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Week 6 English 8 and 10 Very Final

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School: BIANGAN INTEGRATED SCHOOL Grade Level: 8 & 10

GRADES 7 to 10 Teacher: CRISTY G. SUMPAY Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and JANUARY 16-20, 2023
Time: 9:30-3:00 Quarter: 2nd QUARTER


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates Conduct summative
understanding of: East Asian understanding of how world understanding of: East Asian understanding of how world test.
Literature as an art from literatures and other text types serve Literature as an art from literatures and other text types serve
inspired and influenced by as vehicles of expressing and inspired and influenced by as vehicles of expressing and
nature; relationship of visual, resolving conflicts among nature; relationship of visual, resolving conflicts among
sensory, ad verbal signals in individuals or groups; also how to sensory, ad verbal signals in individuals or groups; also how to
both literary and expository use strategies in critical reading, both literary and expository use strategies in critical reading,
texts; strategies in listening listening, and viewing, and texts; strategies in listening to listening, and viewing, and
to long descriptive and affirmation and negation markers to long descriptive and narrative affirmation and negation markers to
narrative texts; value of deliver impromptu and texts; value of literal and deliver impromptu and
literal and figurative extemporaneous speeches. figurative language; and extemporaneous speeches.
language; and appropriate appropriate grammatical
grammatical signals or signals or expressions
expressions suitable to suitable to patterns of idea
patterns of idea development.
B. Performance The learner transfers The learner proficiently delivers an The learner transfers learning The learner proficiently delivers an
Standard learning by composing and argumentative speech emphasizing by composing and delivering a argumentative speech emphasizing
delivering a brief and how to resolve conflicts among brief and creative how to resolve conflicts among
creative entertainment individuals or groups. entertainment speech individuals or groups.
speech featuring a variety of featuring a variety of effective
effective paragraphs , paragraphs , appropriate
appropriate grammatical grammatical signals or
signals or expressions in expressions in topic
topic development, and development, and appropriate
appropriate prosodic feature, prosodic feature, stance, and
stance, and behavior. behavior.
C. Learning 1. Explain visual-verbal
Identify key structural elements, 1. Use opinion-marking Identify key structural elements,
Competency/s: relationships illustrated in e.g.: signals to share ideas e.g.:
tables, graphs, and• Exposition - Statement of EN8LT – IId-2.2: • Exposition - Statement of
information maps found in position, Explain how the elements position,
expository texts • Arguments, specific to a genre contribute • Arguments,
• Restatement of Positions to the theme of a particular • Restatement of Positions
literary selection
2. Use opinion-marking and language features of an and language features of an
signals to share ideas argumentative text, e.g.: argumentative text, e.g.:
• modal verbs: should, must, EN8LT-IId-2.2.2: • modal verbs: should, must,
3. Compare and contrast the might, and modal adverbs: Explain the literary devices might, and modal adverbs:
presentation of the same usually, probably, etc.; used usually, probably, etc.;
topic in different multimodal • attitudes expressed through • attitudes expressed through
texts evaluative language; evaluative language;
Compose effective
• conjunctions or connectives to paragraphs • conjunctions or connectives to
link ideas: because, therefore, on link ideas: because, therefore, on
the other hand, EN8WC-IId-2.8.9: the other hand,
etc.; Use variety of techniques to etc.;
• declarative statements; formulate a conclusion • declarative statements;
• rhetorical questions; • rhetorical questions;
passive voice passive voice

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages P150 P152-153 P156-157 P142
2. Learner’s Materials PAGE 11 P169-170 P170-173 Page 180-181,281-285 P174-175 P183-185
3. Text book pages P169-170 P170-173 P174-175 P183-185
4. Additional Materials English Expressways III
from Learning Resources
B. Other Learning English http:// Copy of the Copy of the Copy of the Handout on
Resources Expressway text, selection, Video selection APA and MLA,
s II k PowerPoint clip of Petrarch’s PowerPoint videoclip on
/php/cetag/ Presentation life Plagiarism

Use English
and Learn
(UEWL) pp
126 – 129
A. Reviewing previous In listening Figure of Ask: Have the class Posters are placards intended Recall the Show a video
lesson or presenting the activity , try speech is a What is your watch the video to be posted in a public place different clip on
new lesson to employ word or favorite clip. elements Plagiarism
the TQLR phrase used romantic poetry
technique in a nonliteral film? Why?
sense to add
force to a
spoken or
B. Establishing a purpose Develop the Use figures Whose love Discuss the life Posters give information Read the poem Why is it not
for the lesson listening of speech in story do you of Petrarch presented in a very catchy The White Doe good to cheat?
skills figurative consider based on the way
through the language to special and video clip.
Tune in, add colour worth
Question, and interest, emulating?
Listen, and to
Recite awaken the
(TQLR) imagination.
C. Presenting Listening Hyperbole for Show Read the three Enumerate the steps in Guide the Distribute the
Examples/instances of activity: Overstatemen pictures of poems by making an effective poster students in handouts on
new lesson Excerpt t and Litotes romantic Petrarch finding out the Citing sources
from the for films structure / using APA and
short story Understateme rhyme scheme MLA
“The nt of the poem
Flowers of
May” by
D. Discussing new Tune in, pay LITOTES OR List down How would you Discussion: Discuss Discuss
concepts and practicing close UNDERSTAT what you describe The poster must attract the Petrarchan important
new skills #1 attention to EMENT - is dream of in a someone whom reader’s interest sonnet points on MLA
what is said the opposite courtship you are and APA
to get a of hyperbole. passionately in
clear idea of Ironical love with?
what the understateme
topic is all nt. The
about. expressing of
a positive by
a negative
The writer
under-rates a
thing and
achieves an
effect by
denying the
E. Discussing new Concentrate Read about Group activity: Discussion: Present an Paired activity:
concepts and practicing on how the the courtship It must give a concise example of a
new skills #2 author/narra during middle Do Task 6 on summary of the information Shakespearea Do Letter C
tor ages page 173 of the you want to communicate n sonnet. activity on
describes LM page 186 of
the month of your LM
F. Developing mastery Activity: Board work Group work: Group activity: Use words and expressions Compare and Do Task 16 on
(Leads to Formative What activities: that stimulate thinking; but, Contrast the page 188 of
Assessment) images of (Provided by List down Do Task 6 on do not overload your poster two sonnets your LM.
the month of the teacher) biases and page 173 of the with unnecessary words
May were differences LM
described between the
by the middle-ages
narrator in courtship and
the first few their ideal
sentences? courtship
G. Finding Practical In what part Board work Group Group activity: Activity: Group work: Do Task 16 on
applications of concepts of the activities: sharing: Designing the poster choose page 188 of
and skills Excerpt did (Provided by Do Task 6 on one of the following Do Task 10 on your LM.
you guess the teacher) Name an page 173 of the  Conserving water page 177 of
that the incident when LM  Saving electricity your LM
topic is you did
about the something in
flowers of the name of
May? love

H. Making The TQLR Figures of React: Answer Creatively designed posters Draw insights Ask:
generalizations and approach is Speech are a questions found are great tools to pump up from the class
abstractions about the a proven set of tools When one is on Task 7 on desire among potential on the Why do we
lesson useful essential for in love, one page 174 of your customers. Posters must bear important need to
technique in all writers. has the LM a high emotional quotient in learning they acknowledge
listening to Conveying a tendency to order to connect instantly with got about sources used?
get complex idea be biased. the onlookers. sonnets.
information can be
from an virtually
informative impossible
and without an
argumentati IMAGE or
ve text, the analogy.
T means to Indeed, this
Tune in,Q is process is
for probably
question ,L central to
is for listen thought itself.
and R s for
I. Evaluating Learning Listening Activity: Presentation Presentation of Group activity: Presentation of Task 16 will
Activity: ( provided by of the Group the group activity Design posters to tell people Group Activity serve as
(provided by the teacher) activity about activities in the school evaluation.
the teacher)  Greening the

J. Additional activities for Listen to a Use English Read in Review the Bring a sample of a poster Write your own Add more
application or song ,“What Worksheets advance elements of a type of advertisement. sonnet activities on
remediation A Wonderful and Learn about poem particularly writing
World” and (UEWL) pp Francisco the rhyme bibliography.
jot down the 126 – 129 Petrarch. scheme
elements of
in the song.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or The learner demonstrates
localized materials did I understanding of: East Asian
use/discover which I wish Literature as an art from
to share with other inspired and influenced by
teachers? nature; relationship of visual,
sensory, ad verbal signals in
both literary and expository
texts; strategies in listening
to long descriptive and
narrative texts; value of
literal and figurative
language; and appropriate
grammatical signals or
expressions suitable to
patterns of idea

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved:


Teacher I Academic Head School Principal

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