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By Gabriel ”Darumia”de Oliveira

By Gabriel “Neruo” de Oliveira

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The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time

The Legend of Zelda is a series of games that have been released for various video game
consoles, such as Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64 and also for Game Boy. Some will still be
released for game cube and others.
The story of the games is similar (only those that were released) and tells of a hero of time, Link,
whose mission is to prevent Hyrule's sacred treasure, the Triforce, from falling into the wrong hands.
This sacred item can grant the holder a wish.
In the game The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time, Link has to prevent the Gerudo king
of thieves, a being with extreme evil, from obtaining the Triforce. It was released in November 98,
for Nintendo 64.
This file aims to make the very first adaptation of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for RPG,
more precisely for the Daemon system.
I hope you like it and thanks for reading.

To God, for several reasons;
To my Father and Mother, for their unconditional support;
A ____ for creating this amazing game.

If you have any questions, send an email to

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To the land of Hyrule

and use their power for selfish purposes.
History To prevent the Triforce from falling into
the wrong hands, a great sage named
Rauru planned and built the Temple of
Light to protect the entrance to the
Sacred Realm. Inside the temple, the
entrance to the Sacred Realm was
obstructed by a complex magical barrier
The Land of Hyrule was born when that could only be opened by someone
the three goddesses of creation, Din, worthy of standing in the presence of the
Naryu and Farore, descended from the Triforce in perfect harmony.
heavens and organized what was just a
confused mass of cosmic dust. They As time passed, the Triforce became
inhabited their new creation with 5
a legend and the different people of Hyrule
different races of humanoids. For forgot the laws and knowledge
the regions, they allocated the Zora that the goddesses had left behind.
fish race. In the rocky mountains, Wars and conflicts have become common
Gorons, rock-eating creatures, flourished. in Hyrule. The Zora armies fought the
Deep in the forest, the Kokiri goblin Hylians, the Gorons fought the
people were born along with the Deku Gerudos. It seemed that the races could
Tree, which sheltered them against outside no longer support each other. Only the
forces. The dark-skinned Gerudo people reclusive Kokiri, protected by its forest
inhabited the deserts, while the lush green and the Great Deku Tree, were
plains were reserved for the noble spared the destruction of the Hyrule
Hylian people. Civil Wars. After 50 years of incessant
fighting, a Hylian king of great
Before leaving their new world, wisdom, courage and power emerges.
the three goddesses imposed upon the Through his brilliant military
newborns some sacred codes of law and campaigns and wise diplomacy, he
order. When they left Hyrule to return managed to bring the diverse people of
to the skies, they left behind a symbol Hyrule into a tenuous harmony. Peace
that represented their power: the treaties were signed and prosperity
legendary Triforce. Representing seemed to flourish again in Hyrule.
the appearance of the three But no sooner had people declared peace
goddesses: Power, Courage and Wisdom. in Hyrule than trouble began again.
The Triforce became the basis of
Hyrule's prudence and was revered by
all races that lived there. Affected In the endless desert of Hyrule, the
by the magic of the Triforce, the land King of Gerudo thieves, Ganondorf,
around it became prosperous and stumbled upon the ancient legends of
beautiful, becoming known as the Holy the Triforce while researching magic.
Kingdom. Although the majority of The tales described the great power
Hyrule's inhabitants respected the that would be granted to whoever
Triforce, there were those bold enough to steal the relic.possessed the sacred relic: "In one
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realm beyond sight, the sky shines in

Power of Hyrule
shades of gold rather than blue,
there, the power of the Triforce
makes mortals' dreams come true."
Another little-known legend
intrigued the Machiavellian Gerudo. It
provided the details on how to gain access
to the Sacred Realm. According to
the story, there were three Spiritual Stones
that were part of the enigma that
opened the Sacred Realm. With great
interest, he read that the Spiritual
Stones were in the possession of Hyrule is a world of many
the Kokiri, the Gorons and the Zoras. people. A long time ago, these people
However, although these items were fought for dominion over the entire land
essential to open the portal to the Sacred of Hyrule. But today, they are at peace.
Kingdom, it was essential to use one item: the legendary Ocarina of Time.
Hyrule Field is a neutral place
According to legend, this as no people have any control over it.
magical instrument was owned by the
Royal Family of Hyrule. Armed with a
treasure map, Ganondorf puts his plans The Castle is part of the Hylian
into action. Along with his evil domains, along with the Village (which
cronies, he came from the desert with is already a city) Kakariko.
the intention of using his mystical powers
and brute strength to steal the Death Mountain, the largest
Spiritual Stones from their owners. He mountain in Hyrule and also a
believed it would be easy to intimidate volcano, is the domain of the Gorons,
the Gorons and Zoras into handing monstrous and strong beings, but
over the stones, as these people were friendly and friendly to those with good hearts.
weakened by Hyrule's civil wars. He
thought he could easily destroy the Kokiri's Most rivers and water passages
guardian tree and claim the Stone from them. lead to the Domain of the Zoras and their
With the stones finally in his hands, he city hidden behind a waterfall. Zoras
could then obtain the final key to the are aquatic beings, who swim as well as
Sacred Realm. The arrival of his audience they walk (even better). Friendly, they
with the king of Hyrule would be the are the protectors of rivers.
perfect opportunity to infiltrate the
powerful Hyrule Castle. Once inside, he
would find out which member of the The Desert West of Hyrule is the
Royal Family owned the Ocarina. He habitat of the Gerudos, a
swore to do everything to get it, kill its people accustomed to this climate
owner if necessary, even if it was the and who have developed a strange
young daughter of the King of Hyrule, taste for crime.
Princess Zelda...
The forest to the east is called
Forest Forbidden by other peoples, but
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The peaceful Kokiris live there, “childlike” Deku called Navi, a fairy, to be Link's guide
beings and protectors of the forests. from now on. Therefore, the fairy
called the boy to speak to the Deku tree.
Another people are the
Sheikahs, protectors of the royal family.
Apparently, they are a nomadic people, The Deku Tree asked him for help,
as their true home is unknown. because his illness, which was killing him,
was caused by a black being, of pure evil,
More information about races will called Ganondorf. Therefore, Link armed
be given later, in New Races. himself with the appropriate weapons and
headed into the Deku tree to defeat the
monster known as Queen Ghoma, a
giant spider.
The Hero of Time
After defeating the monster, Link
heard from the Deku Tree the story of the
creation of the world and the Triforce.
Unfortunately, the Deku Tree perished,
but not before granting Link the Kokiri's greatest
treasure, the Kokiri Spirit Stone, the thing
Ganondorf wanted most and couldn't get.

In this world of problems, a light

Now Link knew what to do.
appears at the end of the tunnel. With the help of the princess of destiny,
When civil wars were still raging in Hyrule, a Princess Zelda, he would get the
Hylian woman, with her newborn baby, went
Triforce before Ganondorf. But something
in search of protection in the Forbidden went wrong...The triforce couldn't be
Forest. In this forest lived the people controlled.
called Kokiri, protectors of the forest
and who sought peace. She entrusted When Link removed the Master's
her son to the sacred tree of the Kokiri, the Sword, the key to the sacred kingdom, from
Deku Tree. Seeing that that child had a the pedestal to which it was encrusted,
great destiny, the tree welcomed the boy and
Ganondorf appears and manages to take
treated him like a Kokiri. The mother did possession of the Triforce. Hyrule transforms
not survive.
into a land of chaos. But something went
wrong for Ganondorf too.

Almost a decade later, the civil An ancient legend of the Sheikahs

wars ended and young Link thought he says that whoever obtains the Triforce must
was a Kokiri. He lived like a Kokiri but one have the three virtues, Strength, Wisdom
thing differentiated him from his friends. He
and Courage, in balance because
did not have a fairy, the main partner of all otherwise the Triforce would break into three
Kokiris. and, for the one who obtained it, only the
But, one day, realizing the danger that the part that represents its greatest
land of Hyrule was in and suffering from a remains. virtue while the others would be given
very strong illness, the Tree
to people chosen by destiny.
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Now, Link, 7 years older, has to transformed into black, destroyed

make amends for what he helped cause. He lands.
needs to awaken the five remaining sages
so that they can help him destroy the King To get the Triforce, you must
of Evil, Ganondorf. first go through the Door of Time. This Door
will only open to those who have the three
sacred stones and the Ocarina of Time.

A triforce
The sacred stones are: The
Emerald of the Kokiri, The Ruby of the
Gorons and The Sapphire of the Zoras. They
are located in Kokiri Forest, Death
Mountain and Zora Domain respectively.
Furthermore, these stones are in the possession
The triforce is the ultimate treasure of of the three peoples who inhabit these places
and will NOT be given to anyone.
all the people of the land of Hyrule.

Legend has it that the Triforce

was created at the exact point where the three The Ocarina of Time is the sacred

Goddesses of creation (Din, Farore treasure of the Hylian royal family.

and Naryu) left the world and departed for Using it in the right tone, she can control the
the heavens. weather.

At this point, it was created, by Rauru, After these “keys” were created and

the Temple of Time, which can function as a distributed among these people, no one else
portal to the sacred realm, with the worried about the protection of the

Master's Sword as the key. Triforce, as only someone brave and fair
could have all these treasures. Unfortunately,
The Triforce can grant that they had something to worry about...
than finding a desire and the power of a God,
practically. But, to do so, the person must have
the three virtues (Strength, Wisdom and The Six Sages
Courage) in perfect harmony, otherwise
the Triforce will break into three and, for the one Legend has it that, if the Triforce falls into
who found it, only the part that represents the the wrong hands, the Hero of Time will have to
predominant virtue will be left. wake up the Six Sages so that they can
help him repair the world.

Furthermore, the Triforce functions These Sages will have the necessary
as a mirror of the person's soul: if the person is power to help the hero of time. This power was
good, the sacred kingdom and the land of sealed by Rauru and the ancient sages until it
hyrule will become a beautiful and peaceful was time for them to choose who the new sages
place; but if the person is evil, the holy kingdom will be.
and the land of hyrule will be
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This happened recently and the power of

the wise men was given to five people
chosen by destiny:

Saria, Link's friend, was chosen as the Sage

of the Forest Temple.

Darumia, king of the Gorons, was the Sage

of the Fire Temple.

Ruto, the princess of the Zoras and “wife” of

Link, gained the power of Sage of the Water

Impa, Zelda's companion, was elected Sage

of the Temple of Shadows.

Nabooru, the sub-chief of the Gerudos

and Ganondorf's sworn enemy, was
chosen as the Sage of the Spirit Temple.

Along with Rauru, the Sage of the Temple

of Time, and Zelda, the leader of all the
Sages, they aided Link in his quest to
banish Ganondorf from this land.
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Zelda as Setting

The Zelda:ODT game is a very Boons of the Fairies, which bless valiant
rich game and, at the same time, heroes with magical powers.
simple to play. The player characters Furthermore, Hero Points are
They can be ordinary highly recommended in this scenario,
adventurers, looking for some as players will pass through places that
information lost in the desert, or have powerful creatures.
trying to discover the mysteries of the
Lost Forest, within the Kokiri Forest. Or,
they could be Heroes of Time, trying to
prevent the Triforce from falling into the wrong hands.

The score can vary in two

periods: Normal and Catastrophic

Normal is when everything is at peace

in the land of Hyrule, that is,
before Ganondorf takes the power of the
Triforce. Characters are made with 101
points, 5 attribute points, and can
reach up to 500 skill points.

Catastrophic is when something bad

happens to everyone, like, for
example, the Triforce fell into the wrong
hands (Ganondorf, again), or something like that.
Characters are made with 111
points, 6 enhancement points and
can reach up to 500 skill points.

There is no Magic, Psychic, Angels

and things like that in Zelda: ODT.
There are only Magic Items, created by
superior forces and Magic is only
practiced by NPCs (Sages, Ganondorf, etc.).
Therefore, Psychic Powers,
Powers of Faith, Firearms and others
that are a little stranger are prohibited.
Keep in mind that Zelda:ODT is a
Fantasy\Medieval game, without
psyche, without clerics and with
magic being rare. The only form of
“magic” that PCs will be able to
use are Magic Items, seen in more detail later, and the
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Miscellaneous Items

These are the items that help Link on his

adventures and the skills to use them.
This is the best way to use magic in the (0) Boomerang: can be used with
adventure. If the DM wants, he can use the Boomerang skill (Dex\0). It can be
these items for player characters. obtained inside the throat of Lord Jabu-
To do this, before the Item there is Jabu, in the Domain of the Zoras.
a Number that means the level of Damage of 1d6 per bashing. As an extra
the Magic Items advantage that effect, the target makes a With Normal
the character needs to have to have test. Failure results in Paralysis for 2 turns.
that item. Another way is to “give” these items Initiative reduced by –4.
to players, through Dungeons or
corresponding challenges. Items that have (0)
in the number will be normal items, but of (1)Ocarina: this is Link's first
masterwork quality (+2 damage). ocarina in the game. To use it, you need
All ranged items (slingshot, bow the Ocarina skill (INT) and know songs
and arrow, etc.) use the rule of 2 points with it. If you don't know the right song, the
equaling 1%. character must make a Hard Ocarina
check. Can be obtained from Saria. A
character can memorize one song for
every two INT points.

(1) Deku Stick: can be used with

any sword skill the player has. Can be
obtained in Shops (Kakariko Village or
Market) or by defeating Dekus Babas. (0)Fairy Bow and Arrow: can
Damage of 1d6 per Bludgeon. Initiative is be used with the Archery skill (Dex\0).
reduced by 2 Can be obtained from the Forest temple.
points. Your starting ammunition is 30 arrows.
Arrows can be purchased in stores.
1d6 piercing damage with Initiative at –9.

(0) Fairy Slingshot: can be used

with the Slingshot skill (Dex\0).
(2) Hookshot (I don't know the
Can be achieved with the Deku Tree (in fact,
name in Portuguese): this strange weapon
inside it). Your ammunition starts at 30.
can be used with the Hookshot skill (Dex\0).
Ammunition (Deku Seeds) can be purchased
It can be obtained from the gravedigger's
in Stores. Damage of 1d6 per Bludgeon.
ghost, in Kakariko Village, after beating him
Initiative is reduced by 4 points.
in a race. This weapon is used to grab
onto places you cannot normally go.
Damage of 1d6 per piercing,
with Initiative reduced by –4. The maximum
distance is 10m.
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(3)Longshot (idem): same as (3)Eye of Truth: This item

above. Can be obtained from the Water reveals hidden things. Can be used by
temple. The maximum distance is 20m. anyone (or you want a See skill!). It grants
the possessor special senses (Vision)
and Seeing the Unseen. It can be
found underground in Kakariko
(3)Hammer: this Hammer
is very powerful and can deliver a blow Village, entering through the well, when
with FR 30. As it is heavy, it can only be it is dry.
used with both hands. Can be used with
the Huge Hammer (Dex\0) skill.
Damage 1d6+8+FR Bonus.Initiative is (2)Bombchu: this strange item
can be used with the throwing skill (Dex).
reduced by 6 points.Can be
It works like Bombs, but pursues the
found in the Fire temple.
enemy for two turns, with a speed of 4
m\s, after which it explodes. It can be
(1)Deku Nuts: these strange obtained in Dungeons, by
“seeds” can be used with the Throwing purchasing or winning in the Bombchu
(Dex) skill. They serve to paralyze the tournament. Damage of 1d10 per
enemy for two turns. explosion and escape of the enemy is
reduced by –8.
The enemy is not entitled to any tests,
only those intended to block the thrown
seed. Every attack on paralyzed enemies
automatically hits. Can be
(0)Kokiri Attire: This is the combat
purchased in stores.
attire of the Kokiri, the people of the forest.
It gives you IP+2 and no penalty.
For adults only.

(2)Bombs: These bombs

bloom in Goron City like plants. Only (0) Goron Attire: This is the
characters with FR20 or more can use Goron combat attire for adult
them. To do this, the use of the Hylians, Sheikahs, or Gerudos only. It
Throwing (Dex) skill is gives you natural IP+2 and IP+12 against
required. Starting ammo is 20. Damage fire without any penalty.
is 1d10 per explosion. Initiative at –6. Can
be purchased in Shops, but is cheaper in
Goron City. (0) Zora Outfit: This is the Zora
combat outfit for adult Hylians,
Sheikahs, or Gerudos only. It gives you
IP+2 and the ability to breathe freely
(1)Ocarina of Time: This is the
in water.
Hylians' royal treasure. It can be used in
the same way as the regular Ocarina.

(0)Kokiri shield: it is a typical

small shield, worthy of the Kokiris. He can
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be used with the Shields skill (0\Dex) and

provides IP+4 when using the Block
maneuver. If attacked with fire, it (2) Master's Sword: only the
disappears as it is made of wood. hero of time can have it. This is a +3
longsword, which becomes +6 against
evil creatures. Damage of 1d10+3
(0) Hylian Shield: Same as above, and Initiative at –2. Against evil
but without the vulnerability to fire and creatures, the damage is 1d10+6 and
with the difference that it provides Initiative gains a bonus of +1.
IP+6 when used in Block.

(2) Sword of the Great Goron:

(0)Special Shield: same as this weapon was forged in the lava of
above (Hylian shield) but with the Death Mountain by a Giant Goron,
difference that it can reflect light in fact, the greatest armorer in the world.
and energy attacks.IP+7 when used in It is a +2 bastard sword. Total damage
blocking. is 2d6+2 and Initiative is reduced by –7.

(1) Kokiri Sword: it is a +1 short

sword (+1 damage and +10% to
distribute as you wish). Can be
obtained in a secret place in the
Kokiri Forest. Total damage of 1d6+1 and
–3 to Initiative.
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Price list (in Ruppias)

Name Where to buy Quantity Price
Deku Seeds Kokiri Store and Store 5-10 15-30

Deku Stick Kokiri Store and Store 1 10

Bow Store 1 100

Arrows Kokiri Store and Store 10-30-50 20-60-90

Deku Nuts Kokiri Store and Store 5-10 15-30

Bombs Goron Store 5-10-20-30 25-50-80-120

Shield of the Kokiri Loja Kokiri 1 40

Escudo Hylian Store 1 80

Short Sword(1d6, I-4) Store 1 80

Long Sword (1d10, I-5) Store 1 100

Bastard Sword (2d6, I-9) Store 1 150

Common costume (Hylian) Store 1 50

Suit two Zora Loja dos Zoras 1 200

Goron Suit Goron Store 1 200

Lasts Kokiri Loja Kokiri 50

Armor (Chest, IP+4, I-4) Store 100

Elmo(IP+1,I-2) Store 50

Full Armor (IP+6,I-6) Store 200

Bombchu Bombchu Store (night) 1 1 1 1 10-20 100-180

Red Potion (total HP) Potions Shop 1 30

Green Potion (PM-total) Last Potions Shop 1 30

Potion (All-total) Potions Shop 1 100

Translation: IP=Protection Index I=Initiative

Shop: located in Kakariko Village and\or Hylian Castle

Kokiri Store: located in Kokiri Forest
Goron Shop: Located in Goron City
Zora's Shop: located in the Zora's domain
Bombchu Store: located in the Hylian Castle, open only at night.
Potion shop: located in Kakariko Village and\or Hylian Castle
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Magic and how to do them

Magic, in Hyrule, is rare. But one thing Teleportation to various places like
is invariably common, the use of magic by Lake Hylia, Death Mountain, etc.
The reason for this, in this game,
can be explained by the Great Fairies. Below are the powers of the six fairies that
These fairies are spread across Hyrule, Link encountered on his adventures.
in secret places that few know about.
But these fairies have magical powers 1) Top of Death Mountain:
and give up part of this power to good- increased MP (+10) and Special
hearted people. This is how non- Attack (2 MP and 1d6 damage per
magicians-who-know-how-to-use-magic are formed. concentrated turn)
As far as we know, there are six Great 2) Domain of the Zoras, near Lord
Fairies in Hyrule, but we don't need to Jabu-Jabu's island: Din's Fire
dwell on this low number. There may be magic (3d6 damage throughout
more. Below are some powers that can be the room, 6 MP).
used by the master as “gifts from the 3) A little after the gate
fairies”. But, be careful. The Great fairies palace of the Hylians: spell Wind
will only, and only, trust their powers of Farore (Mark place\Return to
to people with good hearts. marked place, only in Dungeons,
PM 6)
4) Death Mountain Volcano Crater:
Special attacks, such as Fireball MP increase (x2)
(MP 6, 3d6 damage), 5) Near the desert temple: Naryu's
Earthquake (MP 10, 5d6 damage), Love spell (barrier against
Lightning (MP 10, open only, 5d6 enemies for 8 turns)
damage), etc. 6) Near Ganondorf's Tower:
Increased Magic Points (MPs) increased protection (IPx2)
as in +10, +20, with a maximum Note: These rules for magic can
of +30. only be obtained in the campaign, no
Extra protection, IP+6, IP+7, IPx2, matter what the player asks for.
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New Skills
These are the new skills that the Zelda :ODT game uses. It is highly recommended to use
the ranged skill rule (2 points are worth 1%) as most weapons can only be used this

White guns:
Hookshot (Dex\0): This is a peculiar weapon. It only serves for attack.
Huge Hammer (Dex\0): This type of hammer is so large that the user is unable
to defend any blow with it. Can only be used as an attack.
Shield (0\Dex): This is the general skill for using a shield. Every 2 points are worth 1% in
Defense only.
Slingshot (Dex\0): the easiest stone-throwing weapon to make. It can only be used to attack
(or are you going to use a small thing against a sword, huh?)
Boomerang (Dex\0): used correctly, it is a good weapon, as it always returns to the user's
hands. Used only to attack.

Throwing (Dex): This is the generic skill for throwing something. If the weight is above your
strength, the test is difficult.

Arts: Ocarina(Int): The Ocarina is a type of exotic flute. It can be used to play music as
normal. But his greatest power lies in Magical Songs. Each magical song does something
(teleportation, make rain), chosen by the master. The player can learn a number of
songs equal to Half His Intelligence, or one song for every two points of INT.
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New Kits
These are the most common kits in Zelda:ODT. There may be others, such as Kokiris Rangers
or Goron Warriors, but this is up to each master.

Adventurous Hero of Time

Cost: 3 Enhancement points and 200 skill Cost: 4 enhancement points and 280 skill
points points.
Skills: Melee Weapons (choose one) Skills: Animals: Mount (30); Melee
(30\30); Sciences: Geography (20) and Weapons (choose one) (30\30); Arts:
History (20); Listen (20); Dodge Ocarina (30);Sciences: Geography (20)
(20);Screening (choose one) (30); History (20); Listening (20); Dodge (20);
Survival (choose one) (30) Sport: Swimming (20); Screening (choose
Enhancements: Hero Points 4, one) (30); Survival (choose one) (30)
Magic Weapons 1
Faith Points:0 Enhancements: Hero Points 4, Magic
Magic Points:0 Weapons 2
Hero Points: 4+4 per level Faith Points:0
Magic Points:0
Hero Points: 4+4 per level
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New Maneuvers
These Maneuvers are an option: the DM may or may not use them. They can be done by
any player, at any time.

Multiple Attacks
As monsters exist in large quantities, the player can choose to fight two or more of
them at once. This way, your Attack and Defense numbers will be reduced.

Divide the number of attack and defense by the number of attackers or attacks that are
made. This is the number used for the character to attack and defend all attacks at once.

Example: Gean is fighting two Undead. Gean has the Longsword [50\50] skill and chooses to
fight both undead at once. Therefore, when attacking or defending the attack of two undead,
Gean can only count on a 25% chance of success (50/2)

This maneuver can only be used by characters with the Shield skill (0/Dex). It's just about
defending yourself from the next attack, without doing anything. In this case, a Normal test
of the Shield skill is made and, if successful, the Shield's IP is added to the Defender's IP.
In case of failure, the Shield IP is not added.

Note: In a situation of Multiple Defenses (see above) the number of Defense Shield is
divided by the number of attackers normally.

Example: Link is attacked by a Lizalfo. He doesn't know this monster, so he tries a Block to
find out what type of attack it is. Your Shield skill is [0/50]. He rolls the dice and rolls 41, a
success. Lizalfo makes his attack, but now Link is well protected...

In addition to these, all Maneuvers seen in the Daemon System can be used in this scenario.
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New Races

The Gorons are peaceful beings that live in

Mount Doom. They have enormous strength as
well as a unique appearance. Your diet
basically comes down to one thing: Stones.
They love it, and their favorites are those
in Dodongo Cave.

In terms of rules, Gorons have FR+6, natural Kokiris

IP+4 and IP24 against fire\heat. Cost:2
In addition they have Monstrous and Gluttony These beings are the children of the forest. For the

(Stones). command of the Deku Tree, these beings just

try to live in peace and cooperating with each
other. They were the only people who did not
Cost: 4 fight in civil wars, as they preferred peace. A
curious thing is that the Kokiris are always
The Zoras are the aquatic race of Hyrule.
children, as they
They swim as well as they walk (in fact, even
never grow up.
better) and they look kind of weird. They live in the
Kokiris have a harmless appearance and are
Domain of the Zoras. This place is hidden
long-lived. In addition, they receive a 30% bonus
behind the Sacred Waterfall, where the Kakariko
in Survival: Forests and Jungles. For
River originates.
their pacifism, Kokiris receive Pacifism 2
(only fight if it is the last option, always trying
In rules, Zoras can breathe just as well outside,
to get around the situation)
as in the water. In addition, they receive a +30%
bonus to any skill that involves swimming, hunting
in water, or surviving in the ocean (Swimming,
Survival: Water, Tracking: Water, Aquatic Ecology). Gerudas
They are the people of the desert, the Gerudos.
They are all women and only one man is born
every 1000 years. It is not yet known how they
Cost 0 reproduce, but it seems that they go to the
Hylian castle from time to time to find
These are the humans of Hyrule. The only
boyfriends. If the baby is male, he will belong
difference is that they have pointy ears,
to the father's race; if she is a woman, to
but otherwise they are the same as any human.
her mother's race.

These “defenseless women” found crime to be

their main weapon against other people.
They are the best thieves
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of Hyrule, so people are very careful with

Furthermore, they are skilled and deadly Cost:0
Very little is known about this mysterious
They receive 30% in Survival: Desert
breed. Only that they are the protectors
and 10% in Stealth and Larceny.
of the Hylian Royal Family and that they
Due to their world-renowned “Fame”, they
have already hidden Princess Zelda for
also gain a Bad Fame: thieves. For their
some time in their “home”. Due to the lack
skill in combat, they gain 40% to distribute in of information, I will consider that they will
ONE skill with Melee Weapons and
be ”almost Hylians” in terms of rules.
another 40% in Fighting.
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Interesting places
Here we also have a portal to the Lost
Hyrule Field Forests.

Lon Lon Farm

This Farm is run by Talon, father of a skilled

Knight named Maron, just 10 years
old. On this farm, you can buy horses, Lon
Lon milk (50R$\dose, recovers PVs) and
some other things.

Hyrule Field is a neutral place. From there, Hylian Castle

we can go to Lake Hylia (to the South), the
Gerudo Desert (to the West), the
Kokiris Forest (to the Northeast) or
anywhere else.

Domain of the Zoras

The so-called Domain of the Zoras is
located behind the waterfall-spring of the
Kakariko River. Only someone who has any
connection with the royal family can enter
there. This is the home of the Zoras, the
Surrounded by a market town is the Hylian
water people. From the lake that exists Castle, where the royal family lives. It is
within the Domain, we can use a portal
the ideal place for diplomacy, as these
to go directly to Lake Hylia.
people are open to dialogue with anyone.
Another important portal is before
Another important point is the presence of
the entrance waterfall, in a fountain, where
Princess Zelda, the princess of destiny.
we can reach the Lost Forests.
The Market around you is full of things to buy,
Goron City as well as, of course, Hylian residents.

This City is located somewhere on Death There, too, is located the Temple of Time,
Mountain. This is the paradise of the which, they say, was built at the point
Gorons, ruled by King Darumia. This city where the legendary Triforce once existed.
is made entirely of stone. Here there is the
best Bomba store in the world, as these Kokiris Forest
bombs flourish in various parts of the city.

It is in this place that the mysterious

and peaceful Kokiris live. A happy people,
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but who doesn't like invaders. They are all fish to your heart's content (read: upon
commanded by the wise Deku Tree who tries payment).
to keep the peace of Hyrule.
Trade there is modest, but some herbs can Gerudo Fortress
only be found there.
Protectors of the forest, the kokiri, have
One of the worst places to go uninvited is
created a gateway to the Lost Forests, a place
this. The guards watched the fortress day and
where, if you don't know where you are
night, from top to bottom.
going, you will get lost. Apart from this “difficulty”, there is a
“Training Center” in Fortaleza offering a
Lost Forests great prize to those who complete it.
Another interesting thing is the horse
The Lost Forests is a separate point. shooting tournament, at the back of the
From there we can reach the City of the fortress. The current record is 1000
Gorons, or the Zora waterfall. points. Can you break it?
For those who can challenge these
forests and reach the end of them,
they will find a Green Labyrinth, where
Top of Death Mountain.
monsters lurk around the corner. At the
end of this labyrinth is the Forest Temple, a
sacred place for any Kokiri.

Lake Hylia

The crater of a volcano. That's what the top of

death is. Without any protection, it is
impossible to stay there for long. The
only ones who can withstand that
temperature are the Gorons and, for the –
This Lake is the largest source of water in Non-Gorons, the alternative is to get a fire-
Hyrule. Its waters are clean and resistant suit.
crystal clear, which has attracted researchers. In this crater there is the Fire Temple, a
At the bottom of the Lake there is the sacred place for the Gorons and which
Water Temple, a sacred place for the holds a great treasure.
Zoras, who can reach here through a portal.

On an island, there is the fishing club, a not

very crowded place where we can
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Link, the Hero of Time Zelda, A princess do

CON13 FR11 DEX13 AGI13 INT14

CON17 FR17 DEX17 AGI16 INT12
WILL15 PER15 CAR12 Hylian, 3rd level Noble

Hylian , 10th level Hero of Time Pvs 12 , Hero Points ,

PM 8 ,
IP 0
PVs 17 , Hero Points 40, MP 40, IP 4, 24 Attacks[1] Magical Powers
Fire, 11 Block
Enhancements:Contacts and Allies 2,
Attacks [2] Master's Sword 70/70 Magical Powers 4, Patronus (your kingdom)
(1d10+3), Great Goron's Sword 50/50
(2d6+2), Bow and Arrow 50\0 (1d6), Main Skills:
Huge Hammer 50\0 (1d6+8+x), Animals: Riding (20); Sciences:
Hookshot 50\0 (1d6) Geography (20), History (20); Sciences
Bombs and Bombchu: Throw 40\0 (1d10) Alternatives: Theory of Magic(30);
Tag: Nobility (30); Manipulation:
Enhancements: Hero Points 4, Empathy(30); Arts: Ocarina(30)
Magic Items 5, Courage
Main Skills: Animals: Mounting Focus:Understand 2, Light 3, Air 2, Humans 3
(50);Melee Weapons: Shield 0/50; Art:
Ocarina (50);Science: Geography (30)
History (30); Listening (40); Dodge (50);
Sport: Swimming (50); Tracking (All)
(30); Survival (All) (30)
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HP: 15, Hero Points: 30, MP 17 2 IP

Ganondorf, The King of Evil ,

Attacks[1] Spear 70\70, Scimitar 50\50,

Magical powers

Major Enhancements: Patronus

(Gerudos), Magic Powers 5, Points
Heroics 3, Bad Fame

Skills: Animals: Mount (30);

Sciences: History (30), Geography (30);
Alternative Sciences: Occult (30), Theory of
Magic (30); Disguise (30); To listen
(30); Dodge (30); Steal (40);
Stealth (40); Manipulation:
Bullying; Investigation (30);
Survival (Desert, 30); Tracking
(Desert, 30)
CON15 FR15 DEX14 AGI14 INT12
Magical Powers: Control 4, Create 4,
Darkness 4, Arkanum 4, Animals 3
10th level thief
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Here, in this chapter, we will present some monsters that infest Dungeons.

Beamos- A strange creature that has a rotating eye that releases lasers if it sees you.
Attacks [1] Laser Beam 30/0 (1d6)
PVs 10 , IP 4

Biri- A jellyfish that gives shocks.

Attacks [1] Lightning Armor (touch only, 1d6 per point of damage taken)
PVs 10 , Special IP (Electric Armor)

Freezzard- An Ice statue that releases a freezing ray.

Attacks [1] Ice Breath 50\0 (1d10 damage, Normal Con Test, if failed, paralyzed for two turns).

PVs 12 ,
IP 2

Lizalfos- Lizardmen living in hot places.

Attacks [1] Short Sword 30\30 (1d6)
PVs 15+4 , IP 0-2

Skulltula- Small spiders that stay on walls and vines.

Attacks [1] (Only if attacked with melee weapons, 1d10 damage)
PVs 10 , IP 1

Stalfos- a skeleton.
Attacks [1] Longsword 50\50 (1d10), Shield 0\30 (IP+10 Block)
PVs15+5, IP2 +10 (in Blocking)

Dark Link- His shadow faces him. Has the same characteristics and powers as the attacked
character. They always fight one-on-one.
Attacks [1] Veriable
HPs Con+Fr/2 +30, IP 4+ any other of the character

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