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Meehan Tehrani Vahedifard

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Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 35, No.

Paper ID GTJ103479
Available online at:

Christopher L. Meehan,1 Faraz S. Tehrani,2 and Farshid Vahedifard3

A Comparison of Density-Based
and Modulus-Based In Situ Test
Measurements for Compaction Control

ABSTRACT: This paper presents and compares the results from a series of in situ density-based and modulus-based compaction control tests that
were conducted during construction of a coarse-grained soil embankment. To simulate current construction practices as closely as possible, these in
situ tests were performed on an embankment that was constructed and compacted by a vibratory smooth drum roller in a series of lifts. During
construction of the test embankment, the compaction process was monitored using the nuclear density gauge device and a number of alternative
modulus-based devices, including the lightweight deflectometer, the dynamic cone penetrometer, and the soil stiffness gauge. Comparison of the in
situ test results illustrates that point-to-point variability in measured values is quite common for each of these test devices, to varying degrees for the
different devices that were examined. Consistent increases in measured soil properties from pass-to-pass of the compactor are considered critical for
proper control of the compaction process, with some devices faring better than others in this area of performance. The measured modulus values
correlated poorly to the nuclear density gauge dry unit weights, and also correlated poorly with other measured moduli when the results from different
devices were compared. This lack of agreement was likely caused by a variety of factors including: variations in the magnitude of strain and rate of
strain application between the different modulus-based devices, variations in the tested volume between the different devices, and variations in the
local moisture content and matrix suction conditions. Finally, the effect of soil moisture content was shown to be critically important when interpreting
the results from modulus-based tests, and the utility of multiple regression analyses was explored for including this effect.
KEYWORDS: earthwork, soil compaction, density, moisture, in situ tests, stiffness, quality control, quality assurance, nuclear gauge, light-
weight deflectometer (LWD), dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP), soil stiffness gauge (SSG)

Introduction for this purpose, including the plate load test (ASTM D1195-93;
ASTM D1196-93), falling weight deflectometer test (ASTM D4694-
End-product-based specifications are commonly utilized to moni- 96), lightweight deflectometer test (ASTM E2583-07), dynamic cone
tor and control the process of soil compaction in the field. Typi- penetrometer test (ASTM D6951-03), Clegg impact hammer test
cally, this process involves the use of periodic in situ (ASTM D5874-02), and soil stiffness gauge test (ASTM D6758-02),
measurements of soil moisture and density (or unit weight), which which is sometimes referred to as the geogauge test.
are made by a field technician using the sand cone method The study described herein focused in particular on the use of
(ASTM D1556-00), the rubber balloon method (ASTM D2167- three devices for compaction monitoring during embankment con-
94), or nuclear-based test devices (ASTM D2922-05; ASTM struction: the lightweight deflectometer test (LWD), the dynamic
D3017-05). With the relatively recent adoption of mechanistic- cone penetrometer test (DCP), and the soil stiffness gauge test
empirical pavement design methodologies (e.g., NCHRP 2004), (SSG). A number of existing publications have provided detailed
there is increased justification for developing and using alternative descriptions of the operating principles of each of these devices,
compaction quality control and quality assurance (QC/QA) proce- in some cases, providing discussion on their respective strengths
dures that utilize a stiffness- or strength-based criterion in place of and limitations for monitoring soil compaction in the field (e.g.,
a density-based criterion. A large variety of non-destructive LWD: Lin et al. 2006; Fleming et al. 2007; Mooney and Miller
strength-based or modulus-based in situ tests can potentially be used 2009; Vennapusa and White, 2009; DCP: Gabr et al. 2000; Chen
et al. 2001; Rathje et al. 2006; Roy 2007; SSG: Alshibli et al.
Manuscript received October 12, 2010; accepted for publication October 5, 2005; Rathje et al. 2006; Jersey and Edwards 2009). Studies have
2011; published online March 2012. also been performed to compare or correlate the results from indi-
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 301 vidual modulus-based tests to the results from other single-
DuPont Hall, Univ. of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, e-mail:
location spot tests that were performed to monitor the process of
Graduate Student, Purdue Univ., School of Civil Engineering, 550 Stadium soil compaction (e.g., Siekmeier et al. 2000; Alshibli et al. 2005;
Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907, e-mail:; and Former Chen et al. 2005; Lin et al. 2006; Mohammadi et al. 2008; Jersey
Graduate Student, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 301 DuPont and Edwards 2009).
Hall, Univ. of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716. To develop an understanding of the behavior of these three al-
Senior Project Engineer, Paul C. Rizzo Associates, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA
15235 (Formerly Graduate Student, Dept. of Civil and Environmental
ternative modulus-based in situ tests for compaction control in a
Engineering, 301 DuPont Hall, Univ. of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716), local coarse-grained soil, an experimental research study was con-
e-mail: ducted in the State of Delaware in the summer of 2008. Under

C 2012 by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.
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carefully controlled conditions at a state borrow area site, a road (DelDOT representative, personal communication); this observation
sub-base test pad was constructed and compacted using a vibra- was later verified by examining the results from a series of nuclear
tory smooth drum roller. The soils utilized during this study were density gauge tests and 1-pt. standard proctor tests.
coarse-grained in nature, are considered to be “select fill” materials
by the Delaware Dept. of Transportation (DelDOT 2001), and have
a USCS classification of either poorly graded sand with silt (SP-
Soil Properties
SM) or silty sand (SM) (ASTM D2487-06). During construction of
the test embankment, the compaction process was monitored using As noted previously, the embankment was constructed using a
the traditional density-based methods that are currently employed granular “select fill” borrow material (DelDOT 2001, Sec. 301).
by the Delaware DOT, as well as a number of alternative modulus- Representative samples of this material were taken at a large num-
based methods, including the LWD, the DCP, and the SSG. This ber of the in situ test locations by field personnel, and the associated
paper presents the in situ test measurements from the field study grain size analysis curves were determined using sieve and hydrom-
that was performed. The behavior of the recorded values for differ- eter tests performed in accordance with the recommendations put
ent lifts and with increasing compactive effort for a single lift is pre- forth in ASTM D6913-04 and ASTM D422-63 (Fig. 1). A few
sented and discussed. Regression analyses are used to compare the Atterberg limit tests (ASTM D4318-05) conducted on the fine por-
various in situ test results that were recorded. tion of the soils indicated that the finer portion of the soils examined
in this study were nonplastic (NP) in nature (Tehrani 2009).
Analysis of the data shown in Fig. 1 indicates that the soils that
were used for embankment construction can be classified as either
Embankment Construction Procedure poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SM) or silty sand (SM) (ASTM
The field study described in this paper was performed at Burrice D2487-06). The former classification was predominant, as indicated
Borrow Pit in Odessa, DE in July of 2008. A 61 -m-long 6 -m- by 36 out of the 53 soil classification tests that were performed; how-
wide (200 ft  20 ft) embankment was constructed using “select ever, in general, the material was relatively uniform for field con-
fill” granular material (DelDOT 2001, Sec. 301). The embank- struction of this type (l4 ¼ 90.0%, cv,4 ¼ 0.04, l40 ¼ 35.4%,
ment was constructed to an approximate total final height of 0.9 m cv,40 ¼ 0.08, l200 ¼ 11.7%, cv,200 ¼ 0.14), and only had two classifi-
(3.0 ft), by compacting five 20.3 cm (8 in.) loose lift layers, in ac- cations because it tended to fall at the boundary between two soil
cordance with Delaware general specifications for road sub-base types in the USCS. This soil is a commonly used borrow material for
construction (DelDOT 2001). the Delaware Dept. of Transportation, and it conforms to DelDOT
To construct each lift, a Caterpillar 980 H bucket loader was “select fill” borrow specifications: Class G, Grades V and VI
used to place fill for spreading by an on-site bulldozer. A Caterpil- (DelDOT 2001, Sec. 301), the criteria for which are shown in Fig. 1.
lar D6K dozer was then utilized for spreading the material to an
approximate loose-lift thickness of 20.3 cm (8 in.). The D6K
dozer was equipped with a GPS system, which proved beneficial In Situ Testing of the Embankment Using
for establishing a relatively uniform and consistent loose-lift thick-
Traditional Density-Based Methods
ness. Two methods were used to verify the expected loose-lift
thickness of each lift; during fill placement the dozer operator Currently, the conventional method that is used to control the
checked it via the GPS control system mounted on the dozer blade, quality of soil compaction in the State of Delaware is to perform a
and after lift completion, the thickness was confirmed by spot- number of random spot tests over a given compacted area using a
checking elevations throughout the test pad area using a GPS rover nuclear density gauge (NDG), and to compare the resulting in situ
unit. After spreading each lift, a water truck was driven through the density (or unit weight) and moisture content values with those
test area as needed (and when it was available) to adjust the mois- determined from standardized laboratory compaction tests (Del-
ture content of the fill material to achieve optimum compaction. DOT 2001, which references the following AASHTO standards:
Upon completion of loose lift soil placement and moisture condi- AASHTO T238; AASHTO T239; AASHTO T99). The results
tioning, each soil lift was compacted using a Caterpillar CS56 vibra- from conventional compaction control tests for the embankment
tory smooth drum roller. The roller drum was 2.1 m (7 ft) wide, and that was constructed are shown in Fig. 2.
had an operating weight of 11, 414 kg (25,164 lbs). During compac- Figure 2(a) presents the values of dry unit weight that were
tion, the roller speed was kept relatively constant, at around measured for the soil at various test locations after the final com-
3.25 km/h. Each lift was compacted in a series of passes using three pactor passes on each lift, using the NDG (AASHTO T238). For
side-by-side lanes (the roller width was 2.1 m (7 ft), the test pad width example, for Lift 5, data are presented for the seventh compactor
was 6 m (20 ft), which left approximately 15 cm (6 in.) of overlap at pass, out of a total of seven passes that were conducted for this
the edges of each compacted soil “lane”). For each lift, between six lift. The in situ test locations that are indicated in this figure corre-
and nine compactor passes were performed to achieve the desired spond to tests that were conducted along the middle lane of com-
level of compaction. The number of compactor passes that were per- paction, in general, along the centerline of the test pad area that was
formed to achieve compaction in this study are consistent with the constructed, with only minor location offsets that were made to
level of compactive effort that is typically required to meet the cur- avoid conducting tests directly on top of previous test locations.
rent DelDOT relative compaction specifications, based on technician As shown in this figure, the dry unit weight values measured
experience with this borrow soil at other field construction projects using the NDG varied in the range of 16.8 kN/m3 to 18.9 kN/m3.

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FIG. 1—Gradation results for field samples taken from in situ test locations.

Many of the compacted lifts exhibited unit weight values that were poses, the DelDOT relative compaction criterion of 95% is also
in the same general range, which is expected as this soil is relatively shown in Fig. 2(b). As shown, with the exception of the base layer
uniform (Fig. 1) and tends to compact relatively well. Among the (which was only proof-rolled), the degree of compaction for the
compacted lifts, the base layer had the lowest final dry unit weight. final passes of each lift generally met the DelDOT relative com-
This is not surprising, as the base layer was not an engineered lift paction criterion (only 3 to 4 of the points would have failed).
and instead was only proof-rolled using two compactor passes prior Figure 2(c) presents the values of moisture content that were
to embankment construction. Additionally, for the base layer, no measured for the soil at various test locations after the final com-
moisture content adjustment was made prior to proof rolling. pactor passes on each lift, using the NDG (AASHTO T239). The
The Delaware Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction Delaware Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction indicate
indicate that compaction “shall continue until each layer is thor- that “the moisture content of the soil at the time of compaction shall
oughly and uniformly compacted to the full width of the embank- be within 2% of the optimum moisture content, as determined by
ment and to 95% or more of the maximum density of the same the AASHTO T99 Method C, Modified” (DelDOT 2001). For
soils as determined by AASHTO T99 Method C, Modified” (Del- larger projects in the State of Delaware, in a similar fashion as the
DOT 2001). In practice, for larger projects of this type where a maximum density determination discussed previously, optimum
historical database of proctor compaction test results exists, com- moisture content values are generally determined using 1-pt. proc-
paction control is typically performed using a “family of curves” tor tests and a family of curves approach (AASHTO T272). For
approach along with data from 1-pt. standard proctor tests comparison purposes, the corresponding optimum moisture content
(AASHTO T272). Figure 2(b) shows the relative compaction val- values for each of the NDG in situ test locations are also shown in
ues that were calculated for each lift from the unit weight values Fig. 2(c). By comparing the location of these points to the measured
shown in Fig. 2(a), from a series of 1-pt. standard proctor compac- field values, it can be clearly seen that the soil compaction for this
tion tests conducted on samples taken at each in situ test location, project was almost always conducted dry-of-optimum.
and from an associated family of compaction curves that had been The NDG-measured moisture content points that fall outside of
developed by the DOT for this borrow soil. For comparison pur- the 62% criteria are circled in Fig. 2(c). From this figure, it can be

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observed that the base layer, Lift 1, and Lift 2 were all too dry at the
time of compaction. This is not surprising, as this embankment was
constructed during very hot weather during the peak of summer, and
because of a number of logistical constraints, it was not possible to
access a water truck for proper moisture conditioning of the soil dur-
ing the first few days of this project (when the base layer, Lift 1, and
Lift 2 were compacted). A light overnight rainfall event during the
middle of the project, coupled with increased access to a water truck
during the last few days of the project allowed for much better mois-
ture conditioning of the soil for Lifts 3, 4, and 5.
As the base layer was not an engineered lift, and was simply
proof rolled prior to construction of the embankment, moisture
content values at the time of proof-rolling are a non-issue accord-
ing to DelDOT specifications. However, for Lifts 1 and 2, the
moisture content values at the time of compaction are outside the
range of acceptability, and would typically be grounds for rejec-
tion by the field engineer if this embankment was part of an actual
construction project. It could perhaps be argued that these lifts are
acceptable, given that the relative compaction criteria was still
met, even though the moisture content was outside of the accepta-
ble range; this argument could be supported by the extensive
compactive effort that was applied to the soil, and the ideal grada-
tion characteristics of the material that allow for relatively easy
compaction even though the moisture content was not ideal. In
any case, given that this embankment construction was for a
research project, exact conformance to state construction specifi-
cations was considered secondary to the primary objectives of the
research. The data that were gathered for these lifts will conse-
quently still be included in the comparisons and analyses that
are described in the following sections, as they provide useful
insight into the behavior of the different in situ tests that were
For each lift, the moisture content of the compacted soil was
also measured by performing oven-dried laboratory moisture
content tests (ASTM D2216-05) on specimens taken from some
of the in situ test locations, as shown in Fig. 2(d). For comparison
purposes, the associated optimum moisture contents for these
sampling locations are also presented in Fig. 2(d), and the failing
points are circled. Although the specific moisture content values
measured in the oven-dried tests are clearly different from
those measured in the field using the NDG, the general conclu-
sions that can be drawn from this data are the same as those from
Fig. 2(c) (with perhaps Lift 5 also being viewed less favorably as
Figure 2(e) presents the values of dry unit weight that were
measured for the soil at various test locations for sequential com-
pactor passes on Lift 5, using the nuclear density gauge (NDG)
test (AASHTO T238). This is the only lift for which sequential
pass data was taken. This type of data is very interesting, as it
shows the gradual improvement of soil density that occurs with
successive compaction passes (Fig. 2(e)). Unfortunately, values of
relative compaction could not be determined for the successive
passes of Lift 5, as 1-pt. proctor tests could not be run at the same
FIG. 2—Traditional compaction control test measurements: (a) NDG dry unit location for each pass without extensive soil sampling in the zone
weights for the final passes for each lift, (b) relative compaction values for the
final passes for each lift, (c) NDG-measured compaction moisture contents, (d) of interest, which would have affected the overall test results from
oven-measured compaction moisture contents, and (e) NDG dry unit weights the field study. Consequently, corresponding “per pass” relative
for successive passes for Lift 5. compaction values are not presented in Fig. 2.

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In Situ Testing of the Embankment Using occurs during the compaction process, and provided that the moisture
Alternative Modulus-Based Methods content of the soil during compaction is relatively close to the opti-
mum, the contractor would eventually meet the specified control cri-
In addition to the traditional density-based tests described in the teria by applying sufficient compaction effort. It is expected that
previous section, a number of alternative strength- or modulus- diminishing returns in performance improvement would be observed
based tests were also used to monitor the compaction process dur- with each successive compactor pass; for example, a greater
ing embankment construction: the LWD test, the DCP test, and improvement in the soil’s mechanical properties would likely occur
the SSG test. Each of these tests were conducted in general ac- during the first pass of compaction than during the seventh.
cordance with standard practice (e.g., ASTM E2583-07; ASTM Unfortunately, as shown in Fig. 2, Fig. 3, and Table 1, reality
D6951-03; ASTM D6758-02); for brevity, the step-by-step details is often much more variable than the ideal case described above.
of each test procedure are omitted here. Two LWDs were used in As shown, significant point-to-point variation was observed for
this study (both manufactured by Zorn-Instruments), the first with the measured in situ test values, for both the traditional density-
a plate diameter of 300 mm (LWD 300), a falling mass of 10 kg, based tests and the modulus-based tests that were conducted. For
and a drop height of 730 mm, and the second with a plate diameter this particular project, this variation is likely not caused by any
of 200 mm (LWD 200), a falling mass of 10 kg, and a drop height significant changes in the material that is being placed, as indi-
of 540 mm. The DCP that was used in this study (manufactured cated by the relatively uniform grain size distributions that were
by Kessler Soils Engineering Products, Inc.) had a falling mass of determined for samples taken from each in situ test location (Fig.
8 kg, a drop height of 575 mm, an overall penetration depth of 1); in many projects, variability in the borrow material will further
152 mm, and a conical point sloped at 60 . The SSG that was increase the point-to-point variation in test results that is observed
used in this study was manufactured by Humboldt Mfg. Co., with for a given lift and pass.
the dimensions and operating principles that are described in By observing the data shown in Fig. 2, Fig. 3, and Table 1, the
Humboldt Mfg. Co. (2000). The basic operating principles behind following observations can be made:
each of these tests are described in more detail in Tehrani (2009).
As with the NDG testing, modulus-based in situ tests were per- (1) The NDG test showed the most consistent increase in average
formed for the base layer, after the final passes for each lift for measured values with successive compactor passes (the Lift 5
Lifts 1-4, and for nearly all of the successive passes on Lift 5. data). The DCP also appeared to work relatively well in this
Each test series was accompanied by disturbed soil sampling, for regard, with the average measured values tending to increase
later determination of the moisture content, particle size character- with successive compactor passes (although Lift 5, Pass 3 did
istics, and 1 pt.-proctor compaction characteristics. The order of exhibit a downward blip). These behavioral trends were also
the in situ tests and sampling that were performed was selected to generally observed on a point-to-point basis, for many of the
minimize the effect of soil disturbance on the in situ test results. At points shown in Figs. 2 and 3. For Lift 5, the SSG and LWD
each test location, the aforementioned in situ tests/sampling were per- tests seemed to show no general increase in modulus values
formed in the following order: LWD 300, LWD 200, SSG, NDG, with additional compaction (much more random behavior was
DCP, and finally bulk soil sampling. From lift to lift (or pass to pass observed), with the seventh pass of compaction yielding mod-
on Lift 5), a slight test location offset was made with respect to previ- ulus values that were less than or equal to the second pass of
ous test locations, to minimize the influence of prior soil sampling on compaction. This type of behavior can make enforcement of
the in situ test results for the soil layer that was being tested. compaction criteria in the field extremely difficult, as the con-
For both the LWD 300 and LWD 200 tests, modulus values tractor cannot see improvement in the soil properties with
were calculated from the soil’s surface deflection using Boussi- additional compactive effort.
nesq’s equation (e.g., Rahman et al. 2007). For the SSG tests, (2) For each lift/pass that was tested, the NDG-measured dry unit
modulus values were calculated using the method described by weights had a significantly smaller coefficient of variation
Humboldt Mfg. Co. (2000). For the DCP tests, both “average” than any of the measured modulus values. The coefficients of
(DCP-A) and “weighted mean” (DCP-M) cone penetration indices variation for the SSG, LWD, and DCP tests were generally in
were calculated using the methods described by White et al. the same range, indicating that each of these tests exhibited
(2007). For comparison purposes, representative modulus values about the same amount of relative variability around the mean
for the cone penetration tests were determined from the appropri- for a given lift and pass.
ate cone penetration indices using the correlation proposed by De (3) For half of the measured lift/pass data sets, the SSG test
Beer (1991). The resulting modulus values for each lift and pass results exhibited smaller coefficients of variation than the
are shown in Fig. 3. The number of tests conducted, mean values, LWD and DCP tests. However, the SSG also had the greatest
and coefficients of variation for the dry unit weight and modulus tendency to measure “significant outliers,” which were typi-
data sets shown in Figs. 2 and 3 are provided in Table 1. cally lower than the rest of the measured data, and which
From a practical standpoint, for a uniform soil at a relatively con- occasionally yielded rather large coefficients of variation for
sistent moisture content, an ideal in situ test for compaction control some of the data sets.
would tend to exhibit small variability from point to point for a given (4) The overall magnitude of the modulus values for the SSG,
lift and pass, and would show a significant difference in measured LWD, and DCP tests were significantly different from each
values with successive compactor passes. This behavior would be other at a given test location. These nonconformities were
reflective of the improvement in the soil’s mechanical properties that caused by inherent differences in the operating principles for

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FIG. 3—Modulus values measured in alternative compaction control tests: (a) final passes for each lift, and (b) successive passes for Lift 5.

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TABLE 1—Number of tests conducted (#), means (l), and coefficients of vari-
ation (cv) for the measured dry unit weight and modulus values for each lift
and pass.


Lift/pass # lcd cv,cd # lE cv,E lE cv,E lE cv,E lE cv,E lE cv,E

B/2 5 17.4 0.02 5 71 0.14 40 0.12 – – 47 0.22 75 0.15
1/6 10 18.2 0.01 19 77 0.10 28 0.09 35 0.07 30 0.13 36 0.17
2/6 10 18.3 0.02 19 84 0.09 31 0.09 37 0.09 31 0.19 36 0.21
3/8 10 18.5 0.02 19 73 0.07 25 0.15 33 0.08 25 0.13 27 0.14
4/9 5 18.2 0.03 19 71 0.06 27 0.11 31 0.15 22 0.19 26 0.19
5/1 5 17.8 0.02 5 68 0.07 16 0.26 20 0.15 19 0.16 21 0.18
5/2 5 18.1 0.01 5 71 0.05 25 0.15 30 0.12 22 0.15 24 0.15
5/3 5 18.1 0.01 5 66 0.22 21 0.15 26 0.08 20 0.07 21 0.09
5/5 5 18.5 0.01 5 72 0.04 25 0.12 30 0.10 28 0.19 29 0.19
5/7 10 18.6 0.01 19 64 0.21 24 0.21 30 0.17 32 0.11 33 0.11

Note: Mean value units are the same as those shown in Figs. 2 and 3, and the
coefficient of variation values are unitless. The same number of SSG, LWD,
and DCP tests were conducted for each lift and pass.

each test device. Consequently, some form of correction to the

“true” soil moduli is necessary if these different test moduli
are to be used in the pavement design process in a meaningful

Modulus-Based Test Results versus Nuclear

Density Gauge Test Results
When exploring the possibility of using modulus-based techni-
ques for compaction control, it is instructive to compare
modulus-based test results to those from traditional density-
based compaction control tests. Figure 4 compares the modulus
values that were measured at each in situ test location with the
corresponding NDG dry unit weights. As the base layer was
only proof-rolled and was not an engineered lift, data from this
layer is not included in Fig. 4. As shown, significant scatter in
modulus values is typical, even at a relatively constant value of
dry unit weight. The results from linear regression analyses (Fig.
4) support this observation, with low coefficients of determina-
tion being observed for the DCP data sets (e.g.,
R2 ¼ 0.22  0.40), and with extremely low coefficients of deter-
mination being observed for the SSG and LWD data sets (e.g.,
R2 ¼ 0.03  0.07).
Figure 5 compares the modulus values that were measured at
each in situ test location against the results from other modulus-
based tests that were conducted at the same point. From this fig-
ure, it can be observed that: (1) a moderately strong relationship
exists between the LWD 300 and LWD 200 modulus values, with
the LWD 200 moduli consistently being higher; (2) a strong rela-
tionship exists between the DCP-M and DCP-A data, with the
DCP-A values consistently being higher – not surprising, given
that these values were determined from the same set of penetration
readings; and (3) there is essentially no relationship of significance
between the LWD and DCP values. A similar lack of correlation
FIG. 4—Comparisons between modulus-based in situ test results and nuclear
was also observed between the SSG and LWD test results, and the density gauge dry unit weights.
SSG and DCP test results.

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FIG. 5—Comparisons between modulus-based in situ test results.

The Effect of Moisture Content on Lightweight

Deflectometer Measurements
As shown in Fig. 3, modulus values from the LWD 300 and LWD
200 tests were recorded at 19 test locations on 7/24/08, immedi-
ately after completion of compaction for the final lift of the test
embankment (the Lift 5, Pass 7 data shown in Fig. 3). Five of the
LWD test locations along the centerline of the embankment were
clearly marked, and repeated LWD measurements were taken
over time at these locations on 7/25/08, 7/30/08, 8/1/08, and 8/5/08.
During this study period (7/24/08 to 8/5/08), representative soil
samples were also taken at locations in the immediate vicinity of
the LWD test areas, but not so close as to affect the recorded

FIG. 6—Variation of LWD 300 modulus, LWD 200 modulus, and moisture
content values over time for Lift 5, Pass 7 (the final pass for this lift), after
completion of compaction. FIG. 7—LWD modulus versus laboratory-measured moisture content values.

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modulus values. The moisture content of each of these samples

was then measured by performing oven-dried laboratory moisture
content tests (ASTM D2216-05).
Figure 6 shows the variations in recorded LWD 300 modulus,
LWD 200 modulus, and moisture content values at each test loca-
tion over time. The purpose of this figure is to illustrate the effect
that changes in moisture content can have on the measured modu-
lus values, for soil that is at a consistent density (as it has not been
subjected to any additional compactive effort of significance). As
these measured modulus values are taken over time and are conse-
quently not reflective of the values recorded immediately after
compaction, none of the long-term data points shown in Fig. 6
(the 7/25/08, 7/30/08, 8/1/08, and 8/5/08 data) are included in
Figs. 3–5.
As shown in Fig. 6, the LWD 200 generally provided higher
recorded modulus values than the LWD 300 at each of the in situ
test locations over time; this observation is consistent with the
findings that are presented in Fig. 5. Also as shown in Fig. 6, the
soil modulus values significantly increased over time while the
moisture content decreased. This observed trend in behavior
emphasizes the sensitivity of recorded soil modulus values to var-
iations in the soil’s moisture content. This sensitivity is believed
to be caused by changes in soil suction that occur as the soil mois-
ture content changes, which changes the effective stresses
between the soil particles and affects the associated deflection
response of the soil under load. To examine the relationship
between changes in the LWD 300 and LWD 200 modulus values
and changes in the moisture content of the soil over time, regres-
sion analyses were performed on the data shown in Fig. 6, for
those locations where the LWD tests and moisture content sam-
ples were in close proximity (Fig. 7).
As shown in Fig. 7, the power regression model yields a rela-
tively high coefficient of determination (R2) for both the LWD
300 and LWD 200 test results. However, fits that are nearly as
good can be obtained using second-order polynomial regression
(R2 ¼ 0.80 and R2 ¼ 0.79 for the LWD 300 and LWD 200 data,
respectively) or exponential regression (R2 ¼ 0.85 and R2 ¼ 0.81
for the LWD 300 and LWD 200 data, respectively) as well.
These regression analyses indicate that there is a promising rela-
tionship between LWD modulus values and the moisture content of
the soil. In general, it can be observed that as the moisture content
decreases, the soil moduli increases. These data point to the impor-
tance of including the effect of moisture content when interpreting
LWD test results. More broadly, it also provides an indicator that
other types of tests that directly measure or infer the modulus of the
soil (e.g., plate load tests, falling weight deflectometer tests, SSG
tests, DCP tests, etc.) may be sensitive to changes in soil moisture
content and soil matrix suction in the long term. Consequently, for
those DOTs that wish to use LWDs or other types of modulus-
based tests for compaction control, a restriction on the time of test-
ing after compaction has occurred or an allowable change in mois-
ture content should be included in the compaction control
specifications, to prevent drying-induced higher modulus values
from “passing” a lift that might not have otherwise met the speci-
fied performance criteria. Additionally, as the effect of moisture
FIG. 8—Comparisons between modulus-based in situ test results and nuclear
content is shown to be critically important when interpreting density gauge dry unit weights, including the effect of compaction moisture
modulus-based test results, end-result specifications need to content.

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somehow account for this behavior if these tests are to be used approach can yield significant improvements in the relationships
effectively for compaction control. between the measured modulus values and the NDG dry unit

Including the Effect of Moisture Content in

Modulus-Density Correlations Discussion of Results
As shown in the previous section, LWD test results can be signifi- For the LWD 300, LWD 200, SSG, and DCP test results
cantly affected by changes in the moisture content of a compacted described herein, it should be noted that the modulus values that
soil. This is logical for partially saturated soils, as soil suction is were measured (e.g., LWD, SSG) or otherwise inferred (e.g.,
directly related to the effective stress between soil particles, which DCP) were determined using extremely different test principles.
in turn affects the deformation behavior of the soil under load. In particular, each of these devices determines a value of soil mod-
Consequently, when interpreting the results from any of the ulus by applying a certain amount of strain to the soil at a particu-
strength- or modulus-based in situ tests that were used in this lar rate of strain. The magnitude of strain and rate of strain
study, it is critical to have some understanding of the moisture application are significantly different in the different devices,
content of the soil, the degree of saturation of the soil, and/or the which makes it not surprising that the resulting values of modulus
soil’s matrix suction. In essence, all of these factors are related for that are predicted by each device are significantly different.
soil at a constant density, as the soil’s matrix suction is signifi- Furthermore, as the surficial footprint and the amount of energy
cantly affected by the amount of water that is present in the soil that is input at the ground’s surface are different in each of these
void space. devices, the actual volume of soil that is tested varies. As soil grain
Physically, there is a dependence of the measured modulus val- size characteristics, moisture content, and soil matrix suction often
ues on both the density of the soil and its matrix suction. Mathe- change significantly throughout a soil mass, variations in the volume
matically, this dependence can be addressed using multivariate of soil that is tested are another potentially significant cause of the
regression techniques in the data analysis process. Figure 8 shows variability that was observed in the measured modulus results.
the results from linear multiple regression analysis of the data To develop a true understanding of the actual compressibility
shown in Fig. 4, which was performed to examine the relationship of a pavement sub-base, it is essential to understand the role that
between the modulus values that were measured for the soil is played by matrix suction in the compacted soil. Based on what
(dependent variable), the NDG dry unit weights (independent was observed in this study, modulus-based tests do not directly
variable), and the NDG moisture contents (independent variable). take this effect into account, and consequently tend to yield results
Figure 8 is a 2-dimensional projection of a 3-dimensional plot, (e.g., modulus values) that are more variable than those from
and, consequently, the resulting model fit for each point appears density-based tests (e.g., unit weight values); this variability can
variable; the data is presented in this fashion so as to be consistent be observed by comparing the coefficients of variation that are
with Fig. 4 and with the data presentation approach that has been shown for each device in Table 1. Although the variability meas-
used by others (e.g., Thompson and White, 2007). It should be ured in modulus-based tests may be a more realistic measure of
noted that oven-dried moisture contents can also be used in these actual field behavior, it unfortunately makes the process of
types of analyses. For the sake of brevity, multiple regression QC/QA much more difficult for a field engineer, as less reliance
results using oven-dried moisture contents are not presented here; can be placed on the results from an individual spot test to be rep-
however, the findings from these analyses were not substantively resentative of a larger area.
different than those where the NDG moisture contents were uti- As observed herein, the results from modulus-based tests must
lized (e.g., the R2 values were similar). A relatively simple linear be interpreted in conjunction with the local moisture content and
functional form was selected for use in the multivariate regression matrix suction conditions. As an example, some of the modulus-
process, as shown in Fig. 8. By comparing the results shown in based tests tended to show no general increase in modulus values
Figs. 4 and 8, the significance of including moisture content val- with additional compaction (e.g., the SSG and LWD showed mod-
ues in the data interpretation is evident, as indicated by the ulus values from the seventh pass of compaction that were less
increases in the associated coefficients of determination that were than or equal to the second pass of compaction). This difference
observed. was likely a result of the effect of moisture content and matrix
The use of more sophisticated functional forms in the multivar- suction, which must be interpreted and understood in real-time by
iate regression analyses was also explored (i.e., by using exponen- the field engineer to make a decision about whether to “pass” or
tial functional forms, independent variable interaction terms, etc.), “fail” a given lift. To use modulus-based test devices to control
for the purpose of yielding higher coefficients of determination. A the compaction process effectively, the complex interplay of mod-
number of these functional forms were tested, with many of them ulus and soil moisture (and matrix suction) must be understood by
yielding higher R2 values, although typically not by a significant field personnel. As this relationship varies over different types of
amount. Given that the number of data points in each data set was soil, experienced and sophisticated field personnel will likely be
not large, it was felt that presentation of the more complicated needed to ensure effective adoption of modulus-based QC/QA test
functional forms that yielded slightly higher R2 values was not procedures; the authors view this necessity for a higher-level
warranted here. In any case, from the results that are shown, it is understanding to be a potential hindrance to widespread adoption
clear that including the effect of water content in the data analysis of modulus-based QC/QA test devices in the near term.

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In any case, none of the results presented herein single- with the average measured values tending to increase with
handedly promote the use of one device over another for the pur- successive compactor passes. The SSG and LWD tests
pose of compaction control. Each device that was utilized has its seemed to show no general increase in modulus values with
own respective strengths and weaknesses, and potential users additional compaction effort (subsequent compactor passes)
should be aware of these as they use the devices in the field. Each for a given lift.
of these devices also has different sources of potential “operator • For each lift/pass that was tested, the NDG-measured dry
error,” which cannot be easily quantified. unit weights had a significantly smaller coefficient of varia-
In general, it should be noted that the more variable the results tion than any of the measured moduli values. The coeffi-
from a given QC/QA device, the more in situ testing is needed to cients of variation for the SSG, LWD, and DCP tests were
develop an accurate picture of an entire compacted area. For com- generally in the same range, indicating that each of these
pacted areas that exhibit highly variable modulus measurements, a tests exhibited about the same amount of relative variability
lot of measured values are ideal; the relatively high measurement around the mean for a given lift and pass.
density of “intelligent compaction” (IC) or “continuous compac- • The overall magnitude of the modulus values for the SSG,
tion control” (CCC) systems (e.g., Adam 1997, White et al. 2005, LWD, and DCP tests were significantly different from each
Meehan and Tehrani 2011) is one advantage of these emerging other at a given test location. These nonconformities were
technologies over spot testing for QC/QA of the compaction pro- caused by inherent differences in the operating principles
cess. The authors believe that future compaction control for each test device. Consequently, some form of correction
approaches will likely utilize both CCC/IC machine measure- to the “true” soil moduli is necessary if these different test
ments as well as independent spot measurements for confirmation moduli are to be used in the pavement design process in a
purposes. meaningful way.
It should be noted that the findings of this study are based on • The modulus-based in situ test results correlate poorly to the
the results from tests conducted on only one type of soil. The nuclear density gauge dry unit weights. Moreover, the
results from similar tests on other soil types (e.g., gravels, clays, modulus-based in situ test results do not agree that well with
different soil blends, etc.) are needed before the general conclu- each other if the modulus values from different test devices are
sions from this study can be more broadly extrapolated. compared directly. This lack of agreement was likely caused
by a variety of factors, including: variations in the magnitude
of strain and rate of strain application between the different
Conclusions modulus-based devices, variations in the tested volume
This paper presents and compares the results from a series of in between the different devices, and variations in the local mois-
situ density-based and modulus-based compaction control tests. ture content and matrix suction conditions.
To simulate current construction practices as closely as possible,
• In particular, the effect of moisture content on the measured
these in situ tests were performed on a road sub-base test pad that modulus values can be quite significant, as illustrated by
was constructed and compacted by a vibratory smooth drum roller examining the effect of changes in soil moisture content on
in a series of lifts. The soils utilized for construction were coarse- the LWD-measured moduli over a long-term period after
grained in nature, and are considered to be “select fill” materials completion of compaction. This is logical for compacted
by the Delaware Dept. of Transportation. During construction of soils, as these soils are partially saturated, and the associated
the test embankment, the compaction process was monitored magnitude of soil matrix suction is directly related to the
using the traditional density-based methods that are currently effective stress between soil particles, and in turn the defor-
employed by the DOT (the nuclear density gauge device), as well mation behavior of the soil under load. Multiple regression
as a number of alternative modulus-based devices, including the analysis is a useful technique for including the effect of
light weight deflectometer (LWD), the dynamic cone penetrome- moisture content when comparing the results from density-
ter (DCP), and the soil stiffness gauge (SSG). The following con- based and modulus-based tests.
clusions were drawn from the in situ test data that are presented
and analyzed:
• Significant point-to-point variation for a given lift and This material is based on work supported by the Delaware Depart-
pass is typical for each type of in situ test that was con- ment of Transportation under Award Nos. 07000704 and
ducted, for both the density-based and modulus-based tests. 09000112. The writers express their gratitude to the Delaware
This variation occurs even when there is no significant Department of Transportation; Caterpillar, Inc.; Greggo & Ferrara,
change in the material that is being placed. For many proj- Inc.; Kessler Soils Engineering Products, Inc.; and Humboldt, Inc.
ects, variability in the borrow material can lead to greater for supporting this study with valuable manpower and equipment
point-to-point variability for a given lift and pass than what donations. In addition, the authors thank James Pappas, Nicholas
is shown herein. Ferrara III, Jim Reynolds, Al Strauss, Ed Hall, Ken Kessler, Dean
• The NDG test showed the most consistent increase in aver- Potts, Richard Costello, A.J. Lee, Nick Oetken, Mario Souraty,
age measured values with successive compactor passes. The Dan Sajedi, and C.J. Swank for their valuable assistance with the
DCP also appeared to work relatively well in this regard, field study and associated data analysis. And, finally, the authors

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