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P.S. The ONLY links used in this document

go to official Wizards of the Coast
websites*. Unfortunately the card gallery
only provides medium-sized images. I
Every inch of Ravnica is home to encourage you to seek out larger versions
something. of the art online to see the amazing level
—Gatecreeper Vine of detail that the artists put in. It‘s
worth the extra effort!
There is not a single inch of Ravnica
that hasn‘t been altered at one point or *This version has three links in the
another to fit someone‘s whims. Additional Resources tab to concept
artists‘ websites.
As I finalized this document I realized
Welcome to Ravnica! When the setting was what a truly dystopian setting Ravnica is.
announced in July, 2018 I was intrigued. I The average citizen is just an expendable
had never played the trading card game and tool for the guilds, who lives in a
knew nothing about the setting. So, I dangerous environment, and potentially
started doing research online, reading lives off of recycled food from the
articles on the official website, checking sewers. People in Ravnica can be slaves to
out wikis, and collecting the information a church even after death, get killed by
I found. My goal was to have a reference their entertainment, have their memory
document for when the book was released. I erased, or lead a life of subsistence in
was also concerned that if I didn‘t do the abandoned buildings in the wild. My
research that there might be details and intention is not to convince anyone of
information I would miss out on that this point of view but I think after
wouldn‘t be included in the final book. seeing the quotes and flavor text most
people will realize what a truly
Contained in this document are links I dehumanizing and fearful existence the
collected and summaries I wrote that population lead.
reveal details not covered in the
Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica (GGR)
including race, guild, location, and
creature information. Most of the
information is taken from the cards but
additional details were also added from
various official articles published to
coincide with Ravnica releases. I think
these details play a big role in getting
the full flavor of the setting.

The two quotes at the beginning of the

document are great examples of this type
of world-building detail. When I read them
for the first time, I really got the sense
of what should be conveyed and experienced
when exploring Ravnica. The world should
feel lived in, used, built on, torn down,
manipulated and occupied.

I do hope you find this document useful

and of course if you think I am missing
important links or have information
incorrect please let me know. I will be
making updates as frequently as I need to
but will definitely be making one shortly
after Ravnica Allegiance releases on
January 25, 2019 and more information is
released on the remaining guilds. Thanks
for checking it out!

Guildmasters’ Guide describes, and as can
be seen in those cards, Devkarin have
similar coloration as the wood elves
except their hair is dark brown or black.
I have only included races that I found
additional information for.
Human According to concept art that is available
online, Gruul clan centaurs commonly wear
There is information online that suggests helmets that display other creatures‘
that humans on Ravnica have a longer life antlers. A few pieces, including Ghor-Clan
span than on other planes but I could not Savage, Burning-Tree Shaman, and Alpha
confirm that. Agrus Kos, the human Wojek Authority show centaurs wearing this type
hero of the Ravnica Cycle novels, lived to of adornment while other Gruul centaurs
be over a hundred but, based on forgo it. Gruul centaurs do not have
information in the short story ―The antlers of their own.
Absolution of the Guildpacti‖, his long
life could have been due to Boros magic There‘s an interesting, and confirmedii,
not a quality of Ravnica itself. In that connection between two cards featuring
story it is explained that Boros magic can centaurs. The first card, Coursers‘ Accord,
―sustain a Wojek‘s life far beyond the shows two Selesnya centaurs being warned
average person.‖ There could be not to travel alone. Unfortunately those
information to refute this but my guess same two centaurs are shown later falling
would be that to keep an active and ill and collapsing from some sort of
healthy fighting force, the Boros Legion magical Orzhov disease.
would need to invest in keeping their
troops healthy and alive for as long as
possible-thus life-prolonging magic.

Elves fit fairly seamlessly into Ravnica
with the Silhana (wood elves) joining
Selesnya, the high elves joining the Simic
Combine and the Devkarin (dark elves)
moving underground and joining the Golgari.
The wood elves could be divided even
further into elves connected to nature but
living in the city center like the
Selesnya and the wood elves that live in
wilder districts where nature still stirs.

One characteristic that is only mentioned

briefly in the Guildmasters’ Guide is that
of the Silhana elf that is comfortable
moving among the heights of Ravnica. ―The
spires of Ravnica are no different from
the tall trees of other planes. The elves Two‘s a party. Three‘s a felony.
navigate and protect them just the same.‖
The Spire Tracer, Silhana Ledgewalker, and —Goblin Gathering
Elvish Skysweeper are a few examples of
these ―spire mice‖ and add a unique angle
to approach elven character‘s backgrounds Goblins do not have much art in the
and interests. The elves are not alone Guildmasters’ Guide which, when it does
though; humans are also known to dare the show them, focuses on Izzet goblins and
heights of Ravnica. criminals. If you look through the trading
cards you‘ll find a much broader
I like the Devkarin shown without guild representation of goblins.
markings on the Devkarin Dissident and
Rites of Reaping cards. As the The art showing goblins as members of the
Boros Legion in earlier cards (recruit and
loyalist) was not the best in my opinion. FUN FACT: Some goblins enjoy the taste
Newer art conveys their courage and of elf hair in their applesauce or
leadership. The goblins‘ enthusiasm is ―hairsauce‖ as they call it. (The
also evident in other guilds. Kill-Suit Merrytown Massacre by Jay Moldenhauer-
Cultist looks great and showcases the Salazar)
strong connection between the goblins‘
fury and the Cult of Rakdos. The suit
reminds me of the Path of the Battlerager
option in Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide Loxodon
and might be an option to consider porting
over. Some cultists have the spikes One very minor, and quite silly, detail
actually rip through the skin from beneath about loxodon that is hinted at is that
for a similar effect. The Rakdos cult some of them suffer from the same phobia
enjoys riots and chaos and the goblin fire that has been falsely attributed to real-
fiend plays into those desires. The Gruul world elephants-musophobia or the fear of
Feral Animist actually has two versions rats and mice. (Magic Story Bound and
and both are very evocative and show the Bonded by Nicky Drayden November 14, 2018)
raw impulse of both the Gruul Clans and
the goblins. The pyrewild shaman shows a
calmer, but no less savage, goblin. The Minotaur
newest set of cards features two new Gruul
goblins. A clamor shaman who, despite
their small size, makes a big noise and a ‖Don‘t stop till your horns come out
Gravel Hide shaman. their back.‖

Even guildless goblins like to get in on —Barging Sergeant

the action, including the war-torch goblin,
the goblin locksmith, and the cratermaker. The quote may be from a member of the
Less destructive goblin spelunkers have Boros Legion but I think the attitude it
found niches to fill as chimney sweeps, conveys could apply to minotaurs in any
explorers of abandoned buildings, and guild. The Guildmasters’ Guide describes
spire climbers. Unfortunately for some the Ordruun line of minotaurs and their
goblins even delivering a letter is a role in the Legion. They are featured as
struggle. a commando and a veteran in the cards. One
detail that isn‘t discussed is that
Unfortunately for goblins they are now a minotaurs in the Legion that are not
favorite target for griffons that lost Ordruun can find themselves placed in
their hunting grounds over the seas when less-than-desirable locations and their
Ravnica‘s construction annexed the surface. advancement hindered. This could be an
It may be to the goblins‘ benefit than interesting part of a character‘s
that they are frequently just ignored. background to explore.

In addition to their raw impulses and Beyond the minotaurs in the Boros Legion
fondness for explosions and destruction, there is a noticeable lack of art for
goblins are also known to have a minotaurs in other guilds like the Gruul.
predilection for gambling and many goblins For those guilds you can use the style
work simply to pay off their debt. guides to provide some ideas on how a
given minotaur would be outfitted.
It is rumored that the planning for the
central city of Ravnica, which was handled
by the Izzet, was intentionally bungled by Viashino
the goblins so that the design did not
create the intentioned sigil that would I was surprised that the viashino from
have provided Niv-Mizzet dominion over the Unearthed Arcanaiii did not make it into the
plane. That tribe of original goblins was Guildmasters’ Guide. I know vampires,
actually purchased by the Izzet League and dryads, merfolk and other races were also
indentured for a thousand millennia. For hoped for but to me the viashino were the
the goblins, the Izzet League presents a only other race represented in the trading
better opportunity for advancement and card game regularly as members of multiple
standard of living then either the Rakdos guilds and warranted inclusion in the
or the Gruul. Guildmasters’ Guide. Even if the decision
was to use the lizardfolk stats, a choice
should have been made to include them as a
playable race and mention them as members
of the appropriate guilds. If you are
running a Ravnica campaign I encourage you
to consider them as an option. "The guilds each believe its way is right,
but their ways only bring blood to
Among the cards, they can be seen as Ravnica's streets and tears to Ravnica's
members of the Boros Legion as both a families."
soldier and a sergeant. They appear in a —Caregiver
few different Gruul clans, including: a
Burning Tree barbarian, a Slizt Clan
member, a Ghor Clan bloodscale, and a Azorius Senate
shaman. The viashino hold a special place
for some guild members in the Izzet League A few pieces are missing, or not
as they are viewed as dragonkin. They emphasized enough, in my opinion, with the
appear in the Izzet as a wizard, an Azorius Senate in the Guildmasters’ Guide.
engineer and a test subject. They also The following areas are seen more clearly
make extremely dangerous (and I think in the cards and in earlier information
unique looking) warrior, rogue, and provided about the guild.
spellcaster opponents.
Even though the book avoids the trading
card game‘s color system, the Azorius
FUN FACT: Viashino enjoy eating live Senate‘s blue and white uniforms are a key
maggots which are sold in many different component to their overall look and to the
varieties. look and feel of the setting. Seeing a
team of Azorius moving through the
marketplace in their uniforms should be a
frequent sight and something easily
understood and conveyed. In Guildmasters’
Guide to Ravnica you can see an example of
this at the bottom of the street scene on
page 122.

Along with the color of their uniforms is

the idea that the uniforms should convey
that the Azorius have a ―stiff neck‖iv and
are viewed as having strict and stern
personalities. This concept is clear on
page 131 and in other Azorius art such as
Inaction Injunction (which also shows how
their law magic would look) and Azorius

Hussars are the cavalry of the Azorius

Senate, both on the ground and in the air.
It is a title an Azorius member would be
familiar with. The sight of a hussar
patrol moving through the streets,
protecting the guildhall grounds, or
circling the skies adds additional flavor
to the setting.

Azorius guildmages include lawmages who

create spells that compel or restrain
beings and hieromancers who create spells
that sanctify or protect. The Azorius
also have the role of konstructor. These
builders and architects are among the best
in the world and supplement their building
projects with magic.

The Azorius Senate also maintains small

surveillance outposts, called vez,
throughout the city. The vez allow for the individual campaigns is of course up to
Azorius to have a physical presence in all you.
corners of Ravnica. Surveillance mages
inside the vezs observe and report on
their areas, aiding in the location and
arrest of suspicious characters. The Boros Legion
Azorius have also started to use thopters.
The small flying devices are new to "Hold on to your ideals. They'll be
Ravnica and are an additional surveillance tested more than your armor or the edge
and recording tool. The combination of the of your blade."
vez, the precognitive mages, the patrols,
and now the thopters has increased the —Tajic
atmosphere of a surveillance state.
In case of fire, treachery, citywide riot,
There is a very good articlev on Azorius political upheaval, or worldwide societal
law making and courtroom procedures that collapse, break glass.
provides insight into the workings of the
Azorius Senate. For example, with such a —Boros cluestone
huge territory to cover, both above and inscription
below ground, the Azorius use mind
penetration magic to make new laws known Aurelia, the Boros Legion‘s guildmaster,
to the population. The Azorius involved has restructured the guild again. As a
with apprehending criminals go through a precaution against infiltration, the guild
cleansing process after the arrest to has changed from being organized into
remove the ―stain of lawlessness.‖ The project-focused theaters of war to local
Azorius use Simic technology to keep the garrisons. The four projects of the
accused in stasis until their trial begins. theaters continue but now each garrison
will be responsible for handling all four
A notable absence in the Guildmasters’ projects for their area. As a reminder,
Guide to Ravnica is the Azorius creature the four projects are:
the soulsworn. I found them to be  Ending the criminal activity of the
unusually disturbing and tried Dimir and other underworld
unsuccessfully to determine why they activities. A group called the Dead
appear as they do. If you aren‘t familiar Brigade focuses specifically on
with them take a look at Soulsworn Jury, handling spirits to help combat the
Vassal Soul, Soulsworn Spirit, and Govern Orzhov.
the Guildless. The strange worm-like head  Increasing Boros weapons and battle
with humanoid features covered in cloth, effectiveness. The Warmind
arms bound to their sides with cord, and Initiative was the name of the
the ability to stretch their arms to grab collaboration that Tajic had with
are all disconcerting. I found this the Izzet. It produced some results
articlevi that has larger images but no but fostered Tajic‘s distrust of
explanation. If someone ever visits the other guilds. Even though that
Azorius Senate I would definitely give particular initiative ended the
these creepy spirits an appearance. partnership with the Izzet
continues on a smaller scale.
One last note about the Azorius: It looks
 Education, training, and enlistment
like the fate of at least two of their key
as well as increasing the
figures is about to change. The
effectiveness of the skyknights.
guildmaster, the sphinx Isperia, may have,
or will, come to an unfortunate end after  Eliminating Cult of Rakdos
calling together a guild summit. Deputy assassins, spree killers, and any
Lavinia, an Azorius arrester and steward of their other chaotic and violent
of the Guildpact, is now a renegade. Her excesses.
new card‘s flavor text pairs well with her
letter that begins the Guildmasters’ Guide, Sunhome is not one of the four theaters
―I told Jace that Ravnica would fall apart anymore but as the central guildhall it
if he didn‘t take his responsibilities still plays a vital role as a citadel,
seriously. I didn‘t want to be right.‖ barracks, and spiritual center. Sunhome is
How much, if any, of the continuing overseen by Tajic, Blade of the Legion,
Ravnica storyline gets carried over into and the highest-ranking non-angel in the
Legion (see also GGR p.229). Sunhome Annex
Fourvii, a former warehouse, is the place
the Legion sends all the people they would Flame-Kin Zealot will help. Flame-kins
rather forget about. Once sent to Annex appear to be larger than the humanoid
Four it is difficult to earn your way out. forces they work with and wear only black
armor. They typically dissipate after a
Zelzo Base, located in a sprawling battle but some are known to remain and
manufacturing district, is still an active continue to fight alongside the Legion,
garrison. The base‘s commander, Anksa, is with some even earning promotions. The
also the head of the Wojak League, and is creation of the flame-kin is only now
focusing on rooting the Dimir out of the beginning to generate questions about
warehouses in the area. Hopefully the new their ethical treatment. Their sentience
organization will help since the base is usually denied and they are passed over,
hasn‘t always been secure. ignored, and usually not even given names.

The Horizon Military Academy has become a Penitent angels with their wings bound and
full garrison and does not focus solely on magical abilities reduced are also found
education and training and it previously in the Boros Legion. The specifics of
had. Commander Yaszen is still in charge their transgressions are not always known
of the flying fortress which is currently by those they serve with but sometimes
moored near volatile Gruul turf. In their errors are part of military
addition to the Horizon Military Academy, operations and are more common knowledge.
the Boros Legion also has the flying Some end up in Annex Four while others are
fortress Parhelion II, which is used more able to join various agencies including
commonly for any necessary mobile the Wojeks.
The nav squads are an additional unit
Kamen Fortress, located near the Smelting within the Boros Legion. The nav squad
Quarter, is overseen by Commander Grozdan. commandos are funded by the Azorius and
He is trying to balance his new orders to survey the undercity so that maps of the
focus on the Gruul with his hatred of, and area can be kept current.
former theater‘s focus, the Cult of Rakdos.
This articleviii has some great details
"Commander, we caught the Dimir spy and about Boros uniforms and architecture and
took her ashes into custody." this oneix focuses mostly on uniforms and
armor. Not much has changed for Boros
—Kramm, Wojek security uniforms in the newest releasex.

Golgari Swarm
The art featured on the Frontline Medic
card is useful because on close inspection "When something dies, all things benefit.
it shows the cleric uses the inside of his Well okay, just our things."
shield to store his healing potions and
medical equipment. Practical? I have no —Ezoc, Golgari rot
idea. But I think it‘s a great little farmer
detail to incorporate. One oversight in
the Classes by Guild section of the Feed on food, you eventually rot. Feed on
Guildmasters’ Guide is that the Tempest rot, you live forever.
subclass is not listed for the Boros.
Boros reckoners though are described in —Kraul saying
the GGR as ―living thunderstorms‖ that
―charge their bodies with lightning‖ which
is exactly what the Tempest domain focuses Due to their use of reanimation magic, the
on. Golgari Swarm is the largest guild on
Ravnica. For the Golgari Swarm there are a
The ―Boros Creatures‖ section of the few groups, locations, and relationships
Guildmasters’ Guide provides some that should be expanded on.
information on the flame-kin and a
suggested creature to use for its stats. The Street Swarm is the Golgari‘s labor
Though their stats may be identical their class. The Swarm is composed of corpse
appearances are not. Since the flame-kin‘s scavengers and haulers, street shamans,
appearance isn‘t described in much detail and rot farmers as well as trolls,
referring to Flame-Kin War Scout and elementals, fungal horrors, and some of

the kraul. The Street Swarm is divided up than you were in life. To attempt to keep
into chapters responsible for specific the Golgari from growing even larger in
neighborhoods with each chapter led by a size, cremation has become an important
local swarm-boss. business.

The tunnels and chambers of Ravnica's Insects and arachnids play an important
undercity are also a means of transport role in Golgari life. Some Golgari insects
for the Golgari corpse trade. Corpse can live for centuries and never stop
haulers bring the dead to tunnel entrances growing (leading to encounters with some
where trolls are used for any necessary tremendously large versions). As the book
―clean-up‖. Valves constructed of fungal mentions, the Golgari use insects as
membranes close off certain sewerways. mounts, including beetles and longlegs,
These valves open and close by Golgari and beasts of burden. They also
command, allowing carcasses and other incorporate insects into their clothing
traffic to float through like a logging including wearing the exoskeletons of
sluice. The sluiceways are also home to iridescent insects. Unfortunately for the
dangerous creatures. Golgari, some of the insects like to wear
their kills too. The Golgari elves wear
FUN FACT: Sluices unrelated to the corpse dark spots around their eyes to resemble
trade are also used as a means of public insect eyes (almost all the Golgari elves
transportation in Ravnica. shown in the Guildmasters’ Guide are
wearing these spots). The majority of the
armor worn consists of layered mushrooms
Another small industry has developed and other fungixi and reclaimed insect
within the Golgari of sorting through the shells. The Golgari tend to wield weapons
refuse and selling back items they find. A with less European, more exotic shapes.
―findbroker‖ is shown on p. 53. Even the
Golgari guildgates are reclaimed from It‘s not necessarily difficult to imagine
forgotten ruins. Some Golgari take the appearance of the various creatures of
reclamation so seriously that they even Ravnica once they become part of the
resent the gorgons‘ petrification as an Golgari Swarm but, it would have been
unnecessary loss of nutrients. helpful to show at least a few examples in
the book. The trolls and lizards have
I only found a few mentions of rot farms mushrooms sprouting from their back,
in the Guildmasters’ Guide, yet the farms winged undead menace the air, and zombie
are one of the primary means for producing rotwurms slide through the hollowed bones
food for the citizens of Ravnica and of the Undercity. Plant and fungus zombies
should be covered in more detail. Rot appear in countless variations from large
farms speed up the process of decay which (molderhulk, dreg mangler, shambling shell,
is important for the amount of refuse they and rhizome lurcher) to small
are responsible for handling. Even then, (slitherhead). Humans aren‘t represented
rot farmers need stilts to stay above the in Golgari art often but when they are the
filth to avoid drowning in it. Fragments influence of necromancy is apparent.
of dead organisms from the rot farms are
combined with fungus to produce undead and
summon oozes to serve the Golgari. Some
crops can grow in other types of soil but
the majority is produced by the rot farms.

"The Golgari expand, yes, but I refuse to

call their tainted creations ‗growth.'"

—Veszka, Selesnya

Many Golgari carry lockets that can guide

reanimators to their corpse should death
occur. When even death doesn‘t end its
soldiers‘ service, the Golgari army will
certainly continue to expand. The Golgari
believe that death cleanses you of fear
and weakness and you come back stronger
The Erstwhile are a newly discovered race Come, join the battle to which you were
of undead but were formerly aristocratic born."
elves of immense wealth and opulence. They —Kroshkar, Gruul shaman
are now little more than mindless zombies
but they are ―decent‖ at taking
instructions (better than the plant zombie The art on pages 62 & 63 of the
drudges) and are loyal. Not much else is Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica, provide
known about this army at this time but enough details to know what‘s important to
learning more of their history could be an include when describing an average Gruul
interesting adventure. Clan member-bones, fur, tattoos, and
scavenged pieces of equipment. The Art of
"Light up the dark to find your way, and Gatecrash article has more art and notes.
the dark may seek you out."
Another articlexii goes into more detail
—Zalin the Gutter Bard then the Guildmasters’ Guide about the
history of the Gruul. They were originally
charged with holding civilization in check
The Lotleth are not mentioned in the book but their lands were slowly taken away by
but they are an irregular faction of other guilds including the Simic, the
undead (including trolls and giants), Selesnya, and the Orzhov (who used the
necromancers, and fungus-binders within Gruul as labor and slaves.) The article
the Golgari. They are primarily composed also gives the tragic origin to the Scar
of fungal undead (zombies composed of Clan, who were originally composed of the
bones and tattered flesh held together mutilated and tortured survivors (called
with vines, moss, and fungus) that serve ―Morlocks‖) of the other nine guilds.
as a labor force. There are sentient
undead and necromancers within the group FUN FACT: The Bolrac Clan takes its name
as well. The Lotleth are currently led by from an old Ravnican word meaning ―heavy
a human necromancer named Wratislav who hammers‖ which is fitting for their
has a habit of parading his undead through membership and specialization.
the streets of Ravnica.

The Guildmasters’ Guide mentions the It‘s difficult to see much detail from the
council of shamans and rogues maintained small image in the link but the Scab-Clan
by the guildmaster, Jarad, but doesn‘t Mauler shows two survivors of this abuse
reveal the name. The Cilia as it is called working together as a symbiotic team. They
acts as a combination of advisory are both amputees, and the large one is
parliament and spy agency, both collecting also blind. ―They inflict pain to forget
and dispersing information. He also has their own and break foes to feel whole.‖
access to the Ochran assassins who use In this articlexiii you can see the artist‘s
toxins distilled from the remains of their sketches and more details for the card.
previous victims. There is mention of the Other great Scab-Clan art can be seen in
Golgari leadership using mold to collect Scab-Clan Berserker (where the female
nearby conversations to be harvested later. warrior seems to be shredding an Azorius
The Golgari aren‘t always content to room or library) and the Scab-Clan Giant.
expand in the undercity alone and carry
out sorties on the surface to seize Other art provides more detail and insight
territory. into the Gruul Clan. I particularly like
the Burning-Tree Emissary art because, to
me, it shows a Gruul walking with pride
Gruul Clans and conviction along the paved streets of
Ravnica, almost in defiance of
"They tell us the wilds are ours, then expectations. If you are playing a Gruul
they brick them over. They can lie to our cleric or druid consider the role of
faces but not to our fists." cantor, performing the rituals and rites
for your clan. The Gruul are savage and
—Ghut Rak, Gruul many prefer to eat their food while it‘s
guildmage still living. Some of the clans have
haruspices who interpret omens by
"We are the heart of the wild, the fire inspecting entrails.
in its eyes, and the howl in its throat.

"Gruul warriors never need to be stirred Before you break up any parties though it
to battle. They need only to be shown might be good to make sure you‘re not
where the battle is." making a really big mistake or ―petting
the nodorog‖ as the Grull call it. The
—Savage Surge name of this creature is similar to the
Serbo-Croatian word ―nosorog‖ (which means
―horn nose‖ or rhinoceros) but I can‘t
As mentioned in the Guildmasters’ Guide, confirm that was intended.
the Gruul use many creatures to attack and
defend themselves including poisonous The Gruul use the Beggars‘ Guild as a
snakes, scorchwalkers (fire elementals), primitive spying and revenue generating
and rubblehulks (debris elementals). mechanism. The Guild, ironically, makes
Another card, Rumbling Slum, is far more income by not performing their
interesting for a number of reasons. It‘s ―trade‖ than from performing it-as most
a great example of an animated street that citizens donate to appease the beggar in
is fairly common in the cards but the hope they won‘t be bothered. The
unfortunately isn‘t covered in the ritual tattooing that many Gruul undergo
Bestiary section of the Guildmasters’ is used to create tattoos that mimic the
Guide. The flavor text is also quite layout of their local area or the streets
interesting. The idea of the Orzhov having of clan conquered territories in the city.
slums animated and commanded to move away
(since they aren‘t providing them revenue)
is an interesting touch. Giving the House Dimir
elemental a chance to come back for
revenge is also nice. The Gruul also enjoy ―My favorite meal is angel's flesh, slain
just destroying other guild‘s buildings in agony and iced with black vinegar.‖
with magic as can be seen in Weight of
Spires. —Aszala of House Dimir

The Gruul holiday of Rauck-Chauv is only The new book, The Art of Magic: The
mentioned once in the Guildmasters’ Guide Gathering® Ravnica, has a transcript from
to Ravnica but it‘s an interesting enough an interview with a Dimir agent that
concept to mention here in more detail. reveals how pervasive (and unsettling)
The book says it‘s ―a holiday celebrated their influence is. Here is a portion from
with violence‖ and that is certainly a the exchange between the agent and an
part as seen in Structural Collapse and Azorius lawmage:
Tin Street Hooligan. It is named after a
leader of the Ghor clan and is not found Your scribe there, your postal carrier,
on any calendar. It is only held on days your carriage driver, your sworn personal
that other guilds are celebrating their guard, the chatty florist, or the person
holidays. Someone yells ―Rauck-Chauv‖ and you love and trust most in the whole
whichever guild is unfortunate enough to world. Any time you meet with someone one-
be holding festivities will find them on-one you have to wonder: Did we get to
disrupted, crashed, and burned down. The them first? Did we alter their mind? Did
joy for the Gruul comes the following year one of our shapeshifters replace them? Or
when that guild‘s holiday is now held in has that person always been one of ours?
secret, scaled down or cancelled. Anyone could be ours, and there are more
of us than you think.

Dinrova Heights isn‘t mentioned in the

Guildmasters’ Guide but it is a massive
building where the highest-ranked
guildmages of the Dimir meet. The Dimir
claim the building is open to the public
but only the lobby has unlimited access.
The upper floors and the basement are
heavily protected by strong wards and
traps. The rooftop is normally closed but
can be opened for special rites. Horrors
and specters guard the location and a sign
outside reads:

―Welcome to the Dimir Public Offices. Not
responsible for death or loss of Izzet League
property. Basement off-limits.‖
"All pilots and prototypes destroyed.
On at least one occasion, despite these Extensive collateral damage inflicted.
warning, someone has successfully Conclusion: flawless design."
infiltrated the basement and exited the —Manual of Melek
building with stolen property.
The Izzet League doesn‘t seem to be
The Dimir use a form of surveillance not missing much in the Guildmasters’ Guide
covered in the Guildmasters’ Guide – that I find represented in the cards with
spybugs. These tiny flying insects can be one exception, the manipulation and
so inconspicuous that it‘s safest to just control of time. I only found one small
assume every conversation is being mention of time travel in the Guide but
listened to. Spybugs are susceptible to the Izzet are very interested in it.
the same fate as other small flying Mastery is achieved when ―telling time‖
insects, being swatted, which some guilds becomes ―telling time what to do.‖ Izzet
never grow tired of. They also use other chronarchs, as they are called, can attack
insects like the woodlot crawler. between the fall of one hourglass grain
and the next. What can begin as simply the
Though very much a guild of assassins, the research of a student into creating more
Dimir have always used the removal of time for studies can become a lifelong
memories as a tactic instead of killing dedication that results in time travel
their targets. They‘ve transitioned from (with varying degrees of success.) One of
the physical removal of brain tissue to the Azorius‘ ten most wanted is an Izzet
erase memories to arcane techniques. mage who aims to reverse time itself. I
They‘ve found it‘s not always necessary to found a time magic supplement from the
eliminate someone when you can slay a makers of Hoard of the Dragon Queen that I
single memory and avoid any attention a plan on using to add more options for the
missing person may create or have to deal Izzet.
with the disposal of the physical remains.
In fact, even if they use an assassin, the
killer‘s memory of committing the murder
will be removed. Remarkably, a guild that
should probably be the furthest removed
from handling citizen‘s correspondence has
become known for its couriers. The Dimir
ensure the letters arrive, all sealed and

The Guildmasters’ Guide only lists

sphinxes as being associated with the
Azorius Senate, but as creatures connected
to knowledge and secrets, it should be no
surprise that they also work with the
Dimir (though at a greatly reduced
capacity.) Some Dimir sphinxes are even
able to access dreams.

The newest style guidexiv has some

excellent examples of how the Dimir dress
(when they aren‘t impersonating someone
else of course). The use of ―three‖
continues and is a subtle sign that can
identify a Dimir agent: three darts in a
row, three pieces of overlapping shoulder
armor, or three straps covering the ribs.
It‘s a small detail but one that lets you
look at the art on GGR p. 10 for example
and know that the trio on the ground are
being watched by Dimir agents not just
normal cutthroats.
A secret, grand meta-project, called the chimes in their churches. Orzhov slaves
Interlocus, which Niv-Mizzet is working on are tattooed with the guild‘s sigil.
is mentioned in a guide to Ravnicaxv but
not in the book. He keeps the information FUN FACT: Those of true Orzhov blood live
compartmentalized so while many several centuries longer than others but
experiments are being conducted no one but also manifest random deformities and
Niv-Mizzet knows why. inherited diseases that can develop at any
age. Some might only need a cane to assist
As a final note on the Izzet, a new style with walking while other more extreme
guidexvi was partially revealed and cases include arms lined with eyes or
provides some interesting ideas to build teeth growing from a forehead.
into an Izzet character. This older style
guidexvii is also valuable because it shows
Once they die, the indebted can be called
something we don‘t use in the art-an Izzet
into service at any time. This is because
soldier and the weapons they would use.
the Orzhov know ―Without a body, the soul
It‘s an interesting look into what the
is helpless to fight the terms of our
non-caster forces of the Izzet look like
contracts.‖ If you need to visit their
and could provide some inspiration for
guildhall, Orzhova, in Precinct One,
someone looking to be a martial character
unlike most churches, “it's best to pray
from a less obvious choice.
before you arrive.”

Orzhov Syndicate They have even created corrupted angels to

suit their needs. In Cory Herndon‘s
Guildpact: Ravnica Cycle, Book II, angels
―We are the precious gold. With us stand guard at a door and, from their
Orzhova was gilt. With us it gleams most appearance, ―fighting was only one of the
bright.‖ needs they‘d been built to answer.‖ The
angels‘ devotion ―often led to scenes that
—Orzhov tithing mantra the advokist would rather not consider for
too long.‖ Orzhov deceit, obeisance, or
In presenting the Orzhov Syndicate, the perhaps shame, are all possible reasons
Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica does why masks play an important role in the
discuss their corruption and involvement guild including their use by the Agent of
with criminal activity (not to mention Masks, the thrull, and even the crypt
immortal servitude), but the book doesn‘t ghast.
display the gluttonous, pampered leaders,
the servile thrulls, or the lost souls of Formed from the liquefied corpses of their
the Syndicate as much as it should. believers, Orzhov thrulls have a good
description in the Guildmasters’ Guide to
In the Orzhov Syndicate section the three Ravnica but, because the art for them is
illustrations used are of an alluring limited and separated in the book, a
vampire, a beautiful cathedral, and a reader unfamiliar with the cards may miss
child. Those were not my top three take- some of the thrull‘s visual impact and
aways from the cards! If you start with that they are a signature race of the
the Obzedat rulers (GGR page 245) you Orzhov. A winged thrull is shown on page
begin to get a sense of who is in charge 231 with a good view of the golden
of the Syndicate (―a cross between faceplate they all wear and a group of
archbishops and mafia dons‖)xviii and how thrulls is on page 172. In this thrull
they view their role. When you move down articlexix you can see some concept art and
to the pontiffs that image is further a card showing a thrull peering from
reinforced. Their skin color is described behind a pontiff‘s robes. To round out the
as sallow and necrotic to typify their thrull you can see them in One Thousand
corruption. The undead clergy are even Lashes, Thrull Parasite, Syndic of Tithes,
more horrifying to behold. and Dutiful Thrull. Even the thrulls used
as pack animals, like the Treasury Thrull
It isn‘t just their appearance or attitude and the sarcophagus transport, wear a mask.
but their depravity that really makes the A thrull‘s existence is at the mercy of
message clear. ―Some of Orzhov‘s cruelest those it serves and can end on a whim.
collectors remember their debtors by taste Encounters with Orzhov clergy should
alone.‖ The faithful have any thoughts of incorporate thrulls as often as possible.
hope and self-sufficiency removed. The
bones of their victims are even used as
The most disturbing thrull to me is the missed payment. Read the fine print: the
Maw of the Obzedat. Masked like the other, head is an appendage." The seriousness in
smaller thrulls, this gigantic bloated which they take their mission to collect
creation sits on a massive throne tithes is apparent and no place is beyond
consuming the indebted that leap into the their reach for collection.
creature‘s lamprey-like mouth in its Additional art for the Orzhov enforcers is
stomach. When representing the Orzhov in in this articlexx and more general Orzhov
game, I think it‘s important to art can be found in The Art of Gatecrash
incorporate the thrull as much as possible. article.
They are featured in a lot of art which I
take as an indication of their prevalence. FUN FACT: Enders are Orzhov‘s professional
life-takers. It‘s a general term used that
FUN FACT: The Orzhov symbol was inspired includes: executioners (who carry out the
by the legendary Culling Sun that is said righteous judgments of the pontiffs),
to come in dire times to cleanse the world assassins (who ―sever business
of the unworthy. relationships‖), and soldiers (who protect
the public).
Orzhov gargoyles are a unique take on the
gargoyle. Since ―gargoyle‖ is only used
rarely in the Guildmasters’ Guide to Cult of Rakdos
Ravnica, and always in association with
the Orzhov, the connection, and the
"It‘s easy to get taken in by the
gargoyle‘s appearance is worth mentioning.
spectacle, to enjoy a bit of naughty
They look more stylized than the default
amusement. But make no mistake: the Cult
gargoyle and their wide-open mouths seem
of Rakdos is a danger."
like a hollow void when you are looking up
into them. You can see an example of an
Orzhov gargoyle on page 223 of the GGR.
They are also represented in cards
including: Graven Dominator, Shrieking ―Ever wonder why you never see an old
Grotesque, and Shrieking Affliction (which Rakdos cultist?‖
mentions that their voices can shatter -Rakdos Firewheeler
glass and bone.) The gargoyles endure a
painful creation as they are brought to As a group that follows a demon lord that
life first and THEN carved. is thousands of years old, it is no
surprise that the Cult of Rakdos deals in
There is no mention in the Guildmasters’ both carnage and carnal pleasures. As
Guide about the organization of the Orzhov Tajic‘s quote above reminds us, they are a
Syndicate into cartels, which are its web danger despite the smiling faces. I think
of operating units. Each cartel claims the entry for the Cult of Rakdos in the
different territories and markets across Guildmasters’ Guide is similar to the
Ravnica, and each has its own internal Orzhov Syndicate in how their depravity is
hierarchy of priests, lawmages, enforcers, downplayed and, in the case of the Rakdos,
and others. Each cartel is ruled by a more focus is placed on them as ―over-the-
cardinal or kingpin whose role is top‖ performers and not sadists and
somewhere between gang leader, bank murderers. Even an item as intrinsic as
manager, and high priest. The Orzhov have the Rakdos signet isn‘t considered
begun to offer ―protection‖ services as a finished until it has been used as a
way to generate revenue. murder weapon. The first step in joining
the Cult of Rakdos is to become a
Another detail about the Orzhov that I ―mindless lunatic‖ and then the taste of
think is worth pointing out is the blood breaks down what little self-control
appearance of the guards and knights. Like they have left. The Rakdos want us to
the thrull, the art is spread throughout believe that they are misunderstoodxxi but
the book and may go unnoticed. On page 127 personally I don‘t buy it.
is a Knight of Obligation-“He can
calculate interest to six decimal places The Rakdos Cult is organized into Rings-
even in the midst of a deadly duel.” A ever-changing groups of people who pay
giant wearing a similar Orzhov helmet is tribute to Rakdos in exchange for
on page 202. It is swinging its greataxe protection and cult membership. Alliances
as a result of a missed payment- "The shift, power changes hands, and the number
contract specified an appendage for a
of Rings may increase or decrease. The The audience quickly realized a few
Rings are led by a Ringmaster [I think things: it wasn't a magic trick, there
this term is used interchangeably with wasn't candy in there, and they'd need new
―Ringleader‖] who answers to Rakdos clothes.
directly. The Gore House (GGR p. 119) -Showstopper
ringleader, Nyoser, is particular about
not letting anyone too pretty or too sane
join his ring. The Rakdos hold shows best categorized as
revues, or multi-act entertainment that
Their territories are based around the combines music, acrobatics, sketches, and
location of their clubs. The most common stunts. One of the most popular revues in
clubs are the diversion clubs-food and Ravnica is the Juri Revue. The eponymous
drink, circuses, bathhouses, and burlesque proprietor seems to understand what the
shows. There are also debauchery clubs for local population craves for entertainment.
those with more serious tastes including He knows they flock to witness a murder
scarring, branding, pit fights, and other scene so why not give the audience what
services. they want? The scene depicted on GGR p.
152 is not of a Rakdos villain torturing
The Rakdos guild has a few roles it helps his victims, as it‘s placement on the page
to become familiar with: might suggest, but just part of a night‘s
 Riot mages lead the infamous (and performance. The Bloodfray Giant (GGR
deadly) festivals that take place p.200) is currently the star performer of
throughout the city. the Juri Revue. The Carnarium is the
 Roustabouts are the cult members location for another popular revue.
who staff the diversion clubs,
debauchery clubs, and festivals. Rix Maadi, the Rakdos guildhall, and lair
of the demon himself, is built around a
 Spikers are the muscle of Rakdos lava pit in the Undercity. The area was a
and each Ringmaster has several volcano but the top was stripped away long
loyal spikers that follow them. ago and replaced by buildings, leaving the
Spikers also form gangs that attack molten core and lava pits below it intact.
other spiker gangs. The ancient passage to reach Rix Maadi,
 Madcaps are the entertainers the Demon‘s Vestibule, was created by a
including acrobats, highwire wurm and then carved into stairs. At the
walking, dancers, and blade base of these stairs is the Festival
jugglers. The smaller humanoids Grounds, a derelict courtyard. Past the
that want to join the Rakdos courtyard is an ornate stone edifice that
usually become madcaps. serves as a façade for the large cavern
behind it where the demon resides. Not
The clubs use various kinds of promotion much is known about what occurs at Rix
to attract attention and get customers. Maadi but the giant skeletal Carnage
One club, The Rough Crowd, throws out Gladiator act is not the bloodiest or
promotional tokens with the image of a foulest there.
demonic face on one side and ―Run with the
Rough Crowd‖ stamped on the back. A
uniquely Rakdos tradition known as
smearing is also seen throughout the city.
Using colorful banners that depict obscene
acts, insults, and invitations, smearing
is a combination of art, graffiti,
advertisement, and insult.

Spikers and ringleaders hold no particular

loyalty to each other. For example, if a
spiker is defeated during the Slaughter
Games (a deadly competition among Rings),
their ringleader can drop them, or
humiliate them to the point that they
leave their Ring. Some spikers even
attempt to form their own rings, becoming
ringleaders themselves.

Rakdos sadism is confirmed by the fact Selesnya evangels travel, preach and
that Rakdos members involved with petty convert throughout Ravnica. Selesnya
crimes and shakedowns get more pleasure centaurs evangelize to the Gruul, bringing
from the fear they cause then the loot messages of war that resonate better than
they get-which is usually discarded. talks of peace. But those who listen need
Little more needs to be said after reading to remember that for the Selesnya
the description for a Rakdos blood crypt ―conformity can be beautiful.‖ Another
where ―the dead serve as diversion, décor, group of Selesnya has a specific function;
and dessert.‖ It‘s not just hurting nullmage shepherds specialize in combating
others they enjoy though. They are unique abominations against nature.
in designing torture equipment they can
operate while experiencing the same pain The idea that Mat‘ Selesnya is actually
as their victims. The Rakdos have such the Worldsoul of Ravnica should not be
little regard for even their own safety overlooked. If the Conclave is connected
that the Azorius find them almost to the soul of the plane, if that
impossible to control when they hold Worldsoul has sided with a specific guild,
events like a Havoc festival. it grants them a tremendous amount of
power and adds validity to their mission.
One deadly instrument the Rakdos seem fond It also explains why villains have tried
of is the auger. A Rakdos performer seems at least twice to consume its power.
to be holding one on GGR p.78, and they
incorporate them in their entertainment. Creatures controlled by the Selesnya can
The Rakdos have wizards, augermages, who usually be identified by the metal barding
specialize in the tool‘s use. A sadistic they are protected with. The siege wurm
augermage could use the drill directly or and the armada wurm are just two examples
use magic like auger spree to simulate its of those living weapons which have a
effect. distinct appearance. The rhinos called by
the Selesnya horncallers are also
Even though the Orzhov Syndicate is the protected by the metal plating as are the
guild known for their thrulls, there is equenauts and the moas. A Selesnya war
one example of a Rakdos version. Unlike party can be seen all wearing similar
the Orzhov thrulls, the Rakdos thrulls protection.
only live for a few days before dissolving.
The Guildmasters’ Guide discusses the
Selesnya Conclave‘s use of elementals but
Selesnya Conclave doesn‘t mention saprolings or show any art
depicting the larger nature elementals.
The Selesnya Conclave section of the Their unique appearance is worth making
Guildmasters’ Guide covers two important note of. The saproling style guidexxii has
details about the guild: their military some great examples of the animated plants
preparedness and the belief that and the crystals that they wrap around.
individual desires are subordinate to The Doubling Season card that is shown
those of the group. Like the other guilds, should be this one instead I think.
their beliefs can verge on the fanatical: Saprolings are raised in a nursery.
Wayfaring Temple, Arboretum Elemental, and
"Ravnica, like a hedge, must be pruned, Risen Sanctuary are other examples of the
leaving only leaves of verdant large elementals in motion and Grove of
uniformity." the Guardian shows one of them at rest.

I like the shield featured on the loxodon

To truly become a part of Selesnya a Selesnya Sentry card because it is a good
believer must not just forget about their reminder to reflavor equipment and
debts and obligations but their homes and appearances when appropriate. Having a
their families too. The leader of the Selesnya guard use a shield made entirely
Selesnya, Trostani, has nothing but anger of tightly woven roots or wood is a nice
for anyone who leaves the guild. touch. The Knight of Autumn (also p.194)
Nonbelievers can be blinded by the shows something similar but with a mount.
righteous light of Selesnya‘s followers or The Look of article provides more examples
―life churchers‖ as they are called of sample Selesnya art direction to get
derisively. inspiration from as well as this onexxiii
that shows equipment and elementals.

the Fin Clade and is considering absorbing
Simic Combine its resources into her Guardian Project.

One notable member of the clades is Vorel

"Civilization will subsume us unless we of the Hull Clade. Now a human biomancer
overwhelm it instead." for the Simic, he began as a shaman leader
of a small Gruul clan. His clan turned on
—Speaker Zegana him and he barely escaped, eventually
finding a home with the Simic. He is
The Guildmasters’ Guide mentions a few unconcerned with whether his subjects are
zonots but not all of them. I‘ve included willing participants or have been forced.
a list of the known zonots here, though it He may be responsible for creatures
is still partial. Zonot Seven, in Precinct including the beetleform mage and the
Five, is home to the Simic guildhall, coiling oracle.
Zameck, and is the busiest and most
densely populated zonot. Zonot One was the Without delving too deeply into the
first to open, is the smallest zonot, and history of Ravnica and the story from the
is located far away from the Tenth novels, I do think it‘s relevant to
District. Navika, the main laboratory for
mention cytoplastsxxiv here and their prior
the Guardian Project, is located in Zonot
use by the Simic. If anything, cytoplasts
could provide a plot idea for future
adventures if they started to be used
Zonot Four is the largest of the zonots
again or help explain a strange creature
and Speaker Trifon, a marine troll, is the
that is encountered. Cytoplasts (made of
current leader. Zonot Four has recently
cytoplasm) are small masses of living
been breached by Golgari life-forms and
tissue that have the appearance of a blue-
undead. There is one piece of information
green blobule. The cytoplast can convey
about Zonot Four that seems contradictory.
genetic information from one life form to
On GGR p. 97 the book says that Zonot Four
another when it is attached. The use of
is located in the Sixth District but on p.
cytoplasts explains the appearance of some
115 the book says that Zonot Seven is the
of the creatures shown on the trading
only zonot within Ravnica City proper
cards including the Simic basilisk,
which, according to p. 8, includes all ten
cytospawn shambler, cytoplast root-kin,
and even the Simic themselves. Now, the
Simic solely use magic as the means for
Zonot Five is unique among the typically
transferring traits.
insular zonots. As part of an outreach
attempt, the Simic have grown an enormous
Leadership in the Simic Combine has
column of marine plant matter there and
changed in the ongoing story in Ravnica
carved a spiral path into it. Surface
and is different then presented in the
dwellers can visit the Helical Stairs and
Guildmasters’ Guide. The Prime Speaker is
travel down the path to sea level and
no longer Zegana, a Utopian, but Vannifar,
experience the oceans they forgot ages
an Adaptationist. Vannifar is an elf/ooze
hybrid who absorbs nutrients and oxygen
through her skin and uses asymmetric sleep
FUN FACT: The concept for the Simic zonot so she can always remain alert and active.
is based on the similarly-spelled, real She heads the Guardian Project and
world cenote. Cenotes are natural believes in adapting the Simic to prepare
sinkholes that expose groundwater for war.
underneath and are mostly found in the
Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. As mentioned in the Guildmasters’ Guide,
the Simic-created krasis can escape
Simic guild members are organized by clade causing destruction of property and death.
(long-term) or by project (short-term) Sometimes krasis are intentionally
with some clades having project teams released. If enough of the creatures
within in. Sometimes these project teams congregate in the same area it becomes a
can splinter entirely from a clade. For burden to the local population who are
example the Carapace Project was a part of left to handle them. In addition to the
the Hull Clade but left. Now they focus on Simic creatures presented in the GGR,
giving Simic warriors natural armor. The consider adding: oozes, water elementals,
new Prime Speaker (see below) is becoming plants, frogs, crabs, fish, reptiles,
frustrated with the lack of progress from birds (and bird mutants) and insects.

for more sinister activities like
When the original Guildpact was created, covering-up kidnappings and surveillance.
the factions that existed were not guilds.
Indeed, it was not even called the Izzet public works projects help keep
Guildpact at the time. Its original name Ravnica operating but when the guild isn‘t
has been lost to the annals of history. focusing enough on them it can cause
problems like flooding in the streets and
in the sluiceways. Sky reservoirs also
hold water for the city. Latrine pits are
still used within the city and are close
to popular markets like Tin Street. The
Undercity can also be a dangerous place,
not just from the creatures that inhabit
it but from more mundane threats like
"How truly vast this city must be, that I fatal fumes. The Izzet League isn‘t the
have traveled so far and seen so much, only guild responsible for environmental
yet never once found the place where the effects. The Cult of Rakdos, or perhaps
buildings fail." the demon himself, has created a rain of
gore on at least one occasion. Both
—Farseek natural and supernatural tornadoes can
occur but in general natural disasters are
largely nullified by the Izzet. Unnatural
Unnatural and Natural disasters, like a cyclonic rift, happen
all of the time.
Events The wild creatures of Ravnica can also
cause strange events, accidents and
There's plenty to talk about in the injuries. The annual migration of the
marketplaces of Ravnica, be it the latest high-flying stratozeppelids, called the
feud between guilds or the terrible ―Days of Darkness‖, blocks out the sun for
weather. five days. With their wilderness habitat
—Rain of Embers lost, herds of wild pegasi travel over
Ravnica causing havoc.
Centuries of Ravnican business, powered in
many cases by Izzet boilerworks and other
guilds‘ foundries, have saturated
Ravnica‘s atmosphere with all manner of
industrial pollution. It may cause caustic
rain or contaminate the ground. The air
pollution has become so prevalent that
smog elementals have formed from it and an
entire order of mages draw their power
from the contamination. The elementals
that power the city‘s furnaces have been
known to escape. Even the runoff from the
foundries is so potent it can
spontaneously burst into flames and create

Fog haunts the streets, rendering the

familiar as otherworldly, changing
neighbors into shadows, and muffling
cries for help.

—Wall of Mist

Fog and mist are more than just eerie

natural phenomena in Ravnica. Natural fog
helps smugglers use the harbors and rivers
to move their goods but the obscuring
mists are used, especially by the Dimir,

Court Street
Streets and Locations Fiend‘s Crawl A labyrinth of
tunnels and caverns
in the Undercity
Beneath Ravnica‘s streets runs a layer of where Dimir vampires
tunnels, then caverns and waterways, then and other horrors
terrors and nightmares. live
Forum of Azor A wide circular
—Drowned Secrets public space near the
center of the Tenth.
Every street corner is a hunting ground, According to legend,
every citizen potential prey. Azor established it
as a neutral ground
for guilds to meet.
—Mutant‘s Prey Each guild has a
kiosk there providing
The following list of streets and information and for
locations are not mentioned in the Gnat Alley Longest street in
Guildmasters’ Guide so are offered here to Ravnica and home to
provide inspiration. Some of the names the Gnat Alley
come from flavor text that gives little, Marathon. Gnat Alley
if any, context so any details will need is not the safest
to be created. route through the
city and passes many
dive taverns and
Hearth Fountain One of the most
Location Description
Academic exclusive schools in
Axebane Forest Sentient forest that Ravnica. It is
allows few inside it. tuition-free.
Elk and foul-tempered Ivory Oaks A stand of massive
Axebane beasts live trees guarded by an
there. order of albino
Bane Alley The tip of Dimir‘s loxodon warrior-
massive network of priests. A Selesnya
extortion, location but open to
intimidation, murder, all Ravnicans.
and graft. The Overseen by a loxodon
Blackguard and Broker cleric named Troslon
are there. and home to the
Barbu Rooftop Area of guildless sacred tree Belokos.
rebellion that the Ivy Lane Area with markets
Boros and a firemane
Ivy Street
angel defeated
The Bitter End Dive bar Kalnika Quarter Named after a paladin
that battled a lich
Cobblestand Inn Cheap tower hostel
king. Home of the
near New Prahv
Seven Great Bell
Coiner‘s Row Street that is the
Towers. Kalnika Open
location of an
Market has an
ancient Orzhov forge
enormous centaur
where coins were once
statue at its center.
minted. Now the
Dome of the Black
location has more
Dove located here.
Orzhov priests and
Kasarna Selesnya training
grounds. Currently at
(administrators) than
maximum capacity with
any other district.
a new facility
The street is filled
planned on the other
with grandiose
side of the North
displays of coin
Ridge Forest.
jewelry and wealth
Trainers include a
and supports high-end
former Azorius
shops and
strategist and a
restaurants. Not
Gruul spearmaster
welcoming to those
that converted.
that don‘t meet its
Keyhole Downs Area filled with
scams including

conjured currency. thoroughfare-but it
Some exceptions like definitely has a
Lady Wren. Most problem with goblin
likely the market thieves and hooligans
sector in a larger Titan‘s Keg Tavern that is known
tenement area called for serving giants
Keyhole Village and not for serving
Mahovana Ruins with tall strangers. Located in
trees. Possibly a a run-down part of
misspelling of the city called
Mahovna, the Haven of Merrytown and owned
Moss from GGR (or by Belko
vice sersa) Transguild Promenade In addition to the
Mauzam Asylum information in the
GGR, the Promenade
Moon Market Held every fifth full
also features Azorius
moon to trade in
wards that mute the
forbidden wares
surrounding city
including ―griffin
bait‖ a bottled scent
Ubul Sar Gate into the
sold to criminals.
undercity guarded by
Founded by the Orzhov
Udzec, Maximum Azorius prison built
Oak Street Area with inns
Security Prison by the guild‘s
Opal Lake konstructors.
Cylindrical tower
Outcast Mansions
made from white
Pillar of the Paruns Built where the ten marble. Protected by
paruns signed the countermagic runes
Guildpact and hussars that
Plague Quarter A place of the dead patrol the ground and
and dying sky. Also known as
Race courses Both ground and air the Monolith
Zanikev A large Golgari
Rowan Lane Market area colony on the surface
Sage‘s Row Unguilded area with reclaimed from
scholars. Many several former
residents are former neighborhoods. It was
guild members who use filled with ruins and
their skills for scavengers but has
personal gain undergone a massive
Samok Stand Dangerous forested renovation. The
area colony has a market
Saruli District Wild area protected where Ravnicans come
by elves and dryads to find salvage and
and filled with wild exotic wares
animals including Zarichi Temple Known for their
okapi (antelope). taming and
Shadow Alley Home to vampires consecration of
Shadowfront Alley A place to find a tigers
―companion‖ for the
Shanav Quarter Area unfriendly to
Selesnya missionaries As a reminder, the city of Ravnica is made
Shilbo‘s Tower Landmark with clock up of ten districts. The Guildmasters’
Slate Street A rough neighborhood Guide only provides details on one of
Sumala Forest Gardens A massive, dense but those districts (the Tenth). Details on
manicured and the other districts are sparse. From what
sculpted forest. The I have found:
Topiary Grove is  The Ninth District was the site of
known across Ravnica a large battle between the Boros,
and is the masterwork
Gruul, and Rakdos guilds after the
of the elf woodshaper
named Sadruna. breaking of the Guildpact. The
Tailor‘s Row Ninth District contains the One
Hundred Steps, an ancient stone
Thespian‘s Stage Open air theatre for
performances staircase, which leads to the
Tin Street Ravnica‘s longest Azorius Guildgate at the top and

New Prahv and the Forum of Azor in unwary travelers may find they can be
Precinct Two of the Tenth District. surreptitiously taken as well.
 The Sixth District has an overgrown,
swamp area in it and might be the Constructs are a fairly common sight in
location of Zonot Four (see Simic the city. Street sweepers clean up the
section). refuse but they also collect anything too
 The Second District is fashionable. slow to get out of their way. Heavily
Milena‘s is one of the finest secured armored transports move along the
restaurants in the Second and streets and junktroller golems collect the
dining is by reservation only. A useful odds and ends they find. Undead are
human named Valko is the maître d‘. used to move dangerous goods through the
There is a great piece of art that
deserves viewing in more detail. If you ―You caught something on a cold night's
scroll down in this articlexxv you can see stroll? No, I'd say something caught
a larger version of Unquestioned Authority you.‖
which depicts a Boros general on their
steed moving through a hostile crowd. It —Mezim Magrah, civic
even shows one of the many one-eyed healer
homunculi that are seen in Ravnica. Talent
of the Telepath is another card that shows
Markets are a vital part of Ravnica
what I would expect to see in a common
commerce but even they can be dangerous.
street scene. The art shows Jace Beleren,
Selling in the markets is so unpredictable
the Living Guildpact, walking along the
that experienced merchants focus more on
street and a goblin hauling a heavy sack,
portability then on presentation in case
a flower vendor, a Boros soldier, and a
something happens. Open-air markets close
Rakdos cultist among others.
at dusk for many reasons; daggerdrome imps
being one of them.
Daily Life Ravnica is a city of desperation, crime,
and dark agendas. Cutthroats and bandits
"The majority of Ravnican citizens are move through the markets and alleyways
not part of the guilds. Thanks to the ready for their next victim and even the
Guildpact, though, their numbers cannot shadows can be dangerous. The Undercity
break their oppression. To the guilds, lies restless beneath the streets and is
the common man, woman, and child are always hungry. Incidents of it reaching up
merely customers, worshippers, slaves, or and grabbing unlucky passersby are not
experimental subjects-in other words, unheard of. Foul smelling sewerdregs,
tools." spirits of the undercity, are also ready
to attack those who get too close. Luckily
—Signing Onto The there are civic wayfinders and district
Guildpactxxvi guides to assist those they come across.
The guides know that the shortest path
between two points is not always the
Details about the routine experiences of safest. Guide can be sought out for hire
Ravnica citizens come through in the as well-just make sure they aren‘t
flavor text of the cards. Unfortunately, novices!
―most Ravnicans lead lives of desperate
survival.‖ Murder is legal unless it The destitute of Ravnica may find
affects guild business and worker safety themselves in one of the pauper prisons. I
isn‘t even considered as Ravnica‘s laws could not find any additional information
protect its industry not its citizens. about them but, if they work like they did
historically, a person placed in this type
Just moving through the city can be of prison would be incarcerated until they
difficult and dangerous. There are many worked off their debt via labor or secured
toll roads and bridges connecting the the funds to pay the balance owed. The
various areas. These expenses were the Boros and Azorius began the Failsafe
impetus to begin looking for alternative Initiative to rescue children from both
means of passing along communication, the Gruul Clans and the pauper prisons and
including using messenger birds. The tolls then train them at their academies. The
are usually demanded for directly but Orzhov send slum reapers into unguilded

neighborhoods to steal the souls of those underground swamps that pool to the
no one (of importance) will miss. surface. The district is built on an
unsteady foundation of swamp and sewers
To relax or let off steam, the drink of and is filled with mosquitoes, filthy
choice for many is bumbat, a type of raw cobblestones, ramshackle buildings,
moonshine, which is usually served in stagnant rot, and swamp sludge. The Bitter
either glass bottles or large mugs. For End Tavern and Restaurant is located here.
those who enjoy a good curse word, a Many people suffered in this district as
common one is ―Krokt!‖ The name of the laborers for the Orzhov before the
goblin god of misfortune, it is used now original Guildpact was broken and
as a common epithet and as the name of a celebrate with a Thralldom‘s End gala now
large goblin clan who have joined with the that the guild left. The populace lives
Rakdos. mostly off of small fungus gardens with
occasional fish or reptiles caught from
the swamps. Sewer goblins and Golgari
Outside the City fungus-creatures are a common threat.

Extending beyond the core ten districts of Dravhoc Quarter is located along a
the city proper are an uncounted number of mountainside and built into terraces. The
other districts and areas, like district is an extravagant and stylish
reclamation zones. There is a varying area with a nearby shore and river and
degree of information about these tiny islands beyond. Tall towers and
locations which, though limited, is still spires connected by bridges dominate the
more than we know about the remaining nine skyline, with marble lined streets, plazas,
districts of Ravnica. and large statues along the ground. The
First Vineyard tavern is located here.
The Smelting District is a mostly According to the owner it earned its name
guildless district outside of the core because it‘s been in the same spot since
ten. Ember beasts are the only livestock before Ravnica grew around it. There is
that can survive there for long. Guildless also an open air café called Heavenly
metalworkers sell their wares at the Ambrosias. The area is affluent enough to
Smelting District marketplace. be protected by a Cloud-Winged Guard.

Jezeru, the Lake District, is another Favarial District is built above the
attempt by the Simic, like the Helical surface of a deep body of fresh water the
Stairs, to become more open and less size of a small sea. The avenues and
isolationist. This entire district lies plazas are supported by pylons planted in
under several feet of water in the the lake‘s floor and the buildings built
shallowest areas and up to forty feet in on spans supported by those same avenues
the deepest. Terrestrial creatures can and plazas. Great bridges connect it to
navigate the district via flying Simic the mainland allowing travelers to come
"ferry" creatures as well as by stone and go at will. Favarial‘s River Guild
walkways kept afloat by oversized, gas- sells fresh water to the surrounding
filled, buoyant algae. municipalities by controlling the flow of
the rivers with dams. Lightly defended by
Irbitov is an Orzhov-controlled mausoleum heavy iron gates on the bridges, low walls
district populated with mausoleums, granting protection from the sea, and
memorial statues, and underground vaults. posted guards.
The carvings on the headstones there are
said to change, accurately reflecting the
financial status of the deceased. The area
is patrolled by thrulls, priests and

The following three areas are described

in the book Agents of Artifice by Ari
Marmell that partly takes place in

Avaric District is a small backwater

district surrounded by other backwater
districts that are separated by
Most reclamation zones are the result of the citizenry. The League of Haazda has
plagues or disease, unfortunately common both warriors and healers as members.
occurrences in places where populations
grow faster than the cityscape‘s ability
to accommodate them. If a plague is Cult of Yore and the Old Ways
lethal, the area is quarantined for a
suitable period, as determined by the "Some gardeners sing to plants. I tell
Simic Combine. Then a minimum of four them stories—stories of how they once
hundred years of abandonment is required, ruled the world, of the mortals who
to ensure that whatever wiped out the destroyed their kind, and of revenge."
population is gone. Reclamation zones have
to attain a certain level of civilization —Bougrat, druid of the
in the year after their mandatory four- Cult of Yore
hundred-year fallow period. Once the
fallow time ends, if there is not some
form of local government, law enforcement, The Cult of Yore isn‘t mentioned at all in
and public works available then the the Guildmasters’ Guide and the Nephilim,
reclamation zone has historically been or ―Old Gods‖, only rarely but they are
handed over to the Selesnyan Conclave-Cory useful to understand as context in the
Herndon, Guildpact: Ravnica Cycle Book II history of Ravnica and as useful pieces to
adventures or backgrounds. There is some
The Utvara Reclamation Zone is located debate about whether the gods of the Old
Ways are in fact the same as the Nephilim.
outside the main city of Ravnica. It has a
frontier atmosphere with treasure-seekers
protecting their claims and justice The druid Bougrat wrote an illuminating
handled by volunteer Haazda. Utvara was a letterxxvii explaining his beliefs about the
vibrant section of the world thousands of true Gods, the Nephilim, and the errors of
years ago rivaling the central metropolis worshipping the ―false gods‖ of the guilds
of Ravnica. Before that it was part of the and what they have done to Ravnica. The
ancient hunting grounds of Niv-Mizzet. Nephilim were ―living, walking examples of
This area was the setting for Guildpact: the world's vastness, diversity,
Ravnica Cycle, Book II. unpredictability, danger, wonder, horror,
and complexity beyond our comprehension.‖
This was an age before ―the first stone
Groups was laid or the first elf-child born‖,
―when the living earth blessed all who
trod its untamed wilds.‖
Haazda Storytellers reiterate the doom that will
befall Ravnica because of the current
fealty to the guilds. They speak of a time
Tired of lawlessness? Looking to make a
when the old gods will resurface and ―Our
difference and a little extra pay in this
skins will wave upon the guild-masts over
unforgiving world? If you want to do your
emptied streets…‖
part for justice and earn a guaranteed
bumbat ration daily, contact your local
Many Gruul continue to follow the Old Ways
Haazda recruiter today!
and yearn for the destruction of
civilization, the ―cobble roaches‖ that
—League of Haazda
inhabit it, and a return to the wild. The
recruitment poster from Guildpact:
Selesnya might think nature is a ―pretty
Ravnica Cycle, Book 2 by Cory Herndon
plaything‖, but the Gruul Disciples of the
Old Ways believe that ―True nature would
The Haazda are volunteers that serve as rip their faces off and wear their skins
the law outside of the central city of as trophies.‖
Ravnica. They are generally less trained
and less well-armed than their official When they awake, it is believed that the
law-enforcing counterparts but many have old gods will first send ―fingers of fire
backgrounds as wojeks, probation officers, to see what was left of the old ways.‖ The
army grunts and bounty hunters. As acting Zhur-Taa clan, led by Nikya of the Old
law enforcement, they protect both the Ways, worships the Utmungr, ―gods of the
guilded and guildless and are sometimes deep earth‖, and awaits the awakening of
the only ones standing between danger and Ilharg, an ancient boar god they call the
Raze-Boar. Whatever form they take, the Dromads are the most common pack animals
old gods will use nature during the End- in Ravnica. As revealed in Guildpact:
Raze to destroy civilization and the true Ravnica Cycle, Book 2, they are ―not known
believers will be able to free themselves for their ability or willingness to walk
with ―nature‘s fist‖ and watch the boar- backward‖ and can be stubborn and ornery.
god ―crush the last bricks into dust.‖ The Boros Legion experimented briefly with
mounted dromaback patrols.
FUN FACT: In the article Making Magic:
Absence (May 13, 2013), Mark Rosewater The single example of an indrik in the
explains that the Nephilim were made as an Guildmasters’ Guide is on page 122. As you
attempt to appeal to players that might can see, even if they have the stats of an
not like the guilds but players hated elephant they are actually quite a bit
them. The poor reception could have been taller, towering over humans. The indrik
due to the mismatch with the rest of the stomphowler is also massive and its cry
flavor of the setting or because of poor can disrupt magical devices in the
design. vicinity. If properly handled and treated
with care indriks can be quite

I believe the other creature shown in the

market scene on page 122 is a krovod. The
krovod is an excellent pack animal and is
just one of the ways the influential
Some see the world as a place of infinite Hauler‘s Collective moves goods throughout
wonder and knowledge. Some see it as an the city. The krovod can also be armored
infinite dinner plate. and used as a mobile battlement. I cannot
find any art for the raktusk. Though the
—Bred for the Hunt book lists them as a pack animal they are
also used to make jerky.
In abandoned corners of Ravnica, nature
has begun to reclaim what it once owned. The ceratok is as described in the
Guildmasters’ Guide but some of them
—Bramble Elemental appear to grow to huge size. Once enraged
a ceratok is extremely difficult to calm
down with many people running from it
Pack Beasts while others humorously suggest to simply
wait for it to die of natural causes. At
least one herd of feral ceratok is
The inclusion of common Ravnica pack currently roaming the Tenth District.
beasts and their Monster Manual Ceratok hide is also used and sold as
equivalents is helpful but the art for the armor.
creatures and some unique details are left
out. One very large pack beast, which is also
used for caravan travel, is the lokopede
Brushstriders enjoy eating blini-cakes (a (described in Ravnica Cycle, Book II). The
type of Russian pancake that is mentioned lokopede is an eyeless, segmented creature
in other flavor text) and their mournful that has legs for each of its 2,000
lowing indicates approaching weather. Land individual sections. The lokopede can be
in Ravnica can be designated as a preserve piloted by a single person and is easy to
for wild animals to continue to live. control and difficult to spook. It is
slower than using a dromad caravan but
Nature does seem to be pushing back gives passengers a smoother ride and can
against civilization and expanding. In hold several carriage cars on its back.
abandoned corners of Ravnica nature has
begun to reclaim what it once owned. The Zeppelids are floating, lizard-like
woodlands can even grow faster than the creatures used for both air travel and as
Azorius can manage. A cadre of Golgari, aerial bases in Ravnica. They mature
Gruul and Selesnya shamans and druids slowly but can grow to be up to 800 ft.
formed the Wild Initiative. Unsanctioned long; large enough to carry structures on
by the Guildmasters, it works to cultivate their back and haul items from their
the wild spaces in Ravnica. underbelly. They float using gas-bladders
and feed off of the pollution in the air.
Unfortunately, the only art available is
for the wild, high-altitude stratozeppelid becoming the subject of Izzet experiments
and the assault zeppelid (which has been and should be included as a guild creature.
modified by the Simic). Hopefully those Dragons do have natural predators on
provide some ideas as to what the Ravnica including the sundew plant (a real
domesticated zeppelids look like. Other carnivorous plant) and the goliath spider
smaller flying mounts include large bats (called ―dragon eater‖ by the artist).
and pterros.
As mentioned in the GGR, drakes exist too,
and in a wide variety. They have a similar
Angels appearance to dragons (except without
front legs), but only have animal
In the Orzhov Syndicate section, evidence intelligence. They are irritable creatures
is provided that their angels are created and solitary nesters who even resent
and not pre-existing angels that are sharing the nest with their young. Drakes
tempted away or disillusioned like the become especially voracious as they
Guildmasters’ Guide presents. Further prepare for their autumn migration and
evidence for the creation of Orzhov angels, hunt the streets from dawn to dusk. The
specifically Deathpact angels, is provided Gruul hunt drakes as practice for possible
in the short story ―Behind the Black attacks from larger creatures like sky
Sunxxviii‖. In the story, a priest is a swallowers. In Ravnica, drakes are more
member of a mystery cult within the Orzhov akin to wyverns (which don‘t exist.xxix)
called the ―Deathpact.‖ Through his own The Guildmasters’ Guide states that wind
ritual sacrifice he becomes a gateway for drakes are the most common and are about
the creation of a Deathpact angel, which the size of a human and even uses part of
forms from a combination of a mysterious the wind drake art (p.188). But, the book
bottled smoke, the priest‘s life force, leaves off the rest of the art that
and gold coins (forming the angel‘s armor clearly shows the drake to be much larger.
and scythe). There is room of course for A few examples of the other drakes that
any combination of these methods but I can be encountered are: Rakdos, Tattered,
wanted to provide the versions I had found. Sapphire, and Mindeye. Drake eggs are sold
as comestibles in Ravnica markets,
including Tin Street. Like dragons, drakes
Djinn are prey for mammoth spiders.

In the Monster Manual a djinni is a single There is a fun connection between two
type of genie but in Ravnica the term drake cards. Drake Familiar shows a drake
djinni covers the water and air variations trying in vain to catch a dove. Crackling
and the efreeti covers fire. Ravnica Djinn Drake shows the same drake, after having
appear more elemental than the Arabian- some Izzet technology added, speeding
inspired genie in the Monster Manual. In through Ravnica with the dove now in its
the book, Guildpact: Ravnica Cycle, Book claws.
II a few other details about the djinn are
revealed. The true djinn, that rivaled
dragons like Niv-Mizzet in power, are gone Faeries
now with the remaining few enslaved long
ago at Ravnica‘s polar water stations. The The only mention of sprites or faeries in
djinn have also been mixed with humans to the Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica is with
form hybrids, who serve the Izzet the Izzet League. The ratchet faeries are
alongside the weirds. definitely eager participants in Izzet
experiments. They have joined other Izzet
wizards, known as the Dragonauts, in
Drakes and Dragons trying to emulate the aeronautic powers of
their dragon guildmaster.
All that can be found of dragons now are
the ―primitive‖ dragons that either In one curious case, a trio of wingless,
continue to be hunted or are trained as zombified faeries formerly of the Izzet,
pets (typically by Rakdos dragon joined the Rakdos and are now known as the
wranglers.) True dragon eggs might still Butcher Clowns. They travel by chariots
be found though. Hellkite dragons are pulled by elemental hounds called
still formidable opponents even without ragemutts. Fairies are also members of the
the intellect of a true dragon. Dragons Selesnya Conclave and the Simic Combine.
are also used by the Izzet with some
Faeries are also useful as rogues for the cluster of sacs deposited by a female onto
Dimir; their size and flight providing a giant host creature. After erupting from
them access to difficult to reach areas. their egg sacs, the new kraul feed on the
Unfortunately for their employers, it can internal organs of the host but do not
be difficult for them to keep the secrets kill it. They make cocoons and continue to
they learn to themselves. grow for weeks as the infected host
creature defends them from any predators.
Faeries are also common outside of the Once they emerge from their cocoons, the
guilds. Because of their natural curiosity kraul consume the rest of the host leaving
and knack for trespassing, they are an empty carapace that they can continue
excellent spies. Their sneaky reputation to use as shelter as an adult. As an
has earned them extra scrutiny when they example of the size of the hosts, one
travel and shop in Ravnica. Faeries can be kraul family that consisted of over one
easily offended and quick to exact a hundred adult kraul, lived together using
quirky revenge. Despite their tiny size, a single host‘s carapace.
they aren‘t afraid to stand up for
themselves and even enjoy hunting trolls. Outsiders may view the kraul as a single
Their fearlessness and curiosity can lead culture but there are differences. For
to them getting into some dangerous example, kraul that live in the more urban,
situations though. populated parts of the Undercity barely
move their wings when they communicate
while the rural kraul actively use theirs
Homunculi to communicate to others, ―sing‖ with them,
and some can use their wings to summon
The one-eyed homunculi of Ravnica may other insects by mimicking their sounds.
share the same statistics as the Monster Urban krauls have also conformed by using
Manual version but their unique appearance a handshake instead of touching mandibles
and slightly expanded role warrants a with another kraul.
little extra attention. Even though they
may only perform menial tasks they can be Kraul are still considered outsiders by
largely independent and even be given many in the Golgari and are commonly
their own housing. Homunculi that serve looked down on and discriminated against
the Azorius are even granted the extra by both elves and gorgons. There are even
protections reserved for those that serve several kraul slurs that are used. There
the Senate. Homunculi clean, run errands are some kraul though, called the
(even if they hate crowds), and even help Krunstraz, that have formed an honor guard
with loss prevention. Some prefer to test for the Golgari leadership.
others with riddles. As with any creature
on Ravnica, a homunculus that serves, or
is taken by, the Simic will most likely Known Fungi
have its appearance altered (frilled Fungus Details
oculus) including having wings added Bird‘s Nest Its name is derived
(aeromunculus). A large homunculus, known from the turquoise
as a humongulus, can also be seen on the spheres inside it
streets of Ravnica. that resemble eggs.
Currently worth one
I have been unable to find any information zino a piece.
Boar‘s Tail Edible, cheese-
that describes the difference between an
flavored mushroom
oculus and a homunculus. The terms seem to Club Coral Non-lethal
be used interchangeably. Personally, I
think using oculus is another useful way Death Cap Poisonous
to set Ravnica apart from other settings Devouring Angel Feathered, white cap
and speaks to their unique appearance. with rubbery black
rims beneath. Once
inhaled it causes
Kraul severe hallucinations
that create homicidal
urges that last for
The Kraul are described briefly in the an hour. Considered
Guildmasters’ Guide but more information by some to be the
is revealed about them in the Magic Story deadliest mushroom in
Death’s Precious Momentsxxx. Kraul are born Ravnica
from a single egg sac as part of a large Golden Parasol Non-lethal

Griffin‘s Paw Difficult to stench is its apparent resemblance to the
distinguish from smell of cheese-making these ogres ideal
devouring angel ratcatchers.
fungus with only a
slight difference in
the shape of the cap. Other than the poisonbelly, ogres are
No hallucinatory encountered in Ravnica in various guilds,
effects professions, and levels of civilization
Scarlet Elf Non-lethal from slumlords to wizards, servants,
Shaggy Mane Non-lethal
bouncers, scavengers, recluses, and
troublemakers. Ogres are members of the
Wolf‘s Fang Grow at higher Bolrac Clan as well as the Cult of Rakdos.
altitudes like along
cliff faces.

Tend to grow in
Protean Hulks
marshy areas but can
even be found near The protean hulk is not one of the
sewer grates. One creatures presented in the Guildmasters’
inhaled the zombie Guide but its lore is so interesting that
fungus takes control, I wanted to include it. The entire
forcing the victim to articlexxxii is worth reading but in
climb to the highest
point near them. The
summary: the protean hulk lives on the
victim clamps down on outskirts of civilization or deep in the
the surface with a undersewers and is thousands of years old
tight death grip. The (older even then the Guildpact.)
fungus grows within
the host, slowly When it eats something, that creature‘s
consuming it until it genetics get transferred to sealed egg
erupts and spreads sacs on the protean hulk‘s back. Since it
its spores to is so old the protean hulk could contain
everything beneath
it. The real-world
the genetics of extinct and rare species
equivalents are that could be hatched to live again. This
called process may be the reason that previously
entomopathogenic extinct species are seen wandering Ravnica
fungi and include the again. No guild is known at this time to
ophiocordyceps possess one but that could change.

Moroii I considered just including rusalkas in
the Additional Creatures section but, like
The moroiixxxi are vampiric creatures the moroii, I think their name and
inspired by Romanian folklore that work connection to folklore and the setting set
with House Dimir. They are living vampires them apart. Rusalkas are the spirits of
and have a few differences from the undead young innocents wrongly killed. Part of
vampires of the Monster Manual. Moroii the flavor of Ravnica‘s setting is the
drain youth and beauty, not just blood, fairly ordinary interaction with spirits
from their victims and they don‘t have the there. It would not be unusual to see a
hypersensitivity to sunlight that undead rusalka floating around a tree that she
vampires do, allowing them to be active was murdered by for instance. The
during the day. In the Undercity, ―touched rusalka‘s names are based on how their
by moroii‖ means to grow old. death occurred: drowned, martyred, plagued,
scorched, and starved.

One variation of the ogres found in
Ravnica from the Monster Manual version Lupuls, a name derived from the Old Ravi
are the poisonbelly ogres. Whether they word for ―lurker‖, are shapeshifters
are the result of a failed Simic unique to Ravnica. In their natural forms,
experiment or a Golgari creation is still they have the form of a mass of blue-white
debated. One odd result of their poisonous worms that can move as a single creature
with surprising speed and dexterity. In wurms. The only creatures larger than the
this form they are similar to insects and autochthons are the worldspine wurms which
as such those akin to bugs can communicate are extremely rare and too powerful to
with them and to some extent control them. tame. Unlike other wurms, the worldspine
They shapeshift by consuming others, and has a round mouth ringed with teeth. The
once they have consumed a living thing in only other wurm that has a similarly
their natural form, they can later change shaped mouth is the vigorspore wurm. It is
into that creature's form whenever they almost impossible to kill, simply
choose. The worms form into a waxen, splitting into smaller wurms when it takes
liquid appearance and then into the form too much damage, with each new wurm having
they are imitating. Lupuls are extremely the same circular mouth as the original.
stealthy and nearly impossible to catch.

In an effort to save money on wages, the Additional Creatures

Orzhov commissioned the Simic to create Creature Details
ooze guards (or craft a spell that would Alms Beast Orzhov Syndicate
create them) that replicate the size and
features of the Orzhov guards. The Simic Aquus Steed In water, it's as
graceful as a
also associate with another shapeshifter
dolphin. On land, it
creature, the progenitor mimic. darts and jerks so
unpredictably that
few can ride it for
Wurms long.
Ancient Zhur-Taa and
Wurms were covered briefly in the Selesnya Celestial
section, and have an entry in the Arynx Cat beast
Guildmasters’ Guide, but there is Avatar Avatar of Discord,
additional information on these creatures. Sanguine Praetor,
As stated in the GGR, wurms have a saurian Scion of the Wild,
head similar to a dragon‘s. The Stalking Vengeance
Beasts There are plenty of
illustration on p. 225 shows one of the
beasts in Ravnica
armored Selesnyan wurms so the head is not that may not have
fully visible. The Gruul don‘t armor the unique properties but
wurms they call so you can see the head in have distinct names
more detail. One of the criminal rackets that can help set the
the Orzhov run is paying the Gruul to lure tone: Batterhorn,
wurms to the surface so the Orzhov can Slaughterhorn,
have their construction unit get paid to Tenement Crasher, and
rebuild the area. Rendhorn are a few
Book Devourer Its diet is self-
Wurms begin life growing from small
Caracal Some Ravnicans
cocoons found under the ground. Unlike consider carrying a
worms that are segmented and invertebrates, sword to be beneath
wurms have an endoskeleton and reptilian them, preferring
scales or plates along with their dragon- instead a tooth-and-
like head. Selesnya wurmcallers have found claw escort. These
a way to ride wurms even when they travel large cats are also
underground by attaching an armored successful hunters on
chariot cab. their own
Cobblebrute The most ancient
streets in Ravnica
FUN FACT: Wurm excrement is the most can animate
highly prized fertilizer among Selesnyan themselves. Some of
gardeners. them move to nicer
neighborhoods. [I
think this is a great
The two largest species of creatures found way to add some
on the plane of Ravnica are wurms: the flavor by having a
autochthon and the worldspine. The street that doesn‘t
autochthon (which means indigenous fit in with the rest
inhabitant) is a Selesnyan creature and is of a neighborhood]
so large it can take a day for a trainer Corpsejack Menace Golgari Swarm
to walk from the wurm‘s head to its tail. Dinosaur Dinosaurs can be
It is more than triple the size of other encountered in the
wilds. The creature the nimbus swimmer,
shown in the to help control the
Unflinching Courage sky.
card looks like a Maaka Described on GGR p.
dinosaur also. 185. Maaka prowled
Drekavac Like a vulture's the forests before
scalp, the face of a the wilds were lost
drekavac is oily and to civilization.
hairless. The filth Feral and Rubblebelt
and disease of its Mindleech Mass A servant of House
carrion diet slip off Dimir, the mindleech
its blood-slick skin. mass travels the
Ferox Undercity feeding off
the intelligence from
Firebird A phoenix (MToF) surface-dwellers. As
associated with the its name suggests, it
Gruul particularly is literally a mass
near Skarrg, their of leeches.
occasional gathering Moloch Large lizard that is
place sometimes sold as a
Gobhobbler rat They wear sharp, watchdog to those
bladed jewelry that unfamiliar with its
they use to ―hobble‖ lethargy. Torpid and
people, scurrying Whiptail
about slashing Mortipede Large insect that
lures victims with
its pheromones
Golem Glass, Transguild
Mossdog ―Man‘s best fungus.‖
Courier, Walking Plant hound used by
Archive the Golgari and also
Groodion Noxious Undercity found living in the
creature. Ichor- wilds of the
slurper and oozing Undercity. Has Keen
fiend. Smell. Greater and
Grozoth Dimir Leviathan. Thrashing (with
Similar in size to tentacles)
the Skyswimmer (GGR) Patagia Viper Flying snake
Imp The daggerclaw imp‘s associated with the
claws are used by the Simic. Patagium is
Simic as scalpels, by the membrane used by
the Gruul for bats and gliding
tattooing and mammals for flying
torture, and as a Primordial Sage A spirit that imparts
toothpick by the ancient wisdom
Gruul after they have Runewing Bird. In the hands of
eaten the imp‘s the open-minded, a
carcass. runewing quill writes
Lammasu The lammasu ruled the wisdom of its own
velds before the city Sewer Siren Rabid, but non-
grew. Now they roam aggressive rats.
Ravnica's skies, but Instead of directly
their ancient enemies attacking, they use
have not forgotten their mesmerizing
them. squeak to compel
Leviathan The Dimir use the creatures to put
gargantuan Grozoth in their limbs near the
the Undercity while rat‘s mouth so it can
the Simic have bite them
enhanced Sky Solifuge Spider-like arachnid
Swallowers to create (that is also a real-
their own version. world animal)It‘s
Sky swallowers are best to keep your
called skyswimmers in distance from a giant
the GGR and most solifuge
likely represent the Spire Mangler Large flying insect
Simic version based with mandibles strong
on their enough to behead a
amphibiousness. The griffon
Simic also use Trygon Flying Simic creature
another leviathan,
that consumes magic.
Trygon is the ancient
Greek name for the
Twilight Panther Cat spirit used by
the Orzhov to protect
against attacks on
both their flesh and
spirit members
Ulasht, the Hate Seed The Gruul rever this
legendary hydraxxxiii
above all other
hydras as a symbol of
ultimate anarchy.
Instead of reptilian
heads, Ulasht has
hellion heads.
Hellions are
enormous, wormlike
creatures with a ring
of tentacles
surrounding a toothy
Unicorn Unguilded. There are
two lives: the life
you live before you
see a unicorn, and
the life you live
Ursapine Beast with quills
that are strong
enough to be used for
Woodwraith Golgari affliated,
the Corruptor is an
elemental horror that
uses its sap to
spread its genes. The
Strangler is a plant
zombie that receives
its nourishment from
the dead. Woodwraiths
travel the Undercity
but can also remain
still and hidden
among the swamps and
mangroves waiting for
Wumpus Just one can feed a
dozen people for a

i Magic Story The Absolution of the Guildpact by Adam Lee January 16, 2013

ii Feature Sick Centaurs by Monty Ashley March 13, 2013

Unearthed Arcana Races of Ravnica by James Wyatt, Ari Levitch, Jeremy Crawford August
13, 2018

iv Feature The Look Of by Jeremy Jarvis September 25, 2012

v Feature Makin‘ the Law, Makin‘ the Law by Matt Cavotta May 3, 2006

vi Arcana The Souls of Azorius by Monty Ashley November 2, 2012

vii Magic Story Clans and Legions by Nicky Drayden October 24, 2018

viii Feature The Art of Gatecrash by Jeremy Jarvis January 23, 2013

ix Arcana Ravnica Style Guide: Boros by Wizards of the Coast January 4, 2006

x Feature Building the Guilds – Boros Legion by Chris Gleeson October 16, 2018

xi Feature Building the Guilds – Golgari Swarm by Chris Gleeson October 26, 2018

xii Savor the Flavor Rage Against the Machine by Matt Cavotta February 1, 2006

xiii Arcana Sketches: Scab-Clan Mauler by Wizards of the Coast January 31, 2006

xiv Feature Building the Guilds – House Dimir by Chris Gleeson October 19, 2018

Feature Planeswalker‘s Guide to Return to Ravnica: Part 2 by The Magic Creative Team
September 5, 2012

xvi Feature Building the Guilds – Izzet League by Chris Gleeson October 30, 2018

xvii Arcana Guildpact Style Guide: Izzet by Wizards of the Coast March 1, 2006

xviii Arcana Guildpact Style Guide: Orzhov by Wizards of the Coast March 27, 2006

xix Arcana The Return of Thrulls by Wizards of the Coast February 9, 2006

xx Arcana The Orzhov Soldier by Wizards of the Coast March 23, 2006

xxi Feature Sympathy for the Demon by Matt Cavotta August 17, 2006

xxii Feature Ravnica Style Guide: Saprolings by Wizards of the Coast September 28, 2005

xxiii Feature Building the Guilds – Selesnya Conclave by Chris Gleeson October 31, 2018

xxiv Feature Cytoplasts, the Other Blue/Green Meat by Matt Cavotta April 19, 2006

xxv My Favorite Flavor Journey of the Hieromancer by Chas Andres July 14, 2015

xxvi Feature Signing onto the Guildpact by Rei Nakazawa January 9, 2006

xxvii Savor the Flavor Wake Up Call by Matt Cavotta February 22, 2006

xxviii Magic Story Behind the Black Sun by Adam Lee March 27, 2013

xxix Feature Drakes and Dragons, Wurms and Worms by Doug Beyer November 14, 2007

xxx Magic Story Death’s Precious Moments by Nicky Drayden Nov. 7, 2018

xxxi Arcana The Moroii by Wizards of the Coast November 7, 2005

xxxii Savor the Flavor The Incredible Hulk by Matt Cavotta August 9, 2006

xxxiii Arcana The Hellion-Headed Hydra by Wizards of the Coast January 9, 2006

Additional Resources
Magic Story Testing the Dark Waters by Nicky Drayden October 17, 2018

Magic Story Under the Cover of Fog by Nicky Drayden October 10, 2018

Concept Artist Wizards of the Coast by D. Alexander Gregory &

Feature Planeswalker‘s Guide to: Part 1 by The Magic Creative Team August 22, 2012

Ravnica: Ravnica Cycle, Book I by Cory Herndon

Guildpact: Ravnica Cycle, Book II by Cory Herndon

Dissension: Ravnica Cycle, Book III by Cory Herndon

Magic Story The Azorius Ten Most Wanted by Jenna Helland October 31, 2012

Savor the Flavor Precious Gold by Matt Cavotta March 29, 2006

Feature The House that Lies Built by Matt Cavotta November 9, 2005

Ravnica Style Guide: Golgari by Wizards of the Coast October 27, 2005

Savor the Flavor Digging into the Conclave by Matt Cavotta December 28, 2005

Magic Story Gruul Ingenuity by Adam Lee January 2, 2013

Magic Story Ruric Thar by Jennifer Clarke Wilkes April 3, 2013

Arcana Dissension Style Guide: Rakdos by Wizards of the Coast August 14, 2006

Arcana Pipes and Boilers by Wizards of the Coast March 2, 2006

Concept Artist Wizards of the Coast by Peter Mohrbacher


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