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Mscit 203

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Roll No. ......................

Total No. of Questions : 13] [Total No. of Pages : 02

J-3146[S-1002] [2037]
M.Sc.(IT) (Semester - 2nd)

Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section - A is compulsory.
2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B.

Section - A
Q1) (15 x 2 = 30)
a) Differentiate software process model & a software process.
b) Write the advantages & disadvantages of waterfall model.
c) Explain prototyping.
d) Differentiate between software life cycle model & a process model.
e) What are the key element for successful project?
f) Explain the steps to count function point?
g) What are generic models and why these are used?
h) Performance is an important consideration during planning. Discuss.
i) Write all the Design notations used for designing.
j) What is module level concept Design procedure.
k) Write concepts of coupling & s/w portability related.
l) What is an automated static analysis?
m) Which are two distinct type of testing in software process?
n) How do OOD and structural design differ?
o) Which is stronger testing: Data Flow testing and path testing? Justify.

Section - B
(9 x 5 = 45)
Q2) Assume a flood system & try to draw a block diagram of a system & should
identify the main sub-system & links between them.

Q3) Describe the difference between process and project matrices in your own

Q4) Use the COCOMO model to estimate the home security system. Assume that
the basic model is applicable.

Q5) Describe the main activities in the software design processes and the outputs
of these activities.

Q6) What are the relative advantage of using either the LOC or the function point
metric to measure the size of a software product?

Q7) Discuss following : Cost-Schedule-Milestone graph; Earned value methods

& Unit development folder.

Q8) Explain the Components of SRS which are used for requirement.

Q9) Write about few well established function oriented software design techniques.

Q10)Compare between bottom up and top-down testing strategies.

Q11)Discuss & suggest how black box and structural testing can be used together
in the defect testing process.

Q12)What is the difference between the software design methodologies based on

functional abstraction and those based on data abstraction? Name at least one
popular design technique based on each of these two software design

Q13)Discuss following points regarding metrics: Cyclomatic complexity, Data

binding, Cohesion Metric.


J-3146[S-1002] 2

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