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Daily Lesson Log

School Oquendo National High School Grade Level Seven

Teacher Ana Marie Delabajan Borja Learning Area Mathematics 7
2:30-4:00 (Wednesday)
Date and Time Quarter Third Quarter
October 18,2023

I. Learning Targets/
Specific Objectives
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of geometry of shapes and sizes, and geometric
A. Content Standards relationships.

The learner is able to create models of plane figures and formulate and solve accurately authentic problems
B. Performance
Standards involving sides and angles of a polygon

Illustrates a circle and the terms related to it: radius, diameter, and chord. (M7GE-IIIg-1)
C. Learning At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to
Competencies/ 1. Define, draw and name a circle and its parts.
Objectives (LC Code) 2. Identify the various segments related to a circle.
3. Demonstrate enjoyment and appreciation of the things that circles have given to me

Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the
II. Learning Content
CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two. Geometry
CLMD Budget of Work in Mathematics G7 Version 3.0 p. 30
III. Learning
Learner’s Packet Week 7 in Grade 7 (Quarter 3)
ADM Module Quarter 3-Module 5 in Mathematics p. 1-20
A. References (Pages)
1. Teacher's Guide Pages 282-285
2. Learner's Materials Pages 230-232
3. Textbooks
4. Additional Materials
from LR portal
B. Other Learning
Next Century Mathematics pages 501-508, Laptop, Tv
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will
learn well. Always be guided demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative
IV. Procedure assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new
things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they
learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step
1. Daily Routine
A. Prayer
B. Checking of the attendance
C. Checking of the cleanliness of the room
2. Review of Past Lesson/Motivation
Show different art work with geometric shapes in previous years like triangle, quadrilateral and so on

A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting
the new lesson

(INTEGRATION: MAPEH: Shape is one the seven elements of art)

Every piece of artwork includes the element of shape, which ties into line and space. In essence, a shape is
an enclosed area that is made when lines meet. Artists often train themselves to see the shapes in everything.
By breaking down the basic shapes of a subject, it creates an accurate representation of it in paintings and
drawings. Additionally, shapes may be either geometric or organic. The former are the triangles, squares,
and circles we're all familiar with. The latter are those shapes that are not well-defined or those found in
The teacher will show a picture of geometric figures and lets the students realize that recognizing geometrical
shapes and its properties are important skills needed to understand the concepts of a circle. From the given
geometrical shapes, the students will be asked to:

B. Establishing a
purpose for the lesson

1. What can you say about the figures? Tell something about it.
2. What figures is suggested by wall clock, dart board and orange?
3. Can you guess our topic for today?

The teacher shows to the class a model of a circle and a dodecagon. Give time for the students to compare
the two figures and let them give any similarity or difference.

C. Presenting
examples/ instances of The teacher would ask the question:
the new lesson 1. What are the figures?
2. How does this figure get its name?
3. Are there similarities or differences of the two figures?

Possible Answers:
1. The figures are circle and dodecagon.
2. The circle got its name because of its characteristics; the circle is rounded and the dodecagon has 12
sides and the sides are called segments.
3. The circle has curve sides while the dodecagon has line segments as its sides. Students give their own
D. Discussing new The word "circle" derives from the Greek kirkos, "a circle," from the base ker- which means to turn or bend.
concepts and The origins of the words "circus" and "circuit" are closely related.
practicing new skills # 1 (Integration: English , Etymology of the word)
Last October 2020, the Philippines experienced the world’s strongest typhoon Typhoon Rolly (internationally
known as GONI) which devastated the regions of Bicol and Central Luzon. Rolly's wide diameter — estimated
at 500 kilometers — means areas not directly hit by the typhoon's eye can also experience similar conditions
because of its wide reach. Because of the extensive damage brought by the typhoon in the Philippines, the
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) announced that
the name Rolly will be delisted from the list of typhoon names and will no longer be used in the future. A
replacement name will be chosen in 2021.

E. Discussing new (Integration: Science, Typhoon)

concepts and
A circle is the set of all points in the plane that are the same distance away from a specific point, called the
practicing new skills # 2

Radius is a line segment connecting the center of the circle and a point on the circle. It is named using the
letter of the center and the point on the circle.

Illustration 1: The ʘA has a radius of AB.

Chord is a line segment whose endpoints are both on a circle. It is named using the endpoints on the circle.

Illustration 2: In ʘA, the chord is BC.

Diameter is a chord that passes through the center of the circle. The length of a diameter is two times the
length of a radius.

Illustration 3: In circle ʘA, the diameter is DE.

Label the boxes in the diagram below by choosing the correct word from the list.

Center Radius Chord Diameter

Answer Key: 1. Radius 2. Diameter 3. Chord 4. Center

The teacher will post 4 different questions and the students will group themselves according to their needs.
Each question has a rubric according to the difficulty of the question.

Group 1: Refer to the given circle below. Answer what is asked

Terms related to Circle Name


Group 2: Identify the parts of the circle. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

__________1. O
F. Developing mastery __________2. MT
__________3. PR
__________4. OM

Group 3: Name each of the following. Refer to the circle below.

1. Two radii
2. Two diameters
3. Center
4. Chord

Group 4: Draw your own circle inside the box and illustrate the following.
1. chord QR
2. center A
3. diameter DE
4. radius AC
The teacher would ask the students to give at least five concrete examples of objects in circular form which
G. Finding practical are useful to man.
applications of 1. Give at least five concrete examples of objects in circular form which are useful to human?
concepts and skills in
daily living Possible answers:
Buttons, plates, rings, coins, bottle caps, host, etc.
The teacher summarizes the definition and characteristics of the parts of a circle. He/She will ask questions
1. What is a circle?
2. How is a circle named?
3. How does the chord of a circle differ from its radius and diameter?
4. What relation exists between the radius and the diameter of a circle?
5. Can a diameter be considered a chord? Why?
H. Making
generalizations and
abstraction Answers shall be drawn from the students. Possible response:
1. A circle is a set of points in a given plane, each point of which is at a fixed distance from a point called
the center.
2. A circle is named by its center.
3. A chord is a segment whose endpoints are points on a circle, a radius is a segment whose endpoints are
the center of the circle and a point on that circle, a diameter is a chord containing the center of the circle.
4. The radius is one-half the length of the diameter.
5. The diameter is considered as the chord because the endpoint of the segment are points on the circle.
Directions: Read the following and write the correct answer on your paper
1. What do you call a closed plane figure that is made of points with the same distance from the center?
A. Circle B. Rectangle C. Square D. Triangle
2. Which of the following is segment that has endpoints at the center of the circle and a point on the circle?
A. Chord B. Circumference C. Diameter D. Radius
3. What part of a circle is line segment with endpoints on the circle?
A. Center B. Diameter C. Chord D. Radius
I. Evaluating learning
4. What is a line segment that passes through the center connecting two points on the circle?
A. Chord B. Diameter C. Radius D. Center
5. If the radius of circle measures 3 meters, what is the measure of its diameter?
A. 3 meters B. 4 meters C. 5 meters D. 6 meters

Answer Key:
1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5.

J. Additional activities
for application and

V. Remarks

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