TY325 K5.6 Pendent FM
TY325 K5.6 Pendent FM
TY325 K5.6 Pendent FM
Details Company
Category Non-Storage Tyco Fire Products LP
1467 Elmwood Ave, Cranston ,
Rhode Island 02910
Class of Work 2017 - AS, Control United States of America
Mode, Pendent http://tyco-fire.com
K (metric) 80
Grooved Connection No
K 5.6
Type Pendent
Response SR - Standard
Element 5 mm
Non-Storage Sprinklers
General Information
Automatic sprinkler protection is recommended for industrial and other buildings having combustible construction or
combustible occupancies.
Note that all FM Approved Storage sprinklers are also approved as Non-Storage sprinklers and can be installed when the
applicable FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet recommends the installation of a FM Approved Non-Storage
When selecting a specific type of sprinkler, refer to the FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets to ensure that
the sprinkler selected is capable of providing adequate fire protection for the intended occupancy. Projects that are
specific to FM Global insured clients, working plans of proposed layouts, showing all details with respect to location of
sprinklers and piping, description of the occupancy and details of construction, should be sent to the local FM Global
engineering office for review and acceptance before the materials are fabricated. The plans will be accepted or changes
will be recommended to assure that the work will be done according to the best practice and to avoid the possibility of
later requests for changes.
Nominal thread sizes are expressed using American National Standard Taper Pipe Threads (NPT). Sprinklers intended
for sale outside the United States shall have threads which are in compliance with other national or international
standards as permitted at the sole discretion of FM Approvals.
Unless otherwise noted, automatic sprinklers have a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar).
Sprinkler Categories
There are three categories of FM Approved automatic sprinklers: Storage, Non-Storage and Special Protection sprinklers
based on the type of occupancy hazard they are intended to protect. Within these three categories are various different
types of orientations (such as pendent, upright, horizontal sidewall, vertical sidewall, flush, recessed, concealed, dry
pendent, dry upright, etc.), thermal response ratings (i.e. quick response or standard response), nominal temperature
ratings (see table below), K-factors (see table below) and spacings (i.e. standard or extended coverage).
Nominal K-Factors of Sprinklers
The sprinkler nominal discharge coefficient (K-factor) is expressed in US customary units of gal/min/(psi)0.5. See the table
below for nominal K-factor values of currently Approved sprinklers.
3.8 55
5.8 85
6.9 100
Nominal Temperature Rating of Sprinklers
A sprinkler operates automatically when the heat-actuated element is heated to, or above, its thermal rating. Selection
of the proper temperature rating for automatic sprinklers is important as it provides a factor of safety designed to
prevent premature operation. See the table below as well as the occupancy-specific FM Global data sheet to ensure the
proper nominal temperature rating for the sprinkler is chosen based on the hazard being protected as well as the
expected ambient temperature conditions. Factory coated, plated and painted sprinklers rated above 165°F (74°C) have
the standard temperature color code either on the frame arms or on the compression screws, except in the case of bulb
type decorative coated sprinklers in which the bulb fluid color indicates the temperature rating per the following table:
Nominal Temperature Ratings of Sprinklers Based on Maximum Ambient Temperature at Sprinkler Level
135°F (55°C) 100°F (38°C) 135°F (57°C) Ordinary Unpainted Orange, 135°F
160°F (70°C) 100°F (38°C) 155°F - 165°F Ordinary Unpainted Red, 155°F (68°C)
(68°C - 74°C)
175°F (80°C) 150°F (66°C) 175°F (79°C) Intermediate White Yellow, 175°F
212°F (100°C) 150°F (66°C) 200°F - 220°F Intermediate White Green, 200°F &
(93°C - 104°C) 225°F
(93°C & 107°C)
Nominal Maximum Color and
Temperature Temperature
Temperature Ambient Color of Sprinkler Temperature of
Range of Classification of
Rating of Temperature Frame Sprinkler Glass
Nominal Rating** Sprinkler
Sprinkler* at Sprinkler Level Bulb
280°F (140°C) 225°F (107°C) 280°F - 286°F High Blue Blue, 250°F &
(138°C - 141°C) 286°F
(121°C & 141°C)
350°F (175°C) 300°F (149°C) 325°F -375°F Extra High Red Mauve, 325°F &
(163°C - 191°C) 360°F
(162°C & 182°C)
425°F (220°C) 375°F (191°C) 400°F -475°F Very Extra High Green Black, 400°F -
(204°C - 246°C) 650°F
(204°C – 343°C)
525°F (275°C) 475°F (246°C) 500°F -575°F Ultra High Orange Black, 400°F -
(260°C - 302°C) 650°F
(204°C – 343°C)
650°F (345°C) 625°F (329°C) 650°F (343°C) Ultra High Orange Black, 400°F -
(204°C – 343°C)
*The values indicated for nominal temperature ratings of sprinkler in this table are based on values indicated in FM
Global data sheets
**The values indicated are based on the actual (marked or marked nominal) temperature ratings of currently Approved
Sprinklers of "very extra high" and "ultra high" ratings are primarily used for internal protection of chambers such as
ovens and dryers having working temperatures above 300°F (149°C). When the sprinklers are normally heated to the
working temperature of the oven or dryer, under fire conditions they will operate fast enough for proper protection.
However, when the sprinklers are initially at the same temperature as a cold oven or dryer, operation may be so
severely retarded that the oven or dryer is virtually without internal sprinkler protection.
Nominal Response Rating of Sprinklers
Approved sprinklers are listed in one of three ways for response ratings: fast response (FR), quick response (QR) or
standard response (SR) and are reflective of the response of the entire sprinkler to thermal exposure, not just the
thermal sensing element of the sprinkler. Note that fast response (FR) sprinklers are a subset of quick response
sprinklers for listing purposes.
The thermal sensing elements of the sprinkler are identified as either Fusible or, in the case of bulb type elements,
nominal bulb diameter in millimeters (e.g., 2.5 mm, 3 mm, etc.).
Finishes and Coatings of Sprinklers
Approved sprinklers are also available with factory-applied special coatings for resistance to corrosive environments;
such sprinklers are listed under the Special Protection sprinkler category. For corrosion resistance, wax is satisfactory
except in extreme atmospheres. Wax has too low a melting point for high temperate rated sprinklers, whereas a
bituminous coating affords some protection. A lead coating protects against certain mild corrosive atmospheres. Wax-
over-lead provides good sprinkler protection. Corrosion resistant sprinklers such as those manufactured from stainless
steel or other corrosion resistant materials currently afford the best available protection. See the FM Global occupancy-
specific data sheet to determine when a corrosion resistant sprinkler is needed and, if so, which type offers the best
resistance for the environmental conditions.
FM Approved sprinklers are available with common decorative finishes such as factory-applied black plated, black
Teflon, bright brass, chrome, paint, polyester or zinc coating. Note that these finishes are for decorative purposes only
and are not FM Approved specifically for corrosive environments.
Finishes of currently Approved Storage and Non-Storage sprinklers are included in the following table.
Finish Description
Black Plated Black Plated
Black Teflon Black Teflon Coated
Brass Unfinished, Plain Brass or Bronze
Bright Brass Bright Brass Plated
Chrome Chrome Plated
Painted Painted (any color)
Polyester Polyester Coated (any color)
Zinc Zinc Plated
Finishes of currently Approved Special Protection (Corrosive Environment) sprinklers are included in the following table.
Note that FM Approved Special Protection (Corrosive Environment) sprinklers are also acceptable for use as Non-
Storage sprinklers, unless indicated otherwise by the occupancy-specific FM Global data sheet.
Finishes of Approved Special Protection (Corrosive Environment) Sprinklers
Finish Description
Electroless Nickel PTFE (ENT) Electroless Nickel-Teflon Coating (for extra corrosion
protection in some atmospheres)
Lead Lead Coated (for extra corrosion protection in some
NICOTEF Nickel-Teflon Coating (for extra corrosion protection in some
Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Alloy (for extra corrosion protection in some
VC-250 VC-250 Plated (for extra corrosion protection in some
Wax Wax Coated (for extra corrosion protection in some
Finish Description
Wax Over Brass Wax Over Brass Coated (for extra corrosion protection in
some atmospheres)
Wax Over Lead Wax Over Lead Coated (for extra corrosion protection in
some atmospheres)
Wax Over Polyester Wax Over Polyester Coated (for extra corrosion protection in
some atmospheres)
Only sprinklers supplied by the listed manufacturers are FM Approved. Any change in the device after it leaves the
manufacturer voids the Approval.
Note that Approved Special Protection (Corrosive Environment) sprinklers can also be installed in applications
acceptable for both Approved Non-Storage and Storage sprinklers having the same K-factor, orientation, RTI, nominal
temperature rating and sprinkler spacing.
Non-Storage Sprinklers and Storage Sprinklers
Adjustable Concealed Pendent
Adjustable concealed pendent sprinklers incorporate a cover plate which is heat activated and can be manually
removed to prevent over-painting of the cover plate. They are intended for use with concealed sprinkler piping where
attractive appearance under a ceiling is desired; such occupancies may include offices, hotel lobbies, dining rooms,
clubs and similar properties. FM Approved adjustable concealed pendent sprinklers are limited to a maximum
temperature rating of 225°F (107°C) and to protection of hazard occupancies as outlined in the occupancy-specific FM
Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet. They should not be installed in corrosive environments. Unless indicated
otherwise by the occupancy-specific FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet, these sprinklers are FM Approved
only for use in wet systems as well as pre-action systems that qualify as a wet system.
Dry Adjustable Horizontal Sidewall
A dry-type sprinkler consists of a sprinkler permanently attached to an extension nipple which has a closure at the inlet
end to prevent system water from entering the nipple until the sprinkler operates.
Adjustable dry horizontal sidewall sprinklers are dry-type sprinklers in which the sprinklers attached to the nipple
extension are of the horizontal sidewall orientation. They are intended for installation near a wall/ceiling interface and
are equipped with a special deflector which discharges most of the water in a horizontal plane so that the water is
directed onto adjacent walls as well as the protected area. These types of sprinklers are typically used to protect areas
subject to freezing and are connected to water-filled sprinkler piping located adjacent to the protected area in a location
not susceptible to freezing. They are also sometimes used on dry type sprinkler systems where the installed sprinkler
must be of the sidewall orientation. The sprinklers are generally intended for locations such as offices, hotel lobbies and
dining rooms, where the installation of Non-Storage pendent or upright sprinklers with the usual ceiling spacing and
pipe location may be objectionable because of appearance. They are also installed for special circumstances where their
directional properties are desirable.
Dry Adjustable Pendent
A dry-type sprinkler consists of a sprinkler permanently attached to an extension nipple which has a closure at the inlet
end to prevent system water from entering the nipple until the sprinkler operates.
Adjustable dry pendent sprinklers are dry-type sprinklers in which the sprinkler attached to the nipple extension is of
the pendent orientation. These types of sprinklers are typically used to protect areas subject to freezing and are
connected to water-filled sprinkler piping located above the protected area in a location not susceptible to freezing.
They are also sometimes used on dry type sprinkler systems where the installed sprinkler must be of the pendent
Adjustable Recessed Pendent
Adjustable recessed pendent sprinklers consist of a pendent sprinkler installed in a decorative recessed cup which
reduces the protrusion of the sprinkler from the ceiling. They are intended for use with concealed sprinkler piping
where attractive appearance under a ceiling is desired; such occupancies may include offices, hotel lobbies, dining
rooms, clubs and similar properties. FM Approved adjustable recessed pendent sprinklers are limited to a maximum
temperature rating of 225°F (107°C) and to protection of hazard occupancies as outlined in the occupancy-specific FM
Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet. Unless indicated otherwise by the occupancy-specific FM Global Property
Loss Prevention Data Sheet, these sprinklers are FM Approved only for use in wet systems as well as pre-action systems
that qualify as a wet system.
Concealed Pendent
Concealed pendent sprinklers incorporate a cover plate which is heat activated and can be manually removed to
prevent over-painting of the cover plate. They are intended for use with concealed sprinkler piping where attractive
appearance under a ceiling is desired; such occupancies may include offices, hotel lobbies, dining rooms, clubs and
similar properties. FM Approved concealed pendent sprinklers are limited to a maximum temperature rating of 225°F
(107°C) and to protection of hazard occupancies as outlined in the occupancy-specific FM Global Property Loss
Prevention Data Sheet. They should not be installed in corrosive environments. Unless indicated otherwise by the
occupancy-specific FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet, these sprinklers are FM Approved only for use in wet
systems as well as pre-action systems that qualify as a wet system.
Dry Concealed Pendent
A dry-type sprinkler consists of a sprinkler permanently attached to an extension nipple which has a closure at the inlet
end to prevent system water from entering the nipple until the sprinkler operates.
Dry concealed pendent sprinklers are dry-type sprinklers in which the sprinklers attached to the nipple extension are of
the pendent orientation. Dry concealed pendent sprinklers incorporate a cover plate which is heat activated and can be
manually removed to prevent over-painting of the cover plate. These types of sprinklers are typically used to protect
areas subject to freezing and are connected to water-filled sprinkler piping located adjacent to the protected area in a
location not susceptible to freezing. They are also sometimes used on dry type sprinkler systems where the installed
sprinkler must be of the pendent orientation. The sprinklers are generally intended for use with concealed sprinkler
piping where attractive appearance under a ceiling is desired; such occupancies may include offices, hotel lobbies,
dining rooms, clubs and similar properties. They should not be installed in corrosive environments. FM Approved dry
concealed pendent sprinklers are limited to a maximum temperature rating of 225°F (107°C) and to protection of hazard
occupancies as outlined in the occupancy-specific FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet.
Dry Horizontal Sidewall
A dry-type sprinkler consists of a sprinkler permanently attached to an extension nipple which has a closure at the inlet
end to prevent system water from entering the nipple until the sprinkler operates.
Dry horizontal sidewall sprinklers are dry-type sprinklers in which the sprinklers attached to the nipple extension are of
the horizontal sidewall orientation. They are intended for installation near a wall/ceiling interface and are equipped with
a special deflector which discharges most of the water in a horizontal plane so that the water is directed onto adjacent
walls as well as the protected area. These types of sprinklers are typically used to protect areas subject to freezing and
are connected to water-filled sprinkler piping located adjacent to the protected area in a location not susceptible to
freezing. They are also sometimes used on dry type sprinkler systems where the installed sprinkler must be of the
sidewall orientation. The sprinklers are generally intended for locations such as offices, hotel lobbies and dining rooms,
where the installation of Non-Storage pendent or upright sprinklers with the usual ceiling spacing and pipe location may
be objectionable because of appearance. They are also installed for special circumstances where their directional
properties are desirable.
Dry Pendent
A dry-type sprinkler consists of a sprinkler permanently attached to an extension nipple which has a closure at the inlet
end to prevent system water from entering the nipple until the sprinkler operates.
Dry pendent sprinklers are dry-type sprinklers in which the sprinkler attached to the nipple extension is of the pendent
orientation. These types of sprinklers are typically used to protect areas subject to freezing and are connected to water-
filled sprinkler piping located above the protected area in a location not susceptible to freezing. They are also
sometimes used on dry type sprinkler systems where the installed sprinkler must be of the pendent orientation.
Dry Recessed Horizontal Sidewall
A dry-type sprinkler consists of a sprinkler permanently attached to an extension nipple which has a closure at the inlet
end to prevent system water from entering the nipple until the sprinkler operates.
Dry recessed horizontal sidewall sprinklers are dry-type sprinklers in which the sprinklers attached to the nipple
extension are of the horizontal sidewall orientation and are installed in a decorative recessed cup which reduces the
protrusion of the sprinkler from the wall. These types of sprinklers are typically used to protect areas subject to freezing
and are connected to water-filled sprinkler piping located adjacent to the protected area in a location not susceptible to
freezing. They are also sometimes used on dry type sprinkler systems where the installed sprinkler must be of the
sidewall orientation.
Dry Recessed Pendent
A dry-type sprinkler consists of a sprinkler permanently attached to an extension nipple which has a closure at the inlet
end to prevent system water from entering the nipple until the sprinkler operates.
Dry recessed pendent sprinklers are dry-type sprinklers in which the sprinklers attached to the nipple extension are of
the pendent orientation and are installed in a decorative recessed cup which reduces the protrusion of the sprinkler
from the ceiling. These types of sprinklers are typically used to protect areas subject to freezing and are connected to
water-filled sprinkler piping located above the protected area in a location not susceptible to freezing. They are also
sometimes used on dry type sprinkler systems where the installed sprinkler must be of the pendent orientation.
Dry Upright
A dry-type sprinkler consists of a sprinkler permanently attached to an extension nipple which has a closure at the inlet
end to prevent system water from entering the nipple until the sprinkler operates.
Dry upright sprinklers are dry-type sprinklers in which the sprinklers attached to the nipple extension are of the upright
orientation. These types of sprinklers are typically used to protect areas subject to freezing and are connected to water-
filled sprinkler piping located below the protected area in a location not susceptible to freezing.
Flush Pendent
Flush pendent sprinklers are constructed with an operating element which extends a short distance below the ceiling.
Upon actuation, the sprinkler deflector drops below the ceiling level to provide a proper water distribution. They are
intended for use with concealed sprinkler piping where attractive appearance under a ceiling is desired; such
occupancies may include offices, hotel lobbies, dining rooms, clubs and similar properties. They should not be installed
in corrosive environments. FM Approved flush pendent sprinklers are limited to a maximum temperature rating of
225°F (107°C) and to protection of hazard occupancies as outlined in the occupancy-specific FM Global Property Loss
Prevention Data Sheet. Unless indicated otherwise by the occupancy-specific FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data
Sheet, these sprinklers are FM Approved only for use in wet systems as well as pre-action systems that qualify as a wet
Horizontal Sidewall
Sidewall sprinklers are sprinklers that are intended for installation near a wall/ceiling interface. They are equipped with a
special deflector which discharges most of the water in a horizontal plane so that the water is directed onto adjacent
walls as well as the protected area. The sprinklers are generally intended for locations such as offices, hotel lobbies and
dining rooms, where the installation of Non-Storage pendent or upright sprinklers with the usual ceiling spacing and
pipe location may be objectionable because of appearance. They are also installed for special circumstances where their
directional properties are desirable.
Horizontal sidewall automatic sprinklers are sidewall-type sprinklers in which the axis of the sprinkler orifice is oriented
Pendent automatic sprinklers are sprinklers designed such that the water discharge from the sprinkler orifice is directed
downward towards the deflector which in turn directs the water downward toward the protected area. The sprinkler is
designed such that the deflector is located below the pipe to which the sprinkler is connected.
Recessed Horizontal Sidewall
Sidewall sprinklers are sprinklers that are intended for installation near a wall/ceiling interface. They are equipped with a
special deflector which discharges most of the water in a horizontal plane so that the water is directed onto adjacent
walls as well as the protected area. The sprinklers are generally intended for locations such as offices, hotel lobbies and
dining rooms, where the installation of Non-Storage pendent or upright sprinklers with the usual ceiling spacing and
pipe location may be objectionable because of appearance. They are also installed for special circumstances where their
directional properties are desirable.
Recessed horizontal sidewall sprinklers consist of a horizontal sidewall sprinkler installed in a decorative recessed cup
which reduces the protrusion of the sprinkler from the wall. They are intended for use with concealed sprinkler piping
where attractive appearance is desired; such occupancies may include offices, hotel lobbies, dining rooms, clubs and
similar properties.
Recessed Pendent
Recessed pendent sprinklers consist of a pendent sprinkler installed in a decorative recessed cup which reduces the
protrusion of the sprinkler from the ceiling. They are intended for use with concealed sprinkler piping where attractive
appearance under a ceiling is desired; such occupancies may include offices, hotel lobbies, dining rooms, clubs and
similar properties. FM Approved recessed pendent sprinklers are limited to a maximum temperature rating of 225°F
(107°C) and to protection of hazard occupancies as outlined in the occupancy-specific FM Global Property Loss
Prevention Data Sheet. Unless indicated otherwise by the occupancy-specific FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data
Sheet, these sprinklers are FM Approved only for use in wet systems as well as pre-action systems that qualify as a wet
Upright automatic sprinklers are sprinklers designed such that the water discharge from the sprinkler orifice is directed
upward towards the deflector which in turn redirects the water downward toward the protected area. The sprinkler is
designed such that the deflector is located above the pipe to which the sprinkler is connected.
Vertical Sidewall
Sidewall sprinklers are sprinklers that are intended for installation near a wall/ceiling interface. They are equipped with a
special deflector which discharges most of the water in a horizontal plane so that the water is directed onto adjacent
walls as well as the protected area. The sprinklers are generally intended for locations such as office, hotel lobbies, and
dining rooms, where the installation of Non-Storage pendent or upright sprinklers with the usual ceiling spacing and
pipe location may be objectionable because of appearance. They are also installed for special circumstances where their
directional properties are desirable.
Vertical sidewall automatic sprinklers are sidewall-type sprinklers in which the axis of the sprinkler orifice is oriented
vertically. They are FM Approved for use in both the upright and pendent positions, except where noted otherwise.
Non-Storage Sprinklers