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Project Progress Report (PPR) - 12 Mo - June - 2020

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WWF GEF Agency


Title (GEF ID)

Agency Approval Date

1. GENERAL Fiscal Year
Implementation Status (1st PIR, 2nd PIR, Final
Overall DO rating
Overall IP rating
Overall Risk rating
Actual Implementation Start Date
Expected Mid-Term Review Date
3. KEY DATES Expected Closing Date
Expected Financial Closure/TE Report Date
Total Project Budget
Total GEF Budget Spent (USD) for given project
4. BUDGET year
Materialized Co-finance

Project Report information:

Report Author(s)
Report Completion Date
Reporting Period

Project Contact information:

Project Position Name E-mail
Project Manager
M&E Officer
F&A Officer

Please submit the PPR to the Project Manager with the following annexed documents:
 Completed Results Framework
 Annual Work Plan and Budget Tracking (for project year)
 Any supporting documents: meeting minutes, stakeholder consultation, photos, maps, reports, etc.

Report period is for full 12 months of project year, but should primarily emphasize the most recent 06 months. It is
recommended that project teams hold a participatory Reflection and Adaptive Management exercise prior to
filling out the Annual PPR. Ideally, this workshop should be attended by the Executing Agency, the PMU, and key
partners for their input on project progress and challenges. During this time, a review of the Results Framework
and project theory of change should be conducted to allow for adaptive management solutions. The feedback from
this exercise as well as any input from beneficiaries should feed into this report, including discussions around Free
Informed Prior Consent (as applicable with affected parties, including indigenous peoples) and grievances received
through project level grievance redress mechanisms. You may erase gray text with submission of the report. Please
limit the report to 8 pages.
I. GEF Project Implementation Report
For submission to GEF Secretariat

A. Ratings
Fill in all ratings based on the Rating Scale provided in Annex I. For Project Implementation and Project
Development ratings that are rated Moderately Satisfactory and below, please provide an action plan in Part III of
the PPR. For Risks, please fill out the risk table in Part III below, and provide an action plan for any “Substantial”
and “High” risks.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year X

Project Implementation
Project Development
Justification for Current Year Ratings:

B. Outcomes and Impacts Achieved

Describe the key outcomes and impacts achieved during the previous 12 months, using the AWP&B and Results
Framework as a reference. Please note any major positive or negative effects on beneficiaries. Organize by
component and project objective.

C. Summary of Major Challenges and Strengths

Describe the major challenges and strengths that hindered or enabled performance for the project year.

D. Progress, Challenges, and Outcomes of Stakeholder Engagement

(Based on Stakeholder Engagement Plan included at CEO Endorsement)
Summarize progress, challenges, and/or outcomes of stakeholder engagement, including strategies taken to
ensure gender and social inclusion.

Summarize for previous reporting periods (~2 paragraphs):

For project year:

E. Information on Progress on Gender-Responsive Measures

(As documented at CEO Endorsement in the Gender Action Plan or Equivalent)
Please provide the completion dates for: the gender assessment or analysis and gender mainstreaming
strategy/action plan (GEF-7). __ /__ / ____.

Summarize progress, challenges, and/or outcomes of gender-responsive measures.

Summarize for previous reporting periods (~2 paragraphs):

For project year:

F. Knowledge Activities / Products
(When Applicable, as Outlined in Knowledge Management approved at CEO Endorsement)
Summarize knowledge activities/products (including links) developed during previous reporting periods.

List knowledge activities/products (including links) developed during this project year.

II. Additional Information for Project Year

A. Summary of Expenditure and Implementation

Project % Expenditure for Project Year1 % Implementation for Project Year2

B. Implementation of Workplan and Budget

Please explain whether the workplan was implemented to schedule and justify any changes. Describe any major
over or underspends or shifts in budget. Note if/how the project was able to document and comply with
Environmental and Social Safeguards when implementing the work plan.

C. Lessons Learned
Describe key lessons that the project team learned and believe are important to share. Reflect on what has
worked and not worked in relation to the project theory of change.

D. Adaptive Management
Describe changes made or needed to project components, outcomes and/or strategies, or whether any changes
are planned for the next project year.

Percent of total spent per component as compared to the budget approved in Annual Workplan and Budget.
Average achievement (%) of activity (or output) targets in the Annual Workplan and Budget.
III. Action Plans for Suboptimal Ratings
For any ratings identified as Moderately Satisfactory or below in Part I A above, please provide an action plan. Risk
mitigation plans are only required for “Substantial” or “High” risks.

A. Action Plan for Suboptimal Project Implementation Rating

Please provide the specific actions that will be taken to improve on each of the objective and outcomes,
including who/when these actions will be taken. Ensure these actions are integrated into the following years
work plan.

B. Action Plan for Suboptimal Project Development Rating

Please provide the specific actions that will be taken to advance delayed activities in the work plan.

C. Project Risk Identification and Risk Mitigation Plans

Individual Risk Internal/ Risk Mitigation Plan (if “Substantial” or “High” risk)
Description External3 Rating

Internal risks (e.g. capacity of staff, institutional arrangement, etc) are under direct control of project teams, whereas external
risks (e.g. political issues, natural disasters, etc.) are outside the direct control of the project teams, but there still may be
actions to mitigate impact.
Annex I: Rating Scale

A. Development Objective Rating

The project Development Objective (DO) rating is quantified by analyzing progress against the Results Framework
according to the rating scale below.

DO Rating scale
Rating % Achievement of Results
Framework targets (average)
Highly Satisfactory (HS) 100%
Satisfactory (S) 80 – 99
Moderately Satisfactory (MS) 60 – 79
Moderately Unsatisfactory (MU) 40 – 59
Unsatisfactory (U) 20 – 39
Highly Unsatisfactory (HU) Below 20%

Guiding Example: How to calculate DO Rating from Results Framework

Objective/Component/ Indicator Unit Target Y1 Achieved Y1 Percent
Outcome achieved Y1
Project Objective Indicator 1 # policies 5 4 80
Indicator 2 # ha 1,000,000 900,354 90
Component 1
Outcome 1.1 Indicator 3 # beneficiaries 500 410 82
Outcome 1.2 Indicator 4 # sites 10 12 100
Component 2
Outcome 2.1 Indicator 5 % score 80% 75% 93.75
Average of total 89.15

B. Implementation Progress Rating

The project Implementation Progress (IP) rating is based on progress against the annual workplan, based
on the rating scale provided below.

IP Rating scale
Rating % Achievement of annual
workplan targets (average)
Highly Satisfactory (HS) 100
Satisfactory (S) 80 – 99
Moderately Satisfactory (MS) 60 – 79
Moderately Unsatisfactory (MU) 40 – 59
Unsatisfactory (U) 20 – 39
Highly Unsatisfactory (HU) Below 20%
Guiding Example: How to calculate IP Rating from AWP&B
Project Activities Y1 Unit Target Achieved Percent Achieved
Component 1
Activity 1.1.1 Sites 5 4 80
Activity 1.1.2 Households 120 122 100
Average Component 1 90
Component 2
Activity 2.1.1 Plans 6 5 83
Activity 2.1.2 Reports 2 2 100
Activity 2.1.3 Proposals 10 7 70
Average Component 2 84.3
Component 3
Activity 3.1.1 Trips 2 0 0
Activity 3.1.2 Trainings 4 3 75
Average Component 3 37.5
Average achievement of all activities in workplan 72.57

C. Risks
Examine whether the project faces substantial risks in terms of the sustainability of project results
Risk Rating Scale
High Risk (H) There is a probability of greater than 75% that assumptions may fail to hold or
materialize, and/or the project may face high risks.
Substantial Risk (S) There is a probability of between 51% and 75% that assumptions may fail to hold,
and/or the project may face substantial risks.
Modest Risk (M) There is a probability of between 26% and 50% that assumptions may fail to hold or
materialize, and/ or the project may face only modest risks.
Low Risk (L) There is a probability of up to 25% that assumptions may fail to hold or materialize,
and/ or the project may face only modest risks.

Guiding example: How to determine Risk Rating from Risk Analysis in PPR
Risk Description Risk Notes
Elections – change of leadership Substantial If there is a party change, the MOU protected
lead to not holding up to area designation may be thrown out. From
commitments our research, the party change is highly
likely. See mitigation plan.
The newly established Modest There is a history of newly established
coordination mechanism does mechanisms not having the intended effects
not meet regularly, and – which is partially due to limited resources
coordination fails and partially due to lack of buy-in. See
mitigation plan.
The new equipment given to Substantial Focal person of the lead ministry is engaged
rangers will fail at some point in multiple work. So has given very least
and there will be no expert or priority to the project, wanted to take the
replacement parts available to position as PCC coordinator, however, has
fix. least concern in project implementation.
After assessing each individual risk according to the risk rating scale, the overall risk is identified as
Substantial given that two of the three risks are Substantial, and one is Moderate. This rating is
qualitative in nature and considered the best estimate.

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