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Business Case: Definitions

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Business Case

This template has annotated instructions in blue to explain the intent or recommended use of the information. Organizations can adapt the
template to their unique structure.
The goal of this Business Case template is two-fold:
1) Clearly explain the project benefit to decision makers,
2) Provide traceable, measurable and consistent data for benefit realization analysis after project implementation.
Section 1, the Project Summary provides an executive summary. Section 2, Business Context explains the problem/opportunity at hand. Section 3
lists each of the claimed benefits the project will deliver. Section 4 totals the financial benefits and costs as well as the risks to financial return.

Benefit/Cost Horizon This is time frame starts when the project begins and extends 7 years. For large multi-year projects, a 10-year
horizon can be used. (Organizations can adapt the time frame but it should be consistent for project comparison
reasons) The horizon should encompass the project lifespan and a few years of post-project activity to allow for
time benefit realization sampling.

Measurable Benefit Measurable financial benefits are benefits that will directly improve the Company bottom-line profit, that are
specifically/solely attributable to the project, and that can be conclusively measured after project
implementation. The measurable benefit is calculated in the NPV/ROI.
The benefit will have a specific metric that will used after project implementation, to measure the project-
specific impacts toward realizing the benefit described. Metrics for Measurable Financial Benefits should be
measurements of project-specific impacts that tie directly to bottom-line profit improvements.

Economic Benefit Economic benefits are benefits that will directly improve the Company bottom-line profit, that are
specifically/solely attributable to the project, but that cannot be conclusively measured after project
Metrics for economic benefits should be measurements of project-specific impacts to the business process,
product/service offering, capability, etc. that are expected to indirectly improve bottom-line profit (since the
direct bottom-line project-specific profit improvement cannot be measured).

Qualitative Benefit Qualitative (“Soft”) benefits are benefits that are expected to indirectly improve bottom-line profit, but where the
anticipated profit improvement cannot be estimated (i.e., specific $-amount profit improvement by fiscal year)
with a high degree of confidence.

Incremental Operating Expenses to be incurred for the time horizon after project completion, starting with the first fiscal year in which
Expense such expenses will be incurred. Ideally, identify the department expected to incur the expense to provide
transparency and accountability to future expenses and provide input into annual budget planning.

Value Capture Analysis The activity of measuring the anticipated project benefits to validate the realization of benefits. Ideally, the
original project sponsor is responsible for this activity in tandem with the group (Finance) that originally vetted
the Business Case financial benefit.

Portfolio Categories within the portfolio to assist in reporting the types of projects. For example, Strategic vs.
Category/Foundational Compliance. Edit the properties of the control to customize the values for your organization.

Benefit Category To aid in reporting, indicates Measurable, Economic, Qualitative etc.

Benefit Type A secondary classification of the benefit that can be customized to each organization. Provides a consistent and
descriptive grouping for reporting benefits. Edit the properties of the control to customize the values for your

Key Metric The metric used after project implementation to measure the project-specific impacts toward realizing the
benefit. Composed of a baseline and anticipated target so that improvement can be measured.

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1. Project Summary
Project Name:
Submitted By:
Portfolio Category: Choose an item. (If Foundational, select type: Choose an item. )

Sponsor Department: Choose an item.

Primary Project Benefit Type: Choose an item.

Business Lead:
Project Manager:
Proposing Attorney:
(Provide For Legal/Regulatory
Compliance projects, else type “N/A”)

Project Delivery Probability: Choose an item. IT Lead:

(IT Delivery Team/PMO to determine)

Total Project Budget:

(From section 4.3. OPEX + CAPEX OPEX $ 0
across all Fiscal Years)



7/10-Yr Incremental OPEX $ 0

Operating Total Expense:
(From section 4.4. Does not include
depreciation or any portion of the total
project cost stated above)

Total Cost Commitment: GRAND TOTAL 0

(Sum of Total Project Budget + $
Incremental Operating Cost after)

Internal Resource Demand: Choose an item.

Planned Implementation Date:

Benefit Realization Choose an item. FP&A Lead:

Probability: FP&A representative signing off on financials
(FP&A Team to determine)

7/10-Yr Measurable $-Return: NPV ROI YTP

(Most Likely)

7/10-Yr “Economic” $-Return: NPV ROI YTP

(Most Likely)

One sentence business case summary:

In order to improve ___ we are doing ___, which is worth ___ and can be measured by ___.

Date after project implementation to begin value capture analysis to verify benefit realization:

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2. Business Context
2.1. Project Justification
This section does not describe the proposed project/solution. Limited strictly to a description of the problem or opportunity at hand
(the problem should not be defined as “not having the proposed solution”).
Describe and quantify the Current State, Ideal State, and the resulting Gap that this project seeks to address.

Problem Statement/Background:
Provide supporting context if required. For Lights-On and Compliance projects, describe the specific issues/risks necessitating the
project (where possible please describe the current/future risks to the business, probability/impact of business interruptions or legal
action, etc.).

Current State (Quantified, Project-Specific):

Example of a quantified current state: “Company currently mails paper billing statements to 100% of our accounts outstanding. At a
monthly cost of $x per mailed statement, times y# of average accounts outstanding, Company is currently spending $z per month ($z x
12 annually) on mailing paper billing statements.”

Ideal State (Quantified, Project-Specific):

Example of quantified ideal state: “Based on market research and industry benchmarking, Company should be able to present billing
statements exclusively in electronic format for at least 25% of the portfolio, therefore reducing the rate of paper billing statement
mailings to 75% of accounts outstanding.”

Gap (Quantified, Project-Specific):

Example of quantified gap (metric for success): “Company should be able to eliminate paper billing statements for 25% of the
accounts outstanding. Based on an average of y# of accounts outstanding, Company has a billing statement expense savings
opportunity of $z x .25 per month ($z x .25 x 12 annually).”

2.2. Root Cause

This does not describe the proposed project/solution. It is strictly a fundamental description of why the company has the Current State
to Ideal State “Gap” described above.
Various techniques can be utilized such as “5 Whys”, Fishbone Diagram, or Quality/Lean tools to describe the underlying root cause
of the problem or opportunity described above.

2.3. Proposed Business Solution

This does not describe the technology solution. It is strictly a description of the proposed business changes (i.e. products and services,
processes, policies, business partnerships, etc.).
Provide a high-level description (no more than one or two succinct paragraphs) of the business changes being proposed; focusing on
how the Company market offerings, processes, policies, people, and/or business partners will be changed and/or developed in order to
address the problem or opportunity outlined above.

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Also describe all significant changes that any high impact internal groups will need to make to their day-to-day operating processes &
procedures in order to “run” the solution that is to be implemented as part of this project.

2.4. Project Scope

List the high-level functional scope items that are In and Out of the scope of this project.
Assumptions and detailed requirements should be documented in the Business Requirements Document, not in the Business Case.
The functional scope below should be provided as lists, at the level of description that an executive can comprehend. Examples:
Integration with another subsidiary, new pricing ability, new data sources, mobile enabled etc.
In Scope

 Functional scope items included in the project

Out of Scope

 Functional scope items excluded from the project

3. Business Benefits
3.1. Measurable Financial Benefits
Measurable Financial Benefits are benefits that will directly improve the Company bottom-line profit, that are specifically/solely
attributable to this project, and that can be conclusively measured after project implementation. An accountable group such as
Finance/FP&A group should review and approve each stated benefit. In some companies a Financial Analyst is designated to work
with assigned departments for this function. Make a copy of each section 3.1 table for each Measurable Benefit claimed and included
in the business case NPV/ROI calculations. For accountability, it is recommended that HR approve all claimed FTE savings and that a
senior sponsor, such as VP, agree to any anticipated benefit to their responsible area.
(Copy the table below for each Measurable Benefit claimed. If this project does not have any Measurable Financial Benefits listed,
show “N/A – this project has no significant measurable financial benefits.”)

Benefit Title:
Provide a concise and unique title to
identify the benefit.

Benefit Category: Measurable

Benefit Type: Choose an item.

Describe the benefit, and provide a
short explanation of how this
project will deliver the benefit.

Key Metric to Be Impacted:

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Specify the metric that will be used

after project implementation, to
measure the project-specific impacts
toward realizing the benefit
described above. Metrics for
Measurable Financial Benefits
should be measurements of project-
specific impacts that tie directly to
bottom-line Company profit

Current “Baseline” Value of

Key Metric:
Specify the current value of the key
metric to be impacted by this
project (e.g., current retention % =

Anticipated Value of Key

Specify the anticipated value of the
key metric, to be achieved as a
result of implementing this project
(e.g., future retention rate = 87%)

(Based on Financial Time Horizon. Modify table from 7-year horizon to 10-year horizon as needed, or replace with N/A as
7-Year/10-Year Financial applicable.)
Benefit: (Gross $-amount)
Estimate the cumulative measurable 7 Year Horizon
improvement to bottom-line profit Previous
($-amount) for the duration of the Years FY00 FY00 FY00 FY00 FY00 FY00 FY00 TOTAL
7/10-year NPV time horizon, and (Current)
briefly describe how the improved
performance in the metric described
above translates into this $-amount.
Calculation for Business Case NPV Description of improvement:
analysis & discounting should start
at Year 1/current year, or as
designated by FP&A.

Benefit “Proof-of-Concept”:
Describe what “Proof-of-Concept”
(PoC) activities have been
completed to substantiate the
estimated benefit described above.
Some examples of Benefit PoC
activities include manual/small-scale
pilots, market research, historical
data analysis, “voice of customer”
input, etc.

Responsible Management
Committee Member:
List the management member
committing to achieve the
anticipated level of improved
business performance, per the
metrics outlined above.

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3.2. Other Anticipated (Un-Measurable) Economic Benefits

Other Anticipated (Un-Measurable) Economic Benefits are benefits that will directly improve bottom-line profit, that are specifically/solely attributable to this
project, but that cannot be conclusively measured after project implementation. As designated in your organization, the FP&A group should review and approve each
stated benefit; please work with your assigned Financial Analyst to complete a copy of the following table for each Other Anticipated (Un-Measurable) Economic

(Show “N/A – This project has no significant economic benefits.” if no benefits are listed.)

Benefit Title:
Provide a concise and unique title to
identify the benefit.

Benefit Category: Economic Benefit

Benefit Type: Choose an item.

Provide a brief description of the
anticipated benefit (e.g., Increased
Market Share for XYZ
Product+Market Segment).

Key Metric to Be Impacted:

Specify the metric that we will be
used after project implementation,
to measure the project-specific
impacts toward realizing the benefit
described above. Metrics for Other
Anticipated (Un-Measurable)
Economic Benefits should be
measurements of project-specific
impacts to the business process,
product/service offering, capability,
etc. that are expected to indirectly
improve bottom-line profit (since
the direct bottom-line project-
specific profit improvement cannot
be measured).

Current “Baseline” Value of

Key Metric:
Specify the current value of the
“process/capability” metric to be
impacted by this project (e.g., % of
customers viewing a personalized
marketing message after logging in
to manage their account on = 0%).

Anticipated Value of Key

Specify the anticipated value of the
“process/capability” metric to be
achieved as a result of implementing
this project (e.g., % of customers
viewing a personalized marketing
message after logging in to manage
their account on =

7-Year/10-Year Financial (Based on Financial Time Horizon. Modify table from 7-year horizon to 10-year horizon as needed, or replace with N/A as

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Benefit: applicable.)
(Gross $-amount)
7 Year Horizon
Estimate the cumulative anticipated
(un-measurable) improvement to FY00 FY00 FY00 FY00 FY00 FY00 FY00 TOTAL
bottom-line profit ($-amount) for
the duration of the 7-year NPV time
horizon, and briefly describe how
the improved performance in the
metric above is expected to translate
to this $-amount (e.g., increased Description of improvement:
customer views of personalized
marketing messages via is expected to
provide a 1% lift in retention for
these customers based on the
market research described below,
which translates to $X/year in
incremental profit, or $5X over 7
Calculation for Business Case NPV
analysis & discounting should start
at Year 1/current year, or as
designated by FP&A.

Benefit “Proof-of-Concept”:
Describe what “Proof-of-Concept”
(PoC) activities have been
completed to substantiate the
estimated benefit described above.
Some examples of Benefit PoC
activities include manual/small-scale
pilots, market research, historical
data analysis, “voice of customer”
input, etc.

Responsible Management
Committee Member:
List the Management member
committing to achieve the
anticipated level of improved
business performance, per the
metrics outlined above.

3.3. Qualitative (“Soft”) Benefits

Qualitative (“Soft”) Benefits are benefits that are expected to indirectly improve bottom-line profit, but where the anticipated profit improvement cannot be estimated
(i.e., specific $-amount profit improvement by fiscal year) with a high degree of confidence. Please complete a copy of the following table for each Qualitative (“Soft”)

(Show “N/A – This project has no significant qualitative (soft) benefits” under the section heading if no soft benefits are listed.)

Benefit Title:
Provide a concise and unique title to
identify the benefit.

Benefit Category: Choose an item.

Benefit Type: Choose an item.

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Provide a brief description of the
anticipated benefit (e.g., Increased
Associate Engagement).

Key Metric to Be Impacted:

Specify the metric that we will be
able to use after project
implementation, to measure the
project-specific impacts toward
realizing the benefit described
above. Metrics for Qualitative
(“Soft”) Benefits may be
measurements of project-specific
impacts to business processes,
capabilities, customer/associate
satisfaction surveys, etc.

Current “Baseline” Value of

Key Metric:
Specify the current value of the
metric to be impacted by this
project (e.g., 100% of Band1-3
employees must manually track
their time in an enterprise time
tracking system).

Anticipated Value of Key

Specify the anticipated value of the
metric to be achieved as a result of
implementing this project (e.g., 0%
of Band1-3 employees must
manually track their time in an
enterprise time tracking system).

3.4. Risks to Project Benefit Realization

Please complete an entry for each significant identified risk to project benefit realization. These identified risks should feed into the project manager’s risk log, to be
monitored/managed throughout the project lifecycle. Please focus on the top macro-level risks to project benefit realization, and do not list all risks relating to project
schedule and/or budget performance. All of these risks should be tracked in the project manager’s risk log, however only the significant risks that could prevent
realization of the anticipated business benefits should be outlined in this Business Case.

Risk Description:
Provide a brief description of the
known risk (e.g., Insufficient
Customer/ Employee Adoption,
Competitive Responses from
Competitors, Lower-than-Expected
Business Volumes, Legal/Regulatory
Constraints, etc.).

Mitigation Strategy:
Briefly describe what measures the
project team will be taking to
monitor and mitigate the benefit
realization risk described above.

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4. Appendix
4.1. Net P&L Impact (Pre-Tax)
Financial benefit time horizon period: Choose a time period.
(Modify numbers of years in table below based time horizon.)

Previous Years FYxx FYxx FYxx FYxx FYxx FYxx FYxx Total
Measurable Benefit $0K
Expense (including depreciation) $0K
Net Measurable P&L Impact $0K $0K $0K $0K $0K $0K $0K $0K $0K

Additional 'Economic' P&L Benefit $0K

Net 'Economic' P&L Impact $0K $0K $0K $0K $0K $0K $0K $0K $0K

4.2. Financial Return Sensitivity Analysis

Please list the uncertain/ “uncontrollable” variables that are driving the Conservative, Most-Likely and Aggressive financial return scenarios in the
Scenario Assumptions table, along with the values for these variables used in each scenario.
(Please delete any unused rows in the Assumptions table. Delete all tables in this section for Lights-On and Compliance projects - Show “Not
Applicable” for this section.)

Net Present Value Return on Investment

Measurable (NPV $) (ROI $)
Years to Payback

Conservative Scenario
Most Likely Scenario
Aggressive Scenario

(Add/delete rows as needed)

Measurable Scenario Assumptions

Conservative Value Most-Likely Value Aggressive Value
Critical Variable ($-Benefit Driver)
Variable #1 (e.g., Avg. Annual NVS Volume #/%/etc. #/%/etc. #/%/etc.
Variable #2 (e.g., Avg. COMPANY Retail Market Share) #/%/etc. #/%/etc. #/%/etc.
Variable #3 (e.g., Customer Opt-In %) #/%/etc. #/%/etc. #/%/etc.
Variable #4 (e.g., Project Implementation Cost) #/%/etc. #/%/etc. #/%/etc.

Net Present Value Return on Investment

Economic (NPV $) (ROI $)
Years to Payback

Conservative Scenario
Most Likely Scenario
Aggressive Scenario

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(Add/delete rows as needed)

Economic Scenario Assumptions

Conservative Value Most-Likely Value Aggressive Value
Critical Variable ($-Benefit Driver)
Variable #1 (e.g., Avg. Annual NVS Volume) #/%/etc #/%/etc. #/%/etc.
Variable #2 (e.g., Avg. COMPANY Retail Market Share) #/%/etc. #/%/etc. #/%/etc.
Variable #3 (e.g., Customer Opt-In %) #/%/etc. #/%/etc. #/%/etc.
Variable #4 (e.g., Project Implementation Cost) #/%/etc. #/%/etc. #/%/etc.

4.3. Project Budget Detail

Please provide the project’s total budgeted cost, inclusive of all project phases and across all fiscal years that the project will be active.
Do not include incremental operating expense here but rather show this separately in section 4.4.
(Add/delete rows as needed)

Operating Expense Capital Expense Total

Fiscal Year 20xx
Fiscal Year 20xx
Project Total (All FYs) $0 $0 $0

Budget Details: Attach Here

Project-Related Expenses Not Reflected in the Project Budget:

Call out any/all significant project expenses that are included in the project financial return (NPV/ROI) analysis but are not included in the project budget table (above),
such as employee salary expenses. Also call out any/all significant” enterprise” (shared) IT infrastructure expenses that will be incurred in relation to this project, that
are not included in the project NPV/ROI analysis – such as incremental storage/processing capacity, etc.

4.4. Incremental Operating Expenses (After Project Completion)

Show all incremental operating expenses to be incurred for the time horizon after project completion, starting with the first fiscal year in which such expenses will be
incurred, in the table below. List expenses by the department that will incur the expense against their core/operational department budget. Edit rows and departments
as needed.

Anticipated Incremental Operating Expense Schedule by Department:

Dept Previous FYxx FYxx FYxx FYxx FYxx FYxx FYxx Total

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Incremental Labor Expense:

Specify “None” if no incremental staff is required. Identify any/all incremental staff that will be required to support the solution after project implementation. Please
explain here if the business is to re-allocate existing FTE or will require net new FTE.

Other Incremental Operating Expenses:

Describe the recurring expenses in table above that will be required to support the solution after project implementation.

4.5. Business Case Financial Model

Financial Model:
(Attach Excel File)

Value Capture Analysis backup documentation:

(Attach all relevant proof of benefits documentation for each measurable benefit.  Examples include vendor invoices, pilot results, excel reports…etc.)

4.6. Project Schedule

List the high-level phases for this project. If this Business Case scope is part of a larger program or multi-phase project, show the schedule context.
Please ensure start and end dates are defined for all milestones, phases, releases of this project.


Name & Department Date Approved

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