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Software Engineering 1 PDF

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Roll No.
Total No. of Questions: 071 [Total No. of Pages: 01

PaperID [80211]
(Plcasefill this Papcr ID in ONIR Sheet)

BCA (Sem.3'd)

Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 60

Instruction to Candidates:
1) Attempt any Four questionsfrom Section- A.
2) Section- B is Compulsory.

Section- A
(4 x 10: 40)
Ql) Explainthe SpiralModel for the softwaredesign.How feedbackmechanism
work in this model.

Q2) Givedifferencesbetweenfunction-orientedmetricsandsize-orientedmetrics.

Q3) What are the major differencesbetweenTop down and Bottom up approach
for the designof a system.Explainwith example.

QQ What are the different type of testsrequired for a system.How test data is
constructedfor thosesystem.Explainwith example.

Q5) Explain the COCOMO modelwith example.

Q6) What arethe stepsin the designof a system.Explain with an example.

Section- B
Q7) Q0x2:20)
(a) What is unittesting?
(b) What are various attributesof Software?
(c) What is the differencebetweenintegrationandmoduletesting?
(d) Why S/W doesnot wear out?
(.) What arethe trainingneedsfor the systemimplementation?
(0 Whereis the alphatestperformed.
(g) What is a parallelrun?
(h) Explainbriefly r,vhetherS/W is developedor engineered.
(i) What is SoftwareMaintenance?
0 What is the major duty of a systemanalyst?


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