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Unit Test-I (Shift:-I & II)
Program : - Computer Engineering Group Program Code:- CM/IF/EE/EJ/IS/CE
Course Title: -Environmental Studies Semester: - Fifth
Course Abbr &Code:-EST(22447) Scheme: I


Chapter 1. Environment (CO1)

Q.1 Which of these causes the sea level change over flooding due to process of melting of
a) Global warming b) Ozone layer Damaging
c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these

Q.2 Which of them can be recycled?

a) Paper b) Plastic
c) Metal d) All of these

Q.3 Recycle of plastic can also minimize air pollution.

a) Yes b) No
c) Neither yes or false d) None

Q.4 Recycling is best process to control pollution.

a) True b) False
c) Neither true or false d) None

Q.5 O3 is known as .
a) Atmosphere b) Ozone
c) Oxygen d) All of these

Q.6 Ozone get rupture by reaction of NOx with .

a) Sunlight b) Water
c) Volatile organic compounds d) None
Q.7 Third world war have impact .
b) Hydrosphere
a) Lithosphere
c) Bio-sphere d) All of these

Environment consist of .
a) Lithosphere b) Hydrosphere

c) Bio-sphere d) All of these

Q.9 Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Bio-sphere and Atmosphere from .

a) Environment b) Pollution
c) Pollutant d) None
Q.10 Atomic oxygen reacts with to give acyl radical.
a) Hydrocarbon b) CFC
c) SO2 d) None of the above

Q.11 The environment consists of various segments such as atmosphere,

hydrosphere,lithosphere and ………..

a) Hemisphere

b) O2 sphere

c) Soil sphere

d) Biosphere

Q.12 The ………is the protective blanket of gases which is surrounding the earth. It protects
the earth from the hostile environment of outer space.

a) Hemisphere

b) Atmosphere

c) Lithosphere

d) Biosphere

Q.13 ……….of the total water supply is available as fresh water in the form of
rivers,lakes.,streams and ground water for human consumption and other uses.
a) 1%

b) 2%

c) 3%

d) 4%

Q.14 The lithosphere consists of upper mantle and the ……….

a) Atmosphere

b) Crust

c) Thrust

d) None of the above

Q.15 Atmosphere allows transmission of significant amount of radiation only in the regions

a) 100-200 nm

b) 200-500 nm

c) 300-2500 nm

d) None of the above

Q.16 Atmosphere acts as a source for……..for plant photosynthesis and ……...for respiration.

a) O2 and CO2

b) CO2 and N2

c) NO2 and CO2

d) CO2 and O2

Q.17 ………acts as a source for nitrogen for nitrogen fixing bacteria and ammonia producing

a) Atmosphere

b) Lithosphere
c) Hydrosphere

d) Nanosphere

Q.18 The ………is a collective term given to all different forms of water.

a) Atmosphere

b) Lithosphere

c) Hydrosphere

d) Nanosphere

Q.19 The ………refers to the kingdom of living organisms and their interaction with the

a) Atmosphere

b) Lithosphere

c) Hydrosphere

d) Biosphere

Q.20 The biosphere is very large and complex and is divided into smaller units called………

a) Organisms

b) Ecosystems

c) Module

d) None of these

Q.21 ……….is a natural process that warms the Earth’s surface.

a) Greenhouse effect

b) Global warming

c) Deforestation
d) None of these

Q.22 How is the greenhouse effect experienced on earth?

a) Global warming

b) Pollution

c) Both a. and b.

d) None of the above

Q.23 Which of the following gases is/are responsible for global warming?

a) Carbon dioxide(CO2)

b) Water vapour (H2O)

c) Both a. and b.

d) None of the above

Q.24 In desert areas, there is large difference between day and night temperature mainly
because of

a) Presence of carbon dioxide in air as it acts as barrier for emanating infrared radiation from
the earth surface.

b) Presence of water vapour in air as it acts as barrier for emanating infrared radiation from the
earth surface.

c) Absence of carbon dioxide in air as it acts as barrier for emanating infrared radiation from
the earth surface.

d) Absence of water vapour in air as it acts as barrier for emanating infrared radiation from the
earth surface.

Q.25 The radiation energy from the sun is produced by ………..

a) Fission Reaction
b) Fusion reaction

c) Both a. and b.

d) None of the above

Q.26 Which of the following mentioned GHGs has the highest atmosphere lifetime?

a) Carbon tetrafluoride

b) Nitrogen oxide

c) Methane

d) CFC

Q.27 Which of the following greenhouse gas is contributed by cattle farming?

a) Nitrogen oxide

b) Methane

c) Carbon monoxide

d) All of the mentioned

Q.28 Volcanic eruption contribute to the global greenhouse phenomenon.

a) True

b) False

Q.29 Gas molecules that absorb thermal infrared radiation and are present in large quantity to
change climate system are known as…….

a) Alpha radiations

b) Beta radiations

c) Ozone gases

d) Greenhouse gases
Q.30 Greenhouse gases which is present in very high quantity is……..

a) Propane

b) Ethane

c) Carbon dioxide

d) Methane

Q.31 Exchange of outgoing and incoming radiations that keep earth warm is known as…….

a) Greenhouse effect

b) Radiation effect

c) Infrared effect

d) Ozone layer depletion

Q.32 Wavelength of infrared radiations is……..

a) Greenhouse effect

b) Radiation effect

c) Infrared effect

d) Ozone layer depletion

Q.33 Greenhouse gases effect on earth’s atmosphere is increased by………

a) CFCs(chlorofluorocarbons)

b) Air conditioners

c) Perfumes

d) Burning fossil fuels

Q.34 If atmosphere doesn’t act like greenhouse, temperature of earth would become……..

a) too pleasant to enjoy

b) too cold to survive

c) too hot to survive

d) too terrible to survive

Q.35 Waves that pass through glass walls of greenhouse are in form of………..

a) gamma rays

b) X-rays

c) infrared waves

d) Radio waves

Q.36 Global warming effects……

a) forests around the globe

b) temperature of the globe

c) wind and moisture of the globe

d) water around the globe

Q.37 The gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect on earth are, in order of greatest to
smallest in importance,…………

a) CO2,H2O,CH4

b) H2O,CO2,CH4

c) CH4,CO2,H2O

d) H2O,CH4,CO2

Q.38 The order of the atmosphere layers, starting from closest to the surface to the top of he
atmosphere, is……….

a) Mesosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Stratosphere

b) Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere

c) Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Troposphere, Stratosphere

d) Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere

Q.39 By how much has atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrated increased ever since the
industrial revolution?

a) 20%

b) 10%

c) 40%

d) 60%

Q.40 Which is the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere?

a) Carbon dioxide

b) Water vapour

c) Methane

d) Nitrogen

41) Explosive force of modern fusion bombs is .

a) 100 kilotons b) 500 kilotons

c) >100 kilotons d) None of the above

42) Rivers, wells and ponds get polluted with .

a) Heavy metals b) Aquatic animals

c) Chemical compounds d) None of the above

43) Contaminated agricultural run off pollutes .

a) Food chain and food webs b) Air

c) Pesticides d) None of the above

44) WHO stands for .

a) World Hygiene Observation b) World Health Organization

c) Wild Hazardous organisms d) None of the above

45) According to UNO, amongst present world population, .

a) About 1 billion do not get potable water

b) About 50%people get potable water

c) No one faces water crisis

d) None of the above

46) According to WHO, up to population, suffers from water borne diseases.

a) Half of total b) One fourth of total

c) 10% of total d) None of the above

47) Guinea worm to hook worm occurs due to poor.

a) Air quality b) Drinking water

c) Sanitation and drinking water d) None of the above

48) Diarrhoea is a borne disease.

a) Normal water b) Air

c) Dirty water d) None of the above

49) UN suggests quantity of safe water per day per person.

a) 20-50 liters b) >40 liters

c) <40 liters d) None of the above

50) In dry Northern china, water table drops meter per year due to .

a) One, over pumping b) Ten, over using

c) Five, over pumping d) None of the above

51) Chinese rivers are highly polluted with .

a) Chemicals b) Metals

c) Heavy metals d) None of the above

52) Many water conserving are invented by .

a) Japan b) Israel

c) China d) None of the above

53) Without sanitation, drinking water is impossible.

a) Safe, safe b) Proper, proper

c) Safe, plenty d) None of the above

54) Safe water is essential for .

a) Hygiene b) Washing

c) Pumping d) None of the above

55) Lack of safe sanitation leads to .

a) Diseases b) Water crisis

c) Healthy environment d) None of the above

56) “It is human right to water and sanitation” explicitly recognized by.

a) Human Right commission b) UN General Assembly

c) Both of above d) None of the above

57) Sanitation facilities should be hygienically .

a) Safe b) Unsafe

c) Proper d) None of the above

58) The price of water and sanitation should be .

a) High b) Low

c) Different d) None of the above

59) Sanitation facilities should be accepted.

a) Culturally b) Politically

c) Technically d) None of the above

60) Sanitation facilities are constructed and made .

a) Common to all b) Gender specific

c) Only for women d) None of the above

61) Crisis related to land is due to rise in .

a) Prices b) Population

c) Reforestation d) None of the above

62) Public awareness aims at .

a) Protecting natural resources b) Utilizing natural resources

c) Exploiting natural resources d) None of the above

63) Our natural environment has and values.

a) Qualitative and quantitative b) Preservation and


c) Utilization and recreation d) None of the above

64) The species in world have numerous number of .

a) Complex chemicals b) Toxic elements

c) Useless substances d) None of the above

65) Some plants are useful as they produce .

a) Medicines b) Fruits

c) Flowers d) None of the above

66) Plants are valuable resources for many .

a) Vegetables and fruits b) Life saving medicines

c) Both of above d) None of the above

67) Aesthetic value of environment is enhanced by.

a) Dry plants b) Green plants

c) Plants with colorful flowers d) None of the above

68) Plants are also sources of many for industries.

a) Raw materials b) Medicines

c) Flowers d) None of the above

69) The growth of plants are .

a) Habitat specific b) water specific

c) Air specific d) None of the above

70) We have to extinction of rare plants.

a) Encourage b) Help

c) Protect d) None of the above

71) Once a plant/ insect species is lost, it is lost .

a) For time being b) Forever

c) For a season d) None of the above

72) Humans do not have capacity to the lost species.

a) Destroy b) Reproduce
c) Grow d) Generate

73) Deforestation destroys natural .

a) Environment b) Life

c) Cycle d) Balance

74) By law, no person is allowed to or the wild species.

a) Care, protect b) Kill, sell

c) Purchase, protect d) Care, kill

75) Wetland areas should not be to protect environment.

a) Destroyed b) Protected

c) Preserved d) Produced

76) The environmental awareness starts with .

a) Country b) State

c) Individual d) None of the above

77) Public awareness to protect environment would spread by .

a) An individual b) Women

c) Children d) Society

78) To protect wild species, parks help.

a) Regional b) National

c) Water d) All of the above

79) Wild life sanctuaries are developed to protect wild species of .

a) Birds b) Animals

c) Tribals d) All of the above

80) Bio reserves add to value of natural environment.

a) Protective b) Productive

c) Preservative d) Preparative

81) Mother earth is a and planet.

a) Caring and living b) Green and water

c) Growing and safe d) None of the above

82) On bank of river Nile, civilization developed.

a) Japanese b) Egyptian

c) Chinese d) African

83) Natural beautiful environment inspires .

a) Artists b) Writers and poets

c) All above d) None of the above

84) Great Indian poet kalidas has written, .

a) Meghdut b) Shakuntal

c) Mrutyunjay d) None of the above

85) The all time great book “meghdut” is written by the great Indian writer/poet .

a) Picasso b) Kalidas

c) Vyas d) Sharatchandra

86) Natural environment serves as basis of our life.

a) Politics b) Philosophy

c) Culture d) Cycle

87) In urban development, places are reserved for .

a) Gardens and parks b) School and hospitals

c) All of above d) None of the above

88) For sustainable development R are followed.

a) 5 b) 2

c) 4 d) 3

89) Reduce, Recycle, Reuse and Refuse are popularly known as, .

a) 4 R for sustainable development b) R’s to be followed

c) Essential R’s for better life d) None of the above

90) Better than cure.

a) Protection b) Conservation

c) Prevention d) Production

91) Conservation of forest is than regeneration of forest.

a) Less costly b) More expensive

c) More difficult d) Easier

92) is a public movement.

a) Sardar sarovar b) Sagar dam

c) 4R d) None of the above

93) Mr. Sundarial Bahuguna headed popular movement .

a) Chipko Andolan

b) Ecofriendly project development

c) Dam development

d) Sardar sarovar

94) Chipko Andolan was done in .

a) Jharkhand b) Uttarakhand

c) Kerala d) None of the above

95) Chipko Andolan was headed by .

a) Political leader b) Nature lover

c) Spiritual leader d) None of the above

96) Sarder sarovar project is in .

a) Andhra Pradesh b) Gujarat

c) Maharashtra d) Punjab

97) In south India, near palghat project is developed .

a) Sardar sarovar b) Silent valley

c) Sagar dam d) Ecofriendly

98) Using mineral and power resources at high speed would be .

a) Short sightedness b) Foresight

c) Futuristic d) Love living

99) The modern living style would lead to .

a) Sustainable development b) Unsustainable development

c) Realistic approach d) All of the above

100) The wrong pattern of modern life style can be corrected by following .

a) 4R b) Regeneration

c) Redevelopment d) 3R
101) The value of environment gives us peace .

a) Aesthetic b) 4R

c) Futuristic d) Spiritual

102) A system without life .

a) Abiotic b) Biotic

c) Sustainable d) Organic

103) Acid rain occurs due to dissolution of in rain water.

a) Gases b) Particles

c) Somke d) Soot

104) Organisms adjust with environmental conditions is called as .

a) Adaptation b) Reproduction

c) Development d) None of the above

105) Establishment of forests by planting trees is .

a) Afforestation b) Reforestation

c) Deforestation d) None of the above

106) Asbestosis is disease of .

a) Heart b) Lungs

c) Eyes d) Kidney

107) Bhopal gas tragedy occurred in year .

a) 1984 b) 1985
c) 1990 d) 1987

108) Gas leaked in Bhopal in 1984 is .

a) MIC b) CO2

c) NO2 d) None of the above

109) Leakage of MIC took place from storage tanks of .

a) Union carbide b) National company

c) State company d) None of the above

110) Leakage of MIC happened in .

a) Midnight b) Morning

c) Noon d) Evening

111) Progressive accumulation of toxic components is .

a) Bio-accumulation b) Precipitation

c) Decantation d) None of the above

112) Wide range of flora and fauna is .

a) Nature b) Biodiversity

c) Environment d) Ecosystem

113) Bioaccumulation is also known as .

a) Biodiversity b) Bio magnifications

c) Precipitation d) None of the above

114) Requirement of O2 for microbial degradation of organic matter in water is .

a) BOD b) COD

c) PPT d) PPM

115) Geographically ecological region with similarity in vegetation and climate is .

a) Abiotic b) Biome

c) Biotic d) All of the above

116) Waste originating mainly from hospitals and clinics .

a) Biomedical waste b) Biological waste

c) Biochemical waste d) All of the above

117) Lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere together is called .

a) Biosphere b) Environment

c) Stratosphere d) None of the above

118) Plants, animals and micro organisms from ecosystem make .

a) Biota b) Biosphere

c) Environment d) Biome

Q.119 Evaluation of short long term effect on environment___.

a) Environment Impact Assessment
b) Environmental influence
c) Environment Impact Analysis
d) Environment Impact Assurance

Q.120 The environment consists of various segments such as

atmosphere,hydrosphere,lithosphere and ………..
a) Hemisphere
b) O2 sphere
c) Soil sphere
d) Biosphere
Q.121 The ………is the protective blanket of gases which is surrounding the earth. It
protects the earth from the hostile environment of outer space.
a) Hemisphere
b) Atmosphere
c) Lithosphere
d) Biosphere
Q.122 ……….of the total water supply is available as fresh water in the form of
rivers,lakes.,streams and ground water for human consumption and other uses.
a) 1%
b) 2%
c) 3%
d) 4%
Q.123 The lithosphere consists of upper mantle and the ……….
a) Atmosphere
b) Crust
c) Thrust
d) None of the above
Q.124 Atmosphere allows transmission of significant amount of radiation only in the
regions of……….
a) 100-200 nm
b) 200-500 nm
c) 300-2500 nm
d) None of the above

Q.125 Atmosphere acts as a source for……..for plant photosynthesis and ……...for

a) O2 and CO2
b) CO2 and N2
c) NO2 and CO2
d) CO2 and O2
Q.126 ………acts as a source for nitrogen for nitrogen fixing bacteria and ammonia
producing plants.
a) Atmosphere
b) Lithosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d) Nanosphere
Q.127 The ………is a collective term given to all different forms of water.
a) Atmosphere
b) Lithosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d) Nanosphere
Q.128 The ………refers to the kingdom of living organisms and their interaction with the
a) Atmosphere
b) Lithosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d) Biosphere

Q.129 The biosphere is very large and complex and is divided into smaller units
a) Organisms
b) Ecosystems
c) Module
d) None of these
Q.130 ……….is a natural process that warms the Earth’s surface.
a) Greenhouse effect
b) Global warming
c) Deforestation
d) None of these
Q.131 How is the greenhouse effect experienced on earth?
a) Global warming
b) Pollution
c) Both a. and b.
d) None of the above
Q.132 Which of the following gases is/are responsible for global warming?
a) Carbon dioxide(CO2)
b) Water vapour (H2O)
c) Both a. and b.
d) None of the above
Q.133 In desert areas, there is large difference between day and night temperature mainly
because of
a) Presence of carbon dioxide in air as it acts as barrier for emanating infrared radiation
from the earth surface.
b) Presence of water vapour in air as it acts as barrier for emanating infrared radiation
from the earth surface.
c) Absence of carbon dioxide in air as it acts as barrier for emanating infrared radiation
from the earth surface.
d) Absence of water vapour in air as it acts as barrier for emanating infrared radiation from
the earth surface.

Q.134 The radiation energy from the sun is produced by ………..

a) Fission Reaction
b) Fusion reaction
c) Both a. and b.
d) None of the above

Q.135 Which of the following mentioned GHGs has the highest atmosphere lifetime?
a) Carbon tetrafluoride
b) Nitrogen oxide
c) Methane
d) CFC
Q.136 Which of the following greenhouse gas is contributed by cattle farming?
a) Nitrogen oxide
b) Methane
c) Carbon monoxide
d) All of the mentioned
Q.137 Volcanic eruption contribute to the global greenhouse phenomenon.
a) True
b) False
Q.138 Gas molecules that absorb thermal infrared radiation and are present in large quantity
to change climate system are known as…….
a) Alpha radiations
b) Beta radiations
c) Ozone gases
d) Greenhouse gases
Q.139 Greenhouse gases which is present in very high quantity is……..
a) Propane
b) Ethane
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Methane
Q.140 Exchange of outgoing and incoming radiations that keep earth warm is known
a) Greenhouse effect
b) Radiation effect
c) Infrared effect
d) Ozone layer depletion
Q.141 Wavelength of infrared radiations is……..
a) Greenhouse effect
b) Radiation effect
c) Infrared effect
d) Ozone layer depletion
Q.142 Greenhouse gases effect on earth’s atmosphere is increased by………
a) CFCs(chlorofluorocarbons)
b) Air conditioners
c) Perfumes
d) Burning fossil fuels
Q.143 If atmosphere doesn’t act like greenhouse, temperature of earth would become……..
a) too pleasant to enjoy
b) too cold to survive
c) too hot to survive
d) too terrible to survive
Q.144 Waves that pass through glass walls of greenhouse are in form of………..
a) gamma rays
b) X-rays
c) infrared waves
d) Radio waves

Q.145 Global warming effects……

a) forests around the globe
b) temperature of the globe
c) wind and moisture of the globe
d) water around the globe

Q.146 The gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect on earth are, in order of greatest to
smallest in importance,…………
a) CO2,H2O,CH4
b) H2O,CO2,CH4
c) CH4,CO2,H2O
d) H2O,CH4,CO2
Q.147 The order of the atmosphere layers, starting from closest to the surface to the top of
he atmosphere, is……….
a) Mesosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Stratosphere
b) Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere
c) Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Troposphere, Stratosphere
d) Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere
Q.148 By how much has atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrated increased ever since the
industrial revolution?
a) 20%
b) 10%
c) 40%
d) 60%
Q.149 Which is the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere?
a) Carbon dioxide
b) Water vapour
c) Methane
d) Nitrogen
Q.150 The environment consists of various segments such as
atmosphere,hydrosphere,lithosphere and ………..
a) Hemisphere
b) O2 sphere
c) Soil sphere
d) Biosphere
Q.151 The ………is the protective blanket of gases which is surrounding the earth. It
protects the earth from the hostile environment of outer space.
a) Hemisphere
b) Atmosphere
c) Lithosphere
d) Biosphere
Q.152 ……….of the total water supply is available as fresh water in the form of
rivers,lakes.,streams and ground water for human consumption and other uses.
a) 1%
b) 2%
c) 3%
d) 4%
Q.153 The lithosphere consists of upper mantle and the ……….
a) Atmosphere
b) Crust
c) Thrust
d) None of the above
Q.154 Atmosphere allows transmission of significant amount of radiation only in the
regions of……….
a) 100-200 nm
b) 200-500 nm
c) 300-2500 nm
d) None of the above

Q.155 Atmosphere acts as a source for……..for plant photosynthesis and ……...for

a) O2 and CO2
b) CO2 and N2
c) NO2 and CO2
d) CO2 and O2
Q.156 ………acts as a source for nitrogen for nitrogen fixing bacteria and ammonia
producing plants.
a) Atmosphere
b) Lithosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d) Nanosphere
Q.157 The ………is a collective term given to all different forms of water.
a) Atmosphere
b) Lithosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d) Nanosphere
Q.158 The ………refers to the kingdom of living organisms and their interaction with the
a) Atmosphere
b) Lithosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d) Biosphere

Q.159 The biosphere is very large and complex and is divided into smaller units
a) Organisms
b) Ecosystems
c) Module
d) None of these
Q.160 ……….is a natural process that warms the Earth’s surface.
a) Greenhouse effect
b) Global warming
c) Deforestation
d) None of these

Q.161 Technology that manipulates the genes in an organism to modify characteristics

a) Biology
b) Microbiology
c) Biotechnology
d) Genetology
Q.162 Cyclic movement of carbon, to and from, between environment and organism,_______.
a) Corbon cycle
b) Corbonization
c) Coalition
d) Carboxylation

Q.163 A flesh eating animal______.

a) Carnivore
b) Herbivore
c) Both
d) None of the above

Q.164 Maximum number of species that can be accommodated in given area (per sqare
a) Carrying capacity
b) Accommodating power
c) Accommodating quality
d) None of the above

Q.165 Tree hugging movement in Uttarakhand,______.

a) Chipko Andolan
b) Asbestosis
c) Agenda 21
d) None of the above

Q.166 Oxygen required by non-biodegradable substances in water______.

a) COD
b) BOD
c) Oxidation
d) Oxygenation
Q.167 Movement by women in Tehri-Garhwal in Uttarakhand,____.
a) Chipko Andolan
b) Women liberalization
c) Agenda 21
d) Women Development

Q.168 Gaseous compounds of carbon, fluorine and chlorine_____.

a) CFC
b) HCP
c) CHC
d) HV

Q.169 CFC used widely as ____.

a) Cooler
b) Refrigerant
c) Air coolers
d) None of the above

Q.170 A stove that uses charcoal or wood as a fuel____.

a) Chulha
b) Open store
c) Furnace
d) Sigri

Q.171 Organism that feeds on producer____.

a) Heterotroph
b) Herbivore
c) Carnivore
d) None of the above

Q.172 Total economic and social returns against expenditure_____.

a) Cost benefit analysis
b) Cost –profit analysis
c) Price-profit estimate
d) Total analysis

Q.173 _____is number of live nirths per 1000 people population in an year.
a) Crude Birth Rate
b) Total Birth Chart
c) Additional Births
d) None of the above

Q.174 _____is number of deaths per 1000 people population in an year.

a) Depth %
b) Death chart%
c) Crude death rate
d) None of the above

Q.175 ____is Total socially transmitted behavior in a community.

a) Culture
b) Habits
c) Customs
d) rituals

Q.176 Wind circulates an area of low pressure anticlockwise_____.

a) Cyclone
b) Storm
c) Anticyclone
d) Wind power

Q.177 Wind speed reaches 100km per hour or more during?

a) Storm
b) Tsunami
c) Cyclone
d) Wind mill
Q.178 In____,wind circulates anticlockwise in Northen Hemisphere.
a) Anticyclone
b) Storm
c) Cyclone
d) Tsunami

Q.179 In cyclone, wind circulates ____ in Northern Hemisphere.

a) Anticlockwise
b) Clockwise
c) Without direction
d) None of the above

Q.180 In _____,wind circulates clockwise in southern Hemisphere.

a) Cyclone
b) Anticyclone
c) Topical storm
d) None of the above

Q.181 Unit of sound intencity is____.

a) Decibel
b) Bel
c) Frequency Unit
d) None of the above

Q.182 Audibility of human ear is____.

a) 1 to 130 decidel
b) >100 decidel
c) <100 decidel
d) 50-100 dB

Q.183 Land degradation due to human activities____.

a) Decertification
b) Erosion
c) Land slide
d) Corrosion

Q.184 physical or biological complexity of the system is___.

a) Biodiversity
b) Diversity
c) Ecosystem
d) Culture

Q.185 The technique to distinguish between individuals of same species using DNA.
a) DNA testing
b) DNA finger printing
c) DNA analysis
d) DNA tracing

Q.186 A high level intergovernmental meeting on environment of earth.

a) Earth summit
b) Save earth
c) Save planet
d) None of the above

Q.187 Earth summit was held at___.

a) Japan
b) Rio-de-Janero in Brazil
c) UK
d) USA

Q.188 Earth summit at Rio-de-Janero was held in year___.

a) 1992
b) 1995
c) 1981
d) 1993

Q.189 United nations conference on environment and development (UNCED) isknown as

a) Earth summit
b) Save environment movement
c) Save earth movement
d) None o fthe above

Q.190 DNA finger printing uses sample of___.

a) RNA
b) Nails
c) DNA
d) Tissues

Q.191 DNA fingerprinting can help to distinguish between___.

a) Different individuals of the same species
b) Different individuals of the different species
c) Individuals from different regions
d) None of the above

Q.192 The point of agreement of “Earth summit” circulated as____.

a) Rio Declaration
b) UNCED minutes
c) RIO-de-Janero Declaration
d) None of the above

Q.193 The shaking and trembling of the earth is ___.

a) Earth vibrations
b) Tremors
c) Earthquake
d) None of the above

Q.194 Scale to measure intensity of earthquake is___.

a) Richter scale
b) Vector
c) Scaler
d) dB

Q.195 Richter scale is unit to measure ____of the earthquake.

a) Intensity
b) Vibration
c) Frequency
d) Serverity

Q.196 the variety of habitates is ___.

a) Ecosystem Diversity
b) Ecological Variation
c) Biodiversity
d) Diversity

Q.197 A group of co-existing organisms which in teract with the environment.

a) Diversity
b) Ecosystem
c) Biodiversity
d) Will

Q.198 One id able to do work due to _____.

a) Energy
b) Heat
c) Force
d) None of the above

Q.199 “Something the environs” is___.

a) Environment
b) Surrounding
c) Encircle
d) None of the above

Q.200 Evaluation of short long term effect on environment___.

a) Environment Impact Assessment
b) Environmental influence
c) Environment Impact Analysis
d) Environment Impact Assurance

Chapter 2. Energy Resources (CO2)

Q.1) This area has no permanent roads or settlements and is maintained primarily for its
primitive character and non-motorized recreation. It is a…….
a) wilderness area
b) primitive recreation area
c) national park
d) national forest
Q.2) Where will the water sit the longest (longest renewal time)?
a) atmosphere
b) freshwater lake
c) glacier
d) ocean
Q.3) Which one is not a disadvantageof a big dam?
a) extremely expensive
b) flooding of prime arable land
c) electric energy generated from hydropower
d) blocking upstream migration of salmon

Q.4) Which of the following sources provides the least energy for industrialized countries?
a) pertroleum
b) nuclear fuels
c) coal
d) gas
Q.5) Which of the following energy sources provides a substantial amount of the energy needs
for developed countries?
a) hydropower
b) wood
c) solar
d) charcoal
Q.6) Which of the following is a highly exploited natural resource?
a) water
b) air
c) soil
d) none of these

Q.7) What are called “Pastures of the sea”?

a) estuaries
b) antartic divergence
c) coastal water
d) all of the above
Q.8) Which inhibits the native plant life on Antartica from flourishing?
a) temperature
b) volcanoes
c) drought
d) ice
Q.9) Soil containing many single soil called
a) pedon
b) poly pedon
c) regolith
d) profile
Q.10) Ground water is depleting at the rate of
a) 10cm/year
b) >10cm/year
c) <10cm/year
d) <5cm/year
Q.11) Only …….% of total water resources is available for human use
a) 0.2%
b) 2.5%
c) 6.12%
d) 6.5%
Q.12) Resources which are not reproducible are called
a) non reproducible resources
b) non renewable resources
c) renewable resources
d) cyclic resources
Q.13) Soil fertility is an example for …….resource
a) non reproducible resources
b) non renewable resources
c) renewable resources
d) cyclic resources
Q.14) Which one of the following is a passive factor affecting soil formation
a) topography
b) time
c) parent material
d) all of the above
Q.15) Drought is caused due to …….
a) variability in rainfall
b) delay in onset of monsoon
c) duration of the break in monsoon
d) all of the above
Q.16) The main driving force of ecological system is
a) wind energy
b) water energy
c) solar energy
d) earth energy
Q.17) Oxygen is an example of
a) renewable resources
b) non-renewable resources
Q.18) Coal is an example of
a) renewable resources
b) non-renewable resources

Q.19) Coal, petroleum and natural gas are called as

a) non-fossil fuels
b) fossil fuels
c) semi-fossil fuels
d) transparent fuels
Q.20) Minerals rocks, salts and chemical are termed as
a) abiotic resources
b) biotic resources
c) semi-transparent resources
d) falling resources
Q.21) Mineral resources are the natural resources.
a) yes
b) no
Q.22) As per the ecological uses, a typical tree produces commercial goods worth about rs.
a) 100
b) 1000
c) 3000
d) 30,000

Q.23) The tree is called as, Earth’s

a) heart
b) brain
c) lungs
d) beli
Q.24) The main greenhouse gas is absorbed by the forests as a raw material for photosynthesis.
a) O2
b) CO2
c) SO2
d) O3
Q.25) About ….. million species are found in the tropical forest alone.
a) 5
b) 10
c) 7
d) 100
Q.26) As per MOEF Annual Report(2005-06) in India total forest area is about
a) 68,000,000 ha
b) 10,000,000 ha
c) 10,686,800 ha
d) 20 ha
Q.27) Chhota Nagpur is famous for
a) sugar
b) tea gardens
c) rose gardens
d) rice mills
Q.28) About …….. % of the earths surface is covered by water.
a) 10
b) 100
c) 90
d) 75
Q.29) A layer of sediment or rock that is highly permeable and contains water is called
a) aquifer
b) spring
c) glasier
d) seepage

Q.30) Diamond is the non-metallic minerals.

a) true
b) false

Q.31) Graphite is the non-metallic minerals.

a) true
b) false
Q.32) FAO stands for
a) Food And Agriculture Organisations
b) Food And Agro Organisation
c) Frequent Agriculture Organisation
d) Flood And Agriculture Organisation
Q.33) CNG stand for
a) cooling natural gas
b) compressed natural gas
c) compound natural gas
d) critical natural gas
Q.34) During photosynthesis trees produce
a) oxygen
b) CO2
c) CO
d) nitrogen

Q.35) Forests prevents soil erosion by binding soil particles by their

a) steams
b) leaves
c) roots
d) buds
Q.36) Wood pulp is used for making
a) lumber
b) paper
c) chipboard
d) gum
Q.37) Pre capita use of water is the highest in
a) USA
b) India
c) Indonesia
d) Kuwait
Q.38) Blue baby syndrome (methaemoglobinemia)
a) sulphur
b) arsenic
c) phosphates
d) nitrates
Q.39) As per environmentalists we should ideally have ….. cover of forest
a) 33%
b) 43%
c) 53%
d) 63%

Q.40) …….% of water on the earth is salt water

a) 97
b) 87
c) 77
d) 67

Q.41 Which one of the following is an example of non-renewable resources?

a) Wind
b) vegetation
c) coal and minerals

Q.42 Which of the following id renewable resource?

a) Wind
b) Water
c) flora and fauna
d) All of the above

Q.43 which gas in stratosphere does provide protection to our life

a) Argon
b) nitrogen
c) Oxygen
d) Ozone

Q.44 The life supporting gasses such as O2 CO2 and N2 are chiefly concentrated in
a) Troposphere
b) Exosphere
c) Homosphere
d) Stratosphere

Q.45 Floods can be prevented by

a) afforestation
b) removing the top soil
c) cutting the forest
d) tilling the land

Q.46 Biogas generation mainly based on the principle of……………..

a) anaerobic degradation
b) aerobic decomposition
c) putrefaction
d) none of the above

Q.47 Which one of the following is not fossil fuel?

a) Petroleum
b) Coal
c)Natural gas
d) Uranium

Q.48 The death of the last individual of a species is called……………

a) extinction
b) endanger
c) neither nor
d) diversity

Q.49 Atomic energy is obtained by using ores of ………………….

a) copper
b) uranium
c) lead
d) crude oil

Q.50 ……… the major new material for biogas.

a) Tree leaves
b) Grass
c) cow dung
d) Waste from kitchen

Q.51 In the atmosphere the layer above the troposphere is……………

a) exosphere
b) mesosphere
c) stratosphere
d) thermosphere

Q.52 Both power and manner provide by……………..

a) exosphere
b) mesosphere
c) stratosphere
d) thermosphere

Q.53 Which of the following is not considered to the natural resource

a) soil
b) river
c) scenery
d) climate
e) all of the above are example natural resources

Q.54 Total earth’s surface covered by water is……………

a) 75%
b) 80%
c) 60%
d) 65%

Q.55 biotic component of biosphere is not constituted by……………

a) producer
b) decomposer
c) consumer
d) air

Q.56 An increase in cartoon dioxide content in the atmosphere would not couse…
a) more heat to be retained by the environment
b) increase in photosynthesis in plants
c) global warming
d) abundance of desert plants

Q.57 Oxygen is returned to the atmosphere mainly by………

a) respiration
b) photosynthesis
c) fungi
d) burning fuels

Q.58 Among the options , which one is not correct for the use of large amount of fertilisers and
a) They are eco-friendly
b) they turn the fields banners after some times
c) They adversely affects the useful component from the soil
d) They destroy the soil fertility

Q.59 Which rays are stopped by ozone layer in stratosphere?

a) UV rays
b) Infrared
c) X-rays
d) Gamma rays

Q.60 Atmosphere not heated by the sun does not cause

a) air flows
b) variations in climate
c) rainfall

Q.61 Which is not true

a) Lithosphere include the crust and the upper most mantle
b) lithosphere is underlain by the asthenosphere
c) lithosphere is provide timber
d) lithosphere is broken into tectonic plates

Q.62 which is false about biosphere

a) it is the global sum of all ecosystems
b) it is called as the zone of life on earth
c) It does not contain microbes
d) It has evolved at least some 3.5 billion years ego

Q.63 natural resources do not include…………….

a) water
b) refined oil
c) air
d) wood

Q.64 demand for resource does not change with the change in
a) idea
b) need
c) technology
d) economy

Q.65 A renewable resource is a resource which replaced………..

a) naturally
b) by human
c) by animals
d) all of the above

Q.66 Which is true

a) oxygen content may not get reduced if forest cover is not sufficient on the earth
b) forests can be said to behave like non-renewable resources if not overused.
c) fishes are capable of reproducing at the rate at which they are being caught
d) None of the above

Q.67 non-renewable resources, once used ………

a) remain one earth difference form
b) become waste material
c) are recycled
d) all of the above

Q.68 which the following is better definition for natural resources conservation?
a) protection of wildlife
b) environmental activism
c) efficient use of natural resources
d) preservation of natural resources

Q.69 What was the approximate world population of humans in the year 2008?
a) 667 billion
b) 66 billion
c) 6.67 billion
d)6.67 million

Q.70 Which of the following renewable resource?

a) salmon population that is farm raised
b) sulfur
c) light sweet crud oil shipped from saudi Arabia
d) iron ore that is commercially mined

Q.71 Which option below in not an example of pollution

a) smog in delhi
b) nuclear waste
c) overpopulation
d) untreated sewage

Q. 72 firtile soil always a renewable resource

a) true
b) false

Q.73 progress that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs is
a) the tragedy of commons
b) sustainable development
c) net primary productivity (NNP)
d) the impossibility theorem

Q.74 Biodiversity
a) Include genetic, species ,ecosystem, and functional diversities
b) refers to diversifying earth non renewable resources
c) refers to reconstruction of tropical rain forest
d) refers to biological effect to commercial plantation

Q.75 The greenhouse effect is in the phenomenon by which

a) biological diversity is dominant in agricultural production
b) the globe’s water pollution a effects plankton
c) the earth atmosphere traps infrared radiation
d) climatic changes occur naturally in the forest

Q.76 Of given below which is the non conventional source of energy

a) sun
b) coal
c) Wood
d) diesel

Q.77 percentage of total water found as fresh water is…….

a) 87.5%
b) 2.5%
c) 97.5%
d) 75%

Q.78 mining depends upon

a) Concentration of mineral only
b) Ease of extraction
c) Nearness to the market
d) All of the above

Q.79 ideally cover of forest should be ……..of the total area of country.
a) 23%
b) 30%
c) 33%
d) 40%

Q.80 This area has no permanent roads or settlement and is maintained primarily for its
primitive character and non motorized recreation .It is a..
a) wilderness area
b) primitive recreation area
c) national park
d) national forest
Q81. Which one of the following is an example of non-renewable resources ?
a. Wind b. Water
c. Vegetation d. Coal and Minerals

Q82. Which of the following is a renewable resources ?

a. Soil b. Water
c. Flora and fauna d. All the above

Q83. ____________ of stratosphere provides protection to our life .

a. Nitrogen b. Hydrogen
c. Ozone d. Argon
Q84. The life supporting gases such as O2,CO2 and N2 are chiefly concentrated in the
a. troposphere b. exosphere
c. homosphere d. stratosphere

Q85. Which of the following soil is best for plants growth ?

a. sandy soil b. clay
c. gravel d. loamy soil

Q86. Both power and manure are provided by _______________.

a. thermal power b. nuclear plants
c. biogas plants d. hydroelectric plants
Q87. In the atmosphere , the layer above the troposphere is ________________.
a. stratosphere b. exosphere
c. mesosphere d. thermosphere

Q88. ___________ is the major raw material for biogas.

a. plant leaves b. cow dung
c. mud d. grass

Q89. A biosphere reserve conserves and preserves __________.

a. wild animals b. wild lands
c. natural vegetation d. all the above

Q90. Atomic energy is obtained by using ores of ____________.

a. copper b. uranium
c. neither(a) or (b) d. both (a) or(b)

Q91. Sanctuaries are established to _____________.

a. rear animals for milk b. entrap animals
c. protect animals d. none of the above

Q92. The death of the last individual of a species is called _______________.

a. extinction b. clad
c. neither (a) or (b) d. species diversity

Q93. Which one of the following is not a fossil fuel ?

a. natural gas b. petrol
c. coal d. uranium

Q94. Biogas generation is mainly based on the principle of __________.

a. fermentation b. degradation
c. purification d. both (a) or (b)
Q95. Red Data Book provides a list of _________.
a. advance plants
b. rare , endangered or endemic species
c. disease resistant animals
d. none the above
Q96. Floods can be prevented by ________.
a. afforestation
b. cutting the forest
c. tilling the land
d. removing the top soil

Q97. Which of the following is a green house gas ?

a. nitrogen dioxide
b. sulphur dioxide
c. carbon dioxide
d. carbon monoxide

Q98. Narmada bachao andolan was to _______.

a. clean narmada
b. expand narmada
c. save narmada
d. none of the above

Q99. Which of the following is best method from environment point of view ?
a. reduce
b. recycle
c. reuse
d. all of the above

Q100. The full form of UV rays is ______.

a. ultra violet
b. ultra violent
c. ultra valve
d. ultimate violet
Q101. Synthetic material / chemical which depleted Ozone layer is ________.
a. CFCs
b. CFLs
c. CO2
d. none of the above

Q102. What is coliform ?

a. group of bacteria
b. group of viruses
c. group of micro-organisms
d. groups of diseases

Q103. What is the name given for replenishment of forest ?

a. afforestation
b. silviculture
c. deforestation
d. sericulture

Q104. Why should we conserve forest and wild life ?

a. to protect biodiversity
b. to maintain ecosystem
c. to maintain balance
d. to continue food chain

Q105. Water harvesting is a method which _________.

a. increase ground water level
b. not practiced in modern days
c. has no relation with ground water
d. decrease ground water level
Q106. Energy we use to heat our homes , drives our cars and run our computers comes from
a. artificial resources
b. natural resources
c. renewable resources
d. non renewable resources

Q107. Way we consume these renewable resources it effects their ________.

a. efficiency
b. power
c. availability
d. cost

Q108. To preserve resources for future we have to _______.

a. look for more
b. save them
c. consume more of them
d. use them more frequently

Q109. Most natural resources we consume at our homes or in our cars are ______.
a. renewable
b. non renewable
c. infinite
d. free

Q110. For travelling short distance best way to conserve natural resources is ______.
a. by driving
b. by flying
c. by talking lift
d. by cycling
Q111. What strategies has been taken by government for conservation of natural resources ?
a. implementation of a laws
b. minimizing human activities
c. less use of coal
d. all of them

Q112. When natural resources are changed into another product by people is known as ______.
a. secondary activities
b. primary activities
c. nutrient cycling
d. tertiary activities
Q113. Resources that people use are concentrated on the ______.
a. ocean shelf
b. continental shelf
c. ocean
d. water earth
Q114. Natural resources and wild life are destroy in which bulinding which source of energy ?
a. solar energy
b. wind energy
c. hydro energy
d. nuclear energy

Q115. The resource which are found every where are know as ____.
a. ubiquitous
b. non-renewable resources
c. human made resources
d. none of the above

Q116. The following is are the non renewable resources ____.

a. coal
b. petroleum
c. natural gas
d. all of the above

Q117. Balancing the need to use resources and also conserve them for the future is called
a. sustainable development
b. resources conservation
c. resources development
d. human resources development

Q118. The resources can be conserved by reducing _______.

a. consumption
b. recycling
c. reusing
d. all of the above
Q119. Land covers _______ percent of the total area of the earth’s surface
a. 20
b. 25
c. 30
d. 35

Q120.the total percent of land of world under forest is ________.

a. 26
b. 31
c. 36
d. 41

Q121.The thin layer of grainy substance covering the surface of the earth is called ________.
a. soil
b. sand
c. mineral
d. organic matter

Q122. The following is (are)not a factor(s) of soil formation

a. organic matter
b. soil texture
c. minerals
d. all

Q123. The major major factor(s) of soil formation is (are)

a. the nature of the parent rock
b. climatic factors
c. time taken for the composition of soil formation
d. all of the above
Q124. The following factor(s) is (are) responsible for degradation of soil ______.
a. chemical fertilizers
b. landslides
c. floods
d. all of the above

Q125.the process in which bare ground between plants is covered with a layer of organic
matter like straw , is called ______.
a. mulching
b. contour carriers
c. shelter belts
d. intercropping

Q126. The process in which different crops are grown in alternate rows and are sown at
different times to protect the soil from rain wash, is known as ______.
a. crop rotation
b. intercropping
c. terrace framing
d. contour cropping

Q127. All the forms of water that comes down on earth, including rain, snow, hail etc . is
known as ________.
a. calcification
b. fixation
c. precipitation
d. accumulation

Q128. The oceans covers _______ percentage of earth’s surface.

a. 51%
b. 61%
c. 71%
d. 91%

Q129. Green revolution is associated with……..

a. sericulture
b. agriculture
c. fish culture
d. silviculture

Q130.The components of LPG are…….

a. Methane & Hexane
b. Propane &Butane
c. Ethane &Methane
d. Propane& Ethane

Q131. Major consumer of wood from forest is _______.

a. thermal power plant
b. paper industry
c. chemistry industry
d. none

Q132.The portion of the earth and its environment which can support life is known as
a. crust
b. biosphere
c. exosphere
d. atmosphere

Q133. What is troposphere ?

a. portion of air
b. portion of water
c. lowest layer of atmosphere where we survive
d. portion of sky

Q134. The main energy source for the environment is ______.

a. solar energy
b. chemical energy
c. bioelectric energy
d. electrical energy

Q135. Which gas is likely to be reduced in the atmosphere by deforestation ?

a. carbon dioxide
b. nitrogen
c. oxygen
d. sulphur dioxide

Q136. What are rodenticides ?

a. that kill fishes
b. that kill insects
c. that kill rats
d. that kill crocos

Q137. Which of the following is most responsible for world water crisis ?
a. dams
b. floods
c. drought
d. population growth

Q138. The resources that can be replaced by natural ecological cycle is called ______.
a. renewable
b. non-renewable
c. exhaustible
d. natural

Q139. The amount of solar radiation reaching the surface of the earth is called ______.
a. solar flux
b. reflected light
c. minerals
d. solvent

Q140. The most harmful of ultraviolet radiations are ___.

a. UV-C
b. UV-B
c. UV-A
d. all of the above

Q141. Grassland of USA is referred to as ____.

a. prairies
b. steppes
c. pampas
d. veldts

Q142. Extensive planting of trees to increase forest cover is called _____.

a. afforestation
b. agroforestry
c. deforestation
d. social forestry

Q143. Soil erosion can be prevented by ______.

a. deforestation
b. afforestation
c. overgrazing
d. removal of vegetation

Q144. A renewable source of energy is ______.

a. petroleum
b. coal
c. nuclear fuel
d. trees

Q145. ‘Smog’ is mixture of ________.

a. smoke and fog
b. snow and fog
c. snow and dust
d. sulphur dioxide and fog

Q146. Moisture in the air is known as ______.

a. water
b. fog
c. snow
d. humidity

Q147. The capacity to do work is termed as ____.

a. power
b. force
c. strength
d. energy

Q148. Ozone layer is present in ______.

a. troposphere
b. stratosphere
c. mesosphere
d. ionosphere

Q149. Ozone umbrella is located in which layer of atmosphere _______.

a. troposphere
b. stratosphere
c. mesosphere
d. ionosphere

Q150. The unit of total water content of the soil is know as ______.
a. holard
b. charserd
c. echard
d. all of the above

Q151. Pedology ?
a. study of water
b. study of air
c. study of soil
d. none of the above

Q152. What is deforestation ?

a. product of forest
b. destruction of forest
c. forest production
d. none

Q153. Deforestation generally decrease ______.

a. global warming
b. drought
c. soil erosion
d. rainfall

Q154. Which among the following result in the formation of soil ?

a. radiation
b. weathering
c. erosion
d. pollution

Q155. Mulching helps in ______.

a. soil fertility
b. moisture conservation
c. improvement soil structure
d. soil sterility

Q156. Atmosphere humidity is measured by _____.

a. auxanometer
b. photometer
c. hygrometer
d. none

Q. 157. Activity that protects environment


Q. 158. Code of conduct based on moral values

Q. 159. Electronic waste generated
b)Solid waste
c)Biomedical waste
d)Electronic waste
Q. 160. Regional animals and animal life
a) Fauna
d)None of the above

Q. 161. Regional plants growing naturally

a) Flora 
b) Fauna 
c) Ecosystem
d) Forest

Q. 162. Excessive intake of fluoride causes 

a) Thyroid problem
b) Fluorosis 
c) Fluorination
d) Fluorolysis 

Q. 163. Fluorosis is caused due to excessive intake of

a) lodine
d) Fluorides

Q. 164. Fly Ash is_____portion of solid fuel.

a) Combustible
b) Non-combustible
c)partially burnt

Q. 165. Particles floating in air due to non-combustible________portion of solid fuel are

a) Fly Ash 
Q. 166. Chain of food transfer from primary producer tovarious consumers 
a) Food web
b) Food chain
c) Food cycle
d) None of the above
Q. 167. Large no. of trees naturally grown in area
a) Forest
b) Garden 
c) Mangrove
d) None of the above

Q. 168. Remains of organisms converted into fuels

a) Fossil fuels
b) Carbon credits
c) Carbon ppt.
d) None of the above

Q. 169. Frugivorous" term is used for creatures which depend only on

a) Vegetables
b) Fruits
c) Grass
d) Seeds

Q. 170. Slow gradual rise in temperature of due to

green house gases
a) Global warming
b) Thermal pollution
c)Heat Transfer
d) None of the above

Q. 171. Green House gases are responsible for

a) Excess Heat
b) Global warming
c) None of the above
d) Acid Rain

Q. 172. Region suitable for grass to few trees to grow

a) Grass land
b) Wet land
c) None of the above
d) Green park

Q. 173. Effect due to green house gases

a) Green House effect
b) Green park
c) Green chemistry 
d) None of the above

Q.174. CO2 is
a) Green House Gas
b) Red in colour
c) Insoluble in water
d) Heavier than air

Q. 175. During second half of twentieth century the world saw

a) Famine
b) Green Revolution
c) Desertification
d) None of the above

Q. 176. Green Revolution is_____growth of world food production.

a) Rapid
b) Steady
c) None of the above
d) Slow

Q. 177. Green Revolution was mainly in ____countries

a) Developing 
b) Developed
c) Small
d) Large

Q. 178. An area where biological population oCcurs

a) Ecosystem
b) Habital
c) Divinity
d) Diversity

Q.179. Violent storm with very strong winds

a) Anti cyclone
c) Tsunami
d) Hurricane

Q. 180. Western Atlantic ocean experience

a) Volcano
b) Hurricane
c) Storm
d) Cyclone

Q. 181. Cycle of evaporation of water to rain fall is 

a) Hydrological
b) Rain  Cycle
c) Nitrogen cycle
d) Carbon cycle

Q. 182. Electric power from water

a) Hydro energy
b) Hydropower
c) Wind energy
d) Thermal power

Q. 183. Turbines are driven using

a) Hydro power
b) Electricity
c) Wind energy
d) Power

Q. 184 Process of burning waste material to ashes in incinerator

a) Incineration
b) Combustion
c) Burning
d) Disposal

Q. 185. Process of burning waste material in special furnace called as

a) Incineratione 
b) Ash formation
c) Combustion
d) Disposal

Q. 186. Outside city where municipal waste is dumbed

a) Wet land
b) Land fill
c) Garbage
d) Grass land

Q. 187. A tropical vegetation of shrubs and trees

a) Mangroves
b) Forest
c) Marine vegetation
d) None of the above
Q. 188. Protocol made in 1987.
a) Montreal protocol
b) Agenda 21
c) Green Revolution
d) Malthus law

Q. 189. Montreal protocol established in 

a) 1987 
b) 1985 
c) 1992 
d) 1986

Q. 190. Montreal protocol is on substances that

a) Deplete ozone
b) Cause Acid Rain
c) Cause Global warming
d) None of the above

Q. 191. Montreal protocol was made under the auspices of 

a) UN
b) UK  
c) USA 
d) China

Q. 192. An Amendment to Montreal protocol was done inyear

a) 1987
b) 1992
c) 1985
d) 1988
Q. 193. Total_______nations signed montreal protocol. 
a) 93 
b) 112
c) 55
d) 95

Q. 194. Resources in earth's crust

a) Natural
b) Renewable
c) Ancient
d) Plenty

Q. 195. Preventing overexploitation of non-renewable natural resources

a) Nature conservation
b) Environmental degradation
c) Exploiting biodiversitye her
d) None of the above

Q. 196. An organization that works outside government

a) NGO
b)Nature lowers


Q.1 The study of ecosystems is called as

(a) Environment (b) Ecology

(c) E-study (d) Cosmos

Q. 2 The term Ecology was given by….... in 1869

(a) Earnest Haeckel (b) Newtons

(c) S. W. Flemig (d) S. D. Lal

Q. 3 Photosynthesis is also known as

(a) photo citosis (b) photo-crysis

(c) photo autotrophs (d) photo-geology

Q. 4 The sequence of eating and being eaten in an ecosystem is known as

(a) Food supply (b) Food constant
(c) Food habit (d) Food chain

Q.5 Grass Rabit Fox is an example of

(a) parallel food chain (b) grazing food chain

(c) animal food chain (d) detritus food chain

Q.6 There are mainly two types of food chain, one is grazing food chain and other is
(a) animal food chain (b) auto food chain
(c) grazing-auto food chain (d) detritus food chain

Q.7 The grazing food chain derives energy from…..

(a) plant (b) fish
(c) animals (d) sun

Q.8. To maintain ecological balance and regulate the population size of different animals, this
is useful
(a) Sun chain (b) Wind chain
(c) Food chain (d) Grass chain

Q. 9 Food web is a network of

(a) food resort (b) food balance
(c) food chains (d) food supply and demand

Q. 10 Number of options of eating and being eaten at each trophic level is available in
(a) food chain (b) food web
(c) solar chain (d) cosmos web
Q. 11 Ecological pyramids are of three types. One is pyramid of numbers, second is pyramid
of biomass and third is pyramid of
(a) sun (c) water
(b) wind (d) energy

Q. 12 The most important feature of energy flow in ecosystem is that it is

(a) one way flow (b) two way flow
(c) three way flow (d) no flow

Q.13 The flow of energy follows the two laws of

(a) kinetics (b) kinematics
(c) statistics (d) thermodynamics

Q. 14 Energy flow through an ecosystem was explained by

(a) E. P. Odum (b) E.P. Rax
(c) E. P. Zen (d) E. P. Watson

Q.15 Double channel energy flow model is also called as……....

(a) X-shaped energy flow model (b) Y-shaped energy flow model
(c) Z-shaped energy flow model (d) A-shaped energy flow model

Q.16 About 1/3rd of our land area is covered by

(a) deserts (b) grassland

(c) water (d) forest

Q. 17 Dal lake is in

(a) Srinagar (b) Delhi

(c) Yavatmal (d) Nainital
Q. 18 Fishes are the example of……….organisms.
(a) Neustons (b) Nektons

(c) Benthos (d) Periphytons

Q. 19 Herbivores means
(a) plant eaters (b) meat eaters
(c) both plant and meat eaters (d) none of these

Q. 20 Herbivores are also called as

(a) primary consumers (b) secondary consumers
(c) tertiary consumers (d) none of these

Q. 21 The organisms who feed directly on producers are called

(a) carnivores (b) herbivores
(c) omnivores (d) none of these

Q. 22 Carnivores means
(a) plant eaters (b) meat eaters
(c) fish eaters (d) none of these

Q. 23 Carnivores are also called as

(a) primary consumers (b) secondary consumers
(c) tertiary consumers (d) omnivores

Q. 24 Pyramid of……. is always upright.

(a) energy (b) biomass
(c) forest (d) mass
Q. 25 Movement of nutrients in an ecosystem is cyclic, while flow of energy is
(a) zero directional (b) uni directional
(c) two directional (d) Y and Z directional

Q. 26 The organisms which fed on dead organic matter is called as

(a) saprotrophs (b) fungi
(c) zooplanktons (d) algae

Q. 27 The organisms which feed on dead organisms, wastes of living organisms are called
(a) chemotrophs (b) carnivores
(c) detritivores(d) decomposers

Q. 28 The progressive accumulation of some non-biodegradable chemicals through the food

chain is known as
(a) Ecological balance (b) Biological inflection
(c) Biological magnification (d) Bio-degradation

Q. 29 The totality of genes, species and ecosystem of a region is called as

(a) Bio-society(b) Biodiversity
(c) Bio-living (d) Bio-physics

Q. 30 Approximately ….% of the known species are insects.

(a) 31 (b) 21
(c) 11 (d) 61

Q. 31 Only ….species of mammals are known to science

(a) 2100 (b) 2760
(c) 4650 (d) 1111

Q. 32 Thar in India is a
(a) desert (b) sea
(c) river (d) muddy land

Q. 33 Chilka lake is in
(a) Maharashtra (b) Bihar
(c) Orissa (d) U.P.

Q. 34 The biological diversity include three hierarchical levels (1) genetic diversity, (2)
species diversity and third is
(a) community and ecosystem diversity (b) animal and plant diversity
(c) local diversity (d) mollusks diversity

Q. 35 The genetic variation existing within a species is called

(a) genetic diversity (b) local animal diversity
(c) species diversity (d) ecosystem diversity

Q. 36 ………… plays a key role in the maintenance of diversity at species and community
(a) Speciation (b) Species richness
(c) Roll of species in land (d) Evenness of species

Q. 37 The evolution of new species is called as

(a) citation (b) mutation
(c) mitigation (d) speciation

Q. 38 The species diversity of a region is measured on the basis of two parameters one is
evenness and other is
(a) species richness (b) equitability
(c) odness (d) speciation

Q. 39 The number of species per unit area is known as

(a) evenness (b) equitability of species
(c) species richness (d) speciation

Q. 40 There are three perspectives of the diversity at the level of community. There are (a)
alpha diversity, (b) beta diversity and (c)……… diversity
(a) sigma (b) zeta
(c) gamma (d) magma

Q. 41 The diversity within the community is involves in

(a) sigma diversity (b) beta diversity
(c) gamma diversity (d) alpha diversity

Q. 42 . Diversity between the communities is refers in

(a) sigma diversity (b) beta diversity
(c) gamma diversity (d) alpha diversity

Q. 43 . ……….. refers to the diversity of the habitats over the total landscape or geographical
(a) Beta diversity (b) Alpha diversity
(c) Sigma diversity (d) Gamma diversity

Q. 44 Species determining the ability of large number of other species to persist in the
community is called as
(a) keystone species (b) alpha species
(c) grass species (d) variant species

Q. 45 About ….% of the Indian landmass is occupied by Deccan peninsula.

(a) 25 (b) 35
(c) 42 (d) 61

Q. 46 About 42% of the Indian landmass is occupied by

(a) Deccan peninsula (b) Thar desert
(c) Sea (d) Grassland

Q. 47 The species which are condifined to a particular country is called

(a) Magnified species (b) Definite species
(c) De-magnified species (d) Endemic species

Q.48 Plant based synthetic products are called as

(a) botanochemicals (b) biochemicals
(c) bio-dio-chemicals (d) oxichemicals

Q. 49 Morphine is a …….. use of biodiversity.

(a) chemical (b) Physical
(c) Medicinal (d) Mechanical

Q. 50 Quinine, the drug is used for treatment of ………is an example of benefits of

(a) Bone - T.B. (b) Carcer

(c) Malaria (d) Colora

Q . 51 The name of largest flying bird of today is

(a) California condor (b) Mangor bird

(c) Eagel-sofara (d) Eagel-sky-sulfer

Q. 52 New species entering a geographical region are called …….. species

(a) Exotic (b) Extic
(c) Toxic (d) Exto exotic

Q.53 Exotic species are also called as

(a) Extra species (b) Modular species
(c) Aline species (d) Modern species
Q. 54 Killing of prohibited wild animals for illegal trading of wildlife products is called
(a) Morching (b) Kill-Killing
(c) Poaching (d) Cross-Killing

Q. 55 There are two basic strategies of biodiversity conservation, on is one site and other is
(a) over site (b) off site
(c) reverse site (d) protection site

Q.56 In-situ conservation of biodiversity is also called as

(a) on site (b) ex-situ
(c) over site (d) global site

Q. 57 WCMC stands for

(a) World Conservation Monitoring Centre (b) Wild Conservation Monitoring Centre
(c) World Control Monitoring Centre (d) World Conservation Management Centre

Q.58 The earliest National park is......... in USA

(a) Yellow-park (b) Yellow-wild life
(c) Yellow-stone (d) Yellow-centre

Q. 59 The earliest National park near Sydney (Australia) is

(a) Rogar (b) Royal
(c) Yellow-stone (d) Sydney park

Q. 60 The Jim Corbett National Park is near

(a) Nainital (b) Delhi
(c) Mumbai (d) Nagpur

Q.61 . First National park established in India is

(a) Jawaharlal Nehru National Park (b) Salim Ali National Park
(c) Dr. Bose National Park (d) Jim Corbett National Park

Q. 62 National park is an example of …………. conservation strategies of bio-diversity.

(a) in-situ (b) ex-situ
(c) over situ (d) protection of wild life

Q. 63 Wild life sanctuaries is an example of ………. conservation strategies of bio-diversity

(a) in-situ (b) off situ

(c) ex-situ (d) reverse of situ

Q. 64 Kaziranga National park is in

(a) Maharashtra (b) Bihar
(c) Assam (d) Delhi

Q. 65 Corbett National park is in

(a) Uttaranchal (b) Delhi
(c) Haryana (d) Punjab

Q. 66 An ___________ consist of biotic and abiotic components.

a)Environment b) Ecosystem
c) Ecology d)None of the above

Q. 67 Energy flow involves ______________ to play role.

a) Components b) Trees
c) Animals d) None of the above
Q. 68 Coral reef is example of _________ type of ecosystem.
a)Terrestrial b) Aquatic
c) Organic d) None of the above
Q. 69 “Tundra” is example of ___________ type ecosystem.
a)Marine b) Terrestrial
c) Microbiological d) None of the above
Q. 70___________ chain involves energy transformation.
a)Food b) Reactions
c) Cyclisation d) None of the above
Q. 71 ____________ eat plants and plant products.
a)Carnivores b) Herbivores

c) Animal d) None of the above

Q. 72 _____________ survive on herbivores.

a)Plants b) Carnivores
c) Aquatics d) None of the above

Q. 73 Those which consume droppings of all of us.

a)Detritivores b) herbivores
c)Carnivores d) None of the above

Q. 74 Dead tissues and waste products are used by ___________

a)Detritivores b) Metagens
c) Soil d) None of the above
Q. 75 In the presence of sun and water, ___________ produces food.
a)Decomposer b) Producer
c) Consumer d) None of the above
Q. 76 Fungi act as ______________ in food chain.
a)Decomposer b) Producer
c) Constituents d) None of the above
Q. 77 Decomposer helps to send _____________ to producers.
a)Components b) Nutrients
c) Constituents d) None of the above
Q. 78 Grass is categorized as ______________ in grazer food chain.
a)Plant b) Producer
c) Vegetable d) None of the above
Q.79 In a food web , food chains are _____________
a)Interconnected b)Cycled
c) Joined d) None of the above

Q.80 Food webs are very ______________

a)Simple b) small
c) Complicated d) None of the above

Q. 81 Ecological pyramid is a ______________ representation.

a)Geological b) Pyramidal
c) Graphical d) None of the above

Q.82 Ecological pyramid shows ______________ productivity.

a)Biome b) Biomass
c) Organic d) None of the above

Q.83 In ecological pyramid primary producers are shown at ______________

a)Top b) Base
c) Periphery d) None of the above

Q.84 Primary producers are followed by _____________ consumer.

a)Secondary b) Primary
c) All d) None of the above
Q.85 The variation of life forms within an ecosystem or on eath is named as _________.
(i) Biome (ii) Biodiversity
(iii) Biological variety (iv) None of the above
Q.86 Which one of following is not a type of biodiversity?
(i) Genetic (ii) Species
(iii) Biology (iv) None of the above
Q.87 Irish potato Famine is an agricultural disaster. In which year it had occurred?
(i) 1970 (ii) 1971
(iii) 1972 (iv) None of the above.

Q.88 US Southern Corn Leaf blight epidemic is an agriculture disaster of 1970. Which of
following contributed as a major cause for it?
(i) Biome (ii) Bioculture
(iii) Monoculture (iv) None of the above.
Q.89 Which of the following is major biodiversity in Maharashtra?
(i) Deccan penninsula - Chhota Nagpur
(ii) Deccan penninsula – Deccan South
(iii) Deccan peninsula – Central highlands
(iv) None of the above
Q.90 Which of the following has largest desert?
(i) Kutchchh
(ii) West coast
(iii) Nicobars
(iv) None of the above

Q.91 Which of the following are Islands?

(i) Andaman and Nicobars
(ii) Lakshadweep
(iii) Malabar Plains
(iv) None of the above

Q.92 Which of the following are semi Arids?

(i) Punjab, Gujarat, Rajputana
(ii) Malabar plains
(iii) Nicobars
(iv) None of the above
Q.93 Ladakh mountains and Tibetan plateau are part of ____________.
(i) Trans Himalaya region
(ii) Desert
(iii) Semi Arid
(iv) None of the above
Q.94 Kuchch and Thar comprise majorly of _______
(i) Western Ghats
(ii) Himalayan region
(iii) Deserts
(iv) None of the above
Q.95 Aravali mountain are covering states such as _______.
(i) Gujarat, M. P. Rajasthan
(ii) Ladakh Mountain
(iii) Coastal region (iv) None of the above

Q.96 In which of the following Islands of Lakshadweep is situated?

(i) Arabian sea (ii) Bay of Bengal
(iii) Atlantic ocean (iv) None of the above.
Q.97 In which of the following the Islands of Andaman and Nicobar are situated?
(i) Arabian sea (ii) Atlantic ocean
(iii) Bay of Bengal (iv) None of the above.
Q.98 Ratna Giri is located in which of following state?
(i) Chennai-Tamilnadu (ii) Madhya Pradesh
(iii) Maharashtra (iv) None of the above
Q.99 The liquid water component of the earth is called as ________.
(i) Lithosphere (ii) Hemisphere
(iii) Hydrosphere (iv) Androsphere
Q.100 66. Gir National park in
(a) Maharashtra (b) Goa
(c) Gujarat (d) M.P
Q.101. Tadoba National park is in
(a) Gujarat (b) Maharashtra
(c) M.P. (d) U.P.
Q.102. The ……….are a special category of protected areas of land or coastal environments,
wherein people are an integral component of the system.
(a) Biosphere reserves (b) National park
(C) Sanctuaries (d) None of these
Q.103 At present, there are………….. biosphere reserves in India.
(a) 3 (b) 24
(c) 20 (d) 13

Q.104 The biosphere reserve consists of……………………… zones.

(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
Q.105 The biosphere reserve consists of three zones (1) core, (2) buffer and (3) is
(a) Semi- buffer (b) Semi-core
(c) Transparent (d) Transition
Q.106 The outermost part of the biosphere reserve is the
(a) Core zone (b) Buffer zone
(c) Transitional zone (d) Semi-buffer zone
Q.107 Undisturbed and legally protected ecosystem comes under……......of a biosphere
(a) Core zone (b) Uncore zone
(c) Preserve zone (d) Buffer zone

Q.108. …………… lake in Sikkim has been declared sacred by the people to save aquatic life
from degradation.
(a) Khecheopalri (b) Dal
(c) Nal (d) Zorich
Q.109 Germ-plasm banks or gene banks are established
for…………………………….conservation of biodiversity.
(a) in-situ (b) ex-situ
(c) Over situ (d) None of these

Q.110 Storage of germ-plasm at ultra low temperature is called

(a) Cryopreservation (b) preservation-term
(c) germ-pre (d) None of these
Q.111 In cryopreservation, storage of germ-plasm at ultra low temperature is preserved. That
ultra low temperature is
(a) -196 C in liquid nitrogen (b) 196°C in liquid nitrogen
(c) 0oC in liquid nitrogen
Q.112 The book list containing a record of threatened species is called as
(a) Yellow data book (b) red data book
(c) Orange data book (d) wild data book

Q.113 Ecosystem is generally understood as the entire assemblage of………………

(a) Biotic community (b) abiotic community
(c) Complex community (d) total community
Q.114 Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) signed by almost……………nations
(a)100 (b) 200
(c) 300 (d) 400

Q. 115 Land based ecosystem is called as………………

(a)Terrestrial ecosystem (b) Non-terrestrial ecosystem
(c)Aquatic ecosystem (d) modern aqua ecosystem
Q.116 The ecosystem which florish in water is called as………………
(a) Aquatic ecosystem (b) non aquatic ecosystem
(c) Terrestrial ecosystem (d) modern aqua ecosystem

Q.117 Tundra is an example of……………..ecosystem.

(a) Terrestrial (b) Non- terrestrial
(c) Aquatic (d) Physical
Q. 118 Open oceans is an example of……………….. ecosystem.
(a) Aquatic (b) Non aquatic
(c) Terrestrial (d) Earthen
Q.119 The relationship between the biotic components and abiotic components of an
ecosystem is called…………..
(a) Colonies (b) Non-colonies
(c) Holocoenosis (d) cosmos
Q.120 Sunlight is necessary for
(a) Carbon credit (b) water pollution
(c) Air pollution (d) Photosynthesis

Q.121 ……………is the medium by which mineral nutrients enter and due translocated in
(a) Water (b) pH
(c) Co2+ SO2 (d) Carbon
Q.122 . …………….are the living organisms in the ecosystem that take energy from sunlight
and use it to transform carbon dioxide and oxygen in sugars.
(a) Producers (b) Non-producers
(c) Biotic+SO2 (d) Abiotic
Q.123 Plant, algae and photosynthetic bacteria are all examples of………………….
(a) Reducers (b) Producers
(c) Abiotic (d) Nonbiotic
Q.124 The green plants manufacture their own food, they are known as…………………
(a) Autotrophs (b) non-consumers
(c) Consumers (d) non-consumers
Q.125 . …………. are living organisms in the ecosystem that get their energy from consuming
other organisms
(a) Consumers (b) Non-consumers
(c) Producers (d) Non-biotic
Q.126 Herbivores eat…………..
(a) Animals (b) producers
(c) Non-biotic (d) ecosystem
Q.127 Carnivores eat………….
(a) Other animals (c) non biotic things
(c) Plants (d) non ecosystem animals

Q.128 …………….. eat both producers and other animals

(a) Omnivores (b) Non omnivores
(c) Carnivores (d) Herbivores
Q.129 Rabbit, deer, gout, cattle are the examples of………………..
(a) Herbivores (b) non herbivores
(c) Omnivore (d) ecosystem
Q.130 Lions and time are the examples of……………………
(a) Non omnivores (b) omnivores
(c) Producers (d) non producers
Q.131 Earthworms are the example of………………..
(a) Omnivores (b) reducers
(c) Ecosystem (d) non ecosystem
Q.132 . The decomposers are known as…………….
(a) Non saprotrophs (b) Saprotrophs
(c) Abiotic (d) semlan
Q.133 …………….. are living component of ecosystem that breaks down waste material and
dead organisms.
(a) Decomposers (b) Non-decomposers
(c) Abiotic (d) Omnivores
Q.134 There are………………… levels of biodiversity.
(a) One (b) Two
(c) Three (d) four
Q.135 …………. diversity refers to the diversity of organisms sharing the same
(a) Alpha (b) Beta
(c) Gamma (d) Alpha and Beta

Q.136 The rate of replacement of species along a gradient of habitats and communities is
(a)Alpha (b) Beta
(c) Gamma (d) Alpha + beta
Q.137 Diversity of habitats over the total landscape or geographical area is called……..
(a) Alpha (b) Beta
(c) Gamma (d) Alpha+ Beta

Q.138 Use value that consist of direct value, indirect value and……………….. values
(a) Option (b) Beta
(c) Alpha (d) Non option
Q.139 . Non use value that consists of bequest value and……………………… valve.
(a) Existence (b) Non existence
(c) Alpha (d) Beta

Q.140 . India is known for its rich heritage of biological diversity, having already documented
over…………………. species of animals
(a) 91000 (b) 91
(c) 910 (d) 9100

Q.141 India is known for its rich her of biological diversity, having already documented
over……………………. species of plants in its ten bio-geographic region.
(a) 15.500 (b) 100000
(c) 1500 (d) 50
Q.142 LMMC stands for
(a) Like Minded Megadiverse Countries (b) Life Minded Megadiverse Countries
(c) Life Mindset Megadiverse Countries (d) Like Minded Major Countries
Q.143 In 2004………………was invited to chair like minded megadiverse countries for two
(a) India (b) Japan
(c) Norway (d) America

Q.144 CBD stands for

(a) Conference on Biological Diversity (b) Convention on Biological Diversity
(c) Conflict on Biological Diversity (d) Convention on Bigger Diversity

Q.145 The Union Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF) Is the nodal agency for
implementing provisions of……………………….in India.
(a) CBD (b) CBCD
(c) ABCD (d) CHDD
Q.146 …………………….is defined as any species which is likely to become an endangered
species within the foreseeable future throughout all significant portion of its range.
(a) Threatened (b) Relative species
(c)Rare species (d) Absolute species
Q.147 An……… species is a species of organisms facing a very high risk of extinction.
(a) endangered (b) rare
(c) Pure (d) all
Q.148 . A…………………..species is a group or organism that are very uncommon or scarce.
(a) Rare (b) all
(c) Pure (d) threatened
Q.149 …………………species can be threatened with extinction through the process of
genetic pollution.
(a) Endemic (b) Pure
(c) All (d) Rare
Q.150 …………….. occurs when a resource is consumed at an unsustainable rate.
(a) Overexploitation (b) Pure soil
(c) Poor soil (d) Threatened

Q.151 Biodiversity is the collection of flora and…………………..of a place.

(a) Bacteria (b) fauna
(c) Virus (d) plants

Q.152 A region which is a prime location for the existence of rich biodiversity but also face
the threat of destruction is called as…………………..

(a) Biodiversity hotspot (b) Local hotspot

(c) Biological hotspot (d) Planet hotspot
Q.153 A total number of………………… biodiversity hotspots have been identified.
(a) 5 (b) 25
(c) 55 (d) 35

Q.154 India is a country…………………in biological diversity.

(a) Very poor (b) Poor
(c) Average (d) Rich

Q.155 World conservation monitoring center has recognized…………..protected areas around

the world.
(a) 37000 (b) 37
(c) 47 (d) 1000

Q.156 India has……………………………….. protected areas

(a) 581 (b) 81
(c) 58 (d) 10
Q.157 There are………………… National parks in India.
(a) 89 (b) 99
(c) 999 (d) 10
Q.158 There are……………. wildlife sanctuaries in India.
(a) 492 (b) 92
(c) 999 (d) 10

Q.159 The Jim Corbett National Park was the first National Park established
(a) India (b) China
(c) Nonvey (d) America
Q.160 ………………….. Are the special categories of protected areas of land and/or coastal
environments, whenin people are an integral component of the system
(a) Biosphere reserves (b) Bio-land
(c) Bio-reservoir (d) Bio field
Q.161 A biosphere reserve consists of core, buffer and…………….. Zones.
(a) Pure (b) Integral
(c) Natural (d) Transition

Q.162 In vitro conservation, particularly by cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen at a

temperature of………… C, is mainly useful for conserving vegetative propagated
crops like potato.
(a) + 196 (b) -196
(c) 100 (d) zero
Q.163 The Biological Diversity Act an act of the parliament of India for preservation of
biological diversity in India
(a) 2000 (b) 2002
(c) 2018 (d) 1999

Q.164 The headquarter of National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) is in……………………….

(a) Delhi (b) Chennai
(c) Kanpur (d) Nagpur
Q.165 __________ chain and __________ web involves energy transformation.
a)Food, food b) Producer , consumer
c) Producer , food d) None of the above
Q.166 All ecosystems involve ____________ transformations.
a)Ecology b) Energy
c) Cycle d) None of the above
Q.167 All ecosystem involve _____________ cycling.
a)Biological b) Geological
c) Biogeochemical d) None of the above
Q.168 Biogeochemical cycling links ___________ and ___________ components in
a)Plants and animal
b) Living and nonliving
c) Organic and inorganic
d) None of the above

Q.169 Food chain and food web concept is associated with _________ transformations.
a)Chemical b) Ecological
d) Energy d) None of the above
Q.170 The essential components of any ecosystem is, ___________
a)Energy source b) Biotic and abiotic
c) (a) & (b) both d) None of the above
Q.171 Biotic and abiotic components in ecosystem are linked through __________
a)Energy flow b) Energy transformations
c) Energy balances d) None of the above

Q.172 Biotic and abiotic components involve ____________

a)Biochemical composition b) Biochemical cycling
c) Biochemical balances d) None of the above
Q.173 Detritivores, Herbivores , Carnivores are part of _____________
a)Food chain b) World
c) Ecosystem d) None of the above
Q.174 Energy flows from ___________ to __________
a)Bottom, top b) Top, bottom
c) Earth, moon d) None of the above

Q.175 Amount of energy _____________ from bottom to top.

a)Increases b) Decreases
c) Remains same d) None of the above
Q.176 In food chain, Grass hopper is ____________ consumer.
a)Primary b) Secondary
c) Initial d) None of the above
Q.177 Snake is _____________ consumer in food chain.
a)Secondary b) tertiary
c) Primary d) None of the above

Q.178 In the presence of sun and water, ___________ produces food.

a)Decomposer b) Producer
c) Consumer d) None of the above
Q.179 Fungi act as ______________ in food chain.
a)Decomposer b) Producer
c) Constituents d) None of the above
Q.180 Decomposer helps to send _____________ to producers.
a)Components b) Nutrients
c) Constituents d) None of the above
Q.181 Grass is categorized as ______________ in grazer food chain.
a)Plant b) Producer
c) Vegetable d) None of the above
Q.182 Hawk act as ______________ consumer in a grazer food chain.
a)Primary b) Secondary
c) Tertiary d) None of the above
Q.183 ____________ and __________ are types of food chain.
a)Grazer, Detritus b) Natural , synthetic
c) Organic, inorganic d) None of the above
Q.184 In __________ food chain, dead organic matter is serves as principle energy input .
a)Detritus b) Flowing
c) Original d) None of the above
Q.185 Any food chain has no more than ___________ links.
a)4 to 5 b) 3
c) 3 to 4 d) None of the above
Q.186 Most animals are part of more than _____________ food chain.
a)One b) Two
c) Three d) None of the above
Q.187 Any food web indicates that __________ is connected to _____________ else.
a)Everything , Everything
b) Nothing , Everything
c) Everything , Nothing
d) None of the above
Q.188 Ecological pyramid is a ______________ representation.
a)Geological b) Pyramidal
c) Graphical d) None of the above
Q.189 Ecological pyramid shows ______________ productivity.
a)Biome b) Biomass
c) Organic d) None of the above

Q.190 Producers in any ecosystem may be ____________

a) Primary only
b) Secondary only
c) All – primary/secondary/tertiary
d) None of the above
Q.191 Ecosystem consist of components which play role as __________ consumer.
a) only primary
b) Primary and tertiary
c) Primary/ Secondary /Tertiary
d) None of the above

Q.192 Biotic and abiotic components in ecosystem interact ___________ with each other.

a)Occasionally b)Continually

c) Rarely d) None of the above

Q.193 The dead organic matter from living organisms is part of ___________
a)Soil b) Environment c) Ecosystems d) None of the above

Q.194 __________ organisms can exchange between soil and water.

a)Dead b) Living
c) No d) None of the above
Q.195 Ecosystem are of _________ and __________ type.
a)Aquatic and Terrestrial
b) Living and Nonliving
c) Clean and unclean
d) None of the above
Q.196 Ecosystem can be of any __________________
a) Size b) Shape

c) Type d) None of the above

Q.197 Energy flow in any ecosystem is primarily obtained from,_____________
a) Coal b) Power
c) Sun d) None of the above

Q.198 Biotic and abiotic components are linked through ___________

a)Energy flow b)Nutrient cycles
c) a & b both d)None of the above
Q.199 Energy flow in ecosystem links _________ and ____________together.
a)Biotic and abiotic components
b)Organism and plants
c)Fruits and flowers
d)None of the above

Q.200 Nutrients cycles play important role in ___________together biotic and abiotic
a) Combining b) Linking

c) Joining d) None of the above

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