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Math 4 Week 4

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Daily Lesson Log for Grade 4

Quarter 3, Week 4, March 6 – 10, 2023
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding
of the concepts of parallel of the concepts of parallel the concepts of parallel of the concepts of parallel of the concepts of parallel
and perpendicular lines, and perpendicular lines, and perpendicular lines, angles, and perpendicular lines, and perpendicular lines,
angles, angles, triangles, and quadrilaterals. angles, angles,
triangles, and quadrilaterals. triangles, and quadrilaterals. triangles, and quadrilaterals. triangles, and quadrilaterals.
B. Performance Is able to describe parallel Is able to describe parallel Is able to describe parallel and Is able to describe parallel Is able to describe parallel and
Standards and and perpendicular lines, angles, and perpendicular lines, angles,
perpendicular lines, angles, perpendicular lines, angles, triangles, and quadrilaterals perpendicular lines, angles, triangles, and quadrilaterals
triangles, and quadrilaterals triangles, and quadrilaterals triangles, and quadrilaterals
C. Learning Relates triangles to Relates triangles to Relates triangles to Relates triangles to Relates triangles to
Competencies/ quadrilaterals quadrilaterals quadrilaterals quadrilaterals quadrilaterals
Objectives M4GE-IIId-18.1 M4GE-IIId-18.1 M4GE-IIId-18.1 M4GE-IIId-18.1 M4GE-IIId-18.1
( Write the Lode for Relates one quadrilateral to Relates one quadrilateral to Relates one quadrilateral to Relates one quadrilateral to Relates one quadrilateral to
each) another quadrilateral (e.g. another quadrilateral (e.g. another quadrilateral (e.g. another quadrilateral (e.g. another quadrilateral (e.g.
square to rhombus). square to rhombus). square to rhombus). square to rhombus). square to rhombus).
M4GE-IIId-18.2 M4GE-IIId-18.2 M4GE-IIId-18.2 M4GE-IIId-18.2 M4GE-IIId-18.2

II.CONTENT Relationships of Triangles Relationships of Triangles Relationships of Relationships of

( Subject Matter) to Quadrilaterals to Quadrilaterals Quadrilateral to Another Quadrilateral to Another
Quadrilateral Quadrilateral
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Modules Modules Modules Modules
from Learning
Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations,
Resources pictures pictures pictures pictures
A. Reviewing previous Choose the letter of the best Direction: Choose the letter Choose the correct answer. Choose the letter of the best Summative Test
Lesson or presenting answer. Write the answer on of the correct answer. Write Write your answer on a answer. Write the answer on
new lesson the separate sheet of paper. your separate sheet of paper. the separate sheet of paper.
1. A _______________ is a answer on a separate sheet 1. Which describes a 1. A _______________ is a
flat closed figure formed by 3 of paper. quadrilateral? polygon with 4 sides and 4
lines. 1. Which describes a a. 4-sided polygon angles.
a. circle b. rhombus triangle? b. 3-sided polygon a. circle b. pentagon
c. square d. triangle a. 2-sided polygon c. 2-sided polygon c. quadrilateral d. triangle
2. A _______________ is a b. 3-sided polygon 2. Is a square a parallelogram? 2. What kind of quadrilateral
polygon with 4 sides and 4 c. 4-sided polygon ____ Yes ____ No has 4 equal sides and 4 right
angles. 2. Which describes a 3. Is a rectangle a angles?
a. circle b. triangle quadrilateral? parallelogram? ____ Yes ____ a. parallelogram b. rectangle
c. quadrilateral d. pentagon a. 4-sided polygon No c. rhombus d. square
3. When you divide a b. 3-sided polygon 4. Is a rhombus a 3. What is the sum of the
quadrilateral diagonally, you c. 2-sided polygon parallelogram? ____ Yes ____ interior angles of a
will have _____ triangle/s. 3. What figures are formed No quadrilateral?
a. one b. two c. three d. four when a diagonal is drawn in 5. Is a trapezoid a a. 180 º b. 360 º c. 540 º d.
4. Which of the following a parallelogram? ____ Yes ____ 720 º
statements relate triangles to quadrilateral? No 4. Which classification of
quadrilaterals? a. triangles quadrilateral has only one
a. Quadrilaterals have ten b. squares pair of opposite sides?
different kinds. c. parallelograms a. rectangle b. rhombus
b. All triangles have the same 4. Which is TRUE about the c. square d. trapezoid
angle measurements. sides of a parallelogram? 5. A parallelogram that has 4
c. Triangles and a. 1 pair of sides are parallel right angles and its opposite
quadrilaterals are classified and equal sides are equal.
according to sides and b. 2 pairs of sides are a. parallelogram b. rectangle
angles. parallel and equal c. rhombus d. square
d. All of the above. c. 4 sides are equal
5. What is the sum of the 5. If two diagonals are drawn
interior angles of a triangle? in a rhombus or in a square,
a. 90º b. 180º which
c. 270º d. 360º of the following will be
a. 2 triangles of the same
b. 2 pairs of triangles of the
same size
c. 4 triangles of the same
B. Establishing a purpose Triangles are shapes that can Let us recall our previous In your previous lesson, you Quadrilaterals are shapes
for the lesson be commonly seen in our lessons on triangles and have learned to identify the that can be commonly seen
everyday life. It is simply quadrilaterals. What is a different in our everyday life. It is
defined as a polygon with triangle? What is a kinds of quadrilaterals. All simply defined as a polygon
three straight sides and three quadrilateral? How do they quadrilaterals share the with four sides and four
vertices. A quadrilateral is a differ from one another? similarity of having four sides. vertices. A quadrilateral is a
polygon with four edges and Any three-sided polygon is They all have relationships with polygon with four edges and
four corners. This locally called triangle. one another but they are not four corners. This locally
develop self - learning Quadrilaterals are polygons exactly the same and have develop self - learning
material contains series with 4 sides and 4 angles. different properties. material contains series of
of exercises that will help you Below are the kinds of This time, you will learn more exercises that will help you
learn, understand, and quadrilaterals. about quadrilaterals and their learn, understand, and
develop mastery on relating relationships with one another. develop mastery on relating
triangles to quadrilateral to another
quadrilaterals. quadrilateral.

C. Presenting examples/ Identify the following if it is a Now that we understand Let us review what Copy the table on a sheet of
instances of the new triangle or a quadrilateral. what triangles and quadrilaterals are. paper and put a check (✓)
lesson. Write your answer on a quadrilaterals Based on the previous lesson, in the table if the shape
separate sheet of paper. are, let us know their quadrilateral is defined as a corresponds to the given
relationship. Let us start with polygon with four sides. The property.
this story. prefix “quad-” means “four,” and
“lateral” is derived from the
Latin word for “side.” So, a
Choose the correct name of quadrilateral is a four-sided
the quadrilateral in the box: polygon.
A quadrilateral can have
parallel opposite sides. The
If you are Rene, how will you following
divide the parallelogram to polygons are quadrilaterals with
have two triangular flaglets one pair or two pairs of parallel
with the same size? opposite sides.

All four-sided polygons are

quadrilaterals. All polygons with
two parallel opposite sides are
called parallelograms. Square,
rectangle, and rhombus are all
parallelograms since their
opposite sides are parallel.
Square is both a rectangle and
D. Discussing new Look at the illustration: Consider the parallelogram Let us study the diagram on Study the family of
concepts and practicing below to represent Rene’s properties of quadrilaterals. quadrilaterals below.
new skills. #1 cloth. Each corner is named
by a letter as shown. A
Suppose we cut a line
quadrilateral is named using
connecting two opposite
the consecutive letters in its
vertices of a rectangle
corner. When naming a
quadrilateral, it is important
the figure into two similar that the consecutive vertices
parts. The two similar parts are in the correct sequence,
formed from cutting the either clockwise or
rectangle are triangles which counterclockwise. Thus,
share the common side the parallelogram below can
(represented by the broken be named as parallelogram
lines) called the diagonal of ABCD.
the rectangle. This can also be called as
• A polygon is a closed figure parallelogram BCDA, CDAB,
made up of several line DCBA, etc.
segments that are joined A diagonal line segment is
together. The line segments drawn from corner A to its
are called sides and do not opposite corner C. This line
cross each other. There are segment AC is called a As you can see on the
exactly two sides that meet at diagonal of parallelogram illustration above, you can
a point. ABCD. What shapes can we conclude that parallelograms
• A triangle is a polygon with see? Yes, by drawing a and trapezoid are both
3 sides and 3 angles. diagonal line segment quadrilaterals. It is also
• A quadrilateral is a polygon connecting the two opposite shown that a trapezoid is not
with 4 sides and 4 angles corners, we divided the an example of a
quadrilateral into two parallelogram. Only the
Look at the other illustrations. triangles of equal sizes. rectangle, rhombus, and
square are parallelograms.

For our discussion, let us

use the name parallelogram
The total measure of all the ( ABCD).
angles of a triangle is equal to A parallelogram has two
180 degrees of interior angles opposite sides that are
and 360 degrees of interior parallel and of equal lengths.
angles for a quadrilateral. In parallelogram ABCD,
Thus, a triangle is half of a the length of side AD is
quadrilateral. equal to the length of side
the length of side AB is
equal to the length of side
AB = DC.
E. Discussing new Look at these other kinds of The two triangles formed by • In a parallelogram, the What is common to each
concepts and practicing quadrilaterals. They are diagonals can be named in opposite sides are equal figure? How are they
new skills #2. divided many ways using the letters whereas in a rhombus all four different?
in two ways by drawing a representing the corners. sides are equal. In a • A square is a special kind
diagonal line segment The vertices are named in parallelogram, the diagonals of rectangle, it is one where
connecting the two opposite consecutive order either bisect each other whereas in a all the sides have the same
corners. clockwise or rhombus they do not bisect length. Thus, every square is
counterclockwise. each other. In a rhombus, the a rectangle because it is a
Triangle 1: ∆ABC, ∆ACB, diagonals intersect each other quadrilateral with all four
∆CBA, ∆CAB, ∆BAC, ∆BCA at right angles and hence are angles right angles.
Triangle 2: ∆ACD, ∆ADC, perpendicular to each other. However not every rectangle
∆CAD, ∆CDA, ∆DAC, ∆DCA • A parallelogram has two is a square, to be a square
These two triangles have parallel pairs of opposite sides. its sides must have the
equal sizes. A rectangle has two pairs of same length.
We say that triangle ABC is opposite sides parallel, and four • The major difference
Yes, two triangles are formed congruent to triangle ACD. right angles. A rhombus is between square and
when a diagonal line segment This defined as a parallelogram with rectangle is that a square
is drawn connecting the two is written as four equal sides. has all its
opposite corners of a ABC ≅ ACD sides equal whereas a
parallelogram. So, if a Now, Rene has two triangles rectangle has its opposite
parallelogram is divided by a of the same size which he sides equal.
diagonal, two triangles of the can • A square and a rhombus
same size can be formed. use as flaglets. These are both have sides equal in
If a rhombus or a square is ∆ABC and ∆ACD. length. But square has all its
divided by two diagonals, four angles equal to 90 º, but a
triangles of the same size will rhombus only has its
be formed. opposite angles equal.
All three-sided polygons are
called triangles.
All four-sided polygons are
If two diagonals are drawn in
called quadrilaterals.
a rectangle, the opposite
If one diagonal of a
triangles formed are of equal
parallelogram is drawn, two
triangles of the same size
are formed.
If two diagonals are drawn in
parallelograms with four
For a trapezoid, if a diagonal equal sides (square and
line is drawn connecting its rhombus), four triangles of
two the same size are formed.
opposite corners, it is divided For a trapezoid, different
into two triangles of different sizes of triangles will be
sizes. If two diagonals are formed
drawn, four triangles are when diagonals are drawn.
formed with different sizes.

F. Developing Mastery Identify the quadrilateral that Match the figure in Column Activity – “My Properties” Answer the following
(Lead to Formative has two triangles of the same B that when combined with Identify the quadrilateral with questions. Write A if it is
Assessment 3) size. Write your answer on a the the given properties. Select always, S if it is sometimes,
separate sheet of paper. figure in Column A will form the answer from the box. Write and N if it is never. Write
a parallelogram. Write your your answer on a separate your answer on a separate
answer on a separate sheet sheet sheet of paper.
of paper. of paper. 1. Is a parallelogram a
2. Is a trapezoid a
1. I have 2 pairs of parallel
sides. All my sides are equal.
3. Is a square a rectangle?
My four
4. Is a rhombus a square?
corners form right angles. I am
5. Is a rectangle a
both a rectangle and a
2. My sides are all equal. My
opposite sides are parallel. My
opposite angles are congruent.
3. I am a 4-sided polygon.
4. My opposite sides are equal.
I have four right angles.
5. I am a 4-sided polygon with 2
pairs of parallel sides.
G. Finding practical Refer to the given Activity – “Where Do I Belong?” Fill in the blanks with the
application of concepts parallelogram and answer Group the objects based on correct word to complete the
and skills in daily living the questions below. Write their properties. Write your statement. Write your
1.What shapes are formed?
your answer on a separate answer on a separate sheet of answer on a separate sheet
2. How many triangles are
sheet of paper. paper. of paper.
3. Can two triangles fit in one
A quadrilateral is a shape
cartolina which shape is a
that has ______ sides and
______ angles.
1-2. Give the two pairs of Two types of quadrilaterals
parallel sides that are equal are trapezoids and
in parallelograms.
length: A ______________ has only
_________ and one pair of parallel sides.
___________ A parallelogram has two
_________ and pairs of ____________
____________ sides.
3-6. Name the parallelogram Types of Parallelograms
in at least four ways. A ________ is a
_________, _________, parallelogram with
_________, _________ __________ equal angles
and two opposite sides
Name the two triangles in at equal.
least three ways: A rhombus is a
7-9. Triangle 1 _________, parallelogram with
_________, _________, __________ equal angles
10-12. Triangle 2 and _________ equal sides.
_________, _________, A square is both
_________, __________ and a
H. Making Generalizations • They are related according Let us remember the Let us remember the following: There are many different
and Abstraction about to sides and angles. following: These polygons are types of quadrilaterals, and
the Lesson. • Triangles have 3 sides and 1. All three-sided polygons quadrilaterals because all of they all share the similarity
3 angles with a sum of 180 are called triangles. them have four sides. of having four sides, two
degrees. Quadrilaterals have 2. All four-sided polygons diagonals and the sum of
4 are called quadrilaterals. their interior angles is 360
sides and 4 angles with a 3. If one diagonal is drawn Quadrilaterals with two pairs of degrees. They all have
sum of 360 degrees. connecting opposite corners parallel opposite sides are relationships to one another,
• They are both polygons. of called parallelograms. Square, but they are not all exactly
parallelograms rectangle and rhombus have alike and have different
(parallelogram, square, two pairs of parallel sides. properties.
rectangle, rhombus), two Therefore, they are all
triangles of the same size parallelograms.
will be formed.
4. If two diagonals are drawn
in parallelograms with four Square is always a rectangle
equal sides (rhombus and because it is a parallelogram
square), four triangles of the with 4 right angles. Square is
same size are formed. also a rhombus because it has
5. If two diagonals are drawn 2 pairs of parallel sides that are
in a rectangle, the opposite of equal lengths.
triangles formed are of equal
6. If a diagonal or two However, one quadrilateral has
diagonals of a trapezoid are exactly one pair of parallel
drawn, the triangles formed sides
are of different sizes. and is called trapezoid. Since it
does not have 2 pairs of parallel
sides, a trapezoid is not a
I. Evaluating Learning Choose the letter of the best Fill in the blanks with the Write the letter of the best Read the statements
answer for each item. Write correct answers from the answer on a separate answer carefully. Choose the letter
the box. Write your answer on a sheet. of the best answer for each
answer on the separate sheet separate sheet of paper. 1. Which best describes a item. Write the answer on
of paper. 1. A __________ is a 4- quadrilateral? the separate sheet of paper.
1. If you divide a quadrilateral sided polygon. a. 2-sided polygon 1. All quadrilaterals are
diagonally, how many 2. If a diagonal is drawn b. 3-sided polygon parallelograms.
triangles will you have? connecting the two opposite c. 4-sided polygon a. true b. false
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 corners of a parallelogram, 2 2. Why is a square a rhombus? c. sometimes d. maybe
2. Which of the following __________ are formed. a. It has 4 equal sides. 2. Which statement about
shows a triangle? 3. Triangle is a polygon with b. It has two pairs of parallel quadrilateral is true?
a. It has 3 sides and 2 angles ____ sides. sides. a. All rectangles are always
b. It has 3 sides and 3 angles 4. The triangles formed by c. It has two pairs of parallel squares.
c. It has 4 sides and 3 angles drawing a diagonal in a sides and 4 equal sides. b. All trapezoids are always
d. It has 4 sides and 4 angles parallelogram have 3. What property makes a rhombuses.
3. Which of the following ________ sizes. square a rectangle? c. All rectangles are always
shows a quadrilateral? 5. Different sizes of triangles a. It has 4 equal sides. rhombuses.
a. It has 3 sides and 2 angles will be formed when a b. It has 4 right angles. d. All rectangles are always
b. It has 3 sides and 3 angles diagonal is drawn c. It has two pairs of parallel parallelogram.
c. It has 4 sides and 3 angles connecting two opposite sides and 4 right angles. 3. Which describes the
d. It has 4 sides and 4 angles corners of a _______. 4. What property makes a angles of a parallelogram?
4. Which of the following 6. If two diagonals are drawn rhombus a parallelogram? a. It has 4 equal sides.
statements relates triangles connecting the opposite a. It has 4 right angles. b. Its 2 equal opposite
to quadrilaterals? corners of a rectangle, the b. It has only 1 pair of parallel angles are obtuse and the
a. There are five kinds of two _________ triangles sides. other 2 equal opposite
quadrilaterals. formed are of equal size. c. It has 2 pairs of parallel angles are acute.
b. Triangles and 7. If we will divide a sides. c. It has 2 pairs of parallel
quadrilaterals are classified parallelogram into two 5. Why is a trapezoid not a sides and the opposite sides
according to sides and triangles of the same size, parallelogram? are equal.
angles. we have to draw a a. It has 4 right angles. d. It has 4 right angles with 4
c. All the triangles have same _________ connecting the b. It has only 1 pair of parallel equal sides.
angle measurements. two opposite sides. 4. What is the sum of the
d. All of the above corners. c. It has 2 pairs of parallel interior angles of a
5. What is the sum of the 8. If two diagonals are drawn sides. quadrilateral?
interior angles of a in parallelograms with a. 90 º b. 180 º
quadrilateral? ______ c. 270 º d. 360 º
a. 90 º b. 180 º equal sides, four triangles of 5. Look at the figure.
c. 270 º d. 360 º the same size are formed. Rectangle RACE is a special
9. Parallelograms and kind of parallelogram
triangles are named using because?
the _______
in their corners.
10. Parallelogram and
triangle differ in the number a. Its diagonals are
of congruent in length.
_______ and ______. b. All of its angles are 90
degrees in measure.
c. It has all the properties of
a parallelogram.
d. All of the above
J. Additional Activities for Draw a quadrilateral using a Explain how the following Using the different kinds of
Application or combination of different quadrilaterals are related. Write quadrilaterals, make a
Remediation triangles and quadrilaterals. your answer on a separate design of cabinets in your
Write your answer on a sheet of paper. bedroom. Write your answer
separate sheet of paper. 1. square and rectangle on a separate sheet
2. square and rhombus of paper.
3. quadrilaterals and
4. rhombus and parallelogram
5. trapezoid and parallelogram
A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who

required additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Checked/ Verified:

Master Teacher I


School Head

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