Re-using

42. Poor health practices and habits are responsible for many of today’s health problems. The Health
Education subject offered in the Basic Education Curriculum somehow helps improve the overall
quality of student’s health. This component of the Comprehensive School Health Education Program
is better known as:
a. Health Promotion
b. Health Services
c. Health Instruction
d. Health Coordination

43. To lessen assaults, the following should be observed except:

a. Tell a stranger that you are alone that is why you can’t entertain them
b. Keep door locked
c. Walk with friends and avoid deserted areas
d. Do not bring valuable if alone

44. The following are signs for shocks except:

a. Rapid, shallow breath
b. Blue lips
c. Pinkish skin
d. Nausea and weaknesses
45. Health appraisal can be done by the _____ in the absence of the doctor.
a. Health Education Teacher
b. Guidance Counselor
c. Dentist
d. Music Teacher

46. Lito is suffering from headache after a stressful day, which of the following over-the counter
medicines can be taken by Lito?
a. Expectorant
b. Ibuprofen
c. Dextromethorpan
d. Clotrimazole

47. Anyone can get a fungal infection. Most fungi cause no problems or the infections are easily
treatable. Which of the following herbal medication is appropriate for fungal infections?
a. Garlic
b. Ginger
c. Guava
d. Banaba

48. Which of the following is not a sexually-transmitted disease?

a. HIV
b. Chlamydia
c. Gonorrhea
d. Rickets

49. The first case of SARS-Cov-19 in the Philippines is a ____.

a. Male
b. Female
c. Child
d. Teenager

50. Dandruff is one common problems connected with hair and scalp. Which ingredient in shampoos
is added to prevent dandruff?
a. Selinium Sulfide
b. Titanium Oxide
c. Hydrochloric Acid
d. Carbon Monoxide

End of Health Set A

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