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Daniel “Doctrina Man” Andrade

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This RPG supplement for the DAEMON System was created by me based on the video games Blood
Omen: Legacy of Kain and Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, whose rights belong to Silicon Knights and Eidos
Interactive. I do not intend to offend these rights in any way, and I am not making any kind of profit by creating
this adaptation.

For players:
The game's story basically takes place in a single place: Nosgoth. Although this city does not exist, this
is the specialty of RPG: mixing fiction and reality. To me, it seems that Nosgoth is in Europe, in the midst of
the Inquisition. However, the unfolding of the story does not even closely follow the History of our real world,
thus fitting with difficulty into the DARK universe. It is possible to use the Inquisition books and similar ones,
but the Soul Reaver universe shows less of other creatures than the Angels, Demons and Mythological
Vampires books suggest.

Let's go in parts...
To create the universe of this adaptation, I will create different scenarios. Each corresponds to a game
in the series.
The first (Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain) depicts Kain's death and rebirth as a vampire, and the path of
death and destruction he charted.
The second game (Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver) shows the fallen and dark world created by Kain in
his reign of death: the few people who remain hide in the deepest caves and the most fortified castles to try
to escape the vampiric threat. We see the story especially through the eyes of Kain's former lieutenant,
Raziel, killed by his own brothers on Kain's orders.
The third game (Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain 2) appeared after Soul Reaver, but its
The story takes place many centuries before Kain ruled Nosgoth alongside his lieutenant Raziel.
And finally, the fourth game (Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2) takes place immediately after Soul Reaver
1 – the end of the first is exactly the beginning of the second. I think the second one takes place in a
dimension very different from ours, which wouldn't bring paradoxes when combining our reality with the
game's story. However, I haven't had the opportunity to play it yet. This part will be for the near future.

But the book Mythological Vampires doesn't say that...

Almost every time we adapt a character from a game, book or film to an RPG system, when trying to
make the character exactly the same as he really is, we end up leaving him incomplete in order to stay within
the rules, or we do exactly what On the contrary: we broke some of the rules of the system to make it as
similar as possible.
This happens a lot in Soul Reaver. The vampires of Soul Reaver have almost nothing in common with
the vampires of the DARK universe. Despite this, other creatures could be placed in the SOUL REAVER
universe without major problems, especially vampire hunters, which can be built using the INQUISITION or
TEMPLARS supplement, with Magic and Faith rules.

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Many millennia ago, nine wizards merged their Ariel, which definitively destroyed the balance of the
spirits with the Pillars of Nosgoth, vowing to use their Pillars and Nosgoth.
powers to protect the land. How and why the Pillars were The Guardian of Death came to the conclusion
created still remains a mystery. Each Pillar controls a that the only way to make things right was to kill every
magical power that gives life to Nosgoth, and reflects the member of the Circle (including himself) to break all
mental condition of its Guardian. Each Guardian was the magical ties between the corrupted Guardians and the
incarnation of their Pillar, and affected the entire world. land. For such a task, he hired a band of thieves to
However, the Circle made a series of mistakes. Despite assassinate Ariel's successor as the next Guardian of the
being immortal, the Guardians were still all human. They Balance, a noble man named Kain, and then resurrected
felt threatened by the vampire population in Nosgoth, and him as a vampire. Mortanius guided Kain on his journey
so created the Sarafan to exterminate all vampires. They to repair the Pillars and save Nosgoth. He died when Kain
called these massacres the “Vampire Purge.” discovered who was truly behind his murder, just as
Mortanius had planned.

Ariel, Guardian of Balance - Ariel controlled the

magic of the other Guardians to maintain the balance of Dejoule, The Energist, Guardian of Energy -
Nosgoth, before being murdered by Hash'ak'gik. After her Dejoule allied himself with Bane and Anacrothe even after
death, Ariel became a ghost and came to haunt the the Circle disbanded as a result of Nupraptor's madness.
Pillars, waiting for Kain's arrival. She helped Kain on his She shared her hatred of vampires and her plan for all of
quest to kill the other Guardians - including his lover, Nosgoth with her allies. The trio aimed to replace
Nupraptor. Nothing was more important to Ariel than intelligence and
maintaining her balance. She made Kain believe that his emotions of all living creatures by higher forces. Dejoule
"curse" of vampirism would end only if he straightened used his magic to energize the wall of energy that
the Pillars for her. In fact, the only reward Ariel truly expanded the borders of Dark Eden. Her overconfidence
wanted to give Kain for his success was oblivion. led to her destruction when she and Bane battled Kain in
a fight to the death.

Bane, The Druid, Guardian of Nature -

Nupraptor, the Intellectual, Guardian of the Bane was a protector of nature who abused his powers
Mind - Nupraptor was known for his wisdom, and people to help create Dark Eden.
traveled from all over Nosgoth seeking his advice. But All plants, animals and humans trapped in the Dark Eden
Nupraptor was distraught with grief when his beloved were transformed into powerful but savage beasts. Bane
Ariel was murdered. He allowed his affliction to destroy detested supernatural creatures, which were beyond his
him, and the rest of the world. control. He feared them, and said they were an “affront to
Circle. Suspecting that Ariel's killer was a traitor from the
within the Circle, he intentionally infected the minds of all nature".
the other Guardians with his madness, ensuring that the Anacrothe, The Alchemist, Guardian of the
Circle could never be saved. In his attempt to avenge States – The area consumed by Dark Eden seemed
Ariel, he destroyed the balance she sought. irretrievable. Anacrothe abused his power to help Bane
alter the physical states of the earth and its creatures.
Nupraptor then mutilated himself by sewing his The soil was cracked as if all its moisture and nutrients
eyes and mouth shut to isolate himself from the rest of had been sucked out. The water was replaced by lava,
the world. He slaughtered his servants and locked himself and living creatures were transformed beyond recognition.
in his skull-shaped retreat. It was obvious that Nupraptor He had a cocky and cowardly attitude, and abandoned
was no longer aware of how his actions had damaged Nosgoth. Bane and
So Kain decided that Nupraptor “needed a lesson that Dejoule during his fatal battle with Kain in order to
would teach him the value of blood.” preserve his own life. He later made the mistake of
Mortanius, The Necromancer, Guardian of arguing with Mortanius that the Pillars existed only to
Death - Mortanius was extremely loyal and dedicated to serve their Guardians. Disgusted by Anacrothe's abuse
his role of serving the Pillar of Death. However, Hash'ak'gik of power, it was Mortanius himself who put an end to the
possessed Mortanius, and used him to kill alchemist's existence.

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Malek of the Sarafan, Guardian of Conflict - OTHER PLACES AND PEOPLE

Malek was chosen by the Circle to lead an army of
vampire hunters known as The Sarafans. These
religious fanatic hunters mercilessly slaughtered NOSGOTH
thousands of vampires under Malek's leadership,
impaling them on wooden stakes. Both humans and Vorador's Mansion
vampires considered Malek a cold-blooded killer. Vorador was once the oldest, wisest, and most
powerful vampire in Nosgoth. He is also very proud.
In addition to hunting vampires, Malek's other During the “Vampire Purge” that took place 5000
responsibility was protecting the Circle Guardians. Years before Kain was even born, the Sarafan brutally
One day, while Malek was busy killing vampires, the murdered all of Vorador's friends, lovers, and children.
vampire champion, Vorador, managed to kill four He fought valiantly to end the “Purge” by killing four
Guardians. Malek was held responsible for having Circle Guardians, and defeating Malek, the leader of
failed to protect them. the Sarafan.
His punishment was losing what he held most dear: Unfortunately, at that point, it was too late for
his humanity. Malek's soul was fused to his armor Vorador to save his loved ones. Filled with guilt, rage,
through Mortanius' necromantic power. and despair, Vorador spent the next millennia locked
He then filled the role of Combat Guardian, and in his isolated mansion. He only came out to feed and
continued to protect the Circle for another 5000 years, surrounded his mansion with traps to make sure he
until his final defeat at the hands of Vorador. was left alone. The tragedies he survived taught
Moebius, The Manipulator of the Course, The Vorador to have contempt for all Humanity, and to
Keeper of Time - Moebius was the master of deception value the lives of his fellow vampires above all else.
and manipulation. Even the other Guardians were He always wanted to give younger vampires shelter,
reluctant to trust him. He disguised himself as “The affection or
Oracle”, and loved to challenge humans to cross the protection. Kain sought Vorador's help to defeat Malek
labyrinths and dangerous tunnels of his caves. If they once and for all. Although Kain originally feared
succeeded, he would reward them by telling them their becoming as inhuman as Vorador, the ancient vampire
future. eventually gained the
He later used his reputation as the wise and respect for Kain as a mentor.
benevolent Oracle to manipulate Kain and the Vorador's death was possibly the greatest
inhabitants of Nosgoth. Moebius kept Kain distracted tragedy to befall Nosgoth. The vampire hunters' guild
while he rallied the citizens of Stahlberg to create the captured Vorador along with a few other surviving
most powerful guild of vampire hunters to ever exist in vampires, and killed them all in a final massacre in the
Nosgoth. United by hatred, the vampire hunters' guild city of Stahlberg. Vorador watched incapacitated as
succeeded in exterminating all of Nosgoth's vampires, the vampires he had protected were decapitated one
leaving only Kain. by one in front of a cheering crowd of cowardly
Moebius tried to get the hunters to also kill Kain, humans. Vorador's death was the grand finale. After
without success. As Kain stood on top of Moebius with witnessing the last of his people die, Vorador no longer
his sword ready, Moebius taunted Kain, saying that he had the will to live.
too would one day die. Kain beheaded him just as he
had seen Moebius decapitate Vorador. Whether he
was telling the truth about Kain's death or whether it Elzevir, The Doll Maker
was a bluff remains a mystery... Elzevir was a small and strange old man who
lived as a hermit and collected souls. He achieved this
Azimuth, The Planar, Guardian of Dimensions - by imprisoning the souls of his victims in the dolls he
Azimuth had a sadistic and arrogant nature that made to represent them. Elzevir's most cherished
became more evident when she was infected by possession was the soul of King Ottmar's daughter.
Nupraptor's madness. He commanded the religious His reasons for taking his soul were never understood.
autocracy of Avernus. And from the safety of the However, the sadness his actions caused in Ottmar
Church, she watched with obvious pleasure as the brought his kingdom to its knees. Perhaps the little old
demons she brought from other planes destroyed her man would take pleasure in possessing such “power”.
city and her people. In the end, she too fell to Kain's sword.

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Rei Ottmar Hash'ak'gik

Ottmar was the commander of Willendorf, a Also known as “The Unspoken” and “The Dark
gigantic city rich in natural resources, and protected Entity”, Hash'ak'gik was a demonic being who was
by an army that was second in power, second only once worshiped as a god by a cult on Avernus. At his
to the Legions of Nemesis. command, his followers sacrificed their firstborn on
His generous and forgiving personality endeared him his altar so that he could “collect their worship.” Hash
to most of the population. But the princess fell into a also played a major role in the downfall of the Circle
comatose state at a rather inconvenient time, when of Nine. He possessed Mortanius (The Guardian of
Elzevir stole her soul. Death) and took partial control of his mind. Mortanius
As the Legions of Nemesis approached Willendorf, later killed Ariel (The Guardian of Balance) under
Ottmar found himself completely useless in his mad Hash's influence, thereby officially destroying the
concern for his daughter. balance of Nosgoth.
He offered his kingdom to any warrior who could
restore the princess back to her former self, even if Although his motives always remained unclear,
that warrior was a vampire. Hash seemed to treat the lives of others as a mere
Kain killed Elzevir and returned to Ottmar with game. Shortly before Kain's decision not to sacrifice
the doll containing his daughter's soul, thus earning himself for the benefit of Humanity, Hash and Kain
the king's gratitude. At Kain's request, Ottmar then met in combat, without it being certain whether Hash
led his troops against Nemesis. Unfortunately, his was destroyed or not.
army was no match for the Legions of Nemesis, and
Ottmar died in a rather bloody battle.

William, O Justus / O Nemesis

William “The Just” was once a good and
prosperous human king. However, under the This was the description of the main places
manipulation of Moebius (Keeper of Time), William and personalities of Nosgoth, from its beginning to
was forced to become a power-hungry tyrant, the beginning of the Age of Kain. From the next
obsessed with conquest. He organized the most pages onwards, you will be able to read the events
powerful army in Nosgoth, and gained a new title: that take place in the video game, which correspond
The Nemesis. The Legions of Nemesis destroyed to the chronology of the game's story.
everything in their path as they continued to expand
the borders of William's domain. Once the Nemesis
finished off Stahlberg, the city of Willendorf became
the next target. Kain assembled “The Army of Hope” The DM can take any part of the events (or
in an attempt to halt the progress of the invading between events) and generate a campaign. It could
army. be a campaign both when Kain was not yet born and
When that plan failed, Kain was sent 50 years at the beginning of his world order.
into the past, to the time when William was still loved
by his people. It was then that Kain killed William,
and took the king's blood to restore his own strength.
William's people would never know that their beloved
king would one day massacre them all. Read the game's story in detail. See if the
They found his body drained, and extended their campaign you have in mind should be mixed with the
vengeance to all the vampires of Nosgoth. With joy, universe of the DARK line books or if you will only
they managed to kill everyone except Kain. use the DAEMON system.

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The Pillars of Nosgoth held the life force of the Kain was an arrogant human. He was a proud
world. The Circle of Nine, the Protectors of Hope, as they nobleman of the city of Coorhagen. Being ambitious by
were sometimes called (by humans, of course), were the nature, he began a journey through Nosgoth, seeking great
Guardians of these Pillars – protectorates of strange adventures. Leaving a tavern late at night, Kain was
powers that give life to the land. Each of the Pillars controls attacked and brutally murdered by a group of thieves.
a specific power. Each Guardian was connected to the
Pillar it served, and was the embodiment of the power it In the Spectral World, Kain was filled with fury that
represented. A Pillar also reflected the condition of its his life had suddenly been taken from him, and he didn't
Guardian. If a Guardian were weakened, the Pillar to which even know why. A necromancer named Mortanius offered
it is attached would begin to crumble, and the balance of to resurrect him so he could return to Nosgoth and avenge
the world would be upset. his death. Kain quickly accepted his offer, unaware of the
fact that it would mean never being a human again.
The number of vampires grew in such a way that it
caught the attention of the Circle, and thus the Sarafan
were created. Trained to be loyal to the Circle of Nine, the First, Kain couldn't think of anything else.
Sarafan were led by Malek, a fanatical religious warrior. not be revenge and the Thirst. Blinded by hatred, he found
Your mission – and slaughtered the bandits. Only after filling his throat
rid the world of “undead scum”. Thousands of vampires with the necessary blood did Kain begin to understand and
were summarily hunted and impaled. regret what he had become. Suddenly, the sunlight was
They were left to die slowly and painfully – painful, water burned like acid, his former companions
all because the Circle thought it was “fair”. hated and feared him, and the Bloodlust was unceasing.
Disgusting. The only crime of these victims was the fact Kain was left feeling like an abomination – forced to live in
that they existed. The Sarafan called this massacre the a dead body. He went from an aristocrat to an outcast
“Vampire Purge.” overnight. Life as a vampire taught him many important
A powerful ancient vampire named Vorador tried to lessons as he sought to find his new place in the world. It
put an end to this madness. The Sarafan “purges” had made him deeper, wiser, and full of pain. He was forced to
killed everyone he cared about: friends, lovers, children, learn the value of life by learning the value of blood.
everyone. Proud, noble, wise and courageous, Vorador
fought valiantly for his race. He managed to kill four of the
Guardians and defeated the Circle's ridiculous pastor,
Malek. But it wasn't enough. Vorador was forced into hiding
and was lost to the world of Nosgoth. After killing the bandits, Mortanius informed Kain
that his journey had only begun. He told
Confusion within the Circle led to the murder of Kain that the bandits had merely been sent by his true
Ariel, Guardian of the Pillar of Balance. killer, and instructed him to search the Pillars of Nosgoth
Her lover was Nupraptor, Guardian of the Pillar of Mind. for more information.
He was so devastated and enraged by her murder that he
went mad. In revenge, he used his powers to attack the At the Pillars, he met a ghost named Ariel. She told
minds of the other Guardians, infecting them all with his him that the Pillars held Nosgoth's life force, and that if
own madness. they were destroyed, so would Nosgoth. Five thousand
The Circle dispersed. Each Guardian went to a different years earlier, Ariel had been murdered by a traitor from
place in Nosgoth where they began to attack the world within the Circle of Nine, but she was unsure who it was.
they were supposed to protect. Now they were called “The Ariel told Kain that the only way to free himself from his
Destroyers of Hope”. “curse” of vampirism was to kill the surviving members of
Time, however, does not stop. 5 thousand years later, the Circle in order to restore
another definitive step towards the future was taken...

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the Pillars and save Nosgoth. First, Kain's only concern Had they stayed out of human affairs, they would never
was to cure his “curse”. But after seeing the atrocities have been able to slaughter the other vampires.
the Circle had committed against all life, he began to Kain was shocked to see how cruel simple citizens could
realize the true importance of his journey. He also be. He painfully realized that Vorador was right. And in
discovered that it was the Circle that created the Sarafan that moment he also realized that he could never look at
(a fanatical-religious organization of vampire hunters) humans the same way again.
and sent them to hunt and slaughter thousands of
vampires – they called these massacres the “Vampire Unfortunately, the betrayals were not over.
Purge”. Kain was disgusted by the way these assassins Kain discovered that Mortanius (Guardian of Death) was
tried to disguise their own bloodlust with lies and religion. the one behind Ariel's and his own death. Mortanius had
chosen Kain to bring death to the Circle because Kain
would be Ariel's replacement as Guardian of the Balance.
Eventually, Kain encountered an ancient vampire After killing Mortanius, Kain discovered that Ariel had
named Vorador. He was the oldest and most powerful also deceived him. Now that Kain had become a
vampire in Nosgoth. Thousands of years ago, the Sarafan Guardian, he too would have to die in order to complete
had brought him much suffering. Vorador became a his journey of correcting the Pillars. This is what Ariel
mentor of sorts to Kain. meant when she said he would be freed from his “curse.”
But after going through what he went through with the
Sarafan, Vorador warned Kain that vampires are superior
to humans and advised him to keep his distance from Kain knew that if he killed himself and corrected
human affairs. the Pillars, he would give control of Nosgoth to the
Kain ignored this advice and engaged in many humans. And after witnessing what humans had done to
wars with humans, avoiding the complete destruction of other vampires, Kain wisely decided that the
many cities. Even in his curse, Kain revealed himself to salvation of the human race was not worthy of his life.
be a man with great willpower, mercy and respect for Now that he was the only surviving vampire and the only
human life, never killing, except to feed himself, defend surviving Guardian, Kain decided to transform the world
himself or protect Nosgoth. into a place where vampires could live without oppression
or fear for their lives.
The end of his journey was tragic. Kain had
managed to defeat most of the Guardians only to discover
that he had been used and tricked. Kain returned from a
mission to discover that Moebius (Timekeeper) had
gathered vampire hunters to exterminate all of Nosgoth's
vampires, and was decapitating them for the amusement
of a crazed audience. As Kain ran through the streets to
the central square where the "executions" were being
carried out, he could hear the other vampires scream
and smell their spilled blood. With each death, humans This entire description is just a summary of the
cheered and celebrated. Those who were not watching story of the first game. To understand all the events of
the “executions” were arranging the great banquets they the game, see the Dialogue section on the website where
would have to celebrate the victory over the I took the game's story (see the name of the website at
the end of the document). There are all the game's
dialogues, which explain how Kain became so powerful
“damned scum”. Kain arrived at the central square in and how he came into possession of the powerful Soul Reaver sword.
time to see Vorador's head on the guillotine. Check out a description of the NPCs and the main
Vorador looked over the crowd of cowardly humans one ones at the end of the document.
last time, before the blade came down and the executioner
raised his head like a trophy for all to see. Moebius then
targeted Kain in the crowd, and rallied the villagers to
attack him.
The ironic part is that Kain had saved that very city
from annihilation at the hands of an invading army. If he
had listened to Vorador, and

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Creating Characters A human has the equivalent of 10 Sanguinus

Character creation in Soul Reaver follows the points (5 liters of blood).
DAEMON system rule. The values of Attributes and Vampires automatically develop or enhance their
Skills and their respective capabilities are the same. powers every 10 years (every 10 years, plus 1 point of
There are several character options in a Supernatural Power) and 2 Points
campaign in Nosgoth. See below the main ones and of Sanguinus per year. Something that no one has
their descriptions: been able to figure out why is the fact that the powers
manifested by vampires are random – whenever they
Vampires - contrary to what humans think, the gain a power, it is the Master who will give it to the
power of vampires and their “curse” are not in their character, without the chance to choose (the only time
blood. It is necessary to capture a spirit and trap it in a the player chooses the powers). is in the Creation of
dead body. Blood only sustains this body; the powers Character). Each year, vampires gain 1 Attribute Point
come from the spirit trapped within him. (not the same Attribute twice), and every 5 years they
gain 1 Enhancement point.
Being a vampire in Soul Reaver is a 2 Point A newly created vampire has 105 Attribute
Enhancement. See its characteristics within the Points, 3 Enhancement Points (after discounting the
DAEMON System: cost of being a vampire, 2 Points), 2
Vampires are harmed by sunlight, fire and water. Supernatural Powers and 250 Skill Points. The Master
Each round of exposure to sunlight deals 1d6 points of can use the evolution rule he prefers (by Level or by
damage, ignoring the vampire's IP. Fire causes 50% Age, depending on the campaign).
more damage to vampires than to normal people. To create more powerful vampires (or non-starter
Water hurts vampires as much as acid hurts humans. PCs), the DM must define how old they will be and add
Each ½ liter of water deals 1d6 points of damage to Attributes, Enhancements, Skills, and Sanguinus
the vampire. In this case, ignore ¾ of the accordingly.
Vampire's IP, although at least 1 point of damage is
dealt. Light, Fire, and Water spells do their maximum Normal humans – nothing different. Use the
damage to vampires. All of this damage is subject to rules of the DAEMON System basic book.
changes, such as the intensity of sunlight to which they
are exposed, the size of the fire source and the amount Human mages – the magic in SOUL REAVER
of water, in addition to possible armor that the target is works exactly the same as any other supplement
wearing. (Angels, Demons, Inquisition, etc.).
Vampires need to ingest 5% of their weight daily,
in liters of blood, or they will lose 1 HP per day until Human Vampire Hunters – they are almost the
they reach 0, when they will turn to dust. same thing as wizards. The only exception is the
They can acquire any Vampiric Powers from the presence of Faith, which is used far more frequently
book Mythological Vampires and Demonic Powers than magic by vampire hunters.
from the book Demons: The Divine Comedy. They It is recommended to use TEMPLARS or INQUISITION
cannot, however, use Faith or Magic (if the Master for more details about Faith.
wishes, he can make Magic available to very powerful
vampires, but NOT Faith).
Vampires have a trait called Sanguinus. It is the
amount of blood stored in a vampire's body. As you
age and become more powerful, your body has the
ability to “compress” the blood within the

body, making it take up less space and therefore being

able to store more blood. Each Power used consumes
1 Sanguinus Point from the vampire. Even without
using powers, the vampire consumes 1 Sanguinus
Point per night to sustain himself. You can spend 1
Sanguinus Point at any time to restore 1 Health Point
to the character.

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Taking human cities was easy. Kain awakens. A woman, actually a vampire
Kain created quite powerful and loyal vampires, and even named Umah, is at his side. She quickly summarizes the
the strongest Sarafan were defeated with relative ease. situation for Kain, whose memory was in tatters:
While entire human armies were decimated with each
assault, casualties to Kain's troops were minimal, if any. “You were unconscious for 200 years.
Until they reached the city of Meridian, one of the largest When we found him, there was only a small spark of life
in Nosgoth. in his body. We take care of you and
we fed it during these centuries. In fact, we didn't expect
Located south of Nosgoth, Meridian initially you to wake up so early. You surprise us from now on.”
seemed like any other city.
Kain only began to distrust very powerful beings in the “See what Nosgoth has become: a den of cowardly
city when two of his scouts did not return (Marcus and humans, ruled with an iron fist by Lord Sarafan, the same
Sebastian). Then a definitive attack was launched. Kain one who defeated him 200 years ago. We vampires are
and all his followers headed towards the city's main hunted and exterminated day after day. More and more
entrance. But this city was prepared. our numbers are being reduced. You are our hope of
restoring the natural order of Nosgoth: vampires in power,
A large Sarafan army was waiting for the vampires. feeding on humans, and not hiding.”
This army was notably different. Their weapons and
armor had a very intense yellow glow, in addition to being “Lord Sarafan is protected by his knights, and
very strong and fast. Several of these Sarafan fought on even by other vampires. They value only their own lives:
equal terms with some of the vampires in Kain's army. as long as they serve Lord Sarafan, they will continue to
The battle became quite unbalanced with the “The Sarafan soldiers and knights use a type of
arrival of an enormous Sarafan, whose armor glowed magic that is lethal to us vampires, magic that was
more brightly than the others. This Sarafan killed several brought to light after the rise of the Sarafan, shortly after
vampires at once, without suffering a scratch. their defeat: the Magic of Glyphs. Glyphs are stones with
magical properties, capable of generating supernatural
Kain then went towards him. Despite being the energy that manifests itself in the form of the elements of
strongest of the vampires, and being in possession of nature. There are still a few others with other powers, but
the Soul Reaver, the battle was quick, with an unexpected we haven't had the chance to study them yet. We have
end: Kain succumbs to the devastating power of this idea
In addition to being defeated (and killed, from what origin of these Glyphs, but they are all over the world
everyone thinks), the Soul Reaver was taken by the so- Nosgoth”.
called Lord Sarafan, using the sword that until now only “We are the Cabal, the vampiric resistance force.
Kain had managed to wield. The fate of the other And you, Kain, are the key to our victory against Lord
vampires was then sealed in an instant: annihilation. Sarafan and the restoration of his sovereignty, Vampire

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OS GLYPHS Elite – the highest rank after Lord. The Sarafan Elite
The energy of Glyphs has many uses for the humans Guard had been exterminated millennia before Kain's birth.
of Nosgoth: it produces light energy to brighten the dark It was revived from the ashes by Lord Sarafan. There are
nights, provides heat to the homes of some inhabitants (of only six, but they say they can wipe out an army 10 times
course, those who can afford it), and gives human soldiers larger: Raziel, Turel, Dumah, Rahab, Zephon and Melchiah.
a better chance of slaughtering vampires a little. more
powerful. Lord Sarafan – no one knows the origin of this
There are two specific uses of Glyphs that make life powerful being, or even the extent of his powers.
more difficult for vampires in Nosgoth: the first is the He arrived in the city of Meridian and organized an army to
formation of energy barriers at the vast majority of entrances fight the vampires just a few weeks before Kain's onslaught.
and exits to cities. She is He lives in Meridian, the seat of his reign, but rumors spread
insurmountable to any vampire, and anyone who forces that he can be in several parts of Nosgoth at the same time,
their way through will be turned to dust. as he appears on the same day in two or more cities that
The other use is in the weapons and armor of are days away from each other.
Sarafan knights and soldiers. When a vampire is within 20
meters of a soldier whose armor is equipped with the Glyph,
it will glow brightly, making it impossible for a vampire to
attack one of them by surprise. THE KABBALA
Nosgoth's vampiric resistance.
Currently, it has less than 20 members, although there are
still vampires throughout Nosgoth who do not even know of
THE SARAFANS the Cabal's existence, so hidden are they. Although their
There are several distinct types of “tier” among the movement around Nosgoth is limited, they have human
Sarafan: minions who help them by doing various favors, either
Guard - is the lowest rank among the Sarafan. They because they do not agree with Lord Sarafan's dictatorship
are the most numerous, and are never equipped with Glyphs. or because they are tempted by the promise of “eternal life”
as vampires.
Glyph Guard – as previously stated, they have Ironically, the Cabal headquarters (called
weapons and armor equipped with Glyphs. Sanctuary) is located in the suburbs of Meridian.
Some of them have minor spells.
Priest – they are completely devoted to the Order of
Lord Sarafan. They are not as well trained in combat as NOSGOTH
Guards and Glyph Guards, but they have reasonable The map of Nosgoth remains unchanged. Lord
knowledge of magic. Sarafan did not destroy any of the places known as vampire
Nun – practically the only female fighters in Nosgoth. hideouts – he ordered his armies to hunt without destroying
They are trained in both the arcane arts and archery. the place, although no one ever understood why.

Knight – they are carefully chosen and trained men, Some of the places his armies have searched are: the
being a high rank when it comes to the smallest, but within Pillars of Nosgoth, Nupraptor's Retreat, and the
the Elite they are the smallest. They are, without exception, Avernus Cathedral. Dark Eden remained isolated and
very strong and resistant, carrying heavy armor and untouched, and for this reason it is assumed that many
weapons. vampires tried to find refuge there.
Despite their physical strength, they apparently have no
knowledge of magic. Glyph
Glyph Knight – even fewer have the chance to
Those who carry the Glyphs can use their mystical
become one of these Elite Knights. Like Knights, they have
energies in attacks carried out with melee weapons. The
great physical strength, but are enhanced with weapons attack (if the target is a vampire) will cause its maximum
and armor with the power of Glyphs. Only the most powerful
damage, ignoring the target's IP (but not that of any armor
vampires can fight one of these soldiers and come out alive
it is wearing).
to tell the story.

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Creating Characters Glyph Knight

In this part of the story, almost any character Cost: 5 Enhancement points, 400 pts. of
the player imagines will need to purchase a “kit”. Expertise
Here they go: Skills: Fighting 60/60, Melee Weapons (choose
between sword or spear) 60/60, Shield 0/60, Dodge
Guard 40%, Streetwise 30%, History 15%, Intimidation
50%, Etiquette (clergy AND nobility) 40%, Theology
Cost: 1 Enhancement Point, 120 pts. of
Expertise 20%, Forbidden Sciences (Vampires) 50%, Tracking
40%, Riding 30%
Skills: Brawling 40/30, Melee weapons
Enhancements: Patronus (2 points), Powers
(choose between sword or staff) 30/30, Streetwise
Magicians (2 points), Faith Points (3 points), Forces
20%, Intimidation 30%, Tracking 30%, Forbidden
Military (2 points), Enemy (-1 point: all vampires)
Sciences (Vampires) 40%
Enhancements: Enemy (-1 Point: all vampires)

Other types of characters (thieves, assassins,

farmers, altar boys, etc.) are very common and
Guarda Glyph diverse, therefore not requiring a “kit”.
Cost: 2 Enhancement Points, 200 pts. of
Skills: Fighting 50/40, Melee Weapons (choose Vampires
between sword or axe) 30/30, Shield 0/40, Streetwise See page 8 to learn how to build a vampire
25%, Intimidation 35%, Tracking 30%, Forbidden character. However, at this time, vampires have an
Sciences (Vampires) 45%, Theology 10% additional power, common to all of them: the Whisper.
Enhancements: Patron (2 Points), Faith
Points (1 point), Enemy (-1 Point: all vampires) Regardless of distance, a vampire can focus
on another person they know and then speak directly
into their mind. Whoever received the message can
then reply back.
Cost: 3 Enhancement Points, 150 pts. of It is not possible for either of them to read each
other's thoughts; you only hear what the other person
Skills: Brawl 15/15, Melee Weapons (war responds out loud. However, the person initiating the
hammer) 30/20, Shield 0/30, Streetwise 20%, conversation must be heard by the person receiving
Forbidden Sciences (Vampires) 45%, Theology 30%, the message, as if they were one meter away.
History 20%, Ancient Languages (Latin 25%, Read Example: Vorador tries to communicate with Kain
and Write Latin 25%) using Whisper. Vorador finds himself alongside a
Enhancements: Clergy (1 point), Patron (2 herd of running buffalo, and Kain is hidden behind
Points), Faith Points (2 points), Magical Powers (2 the door to Lord Sarafan's chambers, where there is
points), Enemy (-1 Point: all vampires) no sound. Vorador could speak very quietly and still
*For Nuns, exchange War Hammer for be heard, but Kain would have to shout.
Archery, and Shield by Dodge

Cost: 3 Enhancement Points, 350 pts. of
Skills: Fighting 50/50, Melee Weapons (choose
between sword or axe) 50/50, Shield 0/50, Streetwise
25%, Intimidation 45%, Tracking 30%, Forbidden
Sciences (Vampires) 50%, Theology 15%
Enhancements: Patron (2 Points), Military
Forces (1 point), Faith Points (1 point), Enemy (-
1 Point: all vampires)

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This time, the human race's participation in part of the profits went to the New Church: The
deciding the fate of Nosgoth was almost nil. Sarafan Church, which proclaimed itself as the
While in the “Vampire Purge” the Sarafan armies savior of Humanity.
were primarily made up of normal people who Kain slowly regained his memory and
wanted to put an end to the vampire threat, in Lord his powers – two centuries dormant have caused
Sarafan's victory over Kain's newly formed armies, him to lose much of his powers.
the Sarafan were basically handpicked by the Lord . With the help of the Cabal, Kain gained access
to the inner levels of Meridian, confronting his former
Since then, humanity has been nothing more than companions, now in the service of Lord Sarafan.
labor for the Sarafan and livestock for vampires. Kain showed no mercy to the traitors, defeating them
From his tower in Meridian Cathedral, Lord and absorbing their spirits along with their powers,
Sarafan controls people's destinies with an iron fist. increasing his own.
Over the course of 200 years, the cities dominated
by Kain were little by little “recolonized” – a Priest or Humanity did not realize what was happening
Nun (sometimes more) was sent to each city to until it was too late: Kain had killed all of Lord
guarantee the population's devotion to the Sarafan Sarafan's followers, presenting the
religion. dead body of their former leader as a trophy. The
Although the lands were returned to their Sarafan era was over. It was time for Kain to reclaim
former owners (refugees in Meridian during Kain's his throne as the commander of Nosgoth.
attacks), there was now a tithe:

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A millennium has passed since Lord Kain It is the body that requires the blood sacrifice; our
established his capital in the ruined Pillars of Nosgoth souls gain their advantage from the powers of the
and began his conquest of the world. His first act was to Spectral World.
recruit a permanent military force. Kain captured six As we matured, our earthly bodies evolved into a
souls and then gave birth to his lieutenants, of which I, higher form. We assume the powers and nobility of the
Raziel, was one. In return, we prowl the gloom of Dark Gods. With each change, the trivial matters of
purgatory and build six legions of vampires to pillage vampires and humans were of less and less interest.
The destruction of the greatest human Kingdoms Always, it was Kain who changed first. After the
was inevitable. In less than a century, humanity had master had tried a new gift, one of us would follow in a
been properly domesticated. To be more precise, there decade or so. That is, until I have the honor of surpassing
are still a few wild humans left scattered throughout the my lord. For my transgression, I deserved a new kind of
countryside, clinging on to their hopeless holy war to rid reward: agony.
Nosgoth of “vampiric scum.” They were tolerated. They For us, the touch of water is agony; it burns our
made the existence of the weakest more challenging. flesh like acid. My punishment was to be thrown into the
Lake of the Dead, our execution ground for traitors and the weak.
After the domestication of humans, our real work As my brothers lifted me into the air, I could see the
began: shaping Nosgoth to our will. expressions of satisfaction on their faces. The transient
Around the Pillars, slaves built a temple worthy of our euphoria of something new. Then the pain started.
era, worthy of our Renaissance. Melting, twisting, burning, falling. Truly, a new experience.
Gigantic furnaces were built to throw smoke into the Time. I have no idea how long I fell for. I just know that
sky, protecting the earth from the poisonous effects of the fall had an end and through the pain I heard the voice.
the Sun. The world had never known such beauty. At first I thought it was merely the echoes of my tortured mind,
However, over time, we got bored. but I came to understand that it was something more. Something
We allowed the remaining legions, the lesser primordial. Something furious. Something fair. Something ancient.
vampires, to have their intrigues. They provided The Elder explained many things to me. About
entertainment and “spice” to an increasingly uninspired creation, about Death, souls and Hunger. For eons the
court. As faction fell to faction, we bet on the outcome. Ancient One fed on the souls of Nosgoth. Then Kain's
We helped and ruined conspiracies on a whim. We were vampiric dynasty deprived the Ancient One of his
the Council and Lord Kain, our only master. livelihood. For centuries, its hunger grew and festered in this place.
The Elder offered me a solution to my poor
Humans believe that it is some disease in the existence – if I returned to the Material Plane and killed
blood that makes us what we are. Fools, blood only my former brothers, then I would have the chance to
feeds the bodies we live in. To create a vampire, one take revenge on Kain...
must steal a soul from the Abyss to reanimate the body.
How could anyone refuse such an offer?


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For Raziel, his death and resurrection passed OF PHONEMICS

almost instantly, but in fact centuries passed before The members of this clan
the Ancient One returned his soul to his destroyed took on an insectoid form in their
body. change. They have very long,
The destruction of the Balance of Nosgoth not thin limbs that allow them to
only affected the land, but all forms of life. climb walls and move quickly.
Without sunlight, the vast majority of plants died, They use camouflage to trap
making any type of planting impossible. their victims and then place them
The soil also lost its nutrients, like in Dark Eden. in a type of cocoon. Because of
Even animals have not escaped the changing their great agility, they are extremely dangerous,
environment – almost all species have gone extinct even in small groups.
or changed drastically.
The breaking of the Balance has affected even
the lesser vampires, to different degrees depending
This clan overcame one
on which of Raziel's brothers they are children of.
of the vampire race's greatest
They entered a state of regression, becoming nothing
weaknesses – water. Reigning
more than beasts guided only by survival instinct,
the waters of Nosgoth, they
losing their consciousness and haunt the ruins of the Flooded
sensitivity as we know it.
Monastery, and “swim in the
There were 6 vampire clans in Nosgoth, which
darkness of the stagnant
corresponded to each of Kain's 6 lieutenants.
depths.” Sunlight, for the
Each clan took a different path, adapting according
Rahabim, is far more lethal than for other clans –
to their needs and weaknesses.
even the oldest are devastated by the slightest touch
of the Sun's poisonous rays. In water, they cannot
DOUBLE be matched in combat. They are also formidable
The most commonly opponents on land, capable of firing beams of
encountered vampires, in telekinetic energy with great precision.
many areas of Nosgoth.
The Dumahim have long,
pointed tongues, which
The strongest of the clans, as
they use to pierce their food
they are descendants of the second
victims; to function as a
with “straw” to lieutenant, Turel. Most of this clan has
retreated into the interior of Nosgoth,
suck blood.
but many independent individuals and
Inexperienced vampires use them as a weapon, bands roam the area. They are also
swinging them like a whip.
capable of firing beams of telekinetic
energy, although they prefer to use
MELCHAHIM brute force and quick dodges, despite
Melchiah was the last
their size.
lieutenant to be created by
Kain; as such, their powers
were the weakest among RAZIELIM
Raziel's clan.
Clan leaders. Their
descendants, the Melchahim, After Raziel's “betrayal”, the
Razielim are believed to
inherited their “weakness” – have been completely
their flesh is fragile and eliminated.
putrefying. To help keep
When Raziel awakens to his
themselves in one piece,
new existence, he finds only
they took the skin of the humans they fed on and “dressed” it as their own.
ruins of his former territory.
A notable ability is that they can burrow and resurface
He knew whose hands had
unexpectedly in combat. The areas they occupy are done such an atrocity...
Necropolis and the ruins of Nupraptor's Retreat.

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In specific places in Nosgoth, there are portals, capable

of twisting space, allowing someone to be instantly transported to
The fate of Nosgoth and all life was now not in the hands
the selected portal. Each clan has a portal with its symbol, which
of Humanity, defenseless against the power of the vampires, but
leads to its own territory (or very close to it), in addition to these
rather in the hands of one of Kain's former lieutenants, Raziel.
other portals:
No longer a bloodsucking vampire, but a more powerful creature,
with a darker need: to feed on the souls of the Spectral World and
its defeated enemies.

Raziel then leaves to meet his destiny.

It eliminates its siblings' offspring and then its own, one by one, in
their respective habitats. As he takes the lives of his brothers,
Lake of the Dead – where Retreat Ruins Raziel absorbs their unique powers from their souls, becoming
Raziel was thrown. It is also Nupraptor – is much more powerful than when he awakened again.
the closest to the Clan adjacent to the territory of
Sanctuary Melchiah
Upon arriving at the Sanctuary of the Clans, located in the
ruins of the pillars of Nosgoth, he still finds Kain. There is a brief
fight with Kain's obvious victory, but when he was delivering the
final blow, something inexplicable happens: the Soul Reaver
breaks when it hits Raziel's defenseless body.

Tomb of two Sarafan – Kain, contrary to what Raziel would think, had a look of
Oracle Cave – place where the satisfaction on his face as he said: “The blade has been
right after your entry most illustrious vampire hunters mastered... so this is how it goes... and we are one step closer to
were buried our destinies...”
Then Kain disappears.
In the Spectral Realm, the Soul Reaver stands before
Raziel. When he touches it, it fuses with his right arm. No longer
a matter blade, but an energy sword, as in its original form.

In possession of the Soul Reaver, Raziel continued his

Silenced Cathedral – in an Silenced Cathedral –
journey of revenge, killing the rest of his brothers, and discovered
open location, just beyond the quite hidden portal inside that, paradoxically, before they were vampires, they were Sarafans.
Cathedral moat Zephon's Lar

Upon finally finding Kain in the Chronoplast, Kain's only

explanation for this was: “We must keep our friends close, Raziel;
and the enemies, even closer.”

This time the winner of the fight was Raziel. But Kain had
not yet been defeated. Activated the
The Chronoplast – immense
The Human Citadel – the last Chronoplast and dove into an entrance that led to the unknown.
refuge of humans who Raziel, who would even jump into hell to chase Kain, followed, but
probably created by
do not serve vampires the Elder warned him:
Moebius, purpose unknown
“Careful, Raziel! When you cross this threshold, you
will be beyond my influence.”
The portals have been unused for many years. The lesser
Upon crossing the barrier, Raziel stops in a completely
vampires that roam Nosgoth do not leave their own territory (or
dark room with a single beam of light in the center. He is then
have lost the ability to think to the point of using them), Kain's
received by Moebius in person:
lieutenants NEVER abandon their homes, and humans fear that
“Raziel... redeemer and destroyer... pawn and messiah...
vampires will use them to enter the Citadel, therefore they left the
welcome, soul that crossed Time...
portal deactivated.
Welcome... to your destination...”

Where Time is nothing more than a loop, a loose stitch in the fabric of the Universe, a
Manipulator can seize a chance, a fatal mistake, and plunge the fates of planets into chaos...
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With the exception of the vampires, the characters CON 15 – 25, FR 16 – 23, DEX 15 – 19, AGI
are built exactly as shown on previous pages. 18 – 26, INT 0 – 3, WILL 1 – 5, PER 14 – 21, CAR 0
Supernatural Powers
These are the majority of vampires found in Telekinetic Burst (treat as the Breath power
Nosgoth. There are still a few remnants more powerful of Fire) – 2 – 4d6, 4 – 8m, 2 – 16 times per day
than average, although they are very rare. Being a Water Immunity – can swim freely and
vampire does not cost Enhancements. are immune to Water Spells
The DM can place any desired Supernatural Susceptibility to Sunlight – take triple the damage
Powers into them. Those described below the Attributes than normal vampires when touched by sunlight
are the unique powers of each clan, common to all Sun or Light Spells
members. Special Feet (Demons: The Divine Comedy) –
Bat Feet and Alien Paws
Dumahim Skills: 200 – 600 Points, depending on the age (or
CON 15 – 25, FR 20 – 28, DEX 12 – 18, AGI 14 Level) of the vampire (Swimming is mandatory).
– 22, INT 0 – 2, WILL 0 – 3, PER 14 – 21, CAR 0
Supernatural Powers Turelim
Whip Tongue – FR 4D, 2d6 damage, 2m range. CON 28 – 38, FR 30 – 40, DEX 16 – 22, AGI
They use this tongue like a straw to suck blood from 20 – 25, INT 4 – 6, WILL 5 – 9, PER 10 – 18, CAR 0
victims (1 Sanguinus Point per second) Special Powers
Telekinetic Burst (treat as the Breath power
Skills: 200 – 600 Points, depending on the age (or of Fire) – 4 – 7d6, 8 – 16m, 4 – 16 times per day
Level) of the vampire. Claws – 4d6 damage + FR bonus
Skills: 200 – 600 Points, depending on the age (or
Melchahim Level) of the vampire.
CON 9 – 16, FR 15 – 21, DEX 7 – 14, AGI 10 –
16, INT 0 – 1, WILL 0 – 3, PER 18 – 28, CAR 0 Unlike the vast majority of adaptations, where
Supernatural Powers the main fun is adapting the NPCs to the desired RPG
They can burrow or unearth themselves in 1 system, I won't do this in Soul Reaver, not because I
round and move underground at half their normal don't know the rules or the characters, but because of
speed. In this place, they sense the exact number and the following: as this adaptation was based on In a
location of people in an area of 20m around them, in all video game, the player only has the option to explore
directions. the potential of the main character.
IP NATURAL 3 – 7 (due to the process of placing
skin on skin on skin...) In Blood Omen 1, you control Kain from his death
Claws (2d6 + FR bonus) (start of the game) until his decision to deny the sacrifice
Skills: 200 - 600 Points, depending on the age (or to restore balance to Nosgoth (end of the game). While
Level) of the vampire. a token for Kain could be built, what about Vorador?
How to imagine the capabilities of a vampire who has
Of phonemes already witnessed the
CON 11 – 18, FR 16 – 22, DEX 17 – 24, AGI 18 emergence of more than five millennia?
– 26, INT 0 – 1, WILL 0 – 3, PER 18 – 25, CAR 0 In Blood Omen 2, you also control Kain, and the
Supernatural Powers fact that the game went from the classic RPG video
Spider Paws Level 2 (see Demons book) game style to a platform game (in the Tomb Raider
Claws (2d6 + FR bonus) style) makes it even more difficult to adapt.
They can walk along walls and ceilings at half The reader may have noticed that from page 9 onwards
their normal speed. the narration becomes more concentrated on Kain
Skills: 200 – 600 Points, depending on the age (or rather than on the whole story.
Level) of the vampire. In Soul Reaver, history repeats itself. The entire
game focuses on Raziel's vision and his journey for
revenge. Therefore, only the main ones will be
described, with their powers and other details.

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Melchiah Powers: Breath (7d6, 16m, 16/day, water jet),

Raziel's younger brother finds himself hidden Camouflage (Level 2), Teeth and Mouth (Level 1),
within the heart of the main mechanism that runs Claws (Level 2), Bat Feet (Level 1)
Nosgoth's furnaces. It became a monstrous creature. Alien (Level 2), IP 6
Unlike his offspring, who wear the skins of the humans Main Skills: Swimming 180, Fighting
they feed on, Melchiah merged entire people into his 130/100, Dodge 80 (160 in water)
Its appearance is grotesque and gigantic, Dumah
approximately 4 meters high and 8 meters long (if Dumah was extremely powerful. However, for
anyone still remembers some rubber dolls that we put guaranteeing himself against any opponent, he and
on our hands like a glove, and they moved their eyes his clan were attacked and defeated by those they
and mouth, it is very similar with Melchiah). least expected: humans. Leaving the defenses of their
fort extremely weakened, they piled up and were
Atributos: CON 39, FR 60, DEX 7, AGI 12, INT impaled and burned. Dumah himself has been impaled
14, PER 19, WILL 19, CAR 5 by three huge wooden stakes, and his body lies limp
Powers: Teeth and Mouth (Level 3), Plane Shift on his throne.
(Level 1), Size (Level 6), IP 12 Atributos: CON 45, FR 60, DEX 15, AGI 25, INT
Main Skills: Brawl 60/0 11, PER 14, WILL 24, CAR 8
Powers: Extra Attacks (Level 6), Special
Defenses (Level 4 - Food, Poison, Aura of Fear and
Zephon acquired an insectoid form of evolution; Immunity against Non-Magic Weapons), IP 16 (24
lives inside the Silenced Cathedral (formerly Avernus against normal weapons), Size (Level 4)
Cathedral) along with most of his offspring (very few Main Skills: Brawl 200/200
venture outside the Cathedral walls). The most
incredible fact is that the walls of the cathedral are not Turel
just his home: over the centuries, they have become Second lieutenant created by Kain. Turel
part of his body, allowing him to know everything that remains missing after the start of the horrendous world
happens inside. Raziel encounters. There is no knowledge of his
In terms of size, he is even bigger than Melchiah, whereabouts or even his current abilities (although
but he cannot move, being “trapped” to the wall and such abilities can be deduced through his offspring,
the lower part of his body, immobile (much like the found in some parts of Nosgoth, which could mean he
Alien Queen from Aliens : The Rescue). is still alive).

Atributos: CON 35, FR 40, DEX 9, AGI 25, INT

14, PER 28, WILL 22, CAR 7 Raziel
Powers: Camouflage (Level 1), Teeth and Mouth Kain's firstborn. Punished for having acquired
(Level 2), Claws (Level 4), Spider Legs (Level 2; webs new power before his lord. Thrown into the Lake of
with FR 36), Size (Level 8), IP 10 the Dead, he is returned to the Material World to obtain
Main Skills: Listen 200, Brawl 95/10 his revenge and at the same time free the earth from
Kain's parasitic reign.
Rahab Atributos: CON 24, FR 46, DEX 18, AGI 26, INT
Rahab and his clan remained hidden in the 15, PER 18, WILL 28, CAR 10
darkest parts of Nosgoth, and overcame one of Powers: Claws (Level 4), Extra Attacks (Level
vampires' greatest weaknesses: water. They control 4), IP 8, Jumps (Level 2), Plane Shift (Level 1).
the waters of Nosgoth, especially the Flooded Monastery.In addition to these, Wings, but in a special case: just
Physically, Rahab is the weakest of his brothers, fall slowly, without taking damage in the fall.
but the fact that he is always surrounded by (a lot of) By jumping horizontally, Raziel can cover a distance 3
water prevents him from being attacked by a vampire, times greater with the help of his wings. It may rise if
if something like that were to happen. there is an upward wind.
Atributos: CON 26, FR 28, DEX 30, AGI 35, INT
18, PER 28, WILL 40, CAR 8

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- To God, for granting me all the means (physical, mental, spiritual and material)
so I could be writing this

- My girlfriend Carolina, who has been putting up with me for 2 years and who recently HATED RPGs
(now she just hates them...)

- My friends Érico “Nelson” and Fagner Stutzel (components of Grupo Sábios

Warriors), for the support and ideas

- To the people at DAEMON for providing the System and inspiring thousands of players like me
to create your adaptations at home and have the chance to publish them on the internet

- To the staff of the website for kindly providing the texts I used in the
adaptation (visit the website and check out ALL the game's dialogue to better understand the story)

- To Kain, for refusing to sacrifice himself for human cattle and being able to do whatever he wanted and
well understood

- And to you for reading this far

Note: in the near future, I will make a spreadsheet of all the NPCs in each part of the game's story. Wait!

Author: Daniel “Doutrina Man” Andrade

To get in touch:


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