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COC Based Excercises For Health Professionals

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COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

Arba Minch Health Science College

Department of Nursing

COC Based Exercises for Level III(Nursing

Assistance) and Level IV(Comprehensive Nurses)
Health Professionals

Samuel Dessu [Diploma in Nursing, Bsc/PH,MPH/Epidemiology & Biostatistics]

Lecturer and Researcher

Tel:- +251910883594

COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

1. Aged people care are called------

A. Adult care
B. Geriatric care
C. Adolescent care
D. Pediatric care
2. Rectal or Vaginal medication is termed as
A. Suppository
B. Intramuscular
C. Aerosol
D. Intradermal
3. A local application of moist cold liquid to cool the skin is called-------
A. Tepid sponge
B. Ice cap
C. Hot water bottle
D. Cold compress
4. The term Nosocomial infection
A. Hospitally acquired
B. Community acquired
C. An infection caused only by bacteria
D. Infection of the Nose
5. One of the following is not the characteristics of ethical nurse.
A. Privacy
B. Sympathy
C. Empathy
D. Confidentiality
6. A process of Elimination of microorganisms including viruses and endospores is termed
A. Disinfection
B. Decontamination

COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

C. Sterilization
D. Washing
7. Which of the following is a Ways of assessing a new born?
A. Glasgow coma scale
B. Blantyre coma scale
C. APGAR score
D. All
8. Which one of the following is termed as Intranasal Medication?
A. Nabulizer or Aerosol
B. Topical
C. Suppository
D. Intradermal
9. A Chronic infection of the conjunctiva which causes blindness is ----
A. Trachoma
B. Cataract
C. Blepharitis
D. Chalazion
10. Identify a statement which indicates the Correct way of cleaning an infected wound.
A. Clean from inside to our side
B. Clean up and down stroke repeatedly
C. Clean from outside to inside
D. Clean in crisscross way
11. Which of the following site is the most accurate for temperature measurement
A. Tympanic
B. Auxillary
C. Oral
D. Rectal
12. A term used to describe the total number of pregnancy is
A. Trimester
B. Parity
C. Gestation

COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

D. Gravidity

13. One of the following is not a topical medication

A. Nasal drop
B. Ear drop
C. Eye ointment
D. Antihelminthic
14. Among the following One is a preventive method for pregnancy and STI
B. Condom
C. Depoprovera
D. Pills
15. Nursing responsibility during ambulance transportation includes all except
A. Patient care and restrain during transport
B. Loading and unloading the patient on stretcher and car
C. Use of communication equipment and systems
D. Leaving alone the patient in ambulance.
16. The nurse is preparing to take vital sign in an alert patient admitted to the hospital with a
dehydration secondary to vomiting and diarrhea. What is the best method to assess the
clients temperature?
A. Oral
B. Radial
C. Heat sensitive tape
D. Auxiliary
17. Which assessment finding by the nurse prohibits application of a heating pad?
A. Edematous lower leg
B. Purulent wound drainage
C. Active bleeding
D. Reddened abscess

COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

18. Which of the following statement is used to describe Hemorrhage?

A. Sever rapid blood loss
B. Sever shortness of breath
C. Inability to void
D. Inadequate blood flow
19. A client who is unconscious needs frequent mouth care. When performing such a mouth
care, which of the following position is best for the patient:-
A. Side lying
B. Trendleburg
C. Fowlers position
D. Supine position
20. Fraternal twins
A. Develop from a single ova
B. Develop from two ova
C. Twins who have similar features
D. Twins formed outside the uterus
21. To assess the effectiveness of cardiac compression during adult cardiopulmonary
resuscitation(CPR), the nurse should palpate which pulse site?
A. Brachial Apical
B. Apical
C. Carotid
D. Radial
22. Which of the following statement best describes Urinary retention?
A. Inadequate oxygenation of blood
B. Inadequate blood flow
C. Inability to void
D. Inability to control urination
23. Select a statement which defines wound Infection
A. Obstruction of throat

COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

B. Proliferation of Pathogen
C. Reduction of the number of microorganisms
D. Prohibition of the multiplication of Microorganisms
24. Which statement reflects appropriate documentation in the clients medical record for a
hospitalized patient?
A. Skin moist and cool
B. Seems to be mad at the doctor
C. Small decubitus ulcer noted at the left leg
D. Client had a good day
25. An employer has established a physical exercise area in the work place and encourages
all employee to use. This indicates which level of health promotion?
A. Secondary prevention
B. Passive prevention
C. Primary prevention
D. Tertiary prevention
26. What type of communication is needed during patient care?
A. Keep silent
B. Intra communication
C. Two way communication
D. One way communication
27. Select the one which is correct step of providing bed bath.
A. Head, face, arm , trunk, leg, perineum
B. Head, face, trunk, arm, leg, perineum
C. Head, face, arm , trunk, perineum, leg
D. Head, face, trunk, arm, perineum, leg
28. Which of the following is not a measure used to prevent pressure ulcer?
A. Applying cotton ring or air ring
B. Avoiding wrinkles and changing soiled bed
C. Restricting patient mobility
D. Back care

COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

29. During medication administration the following information should be explained for the
patient except
A. Medication side effect
B. Drug metabolism
C. Purpose of the drug
D. Route of the medication
30. Purpose of antenatal care includes all except
A. To provide contraception
B. To detect high risk pregnancy
C. To identify the fetal condition
D. To prepare the mother for labor
31. The term Parity means
A. Total number of pregnancy
B. Total number of births
C. Total number of abortion
D. Total number of antenatal visits
32. Select the statement which defines Gravidity.
A. Total number of pregnancy
B. Total number of births
C. Total number of abortion
D. Total number of antenatal visits
33. Polyhydraminose
A. Excessive accumulation of amniotic fluid
B. Decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid
C. Accumulation of fluid in cerebral cavity
D. It is a two or more pregnancies
34. Which statement best describes Ante partum hemorrhage (APH)?
A. Vaginal bleeding before 28 weeks of gestation
B. Vaginal bleeding after 28 weeks of gestation
C. Vaginal bleeding after birth

COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

D. Vaginal bleeding before conception

35. Two days after undergoing a modified a radical mastectomy, a client tells the nurse,
"Now I won't be sexually attractive to my husband". Based on this statement, which
nursing diagnosis is most appropriate?
A. Anxiety
B. Body image disturbance
C. Altered sexuality pattern
D. Pain
36. The term "Unable to unfit" means
A. Disable
B. Decubitus
C. Rehabilitation
D. Hyperglycemia
37. Cessation of heart function
A. Apnea
B. Amenorrhea
C. Cardiac arrest
D. Dyspnea
38. The code standard of conduct, performance and standard of ethics
A. Violation of advocacy
B. Prohibiting patient right
C. Confidentiality
D. Non punctuality
39. A mother come to health center for attending Ante natal care with para 1, still birth 1 and
abortion 1. What is the total number of pregnancy?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

40. During burn the patient that damaged epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue and bone
A. First degree burn
B. Second degree burn
C. Third degree burn
D. First degree and second degree burn
41. Select the one which is most accurate measure of temperature for neonate.
A. Axial
B. Anal
C. Temporal
D. Oral
42. Which of the following is Drugs most commonly used for post operative care?
A. Antiviruses
B. Antihelminthics
C. Analgesics
D. Antibiotics
43. Which one of the following is the cause of viral disease?
A. Herpes zoster
B. Mycobacterium
C. Tinea pedis
D. E. coli
44. If you are a clinician and a 25 years lady come to your clinic with a LMP at 30/07/06E.C
and visiting day also 19/12/06E.C. what is the gestational age of the mother?
A. 17 weeks and 4 days
B. 19 weeks and 4 days
C. 17 weeks and 1 day
D. 18 weeks and 1 day.

COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

45. Which one is termed as Acute confusion state?

A. Coma
B. Dehydration
C. Delirium
D. Unconsciousness
46. The feeling expressed by the patient is termed as
A. Objective data
B. Subjective data
C. Disease
D. Physical examination
47. Low hemoglobin level is called
A. Hematuria
B. Anemia
C. Hypoglycemia
D. Hypotension
48. Low glucose level in the blood is termed as
A. Hypocalcaemia
B. Hyponatremia
C. Hypomagnesaemia
D. Hypoglycemia
49. Post anesthetic and post operative management include all Except
A. Vital signs
B. Complete bed bath
C. Observing level of consciousness
D. Intravenous therapy

COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

50. Which of the following are incorrect statements?

A. PRN medications are administered within the legislative requirements and
organization policy
B. Client information and education related the medication requirements are provided
C. Is possible to administer medication without consent of patient and relative
D. Medications are stored in a safe manner according to the legislative requirements
and organizational policy.
51. If the neonate born with a well breathing pattern. Which one is a correct statement about
his breathing pattern?
A. The Score is 2.
B. It is abnormal breathing
C. He is birth asphyxia
D. The score is 0.
52. A client with diabetes mellitus has a blood glucose level of 644 mg/dl. The nurse
interprets that this client is most at risk of developing which type of acid-base imbalance?
A. Metabolic Alkalosis
B. Metabolic Acidosis
C. Respiratory acidosis
D. Respiratory Alkalosis
53. Which of the following is not an open wound?
A. Puncture
B. Contusion
C. Laceration
D. Abrasion
54. An inflammatory disease of the mucosa layer of the colon and rectum is called
A. Ulcerative colitis
B. Volvulus
C. Hernia
D. Botulism

COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

55. Pregnancy Outside of the uterine cavity is termed as

A. Abortion
B. Myoma
C. Endometritis
D. Ectopic pregnancy
56. The term used properly state "Care after Death" is
A. Palliative care
B. Post partum care
C. Post mortem care
D. Post abortal care
57. For a Hospital client, the physician prescribes Diclofenac 75mg/3ml IM as needed for
pain. However, the client refuses to take injections. When Nursing action is most
A. Withhold the injection until the client understands its importance
B. Call the physician and request an oral pain medication
C. Administer the injection as prescribed
D. Explain that no other medication can be given until the client takes the injection
58. Focused ANC emphasized on all, Except
A. Provide care by skilled health provider
B. Individualized and patient centered care
C. Disease detection and risk classification
D. Fewer but comprehensive visits
59. Which of the following agent is categorized as Fungus?
A. Amoeba
B. Polio
C. Varizela zoster
D. Candidia albicans

COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

60. Which one of the following is a medical term which describes "Shortage of oxygen"?
A. Sepsis
B. Hypoxia
C. Hypothermia
D. Hypotension
61. Which one is not the clinical manifestation of severe dehydration?
A. Skin pinch go back slowly
B. Unconscious
C. Very Sunken eye
D. Lethargic
62. Which one is the First stage of Dying patient?
A. Accepting
B. Denial
C. Bargaining
D. Depression
63. Which of the following statement best describes Herpes zoster?
A. Bacterial infection
B. Dress with Vaseline gauze
C. Contains sever bleeding
D. Commonly occurs at the face
64. A client is admitted with the following vital signs: temperature, 102OF (38.8OC); pulse,
110 beats/minute and irregular; and respirations, 26 breaths/minute. Which nursing
diagnosis has the highest priority when planning this client's care?
A. Altered renal tissue perfusion
B. Ineffective thermoregulation
C. Ineffective Breathing pattern
D. Decrease Cardiac out put

COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

65. All are the reason that giving emphasis for maternal health Except
A. Is not an issue of health sector
B. The problem of high maternal mortality and morbidity in developing countries
C. The effect on children due to poor maternal health, nutrition and care
D. Maternal mortality is largely preventable
66. Hemophilia
A. An important for the investigation of disease outbreak
B. Anemia
C. Congenital Absence of Coagulation factor
D. Immune Cell Mediated
67. Which one of the following is a disease Transmitted from Cows, pigs and goats to man?
A. Bovis tuberculosis
B. Varicella virus
C. Botulism
D. Tetanus
68. Which one of the following is a vaccine given at Nine month for a infant?
B. Penta
C. Rota virus
D. Measles
69. The insertion of needle in to a chest under local anesthesia to aspirate excesses fluid from
plural cavity is called
A. Amniocentesis
B. Thoracentesis
C. Chest tube
D. Water seal drainage

COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

70. A client who suffered a severe head injury had a vigorous treatment to control cerebral
edema. Brain death has now been determined. The nurse prepares to carry out which of
the following that will maintain viability of the kidneys before organ donation?
A. Administer IV fluid
B. Monitor temperature
C. Performing range of motion exercises to extremities
D. Assessing lung sound
71. A nurse is inserting an indwelling urinary catheter into a male client. As the catheter is
inserted to the urethra, urine begins to flow into the tubing. At this point, the nurse should
do one of the following activity.
A. Insert the catheter 2.5 cm and inflate the balloon
B. Insert the catheter until resistance is met and inflates the balloon
C. Immediate inflate the balloon
D. Withdraws the catheter approximately 1 inch and inflate the balloon
72. Which of the following addresses the client's rights to information, informed consent, and
treatment refusal?
A. Standard of Nursing Practice
B. Nurse Practice Act
C. Code for Nurses
D. Patient Bill of Right
73. ______ is an inflammation of parenchyma lung tissue
A. Tuberculosis
B. Pneumonia
C. Bronchial Asthma
D. Laryngitis
74. Which one of the following is a Burn injury management?
A. Rupture the blisters
B. Dress with Vaseline gauze
C. Never attempt to provide anti pains
D. Apply antibiotics if it is first degree

COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

75. Mental mechanism which help an individual to smooth over the frustration and conflict is
A. Anxiety
B. Conflict
C. Defense mechanism
D. Mediation
76. Displacement of bone at joint is called
A. Fracture
B. Strain
C. Sprain
D. Dislocation
77. Ato Bezabih has injured with accident and suffers from a Puncture compound wound
which involves deeper structures, which could not be the management of the case?
A. Don’t Remove pricking or other foreign bodies
B. Give Tetanus prophylaxis
C. Evaluate the depth of damage
D. Excise damaged tissue and Cover with antibiotics
78. Which of the following statement defines Intermittent fever?
A. Is a continuous type of fever
B. Is a constant type of fever
C. Is a type of fever occur in severe infection
D. Is a type of fever occur in typhoid fever
79. Those who continue to harbor the infective agent after recovery from the illness
A. Incubatory Carriers
B. Convalescent Carrier
C. Asymptomatic Carrier
D. Contact Carrier
80. Which one is not the desired characteristics of ideal anesthesia?
A. Good anesthetic efficacy
B. Rapid blood flow onset
C. low toxicity
D. Increased blood flow

COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

81. Which one of the following disease is Transmitted from cow to man?
A. Bovis tuberculosis
B. Brucellosis
C. Candidia albicans
D. Measles
82. Which waste receiver is not used for pharmaceutical waste?
A. Red
B. White
C. Black
D. Blue
83. A client with diabetes mellitus has a blood glucose level of 644mg/dl. The nurse
interprets that this client is most at risk of developing which type of acid-base imbalance?
A. Metabolic Alkalosis
B. Metabolic Acidosis
C. Respiratory acidosis
D. Respiratory Alkalosis
84. One of the following care is given for disabled patient
A. Tertiary care
B. Home based care
C. Primary care
D. secondary care
85. Which one of the following is not an open wound?
A. Puncture
B. Contusion
C. Laceration
D. Abrasion

86. Which of the following is the most common cause of tonsillitis?

A. Virus
B. Bacteria
C. Protozoa
D. Fungus

COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

Mr. Belete is a 55 years old male pt presented to the Arbaminch Hospital with the
complaint of cough of 14 days duration. On the history taking he have stated that he have
a low grade fever, night sweat and loss of appetite. He also stated that his previous
clothes become large and need extra belt holes to wear. One year before he has been
treated with the same manifestations and treated for 6 months in Chencha Destrict
Hospital. On physical examination he has decreased air entry and dullness on both the
anterior and posterior chest. V/S To= 38.1Oc, PR= 88B/M, RR= 30Breath/ Min, BP=

87. Which of the following can be the more likely diagnosis for Mr. Belete based on the Hx
& Physical examination?
A. Pneumonia
B. Asthma
C. Pleural effusion
D. Pulmonary TB
88. All are the complications of Asthma Except
A. Pneumothorax
B. Atelectiasis
C. Hemothorax
D. Status asthmaticus

Ato Debalke Atilabachew is a 39 years old male Pt present to the Gidole Hospital with
the complaint of failure to pass feces & flatus and Abdominal Distention of 3 days. On
physical examination His vital sign was To= 37-5Oc, PR= 80B/M, RR= 24 Breath /Min
and BP was 130/90mmhg. On PR examination, the examiner has not identified any
finding (empty). The plain Abdominal x-ray indicate that a coffee bean appearance, with
the convexity of the loop lying in the right upper quadrant.

89. What could be your Diagnosis?

A. Volvulus
B. Intususception
C. Appendicitis
D. All
90. Which of the following is different from the other?
A. Rovsing’s sign
B. Psoas sign
C. Kerning sign
D. Obtrator sign

COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

91. Which of the following laboratory investigation is not needed to diagnose Anemia?
C. Stool
D. Blood film
92. Which of the following statement is True about the management of Eye Injury?
A. Try to remove a particle from cornea embedded in or adhering to the eyeball.
B. It is better to rub the eye because rubbing can relieve pain and irritation.
C. Clean the affected eye from outer canthus to inner canthus.
D. Clean the affected eye from the inner canthus to outer canthus.
93. Which of the following intervention is not the management of Abdominal Injury?
A. Control bleeding
B. Position in semi-sitting position
C. Keep nothing per os(NPO)
D. Trying to replace the protruded parts
94. All are the cause of Hypovolemic shock EXCEPT
A. Hemorrhage
B. Extensive burn
C. Severe vomiting diarrhea
D. Drug sensitivity
95. Which of the following shock manifestation is not convenient to Septic Shock?
A. Rapid and weak pulse
B. Rapid and shallow breathing
C. Low blood pressure
D. Cold Extremities
96. Which of the following is the immediate complication of fracture?
A. Shock
B. Mal union
C. Delayed union
D. Non union

COC based Exercises for Nursing Assistance and Comprehensive Nurses

97. Movement of a substance(drug) through a biological barrier from the phase of higher
concentration to phase of lower concentration is referred as
A. Filtration
B. Endocytosis
C. Simple diffusion
D. Active transport
98. Which one of the ff is the correct order of parenteral routes based on the speed of therapeutic
effect from the fastest to less?
B. IM--- SC---ID
C. IM---SC---ID
D. ID---SC---IM
Case Scenario
Deribew Assefa is a 35 years old Male patient seen in a certain Hospital presents with a
complaint of dry cough of 5 days duration, fever, shortness of breath and on physical
examination he has a crackle at the posterior lower third of the chest. The physician was
diagnosed a sever community acquired pneumonia. He wants to treat him with Ampicillin +
Gentamycin and wrote the prescription “Gentamycin 60mg BID for 07 days and Paracetamol
500mg PO PRN”. You are the only responsible Nurse to give the parenteral Medications. You
have Gentamycin available dose of 80mg/2ml.
99. Calculate how much Gentamycin is required to administer for the prescribed dose per a
single injection.
A. 2ml C. 1.5ml
B. 3ml D. 2.5ml
100. Which of the following Right has been missed with the Gentamycin Prescription?
A. Rt Medication
B. Rt Dose
C. Rt Route
D. Rt Time


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