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1. After the death of Raja of Wodeyar dynasty in 1760, who became the ruler of Mysore?
a) Hyder Ali b) Tipu Sultan c) Devraja d) Nanaraja
2. Arrange the following in the sequence
I. Hyder Ali gained control over Madras
II. Tipu Sultan signed treaty of Srirangapattam
III. Hyder Ali died
IV. The Indian prince of Wodeyar dynasty ruled Mysore till 1947.
3. The following the warring parties of Battle of Plassey
a) Siraj-ud-daulah and Robert Clive
b) Siraj- daulah and Mir qasim
c) Siraj-daulah and Mir jafar
d) Siraj-daulah and Siraj ud dualah
4. The greatest annexationist was
a) Hastings b) Clive c) Dalhousie d) Canning
5. The subsidiary alliance was signed between the British and the
a) Madhav Rao II b) Baji Rao II c) Holkar d) Bhosale
6. Rearrange the following events in the correct sequence:
e) Battle of Buxar ii) Conquest of Bengal iii) Battle of Plassey iv) The third Carnatic war
a) i, ii, iv, iii b) iv, ii, iii and i c) ii, i, iv and iii d) iii, i, iv and ii
7. Define Diwani.

8. Name the British Governor of Bengal who abolished Dual government in the year 1772.

9. Right to collect Diwani lead to _______ in Bengal.

11.Define factories.
12.Which one of the following was not the main items of trade for European trading companies
a) Cotton textile b) Silk c) Saltpetre d) Indigo
13. The British East India Company did not set up trading posts in
a) Fort William in Bengal b) Bombay Castle c) Goa d) Surat
14.Bombay: _________:: Fort St George : _________.
15. Fill in the blanks:
a) ______________, the greatest annexationist, attacked Punjab and made it a part of British India in1849.
b) ___________ captured Arcot by defeating English army.
c) The battle of Plassey was fought between the east India Company under_______ and the army of
d) The British colonial rule in Bengal Presidency and subsequent expansion of its control over
India occurred because of ____________.
e) The second Carnatic war occurred in ___________.
f) _______became the Governor General of British in India.
g) _______ was the capital of Carnatic.
h) _______ landed in India in 1498 at Calicut.
16. State whether the given statement is true or false and also give reason to support your answer-Maharaja
Manjit Singh was the ruler of Punjab.
17. State whether the given statement is true or false- British did not introduce administrative changes in the
territories they conquered.

18. Subsidiary alliance was the British policy of not

a) Allowing the adopted son succeeding the throne of adoptive parents.

b) Dismissing the army of the Indian ruler.

c) Keeping a British resident at the court of the Indian ruler

d) Giving military assistance to the Indian ruler in exchange of payment for the army.

19. The Sikhs lost the first Anglo-Sikh War(1845-46) because the
a) Army consisted of diverse people-Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.
b) Prime minister Lal Singh and Commander Tej Singh turned traitor
c) The Sikh could not fight the strong British forces
d) Sikh did not have modern weapons

20. Match the following:

1. Third Anglo Mysore War A. Treaty of Manglore
2. First Anglo Sikh War B. Treaty OF Salbai
3. Second Anglo Mysore War C. Treaty of Lahore
4. First Anglo Maratha War D. Treaty of Srirangapatatnam
a) 1-C,2-D,3-B,4-A b) 1-B,2-A,3-D4-C c) 1-D,2-A,3-B,D-C d) 1-D,2-C,3-A,4-B
21. Match column I with column II
1. Diwani A. Bengal
2. Tiger of Mysore B. 1757
3. Battle of Plassey C. Right to collect land revenue
4. Dual government D. Tipu Sultan
a) 1-C,2-D,3-B,4-A b) 1-B,2-A,3-D,4-C c) 1-D,2-A,3-B,4-C d) 1-D,2-C,3-A,4-B
Section B
22.‘Right to collect Diwani by the British began Dual government in Bengal’. Justify the statement by giving
relevant arguments.
23. How was Battle of Buxar a turning point in the Indian history?
24. Explain how Hyder Ali defeated the British in their own game in the First Anglo Mysore War.
25. Explain how age of imperialism in India began with the weakening and disintegration of Mughal Empire.
26. ‘After the third Cranatic War the French ambition of establishing an empire in India ended’. Justify the
statement by highlighting the results of war.
27. ‘The Third Anglo Maratha war ended the mighty Maratha power’ Support the statement with relevant

Section C

28.State the reasons for the Third Anglo Mysore War. Also highlight the results of the war.

29. Who was known as the Tiger of Mysore? State four events that brought Mysore under the control of British.

30. Explain any five reasons that turned the East India Company into an imperial power.
31.Briefly explain the circumstances that led to the First Anglo Sikh War. Mention two provisions of the treaty
of Lahore.
32. ‘The Sikhs were forced to sign the treaty of Lahore.’ Justify the following statement by giving five relevant

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