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Design and Analysis of G+8 Commercial Building Using Staad Pro

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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 119 No. 17 2018, 2981-2987

ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
Special Issue




Assistant professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Saveetha University, Chennai - 602105,

Tamil Nadu, India.1
UG Student, Department of Civil engineering, Saveetha University, Chennai -602105, Tamil
Nadu, India.2

Abstract: The commercial building having mixed stories with shopping complex and office space, Shopping is a
routine activity of each and every one. But they have short of time, so they need a shopping complex and office space
under one roof to save the valuable time. In metropolitan cities, very limited areas are available and sold at
high cost. This paper will help to built buildings within this limited area satisfying each of every need of the
people. It is also designed in such a way that it would be economical. This project work involves planning, analysis,
designs, and drawings of a typical multi-storied building. This project attempt has been made to Design and Analysis of
a G+8 storied commercial building with seismic resistance. This project involves Planning, Analysis, and Design &
Drawings. In Analysis various load cases and load combinations are included in this project. R.C.C framed structure
is used for Multi storied commercial buildings. Structural design is to be done using Limit state method.

Keywords: RCC, Seismic resistance, Modelling, Analysis, Design & STAAD PRO
Introduction: people. The efforts of the planner should be to obtain
Structural engineers are facing the challenges of striving maximum comfort with limited available resources.
for most efficient and economical design with accuracy Functional, utility, cost, habits, taste,
in solution while ensuring that the final design of a requirements etc, should also be considered
building and the building must be serviceable for its in planning a building. The planning of this
intended function over its design life time. The main eight storied building is so planned to meet out all
objective of the project is to modify the general design the above factors.
practice of a multi storied building with wind loads.
Typical plan of ground floor & first floor:
The structural design should satisfy the criterion of
In this floor Entrance foyer, Coffee shop, various Shops,
ultimate strength and serviceability. A civil engineer must
Escalator, Lift, Toilet blocks are provided. With
be familiar with planning, analysis and design of framed
entrance foyer of 25 sq.m, coffee shop 120 sq.m, and 20
structures. Hence it was proposed to choose a
shops of 500 sq.m.
problem, involving analysis and design of multi-
storied framed structure as the project work. Typical plan of second floor & third floor:
In this floor various Shops, Super market, Food
court, Escalator, Lift, Toilet blocks are provided
The proposed eight storied commercial building with super market and food court of
consists of area of each floor is 1220sqfm. A 200 sq.m. and shops of 300 sq.m.
building should be planned to make it comfortable,
economical and to meet all the requirements of the Typical plan of fourth floor & eighth floor:
In this floor Office with Conference hall and store,

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Escalator, Lift, Toilet blocks are provided. With Second floor & third floor plan:
Office area about 300 sq.m, conference hall area about
80 sq.m


Ground floor & first floor plan: Fourth floor & eighth floor plan

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Load combinations:
Structural analysis:


DL + WL (+X)
Grade of reinforcement : Fe415

Grade of concrete : M25 DL + WL (-X)

Density of concrete : 2500Kg/m3 DL + WL (+Z)

DL + WL (-Z)
Load calculation: ▪
DL + LL + WL (+X)
Dead load:

DL + LL + WL (-X)
Floor level except ground floor (per m width) ▪
DL + LL + WL (+Z)
Load from slab = 0.15x 25 = 3.75KN/m2 ▪
DL + LL + WL (-Z)
Partitions (G.F) = 0.23x4.20x20 = 19.32 KN/m
Partitions (F.F - E.F) = 0.23x3.0x20 = 13.80
STAAD Modelling and Analysis:
KN/m Partitions (Terrace) = 0.23x1.00x20 =
4.60 KN/m Floor finishes = 1.00KN/m2
Floor finishes (Terrace floor) = 2.00KN/m2

Live load:
Uniform distributed load (UDL) = 4.00KN/m2

Wind load:
The wind load can be calculated using calculated using
the Indian standards IS: 875(Part 3)-1987. The basic
wind speed corresponding to Chennai region is taken
from the code IS:875 (Part 3)-
1987. The design wind speed is modified to induce
the effects of following factors

• Risk factor (k1)

• Terrain coefficient (k2)
• Local topography (k3)

to get the design wind speed Vz.

V z = k1 k2 k 3 V b

The design wind pressure Pz at any height

above mean ground level is 0.6Vz . The coefficient

0.6 in the above formula depends on a number of

factors and mainly on the air temperatures.

Pz = 0.6V z

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Structural design: Design of column:

Design of Slab: From the STAAD Pro Analysis done we obtain the
Size of room (Living) = 6.23 x maximum positive moment, maximum negative
6.50m Lx = 6.23m, Ly = 6.50m moment and maximum shear force
Aspect ratio: Ly/Lx = 6.50/6.23 = 1.04 Factored load Pu = 1431.0 kN Factored
This ratio is less than 2. The slab is to be Moment Muz = 92.53 kN.m Factored
designed as slab spanning in two directions. Moment Muy = 92.53 kN.m
Depth of slab = Columns were designed as bi-axially
150mm Shorter span: loaded Results:
Positive moment at mid span = 17.0 Breadth of column = 400mm
kNm Negative moment at support = Depth of column = 400mm
22.83 kNm Longer span: Main reinforcement: Provide
Positive moment at mid span = 12.74 8nos. of 25mm bars Lateral
kNm Negative moment at support = reinforcement:
17.0 kNm Results: Provide 8mm # 300mm c/c as lateral ties.
Shorter span:
Mid span - use 10mmφ RTS @ Design of Foundation:
200mm c/c Support - use 10mmφ RTS The Column footings are designed as isolated
@ 150mm c/c Longer span: footings. From the STAAD Pro analysis done we obtain
Mid span - use 10mmφ RTS @ 270mm c/c the axial load for the designing of footing.
Support - use 10mmφ RTS @ 200mm c/c Axial load = 1500 kN
Moment, Mx =1.37 kN.m
Design of beam: Moment, Mz = 1.37 kN.m
From the STAAD Pro Analysis done we obtain the Safe bearing capacity of soil =
maximum positive moment, maximum negative 200kN/m2 Area required = 1500 / 200
moment and maximum shear force = 7.5 m2 Length provided = 2.75 m
Negative moment = 287.76 kNm Breadth provided = 2.75 m
Positive moment = 296.09 kNm Depth of footing below GL = 2.40m Depth
Maximum shear force Vu =252.01 kN of footing @ face of column = 1.00m Depth of
Width of Beam = 300 mm footing @ Edge of footing = 0.30m

Over all depth of Beam = 600 Total load = Pu + self wt of footing + self wt of
mm Thickness of slab, Df = soil = 2151.84 kN
150 mm Length of the Beam, L Maximum Bending moment @ face of
= 6500 mm Results: column =438.82kNm
Provide 3 nos of bars #25 at the top face at Results:
support of span section. Thickness of base slab = 450mm
Provide 3 nos of bars #25 at the Bottom Provide 20mm dia bars 11nos in both X -direction
tension face at centre of span section. Provide 20mm dia bars 11nos in both Y -direction

Provide 8mm bars @ 2 legged vertical stirrups at

150 mm c/c

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Conclusion: [9] Chopra A.K. “Dynamics of structures: theory

Our project deals with Analysis and Design of a G+8 and applications to earthquake engineering.”
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having all facilities under one roof, designed with Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, India
shops, Super market, Food court, Net point, Coffee [11] Ramamrutham and R. Narayan “Theory of
shop & office space etc, with very good water structures” Dhahpat Rai & sons publishers,India.
supply and sanitary arrangements. In this project,
the Analysis of frame is done by stiffness matrix
method using Staad Pro Software. Design of footings,
columns, beams & slabs are done manually by limit state
method as per IS456 – 2000, IS 875, and SP16.

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