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1.1 New DLL - English-6 - Q1 - W4

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: MA. DONNA V. MARQUEZ Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: June 24 –28, 2019 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 1st QUARTER


A. Content Standards  Demonstrates understanding of various non-verbal elements in orally communicating information
 Demonstrates understanding that words are composed of different parts to know that their meaning changes depending in context
 Demonstrates understanding of verbal and non-verbal elements of communication to respond back
 Demonstrate understanding of the research process to write a variety of texts
 Demonstrates understanding that a change in stress entails a change of meaning to evaluate the speaker’s/author’s purpose and meaning
B. Performance Standards  Orally communicates information, opinions and ideas effectively to different audiences for a variety of purposes
 Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and in context
 Uses a variety of strategies to provide appropriate feedback
 Uses a variety of research strategies to effectively write a variety of texts for various audiences and purposes
 Uses knowledge of stress and intonation of speech to appropriately evaluate the speaker’s intention, purpose and meaning
C. Learning Competencies/ Listening Reading Speaking Speaking Describe different forms
Objectives Infer the speaker’s tone, mood and Analyze figures of speech (simile, Compose clear and coherent Compose clear and coherent and conventions of film and
tpurpose metaphor) sentences using appropriate sentences using appropriate moving pictures
grammatical structures: - grammatical structures: - (characterizatio n)
Infer meaning of figurative language Read aloud grade level appropriate aspects of verbs aspects of verbs
using text with an accuracy rate of 95-
-context clues 100%
-affixes and roots
-other strategies

Show tactfulness when

communicating with others

Show openness to criticism

Write the LC code for each EN6LC-Id- EN6RC-Id-6.8 EN6RC-Id-6.9 EN6G-Id-3.3 EN6G-Id-3.3 EN6VC-Id5.1.4
EN6LC-Id- EN6F-Id-1.6

II. CONTENT Inferring the spaeker’s tone, mood Analyzing figures of speech smile Aspects of Verb Aspects of Verb Describing different forms
(Subject Matter) and purpose and metaphor and conversation of film
and moving
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide/Pages Curriculum Guide pp 125of244
TM Essential English 6 pp.11-15
2.Learner’s Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages Essentials English 6 pp.20-21
4.Additional Materials from Learning
B. Other Learning Resources powerpoint powerpoint powerpoint powerpoint powerpoint
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Today, you will learn more about Write inside the boxes the animals Today, you will learn the Give the past participle of the Do you know you are
presenting new lesson mood, tone and purpose of a text. that are mentioned in the story: aspects of verbs. following verbs. already using
Remember that tone is how the Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s The aspect of a verb is characterization skills in
writer feels about what he is writing Ears. determined by whether the check real life?
and mood is the feeling that the Write at least one characteristic of action is ongoing or completed. vote For example, when you
reader/listener has about the text. each animal. walk describe somebody, you
Remember that tone is how the Example: The four aspects are simple take are using characterization.
writer feels about what he is writing aspect, perfect aspect, beak But, this time you will be
and mood is the feeling that the Lion - Brave progressive aspect, and the cook using them with literature.
reader/listener has about the text. perfect progressive aspect. barrow
bite Read the following. Choose
What is tone? think one to do. Then, have a
What is mood? conversation with your
seatmate/partner using
What are idioms? the perfect tenses.
An idiom is an expression that
cannot be understood from the
meaning of its separate words but a. After five years, your
when grouped and taken as one will family is holding a reunion.
have a separate meaning of its own. You and your cousin have a
Idioms add color and interest to lot of catching up to do.
writing, and therefore are Simulate the conversation
considered a type of figurative between you and your
language. cousin.
"My, you have changed
since I last saw you! How
long has it been?" "I
haven’t seen you since my
birthday party, five years

In 25 years, Science will

have accomplished much.
List down three (3)
inventions or discoveries.
"Man will have lived on the
“We will have sent a space
satellite in Jupiter."
"Doctors will have
discovered a cure for
AIDS." “Scientists will have
built a time machine.”

B. Establishing a purpose for the Here are sentences that have animal Let us use the animal Group activity Choose three (3) verbs and give Task 2: Character STEAL
lesson idioms. Brainstorm with your characteristics to learn directEach of you will be their past perfect form. Then, Think-Pair-Share
seatmate/partner the meaning of comparison and indirect take turns with your partner in On a piece of paper, write
comparison. given a copy of a part
the animal idioms by studying the using them in sentences using the name of your
sentences. Choose from the given list Read and study the of the story. Your the theme “Saturday at Home.” seatmate/partner. Write at
of meanings. sentences: group/class will read least three
1.The soldiers are like lions in
softly along with your Verb #1 personality/character traits
A. a short sleep
the battlefield. teacher. As you read
B. Wow! I’m surprised! __________________________ you feel he/she has. After
2. The soldiers are lions in the
battlefield. along, underline or _________________________ the traits have been written
C. very hot days Past Participle on the piece of paper, share
encircle the word/s
D. wait and be patient you will mispronounce __________________________ to your seatmate/partner
The meaning of the
E. become quiet comparisons in the sentences _________________________ how you know he/she has
or the words you are
suddenly is the same. Past Perfect Form each particular character
not sure of the __________________________ trait.
Since the known
pronunciation. After _________________________ nap My father had a cat nap characteristic of a lion is
brave, our sentence means reading along, count
while mother is cooking dinner.
2. clam up Gabby clammed up
that the soldiers are brave in the number of words
the battlefield. you underlined or Sentence
when I asked him about his problem.
3. dog days It is nice to go to the encircled. Then, look __________________________
But the kind of comparisons is _________________________
beach during dog days of April. different because sentence 1
at the table below for
Verb # 2
4. hold your horses Hold your uses direct comparison while your percentage of
horses while I finish packing the food sentence 2 uses indirect accuracy and its
for our picnic. _________________________
comparison. description. Past Participle
5. Holy cow! Holy cow! I can’t
believe I scored perfect in the test.
Past Perfect Form
What words in the sentences helped __________________________
you get the meaning of the idioms? _________________________
Verb #3
Past Participle
Past Perfect Form

C. Presenting examples/ Unlocking od Difficulties What is direct comparison and Read the sentences. Then, Study the sentences. Films and books have much
instances of the new lesson Match the word from the first indirect comparison? identify the verbs. in common. They both tell
column to its meaning from the A figure of speech which has a stories. Both mediums
second column. direct comparison is called a 1. A mosquito saw an iguana. have narrative structure,
simile. _____ genre, themes, character
2. The iguana grumbles to and setting.
A simile is a figure of speech himself. _____ Stories can be written,
that compares two different 3. The iguana will pass by the
narrated orally, or told in
things and always contains the python. _____
film. But, stories are
words as and like. 4. The python went into a
rabbit hole. _____ usually more than
Examples: 5. The rabbit sees the big  The first column entertainment. They have
The little girl is as cute as a snake. _____ shows the simple different purposes and
kitten. 6. The monkey will screech tenses: past, present main messages that
The little boy is playful like a and will leap through the and future. provide information or
puppy trees. _____  The second column knowledge about the
7. Mother Owl usually hunts shows the perfect worlds and subjects that
A figure of speech that has in the night. _____ tenses: past perfect, the reader or listener or
indirect comparison 8. The animals feared that present perfect, and viewer may not have the
is a metaphor. the sun would never come future perfect. opportunity to experience.
back. _____  Today, we will focus They also give us the
A metaphor is a comparison of 9. All the animals laughed on present perfect opportunity to reflect on
one subject with another without when they saw the iguana tense and future our own lives.
the use of as or like. coming. _____ perfect tense.
10. The mosquito will creep
Similar with reading a
Examples: under a curly leaf. Take a look at how the
book, the same set of skills
A mother is a tigress in the __________ past perfect tense of verbs
to comprehend the story
defense of her child. are changed to present on film is used. However,
The corrupt in government are perfect tense and future we often use the
crocodiles. perfect tense. comprehension skills
What do you notice about without realizing.
the verbs in the And film communicates in
sentences? codes and conventions that
help the viewer
understand the implied
and embedded meaning of
its story.
One of the conventions of
film is characterization.

D. Discussing new concepts and Now that you have learned the Read the following sentences. The tenses of verbs you We always use the past
practicing new skills #1 words, get ready to listen to the Then, identify whether the identified show an action that participle of verbs in the
story. sentence has a simile or a happened at a definite time past perfect, present
The story you will listen to today is a metaphor. Afterwards, whether in the present, past, perfect and future perfect
folktale. A folktale is a story handed brainstorm with your partner the or future. tenses of verbs.
down orally through generations. meaning of simile or metaphor. Definite time means exact or
This folktale is a pourquoi (poor- certain. But how do we
1.She is a peacock. What if the time of the action differentiate the past
KWAH). Pourquoi is the French word
2. My teacher is a dragon. is indefinite? perfect, present perfect
for why. A pourquoi explains why a What did you learn about
3. Mary’s eyes were fireflies. If the time of the action is and future perfect?
natural event happened. 4. The alligator’s teeth are white indefinite, we use the aspects characterization?
daggers. of verbs. PRESENT PERFECT Characterization is the
Now answer the following questions: 5. The kids were monkeys on The aspects of verbs are TENSE process by which the
Do you like mosquitoes? Why or why the jungle gym. present perfect, past perfect, The present perfect writer reveals the
not? 6. The computers at school are and future perfect. expresses an action that was personality of the
In our story, do you think the old dinosaurs. In this lesson, we will study completed sometime in the character.
mosquito is liked or not liked by 7. I am as blind as a bat without the perfect tenses of verb. past or is still continuing in Characterization is
others? Why or why not? my eyeglasses. the present. It is formed by revealed through direct
Video Why mosquitoes buzz in 8. The workers in the factory are using has/have + past characterization or indirect
peoples ears as busy as a bee. participle form of the verb. characterization.
9. The nuns in the monastery We use has if the subject is Direct characterization tells
are as gentle as lambs. singular and have if the what the personality of the
10. Our class was as happy as a subject is plural. character is.
lark when we won the Indirect characterization
Mosquito never stops talking and competition. The uses of present perfect
shows things that reveal
Iguana is tired of listening to him. He tense are the following:
the personality of the
puts sticks in his ears to block out
Mosquito’s chatter. But Iguana a.Present Perfect Tense puts
doesn’t hear Python greet him, and a emphasis on the result.
series of misunderstandings begins. Example: She has written a
Soon the whole jungle is in chaos. short story.
Lion calls a meeting to find out the b. Present Perfect Tense is
truth. Finally Lion learns that an action that is still going
Mosquito started the problem. Lion on.
Example: The show has not
orders Mosquito never to talk again,
started yet.
only to buzz until someone tells him
c. Present Perfect Tense is
he’s not annoying. Mosquito vows to an action that stopped
buzz an apology into everyone’s ear. recently.
And that is why mosquitoes buzz in Example: Mother has
people’s ears. cooked dinner.
d. Present Perfect Tense is
1.Is the mosquito liked or not liked finished action that has an
by others? Why or why not? influence on the present.
2.Will Mosquito ever be able to Example: Ed has lost my
show himself again to the other key.
animals? e. Present Perfect Tense is
3.If you can give an advice to an action that has taken
mosquito, what will you tell him? place once, never or several
4.If mosquito will change his times before the moment of
behavior or attitude, what must he speaking
Example: I have never been
to Boracay.
5.Why are the animals alarmed and
The signal words of present
perfect are already, ever,
just, never, not yet, so far, till
now, up to now.

Did you notice that the FUTURE PEREFECT

word had is added to the TENSE
past tense of the verb to The English future perfect
form the past perfect? tense can be understood as
a combination of future time
The past perfect tense and the present perfect
shows that an action is tense: it shows an action or
completed in the past event that started in the past,
before another happened. is starting or will start in the
future and that will also be
Look at the words added to completed at some future
had. The past tense of time.
verbs is changed to the The form of the future perfect
past participle form. tense has these parts:
Past participle of verbs will + have + the past
expresses completed participle
action and that is one of The signal words are until,
the principal parts of the before, by the end of the
verb. day, by the end of the week,
by the end of the month,
Take a look at the list of Examples: By the end of
verbs, their past participle the year, I shall have finished
form, and the past perfect reading the bible. My father
form. will have bought a new car
before his retirement

Regular verbs form their

past participle by adding -d
or -ed.
Irregular verbs form their
past participle by adding -n
or -en, and/or changing i to
Past perfect verbs are
formed by adding had to
the past participle form of

E. Discussing new concepts and Now let’s identify the tone Group Activity A. As a With your seatmate/partner, As a group, complete the
practicing new skills #2 and mood of the following. group, discuss the complete the table. table below.
A. The mosquito said, “Iguana, meaning of the similes.
you will never believe what I Then, complete the
saw yesterday.” sentences.
B. “What’s a mosquito 1__________________
compare to a yam?” snapped as free as a bird.
the iguana grumpily. “I would 2.__________________
rather be deaf than listen to as fierce as a tiger.
such nonsense!” 3.__________________
C. “Now, why won’t he speak as graceful as a gazelle.
to me?” said the python to 4._________________
himself. “Iguana must be angry as hairy as a gorilla.
about something. I’m afraid he 5._________________
is plotting some mischief as hungry as a horse.
against me!” He began looking
for somewhere to hide. B. As a group, discuss
the meaning of the
metaphors. Then, think
of an opposite

1.Rose is a night owl.

2. Maria is a chicken
because she would not
accept the challenge of
joining the contest.
3. The ballerina was a
swan, gliding across the
4. He was a pig at
5. The thunder was a
mighty lion.

F. Developing Mastery B.Choose five (5) verbs from A. Give the present perfect
(Lead to Formative Assessment) the list and use them in tense of the verbs in the
sentences following the parentheses.
theme “My Family.” What did you learn from
Example: Mother had baked 1.We (read) a nice story. this short film?
a cake. 2. He (buy) a pizza. What is the message of this
1. 3. You (listen) to a nice pop short film?
_______________________ song.
Do you agree or disagree
_______________________ 4. She (eat) a hot dog
As a group, identify the tone and mood with it?
___________________ sandwich.
of the following parts of the story your 2. 5. They (take) their What did you like best/least
teacher will say. Then, complete the
_______________________ skateboards about it? Why?
table. Be ready for a group reporting Who was your most/least
afterwards. You may use the list of Tone _______________________
Words and Mood Words. ___________________ Give the future perfect favorite character in the
1. When the rabbit saw the big snake 3. tense of the verbs in the short film? Why?
coming into her burrow, she was _______________________ parentheses. Did anything that happened
terrified. She scurried out through her
_______________________ in this short film remind
back way and bounded, krik, krik, krik,
across a clearing. ___________________ 1.By this time tomorrow, I you of something about
2. A crow saw the rabbit running for her 4. (finish) reading the book. your own life or about
life. He flew into the forest crying kaa, _______________________ 2. By tomorrow morning, he others’?
kaa, kaa! It was his duty to spread the _______________________ (sleep) peacefully. What were you thinking as
alarm in case of danger.
3. A monkey heard the crow. He was
___________________ 3. By next year, she you finished watching the
sure that some dangerous beast was 5. (receive) her much deserved film?
prowling near. He began screeching and _______________________ promotion. What would you say to a
leaping kili wili through the trees to help _______________________ 4. Max (sell) his car by next
warn the other animals.
friend who asked you about
___________________ Sunday. it?
5. Marina (clean) the entire
Tone Mood Would you recommend this
house by lunch.
to a friend? Explain your
What part of the film would
you change? Why?
If you had a chance to ask a
character in this movie a
question, what would it be?

G. Finding practical application of ,Identify the tone and mood Answer the given questions
concepts and skills in daily living. of the following parts of the by completing the
statements using the present
story your teacher will say. perfect tense. An example is
Then, complete the table. given for you.
You may use the list of Tone
Words and Mood Words. 1.Why don’t you want to see
1. When she returned the movie with me?
to the nest, she · I don’t want to see it
because I have seen it a
found one of them dozen times.
dead. Her other 2. Why doesn’t he have his
children told her book today?
that the monke · He doesn’t have his book
2. y had killed it. All today because
that day and all that 3. Why is your brother sitting
night, she sat in her there doing nothing?
tree – so sad, so sad, · My brother is sitting there
so sad! doing nothing because
2. The night grew longer
and longer. The animals of Using the future perfect
tense of verbs, complete the
the forest knew it was
following statements. An
lasting much too long. They example is given for you.
feared that the sun would
never come back. 1. By 5 pm this afternoon, I
3. Then King Lion called the will have finished this project.
monkey. He came before 2. By 7 pm tonight,
him nervously glancing from _______________________
side to side, rim, rim, rim, 3. By the end of our English
rim. class,

H. Making Generalizations and The tone is the attitude of A simile is a figure of speech The past perfect expresses The present perfect Characterization is the
Abstraction about the Lesson that compares two different an action completed in the expresses an action that was process by which the writer
the author toward the
things and always contains the past before another action completed sometime in the reveals the personality of
subject, the reader, or the words as and like. It is a direct happened. past or is still continuing in the character.
characters. It is how the comparison. Regular verbs form their the present. It is formed by
writer feels about what he or A metaphor is a comparison of past participle by adding -d using has/have + past
Characterization is revealed
one subject with another without or -ed. Irregular verbs form participle form of the verb.
she is writing. The author the use of as or like. It is an their past participle by
through direct
conveys the tone by the indirect comparison. adding -n or -en, and/or The future perfect describes characterization or indirect
setting, characters, word changing i to u. an action that will still be characterization.
choice, and other details Past perfect verbs are completed sometime in the
formed by adding had to future. It is formed by using Direct characterization tells
along the way. the past participle form of will/shall have + past what the personality of the
The mood is the feeling the verbs. participle form of the verb. character is.
reader gets from reading the
author’s words. It is the Indirect characterization
feeling the reader or listener shows things that reveal
the personality of the
has about the text. It could character
be the same as tone, but not

I. Evaluating Learning Identify the tone and mood. A.Write S on your paper if the With your seatmate/partner,
sentence has a simile and M if give the past perfect tense of
1. Then, King Lion called the
the sentence has a metaphor. the given words. Then, use
rabbit. The timid little creature Then, choose from the list inside them in sentences following
stood before him, one the box the meaning of the the theme “A Day in School.”
trembling paw drawn up simile or metaphor in the
sentences that the teacher will
uncertainly. say. Write the letter of the
2. All the animals laughed appropriate meaning.
when they saw the iguana
coming, badamin, badamin, 1.Stay indoors because it’s
raining cats and dogs.
with the sticks still stuck in his 2. Zachary is as eager as a
ears! beaver.
3. “Punish the mosquito! 3. Toddlers are rug rats.
Punish the mosquito!” cried all 4. She is like a nightingale.
5. Noreen moves like a turtle.
the animals.
4. When Mother Owl heard A.Slow
that, she was satisfied. She B.Heavy rain
turned her head toward the C. Has a beautiful voice
D. Not old enough for school
east and hooted: “Hoo! E. Very enthusiastic about doing
Hooooo! Hooooooo!” something
5. Meanwhile, the mosquito
had listened to it all from a
nearby bush. She crept under
a curly leaf, semm, and was
never found and brought
before the council.

J. Additional Activities for

Application or Remediation

A. No. of learners earned
80% in the evaluation
B. Number of learners who
are required additional activities for
remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No.
of learners who have caught up with the
D. Number of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor help
me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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