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Question Bank (G scheme)


Subject code : 17401 Unit test:I

Sem :IV Branch :ALL

Chapter 1: Nature Of Environmental Studies

1 Civilization is major cause of______pollution

A) Environmental
B) Chemical
C) physical
D) None of the above

Ans: (a)

2) _______is important to save environment

A) Environmental protection


C) Environmental

D) None of the above

Ans: (a)

3) _______is a greenhouse gas

A) CO2

B) H2S

C) N2

D) None of the above

Ans (a)

4) _______gas causes acid rain

A) SO2

B) O2
C) N2

D) None of the above

Ans: (a)

5) Ozone depletion is harmful to_______

A) Skin

B) Digestion

C) Reproduction

D) None of the above

Ans: (a)

6) All the environment crisis are solely due to______rise

A) Population

B) Water quality

C) Air quality

D) None of the above

Ans: (a)

7) WHO stands for?

A) World Hygiene Observation

B) World Health Organization

C) Wild Hazardous Organisms

D)None the above

Ans: (a)

8) Diarrheas is a borne disease

A) Normal water

B) Air

C) Dirtywater

D)None of the above

Ans: (c)
9) Chinese rivers are highly polluted with_______

A) Chemicals

B) Metals

C)Heavy metals

D)None the above

Ans: (c)

10) Sanitation facilities should be accepted

A) Culturally

B) Politically

C) Technically

D)None the above

Ans: (a)

11) The growth of plants is

A) habitat specific

B) Water specific

C) Airspecific

D) None of the above

Ans: (a)

12)deforestation destroys natural ________

A) Environment
B) Lift
C) Cycle
D) Balance

Ans: a

13) Bio reserves add to ________ value of natural environment

a) protective

b) Productive

c) Preservative

d) Preparative

Ans: (b)

14) GreatIndian poet kalidas has written,

A) Meghdut

B) Shakuntala

C) Mrutyunjay

D) None of the above

Ans: (a)

14) Mr.SundarlalBahugana headed popular movement

A) Chipkoandolan

B) Ecofriendly project development

C) Dam developments

D) Sardarsarovar

Ans: (a)

15) Chipkoandolan was done in

A) Jharkhand

B) Uttarakhand

C) Kerala

D) None of the above

Ans: (b)

16) Sardarsarovar project is in

A) AndhraPradesh

B) Gujarat


Ans: (b)

17) A system without life

A) Abiotic

B) Biotic



Ans: (a)

18) Organism adjust with environmental condition is called as

a) Adaptation

b) Reproduction

c) Development

d) None of the above

Ans: (a)

19) Asbestosis is disease of

a) Heart

b) Lungs

c) Eyes

d) Kidney

Ans: (b)

20) Bhopal gas tragedy occurred in

a) 1984

b) 1985

c) 1990

d) 1987
Ans: (a)

21) Wide range of flora and fauna is

a) Biodiversity

b) Bio magnifications

c) Precipitation

d) None of the above

Ans: (a)

22) A flesh eating animal

a) Carnivore

b) Herbivore

c) Coalition

d) Carboxylation

Ans: (a)

23) Tree hugging movement in Uttar khand

a) Chipkoandolan

b) Women liberalization

c) Agenda 21

d) Women development

Ans: (a)

24) CFC used widely as

A) coolant’

b) Refrigerant

c) Air coolers

d)None of the above

Ans: (b)
25) Unit of sound intensity

a) decibel

b) Bel

c) Frequency unit

d) None id the above

Ans: (a)

26) Physical or Biological complexity of system is ______

a) Biodiversity

b) Diversity

c) Ecosystem

d) Culture

Ans: (b)

27) Earth summit was held at

a) Japan

b) Rio-de-janero in Brazil

c) UK

d) USA

Ans: (b)

28) Scale to measure intensity of earthquake is ______

a) Richter scale

b) Vector

c) Scalar

d) dB

Ans: (a)

29) Something that environs is (Environment)

a) Environment

b) Surrounding
c) Encircle

d) None of the above

Ans: (a)

30) Activity that protects environment ______

a) Ecofriendly

b) Safe

c) Green

d) Ecology

Ans: (a)

31) Fluorosis is caused due to expensive intake of ______

a) Iodine

b) Fluorine

c) CFC

d) Fluorides


32) Fly ash is _____ portion of solid fuel (Non-combustible)

a) Combustible

b) Non-combustible

c) Partially burnt

d) Harmful


33) Remains of organism converted into fuels _______

a) Fossil Fuels

b) Carbon credits

c) Carbon ppt

d) None of the above

Ans: (a)
34) Green House gases are responsible for _______

a) Global warming

b) Thermal pollution

c) Acid rain

d) None of the above

Ans: (a)

35) Region suitable for gases to few trees to grow ______

a) Wet land

b) Grass land

c) Green park

d) None of the above

Ans: (b)

36) Effect due to greenhouse gases

a) Greenhouse effect

b) Green park

c) Green chemistry

d) None of the above

Ans: (a)

37) CO2 is

a) Greenhouse gas

b) Red in colour

c) Insoluble in water’

d) Heavier than air

Ans: (a)

38) Green revolution mainly in ______ countries

a) Developing

b) Developed
C) Small

d) Large

Ans: (a)

39) Western Atlantic ocean experience _______

a) Hurricane

b) Volcano

c) Strom

d) Cyclone

Ans: (a)

40) Electrical power from water _______

a) Hydropower

b) Hydro energy

c) Wind energy

d) Power

Ans: (a)

41) Turbines are driven by using _______

a) Hydro power

b) Electricity

c) Wind energy

d) Power

Ans: (a)

42) Process of burning waste material in special furnace called

a) Incineration

b) Ash formation

c) Combustion

d) Disposal
Ans :(a)

43) Total _____ nations signed Montreal protocol

a) 93

b) 112

c) 55

d) 95

Ans: (a)

44) Resources in earth’s crust ______

a) Natural

b) Renewable

c) Ancient

d) Plency

Ans: (a)

45) Montreal established in _______

a) 1987

b) 1985

c) 1992

d) 1986

Ans( a)

46) Coal and petroleum are ________

a) Renewable sources

b) Non-renewable sources

c) Precious Resources

d) Degradable

Ans: (b)

47) Smoke + Fog makes

a) Smoky fog

b) Foggy smoke

c) Smog

d) Snow

Ans: (c)

48) A plant that can produce food is called’

a) Provider

b) Producer

c) Consumer

d) Developer

Ans: (b)

49) Rainfall measured in _________ units

a) Centimeter or inches

b) Millimeters or Kilometers

c) Inches or Kilometers

d) PPM

ans: (a)

50) Soil pollution is due to excessive use of ______

a) Fertilizers

b) Water

c) Seeds

d) Soil

Ans: (a)
Chapter 2.Natural Resources and Associated Problems.

1. Renewable resources include___________. (Ans .- d)

a) Solar energy b) Tidal energy

c) Wind energy d) All of above

2. Forest improve_________ quality. (Ans. - d)

a) Wind b) Noise

c) Pollution d) Air

3. Forest maintain --------------.(Ans. - a)

a) Fertile soil b) Corrosion soil

c) Eruption soil d) None.

4. Deforestation increases % of ------------------- in atmosphere. (Ans. - d)

a) Oxygen b) Hydrogen

c) Nitrogen d) Carbon di oxide.

5. The liquid water component of earth is called -----------------------.

(Ans. - c)

a) Lithosphere b) Hemisphere

c) Hydrosphere d) Atmosphere.

6. Bore well is a source of -----------------. (Ans. - b)

a) Surface water b) Underground water

c) Both a & b d) None.

7. Fossil fuel include ----------------. (Ans .- d)

a) Petrol b) Diesel
c) Coal d) All of above.

8. 90 % of food requirement is fulfilled by --------------------. (Ans .- a)

a) 15 plants 8 animals

b) 12 plants 6 animals

c) 20 plants 5 animals

d) 08 plants 15 animals.

9. Bengal famine was caused in -------------- part of india. (Ans .- b )

a) Western India b) Eastern India

c) Northern India d) Southern India.

10. GDP growth depends upon -----------------------. (Ans .- c)

a) Industrial sector b) IT sector

c) Mining sector d) Agricultural sector.

11. Soil erosion due to mining is ----------times more than all rivers.

(Ans .- a)

a) 10 d) 20

c) 30 d) 15.

12. The resource which consumes a very long time for its regeneration.

(Ans .- b)

a) Natural source b) Non –renewable source

c) Energy resource d) Renewable source.

13. If consumption rate is higher than replenish rate ------------ starts.

.(Ans .- b)

a) Motion b) Depletion

c) Work d) Only a & b.

14. Deforestation relates as big cause of ---------- .(Ans .- c)

a) Plantation b) Vegetative propagation

c) Global warming d) Increase of water level.

15. Effects of dam include--------------- (Ans . -c )

a) increase in flood risk b) hampering navigation

c) Both a & b d) None

16. In --- -- first time severe food shortage experienced in our country.

(Ans . -c )

a) 1947 b) 1945

c) 1943 d) 1944

17. The minimum time required for formation of 1 inch top soil is -----

(Ans . -d )

a) 10 years b) 5 years

c) 100 years d) 200 years

18. Wood pulp is used for making -------- (Ans . -b)

a) Rubber b) Paper

c) Clip board d) gum

19. Per capita use of water is the highest in -------- . (Ans . -a)

a) USA b) Indonesia

c) India d) Kuwait.

20. Blue baby syndrome (methaemoglobinemia) (Ans . -d )

a) Sulphur b) Arsenic

c) Phosphates d) Nitrates.

21. In food chain accumulation of non Bio degradable material is called -------- (Ans . -c )

a) Buffer b) Alter

c) Biomagnifications d) Detoxification.

22. Forests prevents soil erosion by binding soil particles by their -------(Ans .b)

a) Stems b) Roots

c) Leaves d) Bud.
23. During photosynthesis trees produce --------. (Ans . -a)

a) Oxygen b) co2

c) CO d) N2.

24. CNG stands for ----- (Ans . -b)

a) Cooling natural gas b) Compressed natural gas

c) Compound natural gas d) Critical natural gas.

25. Out of total water reserves of the world about --- --% salt water and only ---- %is fresh
water. (Ans .a )

a) 97 , 3 b) 3 , 97

c) 1 , 199 d) 2 , 98.

26. SNG stands for -----------. (Ans . -d )

a) Systematic natural gas b) Sulphuric natural gas

c) Silver natural gas d) Synthetic natural gas.

27. It mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. (Ans . -b )

a) CNG b) SNG

c) GCN d) NGS.

28. Minerals rocks, salts , chemical are termed as -----(Ans . -a )

a) Abiotic resources b) Biotic resources

c) Semi transparent resources d) falling resources.

29. The main driving force of ecological system is ---- (Ans . -c)

a) Wind energy b) Water energy

c) Solar energy d) Earth energy.

30. Which one of the is not a fossil fuel--------.(Ans . -d)

a) Petroleum b) Coal

c) Natural gas c) Uranium.

31. ---------- is major raw material for bio gas. (Ans . -c )

a) Tree leaves b) Grass

c) Cow dunks d) Waste from kitchen

32. Atomic energy is obtained by using ores of -----.(Ans . -b)

a) Copper b) Uranium

c) Lead d) Cruide oil.

33. In the atmosphere layer above the troposphere is -----------. (Ans . -c )

a) Exosphere b) Mesosphere

c) Stratosphere d) Thermosphere.

34. Which rays are stopped by ozone layer in stratosphere.(Ans . -a)

a) UV rays b) Infrared

c) X – rays d) Gamma rays.

35.The life supporting gases such as o2 , CO2 and N2 are chiefly concentrated in the (Ans . -

a) Troposphere b) Exosphere

c) Hemospehere d) Stratospehere

36. Oxygen is returned to the atmosphere mainly by -------- . (Ans . -b)

a) Respiration b) Photosynthesis

c) Fungi d) Burning of fuel.

37. A layer of sediment or rock that is highly permeable and contains water is called (Ans . -

a) Aquifer b) Spring

c) Glasier d) Seepage.

38. Which one of the following energy sources provides a substantial amount of the energy
needs for developed countries ? (Ans . -a)

a) Hydropower b) Wood

c) Solar d) Charcoal.

39.FAO stands for (Ans . -a)

a) Food and Agriculture Organization

b) Food and Agro Operation

C) Frequent Agriculture Organization

d) Flood and Agriculture Organization.

40. About ----% of Earth’s surface is covered by water. (Ans . -d)

a) 10 b) 100

c) 90 d) 71

41. Chhota Nagpur is famous for ------- . (Ans . -b)

a) Sugar b) Tea garden

b) Rose garden d) Rice Mill

42. The trees are called Earth’s -------. (Ans . -c)

a) Heart b) Brain

c) Lungs d) Beli.

43. Coal petroleum and natural gas are called as ---------- (Ans . -b)

a) Non fossil fuel b) Fossil fuel

c) Semi fossil fuel d) Transparent fuel.

44. Both power and manure are provided by ----------. (Ans . -b)

A) Hydro electric plants b) Gobar gas plants

C) Nuclear power plant d) Thermal power plant.

45. Where will the water sit longest. (Ans . -d)

a) Atmosphere b) Fresh Water lake

c) Glacier d) Ocean.

46. Ideally cover of forest should be -------- of total area of country. (Ans . -c)

a) 23 % b) 30 %

c) 33 % d) 40 %

47. % of total water found as fresh water is --------. (Ans . -b)

a) 37.5 b) 2.5
c) 97.5 d) 87.5

48. Which of the following sources provides least energy for industrialized countries? (Ans .

a) Petroleum b) Nuclear fuel

c) Coal d) gas

49. Of given below , which is the non conventional source of energy ? (Ans . -a)

a) sun b) coal

c) wood d) diesel

50. What was approximate world population of human in 2008? (Ans . -c)

a) 667 million b) 66 million

c) 6.67 billion d) 6.67 million

Chapte: 3 ecosystem
1. In an ecosystem, which on shows one way passage? (Ans: d)
a)Nitrogen b)Carbon
c)potassium d)Free energy
2. Upper part of sea ecosystem contains (Ans: a)
a)Plankton b)Nekton
c)Benthos d)all above
3. Pyramid of numbers in tree ecosystem is (Ans: a)
a)Always upright b)Always inverted
c)spindal shape d)none of above
4. Pick up the correct food chain.
a)grass-fox-rabit -bird b)grass-chameleon-insect-bird (Ans: c)
c)plankton –fish-human d)none of above
5. Association of animals when both partners are benifited (Ans: a)
a) Mutualism
b) Colony
c) Commensalism
d) Ammensalism
6. The sum total of population of same kind of organism constitute (Ans: b)
b) species
d) community
7. The dominal second tropical level in lake ecosystem is (Ans: d)
a) Plankton
b) Benthos
c) Phytoplankton
d) Zooplankton
8. The density dependent factors that limits animal population EXCEPT (Ans: c)
a) Predation
b) Birth rate
c) Weather
d) Mortality
9. Which carbon compounds would be utilized as an energy source by heterotrophs?
(Ans: d)
a) Carbon monoxide
b) Calcium carbonite
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Organic molecules
10. Which of the following is true about secondary consumer in ecosystem (Ans: a)
a) They are few in number than primary consumers
b) They are eaten by primary consumer
c) They eat only plants
d) They are smaller and weaker
11. In the nitrogen cycle, the transformation of gaseous nitrogen into nitrogen containing
compounds is perform primary by (Ans: b)
a) Fungi
b) Bacteria
c) Green plants
d) Carnivores
12. This bios has the greatest diversity of species are (Ans: a)
a) Tropical rain forest
b) Taiga
c) Tundra
d) Desert
13. Many individuals of the same species living together in a define area form a (Ans: c)
a) Community
b) Genus
c) Population
d) Ecosystem
14. Consider following list of factors (Ans: a)
a) Dispersal
b) Rainfall
c) Competition
d) Temperature
15. Which of the following is characteristics of parasitism? (Ans: d)
a) One kills and consume another
b) Two live together and neither harmed
c) Two nourish each other and both benefit
d) One lives and another is benefit
16. Which is best relationshipBetween nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Ans: a)
a) Mutualism
b) Predation
c) Parasitism
d) Amensalism
17. The progressive series of that changes that eventually produce a climax community on
what was a once a bare rocky island is an example of (Ans: a)
a) Primary succession
b) Speciation
c) Evolution
d) Eutrophication
18. Nitrogen gas return to atmosphere by the action of (Ans: b)
a) Ammonia
b) Denitrifying bacteria
c) Nitrate fertilizers
d) Nitrifying bacteria
19. In a terrestrial ecosystem, the tropical level that would contain the largest biomasts
would be the (Ans: a)
a) Producers
b) Primary consumers
c) Decomposers
d) Secondary composers
20. In the past decade, which of following has not been a major cause of the increase in
the worlds population (Ans: c)
a) Longer life span
b) Lower infant mortality
c) Increase the birth rate
d) Improved sanitation
21. Which one of the following is not a function unit of ecosystem (Ans: b)
a) Productivity
b) Stratification
c) Energy flow
d) Decomposition
22. The upride pyramid of number is absence in (Ans: d)
a) Lake
b) Grassland
c) Pond
d) Forest
23. Which of the following is not a gaseous biogeochemical cycle in ecosystem (Ans: d)
a) Nitrogen cycle
b) Carbon cycle
c) Sulphur cycle
d) Phosphorus cycle
24. Identify the possible link “A”in following food chain. Plant-insect-frog-“A”-eagle
(Ans: a)
a) Cobra
b) Parrot
c) Rabbit
d) Wolf
25. The type of ecosystem with highest mean plant productivity is (Ans: a)
a) Tropical rain forest
b) Temperature grassland
c) Desert
d) Tundra
26. In an aquatic ecosystem the tropical level equivalent to caws in grassland is (Ans: b)
a) Nekton
b) Zooplankton
c) Phytoplankton
d) Benthos
27. The final stable community in ecological succession is (Ans: a)
a) Climax
b) Sere
c) Pioneers
d) Carnivores
28. Tropical levels in ecosystem is form by (Ans: d)
a) Only herbivores
b) Only plants
c) Only bacteria
d) Organism linked in food chain
29. “complete competitor cannot coexist” is true for (Ans: c)
a) primary succession
b) secondarysuccession
c) competitive exclusion
e) character displacement
30. A renewable exhaustible natural resource is (Ans: c)
a) Petroleum
b) Coal
c) Forest
d) Minerals
31. When the two ecosystem overlap each other, the area is called (Ans: c)
a) Habitat
b) Niche
c) Eco tone
d) Ecotype
32. Which of the following ecosystem has highest rate of gross primary production? (Ans:
a) Grasslands
b) Mangroves
c) Coral reefs
d) Equatorial rain forests
33. Which of the following groups is absolutely essential functional component of the
ecosystem? (Ans: c)
a) Producers
b) Producers and herbivores
c) Producers and detritivores
d) Detritivores
34. Which of the following is correctly matched? (Ans: c)
a) Butterfly-camouflage
b) Garden lizard-mimicry
c) House lizard-autonomy
d) None of these
35. About 70% of total global carbon is found in (Ans:d)
a) Forests
b) Greenlands
c) Agroecosystems
d) Oceans
36. The tiny free-swimming animals on the surface of water constitute (Ans:d)
a) Phytoplankton
b) Symbionts
c) Benthos
d) Zooplankton
37. Transfer of energy is different tophic levels of an ecosystem is called (Ans:a)
a) Bioenergetics
b) Biosystem
c) Geobiocoenosis
d) Holocoenotic
38. The remains of the dead plants and animals is called (Ans: a)
a) Detritus
b) Detritivores
c) Humus
d) Litter
39. The nature ‘s cleaners are (Ans: c)
a) Producers
b) Consumers
c) Decomposers and scavengers
d) Symbionts
40. The maximum biomass occurs in (Ans: a)
a) Tropical forests
b) Temperate forests
c) Taiga
d) Alpine vegetation
41. Animals living at the bottom of the sea are known as (Ans: c)
a) Lentic
b) Pelagic
c) Benthic
d) Lotic
42. A …………… is a step in the food chain. (Ans: d)
a) Community
b) Biosphere
c) Food web
d) Trophic level
43. ………… is/are the ultimate source of energy for all life on earth. (Ans: c)
a) Plants
b) Decomposers
c) Sunlight
d) Water
44. Physical, or non-living, factors that shape ecosystems are (Ans: c)
a) Communities
b) Biotic factors
c) Abiotic factors
d) Trophic levels
45. A group of individual of the same species that live in the same area is known as (Ans:
a) Species
b) Population
c) Niche
d) Community
46. A ……………. is an assemblage of different populations that live together in defined
area. (Ans: d)
a) Species
b) Population
c) Niche
d) Community
47. An organism that obtains energy by eating animals are known as (Ans: a)
a) Carnivore
b) Herbivore
c) Dentritivore
d) Producer
48. The total amount of living tissue within a given trophic level is known as (Ans: a)
a) Biomass
b) Biosphere
c) Food chain
d) Niche
49. …………. Is any chemical substance that an organism requires to live. (Ans: b)
a) Carbohydrate
b) Nutrient
c) Sunlight
d) Water
50. The sum total of the variety of organisms in the biosphere is called as (Ans: c)
a) A biotic factor
b) An abiotic factor
c) Biodiversity
d) A population

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