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Vampiris Sancti: The Demon Prince
Vampiris Sancti: The Demon Prince
Vampiris Sancti: The Demon Prince
Ebook449 pages10 hours

Vampiris Sancti: The Demon Prince

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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If the worlds of the Reveal were to be viewed from the outside, it would seem that humans wished to be Vampires, Vampires wished to be demons, demons wished to be magical, and the magical wished for peace of mind.

It had taken many years for the demon prince of the human world to organise a betrothal with a magical Elf as well as orchestrate her arrival on world. Then there were the problems of getting her to stop causing mischief everywhere she went, hiding out among Vampires, and poking her nose into every intrigue she found.

Zyre had captured the stern heart of the Martyc demon but as a son of the Empire, he was not free to pursue her until he had reached the status of prince. Once in possession of wealth and authority he ensured the Elders of her world put her forth for an arranged marriage. The only problem was that the Elf absconded before anyone told her. Now he had to fight off a scorned woman while chasing a desired one, unravel the plots of Vampires as well as negotiate the treachery of one of his own kind. Then again, he was the most revered prince of the Martyc Empire and if anyone could pull off the impossible—it would be Vryn Dhaigre.

Release dateNov 22, 2011
Vampiris Sancti: The Demon Prince

Katri Cardew

I live in country Australia where I write fantasy novels. I plan to travel the world as soon as my bank account allows!

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Rating: 4.333333333333333 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A very good story line about live between demons & elfs..The only thing I found irritating was the summary of information between storylines! I had read it previously in book 1 & 2, I think if she put all the character information in 1st book, in beginning, or in all books in beginning we could go for reference when needed. Not be interrupted in our storyline for a chapter regarding the characteristics, and beliefs of a race , while you are into the story and want to know more! Who cares about lower cast demon at that time?I really, really liked the story!don't get me wrong , I just think information like that should be in beginning of books not to interrupt readers story, if a different character was introduced new to story see could put on page in parentheses ( Runner see Index, page 5)
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Though I am eager to read the second of this trilogy, I am not anxious to deal with the long encylcopedia-like/history of... at the beginning of each chapter. Once into the action of the book, it is quite enjoyable. The problem is that every single chapter breaks up the action of the story as the each chapter is broken into 2 parts. The encyclopedia takes up several pages at the beginning of the chapter while the story itself is the second half. It causes a disjointedness to the action that I didn't really enjoy. Also, I highly recommend using the glossary of many, many pages at the end, which I unfortunately did not discover until almost the end of the book since it does not have its own section in the table of contents. If you can get of the boring encyclopdia/history of... at the beginning of each chapter, I recommend it.

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Vampiris Sancti - Katri Cardew

Vampiris Sancti: The Demon Prince

Book 3

Katri Cardew

Copyright Katri Cardew 2011

Published by Breedles Publishing at Smashwords

Cover by Padraig Designs

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and places are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 1

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.

Leo Tolstoy

The prince didn’t require pomp or ceremony to announce his presence for it rippled across the room like a stone across water. The hushed whispers of wonder and discomfort filled the air about him as those present observed him with quiet awe. As the night beckoned, the Centre filled with demons from all worlds from the Reveal with none expecting the presence of the local Xatn. They were there to enjoy the hedonistic pleasures of the human world before slipping back into their shadowy universe and it was an unusual sight to find the Martyc lord occupying a table. The immensely wealthy of the Reveal tended to patronise the exclusive and esoteric Ravulisa—not an open to the general populace café.

The Martyc watched the wary eyes of the room for his presence meant either sanction or investigation and where there was a demon then paranoia was never too far behind. Their universe was one of constant struggle to survive—betrayal rather than loyalty—acquisition rather than trade was the norm. The human realm had thrown everyone for a loop because this was no backward realm. These beings not only knew how, but also loved to fight and would happily raze their world to dust than tolerate invasion. Vampires were the demon face of the human world and Martycs the power behind the curtain ensuring all demons respected the Veil the illusion humans had of their realm. Though Vryn tended to keep a low profile on this world he made certain all demons respected the wishes of Empire or reap the brutal consequence of insolence.

The Centre was a cross between cafe and a bar serving both coffee and spirits. It was an important meeting place and one existed upon all worlds throughout the multiverse. They were placed strategically in the middle of cities to enable fresh arrivals to locate like with relative ease or conduct business within demon boundaries. This one was situated inside what looked like an abandoned warehouse. It consisted of a large central room filled with tables where servers offered several varieties of food and drink both human and demon. Off the main area were several smaller rooms, which could be reserved for certain clubs or demon factions. These rooms, while private from the main thoroughfare were not private to employees who would frequently walk through them to deliver orders. The philosophy behind this layout was to provide demons enough isolation to converse, but not enough to contrive plots. The bright lights set up to aid poor human eyes reminded Dhaigre of the luminance of shopping mall food courts. This noisy shiny cafe was far from the subtle lights and discreet elegant service of Ravulisa. Here everything needed to be in the open for, despite the protection of the Empire, demons were after all demons and treachery was their favourite pastime.

The Martyc didn’t sit alone because the ruler of the human realm rarely was and his Druqe assistant Afir sat on one side him while on the other side his Varkja security kept a careful eye on the room. Not that the physically powerful Xatn couldn’t defend himself if attacked for he stood as tall and broad as the Varkja with both demons well over six foot five. They were broad shouldered with iron muscles and a natural fitness that humans had to work to obtain. While the Varkja tended to avoid daylight due to their silver appearance the Martyc with his dark eyes, swarthy skin, and shoulder length black hair, could easily have passed as a burly human. Living beneath the conscious knowledge of their human hosts the strange assortment of demons within this realm recognised the need to respect the strictures of the Vampires and protect their Veil. Demon presence was usually a discreet silence behind the glass walls of the Martyc fortress, but sometimes deviants who exposed themselves to notice revealed them. The penalty for risking the safety of the Martyc holding, this rich and varied human world, was death because one could expect no sympathy from an Empire based upon economic interests.

The stern, somewhat handsome face of the dark demon surveyed the room as he searched for information. His Varkja had come back with a tale of an Elf chasing a Vampire girl down narrow streets and as he related the story slivers of her presence floated through the air leaving the seduction of her hypnotic ambience. Afir, his assistant and keeper of all knowledge, sat with a perpetual look of distaste upon his face as if the company they kept were the dredges of their universe. The Druqe surveyed the room his mauve eyes with their tiny pupils shone under the electric light that bleached his white skin a pallor that made the ugly mutant Vampires look like human flesh. The Martyc nodded slightly to his disdainful assistant who then spoke to the hovering waiter, favouring the demon language of the Reveal over the clumsy human tongue.

Coffee for three.

Instead of rushing off the waiter gave the Druqe an expectant look.

Realising his order required clarifying as few could stomach the bitter Martyc brew the Druqe continued, Two Martyc and one human.

The waiter was Giryg, a demon nomad race who ran all the Centres on all the worlds, and their language was used for universal demon communication. He hurried away for it was unwise to keep the prince of the Empire waiting. As the Martyc were leaders among demons, Vryn Dhaigre was a leader amongst the Martyc and so became a Xatn—the prince who ran their interests off world. It required an exceptional event for him to leave his glass fortress to sit amid the Vampire and lesser creatures of the underworld. The Elf was this event.


She was the fragrance of desire behind his every thought, but she had not been the first Elf he had seen. The first had been in his youth when a Xatn who became consumed by passion was training him. His very being glowed with emotions the rest of them could ponder only in imaginings. When he finally saw the Elf in question, she was beyond anything he had experienced before, beautiful, mischievous, yet attuned to some deep well of meditation. He learned that day of the mystery and the curse of the magical being upon the demon for she had filled him with a foreign hunger that never ceased. Decades later here he was in search of the same experience, to blaze as that Xatn had with a passion only the Elf could inspire.

Afir spoke to his master while his crisp voice was devoid of intonation. You seek the Elf here?

The Martyc shifted in his seat as if the query was an invasion into a personal reverie.

Not the Elf because she wouldn’t be so foolish—a Poqir.

But his mind echoed yes she would for this was an Elf and they did whatever amused them the most. While he noticed Afir’s lip curl at the mention of Poqir, the scout demon who would sell their own mother for something to do, he knew his assistant would not question his choice. Normally the Poqir was brought to his fortress for the demon rarely put his business on display, but this rogue was a private agent and sought the protection of the Centre. If his Druqe disagreed, he kept his opinion to himself since it was wiser not to antagonise a Martyc, especially one caught up in a Folly. Folly referred to the obsessions of higher caster demons. It was called this because chasing it was the only aberration in their usually predictable behaviour. As usual, it was something magical that clogged the smooth wheels of Empire and this time it was the potentially devastating appearance of an Elf.

Their coffee arrived and the Druqe waved the server away with an irritated flick for he had noticed the new arrival, the Poqir they waited upon. The chameleon demon, his flat features strained, joined their table with the insidious grace of oil snaking across water. He was slim as a small human child, the ivory of his shiny skin looked rich with colour compared to the stark white of the Druqe while his hair was an ever changing shimmer of colours and his eyes the buff of sand. He spoke to the Martyc, his voice a mixture of gruff demon and obsequious servant as he peddled his wares, knowledge of another. A faint line appeared across the jaw of the Xatn, the only indication of the violent urges that lay beneath the surface of urbane businessman.

You found her again?

This was not the first time the Poqir had tracked the Elf as the first was weeks ago when she first appeared on world and he had sold her out immediately. The Martyc would have preferred to have his own scouts follow her, except these damned Poqir refused to encroach upon the surveillance of another. Lower caste demons rarely had any code of conduct, but the few rules they observed they did so with a determination that was unbreakable.

It wasn’t hard with the stomping of Varkja following her.

The silver eyes of the Varkja met sand and the Poqir dropped his in seconds, though Vryn didn’t care about the insult to his security force. Known for their inconspicuous surveillance the Varkja would be no match for a scout demon like the Poqir, or the magical abilities of an Elf.

What was she doing? asked Dhaigre.

The Poqir, his heart alight with a malevolent greed he could scarcely contain, informed them of her adventures.

Chasing a female Tyro—one unclaimed Old World Vampire fledgling. She saves from the Oric hunters then releases to the Aegai. So the Elf watches right to the Chambers.

You tracked the Elf to the Vampire Chambers and did she enter?

The sand eyes of the chameleon filled with jealous scorn. Even an Elf wouldn’t dare invade the sanctity of Vampire world. She waited on the roof until a Fairy came and they both removed to a distance.

A Fairy on world, yet you didn’t know? Vryn couldn’t help a dig at the Poqir and the chameleon flickered through a spectrum of angry colours.

He knew the magical Elders would have dispatched their enforcer, the Fairy, to chase down the elusive Elf to ensure she acquiesced to their demands and now the result was bound to be chaos. Vryn was not completely oblivious as he realised that the Poqir who found her had most certainly also sold the information to the Elders. Although Poqir information was supposed to remain the property of the contractor after it was divulged, the Poqir often would resell to a secondary market. Though he didn't mind this time as the Fairy would tell her to report to him, the one granted her hand in marriage by her Elders still protocol had to be kept.

Vryn nodded to Afir who paid the scout while saying, All information of her at all times and mind your tongue, no more reselling or face the consequences.

The Martyc settled into his coffee as only the information of the young Vampire was new for he expected Zyre would be alert to any demons clomping behind her. Everything intrigued the magical mischief-maker and the Vampires of this world would be just the thing to catch her attention. Vampires, the mutants caused by a demon virus, had evolved into a Nation of great Houses of New and Old World blood. The powerful Old World Houses of Daojixu, Kokumuo, Balsescu, had many Ancients and were not to be trifled with. The New World Houses of Veraign, Cardei, and Ardell was where much of the new blood came from and while compliant with the laws of the Empire they contained enough Devs—deviants to keep everyone on alert. For protecting the Veil, keeping knowledge of the Real from humans, was paramount on this world.

He had watched for the Elf for a long time as with the deft grace of her kind she avoided the intersection of their paths that he had spent forever attempting to create. Their first encounter years earlier on Heristrah, a pleasure world he ran for the Empire. It was as unexpected as it was delightful. His minions had run to him with the thrill of panic because an Elf was present and as usual was causing mischief to someone, only this time it was a Martyc interest. In trepidation of his unexpected presence on the gambling floor, the demons parted as he sought to find an unobtrusive corner while waving the simpering fools away. His stern gaze devoured the room as he tried to follow the perfume of her being, but it flooded the air about him to the point that even the gaming addicts noticed. It wasn’t until he had relaxed that he was able to see her, blending with Elf magic into the background unobtrusive until seen, then she glowed like a star eclipsing all else.

Too young to know better she had given him the pleasure of her company as she caused chaos to all the gambling tables. The mess she created was fixed easily, the infatuation infusing him was not to be removed and she remained the elusive goal of his soul. When she had finally absconded, it was with a stolen fortune, which she promptly awarded to the poorest souls on the world. This was nothing unusual for everyone knew Elves wanted nothing because they wanted for nothing, wealth, fame, power, all meaningless to a being that dissolved elsewhere at will. He sat lost in the memory of her copper hair and emerald eyes, her small body dressed in the quirky tunic of woodland greens of her world. It was only a matter of time and money before she was—like everything else in the universe—part of his world.

The Poqir had followed behind her as she wandered through the paths of the Vampire world because despite sharing the human realm demons and Vampires kept their lives separate. Then there were the human Oric hunters who removed young Vampires before they were claimed by a House, since these fledglings threatened the Veil. The Vampires did not attack the hunters because the tacit agreement was that they provided a service of sorts. There was some interaction between the blood drinking mutants and their demon cousins, but lack of respect from those of the Reveal angered the Vampire populace. The Empire required a stable world for trade, so the skirmishes between the two were dealt with quick brutality by Vampire Council the Ghuvk. This had been his concession to the Vampire world and with their ungainly demon servants the Aegai; they served the code of Aeternus that bound them all, demon, human, and Vampire alike.

Something had intrigued Zyre far beyond the usual mischief of foiling the hubris of humans or despoiling the plots of demons. Here on this world was something that even the elusive, ethereal Elf wished to observe. He wanted, longed, desired, to cross the town and enter the Vampire club, as the magical properties of her being would have left a sweet fragrance upon the air. He could have stood at the entrance absorbing every drop of her essence before it dissipated upon the winds of inner city stench. However, he would not be allowed this as his was an expectant universe and though he was free to rule, even princes had watchers. Therefore, he remained at the opposite end of town grasping at snippets of information while aware that his Folly was on view for all to see. The Elf was interested in the Vampire, he was interested in the Elf, and as long as she was preoccupied then she would not protect herself from his presence. He allowed the brief pleasure of his obsession to waft over him.


Hers was the fragrance of passion infusing his blood.

He instructed his Varkja, Find the unclaimed Vampire.

If the demon felt insulted at the task of chasing up a Vampire, he showed no sign. He nodded because he understood the advantages and the dynamics of operating within the peripherals of a world. For it was within the corners that deals were struck, murders planned, great hatred revealed, and eternal romances born. His job was to ensure the safety of the great Vryn Dhaigre, often more for show than reality as few would dare attack and risk the retaliation of an Empire that spread across the multiverse. The Varkja didn’t waste time upon intellectual musings for he was astute enough to know where the power lay and crossing a Martyc would result in inevitable death.

He had not been oblivious to the power of the Elf for her scent danced upon the air, a delicious bouquet enticing demon and even the inferior Vampire. If he had the freedom to choose he would have happily ripped the heads off all present if it meant having the company of an Elf, but ever shrewd he knew the reality of his situation. If an Elf was present then the Martyc would claim her, so he closed that emotional, sexual, door to become the efficient killing machine once again.

The Varkja informed his employer, If the Vampire girl were at the Chambers, then she would be up for Auction.

The Auction for the Vampire contract called an Accord was the way the Vampires ensured their unclaimed children—the Tyro—had support during their transition. The Vampires bid for the right to hold the contract for those unclaimed by a House. Normally this was of little interest to the demon world as they disparaged the mutants who drank blood to survive.

Most of the higher caste demons tolerated them for they knew the Vampire of today that appeared no more than a mutant became the Vampire of tomorrow, an Aunsin—ancient status—and was then as powerful as any demon.

When put under Accord she will be out of reach of Elf, said the Druqe.

The eyes of the Martyc narrowed, Nothing is ever out of reach of an Elf. If she is still interested, then she will be around the Auction.

The Fairy?

Asking about the Fairy was not an indication of Varkja fear since they feared nothing however; the magical unit called Cartoc was a deadly enterprise. If a Fairy Cartoc attacked then often none remained alive on either side because survival was not their motivation. Afir filled the Varkja in with more details from the Poqir.

"Only a single Fairy, therefore, a messenger sent by the Elders. Observe the House that wins the Tyro from a distance and don’t watch the grounds as you know how they get."

While the Martyc watched as his minions discussed the task, he was well aware of the scorn behind they though he was not overly concerned about opinions for peace meant prosperity. As for his staff, he was under no illusions as to how his actions appeared. Those who served him were from more evolved worlds and they would be well aware of demon Folly. The obsession of Folly haunted demons from regulated disciplined societies as if the expectant universe was playing a joke upon those trying to control their demon passions. It didn’t matter to the Varkja if life was going to be a study in the disarray of Elf wanderings and Martyc obsession as his duty was clear. If his race was one that wished then he might have wished that the Elf be elsewhere for his job of guarding Dhaigre was fraught with enough complications. The impact she had upon demon and Vampire alike could drive him beyond the discipline of a lifetime. Elves were not seductive in a sexual manner, though they could seduce it was more that their connection with life enticed. All were drawn to their warmth and the free spirit of a creature tied to all, yet bound to none. None of the secret yearnings of his staff would matter in the end because Vryn Dhaigre was the ruler of this world and he claimed all, including her.

Chapter 2


If the worlds of the Reveal were to be viewed from the outside it would seem that humans wished to be Vampires, Vampires wished to be demons, demons wished to be magical, and the magical wished for peace of mind.

While some attributes might be unique to one particular demon world, there were others universally held by all those from the demon universe. All demons came from worlds where survival was a constant balancing act between environment and inhabitant. This left them, whether they were Martyc or Poqir, with a compelling desire to regulate every aspect of their surroundings in order to survive a nature whose attributes weren’t determined by ancestry alone.

When humans discovered the formidable beings that arrived from the Reveal, with their seemingly supernatural qualities and ugly forms, they deemed them evil and called them demons. This term stayed around the human realm long after their visitors had left, becoming a nightmare used to frighten the unsophisticated into submission via story or faith. The human realm kept vigilant in noting any recurring visits as demons were pronounced bastions of evil serving some malevolent devil bent upon the destruction of the universe. While in part this was true demons did serve their own purpose, and to the human eyes a malevolent one, it was similar to the conquest of one human nation over another in their own history.

The reality of demons was complicated by the excesses of their natures, the quirks of their natures and the failings of their natures. One common characteristic of all demons was passion as they were victim of a passionate disposition that burned through them until it almost sparked from their fingertips. Demons had no down time for they couldn’t comprehend the value of calm and lit from their own internal inferno they blazed through life burning the same in work and recreation. Barely able to control the fires within they often failed, which caused fires without for without restriction a demon world could indeed resemble the hell of the human mythology.

Their continued survival was due to their excellent reading of the world as the demon felt the fabric of their surroundings the way a human might feel the texture of cloth. Centuries of containing inner furies powerful enough to tear a world apart gave them the ability to read emotions, intent, information, from the air itself. The demon would feel the violence of movement upon the atmosphere, alerting them to a perpetrator about to strike. They could sense the presence of and distinguish between their kind and other creatures nearby. The higher caste demons had more refined senses and could read larger areas from a distance while the lower could only read what was close by. Given strong bodies suitable for battle the weakest of demons could defeat with ease the strongest of humans and through evolution the Ancient Vampire, once Aunsin, could match the strongest demon.

The Vampire lived in a frustrated world where they fought to maintain control of their own environment. Magical creatures lived in a neurotic realm caused by a clash with the harshness of reality. The demon lived in a paranoid world where they could be overwhelmed by their own barely suppressed emotions. Prisoners of their heritage they maintain a superficial vestige of control, but the demon never really owned their own soul. Aware of their flaws they used self-knowledge to destroy those who would stand in their way and sometimes wound up destroying themselves in the process.

The demon soul consumed itself as the emotions of hatred and love, with all their affiliations, preoccupied their every waking moment. While not all demons appeared demonic, they all carried the hell of unbridled passion within the framework of an unchanging nature. Demons marched throughout the Reveal, destroying, building, loving, hating, struggling, failing, yet never able to facilitate the transformation they so desperately desired—to allow them the simple luxury of choice.

The demon universe was filled with worlds ranging from black pits of hell, to the pale gray cities of modern civilisation. Regardless of their origin demons shared the same basic traits where obsession grew from passion, greed replaced ambition, and power was the god of everyone. Once discovering the Reveal, they ventured forth to conquer, fight, or trade, with the various worlds they encountered. The demons, due to their inherent avarice, found themselves under control of one particular world whose higher caste subjects managed to control their vices. While the Martyc demon could have used brute force to battle their way to the top of a demon empire, they were clever enough to realise that those who owned the banks owned the universe. The Martyc paved the way for those of lesser power and while not all demons were peaceful many realised that when crossing into other worlds business was often the fastest way to power.

The first contact with the human world found a primordial creature who saw the demons exactly for what they were—demons. Those unable to pass as human found themselves under constant threat by a fearful and superstitious world capable of a violence to rival any demon. The interlopers quickly learned that though the human creature might not match them in strength or skill, they possessed a fierce dedication to their gods and would willingly fight until extinction. As civilisation tamed the wild humans, it also gave them sophistication in all things war and soon the demon found an opponent of equal calibre in their skirmishes. This violence fell by the wayside as a new enlightenment of economic focus dawned. Those able to pass as human meshed into the fabric of a society whose corruptions were as varied, as they were prolific because this world the demon understood and often facilitated. While the demon universe had sorted different worlds into bankers, assassins, aides and mercenaries the human world had all these living under the one realm. As the primitive human hunted the demon as the antithesis of their god, the modern human was more concerned with profit margin than origin of the species.

Of all the gifts, curses, and knowledge the demon worlds brought the human there was one neither could have predicted and this was the mutation called Vampire. The first contact with demons brought not only information, but also their infections. The human world found itself subject to plagues, illness, and finally a virus that created in their victim a metamorphosis in order to survive. The virus didn’t take a strong hold until the world contained enough deviations for the deviant to hide within and then they multiplied. The Vampire learned as they grew in numbers using their weakness and strength to build their shadow empire, a world within a world, reigning in the dark shadows of a sunlit domain. As the human world became organised, so did the Vampire and they found themselves inextricably bound to humans in a duet of interior and exterior worlds. The Vampire, useful to both demon and human alike, discovered themselves protected by their influence and so any hint of their existence was quickly erased from the mind of the populace. The majority of humans played out their time caught up with the frustration of unanswered desire, lives lost or wasted, left to chase dreams of an impossible nature. Rarely examining their source, they never imagined that the aspirations of this unsettled life often rested upon the foundations of some murky demon world. The Vampire provided the cloak, the demon the dagger, and the human the stage for this very unusual drama.


When it is a question of money, everybody is of the same religion.


Afir stood in a circumspect silence behind the Martyc, ready to anticipate the need before expression for although his master was considered hard to read by others very little slipped past a Druqe assistant. If he was surprised when Vryn left his penthouse office for the Centre, he didn’t show it, because it didn’t serve a Druqe to reveal expression. Whether present at a negotiation table, a seduction or peace treaty, his kind was trained not to display any emotion that could influence what happened before them. The unwise that attempted to influence their masters or others through misinformation were dealt with by a power higher than their employers were. The Djiirt, the ruling body of the Druqe, were those without mercy or recourse when they sorted the transgressors among, their people. No Druqe was allowed to jeopardise the wellbeing of those who employed them and those who broke protocol didn’t exist for long beyond their indiscretion.

Many years of careful training created a valet beyond compare and even amongst the elite who could afford the luxury of a Druqe, all sought the services of one famous for smoothing the path of troubled lives. Afir had a reputation as well known as the one he served for he had tended kings, heads of state, those famous or infamous. With his legendary Druqe eidetic memory and years of training, he was now in the enviable position of being able to choose who would receive the bounty of his attendance. Afir was no fool and one thing he had learned from all his years of being no more than a shadow in the background was where the real power of all worlds lay. Kings came and went; fame was as fleeting as the lives of lesser beings that chased it. However, bankers held firmly onto the reins of power as they controlled the lives of billions with few the wiser.

Without being intrusive, the duty of the Druqe was to ensure he was informed of everything that was pertinent to his prince—the Xatn. To say that the servant spied upon the master would do him a great injustice for Afir saw his accumulation of knowledge as a safeguard rather than an intrusion. He didn’t have to investigate the Elf because he had seen one before he had served this master and he understood why the Martyc had left his fortress. Memory of how her essence filled the air, the heady perfume whose path was revealed by the wistful faces of those she swept past filled his mind. Even he had not been immune for she had wrapped around his senses like a fine wine warming his blood. He brushed her influence off the surface of his mind because he knew wherever she wandered, so would his master and now dance of obsession began.

Dhaigre sorted through the missives from the Reveal, leaving the important messages from the Martyc Empire until last. While his employer would be the one to open the communication Afir was well aware of the contents, so when lips of his employer tightened the Druqe knew why.

Prepare for a Myruj.

The command required little explanation for the dispatch of a Watcher meant that news of his Folly had reached their home world.

Do we accommodate him? Afir asked.

The Martyc shook his head and the Druqe knew that as much as he would have liked to dump the emissary in a cheap hotel the Xatn would ensure he was offered a luxury suite. Despite the human adage to keep your enemies close, observation of a Watcher was not something the Martyc wished to enjoy at this time. At least, not experience in his personal quarters as he lived at the top of a large glass skyscraper known as the Martyc fortress.

Book a suite.

Afir left his employer to his thoughts and glided back out to his office to encounter the head of security. As with all Varkja, he was called Varkja whether single or plural, male or female and it reminded him a bit of the magical world, but with Druqe prudence the thought was left silent. Demons disliked Vampires, humans, Witches of Kheleyk, feared Mages of Sor, but magical! Magical were the nemesis of the eternally yearning demon heart for they could have everything and yet want nothing.

The Watcher to stay? The question from the security demon was pertinent as his job was security.

For now.

The Varkja didn’t miss the point because Dhaigre was obliged to allow the Watcher access, but he was the Xatn and the Myruj was a failed one, so both knew who the Empire would support despite a Folly.

The Elf? the silver demon pressed.

Afir knew his question was pointless for though the Poqir might have more luck in a sighting, the truth was that if she chose to hide no one would find her.

Nothing since the Fairy and now a Myruj arriving—magical always ride ill winds.

Afir had watched his employer chase down the Elf with an intense fire that was foreign to the cool nature of a Martyc. He knew that the Dhaigre was on her scent and this wasn’t a good thing for his master as Elves rarely were amenable to the obsessions of others.

Ensure she doesn’t collide with anything valuable upon this world.

Even as he instructed the Varkja, they both knew the impossibility of controlling anything with her about. Those kaleidoscope eyes would transfix enticing any demon, every demon, into the edges of desire even into life threatening idiotic, better known as dresniq, behaviour.

She was promised in wedlock to him by the Elders, so why doesn’t she come directly here?

Afir almost snorted at the question. "A bunch of magical promising an Elf? They would promise anything to keep sweet with the Empire, yet has magical ever delivered on anything—much less an Elf. She will torment him as long as it amuses her then run off leaving him to deal with the Myruj."

If the silver demon could get any hoarier, the skin of the Varkja glistened in memory of the elusive girl. Afir didn’t miss the longing the mercenary couldn’t quite conceal and frowned at the problems this magical brat was causing, because even he had to strive to maintain his equilibrium. The trick was not to reduce her impact for that was impossible. It was to reduce her impact upon profit, because he doubted if even the great Vryn Dhaigre was going to get his way this time. One could claim an Elf all they liked, make all the demands they wanted, but until she was ready to comply it was pointless. He returned to the tasks for despite the intervention of a Folly this was still the base of a Xatn of the Empire.

The few hours alone allowed Dhaigre the luxury of doing nothing and he stood before the vast window of his office looking down at the city below. Vryn had not sought appointment to the human world for the lure of money. He already controlled the banks of several demon realms and while controlling the jewel of the Empire was an immense honour, this wasn’t why Vryn came. His reason was one that perhaps not even he cared to acknowledge since Martycs were not ones to reflect upon innermost urgings. They favoured an external existence, preferring to look towards the challenges of acquisition the universe could offer. What prompted Vryn to move from the very comfortable gambling world Heristrah to running the unruly mob of financiers controlling the various enterprises of the human world was discontent. He suffered from restlessness that no amount of profit seemed

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